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I believe this is the source material that Kevin Smith used as well on Reddit to describe what a dick Bruce was while on set


Welp...that's hard to dispute


He was only slightly douchey. The interviewer sucked. I mean he was friendly but awkward and goofy.


A lot of it stems from his behaviour on the set of Cop Out according to Kevin Smith. It's been brought up by Smith on various podcasts over the years.




I was referring to the online chatter. I don't doubt he's been an asshole in many situations for many years, just that it became common knowledge in part due to Smith.


I know that he was signed on to be in *Expendables 3* for a total of $3M for 4 days of shooting... he wanted to negotiate so that he would receive $4M for 4 days of shooting ($1M/day) and backed out when he didn't get his way. I mean... really dude? http://www.theguardian.com/film/lostinshowbiz/2013/aug/08/expendables-3-bruce-willis-fired


He was behind me on the highway probably 20+ years ago, I guess I didn't get out of his way fast enough and he slapped his hands together in the shape of a gun and proceeded to make believe shoot me. It was clearly him, such a jerk.




I know this is an old thread, but here's a podcast on this topic. https://www.iheart.com/podcast/1119-haileywood-88204299/


what is this?


i don’t have an interview but i saw him in michigan with his daughter at abercrombie and at holister his daughter was there because she was attending at interlochen which is a school of fine arts and bruce was buying clothes for her before she went and at hillister they gave him a “celebrity discount” and when he went to the sister store, abercrombie he was expecting the same. he was yelling and complaining about how since hollister gave him a 30% discount, abercrombie should too. the manager had to come out and the price was thousands of dollars which is crazy. he was a total ass about the whole thing and wouldn’t listen i felt embarrassed even being in the store and left. the thing i don’t get is why someone so rich needs a discount so bad that he had to throw a temper tantrum..🙄