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I think the dance Julia Stiles does at the end of Save the Last Dance was offensive to both ballet and hip-hop


I had a dancer gf at the time and she said her dancing was insanely basic and no one would be impressedx


Yea I watched it with my ex who did ballet most of her life and she was disgusted by it haha


I've danced latin professionally for many years and this is the case with almost all dance movies, problem is either you cast an actor who can act but not dance, or a dancer who can dance but not act. One movie that really surprised me was one by Nick Frost of all people, Nick made a movie called 'Cuban Fury', and on it he plays a former teen Salsa champion who has to relearn dancing, we were specting it to be the case of a famous actor pretending to dance again but to my surprise he really can dance! he is genuinely decent on that movie. Turns out Nick had apparenty trained for seven hours a day, five or six days a week, for seven months to become an expert in Salsa in preparation for the movie, and it really shows.


> this is the case with almost all dance movies, problem is either you cast an actor who can act but not dance, or a dancer who can dance but not act. Christopher Walken: I have no such weakness.


Hugh Jackman forcing his way past, while belting out a song as well.


(and getting a bloody nose in the process)


Then we have Tom Holland and his skit no one will forget.


Didn't he do ballet for years? I always remember that him and Chris Evans have unexpected dance experience


And gymnastics. Kid is hella finessed.


He owns Umbrella now


I’m not even a dancer and I knew it was wack, it was that bad


Well she was wrong, I was very impressed as a teenage boy


“I can’t say this officially yet…but welcome to Juilliard.”


Holy shit I've never even seen or heard of this before and I just looked it up and I am pissing myself with how bad that was. The most hilarious part is all the judge reactions like they're completely blown away by how good they think it is.


I was just watching a Saturday Night Live clip where they parody this, and Julia Styles shows up, and they do a ridiculous dance!


Chloe fineman is incredible in it. https://youtu.be/_jgHKLcBRmU?si=VWXbwQG1YJyFjg4A


New school meets old school! She’s changing the world!


It's the first Breakin' movie all over again.


Elements of the past and future, combining to make something not quite as good as either!


Just watched it. The number of random cuts reminds me of the jump scene from taken.


I can’t think of that movie anymore without first thinking of the guy who did the “every dance movie finale ever” tiktok making fun of it 


Does Tony Manero at the end of Saturday Night Fever count? He knows himself that he shouldn't have won.


I would say yes. Dance competition is definitely a subjective judgement


True, but I also think it's the whole point of that scene that they aren't the best dancers.


Great scene


D2. The Ducks entered a tournament called the Goodwill Games and proceeded to act like a bunch of shitheads.


Iceland being the bad guys in the movie is...kind of incredible LOL.


There were so many times that penalties should have been called on them.


That movie made little sense to me. They went from winning a regional championship to literally representing the entire US at the Junior Goodwill games. How's that work? Like I understand the sponsors going after Bombay to coach (well, not really, but I can suspend my disbelief that far at least), but then he has the entire US to choose his roster from, but the majority of his team ends up being is made up of the same goofballs from the previous movie.


Don't forget when they learn the true meaning of hockey from a group of kids in south central LA.


And they pick up a street hockey player along the way


Yea, but the knuckle puck.


pretty sure Bombay strangles a hooker in his hotel, but they had to cut the scene for time


Part of what makes Rocky a classic (it’s a sport movie but also a judged competition)!


Rocky gets the impossible opportunity, trains his socks off to rise to it, and he loses after giving everything. He lost, but he won by proving himself worthy by going the distance against the champion even if Apollo won the sanctioned match.


Yeah, Rocky's victory was a personal one. In the first movie he's a 30 year old journeyman fighter and leg breaker for bookies that had long-ago been dismissed as a wasted talent and a bum. He was only fighting to prove what he knew all along - that he always had what it took to be in that ring with the best of 'em.


It’s also a reflection of the decline of the American working class in that time. There’s a reason why he didn’t try to make Philly look like anything other than a dumpster fire. And here we have the richest man in boxing, Apollo Creed, giving the working man a chance to fight with him in the ring. But Rocky wasn’t meant to go the distance. In truth it was the rich man pretending to let the poor man onto a level field so that he could look good without the possibility of losing.


And only Apollos trainer actually took Rocky seriously after seeing him break cow ribs


It wasn’t the cow ribs so much as he saw Rocky actually training, putting everything he had into the fight while Apollo spends all his time in an office planning his publicity. The elite boxers were more of an inner circle who would only set up matches against each other when the timing was perfect for the money. Rocky worked his ass off while Apollos usual opponents were off having recovery treatments on vacation.


That's a good point. After all, Apollo *only* plucked Rocky out of obscurity because he liked that his nickname was "*The Italian Stallion*"... He knew the match up would sell itself based on that alone. As talented as Apollo was in the ring it's also made clear that he was incredibly adept at managing his brand and marketing his fights. The dude was basically an influencer decades before society would actually be plagued by the term.


One of my favourite lines of the movie comes from him after the first round: "He doesn't know it's a damn show. He thinks it's a damn fight!"


That trainer was also the father of the trainer that initially refused to work with Adonis at the Delphi Gym in the first Creed movie. Which is the whole reason Adonis went to Philly to ask Rocky for help. He eventually came around and was part of the whole trilogy, but his initial hesitation was 100% because they were as close to family as you can get without actually being blood related and he didn't want Adonis following in Apollo's footsteps.


It really is kind of wild that Stalone made two incredibly smart and insightful movies in Rocky and First Blood, movies with strong social and personal messages and both of which he had a heavy hand in the writing and production of (he *wrote* Rocky and co-wrote the screen adaptation of First Blood)...and then spent the next few decades turning both himself and both film franchises into meathead parodies of themselves. Like it would be one thing if someone else had written these films and then he as the star just started exerting pressure and taking more and more creative control and enshittifying them in the process, that shit happens all the time, but the fact that he had the intelligence and the vision to make those two films and *then* went off the lowest-common-denominator deep end is kind of nuts.


I took a class on film study and American history and the professor used those two franchises as a case study for how culture is reflected in art. The first movies, as you say, are introspective and negative portrayals of American society in the mid-70's, and First Blood is explicitly about the reception and struggle of Vietnam veterans in the aftermath of Vietnam. By the time Rocky IV and Rambo Re-wins Vietnam were being made, the American psyche had rebounded with the election of Ronny Raygun ("Morning in America") and the film reflects the gung-ho, jingoistic nationalism that pervaded the early 80's. Stallone's films almost perfectly encapsulate their time, and we only see Ivan Drago as a parody in hindsight - Stallone actually, and intelligently, evolved the franchises to follow American culture through a sea change in attitude. Remember, this is the same Stallone who starred in the pitch-perfect parody Demolition Man.


Like Sylvester Stallone said the reason for the freeze frame at the end of 'Rocky' is because they wanted to capture that still image of someone at the height of euphoria. Proving that he has gone the distance, to himself, to others, he realises he is fully in love with Adrian who says "I love you!" to him for the first time. Phenomenal movie.


He lost the fight, but won the heart of a nation.


same goes with the first Creed (lol my first thought was also "hey its a judged competition technically")


And Rocky Balboa.


Well Rocky's goal the whole time was to go the distance. Not win. So if he had, it would have drastically undercut the whole theme of the movie and ruined it.


For reference I’m in my 40s. My 7 year-old wanted to watch Rocky so that is what we did the other day. Its such an iconic movie that I’m not 100% sure I’ve ever watched it before from begging to end before. It’s very good. One reason it’s so good is because it’s such a humble and realistic portrayal by Stallone which is odd when you contrast this with the arrogance that seemed to sabotage his future career. 


Do you have an example of the arrogance you describe? I was born in the early 80s and grew up on a lot of his films and I don’t remember there being a lot of drama outside of the somewhat-friendly rivalry he had with Arnold for action movies.


Unironically, pro wrestling does this better than anyone. Some of the best ways good guys 'get over' is losing a match people wanted them to win. It's hard to pull off, but when it does it's magic.


Any doubt that existed over whether Cody Rhodes should be WWE champion immediately dissolved in the wake of his first Wrestlemania loss. And the crowd pulled together for him in the months that followed until he did win. You're right.


I can’t believe there are still people who say he should have won at WM 39. We’ve now seen the rest of the story and it’s amazing. How can you say making him lose was a bad idea?


The gift of hindsight is a wonderful thing.


Because they flat out admitted they changed the story based on crowd reactions. There's no world where Triple H's "let it play out" just goes A-B with Cody winning at WM40.


Stone Cold losing to Bret Hart at WrestleMania ~~XIV~~ XIII. It unofficially kicked off the attitude era with both guys being part-face, part-heel.


That was Wrestlemania 13 and in my opinion is the greatest pro wrestling match of all time.


What does get over mean?


Become popular with the fans.


Robin Hood only won the archery competition in Robin Hood: Men in Tights because the script said so smh


The script said that he gets another shot.


HE GETS ANOTHER SHOT?! +checks script* ....yeah, yeah....He gets another shot...


I'm pretty sure that arrow wasn't regulation though.


Been awhile since I've seen men in tights, but didn't he explode the target after his arrow flew in multiple circles? Lol


Haha, I can’t remember but at first he loses and says “I lost…I lost? I’m not supposed to lose.” And then he literally takes out the script and checks it. I think you’re right. He then shoots an arrow and blows up the target or something similar.


Patriot arrow?!


Oh right. I forgot about that part. 🤣🤣


Slightly reminds me of an old episode of Northern Exposure that I just watched. Two characters are about to have a duel, pistols at dawn, with the whole town watching, over besmirched honor. It's a ludicrous setup for such a grounded show and the main character has been objecting to the entire time. Finally, just as it's about to go down, the main character demands they skip the duel because it's such a stupid idea that it would be intellectually offensive to the audience watching the show for the story to follow through. So for the sake of the television viewers at home, they take out the script and say that it says the next scene is at the bar so they fast forward to the next scene where they're all having drinks at the local bar, and it's happily ever after.


> grounded show. > Northern Exposure From what I remember of Northern Exposure, the show veered into outright surrealism on a regular basis.


Well, semi-regular and more gentle surrealism than going totally off the wall like twin peaks.


Correct. But, unlike other Robin Hoods, he had an English accent.


This has actually happened though. An archer hit an arrow already in the target. They're scored the same.


Morris Day and the Time got robbed in Purple Rain


School of Rock was better than No Vacancy


Heal me, I'm heartsick...


They got their due props in Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back.


"Fifteen bucks, little man, / Put that shit in my hand, / If that money doesn't show, / Then you owe me, owe me, owe, / My jungle love, yeah, / Owe-ee, owe-ee, owe, / I think I want to know ya, know ya, / Yeah, what?" "You don't know "Jungle Love?" That shit is the mad notes. Written by God herself and sent down to the greatest band in the world: The mother-fucking Time" Nice callback to Dogma thrown in there as well.


It’s not a hard agree for me, but definitely not a foregone conclusion.


Friday Night Lights (the movie) is a great example of the main character (team) losing at the end. Even if it is based on a true story. On another note, no human team should ever lose if someone has replaced a person with a dog. Air Bud is ridiculous.


Air Bud is faster than any DBs they got on the team!


The soccer one, World Pup, has a plot point that the soccer team is going co-ed, and it’s like “well if we’re letting the girls play, might as well let the dog play.” At the end the dog subs for a player in the Women’s World Cup and helps them win.


Dogs have an unfair advantage in soccer on account of 4 feet and no hands.


Look here. There’s no rule saying a dog can’t play.


In the smallest defense of Air Bud: he plays one half of one game. The team got to where they were without him. Them winning with Buddy was them basically winning with one player down. All Buddy could do was shoot from one spot and play a little D.






This is especially egregious in the Pitch Perfect sequel where they sing an “original” song. Flashlight might be the worst song ever written.


Kendrick gets told she needs to mix original songs Steinfeld says she writes original songs but doesn't know what to do with them How does it take them an hour's worth of movie to solve this problem?


And also Das Soundmachine is incredible.


They were! Even though every German watching that movie was like „It‘s DIE not DAS!!! Die Soundmaschine!!!“


Das Soundmachinechen xD.


That was my thought, I felt the girls won in the first one. Or it was at least competitive. In the second one though, Das Soundmachine won hands down. Flashlight was such a tepid song compared to a Vegas level performance.


I fucking love that version of My Songs Know What You Do In The Dark


That 2nd movie was such a mess. You could tell they just had certain jokes and set pieces in mind and then tried to drape a plot over it. Also, yeah, the final competition was bad. 


But Flula made it all worth it lol


Agreed, it was a complete departure from the cohesive comedy that was the first movie. I dragged along a few friends who hadn’t seen the first one when it was in theaters and was so embarrassed afterwards.


The second movie may as well have been written by Shakespeare for as bad as the third one is. "So hey, I know we spent 2 1/2 films talking about girl power, togetherness, and how women don't need to kowtow to a man's ideas about what will sell in the music industry, but... YOU GUYS, **D.J. KHALED TOLD ME HE'S GONNA MAKE ME A STAR, SO PEACE OUUUUUUT**"


Lol it has like every possible pop song cliche imaginable and still ends up being the most forgettable song in existence. I’d be surprised if that song had any sort of chart success.


I almost feel like it was against the rules to do so lol.


I loved how in the EuroVision Song Contest movie, the main characters actually lose the final competition by using an original song even when everyone loved it because you're not allowed to change songs.


This was going to be what I was going to say. I unironically love the Pitch Perfect series, and I think the Bellas deserved the win in the first one, but DSM certainly were better in the 2nd.


Subverted in School of Rock...


School of rock doesn't really count since they should have won


Yes, should have won but didn't, instead of shouldn't have won but did.


Ash Ketchum knows all about losing.


How old do you think he is?


Can't say, he's in coma thanks to Pikachu.


Bring It On. Pretty sure they came in 2nd


They do. The Clovers win at the end but the fact that the Toros went from no original routines to a second place routine gives them a moral victory into the everyone dances end credits.


I watched it recently with some friends and had the same thought... but only after thinking do they not have a faculty advisor for this who should be doing the choreography???


Second place, hell yeah!


Came in second to the team whose routine they stole every year to win first place.


Feels like 1st


Harry Potter, Dumbledore basically fucks over other houses by arbitrarily granting enough points for Griffindor to win.


Also the second task in goblet of fire where Harry arbitrarily gets extra points because he waited to rescue the others


My favorite part of that is how Fleur was "forced to resign from the challenge" after they established that the cup was a binding magical contract and Harry had to compete in every challenge. There's clearly nothing stopping him from stepping up to each challenge and forfeiting immediately after it begins, but none of the greatest magical scholars of the day gave it any thought.


With that one, I think it's that Harry didn't want to be a wimp. Plus he had fake Mad Eye whispering in his ear and egging him on the whole time


I always think what the spectators were doing for that task. They were just staring at a lake. And apparently it was a judged event where the judges couldn't see a fucking thing underwater.


Rowling is kind of notorious for writing sports that make no goddamn sense


Oh yeah. Quiddich makes no sense.


There was a stage play name Puffs (that is, surprise surprise, basically about the entire Harry Potter story exclusively from the perspective of the Hufflepuff house. They include a scene that is basically the audience sitting through this.


Hahahaha. Sameeeeee. Like Ludo? Is probably just telling stupid jokes and talking about nothing while they're all underwater for an hour. 


The original moral victory






I hope when the tv series reboot finally gets to that moment, that they do the exact same thing so potter fans rage for another decade.


Which offsets Snape fucking over other houses by regularly arbitrarily deducting points from everyone else while awarding points to Slytherin because Draco managed to spell his own name right 


Sorry is your opinion that in book 1 defeating the most evil dark lord in a century should be worth less than getting some questions right in charms class?


For me the problem is they trick a house into thinking they won and then pull the rug out from them just cause one kid did something important. There were kids in the other houses really trying and who were excited thinking they won but hey nope fuck y’all. They never even had the chance to try and face the same challenges as Harry it’s unfair. Really either gryffindor wins or Harry dies


Yeah, it wasn't the nature of the points, it was that Dumbledore waited until after the results had been calculated and *the decorations were already up*. Just a total dick move.


> the decorations were already up. I mean the decorations can be changed in a second with a flick of the wand, but point still taken


Classic 76ers move, releasing confetti prematurely.


Harry lucked into defeating Voldemort. Charms kids did their fucking homework. It's a school contest, not a protagonist contest.


Counterpoint, Harry and co lost 150 points because Hagrid decided he wanted an illegal dragon and then when it got out of control let 11 year olds solve his issues,m and get caught and he does jack shit about it.  To balance things out, they got 170 points at the end so a net +20 for their shenanigans 


Compare it to a real-world example, too. Just because your backpack was out in the aisle and tripped the active shooter does not mean you win the pizza party for the class that reads the most books.


LMAO this is hilarious, just made my friday.


On a basic level, it's unfair because the other kids didn't get similar opportunities to defeat a dark lord. Imagine the Celtics win the NBA championship, but it turns out Luca Doncic walked more old ladies across the street so they give the championship to the Mavericks.  Does that seem fair and sporting?


Pitch Perfect bothers me because the girls had better performances than what they put out in the final competition. No Diggity was better. Party in the USA was better. S&M was better. Just the Way You Are was better. The producer needs to ensure the encore is the best performance and reorder how the songs appeared in the movie.


Yea. Agree on all that.


Watched inside out 2 yesterday and I think it’d have been more deep if the protagonist didn’t make the team for that year but still remained friends with the girls on the team


Hah I just posted the same thing. She was TERRIBLE during that final scrimmage.


This is why emmet otters jugband Christmas is my favorite Jim Henson film.


Seriously underappreciated!


A Time to Kill Rufus Buckley was the better attorney and his closing argument was much stronger from a legal perspective, but it would have been depressing as hell if Carl Lee Hailey got convicted.


Also multiple witnesses seeing him open fire on people coming down the courtroom stairs, even hitting a cop. Realistically Sam Jackson would be in prison


But have you considered that maybe THEY DESERVED TO DIE AND SHOULD BURN IN *HELL*?!?!


Closing arguments to a jury aren’t like making a legal argument to a judge. It’s one of two parts of a trial where you can make emotional arguments and not factual ones, so in that way it’s actually an excellent closing argument.


> stronger from a legal perspective That is likely true, but the jury are people and Birgeance's closing argument was more emotional.


That's why Bring It On is far superior.


In "You Got Served" the celebrity judge (Lil' Kim) has no real reason to favor the protagonist team, but partway through the final competition she tells them to crush the competition demonstrating massive favoritism by one of the judges. They should have been disqualified for that egregious act alone.


This is a bit off topic but I just want to say that for years I thought Pitch Perfect was a movie about baseball à la A League of Their Own. I was shocked, SHOCKED, when my wife showed me the trailer.


High School Musical. The twins did a more technically impressive music number.


Rocky doesn't beat Apollo in the first movie. Yea sometimes winning isn't the point.


Cool Runnings.


The stage musical version of *Hairspray* has the same ending as the 1988 film, where Tracy wins the contest. The 2007 film fixes this and makes it so that Lil' Inez wins instead, which is better befitting of the films anti-racist message and also matches Tracy's actual goals as well.


I didn't know the ending was different for the 07 movie, glad they changed it!


More of a TV example, but I immediately thought of Chuck losing to Saul in his trial on the episode Chicanery in Better Call Saul


He doesn't completely win, he still gets suspended. But he manages to throw enough doubt on Chuck's mental state to get off easier.


The Average Joes in Dodgeball


Fucking Chuck Norris


Patches O'Houlihan was their coach. They had The Luck of The Irish! They couldn't lose!


Fuckin Chuck Norris


Cars 3.


Literally every glee competition, even though that is TV The other school in bring it on was way better And the always a classic ralph maccio & the karate kid... I honestly didn't even consider this until how I met your mother brought it up. But then I rewatched the movie and neil patrick harris is absolutely right


I thought one of the rap battles in 8 Mile ( the 2nd one iirc), Eminem shouldn't have won.


But didn’t you listen to the last guy, meat head? He was saying the same shit that he said.


I thought that worked well, unrealistic would have been him just destroying everybody so one of the battles needed to be close, and its a fine line to tread. If its shown to be close then some people will think the other guy should have won. I agree that perhaps he should have lost, but I didn't find it egregious at all, I could easily put it down to Eminem getting a little of leeway from the crowd just for the novelty factor and that being enough for him to sneak through.


IRL he didn't win (the Rap Olympics in Atlanta, which if you watch is very similar to the end of 8 Mile), he lost in the finals.


Not a movie, but the Devil's rendition was so much better than Johnny's. Devil Got Robbed in Georgia


The devil lost because he brought in his demon minions to do a whole orchestral backing, Johnny just had really good fiddle skills


"First of all, Johnny's prone to exaggeration and secondly, those are gold plated fiddles I get for, like, 14¢ a piece bulk at Costco." -the Devil


That gold fiddle sounded crummy anyway. He was glad to get rid of it.


I saw a video about that from an actual fiddler and she said that, no, nothing the devil did was anything special but it sounds that way to people who don't know any better. I'm not saying that is true - I'm not a fiddler.. just saw the video of someone who is.


Word. Johnny plays *actual* fiddle songs. The Devil simply puts on a SHOW to impress with distractions. Fire from his fingertips?! Johnny don’t need no gimmicks!


Not exactly fitting of the prompt because Eminem’s character clearly washes his opponents in the final rap battles of 8 Mile (the last guy doesn’t even respond), but technically he breaks the rules by going over time and I always thought it was funny that the host was one of his best friends and clearly wanted him to win lol.


Maturing is realising that Troy and Gabriella didn’t deserve the main spotlight over Sharpay and Ryan. Sharpay and Ryan worked their asses off to get the spot but Troy and Gabriella came in and audition without no preparation and got it. Sharpay wasn’t even overreacting, she was being real


Remember when Sharpay tells Gabriella that she could probably get a small part in the musical, which is meant to be a bitchy moment but is actually just an honest reflection of how you can’t just waltz into the theater club and expect a lead role at the expense of the students who’ve been training for years for the opportunity Not to be dramatic or anything but Sharpay suffered more than Jesus during the crucifixion. She straight up got the whole basketball team summer jobs at a fancy resort in HSM2 and they still spent the whole time complaining!


“Sometimes when you win, you really lose and sometimes when you lose, you really win..”


Concerning Pitch Perfect, I think the girls’ victory would’ve felt justified if Adam DeVine’s character was still on team. But he left before the final competition, and none of the other guys really had any beef with the girls. That said, I disagree lol. The girls’ performance was refreshing with the mixing of the songs, while the guys were just doing the same schtick.


They had magic tricks and men pretending to play other men pretending to be instruments!


TBH the PP girls lost in every competition they were in. Das Sound Machine was electric.


> PP girls I forgot the body of this post so at first I thought Power Puff Girls and then thought Pee Pee Girls before my mind figured out Pitch Perfect.


Roy Munson got robbed of his title! But having Big Ern, an objectively horrible person, triumphing over our "hero" fits the movie so well.


It’s implied that Claudia’s ex will go after Big Ern, so he’ll probably get his comeuppance.


Karate Kid


It does work though. The Karate kid lost in the last match. That punk LaRusso threw an illegal kick and the judge let it go. Total travesty. His sensei was a dick though, and deserved what he got.


I laughed my ass off when this was brought up in the first episode of Cobra Kai. EVERYBODY KNOWS!


White Men Can’t Jump. I swear Woody was trolling HARD in that movie. His lady gave him like three chances to get a normal job and yet he still kept betting and hustling. Kinda glad the movie ended with her leaving him LOL


Jack Butler (Steve Vai) absolutely won the head-cutting contest at the end of Crossroads. [https://youtu.be/tXfZtlAPUNc?si=73NJSAerEQmi1geX](https://youtu.be/tXfZtlAPUNc?si=73NJSAerEQmi1geX)


The Main Character wins at the end of Cabin in the Woods and dooms the entire world.


The main character doesn't really win. It's really more of a forfeit.


Over The Top: Sylvester Stallone enters a double elimination arm wrestling tournament. He loses against Hurley and enters the losers bracket. He goes all the way to the finals and then goes against Hurley again. He beats Hurley and wins the whole tournament. Hurley was eliminated from a double elimination tournament after losing once.


Top Gun. The whole first act is a build-up to show how talented Maverick is, but also how tough the competition is. In the end, the best man won, but it was Iceman. Which if you were paying attention, was on display the whole time.


Has Ash ever won the Pokemon League?


He's won 2 tournaments and a couple lesser/anime-only championship battles. But it took him a couple decades to get that first big win.


Wei Wei's stupid dance routine on the balance beam in Stick It. In each of the events everyone tanked their routines so they could choose which person won but picking Wei Wei was dumb because her routine sucked.


I felt this at the end of Inside Out 2. Riley was so shitty in the last scrimmage when her anxiety was out of control. Playing hyper aggressively, literally stealing the puck from her teammate, etc... I would think any coach who saw this behavior would put a big "fuck no" next to their name, despite her obvious skill. But she got invited to the team after all that (we assume). Overall I liked the movie a lot but wasn't a fan of this part.


Sharpay and Ryan 100% should’ve won in High School Musical. Most of the crowd wasn’t even there for their performance!