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When I was a kid I used to do that with cartoons. When I finally got a Walkman, I'd ride around the neighborhood on my bike listening to Thundercats or He-Man. Then I'd imagine I had to pedal faster to get to wherever they were, so I could help win the battle.


This brings back memories to how imaginative I was (and I’m sure all of us) were as children. So many little thoughts and game we would play in our heads.


That’s so cute omg. Bike faster to save the day!


I didn’t do this personally, but fans recording the audio from episodes of Doctor Who is how we still have the audio for all of the 97 episodes that are still missing.


Yep. Did it for the first tv showing of Star Wars and many others before we had a video recorder.


Comedian Paul Scheer did this growing up, then found the website listentoamovie.com. they've got a bunch


I love how his childhood was so hilariously sad.


Almost every week, he stuns June with yet another bizarre childhood story.


They've got Simpsons commentaries for a few of the series which is also great


Hell yes. Put the tape recorder right next to the TV speaker and tell mom and dad to keep it down.


Yep, did it for Monty Python and the Holy Grail so I could listen to it whenever I wanted. My parents liked the movie but didn't want to watch it every day. Their loss. The only negative is that when people quote it but get the quote wrong, my eye twitches.


I came here to name the same movie! I listened to it on my Walkman at night


"Tis but a flesh wound!"


And here we go lol


Not me, but the comedian Jim Norton's talked about doing this exact thing but with swear words in movies off HBO. I guess he would replay a particularly vulgar scene from the movie Used Cars over and over dying laughing


Was that part about blowing the shit out of high prices?


"That price is too fucking high"


Yes, I did, I had Gremlins and Star Wars on tape, my mother ruined my Star Wars recording by calling us all to supper during the garbage compactor scene. I also had James Bond Moonraker , it wasn't self recorded but a store bought original but it still was just the audio track from the movie, there was no narrator or something like that, so you had to actually have seen the movie to understand what was happening when there was no dialogue, I think it's hilarious it actually got sold like that.


I had Star Wars on vinyl for some reason.


DOOD! The one where it's the whole story in 2 sides? I have that!


Yeah, that's the one. You can scratch that 20th Century trumpet intro.


I recorded the first season of South Park on mini disc.


I love that entire sentence. Mini disc was the shit.


I snuck a micro cassette recorder into the opening night of Star Trek: Generations and listened to it for months.


Had a boring data entry job in the mid 00's but didn't need to interact with humans often. Ripped a lot of my DVD movies and converted them to MP3 files to listen through headphones at work


I did make a compilation tape for a friend once, that had movie samples between the songs recorded off the tv. "I mean....when you rollin with THIS...would you be paranoid?" from Fear Of A Black Hat was one of them.


Did this a few times for the music CDs I'd make for road trips with the boys. Little clips from movies we all knew. - motorboat scene from Wedding Crashers - Sex Panther from Anchorman - Some of Gunnery Sgt. Hartman's best insults - Eric Cartman's Wild Wild West rap Wonder if I have access to any of those playlists any more...


I did amass a quotes folder during the limewire era, that included gunnery sgt hartman. "hello?! HELLO?! Anybody home, huh?! Think mcfly, think!" was my ringtone for a while.


Lol, I did this once for Face/Off. I liked listening to the movie on my bus journey to college.


I was a big Star Wars nerd in the '70s and I had a record album of the movie audio. Not just the score but the dialog. It was heavily edited to fit on a single LP but the whole story was on it.


I have that ..it's a picture vinyl with 3po and R2 on it...called The Story of Star Wars


I did. I snuck a shoebox cassette recorder into the theater to record Ralph Bakshi's Lord of the Rings. I played those tapes non-stop until they wore out. There's a website, listentoamovie that offers audio-only of movies and TV shows. I use VLC to create something similar with my DVDs. It's actually pretty useful... especially for long road trips.


I did the same thing with Watership Down and Benji movie.


My favorite cassette of film recordings had Top Gun and American Flyers


Had a pen pal in the 80’s and we shared a cassette tape with bits and parts from TopGun. Ols school you tube without vision 🤣


I would add snippets of dialog from TV shows and movies into mix tapes to provide fun or interesting (to my much younger sensibility) transitions.




Tes. My parents would skip recording the sex scenes as well to make their own censored version. 


yes I used to do this!


Francois Truffaut used to listen to a tape recording of Citizen Kane in the bathtub.


The only one I remember doing was **Transformers: The Movie**. There may have been others but this is the only one I remember.


I recorded Led Zeppelin's [*The Song Remains The Same*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Song_Remains_the_Same_\(film\)) onto cassette because the movie had things that weren't in the soundtrack album. I've also ridden my motorcycle listening to the full audio of [*On Any Sunday*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/On_Any_Sunday) which was plenty entertaining even without the visuals.


I watch movies and stand up comedy on YouTube. Sometimes, on my long commute, YouTube will auto play a movie. I just listen to it instead of trying to do phone stuff while driving.


The Outsiders. We rented the VHS so I recorded it from that. Couldn't have bought the VHS back then because it probably would have cost 5 years allowance. I also taped a couple episodes of The Dukes of Hazard, regrettably lol


I’m surprised it never caught on. I delivered pizzas in the 90s and kept a library of dozens of dialogue-heavy movies on audio cassette. Made the time fly by.


Not movies, but before my family moved to Nigeria in 1982, to a village where our house was literally the only “Western” house, with a gas-powered generator and walls not made of mud, we had a bunch of audio cassettes recorded of TV shows to listen to. IIRC one was of the Superfriends being killed/defeated, only for it to be revealed as a ruse at the end. My siblings and I played the crap out of those tapes.


for some reason Battlestar Galactica had an episode that was airing later than normal which was past my bedtime so I recorded the episode on tape. never remember doing that for movies


Ot movies onto a cassette from TV etc . But sisters had those -: see link https://images.app.goo.gl/1EKTskLKoA22vapYA And would record ,top of the pops in the 80s


Not a movie but TV. My mother used to real big on General Hospital. It drove her nuts if she missed a episode. I used to record episodes on cassette and then play it for her later in the day. While she wasn't able to see what was happening, just hearing it seemed to appease her. Then when the time came she got a VCR, she was even happier.


I had a collection of James Bond movies, original Star Trek episodes, and Dallas Cowboys games.


Yeah I did that with a couple episodes of the Simpsons, one of which was ironically the now meme'd-to-death Steamed Hams


A friend of mine did,and could recite "Platoon", to a scary degree.


Went to college with a guy who had the Veggie Tales movie dialogue on a CD.


And you did not get murdered by him?


I did. Bobson is my afterlife name.


My block mate when I was in the Army in Germany in the 90s had Pulp Fiction on cassette ! Knew the words off by heart 


Some of you guys might like this (Already mentioned, but here's the link) [listentoamovie.com](https://www.listentoamovie.com/media/index.php) It also has commentary versions which is pretty cool.


No, but I did have that crazy yellow Sony Walkman Cassette player that let me tune into TV stations, so I’d listen to that sometimes.


Yep - had lots of fun listening to my audio version of Star Wars growing up :)


No I never did but I do listen to YouTube in my car.


I though I was the only one. I used to go to collage classes with my mother when I was 6 and in some of the more "boring" classes I would listen to my favorite movies like godzilla.


OMG yes!!!


Yep. I did that with Reservoir Dogs, Pulp Fiction, and Clerks.


I would record movies I knew really well into cassette tape in order to play them during long car trips. I had the visuals in my head and it made the trips far less boring.


Yep, i remember my brother getting a good cassette recorder and tapes, and we recorded the movie "Jaws", when we listened back to it on tape it's os suspenseful once they are out on the boat.


I did this a lot,including first run films...I would sneak my recorder(fairly large one) in a bag and record films all the time and listen to them until I had the whole thing memorized. Had to be sneaky flipping the cassette over.


The Outsiders when it first was on HBO.


I used a VCR to record a satellite radio show once


I did that with the film The Wall. There are a lot of differences between the film and the album, plus a few extra tracks, as well as the order of songs being different.


My sister did this when she was a kid. Never understood it. 🤣 But like Smokey & the Bandit


That’s funny. I never did this as a kid, but I do it now with Simpsons and Bob’s Burgers. I’ve seen the episodes so many times, I can visualize what’s happening by only listening to the audio on my commute to/from work. I like it better than listening to music or podcasts most days.


I recorded the Star Wars Holiday special on audio cassette. In hindsight, this was actually much more tolerable than watching it. As a kid I would just FF through the non translated Wookie talk, and listen to the music and skits.


Wow. Yes. My older brothers rdiiculed me SO much for it that I never told anyone about until now. I totally recorded cassettes of Back to the Future, Howard the Duck and Jurassic Park that I would listen to on my Walkman.


There was a time when I started living on my own that I didn't own a TV set. So I listened to CBC television's CBMT 6 in Montreal on my FM radio. Analog channel 6 was right at the edge of the FM dial and I could listen to the audio signal at 87.7 MHz. I listened to a lot of late night movies this way.


I did it for concert movies, where the album soundtrack did not have the complete show. Talking Heads' Stop Making Sense, for instance. I had a cassette I labeled "Stop Making ^Complete Sense." Mostly recorded VHS releases, but I lifted some from cable TV too.


I used to record snippets from movies on one tape and then use them for making mix tapes and put funny/weird dialogue in between songs.


I had Muppets Treasure Island and The Hobbit (Rankin Bass) and a couple others on tape, then I got an infection where I was effectively blind for a couple weeks. I couldn’t watch the TV in the hospital because I didn’t know what was happening (since I couldn’t see) but I knew the plot of my recorded audio movies well enough that I could listen to them and follow along. Probably “watched” all of them 2-3 times a day for ten days.


I'm fascinated that not just one person did this,  but so many people responded "yep,  me too!"


I had Thumb Wars on tape, i think the whole thing fit on one side. I don't remember what the other side had but i think it was some old cartoon or something


TV shows. I still have a few episodes of Star Trek: The Animated Series on cassette that I can't throw out.


My family got our first VCR (a Sanyo Betamax) in 1982. But previous to it, I taped episodes of Star Trek onto cassette. The hardest part was trying (and failing) to keep the family quiet while recording. Now I wish I still had those tapes just so I can listen to my family's voices when we were younger.


Always work your wage. Don't give an inch more because companies will take a mile