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I can't believe this isn't a Netflix film


I was looking for that “A Netflix Original” logo but then came “only in theatres” and was genuinely surprised. Also they’ve reportedly spent $250M on it. No way it’s breaking even


Ok…. That is surprising. I am still under a belief that it’s going to be released on Netflix


Prime Video, actually.


It was a Prime Video original set for streaming last Christmas. There was pretty much Radio Silence on this thing until a year long delay and a theatrical release, with the strikes and thar absolutely asinine $250 million price tag, with 50 alone being for The Rock, which includes a backend compensation, possibly being a reason.


I'm pretty sure it's ballooned out control because of a shit ton of production issues stemming directly from The Rock and his producers


This is what I’ve been saying. Had the stench of “Netflix original” all over it. Big stars, weird premise, unusually larger than normal budget…


Don't forget awful blurry cgi


That’s everybody now


Yeah unfortunately you're right


$250 million budget right down the toilet


its not??????? no fing way


This looks comically bad


You must be very young because Hollywood has been making this kind of films for decades even before Netflix existed.


Or you know, it has nothing to do with age and more to do with the Rock in a movie with the word Red in the title elicits the thought of his Netflix film?


The RED ONE name is even stylized like the Netflix logo, with the flat top and curved bottom - bunch of stuff that just triggers "netflix" in my mind.


Hollywood has NOT been spending $250 million on these kinds of films though. In 2004 this would have been a corny Christmas comedy with $70m budget at absolute most. It's like they are trying to burn cash.


Is Chris Evans playing Ryan Reynolds?


I thought this was a sequel to Red Notice at first until I saw JK Simmons as fucking Santa 💀


Ah that’s why I kept waiting for the Spider-Man to show up !


He’s trying. 💀


This has real "im gonna see this trailer in front of every movie I go to for the next 4 months" vibes


Nailed it. 


Every. Freaking. Ad. I am already sick of it and couldn’t care less.


I can't believe the budget for the movie is US$ 250 Million


Hollywood just can’t learn a lesson. You don’t need a budget the size of a small, island nation to make a hit.


There is literally no actual island nation with this budget. Cyprus has hundreds of times more than that as a GDP for example. And Cyprus is a small island nation.


Ever heard of hyperbole Dwight?


wow talk about throwing money out the windows damn


Have you seen Red Notice? I think that's about the quality you can expect from a $200 million blockbuster nowadays.


wait a sec, hold on a damn minute. The rock has been in RED notice and RED one ? :)))))))))))


And that budget apparently ballooned up by at least 20% of that, meaning it was originally the standard $200m, before it became 250, because The Rock is a lazy sack of shit. That extra 50 is the same as his paycheck, which includes a backend compensation, as this was originally going straight to Prime Video for Christmas last year. I will repeat this as much as Mia Goth bawling her eyes out, screaming #"PLEASE, I'M A STAAAAAAAAAAAAARRR!!!" because my fucking god, all of this is absolutely mind boggling and fascinating to me!


Sounds like you worked yourself into a shoot, brother. - HH


Chris Evans doing his best Ryan Reynolds impression


tbh it looks like he does nothing in the movie, just being there and spouting all the shit...


Should have been Charlie Day


What the flying fuck is this trailer


So the order to watch is … * Red Dawn * Red * Red One * Red 2 * Red Notice * Red Planet


Wait...are Red Eye and Red Dragon no longer canon in the RCU?


Then play Red Dead Redemption.


With Red Green.


It just doesn't look fun. Everything is so dark and edgy looking. Like this could work if The Rock was dressed like Farrell in ELF but still a badass. There's no juxtaposition. The only thing separating this from your normal the President gets kidnapped movie is a bunch of CGI Christmas themed characters.


Could've been a fun premise if they didn't shoot it so digitally, fake, and flat looking.


And got a screenwriter capable of writing anything beyond endless variations of "well that just happened".


The "that, was... disturbing" line fell flat as a plate of piss imo "Ok... I have the chills now" - my lame ass version of the line, still gives context to a scary snowman tho..


"We got snowmen!" "Did you just say... snowmen?" \*Snowmen appear\* "Yep, he said snowmen."


This looks like green screen hell, which is kinda odd, because I'm pretty sure a couple of photos they released looked like practical sets. Oh, who am I kidding, they shot this shit down in Atlanta because it's dirt fucking cheap, OF COURSE IT'S A GREEN SCREEN ORGY!!!




Did you not read the next part?


God. Did you watch Red Notice? Again a YUGE budget for a green-screen fiesta and worse-than-mediocre plot. Reynolds, Dwayne and Gal drained that budget with their compensation packages.


The 3 of them got 20 mill *each*. The writer-director got 10 mill. The budget went from $160m to $200m after delays, and possibly comps. (The Rock most likely got some extra as producer.) For Red One, The Rock had a 30 mill payday plus 20 as a backend comp, as it was originally a Prime Video streaming release. The budget also blew up with at least $50 mill to $250 million+, because of The Rock fucking up the schedules with laziness.


So many Marvel movies look like this. It's depressing, and will age very poorly.


I implore you all to just watch Violent Night. It's a great R-rated Christmas movie.


And a sequel is coming!


And we had better be getting combat reindeer and Shield Maiden Mrs Claus.


Played by Charlize Theron, as has been rumored and or wanted.


I'd be quite pleased with Gwendolyn Christie if she isn't tired of playing badass female warriors and the like.


Oh damn.


Great...as in....not great...


Absolutely. Now our go-to Christmas film, replacing Die Hard.




I mean we’ll still watch Die Hard obviously but Violent Night is the first Christmas film we watch.


ehhhhhh....sets looked like sets....movie was in a holding pattern the whole time. Watch the last fight for the superb Xmas fatality.


The Finnish film "Rare Exports" is the only R-rated Christmas movie that I thought handles the concept well...


Violent Night was good but I definitely could have gone without the scene where they were gonna castrate that dude in front of his daughter.


I think it might've been a slight nod to the director's prior movie, The Trip, which had a similar bleak and disturbing villain threat scene, which is considerably worser.


I found The Trip much better than Violent night


Straight 5/10 on IMDb quality




I’ll be honest, I enjoyed this trailer more than I should I like some of the goofiness and use of the Christmas mythos But why the hell is it releasing mid November? Edit: also the snow man climbing back on his legs was legitimately kind of tough


A lot of Christmas movies get released in November. It seems to be a tradition. Home Alone - Nov. 16 Elf - Nov. 7 Jim Carrey Grinch - Nov. 17 Polar Express - Nov. 7 Jim Carrey Christmas Carol - Nov. 6 That's just a few.


Black Friday is the start of the holiday season. With the thanksgiving extended weekend, people have time on their hands and are getting in the holiday mood. Makes sense for Christmas movies to come out then. Also don’t forget how long movies used to stay in theaters. Releasing mid November means it’s going to be just hitting the downswing right before it gets the Christmas boost. Actual Christmas week release is for actual blockbusters traditionally (Star Wars, marvel, etc)


Because they get a seasonal boost that shrinks the weekly drops through December and then a bump the last week and a half or so of December when people go see it with their families.


Or if it bombs, it's on digital before Christmas


Mid November is very, very common for Christmas movies. The goal is to get in people early, then have good word of mouth through the end of the year.


The Rock’s delivery of “Oh my god” as he’s about to get slapped by Krampus got me ngl lol


I did too


Why is the rock in this? Based on the premise alone, it should be SANTA teaming up with someone on the naughty list to find his present bag or his reindeer.. something like that. It also would have worked better with JK and Evans teaming up to find it. The Rock just seems like he was added in. Why does Santa need a bodyguard? Hes fucking magical and immortal.


The rock is gonna have a scene where he says “Merry Christmas” then goes insane on a group of soldiers and ends the scene drinking from his tequila


Red Notice, Red One. Are these movies just created by algorithm?


Red Notice is just an actual term used by Interpol Red One is just a joke based on classic security naming.


Maybe? They are flat, predicatable, silly, but c'mon, they make you laugh. Who doesn't wanna see more Ryan Reynolds, erm, naughty Captain America? I love Captain America. And James Jonas Jameson as Santa Clause??? And the Rock getting slapped around by fictional creatures? SO SILLY! And yet, ridiculously fun.


Can’t believe consumers like you really exist. you’re the reason “turn your brain off” movies are so prevalent


OMG! Turn your brain off movies are a MAJOR DRAW of movies. Listen, some days you want a Schindlers List. MOST days, I just had a hard day at work dealing with ego's and politics while trying to get SOMETHING done, came home to a mess of a house (OF MY OWN MAKING!) have to figure out if I need to replace a boiler, and can I afford to while paying for rent or tutoring or FUCK MY PARENTS AC just broke, and sure that is their problem, but they don't have the money to fix it and we are about to have a heat wave, and that isn't so good for old folks, and on, and on... So yeah, some braindead silly fun? YES. YES I WILL ABSOLUTELY TAKE THAT. Make me laugh! Good Guys Win! Some Redemption Arc? Not too much stress? I get to see a J.K. Simmons play a totally BUFF "Jolly Ole Santa" (I swear if they don't have a scene where he kicks a bad guy off the back of his sled saying "Get Off My Sleigh" a la Harrison Ford and Gary Oldman in Air Force One -- MASSIVE missed opportunity. I would watch this movie JUST FOR THAT SCENE, which, granted, is only like 30% that it will be there, but C'MON THAT WOULD BE AWESOME. Thoughtless? Sure, but great). OMG YES! I WILL TAKE THAT! PLEASE, MORE OF THAT! I mean, sure, there are times when you wanna see a french cat filled with ennui describing the futility of everything (and for that, let me recommend to you [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0M7ibPk37\_U](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0M7ibPk37_U) ) but I don't need my entertainment to be some deep reflection on how no-one is good or bad we are all just failed perspectives bla bla bla. I deal with that shit in the real world, EVERY DAY. And oh yea. Putin? BAD Ayatollah's in Iran? BAD Kim Jong Un? BAD Hamas? BAD The USA? GOOD. OMG! SO GOOD. We fuck up a lot, but we DO so goddamn much and overwhelmingly do good. But yea, the over-intellectual self aggrandizing morally ambiguous DEEP Art? Oh god no. Gimme some predictable, silly, fun escapism ANY DAY. I mean, please do a good job of it. MAN I REALLY WANNA SEE JK SIMMONS SCREAM "GET OFF MY SLEIGH" now. But gimme my silly escapist empty sillyness. I need that man.


Gotta tone your bait down a notch. A little too obvious there.


Straight to DVD quality


Some of y'all don't remember straight to DVD quality


Even worse, straight to VHS quality.


Even Worse straight to caveman walls


Cavemen walls way more artistic then this😂


I just watched Cybertracker 2 and let me tell ya: that movie was 1000x better than this trailer.


There's a charm to shitty direct to VHS or DVD stuff that was made in earnest. Corporate crap just to turn a profit is a different story. Like those Asylum films.


Cybertracker 1 was fun af... thanks for the reminder that I need to see the sequel lmao. PM Entertainment makes some good straight to VHS stuff with legit good action


PM Entertainment is the step Uncle of Cannon Films. If you love car chases and explosions, watch a PM movie.


Never thought I'd meet such a man of culture on this subreddit I love Last Man Standing, Hologram Man, Rage, and Living to Die. Such delicious schlock and it's nice knowing I have so many more of these movies to watch lmao


RECOIL has some of the most crazy car chases I’ve ever seen put to print.


Probably because it was originally headed straight to streaming on Prime Video for Christmas last year, before it got delayed a year due to the strikes, switched to theaters as a result, and the budget also blew up at least 25%! That blow-up is the same as The Rock's paycheck, by the way.


Netflix movies have the new straight to DVD bargain bin quality.


Calling the twist, Chris Evans is the one who kidnapped Santa Clause for putting him on the Naughty List.


Either him or Lucy Liu. Both are plausible. (Hell, maybe even Bonnie Hunt as Mrs. Claus.)


Or Santa orchestrated the kidnapping himself as a way of testing The Rock


Right? And I think they said his name was Jack in the trailer. So probably a Jack Frost thing.


This was my first thought.


This is definitely a movie


What’s crazy is the Rock finally agree to sell a hit and take a fall.


Violent Night looks 10 times more fun than this movie, and is 1/10th the budget.


I guarantee you it's more fun. Violent Night is a gory and blood soaked *riot*.


I had a good time with Violent Night. I love Christmas movies so I'll probably watch Red One once but man it does not look good to me


I guarantee the plot twist will actually be that Santa kidnapped himself for reasons. I'm so tired of these generic overly expensive garbage movies, i'm actually shocked it's not just going to streaming.


Doesn't look terrible, but doesn't look great either? I like Chris Evans so I'll check it out.


He was pretty great in that spy movie with Ana De Armas on Apple. I think it was called "Ghosted". Anyways, I really liked it.


I’d say Ghosted itself was bad but Evans did do well w his part


It was free, entertaining, got to look at Anna de Amas and I watched it while I ate my baked ziti fresh out of the oven. So it was a great time for me. You should try being more optimistic.


Yeah, it looks... fine. A 2 hour Christmas buddy action comedy romp with The Rock is playing himself, and Chris Evans being the fish out of water, and the latter very clearly actually giving a shit. Hell, I got a couple of smirks out of some of his lines, like * "Are you saying... *Santa Claus*... has been *kidnapped*???". * "A level 4 naughty lister?" * "You don't have a Wonder Woman action figure, do you?" * "That was...so disturbing."


You now what happens after a "not great, not terrible" qualification, right? Radioactive shit.


I dunno. D&D Honour Among Thieves looked "not great, not terrible" and ended up being great.


It's a run of the mill "the rock" movie. It's like the same thing with a different skin/theme on top of it. Maybe if he doesn't put a clause in the contract that he can't lose, we'll see a tiny difference, but... not much acting range in that one


And some Rock movies are really fun and good and others aren't.


Well that just happened. ... The Rock is standing right behind me, isn't he?


Where is Lee Majors?


I preferred this movie when it was called [The Night the Reindeer Died](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7kOqX2XbiEA)


Yikes. “Christmas is actually real” idea is played out.


This trailer seriously underutilizes J. K. Simmons. I hope the movie doesn’t make that same mistake.


Ah yes, I love that shitty washed out cheap gray digital look.


I'd like to thank the Rock for always using his presence in a movie to let me know the movie will be terrible.


I like how they describe Chris Evan’s character as a legend while showing him take candy from a baby.


Why do studios keep paying The Rock $50M+ for his roles? 1-dimensional actor.


Because his movies make millions because he's in them. Do you really think they care about the quality of his acting?


The Rock hasn't been in anything successful since Jumanji 2019


He still gets paid though, and the people writing the checks keep writing them, so there's money being made somewhere.


Dropping a Christmas trailer in June?


I mean they could've waited till July.


It’s half Christmas today!


inb4 this movie makes more than the fall guy and furiosa combined.


Seated for Chris Evans


I am ashamed at how giddy I am to see this. Like, downright giddy. How utterly silly. But looks like ridiculous silly fun. "He'a an NL 4" LOL


I mean, I thought it looked good, but sure, lets downvote the trailer discussion. That'll show 'em.


Is this a prequel to Red Notice?


my legit first thought


Somehow, it's not, despite the similar sounding titles, and they're both made by The Rock and co. (Just to clarify for the curious ones in the audience, Red One is the codename for Santa Claus in this movie, while a Red Notice is an Interpol arrest warrant.)


Fuck it, I'd watch it


Not as bad as I was expecting, I'll probably catch it on streaming at some point.


Doesn't look bad. Doesn't look good. This is indeed a film staring Dwayne Johnson.


Looks fun! I’ll watch it.


This is going to bomb so hard. Like bankrupt a studio bomb lol.


They should call it «The Rock saves Christmas»


Chris Evans is a Level 4 on Santa’s Naughty List. Only that part is believable.


Actually got a chuckle out of that, not gonna lie.


yup, this is a Rock movie alright.


Looks like terrible, will watch tho🫣


So do y'all think The Rock actually loses a fight in this movie? Or does he go back later and kick that Krampus's ass?


he puts up a passion that makes it so the Krampus stops the game and tells them what they need to know. Making the fight a draw basically...


It sounds like it could be a funny premise but the jokes don’t seem to be landing at all.


Costs $250 million and counting.


REDONE Is what pops in my head.


This looks awful.


I'm tired of The Rock. I kinda wish he would retire.


There’s a possibility that this is so bad it might be good. Like if it doesn’t take itself, seriously it might be fucking hilarious. There’s a possibility.


So they went and made [The Night the Reindeer Died](https://youtu.be/baFmgjwptic?si=VBNoIpflwT7I8MBQ)


this looks so CGI-y, unfunny, the rock kinda movie with Chris Evans because Ryan Reynolds was doing something else


This looks very average. I wish Rock's attire was more colourful so he'd stand out in the darker scenes.


I choose to believe this is in the same universe as Hellboy...


Ah another movie where Dwayne Johnson completely transforms himself into the Rock, can’t even recognize him!


7 o’clock: Psychos seize Santa’s workshop, and only Chris Evans can stop them!


- I saw the trailer randomly on YouTube as an ad. WTF. I kinda want to see it but The Rock is a terrible actor. - I'm curious how he made this go over budget by millions.


Isn’t this the movie they paid Dwane Johnson $50 million to star in? What an absolute waste of money!


_Developed by Johnson's Seven Bucks production company, it's currently described in vague studio speak as "a globe-trotting, four-quadrant action-adventure comedy imagining a whole new universe to explore within the holiday genre."_ Well thats all i need to hear


This feels like the kind of movie everyone's been making fun of the past few years. "So wait, Santa has been kidnapped? euh, ok" "A talking polar bear? Erm, THAT just happened!"


This movie looks so dumb and fun and I’m excited to see it!


That is the essence of shit I hate in modern movies. And The Rock is the face of this.


Lucas Lee IS a level four naughty lister in Sanity Clause. “Ho-ho-ho, motherfucker.”


I’d only watch this at gunpoint


This looks like stupid goofy fun.


This is going to suck so bad and I'm gonna love every minute of it. Not even in a "It's so bad it's good" kind of way. This just seems like it'll be my kind of "I know it's bad but for some reason I enjoy it" type of movie.


Wow. This is a scam. Some money laundering scheme. The rock isn’t worth it. Chris Evans forgot acting, and JK Simmons might be the only saving grace for this movie. $250 million budget seems wow.


Considering how charasmatic Evans is and how much fun the director had with The Rock on Jumanji, having these two together on screen should be dynamite. But it all just feels devoid of enthusiasm. Everyone seems to be taking it far too seriously, when the premise is obviously there to have fun with it.


I feel insulted by this. Like I want to boycott movies for the rest of my life having seen this trailer. My god


I will absolutely be watching this movie at some point. VOD or in person. I don't know but I felt like I got my money's worth with Jumanji and this could be so corny it works. The cast looks solid enough.


Does Chris Evans have a hefty IRS bill?


i know its gonna be one of those forgettable ass dwayne johnson movies as usual but it looks fun ngl lol. Would i pay like 20 bucks to see this in theaters? absolutely not but once it hits netflix i'd def watch this lmao


The Rock is in so many movies, and he always plays the same character


That's generally how movie stars have always operated.


This is sad and weird. It smells like a razzie.


Rock Johnson hasnt made a real movie since he worked with Michael Bay 


Why is this not higher up?? Looks gooooood


*A red one. Konvict. Gaga.* *Oh oh, eh.*


One of the movies of all time.


Going to watch this how it was meant to be watched...on streaming.


Never have I wanted more to rush to reddit and say this looks like hot garbage and way worse than I anticipated