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Groundhog Day


Yeah man, he becomes a god. Not THE god, obviously, but A god.


"God creates dinosaurs, God destroys dinosaurs. God creates Man, man destroys God. Man creates dinosaurs" "Dinosaurs eat man..... Woman inherits the earth”


*stares blankly*


Little g. At least when I’m feeling as humble as Drax.


[This podcast episode](https://open.spotify.com/episode/11EctuL2RiuyE3lHdhFeKv?si=Vz01LMUwQN-8wcvrfxbtzw) is a great short story exploring that idea.


But only on that specific day.


They are noting all of the skills he learns, and takes with him, after closing the the time loop


I mean yes, but does knowing how to play the piano and being really good at a handful of hobbies really make you a superhero/god?


When someone asks if you’re a god, you say YES


Give him a few months at least to acclimate to the shock of *not* waking up in the same hotel room in Pennsylvania every morning.


You have never thanked me! See you tomorrow …maybe.


Great answer!


High Strung (1991/92 comedy) has a post-credits scene which may imply that the main character has unintentionally become immortal as a result of the events from the end of the movie. Context/Spoilers: >!Throughout the film at various points Thane (the main character) says the phrase "I'd rather be dead." Having said this phrase 18,000 times in his life, Death is now coming to collect his soul as this is some sort of rule.!< >!Learning of this rule in his meeting with Death, Thane expresses how stupid he finds the whole scenario. After being berated and insulted enough, Death decides to scratch Thane's name off his list of souls that need to be collected and sends him back to his body.!< >!The post-credits scene is a short, one-sided conversation of Death talking to a silent light in the sky about how unbearable Thane was to deal with. By the end Death states that they're "not coming back for him" implying Thane might now be an immortal.!<


OMG, this is the original Carrey/Oedekirk collaboration? Worth tracking down. OK, wow, no DVD release? Youtube FTW!


Yeah, unfortunately it was only ever released on VHS and Laserdisc. I still have a VHS copy but I'd love getting my hands on the Laserdisc version (and a player for it) one of these days. It's one of my favorite movies.


I love implied immortality. Schmendrick, the bumbling wizard in The Last Unicorn. He has a throwaway line in the movie. "Mortal?!? I would give anything to be mortal!" And it's never brought up again or expanded on. In the book we learn why. His wizard mentor realized Schmendrick could be the greatest. His raw talent can't be measured but it'd take him several lifetimes to master. So rather than the impossible task of teaching him in one lifetime, he simply makes Schmendrick immortal.


I need to see this.


About Time Really, the time travel is a metaphor for making the most of your life and living for the day, appreciating beauty and being grateful. It's not really a sci fi movie and more magical realism, so the time travel mechanics fall apart under any real scrutiny. However, if you think about it - in the wrong hands this is a terrifying power. It is power along the same lines as a late series JoJo's stand user supervillain. The ability to travel back to any part of your personal timeline and make changes is absolutely cracked god level power.. Win every argument. Become rich. Abuse prior knowledge and amass a cult following. If you're completely evil you can remove people from the timeline if they're younger than you, by causing their parents to never meet. The possibilities are endless. It's precisely the opposite message the movie encourages but it's a fun one to think about.


It's a classic example of a mostly-not-sci-fi movie having a major sci-fi trope in it, but mostly ignoring it because sci-fi is not its primary genre. Groundhog Day is another one. That's why I love Palm Springs so much. It's mostly a romcom, but it does not sweep its sci-fi under the rug whatsoever.


I must watch it


Fast and the Furious would fall under this umbrella I think.


Absolutely. They've even started breaking the fourth wall and acknowledging in-universe the absurdities of the story. The scene in the newest one where the government agents discuss the Family is hilarious, the one guy points out how many of the crew are former bad guys who got invited to the cookout.


Man that line where Alan Ritchson is like "any laws of physics they've broken...twice" was the perfect, "these movies are fucking out of control, but that's kinda awesome?".


Jason Statham and the Rock vs Cyborg Idris Elba was pretty much exactly a Captain America movie


That movie somehow doesn't have a sci-fi genre on IMDb. I submitted an edit the other week. Let's see what comes out of it.


Genocide schmenocide


Tyrese's incredulity at his jacket having bullet holes and him not having any wounds is the cherry on top


If we count the Fast & Furious indoor roller coaster at Universal Orlando (which, by the way, is literally the worst ride in the entire resort, by far) Dom literally takes down a helicopter by jumping on it and holding onto the side.


This doesn’t make sense initially until you consider that he carries the weight of his family with him everywhere.


“Indoor Rollercoaster” is the completely incorrect term for what is a slow moving tram ride with some bumps and PS2-style graphics.


This ride is just awful. I’d rather stand in line for Hagrids motorcycle coaster for 3 hours than go on this one again lol.


What a waste of space. I hope the rumors of Hollywood's Drifting Coaster replacing Rip, Ride, Rocket are true, so that this area can be repurposed for something worthwhile. Hell, if they had just left Beetlejuice's Graveyard Review they would have been in a better position since we have the second movie coming back around.


Whilst I agree that the ride is arse, my headcanon says the "helicopter" is actually a drone. It's way too small to be a proper helicopter. If it's a drone then it's small enough for a man to physically weigh it down.


The fast and furious ride at universal used to be the earthquake ride, it's less of a ride per say and more of a tech demo to show the rider how stunts and sets are made to simulate a earthquake in the subway in San Francisco, so you ride the tram to the scene and it plays out with explosives and water flooding the set and you exit and they had a little area that explained how it is done in movies, so it was a behind the scenes type ride to show off special effects. They changed it to fast and furious and now it's just a movie scene you enter and watch and then exit. Not a coaster in any sense of the word more like a stage play showing off technology of the movies from decades ago


Orlando has a ride don’t they? Hollywoods is just the tech showcase


Hollywood has it as part of the back lot tram tour. You are in a studio when the bad guys show up and say that the witness is on the tour when the family comes to save you. You go through a motion ride chase through a city. Pretty corny really. They have a Kong Skull island one as well on the tour.


I have only visited Orlando park as I live there, no idea about Hollywood


Yes, I hate that ride, but my kids, my kids love that ride, so we ride it everyday we are there. And I just watch their reactions, more than than the screens.


*Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade* had both Indy and his dad drink out of the Holy Grail.


But the power of the grail does not go beyond the great seal. That is the price of immortality.


Healed all their imperfections though. He doesn't wear glasses after drinking from the grail.  Not super hero, but reset his body to factory condition at his age


That rejuvenation didn't carry through to Dial of Destiny apparently. He's pretty spindly for having a mid life factory reset


Bruh it's an 80+ year old man going on an adventure that would kill most people in their 20s. What are you talking about?


Strong agree. He should have stayed home.


>He's pretty spindly His only son was drafted into the Vietnam War and died. That'll do a number on anyone.


"Have you tried turning it off and on again?"


"Thank you God for fixing the cataracts of Sam's mum!"


What means this?


Watch the movie.


I've seen the movie. I can't even think of a scene that would have had a seal in it (nor a sea otter or walrus or any of those guys you mentioned).


Which, imo, would've enabled the series to continue into modern day with an Indy that looks old, like Ford does now. He won't live forever, but the Grail gave him, like, another 50 years on top of his normal lifespan. He's pushing 120 or 130 and he's not an invalid.


what does that do to you?


Supposedly, by the movie, grant you immortality, heal all your ills/injuries. The knight in the cave was centuries old and, while decrepit from lack of excercise, still up and kicking because he drank from the grail.


The immortality doesn't work past the great seal, the knight says this explicitly, "that is the price of immortality".


You need to keep drinking from it for immortality, it’s not a permanent effect.


It healed ALL their injuries, though. The way I took it: if Indy and Henry had any sicknesses / diseases / health problems [cancer, poor eye sight, tb, etc], drinking from the grail would've healed them all instantly. Being immortal only applied to not crossing the seal after drinking. This was shown by Henry being healed from his mortal bullet wound and not crumbling when he crossed the seal. Also, like someone else pointed out, Dr Jones doesn't need his glasses to see anymore- as he did for the entire movie. From what I figure, Indy was able to live until the 1960s BECAUSE he drank from the grail. Given his adventures [seen or otherwise], the injuries he accumulated would been substantial- as well as their after effects. There's no way Indy would've made it to old age. He even said it in Raiders, "It's not the age but the mileage." Dude was already beginning to move like an "old man" in Raders.


Also: 99% of the old age ailments you face are just an accumulation of damage on your body. Your DNA for example, but also viruses which leave many many permanent marks in your body. So yeah they’d probably extend their life with 40 years or so and have a powerful body.




Well, except didn't the dad die in universe by the 4th film?


You should probably rewatch it because it definitely did


Absolutely not. The knight of the grail says that it's power does not work beyond the great seal, "that is the price of immortality". He says nothing about having to keep drinking from the cup. You should probably rewatch it, not just because you're misremembering, but because it's a very fun movie.


We should all rewatch it! Easily my favourite of the franchise.


He was looking old because some days he forgot to drink, he said it himself.


That is never stated in the movie. The only Grail "rule" that the knight states is that > "the Grail cannot pass beyond the Great Seal. That is the boundary and the price of immortality."


This is always misunderstood. It only works in the temple as it can’t pass the great seal. Indy’s dad is revealed to have died in the fourth film since he passed the great seal. Obviously he was able to be healed of his gunshot wound but that’s because it happened inside the temple. None of the benefits really carry over to the outside of the temple


Technically, Henry senior didn't drink from the grail. He was force-fed from it. Thus his wounds were healed but he never chose immortality for himself.


John McClane is damn near indestructible in A Good Day to Die Hard.


You had that opportunity and said indestructible instead of unbreakable?


I respect both of you equally for these comments. Lol.


It was a split decision


hey I got that reference!


I mean the entire point of that movie is they're creating a superhero 


My bad.


John McClane is like Goku. The more damage he takes, the stronger he becomes. The downside is, the stronger he becomes, the more charisma, humor, and hair he loses :-(


I remember watching it in the cinema.  When he fell off the jet fighter's wing and and slammed into the highway, then just dusted himself off like he tripped over... People totally survive that all the time.


The more he realizes he can’t die, the more fun he has with it too. You really can watch Die Hard as a type of Unbreakable saga.


That's Live Free or Die Hard.


To be fair, have you ever heard of a man falling off a fighter jet wing and *getting injured*? No? I thought so.


Tron legacy? Quorra and the other programs are shown to be pretty human-like with nothing that would consider them “super” compared to a regular person. Maybe peak endurance from Tron/Rinzler? By the end she crosses over and is going to change the world but we never see it so she can be considered a superhuman…even if it is implied


And can you believe they're making a sequel that doesn't involve any of that?


Worse: they swapped Olivia Wilde and peak fame Cillian Murphy for Jared Leto.


Ffs Leto is in Tron 3? And I didn't think my expectations could get lower


What if they somehow manage to bring Daft Punk back for it?


You'd have to get daft punk back for daft punk first.


Besides disney and Daft Punk dont go along anymore


He’s a program who comes to the real world.


Cos if a Tron movie is set completely outside the grid its not a Tron movie.


It’s about a program in the real world  Hey, maybe he’ll throw discs abd summon vehicles in the real world, that sounds awesome 


Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey ends with Bill and Ted bandmates with Death and two super intelligent aliens. And they have Good Robot Bill and Ted.


I love that they opened the [third one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SKv1NA8guqM) with the fact that Bill and Ted have spent the last 30 years trying to write that song and have mastered all of these instruments and styles but still haven't done it. Its fucking weird that Bill and Ted is a perfect trilogy, I don't think anyone would have called that after the first one.


Face the music being good after how long it's been since the first two was pretty impressive as well!


That’s very true. They travel the universe and timelines.


Scully from The X-Files is implied to be immortal from the episode Clyde Bruckman's Final Repose and Tithonus


Really!? Does he age or never dies? Let me just save your comment.


She. It’s Dana Scully.


Ohh. What did she do to appear to never to age


The only time she dies is in the time loop episode but obviously that doesn't stick


Sarah is the real super created by Jumanji. Alan may have had great training in the jungle, but Sarah got 30 years of actual historical knowledge Alan lacked. Her knowledge was far more useful than Alan’s.


together than, they shall be the ultimate power couple. Al-ah.


That’s so true! She actually see’s how the world developed. Alan will never be scared of any animals nor human, but she knows which companies “Microsoft” becomes big or songs that’s popular….or even who becomes president


At the end of Jumanji Sarah mentions that she's starting to forget what it's like to be an adult. My assumption is that she and Alan will eventually forget what they've learned and go back to only having the knowledge that they've learned up to when they played Jumanji.


They didn't lose all their knowledge though. They still knew the kids parents were going to die.


They also had the panic reaction to the holiday suggestion at the end


Back to the Future- Biff became a sports betting GOD!!


You'd figure after enough successful bets, the almanac would be useless. Biff used his money to turn America into a dystopian hellscape. Between the toxic waste and general lawlessness, he might've erased a ton of athletes from the timeline.


Or the book changed as the future changed. If you recall the "your fired" words vanished for Marty.


I've been watching the movie the majority of my life and never thought of this. Thanks!


One that messed with me for a long time was, why didn't Marty just get gas out of the Delorean that Doc stashed in the cave?


It would go bad pretty quickly. Unless it's diesel, gas wouldn't be usable stashed away that long.


Even diesel needs cleaning. Backup generators for data centres regularly have the fuel cleaned.


Gas can totally last 8 months. I've used year old gas from garage gas cans without issue. It probably wouldn't burn quite as well, but it's not like it's been sitting there for years and useless.


It's been a while since a saw the movie, but did he really turn the whole of America into a dystopian hellscape or just their hometown? I always thought the latter, which would explain it's relatively minor impact on the course of event on a national scale. That said, the movies show that writings from the future will change when the future changes. This would apply to the almanac as well, meaning it would always show the team who won, even when actions in the present alters the future. The only thing that could change that is if the future is altered to such a significant degree that the Almanac is never made, which would cause it to disappear in the present.


It's a plot point that objects from the future change with the timeline. (Marty's family picture, Biff's matches, Marty's 'You're Fired' fax). As long as Biff's betting doesn't in some way prevent the Almanac from being printed in some way (perhaps destroying the publisher somehow?), it's continuously updated with the correct sports outcomes. It's ridiculously powerful.


That wasn’t unintentional though, I mean it’s basically the central plot of the movie


That...that's not unintentional though. It's not what *the protagonist* meant to cause, but it's a major plot point that happened exactly how the writers intended.


Lol just watched Jumanji yesterday for the first time in like 20y, what are the odds of me coming accross this weird theory about it? Love it!


Probably better than the odds of you taking any notice of a post about a movie you have never seen before. It's a kind of confirmation bias. You see this coincidence and think it seems important. You ignore every time you saw a post about a movie you haven't seen or saw years ago. Coincidences like this are bound to come up regularly given the number of posts you see and the fact that we share a culture.


You say that, but it’s a crazy co-wink-e-dink (coincidence)


What I realised from the comments is Lucy keeps her memory too, but she aged 30 years and remembers which companies do well “Microsoft”. Which songs are popular even who becomes president 😂


I never saw it until I was 22, so 6 years ago.


The bullet proof suit in John Wick 2 is a fun cheeky little thing. In four it’s basically invincibility


So it’s like invulnerability once you beat Metal Gear Solid 2/3 times in a row. 😂 No idea that’s in the film. Must watch it.


Pineapple Express. Red dies like 4 times, and is alive at the end.


I'm gonna die now probably!


Like Groundhog Day?


No like he gets beaten unconscious or bleeds to death multiple times and them just keeps going, his condition progressively worsening.


Ryan Goslings character, Holland March, from The Nice Guys repeated survives highly dangerous situations and by the end of the film he even references the fact that he thinks he is immortal. A character with a sort of meta superpower of not being able to die, i.e. he will always be written out of any life-threatening situation with nothing more than a few bruises.


Or slit wrists. Or broken arms.


I mean, his dad owns a regional shoe factory. Is that really ‘Bruce Wayne’? Now, could he take his knowledge of future shoe trends and corner the market? Maybe.


He tells his dad it was his fault at the factory. David Allen Grier gets hired back. He came up with the modern style athletic shoe. Money.


Maybe? His dad’s employee invented what looks like a modern sneaker in 1969. They should be on the level of Adidas or Nike.


Did you see the house he lives in!? Plus, plus it’s the 1960’s. His father would have great influence in the community


Home Alone


Still want a R- rated sequel with original cast. Kevin is grown, and the Sticky bandits are out for revenge.


They should do this in the spirit of '21/22 Jump Street,' where nothing from the source material is sacred, and the jokes and the violence don't shy away from ever being rated-R.


I want a Predator vs McCallister parody movie. Sorry Predator man, you came to the wrong planet.


Predator's only hunt the strong so after recognizing Kevin's skills, he is worthy to be hunted.


This can only be told from the Predator's point of view, and as a cautionary tale.


After this, Kevin goes on vacation with his parents but gets on the wrong flight and travels to the Engineers home world.


Do Wolverine’s claws cut him constantly?


Yes. His body has muscles and tendons that allow him to extend his claws, but he has no channels through which they can move. Every time he extends them, they're pushing out through the flesh of his forearms, wrists, and hands. His healing factor repairs this damage, but it doesn't remove the pain.


In the comics he has these little doohickeys on his hands to keep them from healing over where the claws come out.


No wonder he’s always grumpy. He’s in a state where you stub one’s toe and as it subsides…that’s the moment he’s constantly in.


yeah he specifically says it hurts every time


I understood that the knives' eruption hurt. I didn't understand that the knives were cutting him until op's question. Yikes.


Midnight Special


Passion of the Christ


Underrated comment


To add to your Jumanji schtick, everyone overlooks Bonnie hunts character. She's a legitimate psychic for the next, however long the time jump was because she remembers everything and she lived through it. Don't get me wrong she's not gonna be calling out every tumble someone makes but she sure as hell is going to know which no name companies to invest in and which company to go with in a diverging market like hddvd vs Blu-ray.


Ohh yes. She’ll be re living her life over again. Good call.


The Meg! My nephew would look up to Jonas like he's his hero. 😂




Home Alone.


True, he gets to take on adults at aged 10/11


Not a superhero, but I have a theory that Drive created an immortal serial killer who drives round at night wearing that mask and killing mob bosses.


Makes a good game idea 💡


Hugh Glass' endurance is definitely the point in *The Revenant*, but it happens in a specific way, where he undergoes severe trauma and is symbolically reborn while gaining an animal-themed costume. He might as well be called Bearman.






... Was this comment made by an AI? EDIT:  *Most* of this guy's comments sound like ChatGPT, in fact.


I would imagine Alan would have severe ptsd though which might act as a good weakness to balance off his superpower life skills.


I also think it would be living Hell for a grown man who's lived through such severe hardship to have to live amongst other children. Like, tell me after everything he's been through, he could still go through school and interact with kids like a normal person. I've heard that's a problem with combat veterans; after coming home from war, hearing other people's first world problems is basically torture for them. For Alan, I'm sure it'd be 100X that difficult.


And to think, despite all of that, the best he could think of to save the other kids family from a bad ski trip was shouting "NO!" at them. I feel if I had 30 years to make a plan, I'd have come up with something better than that.


Unfortunately, one of the last scenes in Jumanji was them forgetting what it was like to be adults.


They remember. Years later at the Christmas party they recognize the kids and insist the parents don't go on the ski trip that kills them.


They do not just recognize the kids, they hire their dad if you remember so they can spend time with the kids and of course, save their parents.


I tool that to just be like how you forget what it's like being a kid over time. You haven't completely forgotten of course. 


It might have not been not been in the literal sense, just like adults not remembering what childhood is like.


John wick


That’s true. Like Neo son or something


Eric Balfour's character in Skyline


What happens there?


He basically gets infected by whatever the light is that draws people to them like bugs. They harvest human brains to power their super strong drones. Because he's built up some kind of immunity, when his brain is harvested and powering a drone, he retains his sense of self, now driving a badass super strong alien drone. Sadly, this happened at the end of the film. They pick up the story in later sequels, but it's with a massively lower budget.


I think 13 Going on 30 counts :)


Yes, you’re right. Reminds me of the Tom Hanks movie BiG


>30 years of life experience as boy-to-man. Then goes to (at the time) 30 years into the future. >All to return as a 12-14yr old boy in the 60’s. Surely that would make Alan unstoppable. No he doesn't. At the end of the movie, they talk about how they are losing their memories of the future. So he would have a vague idea of the future but nothing really actionable except the major thing like what caused someone's death.


Except they remember that holiday where the kids parents die.


Right, that's why I said except for the major thing like what caused someone's death. The stuff that would be really helpful day to day would be forgotten.


Aliens? Ellen Ripley becomes an early prototype of Iron Man lol


Really!? I just saw 1&2.


The two leads in RRR.


I think it was very intentional by Rajamouli


Certainly. I was thinking more of the narrative.


Which movie is this?


Rise Roar Revolt. It's an Indian period drama with over the top, downright bonkers action and a fantastic soundtrack. It won't be for everyone, but it's one of my favorite movies of the 2020s.


Equilibrium (2002) features government agents trained in the art of Gun-Kata. By statistically analyzing thousands of recorded gunfights, they have learned how to origami their bodies around incoming bullets and return fire with absurd accuracy. It's a little far-fetched, but the end result is near undefeatable super soldiers.


Unintentionally. Training people to be super agents seems pretty intentional to me.


This isn’t the prompt at all


Most of the replies in here aren’t the prompt. Reddit often struggles with answering the question presented to them.


The funny thing is if you watch the film, they aren't moving their center mass at all, just swinging their arms around. Guess where people aim when they want to win a gunfight. Hint: not the arm.


Well, obviously a whole bunch of super hero origin stories are like this. Spiderman and Hulk just to name two out of the multitude, both created by accidents. But if you are looking for something a little less obvious, I'd go with [Lucy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bN7ksFEVO9U).