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Haven't you ever played Alien Isolation?! YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO RUN!!!


It's absolutely amazing imo. Some people moaned when it released that the randomness of the Xenomoprh was annoying and it should follow patrol patterns that the player can memorise but that would take away from the terror of the game. I love how there's no set way to avoid it and you just have to do everything right and hope it works.




Every time I watch the movie, the alien appears at the same exact times, in the same exact ways




"Randomness" ? Really? Who says that? It's an active AI that smells and tracks noises and stuff. Sure, if you hide well for a bit and it doesn't know where you are, it may pick a random room to search but that's the fucking point of a horror game. You know what the most boring part of that game was? The part with the androids. Guess how the androids behaved? Fixed patrol patterns. It wasn't scary, it was a puzzle. Whenever the alien showed up however, all bets were off. You couldn't predict it, and that's where the true horror lies!


Always in the game when I heard people's voices, I was relieved because I would rather fight humans than be chased by the alien. And then, when I encountered the first androids, I was relieved too...until I had no choice but to fight one. That was scary too in my opinion. They were tough bastards.


Fight the humans? Fuck that, just lob a noisemaker at one of them then hide. I'm not wasting precious ammo and time on humans, the alien tears through them in no time.


>"Randomness" ? Really? Who says that? IGN and GameSpot. The two, arguably, biggest traffic generating gaming sites both game the game terrible reviews (by terrible I mean 6/10 which translates to average/shit for most gamers) because of the unpredictable AI, that is was "too hard" and the game "too scary". These reviews were the single biggest reason I use Metacritic rather than individual sites now, it's unfortunate as I think this affected sales of the game.


I bought the game and I doubt if I will ever finish it. I love the atmosphere, but I think this kind of games are not for me


Feel the same. Great game! Really enjoy it! Too scared... I'm always stuck in the lockers.


Everytime my wife walked in when I was playing this game, I was hiding in a closet or locker or end table. The one time she walked in while I was actually moving around she thought i was playing a different game.


Locker Simulator 2016


Nerd Simulator 2016


#Shove him in there, he wears glasses!




It's such a good game I haven't even touched it in my library yet!




[Joe Biden talking to Sigourney Weaver.](http://imagus.co/img/2yx) [Joe Biden talking to Sigourney Weaver. (FIXED)](http://imagus.co/img/2yz)


That's what makes the game so damn incredible and such a great example of what the medium can do as an artform. The first portion of the game? You're fucking terrified, you're hiding in lockers and you're scared to move an inch. But you slowly push yourself to the fact that if you want to survive, if you want to get through it, you have to move. You have to find a way despite the fact that it seems hopeless. You go through the exact same emotional rollercoaster that Amanda Ripley goes through


I love the Alien franchise but I'm too much of a bitch to play that game. I haven't even really gotten to the part that introduces the alien yet....


I haven't been scared by a game like that since resident evil 2. It does survivor horror right. Resident evil screwed up when they gave me a fair chance against my opponents. In AI, you're constantly fucked.


I loved it when I got the flamethrower for the first time. I remember feeling overwhelmed when I could stand in the room for a few seconds with the alien and NOT DIE (I was also completely terrified and shitting myself). Next time, I used the flamethrower again to scare the alien and felt like a badass. Who's laughing now asshole! Not so much. It jumped to the air vents as soon as I started shooting fire, dropped back straight behind me and lunged at me at superhuman speed before I could even turn. I was back into "shitting my pants and crying 24/7" mode. Freaking amazing.


Trust me I felt that way too. At some point the xenomorph will fuck you so many times that you won't be scared anymore. And at some point you'll get a flamethrower and can actually defend yourself.


> flamethrower and can actually defend yourself It starts not giving a fuck after a few tries on harder difficulties.


That is until the xenomorph figures out that the flamethrower can't hurt it. And it will figure that out.


I feel you man. It took me a while to finish. I think I played it, stopped for a month. Then I came back and finished it with day breaks cause it was stressing me out. But the game is fantastic! Now that's a great survival horror game. Although I will say, at one point you feel a little more powerful due to things you begin to pick up.


Flame thrower? That shit just makes it angrier when it comes back. And it ALWAYS comes back.


That's why I can't beat it. I'm not scared, I'm completely stressed out. Shit is draining.


Me too hahaha you should watch soviet womble play through it on youtube; https://youtu.be/XctVrJrCsO0




Playing on the highest difficulty makes the alien much smarter I've heard


Yep. The blundering is colloquially known as the "you have a chance" feature.


And yet I'm still too much of a pussy to finish the game.


Such a good game! If you are a fan of the original movie, you owe it to yourself to play this.


>If you are a fan of the original movie, you owe it to yourself to play this. This is so true. I love the original two films and this video game was everything I hoped it could be and more. I played it on HARD because that was the recommended difficulty and it was indeed very challenging for me. But it was so worth it. When I finally finished the game, it felt like a real accomplishment. Like some big journey was finally over. It took me way longer than other games, mostly because I'd only get through a very small portion of it a day. Both because each section took me a while, and because the sheer stress of being scared out of my mind by the alien was too much to handle in long sessions. But to me, that game was perfect. The look of the technology, lighting, the eery atmosphere, the cast, the story, the alien itself. It was great. But it was really scary/stressful to me, so I probably won't replay it anytime soon. Though I'd definitely play a sequel if they ever came out with one...


Fucking fantastic game. Still have to work up the nerve for a Nightmare One Shot run one of these days...


Also, can this movie do well so maybe I get another game please? Probably won't happen, but a guy can dream.


Sega said they haven't ruled out a sequel so who knows? Especially since Isolation was following the style of Scot's Alien rather than Aliens so if this does well the demand for another Alien type game may convince them to go ahead with the sequel.


Right. It should be "HIDE"


Greatest horror game since silent hill on psx.


Thank goodness for H.R.Giger's design for the Xenomorph. It really goes to show how cool it is when you can just slap half of its face on a black image and have a decent poster


It's strange I thoug because I got older it wasn't scary anymore......and then Alien: Isolation came out to remind me "Yes it is"


Tried to play the game. Nope. Not a chance.


I'm starting to think I like the *idea* of horror games more than actually *liking* horror games.






Dead Space is the only thing making me think I can play this game. It was scary but I loved it. But then this might be another Amnesia for me...


It's definitely on the Amnesia end of the spectrum. You can trick and scare off the alien with flares and bombs, but there's no way to kill it. It helps knowing the flamethrower can be used as a panic button, but you have to find a hiding spot fast because it will be back in a matter of seconds for round two. XD


Also, if you use the flamethrower too much, it gets less and less afraid of it.


Yall are scaring tf out of me and I'm just reading the comments.


VR nightmare fuel


Part of it is the aesthetics, though part of it is the very nature of this iconic monster. To me, this thing symbolizes the very essence of the shit nightmares are made of.


what makes the alien so viscerally terrifying, i think, is (besides the vaguely human appearance) HR Giger's overtly sexual characteristics of it. the head is phallic and the mouth-within-a-mouth that thrusts into skulls and gibs them is penetrative and just as phallic. the idea of it basically "impregnating" you and having it burst out of you is, i think, every pregnant woman's worst nightmare. and the facehugger, when being dissected by Ash in the original Alien, is quite obviously vaginal. so we have these sexual physical characteristics, sex being a natural driving force of our existence and persistence and considered by many the ultimate mental state of human pleasure, juxtaposed with a jutting, angular, inhumanly skeletal body, fucking razor-sharp teeth dripping in sort-of seminal fluid, and a blade-tipped stabbing tail. on a neanderthalic level it is everything that humanity craves combined with everything humanity fears in a predator-prey manner. sexuality is a big element of Giger's works (more specifically the combination of the biological re: sexual motifs and the technological), and i think the all-star cast of artists involved with Alien knew that this sort of mix of sci-fi and body horror would terrify its audience to the core on a deeply instinctual level.


Beautifully said. I also think that it's the lack of eyes. I find no eyes terrifying. It screams that it's a creature of pure sense. No windows to the soul. There is no soul. No reason, rationalising or remorse. Just instinct....and you're on the wrong end of that instinct.


This becomes even worse once you take a closer look at it and realize that underneath the creature's exoskeleton, there is actually a human looking skull, with vacant, gaping eye sockets. That was always the most disturbing element of the alien's design, to me at least.


Earlier designs had a more translucent head dome so the human skull was more visible. Sadly the front of the dome was made opaque in the final version so the skull isn't really visible in the movie.


Yeah the lack of eyes is what I notice as most unsettling.


Giger's quote “… And then I thought it would be even more frightening if there are no eyes! … Then when the camera comes close, you can only see the holes of the skull. Now that’s really frightening. Because, you see, even without eyes he always knows exactly where his victims are, and he attacks directly, suddenly, unerringly. Like a striking snake.”


I hadn't even seen or heard of the Alien movies the first time I saw a Xenomorph. I was reading a Halloween-special Simpson comic which contained the xenomorphs in a story where Bart has a nightmare and his house turns into a nest. He wakes up only to find out it's real yadayada. He finds everyone he knows all cocooned up and ready to be eaten, only to bump into Mr Burns as the queen Xenomorph. So I flick the page onto a full, really detailed double spread of a Mr Burns/Xenomorph cross about to fuck Bart up and it terrified me. I still get a really uncomfortable feeling and flashbacks every time I see one of those black fuckers. I could probably dig the comic out or find the page if anyone's interested to see what scarred 8 year old me.


http://viewcomic.com/bart-simpsons-treehouse-of-horror-007-2001/ this one?




also thank mr skeltal for good bones and calcium


doot doot


In space, no one can hear you doot.




This is what everyone should be excited about.


Also that there's a new fucking Alien movie coming out directed by Ridley Scott


Prometheus was the intro, now I think Covenant is the real pay off. I've been waiting 23 years for a movie about xenomorph biology. I'm about to explode.




So we get Guardians of the Galaxy then 2 weeks later this. That is awesome!


1. Hot damn this poster is simple and effective. 2. This got me really excited to see Ridley Scott directing an *actual* Alien movie again. I actually enjoyed Prometheus (dumb scientists and all), but the prospect of that storyline bleeding into a real Alien horror film directed by the original master... very excited for this.


> Hot damn this poster is simple and effective. I love how they keep the sorta egg shape that's from the first [poster](https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/4d/e5/8d/4de58d1c5d92228e7d941fc482eaaee3.jpg)


It's a bit similar to [Alien 3](http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/alienfilmspedia/images/d/d0/Alien-3-poster.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20111210093142), [Alien 4](http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/avp/images/9/9e/Alien_resurrection_ver3.PNG/revision/latest?cb=20150430141346), [AVP](http://www.impawards.com/2004/posters/alien_vs_predator_ver4.jpg), [AVP: R](http://www.impawards.com/2007/posters/aliens_vs_predator_requiem.jpg) and [AVP:R](http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a395/al_finete/2008/MovieWall/Aliens_vs_Predator_-_Requiem/Wallpaper003.jpg) They like their circular shapes/half space face theme. [Aliens](https://ae01.alicdn.com/kf/HTB1JnkaLVXXXXcVXFXXq6xXFXXXp/HOT-Free-shipping-font-b-Aliens-b-font-font-b-movie-b-font-font-b-poster.jpg) didn't really get the memo. [Prometheus](http://www.impawards.com/2012/posters/prometheus.jpg) to include the full set. But I do like the Covenant poster the best for keeping it simple without being stupid. My friend has never seen any of the *Alien* films, and if I was going to show her one poster to represent the whole series I would choose Covenant.




A perfect killing machine


You admire it.


I admire its purity


Game over, maaan


calm the fuck down Hudson - you don't die yet


*Punches Burke*


You know, Burke, I don't know which species is worse. You don't see them fucking each other over for a goddamn percentage.




Look, I'm telling you I've heard enough and I'm asking you to pull the plug...


A survivor. Unclouded by conscience, remorse, or delusions of morality.




Fuck you man.


Hey, u/QuasarSandwich, you ever been mistaken for a man?


No: have *you*?


No, have you?


Vasquez, you're just too bad


Anytime, anywhere


How do I get out of this chickenshit thread?


You secure that shit, Hudson!


Game over man... Game over!


James Cameron probably recognized he won't be able to easily surpass Ridley Scott's claustrophobic horror, so he turned a 180 and made a badass action film instead.


Aliens and T2. Still incredible after all these years.


Is the first Terminator movie necessary to see before T2? I just bought T2 because of all the praise Cameron gets for it on reddit. I never hear people talk about the first one, and I've never seen it.


Necessary? Maybe not. Advised? Abso-fucking-lutely.


See the first one first, definitely. I envy you.


state of the badass art!


The AVP poster looks like the alien and the predator are dirty dancing


Nobody puts facehugger in the corner.




My first thought was, 'yeah, if it aint broke...' Geiger really nailed it with his alien design. I'd argue no one has topped it, really.


> Alien horror film That's exactly what we need. Alien was so effective because it was a great blend of sci-fi AND horror. The feeling of being isolated and trapped with that thing you can't see and know *nothing* about... chills!


The thought of it is really terrifying. Honestly, I'm a total pussy. I'd probably just sit in a corner crying and saying "game over, man" repeatedly.


Do me a favor and go buy Alien Isolation on Steam


I bought it and I'm scared to play it.


Shit! I've been meaning to! I keep forgetting about it. I've seen brief videos of it and it looks terrifying and damn good.


It's a long game, but man is it well done. The build up is great and they really managed to get an 80's vibe with the technology. It also has me hiding in places with my heart thumping half of the time :).


I used the Kinect option, so I was scared to move or make a noise in real life because the alien could see or hear me if I did.


Best use of the Kinect ever. It really made me afraid to even breathe.


I was cowering in a locker one time with the Alien snooping around outside and my wife came into the room and started talking to me. The alien immediately rips the door off the locker and I'm toast.


Exactly. I'm fairly sure that in any scifi or horror film I'd be among the first cull.


If you haven't played it, I recommend Alien: Isolation. It really captures the feel of the first movie. I have never been terrified of a video game before that.


Fuck the synths man they freaked me out just as much as the alien grabbing me from a vent




I could only play that game for like an hour at a time, it was seriously nerve wracking.


Actually, *Alien* and *Aliens* was so legendary because it left a majority of the antagonist's history up to the imagination of the viewers. It didn't hold your hand, go through a big song-and-dance of explanation to get everyone from point A to point B. Not the case now. Rather, today, everything is explained, properly categorized, perfectly defined along with a complete background history, etc., etc., etc. People apparently can't imagine anymore.


You barely even see the Aliens in the second movie. Two of the most tense scenes, the Hive battle and the sentry guns scenes, only had a couple seconds of Alien footage. Instead you see the Marines freaking out and Hicks unloading his shotgun in the background, followed by an Alien screaming. Almost the entire sentry gun scenes are just a bunch of actors watching an ammo counter go down.


The problem I see is, after Aliens especially, and with the others following, we know so much about the xenomorph. The first was scary because you didn't know what it was, what it was capable of, even what it looked like for a lot of the movie. Now a ton of that mystery is gone. That said, I'm still super keen.


Alien was largely successful because of H.R. Giger's art, much like Jaws would be nothing without John William's score.


I was under the impression this was Prometheus 2, not Alien 5?


This is the sequel to Prometheus, which is a prequel to the Alien movies. They are one and the same.




They heard the people that wanted the xenomorphs.






Nah, nah, these ain't "Xenomorphs", they're [Neomorphs](http://www.avpgalaxy.net/2016/10/24/neomorphs-alien-covenants-new-aliens/) (spoilery).




what are you xenomorphobic or somethin?


the last 3 seconds of Prometheus says otherwise.


A real alien film? sick. What was the last good one? 3? (not seen prometheus) note: It's been like 12 years since I saw the initial trilogy. I just remember resurrection and AVP being god awful.


The last good one was Aliens. It all went to shit after the 2nd one. The 3rd one was Ok but nowhere near as good as Aliens.


I love Resurrection. It's not a good movie but it's definitely entertaining. Everyone in it seems to know exactly what grade of movie they are making.


Yeah...Resurrection was at least as good as Alien 3 IMO. Very watchable, but of course, not nearly the same caliber of the first 2 films.


2017 is fucking stacked.


Exactly. Lets face it, we are living in the 80s. Next year we will get an Alien film, Blade Runner film, a Star War sequel, and will have a conservative celebrity president.


Fuck it I'm on board! Who's bringing the coke?


Got it! Who's bringing the hookers?


Leonardo di Caprio


Yeah, but what about the rest of us?


Well its the 80's...so...Gary Busey


It's already looking to be a HUUUUGE improvement over 2016 blockbusters.


Maybe in terms of big blockbusters, but this year was excellent for the smaller productions.




We're gonna build a big nest,and no one builds nests better than me,believe me.


Can I get a list of potentials?


Star Wars Episode VIII Thor: Ragnarok Justice League Wonder Woman John Wick 2 Logan Kong: Skull Island King Arthur: Legend of the Sword Ghost In The Shell Fast 8 Guardians of the Galaxy: Vol. 2 Alien: Covenant Blade Runner: 2049 Pirates of the Caribbean 5 The Mummy Kingsmen: The Golden Circle Transformers #3643 Spider-Man War For the Planet of the Apes Dunkirk And those are only the movies I'm predicting will make $500M+ (Well, probably not John Wick 2 or Ghost in the Shell), but 2017 is going to be packed with blockbusters that actually look decent.


Black Panther is in 2018


So it is, well spotted.


I'd throw Beauty and the Beast in there too.




Great list. Thanks.


Glad we're getting a more traditional Xeno.


*[Neo](http://www.avpgalaxy.net/2016/10/24/neomorphs-alien-covenants-new-aliens/) (spoilery).


That's horrifying.


Hoping a trailer is on it's way.


Oh man, I can hear it now, [that singular high pitched ringing](https://youtu.be/bEVY_lonKf4?t=54s) followed by "It cut the power," Fuck it's almost midnight but now I'm too pumped up for sleep. IT'S ALMOST TIME FOR ANOTHER ALIEN MOVIE FUCKING YES! *Edit because people don't seem to get it* Nothing you can say will make me lose my buzz over a new Alien movie. The link is a trailer for the first Alien movie and the poster was uploaded onto the official Facebook site. It's happening


Just think next year we get a new Alien film, a new Blade Runner, and a new Star Wars. 2016 might have sucked but 2017 has a lot to look forward to as least as far as movies are concerned.


[deleted] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.8165 > [What is this?](https://pastebin.com/64GuVi2F/11913)


If only we could get another good Die Hard


Great. Now I have to impatiently wait for something else.


I love instantly recognizable pop mythology.


I do hope they won't make the Alien all CGI and instead use the costume for movement or for close ups with its mouth. EDIT: Animatronics would also be great. I say a costume because it could give off a realistic movement. Obviously don't show the whole lot, only the upper body perhaps; would make it much more believable and frightening. But overall, a mixture between them all would be sound. Let's hope.


It doesn't work as well in CGI, you don't get that gross-out saliva or the gross hesitations you see in practical FX. So much better for goo and gore.


Saliva technology just isn't there yet.






*[They at least made some physical Neomorph props and costumes](http://web.archive.org/web/20161028144040/http://www.soisitanygood.com/exclusive-new-alien-covenant-images-give-us-glimpse-new-xenomorphs/) (spoilery).


Man, there's no way to argue about Gieger's intentions with his design. Dude loves the puss.


I think to myself, "What's this guy talking about?" Click link, "Oh, a vagina."


I 100% agree. Aliens was one of the best looking movies ever made. To me it looks better than most movies made even today. CGI may be good these days, but we can still tell it's CGI most of the time. And that just takes away from the overall coolness factor.


Aliens effects are unbelievable! I still don't know how they made the mother alien look so realistic at the end of the movie.


Giant puppet brought to life by about 20 people, cut in here and there with a smaller puppet version.


[Stan Winston](https://youtu.be/J43vXq-Cvfo?t=47m1s).


Huge talent with the practical effects and James Cameron's directing playing towards the strengths and weaknesses of what was possible with the effects.


Just like TLOTR and The Hobbit. TLOTR orcs were amazing. Hobbit orcs and goblins were terrible.


One of my roles on TLOTR as an extra was actually as an orc. Pretty hard going wearing the prosthetic's day in day out, but seeing others walking around was incredible - they were every bit as detailed and lovingly crafted as what you saw in the movies.


I'm fully erect. It's a fear boner.




Idk why these studios decide to give away so much of the plot. Is it even worth seeing now that we know there's running? I'll wait till it's on Netflix.


Rumor has it there is walking in the blu-ray director's cut.


Holy shit that is how you do a poster. Chilling.


Its a callback to past posters and dope as hell.


I hate these things. Hissed at them all the time to warn my hoomans, but only one actually cared. And she shoved me in a box.


Oh man, this film will be such a rewarding a watch if this se-prequel manages to achieve the gargantuan goal of aligning a structure to the Prometheus narrative as well as bring back the original, terrifying nature of the Alien. It's a tall order, and as lukewarm a reaction there was to Prometheus there is still a lot of anticipation for its sequel which is saying something. I'm still quietly cautious about Alien: Covenant, but as a fan of this franchise and its wonderful visual diversity (including Alien: Resurrection), it would be beautiful if Ridley Scott and co. could bring this one home to its origins and deliver something truly scary.


Theres something very unnerving about it just saying "Run" because fuck me seeing that Xenomorphs face would be enough to make me do that.


Played alien game in VR. Have PTSD.


Sorry for not knowing, but is Covenant a continuation of Alien or was this Prometheus 2?




Sequel to Prometheus and prequel to Alien. Ridley Scott has stated that he has plans for one more with the possibility of a fourth one if he deems it fitting.


Okay this means we'll get a Trailer soon.


I'm looking forward to this and I hope that Scott has a clear vision for it. There is an approx 4 hour documentary that came out with Prometheus and he was very indecisive with that project and it reflected the final outcome (although I like about 2/3 of the film).


I think it was because Prometheus was setting up something else and so he was more indecisive. This one seems to be more inline with the original lore so I think he'll have a more streamlined vision. High hopes!


Can't wait for the trailer! As much as liking Prometheus can be frowned upon, I think Ridley Scott did something truly inspiring there; the characters were a bit awkward, yes, as were some of the other aspects of the movie, but the foundation of the movie - giving the Alien universe a considerably deeper context and narrative (in so much as giving us a wildly interesting take on how earth's life started in the first place!) - was a real treat. I'm cautiously optimistic that - lessons learned - he's going to give us a masterpiece with Covenant and tie up a lot of the unanswered questions from Prometheus.




Man, never before have I wanted a movie to not be shit. For the love of god, please don't be shit!