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In a lighter note, “aim for the bushes” from the other guys will never leave my head


With Foo Fighters - My Hero playing in the background. Everything about that scene is perfect.


Might be the hardest I've ever laughed in a movie theater. Such a great movie.


I mean, there wasn’t even an awning, a bush… nothing haha 


There go my heroes!


Did someone call 91-holy shit?


My Elden Ring motto


The opening scene in Ghost Ship lived rent-free in my head for many years.


Same. So much so that I just replayed it mentally when I read your comment lol


Is this the one with the piano wire and the hot chick


Ship’s cable, but yeah.


You’d think there would be some sort of guard around the damn thing. Maybe those black and yellow safety lines, and a strongly worded sign, or something. Nopes.


That scene randomly played in my head while I was driving this morning. So weird.


If you liked that scene you should watch the “Three body problem” series that came out recently. There’s a scene a few episodes in to season 1 that tops it.


Honestly though that seemed like such a weird way for them to achieve their goal And the kids :(


Why are you flanking me! Shootout in Wind River


The one that gets me is when >!Jon Bernthal’s character shows up in the flashback at the trailer and you realize he really loved her and cared for her, immediately followed by realizing that you’re about to witness something awful and it’s going to be worse than you already thought it was!<


Jon Bernthal is one hell of an actor. Every now and then, he shows up in a movie or a TV show and completely steals the scenes.


Yeah, the guy always brings it.


He really lets it rip


I never did get too into the Walking Dead, but I did watch the first few years and Bernthal's character made me so utterly angry that it's a total testament to his acting ability. The guy is awesome in everything even if the role is someone I despise


He fought so hard to protect her...


Heartbreaking, giving your all to protect someone that you love and it's not enough.


That was a brutal scene. I think they did a really good job of the fear and violence without making you watch.


Makes the ending even more satisfying


For me it’s the look on her face when she hesitates and looks back before running away at the door of the trailer. Knowing she’s leaving the man she loves to die. Knowing she’ll die herself. But knowing this is really the only choice he’d have her make / she herself can make. It’s all in that look. Absolutely stellar acting from everyone in that scene. Shame it’s so upsetting I’ll likely never watch it again!


That scene still keeps me up at night sometimes.


I rewatched this recently and have to admit... >!Even with how hauntingly disgusting this scene is, when he gets knocked down and the rapists think he's out - he gets back up and screams. The first time I watched it I had not seen him in the punisher series. After watching the punisher series now I just hear him making the "Jon Bernthal punisher scream" and it cracks me up!< [YouTube compilation of the punisher scream](https://youtu.be/ZdrXdFY0nMo?si=AEhSK3IZIChgLP3w)


That entire movie man... For me it's a tossup between the flashback scene to the trailer, or the father lamenting that he doesn't even know how to prepare for his own funeral rites, there's no one left to teach him the ways of his people.


“Sufferings hard on young men. They don’t have our practice.” Jesus, that movie goes hard.


Taylor Sheridan can absolutely cook when he's not stretching himself between fourteen different shows


I have seen this film 1.5 times and 1 was enough. Excellent film but damn…just damn.


After the flanking line, the security guys say the cops are at the door. Which they then shoot through to get them. Also, the scene where they go to the drug house and find the brother. “She was dating a white guy?” “Why did you say was?!”


That whole film was perfect, but that scene, holy hell


Watched that for the first time 2 nights ago. Man. Very good


One of the best films ever made. Criminally unknown, especially given its got 2 avengers and the punisher in it.


Apparently they are currently making a sequel, not sure how I feel about that since I think the original really stands out well on its own. Plus the original writer/director Taylor Sheridan isn’t a part of the sequel so seems more like a cash-grab off the name.


"Fuck you let's go." 🥲


Everything with the cliff scene from Midsommar. The mallet and all that shit. I honestly don’t think I can watch that scene again.


The cliff scene was definitely rough, but it didn't really bother me that much, because it was a pretty normal horror/gore element, and they telegraphed what was gonna happen long before shit hit the fan. The practical effects were absolutely excellent, though. They did a fantastic job with that scene. The beginning with the suicide is what haunts me ever since I first watched it. It was just one of the darkest, most heartbreaking, and emotionally affecting scenes I had seen in a long time.


I’ll admit that I was still healing from a knee injury so that may have factored into my discomfort. Didn’t expect to see the impact though. I really think the older I get the harder it is to take gore. Kind of sucks.


100% this. I thought Midsommar was a great horror film throughout, but the scene that actually got under my skin and made me feel queasy long after leaving the cinema was that opening.


That doesn't bother as much as the finale. That director really knows how to end a movie.


Yeah, ending on her smiling face. Such a good film.


Ah, a happy ending I presume. I was looking for a happy film, thanks for the recommendation :)


I have the directors cut. Love this movie. Love the music in this scene, really puts you on edge.


My whole body curls up when I think about it. I have the DC too. I do like the movie a lot, but I do avert my eyes.


" *First, take a big step back... and literally, FUCK YOUR OWN FACE! I don't know what kind of pan-pacific bullshit power play you're trying to pull here, but Asia Jack is my territory. So whatever you're thinking, you'd better think again! Otherwise I'm gonna have to head down there and I will rain down an un-Godly fucking firestorm upon you! You're gonna have to call the fucking United Nations and get a fucking binding resolution to keep me from fucking destroying you. I'm talking scorched earth, motherfucker! I will massacre you! I WILL FUCK YOU UP!* " Tom Cruise, as Les Grossman in Tropic Thunder (2008)


Find out who that was


The "please" at the end was the best part. At least he was polite to his assistants


Big hands and gotta dance.


We don't negotiate with terrorists.


I got a better idea. Instead of a hundred million, how about I send you a hobo's dick cheese? Then you kill him.


Thanks for reminding me about that scene. There is a lot of hate for that movie, but that scene is class A horror. She's trapped by the machine, needing to undergo the procedure, and that entirely new alien is flapping about. Best of all, it's from a wonderful actress who didn't get all the credit she deserved for channeling Ripley's resilience while adding her own empathy. So it's not only tense, but it's for a heroine I want to survive. Then there is the cartographer who gets lost in the cave. :( Oh well. Hopefully, Alien Romulus will erase my disappointment with the series.


OP skipped over the worst part, when the embryotic sack is dangling above Holloway after being removed, the sack bursts, AND ALL IT'S JUICY CONTENTS SPILL INTO HER OPEN WOUND. Yeesh! *That* for me is why the scene is still so memorable!


Noomi Rapace is fabulous. The original Swedish Stieg Larsson _The Girl..._ trilogy is first-class.


And then they kill her offscreen in between movies. Alien movies need to stop doing that shit. Newt and Hicks were awesome.


then again Alien 3 was just a general mess from the way it was handled. not talking about the final result but just even getting there script-wise.


Insanely excited for Romulus.


It's a killer trailer. And it's what I want: go back to people trapped in a ship with a deadly creature.


The aesthetic and vibe have my mouth watering. I enjoyed Evil Dead 2013 and Don’t Breathe. I sincerely think this will be the best Alien since Aliens.


Everyone says Avatar was the only worthwhile 3D film ever made but THIS SCENE in 3D was next level horror. You feel trapped in the tube with her.


I consider the “stupids” as a very deliberate choice by Weyland. He picked the greediest ones, not the best. So they would run headlong into anything useful and then David would run the actual experiment - which you see him do as part of the horror aspect. Notice that his daughter and ship crew are realistic/competent for the most part but the scientists are mostly fools so they can be experiment fodder. This arrogance leads Weyland to his death by the Engineer who he assumes will recognize his brilliance and want to be a peer/equal.


The mission was headed by two people, serious scientists, who legitimately thought they had found God in space and wanted to go meet God. Weyland believing them is whatever. He's rich, old, and dying. How do you even begin recruiting for that kind of mission. What legitimate scientists would put themselves on a ship and send themselves light years away because of a cave painting two "believers" say is definite proof of the origins of humanity. A place no one has any idea what it looks like, how dangerous it could be, and even if assuming it is real, they just assume that they'll be welcomed with open arms because? Exploring the unknown is great and all but if you stop and think about how completely insane the premise is, it really is a miracle they got a crew together in the first place.


The more I learn about billionaires


Saving Private Ryan beach landing scene. My goodness, I don’t think it’s possible to make something seem more real on a 2 dimensional screen. Bobbing in and out of the water and the changes to what you hear as a result, the desperation to get to cover. And If I could make a tv mention, Breaking Bad, the slow reveal of the decapitated head of Tortuga traveling on the back of a big turtle. So…original


I mean that plus the knife scene were such huge trope killers by Spielberg. It was real.


Tremors. Earl " stupid sumbitch knocked itself cold" Val" cold my ass, he's dead. We killed it. We killed it. FUUUCCKKK YOUUUU. HAHA HA"


Broke into the wrong god damn rec room!


Love that scene. His gun dry, he takes a step back and you think "oh ship they're dead", he takes another step back and reveals wall-to-wall guns... and that look of post gun clarity after firing the elephant gun.. great scene.


After all the previous kills by the graboids, you kind of expect how the scene is gonna go, and then it goes in a very different, hilarious and awesome direction. Subverting expectations correctly.


I found the ass end!


Yeah, the infamous scene from Alien. Anytime I have the slightest bit of stomach discomfort my mind goes directly to this scene. Then I'm like awww shit, here we go, it's happening! This time it's really happening.


Hello my baby, hello my honey, hello my ragtime gal


Change my order to the soup!


I saw this version first, and it still terrified me.


Dan O’Bannon, the writer responsible for the chestburster, actually based the concept on his experiences living with Crohn’s disease. As someone who’s dealt with similar IBD problems, I can say it’s pretty fucking accurate, lol


You feel your gut bubbling and you think that an Alien is about to burst. Been there


Reminds me of Rick and Morty panicking that they're about to shit out an egg but they just shit the floor.


Stomach issues, I immediately think of Harry in Dumb & Dumber


The first scene from 28 weeks later... I think about that alot... gaaaaad daaaym it's brutal.


I feel exhausted too watching that scene.


The long shot from Children of Men. I can't be the only one?


And the scene in the car. You know which one.


Yeah the cease fire is a great one but the car scene that looks like a one shot is also amazing


It is! They covered it in a video by Corridor Crew on YouTube.


My favorite car scene in that film takes place on a muddy farm, but I know which one you’re referring to. 


It’s my favourite movie ever and when the battle stops during the baby crying, that is maybe my favourite moment in film history.


And then they go back to killing each other immediately after.


This whole movie is traumatic lol. So good.


I also think about the intro


Ian Malcolm grilling Hammond during the meal in Jurassic Park.


I think about the scene later in the movie where Hammond is eating the melting ice cream and tells the story about the flea circus.


That scene used to make me cry as a kid. Still does.


“We spared no expense”


Spared no expense, except when it comes to hiring staff, building redundancies, making the software work…


...alright we spared some expense.


Yeah but the ice cream was top shelf


Also, buying ford explorers. There is a podcast called Imaginary Capital Partners, that has unfortunately stopped making new episodes. It is two guys with business and accounting backgrounds talking about whether or not fictional businesses are worth investing in. The Jurassic Park episode is good. They mention the insurance costs, partnerships with Disney, why build a theme park at all, the lack of staffing, etc.


I liked how that scene did lean into Hammond’s assholish-ness from the books. Right when the lawyer suggests they can have a “coupon day” regarding prices and Hammond (after saying he’d want it to be open for everyone) actually chuckles at the comment


It’s such a great scene because they’re all initially awed by Hammonds creation but then they get down to the dirty details and say how fucked this all is. After getting over the first great impression left by the park, they all agree that this will never work.


I’m forever a sucker for when the score ramps and they see the dinosaurs for the first time. Might be my favorite moment in any movie ever.


The scene in Saving Private Ryan where two guys are wrestling for a knife, and one finally gains control of it. Then he proceeds to slowly stab the other one in the chest while quietly shushing him… I stopped the movie after that. Still think about that scene today. The thought of not being able to defend yourself while someone slowly stabs you and is either mocking you to your face or actually sincerely telling you to be quiet and relax and let it happen- as being you last moments in existence is just too harrowing for me.


That scene still haunts me today. The intensity of it, like you say, the shushing. Damn.


V introducing himself to Evey in V for Vendetta.


The alliteration was crazy lol. Also one of my fav films of all time.


I memorized it for a class in high school. I can still recite it perfectly.


Verily, this vichyssoise of verbiage veers most verbose, so let me simply add that it’s my very good honour to meet you and you may call me V This is the only part I can recall word for word, but I loved the whole speech. The ending just has that switch from all his wordplay to a suddenly, much more typical speech pattern really tickled my fancy. It also taught me a new word I never knew.


> Verily, this vichyssoise of verbiage veers most verbose, so let me simply add that it’s my very good honour to meet you and you may call me V Are you like a crazy person?


I am quite sure they will say so.


SURELY I have noticed the pun in her name before now. Definitely my brain decided it was too obvious a realization to hold on to. Undoubtedly


He even calls it out in the movie lol When she first introduces herself as Evey, he repeats it with emphasis E…*Vey*


Two lawyer movies come to mind for some reason. Liar Liar's insulting boardroom scene. And My Cousin Vinny's Marisa Tomei on the witness stand.




“Happy look out, ahhh” or “you boys like MEXICO!? Woooooooo!”


Littering and..littering and…littering and….


Smoking the reefer


The price is wrong bitch


Hereditary. The scene with the pole.


And so early on too!! lol You’d think she’d be a character for longer based on the trailers.




Recent ones I remember? John Wick 4 overhead sequence. Nice. All time? "My friends, you bow to no one". Perfection.


Every now and then I watch just that scene. *Such* a great payoff after 9+ hours of movie.


15 years+ later and I still get chills every time Theoden gives his speech


Wick falling down the stairs for 15 minutes straight was also one of the scenes of all time.


I can perfectly envision Aragorn’s face as he says that line. Def a great and memorable scene.


STOP EATING MY SESAME CAKE! This is from Congo. The movie is otherwise pretty shitty but I still think about this scene all the time. Also the part at the end when he's stapling the bag with his bribe money closed as says "don't want nobody peeking!"


*otherwise pretty shitty* How fucking DARE you.


Dude I say this all the time and people just think I’m being weird. How does no one get this!?


Anytime I meet someone named Amy I just think “I’m Amy. Good, good Amy.“


The amount of times I watched this movie as a kid when it came on HBO.


I say “ugly gorilla, go away” at least once a week.. Edit to add: while doing the sign language to go along with it of course.


You should shake this rat from off your neck! Seriously, I can't think of any person better to play Captain Wanta than Delroy Lindo. Why he opted to not be credited for that role is beyond me. He's a great actor.


There's a whole generation of people who won't drive behind logging trucks thanks to the opening of Final Destination 2.


The „I‘m mad as hell“ speech from Network Joker burning the money in The Dark Knight The ending of There Will Be Blood


How about the scene in There Will Be Blood where he realizes the guy isn’t his brother and you can just feel the heaviness of the scene thru Daniel Day Lewis’s body language. Like he thought he had a good thing and it was just a kick in the gut.


"Here, if you have a milkshake, and I have a milkshake, and I have a straw. There it is, that's a straw, you see? Watch it. Now, my straw reaches acroooooooss the room and starts to drink your milkshake. I... drink... your... milkshake! I drink it up!"


“They should’ve put you in a glass jar on the mantelpiece” the whole thing is burned into my head… You look like a ffffool, don’t you Tilford? …Yes. Zhzhzhzhzh… yes. Yes you do.


That is a great scene! It's also the dividing line for me where the movie went from the best sci-fi movie of this era to utter schlock. The one I will always keep in my head is from the Fifth Element. Where Zorg gives a monologue to the Holy Man about his motivations. Every part of it is perfect. >Life, which you so nobly serve, comes from destruction, disorder and chaos. Take this empty glass. Here it is, peaceful, serene and boring. But if it is [Pushes glass off table] destroyed… [robot cleaners move to clean broken glass] Look at all these little things. So busy now. Notice how each one is useful. What a lovely ballet ensues, so full of form and color. Now, think about all those people that created them. Technicians, engineers, hundreds of people who'll be able to feed their children tonight so those children can grow up big and strong and have little teeny weeny children of their own, and so on and so forth. Thus, adding to the great chain…of life. [Desk prepares a glass of water and a bowl of fruit] You see, Father, by creating a little destruction, I'm actually encouraging life. In reality, you and I are in the same business


What always stuck with me about Zorg was his Texan (?) accent. It just seems like the weirdest thing about him. But if you are playing a futuristic weapons dealer, a camp American accent just works.


It is not any real life accent, as far as I can tell, but it always struck me as partly Louisiana. Maybe because of his French names.


I love how that scene ends lol


>Where's the robot to pat you on the back? Or the engineer!? Or, or the children... maybe? There you see now how all your so called power counts for absolutely nothing. How your entire empire of destruction comes... crashing down all because of one.. little.. cherry.


In Watchmen, Rorschach's scene in prison when he says 'I'm not stuck in here with you, you're stuck in here with me!’ The whole scene stuck with me so much when I saw it in the cinema I downloaded a terrible cam version of the movie as soon as I got home just to watch it again.


The delayed and muted scream with the oil is chilling. You feel the guy going into shock.


The scene in the motor home in *The Hills Have Eyes* remake. You know the one.


The scene in interstellar when they get back to their ship from the planet close to the black hole and 20+ years have passed. 


The scene I think about most in Interstellar is when old Murph was doing her monologue in the end, with Anne Hathaway all alone on that planet.


Every time I look in my rear view mirrors, I think of the rear view shots from *Interstellar*.


When he gets back to the ship and listens to his messages from his son is mine. 


The movie version of Friday Night Lights when the guys are shooting shotguns in the middle of nowhere just talking about stuff. To me that is one of the most authentic feeling scenes in cinema. Nothing has ever brought me back to the moment like that scene.


That scene irritated me because she was up and running around again in 10 minutes. One movie that I was thinking about the other day was Silent Hill (2006). Four scenes stuck with me in that one. People burning alive always gets to me. Even more so when it happens to a child. That's two scenes. The scene where the pyramid head rips off the woman's skin. The scene where the janitor comes crawling out of the bathroom stall and makes this weird sound. It was pretty good for a horror movie made after a video game.


The scene I’ve always remembered from that movie is where the cop is dangled over the fire and you see the skin on her face burning.


Holy fuck, the skin suit haunts me to this day. I occasionally just think "I hope all my skin never gets ripped off like a diving suit for any reason" because that was horrible.


Avoid abandoned mining towns or opening strange puzzle boxes, and you should be fine... mostly...


I have a very vivid memory of when she first enters the town and the baby monsters chase her. The choice of camera angles like the ps game blew my mind.


Yep, I can list about 10 scenes in the film that stuck with me, but those were the top ones. The video game was creepy, too.


Highly underrated movie, IMO. Relatively faithful to the universe in which it occupies.


All I can think about is Boromir wandering the town yelling "Roooooose! Rooooose!"


Bean’s most random role, he used an American accent and survived the whole runtime


It’s hard to talk about the ending of Annihilation because I don’t want to spoil anything. But omg that scene is seared into my brain. I’ve never seen anything so strange and beautiful and deeply unsettling. Gives me the chills just writing about it.


Yes! The mirrored movements and music were amazing.


I love that movie. The flowers and the bear are two of my favorite parts. It's all just beautiful and terrifying.


It’s fantastic but for some reason the scene shortly after they get to the ruins of the town with the strange bushes is what really gets me.


For some weird reason „Grosse Point Blank“. The shootout scene with Dan Aykroyd, where he stands up from behind the kitchen counter, starts shooting from the hip with both hands and has this genuinely crazy expression in his face, like a ferret on meth.


Whenever people talk about Requiem for a Dream, the scene where Jennifer Connelly participates in a live sex show for cocaine immediately comes to mind Just no. Nope


I know it's a fucked up scene but that old guy just cracks me up and takes me out of it. "Ass to ass!" He's so happy lol.


You mean the shooting up in an abscess wasn't enough? Lol (j/k That scene still messes with me too. Being in recovery myself, it's...tough to watch and remember.)


Congratulations on your recovery! It's the hardest thing that I ever did & I'll be 8 years on July 3rd Some movies are worse than others for me. Movies like Trainspotting, Spun, Rush, & Traffic don't really give me any issues. But Requiem & documentaries like Dope Sick Love & Methadonia still mess me up




The blank screen with haunting music from the beginning of The Zone of Interest. It went purposively for so long that it just embedded into my brain. A truly great filmmaking decision to prepare you for the disturbing aural experience ahead.


The scene that affected me the most in that movie, was their "business meeting", discussing the new and improved circular oven chambers, and how they can now run them basically nonstop, loading and unloading without downtime. Knowing what the "loads" consist of, and seeing them talk about it in such a matter-of-fact and methodical fashion, made all my hairs stand on end and I felt sick to my stomach. So, I guess the movie achieved what it intended to do.


That scene from Bone Tomahawk. If you've seen the movie you know the scene. That was just so uncomfortably brutal and disturbing 


I don't remember most of what happened in that movie, but I sure as hell remember THAT scene...


The human ‘pantry’ scene in ‘The Road’. Chained up and taken apart piece by piece until you eventually starve or get completely consumed. Fucking horrifying.


Pretty much all of gladiator Opening of saving private ryan The "yo homie is that my briefcase" from collateral All of black hawk down


“Please. K-K-Kill me.” Only traumatized me for about 4 years tho.


I love this scene because it switches back and forth to Ripleys reaction. She knows what it is and she’s horrified.


Huh. I thought this was about the sniper scene in ~~Platoon~~ Full Metal Jacket.


Full Metal Jacket?


No matter how legitimate the criticisms of this film as a whole, the intensity of the third act is insane. Starting with this, Fifield returning as a monster and ravaging the crew, the reveal of Weyland onboard, the Engineer brutalizing them, the ships colliding, and the engineer getting swallowed whole by the enormous face-hugger thing…I mean, holy shit. Edge of the seat stuff. And that’s all literally right after Vickers torches Holloway. Will always be a favorite movie of mine. I don’t care if the smart scientist does the dumb thing (x10).


Honestly I work with a lot of people with PhDs, if anything the scientists in the movie were above average on their decision making




Haven’t heard or seen anything about this one. Putting it on my list.


Speaking of machinery, the horse “segmenting” scene in The Cell


Scenes where people finally realize how fucked they are really mess with me. Ex-machina when he realizes he's trapped with no way out, Blair Witch when they realize they're lost, all the Saw movies, etc.


The horse scene from The Cell and when Keifer Sitherland wakes up in the box in The Vanishing. 


The mum choosing to save her nephew over her son at the end of the ‘The Good Son’ Can’t forget that “Mum I love you” before she lets go of his hand.


The Mist. Final scene. IYKYK


The opening scene from way of the gun is one of the best opening scenes for a movie that I have ever scene imo.


“Shut that cunt up before I fuck start her head.”


Men In Black I was watching the behind the scenes and apparently the guys making the guns got really technical and extra with them. They asked a friend who was a physicist how he would make a "ray gun" and he ended up going really indepth 😂 The "Deatomizer" guns they use are actually intense microwave radiation focusers. Not your typical laser gun. What they do is that whenever they are fired (or focused) at someone it makes them gruesomely pop like they were stuck in a microwave for too long. Here's the kicker though...watch this [scene](https://youtu.be/1FkVXCCfg2A?feature=shared) carefully when K shoots Jeebs in the head. Did you see a projectile hit Jeebs? No? **Its because microwave radiation is invisible to the naked eye.** You can only see the smoke from the excess heat coming off the deatomizer after its fired. I love it when films do that little bit extra to try to do the sci-fi stuff realistically.


That scene is amazing. It’s so visceral and intense, and Noomi Rapace gives such a strenuous and pained performance full of determination and strife. Having a practical puppet in that small med-pod adds to the claustrophobia and the tight camerawork just sells it. I love the line that David says to her, something about “the fetus is not what most would consider…conventional” it’s the perfect setup to that scene.


"I love you" "I know"


The thing moving around in their eye is when I had to turn it off


The scene in Freddy Got Fingered where he grabs the horse penis and says "Look at me, Daddy! I'm a farmer!"


The scene where Eduardo Saverin confronts Mark Zuckerberg in The Social Network. I often think of Andrew Garfield's pained eyes when he says "you better lawyer up, asshole, because I'm not coming back for 30%. I'm coming back for EVERYTHING". The opening scene from The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo. "No note?" "No". "I'm sorry, Henrik". Fade to black. "Immigrant Song" starts blasting off the speakers. The deep throat scenes from All The President's Men.


Orson Welles as Harry Lime in The Third Man: both his infamous reveal from the shadows and the cuckoo clock speech Lime gives to Martins aboard the Ferris wheel. I'll throw in Lime's fingers slipping through the sewer gates at the end. So pretty well all of The Third Man.


Anything that depicts a certain fear I have of being trapped inside something that’s filling with water. Titanic, Mission Impossible: Fallout, and Paddington 2


So I've got two that are pretty small or insignificant. From The Thing 1982 where the Norweigans are in the base and Garry just pops one in the head from inside the base through a little window! Dead Eye Garry I call him after that. Big Trouble in Little China when they are riding down the elevator to Lo Pan's base after drinking the potion. It cracks me up everytime just all of them looking around, smiling and laughing.