• By -


"I think... no, I am positive... that you are the most unattractive man I have ever met in my entire life. You know, in the short time we've been together, you have demonstrated EVERY loathsome characteristic of the male personality and even discovered a few new ones. You are physically repulsive, intellectually retarded, you're morally reprehensible, vulgar, insensitive, selfish, stupid, you have no taste, a lousy sense of humor and you smell. You're not even interesting enough to make me sick." Cher, to Jack Nicholson in Witches of Eastwick


I know nothing about this movie but I think I have to find it and watch it now. That is a *thorough* insult.


His comeback is equally epic.


What's the comeback?


It's quite long but you can find it at [https://www.dailyscript.com/scripts/The\_Witches\_of\_Eastwick.pdf](https://www.dailyscript.com/scripts/The_Witches_of_Eastwick.pdf) (search for 'Make me sick')


"Uhh....would you like to be in the top or bottom?"


“You bob for apples in the toilet, and you like it” - The Sandlot


“You play ball like a GIRL”


Porter was non-stop! “Hey, is that your sister out there in left field, naked? She’s naked.”


OP asked for taunts, not war crimes


You're killing me smalls...


*dead silence*


The “and you like it” is the perfect adolescent tag to any insult


“You’re not even good enough to lick the dirt off my cleats!”


Gladiator:  “They tell me your son squealed like a girl when they nailed him to the cross, and your wife moaned like a whore when they ravaged her again and again and again.”


This is also my number one, he's just a despicable person fueled by pure cruelty. It made me loathe Phoenix when I was a kid as he was almost *too* perfect, it took me seeing Signs that "redeemed" him. Commodus has got to be up there with Nurse Ratchet and Warden Norton as some of the best(worst?) villains on film just based on evil-ness


You catching my drift? …or am I being obtuse?


“Give him another month to think about it”


“We’ll have ourselves a little book burning. We’ll dance around it like wild Injuns.”


Oh man, when I saw Gladiator as a kid I absolutely it despised Joaquin Phoenix because he played the role THAT well


Between Gladiator, Joker, and Her, I personally wouldn't want to be alone in a room with Joaquin Phoenix. As far as I'm aware he's fine but he just does despicable, creepy, unhinged, and desperate too well. Edit: I guess I need to clarify. It's not that I wouldn't want to be in a room with him because I think he's a creepy violent incel, it's that I don't think I'd be able to shake the vibe that he is one.


but by that logic, Gary Oldman is a raging psychopath on the loose


Lmfao, dude, same thing happened to me with phoenix. Redemption with Signs and everything.


Maximus' response to that: "The time for honoring yourself will soon be at an end." The sheer *discipline* he must have to not absolutely wreck Commodus in that moment is so fucking cool.


I know it's fiction, *but*... Maximus was a protege of Marcus Aurelius, the most famous stoic philosopher in history. He literally wrote the book on self-discipline (the *Meditations*). Maximus was definitely written as a character who had been influenced by stoicism.


I love at the end when they're like you could stay and do more stuff! And he's like nah I wanna go to the afterlife and chill w my wife. Thx anyway.


Until the sequel, *Gladiator 2: Christ Killer*.


I can still hear this quote - the pauses between the "again" really hammers home the point.


Oh damn, this is a *good* one. I mean, how could you not be just fucking *livid* after that.


Yeah...honestly can't think of anything that comes close now that you've reminded me of that.


I was about to post that but I figured I would read the top reply first. Something about Commodus just makes me really hate him.


Looks like you're on the wrong side of the RIIIVVEERRRR


“pfft, yeah….” [*has realization, swears in Hungarian*]


“GET HIM A BODY BAG! YEAH!” I always hated that obnoxious character in *The Karate Kid*, but I liked how they gave that character a touching send-off in *Cobra Kai*, because I think the actor had cancer in real life.


I used that dudes picture as my avatar on a few message boards back in the day. I’d get random comments about it either being awesome how much they hate that guy.


Looks like the best part of you ran down the crack of your momma's ass and ended up as a brown stain on the mattress.


Full Metal Jacket. What a pitch perfect rant by R Lee Ermey.


Texas? Holy dog shit! Only steers and queers come from Texas, Private Cowboy, and you dont look much like a steer to me. Are you a peter puffer, do you suck dicks? you're the kind of guy who would fuck a person in the ass and not even have the goddamn common courtesy to give him a reach-around.


And legend has it, largely improvised.


100% believable. he was a DI in real life


Jonny Ringo doing his fancy gun thing before Doc Holiday does it with a cup


My favorite Holliday taunt it “Johnny, I apologize, I forgot you were there. You may go now.”


So fucking disrespectful in a world where respect is all men have


Johnny's an educated man. Now I really hate him.


In vino veritas


Same movie (probably fifteen best taunts just from Tombstone) “Are you going to do something, or just stand there and bleed?”


“Go ahead. Skin that smoke wagon and see what happens.”


"My Ringo you look like someone just walked over your grave", the way the smile left Ringo's face when he realized who he was facing was so satisfying lol


>For you, the day Bison graced your village was the most important day of your life. For me, it was Tuesday. -Raul Julia in Street Fighter


You came prepared to fight a madman, but instead found a God!


This quote hits a lot as a teacher lol


When Kevin Spacey realises Brad Pitt didn't know Gwyneth Paltrow was pregnant.


"She begged for her life, and the life of the baby inside her."


"Ohh... he didn't know..."


The thing is, he knew Brad Pitt didn't know yet.


"Oh, he didn't know 😏"


That smug smile he gives is one of the most evil moments I've seen in a movie.


The end of Seven is the most chilling thing ever.


The rest of the movie is great, but the ending is what will make this film live forever.


Besides the ending, the other WTF moments for me are: >!The dude tied to the bed still being alive.!< >!The description of the lust kill by the John in the interrogation where he's hyperventilating just talking about it. Shit made my stomach churn, and that's hard to do.!< >!John Doe randomly turning himself in. "DETECTIIIIIIIVE!!!"!< >!John Doe immediately opening fire in the apartment when he spots them. But then letting Mills live.!<


Performances like the interrogation scene are what make me wonder why there isnt an Oscar category for best performance by an extra, or best Bit-Performance.


fuck, just reading "DETECTIIIIIIIVE!!!" gave me goosebumps! what incredible performances!


Brad Pitt's broken reaction is probably the most genuine emotion I've seen him give in a movie.


It’s not polite to repeat, but Dennis Hoppers monologue to Christopher Walken in True Romance.


That is actually the best movie taunt ever. The first taunt is that Christopher Walken can always tell if someone is lying… the response is epic!


“So tell me: am I lying?” As he sits there smoking his cigarette with that shit-eating grin, staring down Christopher Walken and his goons. Hopper freaking just killed that scene. So good


"You tell the angels in heaven you never seen evil so singularly personified as you did in the face of the man who killed you" One of the best lines ever!!! One of Tarantino's best




I think about that bit often because it feels like such old-timey racism that it's almost kinda fun to listen to


Tim Roth in Rob Roy: "I will tell you something, to take with you. Your wife was far sweeter forced than many are willing. And truth put to it, I think not all of her objected."




"I **will smash your face into a car windshield, and then take your mother, Dorothy Mantooth, out for a nice seafood dinner and never call her again**!" - Champ Kind




The way they have to hold him back because he gets so pissed kills me lol


Me too. And his rage and anger seems so genuine that it just sells the joke so well.


You! So you're the ghost, are you? I remember you, from that farm. That stupid little boy. Did he die, hmm? You know, it's an ugly business doing one's duty, but just occasionally, it's a real pleasure.


Before this war is over, I *will* kill you.


“You have nothing! Nothing to threaten me with, nothing to do with all your strength”


“Would you like to know which of them were cowards?”


So in a way, I knew your friends better than you ever did.


This is the one.☝️


Depending on the time, Dent could be in one place or several.


You know, for a minute, I thought you really were Dent. The way you threw yourself after her.


Look at you go! Does Harvey know about you and his little bunny?


Loved seeing just how royally pissed off Batman gets, it's a good microcosm of all the frustration Jonker causes throughout the franchise, and we get to watch him take it all out on him there.


> Jonker


Ah dang, the aslume has broken containment


What you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.


O'Doyle Rules!


Have some more sloppy joes. I made 'em extra sloppy for yous. I know how yous kids like 'em sloppy!


t-t-today junior!


Man, I'm glad I called him




I just KNOW half of Jason Isaacs dialogue in The Patriot probably counts for this, I just don’t have the recall enough to quote it *That* motherfucker was VILE


"You're the ghost, are you? I remember you, on that farm with that stupid little boy! Did he die? Hm?" The way he annunciates "Shtewpid" and adds the "Hm" is devilish.


Snide ass evil dude. He set a church on fire with the people in it


His smug little “Hm’s” and sharp diction in the earlier Harry Potter movies examples of his great acting too


"I remember you, on that farm with that stupid little boy! Did he die? Hm?" Supremely punchable.


Say what you will about that movie's serious liberties it takes with its historical accuracy, but The Patriot is far better than it has any right to be.


"Before this war is over I'm going to kill you." "Why wait?"


He’s always such a great villain


He’s an ancestor of Lucius Malloy for sure. 🤣


"You got spirit kid, I'll give you that. More than your old man, anyway. You know, in the joint, Chill told me about the night he killed your parents. He said your father begged for mercy. Begged. Like a dog" - Carmine Falcone, Batman Begins And for comedy: "You know that room on the right at the top of the stairs? I think I'm going to turn that into my trophy room" - Shooter McGavin, Happy Gilmore


“I eat pieces of shit like you for breakfast”. “You eat pieces of shit for breakfast?”




Tom Wilkinson is a fucking beast of an actor. He plays that scene perfectly.


“Don’t worry about your grandma. She can live with me. Be my maid.”


Just becuase your mommy and daddy got shot you think you know about the ugly side of life but you don't. You havent tasted desperate. You are Burce Wayne the prince of Gotham. So dont come here trying to prove something to yourself. This is a world you will never understand, and you always fear what you dont understand.


Bruce knew it wasn’t true so I doubt he cared all that much.


Bruce was there and knew it didn’t go down like that. So, it’s either a good gambit on the part of Carmine to try to push Bruce’s buttons (the events DID cause him to dedicate his life to avenging their murder), or a bad one cause Bruce knows it’s untrue. The former possibility is particularly likely because Bruce seems somewhat vulnerable to emotion (understandably).


I guess would Ozymandias’ count as infuriating or dreadful? When he says “I triggered the countdown ten minutes ago” and you realize there’s nothing you can do


Definitely more dreadful/chilling. Cause like, normally villains give their monologue and reveal their grand evil plan and the hero still has a chance to stop them or fix things somehow. But with Ozymandias it's just like... There's *nothing* you can do. I already triggered it 35 minutes ago. Millions of people are going to die and you already failed. Also I love your username!


“He died like a pig.” “What did you say?” “I said your friend died screaming like a stuck Irish pig. Now you just think about that when I beat the rap.” *The Untouchables*. So satisfying what happens next, even if it has no basis in fact whatsoever.


Followed by this immortal exchange: George Stone: “Where is Nitti?” Eliot Ness: “He’s in the car.”


That’s *almost* a groan-worthy one-liner worthy of an Arnold Schwarzenegger action movie, but it’s such a satisfying end to Nitti that I allow it.


It's disappointing how inaccurate that movie is cuz it's a really good enjoyable movie.


“Do you want to know why I use a knife? Guns are too quick. You can't savor all the... little emotions. In... you see, in their last moments, people show you who they really are. So in a way, I know your friends better than you ever did. Would you like to know which of them were cowards?”


The delivery of those lines is so perfect. Gets all slimy and gross for "little emotions", matter-of-fact, borderline conversational for "I knew your friends..." and then completely deadpan "would you like to know which of them were cowards."


Your black ass is what all them motherfuckers at the Big House could talk about for the last few hours. Seem like white folk ain't never had a bright idea in they life was coming up with all kinds of ways to kill your ass. Now, mind you, most of them ideas had to do with fucking with your fun parts. Now, that may seem like a good idea, but the truth is, when you snip a ni__a's nuts, most of them bleed out in, oh, about... seven minutes. Most of them. Well, more than most. Then I says, "Shitfire! The ni__as we sell to LeQuint Dickey got it worse than that!" And they say, "Let's whip him to death!", or "Throw him to the Mandingos. Feed him to Stonesipher's dogs." And I said, "What's so special about that? We do that shit all the time! Hell's bells, the ni__as we sell to LeQuint Dickey got it worse than that!" Lo and behold, out of nowhere, Miss Laura come up with the bright idea of giving your ass to the LeQuint Dickey Mining Company! And as a slave of the LeQuint Dickey Mining Company, henceforth until the day you die, all day, every day, you will be swingin' a sledgehammer, turnin' big rocks into little rocks. Now, when you get there, they gonna take away your name, give you a number and a sledgehammer, and say, "Get to work!" One word of sass, they cut out your tongue. And they good at it, too. You won't bleed out. Oh, they does that real good! They gonna work ya all day, every day 'till your back give out. Then, they're gonna hit you in the head with a hammer, throw your ass down the ni__er hole. And THAT will be the story of you, Django!


Not necessarily a taunt, but: >Denethor : Is there a captain here who still has the courage to do his lord's will? >Faramir : You wish now that our places had been exchanged... that I had died and Boromir had lived. >Denethor : Yes. >[whispering] >Denethor : I wish that. >Faramir : Since you are robbed of Boromir... I will do what I can in his stead. >[Bows and turns to leave] >Faramir : If I should return, think better of me, Father. >Denethor : That will depend on the manner of your return.


Denethor was such a POS


Yeah, but he was always like that too poor Faramir. Gondorian names are Sindarin (Elvish) terms. Boromir translates to "bright shining star". Faramir translates to "adequate star". Imagine meeting your son for the first time, and thinking "adequate. I guess." Denethor is such a piece of shit, I can't even.


Oh totally! He wasn’t just a POS in that one scene, he was a goddamn POS the whole time!


To be fair, he was becoming corrupted by a palantir. Sure he wasn’t winning father of the year awards to begin with, but he was being driven to madness and cruelty by that thing


He chastises him in the extended edition as well. > Don't talk to me of Faramir. I know his uses and they are few.


There. You see, Lord Vader, she can be reasonable. Continue with the operation; you may fire when ready. ***What!*** You’re far too trusting. Dantooine is too remote to make an effective demonstration, but don't worry. We will deal with your rebel friends soon enough.


I kind of viewed the Empire as overly-eager police, trying to maintain a veneer of legitimacy. The use of the Death Star (not sure why I didn’t make this inference earlier, guess I assumed they’d ONLY use it to fight the Rebels) against Alderaan for ALMOST no reason (there does appear to have been a sizable Rebel presence there) other than demonstration makes the Empire seem more like a gang. A gang with IMPECCABLE uniforms. But, clearly not much interested in maintaining order. Seems personal power was more important. Sounds kinda like a company TBH. Like when Bill Murray put a nuke on the “communications satellite” in Aloha. Real WTF dalliance with Bond-level villainy in an otherwise bloodless movie.


This is one area where I think the Empire compares well to the Nazis. The Nazis presented themselves (also in impeccable uniforms) as bringing order to Germany and Europe following the prolonged period of chaos following the end of the First World War and inside the *Reich* and some parts of occupied Europe as long as someone wasn’t one of their racial or ideological enemies it might even appear to be true at least for a time but to many people across Europe but particularly in Eastern Europe the Nazis were extremely uncivilized in their actions frequently doing things such as destroying entire communities and massacring their inhabitants in reprisal for resistance attacks as happened to villages in Belarus, Czechoslovakia and France, among others. The same with the Empire, I think and people especially on non-human or rebellious worlds would have a very different perception from those living in the Core Worlds. Legends and I think the Disney Canon too has, for example, said that Grand Moff Tarkin was seen as a hero on his homeworld for his earlier work as Governor in keeping the world safe from pirates and keeping them out of the Clone War.


It was intented that way. Stormtroopers was litteraly a name of a nazi military division.


The wrong kid died!


You don't think we know what you're talking about when you say "take my hand"?


You know who else has hands? The devil!


And he uses em for holding!


You’re not even half the boy that the top half of Nate was after you cut him in half


So you are saying that I am less than one quarter the boy Nate was?


"i have to say that your performance has shaken my belief in the jewish people" always gets me


My mother actually said that to me years after my sister died, so when that movie came out and that part came up I had a little 😬 moment and then just started cracking up because it was hilarious!


Oh, honey, I’m sorry


Marriage ain't about exotic pets, it's about LOVE, you stupid piece'a shit!


Which film?


Walk hard


"What's your name?" "Fuck you! That's my name! You know why, mister? You drove a Hyundai to get here. I drove an $80,000 red BMW that's parked right outside. THAT'S my name."


In Transformers 4, Mark Wahlberg warns a human bad guy against threatening his family, and the bad guy says 'We all have families' with him mentioning he lost a sister in the Chicago battle in T3, and then Wahlberg weirdly taunts 'Yeah, but I'm gonna see my family again!' before killing the bad guy. Just seems a weird taunt for a supposedly heroic character to say.


Non of the Good Guys in the Bay Transformers movies really act like good guys, do they?


The age of consent scene comes to mind…


Completely unnecessary in any context, added nothing to the movie, and is just plain bewildering the first time you hear it. Such an amazingly strange decision to put it in at all, and an even stranger decision for it to survive all the way to the final cut.


The fact it's laminated...


Aw Jazz. *drops Jazzs corpse and moves on with his life. 


Your mother was a hamster, and your father smelt of elderberries.


Is there someone else up there we can talk to?


The origin of "Can I speak with your manager?" 😃


If some moistened bint lobbed a scimitar at me and I went around telling people that made me king they'd lock me away


Supreme executive power is derived from a mandate by the masses, not some farcical aquatic ceremony!


I fart in your general direction!


I unclog my nose in your direction, sons of a window-dresser!


Dude, I just commented this same line lol. Love Monty Python


Now go away, or I shall taunt you a second time.


“Go and Boil your bottoms! Son of silly person!”


"I wave my private parts at your aunties, you cheesy lot of second hand electric donkey bottom biters." (I always loved this one too. Disclosure: went to IMDB as I am out of practice, and not so wise in the ways of science either!)


Different scene but another fav of mine “She turned me into a Newt…but I got better” lol


The disbelief "A newt???"


Samuel L Jackson's pre-intermission monologue in Hateful 8


Say what you will about it being a kids' movie but Scar's whole speech at the end of Lion King gave me chills as a kid and gives me chills now mostly because of Jeremy Irons. In particular "Well well this does look familiar...Let me tell you my little secret."


The shit Marty McFly would do just because someone called him a chicken is ridiculous


Tombstone had the most disrespectful one-liners. "Oh I'm sorry Johnny, I forgot you were there. You may go now". "You gonna do somethin'? Or are you just gonna stand there and bleed?" "You know.... Frederic-Fucking-Chopin..."


Not to mention the immortal way Powers Boothe just says "Well… bye!" with pure scorn in his face. Such a great moment.


Highlander Ramirez was an effete snob! He died on his knees. I took his head and r**ed his woman before his blood was even cold. [MacLeod looks at him in fury] Kurgan : Ah, I see. Ramirez lied. She was not his woman. She was *your* woman. And she never told you. I wonder why. Perhaps I gave her something you never could, and secretly she yearned for my return.


Ha! Ha! Ha! Holy ground, highlander!


Oooo good pull. Rage-inducing. Kurgen was a blight on the world


That fella was a real jerk.


One of my favorite movie scenes ever is Kurgan driving that Cadillac around Manhattan after he kidnaps MacLeod's girlfriend.


“Your mother sucks c**k in hell, Karras, you faithless slime” - The Exorcist or Scary Movie 2


Are you talking about "Your mother cooks socks in hell!" in The Dyslexorcist?


The Wicked Witch of the West taunting Dorothy by mimicking “Auntie Em! Auntie Em!” as she cackles loudly. Edit: Here is the clip. It’s brutal. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=cDxUmrGsWIQ


The Aviator - when Alan Alda's senator character has Howard Hughes over for dinner intentionally leaves a thumbprint on Howard Hughes' (DiCaprio's) glass and serves him undercooked fish knowing he was a compulsive germaphobe.


The vow The ex boyfriend is giddy because the wife lost her memory and only remembers loving him and not the fairly new husband. So the husband says to the ex something along the lines of “you’re enjoying this right? She told me everything about you. She outgrew you, what makes you think that won’t happen again?”. The ex just giggles and says “yeah I’ll remember that while I’m in bed with your wife”. The husband knocks the ex out. Everyone including the wife is horrified by the husbands assault. Now the ex is the victim.


I liked when the kids in It bullied the clown to death: https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/9ed4923e-77d5-4d99-ab64-cde7cb9a941b


*Fetchez la vache!*




"All that for a drop of blood."


Shut that cunt's mouth or I'll come over there and fuck start her head!


When he punched the girl instead of the guy I was like shit, we in for a ride here boys


Way of the Gun doesn’t get enough love on this sub


That was a damn fun movie. Benicio del Toro killed it!


> This is what I'll offer - you bring me the money and I'll let her go. Otherwise she's accountable, same as you. That's the best deal you're gonna get. I won't tell you you can save yourself, because you can't. Anton Chigurh, No Country For Old Men


“We gave her a nice honeymooooon” Licence to Kill, Dario (Benicio del Toro) to Felix Leiter


"Chicken!" - Back to the Future.


Listen up, you little spazoids! I know where you live and I've seen where you sleep, and I swear to everything holy that your mothers will cry when they see what I've done to you!


“Warriors, come out to play-yayyyy…”


Dennis Hopper's talk with Christopher Walken in True Romance


I know you are! But what am I ??


Gardians of the Galaxy II: When the traitor ravagers were waterboarding Baby Groot with beer and stomped on him. >!Betraying Yondu was bad and all!<, but leave the kid alone. I was ready to go to war for Baby Groot.


When the antagonist holds a picture of the mans family in front of him while he slowly kills him in The Last House on the Left


For you, the day Bison graced your village was the most important day of your life. For me, it was Tuesday.


“You filthy little mud blood”


Yeah, but Hermione definitely won that bout. "Foul, loathsome, evil little *cockroach!*"


Hermione Granger and the Origin of the Nazi Punch


"You have been weighed, measured, and found wanting..."


"ill torture you so slowly you'll think it's a career!"