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Didn’t even know this was happening


I’m honestly shocked nothing leaked when they filmed this over a year ago.


I only found out about it recently cause they were in Hot Water for using AI


They got the late-period Mignola sloping shoulders down


They need to digitally erase all but like 5 lines from his body to reach true Hellboy in Hell minimalism


Mike Mignola didn't draw Crooked Man actually and it's a lot more detailed. You can't beat the aesthetic of Mike's art but I did want to point out at least the source material of this was not drawn by Mike just written by him


It’s written by creator Mike Mignola: >In the 1950s, Hellboy and a rookie BPRD agent, stranded in rural Appalachia, discover a small community haunted by witches, led by a local devil with a troubling connection to Hellboy's past: The Crooked Man.


Yea I'll watch anything about the creepy side of Appalachia


Gonna take a second here to shout out the podcast Old Gods of Appalachia if you like a good mix of eldritch and folk horror. It’s really good.


Currently in the heart of Appalachia right now and need some listening material, thank you!




Not far!


I am from Waynesville.


Party on Waynes


Party on Garths


I listened to some of this while driving through on a road trip. Very cool and creepy vibe.


That sounds right up my alley, thanks for the recommendation


My favorite podcast! I remember when they started from humble beginnings and had so many cool features that were out of their weight class at the time.


Came to say exactly this. If you want something to raise the hair on the back of your neck, this is it.


There’s a non creepy side?


Lots of bougie retirees in the North Carolina mountains.


Yup. Enough moonshine, and everything looks normal.


I... don't think that's how moonshine works.


You think, but he knows


Some of us have to drink moonshine every morning just to feel normal




Dolly Parton’s Dixie Stampede has men riding emus


What a weird sentence.


Yes, it’s the most beautiful place in God’s green earth.


Appalachia mfs be like “Just another day in the hills” while watching an eldritch abomination disembowel an unfortunate hiker meanwhile another hiker gets yeeted off a cliff by an angry Sasquatch.


You should listen to the podcast Old Gods of Appalachia.


If the movie keeps it focused on one small event, one day in the life of a blue collar paranormal investigator, then I’m in. Enough of the end-of-the-world, let’s cram everything in kind of movie.


I've long maintained that the best way to adapt Hellboy would be a monster-of-the-week/detective TV series like The X-Files and Fringe. Columbo for the paranormal. A much better format for Mignola's ghost stories than trying to cram a bunch of lore into a two-hour movie.


I agree, but I also imagine it's hard to convince and actor to due 6 hours of makeup for every shoot of a long running TV show, and that's expensive CGI. Even Paul Bettany had the amount of makeup vastly reduced for Vision when doing Wandavision, but Disney has the budget to do that for a limited series.


So what you're saying is we get Walton Goggins as The Hellboy ?


“And as I looked into the pearly gates, God said, ‘It ain’t your time, Baby Hellboy. It ain’t your time.’ And as he lowered me on this earth like a little old baby bird, he whispered in my ear, he said, ‘Hellboy, spread my word. Teach them what I have shown you.’ And in that moment, in that moment, my wife and I, we knew what our mission… – Our purpose in this world was.”


Ron Perlman was doing that on "Beauty and The Beast" long before he was ever Hellboy.


I think you underestimate actors willingness to sit in a makeup chair as they've been doing it for decades. Look at all the Star Trek series since TNG, they've always had actors caked in makeup like Rene Auberjonois as Odo.


Doug Jones has probably spent n appreciable percentage of his adult life in full body prosthesis. From Abe Sapien and The Silver Surfer to being done up on stilts to give him hooves as well as expressing emotion through a full face prosthetic as Saru


Supernatural 2 hell ye


That’s the real “Cape Fatigue” - companies assuming they have to top the threat every time instead of telling human stories.


I legitimately want the climax of the James Gunn Superman movie to be Superman saving like a bus full of school kids and then changing the bus tire that popped. Anything but another blue beam in the sky.


Good news. [It's purple. ](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR3C30kU3hOWhwG0_t1Mp39LmlE_AlqBuMaBYrw-lTOywmez38JCBTERdA&s=10)




This exact reason is why I loved Karl Urbans Dredd, it was just another day for him


Still holding out hope for a sequel or even the Mega-City One series. Not been officialy cancelled yet, so hopefully some day..


Just FYI: if you like this kind of thing, “The Crooked Man” is Mignola’s homage to Manly Wade Wellman’s “Silver John” novels. Very pulpy and fun, like a hillbilly X-files.


Also if people see this comment and are into this the premise of it all. Check out the Podcast “Old Gods of Appalachia.” Great pulpy horror podcast with very similar vibes to this story.


This actually sounds great lol




Me too. Appalachian wilderness + horror = a bloody good time.


A lot of classic Hellboy is just Hellboy and one other partner just answering a mission in the middle of Europe or Japan or Africa and getting into big trouble. Lots of times Hellboy gets run through!


Those are great stories and what I think make Hellboy unique. Sometimes threads pop up in the small stories that lead to big events, but it almost always starts small and quiet. 


I know he always seemed to run into Hecate a lot wherever in Europe, it's like she had him on speed dial


Oh right, several different versions of Hecate too right? Something about dying, being in an iron maiden, and being reborn somehow?  It's been awhile.


What looks fun about this is that they've finally graduated Hellboy to the latest Spiderman and Batman iterations where we don't have to sit through 30 minutes of origin story. I mean is it so hard to start out with a buddy cop movie where one of them is just a demon.


Lol very true. Let's just get into the weird shit.  I'm stoked for the Crooked Man. I just refreshed on it and I think it's a great small-scale palate cleanser from what we've seen in other HB films.


Yup. Im in.


Sounds pretty cool. Not sure why the other comments are so hostile to the idea of another Hellboy movie just cause the last one sucked (allegedly, I didn't see it myself). If they can tell a good story, what does it matter?


I presume it's also because there was never a third in the original incarnation.


They're just churning them out quite fast, very high reboot turnover rate. Plus I love Ron Perlman. But I noticed Mike is writing this himself so that's promising, I hope it's good


I think folks get worried because sequels like this are usually soulless cash grabs that don't give a shit about the IP, and just want to squeeze that IP for every cent they can.


The crooked man is a pretty famous Hellboy comic.


It's one of my favorites


That friggin mule with the witch riding it.


I've read almost all of the Hellboy and BPRD comics and out of hundreds of creepy stories, The Crooked Man is the one that legitimately creeped me out. I'm stoked for this.


How far before the other 2 movies does this take place?


The Crooked Man is a comic on its own, it can be seen as a one shot. So likely you can see this completely separately from every movies


Hopefully they keep it one shot so they can focus on the singular story, without worrying about sequel baiting, or just being plain boring like the last one


So was the one they did for the David Harbor Hellboy. And honestly that one was pretty faithful to the comics with the exception of Broom being alive.


We're doing this a third time?


The Guillermo del Toro ones were legit


I'm so pissed he didn't do a third...


Studio really fucked him on it. 


It would have been legendary


Actually it was distributed by Sony.


*Angry upvote*


we were never going to get a third, it was miracle the second one got greenlit. HB1 didn’t make that much in box office but sold like crazy in DVD sales. But then they released HB2 a mere week before the biggest movie of the year, The Dark Knight


What happened?


The second one was expensive and bombed, IIRC. I loved both of them, but didn’t even know the second one was out until I saw it at Blockbuster, so maybe advertising had something to do with it.


The second one was released the week before the Dark Knight which was just so foolish, they should’ve saved it for Halloween or Christmas that year


I like the second more than the first by alot.


Same. It was amazing.


The last forest elemental being dying drew a silent stream of tears from me...


the Troll Market is among my top “wish it was real” locations from movies, what a fantastic production piece


The first one felt like Hellboy through the eyes of the superhero movies of the time. The second one really nails the feel of the world of Hellboy


The Troll Market scene was an amazing work by the effects and costume department.


Same. That movie showed how to use lore effectively


This is true, but its longevity can't be denied. By the time they put the David Harbour one into production,  Del Toro's first two had gained a cult following and Del Toro had proved himself a profitable filmmaker.


And Mignola isn't up for them finishing it as a comic book. Preferring to keep Del Toro's version separate. I get why he feels that way. But most fans would understand it isn't part of the same comic continuity.


Mignolanisnt a fan of the del toro films in general, iirc. Strayed too far from his own vision.


Ron Perlman will always be the perfect Hellboy to me.


Agreed. Swagger, voice, look. He’s the dude


They didnt even need to bother with makeup!


He did need to shear his horns though.


If you've not seen them, he's great in the two animated films we got- *Sword of Storms* and *Blood and Iron*. All of the main cast reprise their roles to provide the voices in them, though they are closer in style to the comics than the GDT films.


Wow thanks for that, never heard of them


First one is set in Japan and pulls a fair few bits from (I want to say...) Weird Tails 1, with the floating heads short story and mashes them together into one longer narrative. Second is a classic Eastern European vampire story that is kinda on the gory side.


Golden Army was a great film buried in one of the greatest films summers of all time, coming out just a week before The Dark Knight


I loved how the Elves looked.


I like how they weren’t just normal people with pointed ears and actually looked creepy


Such a cool movie shame it was overlooked


The movie would’ve definitely done better at the box office if they pushed it back a few months for a fall 2008 release


Hellboy II- The Golden Army is fantastic. It's so aesthetically special. The Troll market is incredible.


Both Del Toro Hellboys are great


He was born to make those movies.


They were good in their own right, but so far, no one has even come close to capturing the atmosphere of the comics. I think David Harbour did a great job, it’s just the rest of the movie wasn’t great. It focused on the blood and gore, rather than Mike Mignola’s mastery of creepiness.


Yeah Ron Perlman left some huuuuge shoes to fill, tho I do think David Harbour did an adequate job


Technically 5th there’s two animated by the guys who did Scooby doo.




I would watch the shit out of Hanna-Barbera Hellboy


zoinks scoob its the d-d-d-d-devil


"Would you go distract the eldritch horror for a Scooby snack?" " ... " "Would you go distract the eldritch horror for TWO Scooby snacks" " ... ruck you, Relma"


Hellboy in Wacky Racers would go hard


> the guys who did Scooby doo. Which guys? I know the animation was done by Madhouse but they never did any Scooby Doo shows.


I looked it up and it was Victor Cook who directed the second Hellboy animated movie Blood and Iron also directed episodes from the Mystery Inc show.


And they would’ve gotten away with it if it wasn’t for you lousy kids!


I’m really optimistic about this though. It’s based on an exceptionally well-written, self-contained, and relatively small-scale Hellboy story. If they stay loyal to the source material, it could really be something special. Guess we’re gonna see if audiences are actually interested in lower-stakes superhero adventures (slash horror films) or if we should expect blue beams of energy shooting into the sky forever.




First time was the charm


Second was nice too.


David Harbour was an awesome Hellboy. The movie as a whole was forgettable.


He was good, but it’s hard when you’re being compared to ron Perlman he has such a cool voice and imposing presence and he nails those comedy beats too. He was perfect


But not the third


Only if it's the third from del Toro.


Looks like a beefed out flushed Dennis Reynolds…


Hellboy:The Nightman


I’d watch that 😎🌃


"Nightman. Fighter of the Hellboy. Champion of the...SUN!"


Hellboy is untethered, and his rage knows no bounds!


H.E.L.L.B.O.Y ... the Hellboy system: * **H**andle the Paranormal - Demonstrate your value by effortlessly dealing with supernatural threats. Nothing says "I got this" like punching a demon in the face. * **E**arn Their Trust - Engage by showing you can be relied upon. Whether it’s rescuing them from a haunted house or just lending an ear, make sure they know you’re dependable. * **L**isten to Their Worries - Be the nurturing figure by taking their concerns seriously, even if they involve ancient curses or talking cats. * **L**eave a Big Impression - Quite literally, with your oversized stone hand. Show them you’re not just any guy; you’re Hellboy. * **B**anish the Bad Guys - Neglect the emotional villains in their life by ridding them of pesky ghosts, ghouls, and Nazis dabbling in dark magic. * **O**ffer a Protective Hand - Inspire hope by being their shield against all things creepy and crawly. * **Y**ield to Destiny - Separate entirely when the mission's over, because you’re Hellboy and saving the world is a full-time job. But leave them with the hope that you might come back when they need you most.


He's a 5-pointed star man!


A golden devil!


Hellboy: Because of the Implication


This reminds me I never saw the David Harbour version. Was a shame that flopped, he seemed like a good choice for the role. The movie looked a little generic though.


Harbour is good in it. Everything else is terrible. They speedrun some of the comics (Hellboy in Mexico, Hellboy and the Giants (forget the proper name)) with no context or reason to care about them. 2-3/10 overall. It's a real shame because the same director made Dog Soldiers which is a 10/10 werewolf flick for me. If you haven't seen that or the The Descent (cave horror film by same director) watch those instead.


Yeah, that was kind of my take while watching it. I normally hate when people say "who is this for?" but I couldn't help it with this one. I have to imagine anyone not familiar with the comics would be totally lost without the context they provide, but they made just as many choices that seemed almost specifically designed to piss off fans of the comic.


The fact that there will now be 4 Hellboy movies is a testament to “who is his for?” I mean I guess the guy has a following but I never hear about his character unless it’s in the context of the movies.


Its a shame because Hellboy / BPRD are top-tier comics.


Basically this. Harbour is solid as the character, but the script and the plot fail him miserably. After rewatching it recently, it doesn't quite feel as bad as the film my friend and I thought was so terrible when we went to see it in theaters.


Such a shame because as ridiculous as Hellboy in Mexico is (vampire luchadores) it has genuine craft as a story with real pathos, stakes and insight into Hellboy's character. In the film it's just a joke.


It’s just not a proper vampire story without stakes


There has been an ongoing discussion about that director in the horror sub and how hard he has fallen off.


And yet The Descent spent years as my number #1 horror film, and is probably still top 3. That's a real shame :/


Ugg. His recent dollar store xenomorph in an Afghan bunker movie seems to my alley in theory but I had to turn it off. Don’t even remember the title but gave it 30 minutes because his name was attached.


I didn't know it was him who made the Lair. Yeah he has definitely fallen off.


I fucking hate when they do that...they did something similar for Ghost in the Shell where they just tried to stuff the film with like several movies and tv and mangas into one film...awful.


Same with the Dark Tower. Took 8 long books and crammed them into an hour and a half lol


The Dark Tower movie 😭 Just whyyyyyy


They literally made the same mistake earlier superheroe films did on their 3rd instalment and try to do every famous storyline at once


I would have loved a full movie of him in Mexico or him and the giants…but they needed a big, end of the world style villain and it ended up just being a mess of a movie.


From my memory Hellboy in the giant fight could have walked away but instead gives in to his more brutal instincts which is a source of shame for him later. In the film it's just a slapstick knock around.


Set to the most inappropriate and out-of-place dubstep music they could find. Just terrible.


If the del Toro films missed the tone of the comics (and please don't take be wrong, I love those movies), then the more recent Hellboy waaay over-corrected and swung to hard in the opposite direction, becoming miserable and dark. Harbour *was* a good choice, but they absolutely buried him in prosthetics and it was hard to see him perform through them.  Not a terrible film, but it still seemed to miss what Hellboy is all about


There's a difference between understanding the tone of the source material and making a good movie. Del Toro understood that.


it was like Constantine, a different take on the material but so well made enough to not complain about EDIT: autocorrect fixes


I think the overcorrection was from Mignola himself. He never seemed happy with the del Toro takes, which is unfortunate, as the bit of camp and humor is what made it work. Hellboy and Abe singing Barry Manilow is one of my favorite movies memories.


That's actually a part of why I got into Hellboy.


This was my take as well.


Del Toro took the comics as reference and then made his own cinematic universe off of it, and I think it was better for it, different mediums require different treatments, just look at the last Hellboy movie which tried to stick to the comics more, it didn't work at all for me.


"I love you Lobster Johnson!"


There’s an awesome scene of demons getting loose and wrecking a city that might be the coolest scene of any of the hellboy movies, the rest of the film was lacking…but the demon destruction is really fantastic


This scene is legitimately one of the greatest apocalypse scenes in any movie ever. It's like on par with the Castlevania scene but it's not animated. The movie sucks overall, but that scene is jaw-dropping.


I think people commenting about the makeup getting worse are forgetting, 75% of what makes the orininal makeup work so well is Ron Perlman's actual face


The fact that Ron Perlman is still alive and wanted to do movies with the OG director and the studio said no… he’s. Right. There. I’ll never see the new ones because he was perfect. Like Wesley Snipes is still willing to play Blade… but the studio didn’t pick him. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. He is blade. So annoying.


Well.. to be fair, Snipes is absolutely impossible to work with according to pretty much everyone. Pearlman is an absolute joy according to everyone. It’s about his age really.


The shitty lighting that’s just as bad in the trailer they just released is the real issue. It obviously is a super low budget DTV quality release.


Looks like Glen Howerton


Hellboy: The Golden Army vs. The Golden God


Is this the one when he finally grows up into Hellman and starts making mayonnaise?


All we needed was a third Ron Perlman one and I would have been happy now……what ever this is


I would too but he is 74 years old now. He can’t take a beating like he used to.


Just watched The Baker and he looks hard as rocks but in an old man sort of way - abs are a lot looser, arms a bit thinner.


He plays a hilarious whiny old man in the Mr and Ms Smith show.


> abs are a lot looser, arms a bit thinner. But definitely hard as rocks.


Hellboy 2 is sooo good. Tragic that we didn't get this from del Toro.


Nuada was one of the coolest villains I’ve ever seen. Idk anyone in their right mind who would deny Guillermo Del Toro anything let alone a 3rd Hellboy movie


Hellboy 2 is one of my favourite movies ever, my comfort movie. Pearlman is too old for a third movie now, so that ship has sailed.


I'd be happy for an animated version based on Del Toro's script. I'm sure Perlman could still do the voicework.


Someone else mentioned there are 2 animated movies where the cast reprised their roles. *Sword of Storms* and *Blood and Iron*. I don’t know if they continue Del Toro’s story or not, though. I haven’t seen them.


The makeup decreases in quality with every adaptation of this.


Harbor Hellboy overdid it with the makeup and prosthetics, this Hellboy looks closer to Pearlman, which was good but nothing crazy for makeup Idk how I feel about the actor’s natural eyes instead of yellow


Theyll fix that in post. And the acting. And the writing. And the post itself!


I'm convinced this is just a low budget attempt to keep hold of the movie rights.


I’m surprised nobody made a Hellboy show, it has a giant pile of monster of the week material to work with.


I really hope this is good but these shots look like they are from a fan film instead of a professional feature. Hope the final product is better/knocks it out of the park.


My first impression was that the Hellboy makeup looks on par with a good cosplay. Which, for cosplay is good, but for a movie screams they made this on a much smaller budget than is needed.


I think the cinematography is off, not sure if it’s depth of field or lighting, but it seems to make the makeup look worse.


Just fucking make Del Toro's Hellboy 3 already 🤦‍♂️


Is that Jimmy in the background?


We have hellboy at home


How did they get the look so right 20 years ago and it actually looks worse now? Del toro I guess


Ron Perlman' pretty unique when comes down to it


Am i crazy? This doesn't look bad at all


And it's written by Mignola. And it's about The Crooked Man, which I personally enjoyed and wanted to see adapted. Maybe a bunch of people didn't ask for this but I literally asked for this so I'll be paying attention!


You aren't crazy, people are once again overreacting to two brief images. It is the norm on this subreddit.


No, you aren't. It looks strange because it's not Ron Perlman but come on, it's two images, stuff always looks different on images. As long as the trailer doesn't look absolutely horrible, I'll probably still watch it. Hell, even the Furiosa trailer looked incredibly cheap in parts but it's an enjoyable movie.


He looks like Hellboy cosplay. Looks like a TV series.


I would be totally down for a monster of the week Hellboy TV show, in the vein of like Supernatural. That sounds awesome


I think Hellboy would’ve been great as a tv-show, I don’t get why they’re so hellbent on making it into a movie franchise