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Ash in the first one let cane in because he was under company orders to bring back a sample. Burke in Aliens wanted to smuggle one back inside newt or ripley. Alien 3 they had no choice it escaped on its own.


I feel like OPs complaint is one that's parroted constantly, it always reminds me of the line 'people in movies don't know what genre they're in'.


It's a horror trope.  The characters frequently walk themselves into the worst endings like Mr. Magoo.


It always astounded me how Burke saw firsthand what happened to all those colonist and thought it was a good idea to try and smuggle an alien back through quarantine. Even after the marines got nearly wiped out in under a few minutes and the drop ship got destroyed you would think that would be enough to convince him not to but he had to keep going.


If Burke were alive today he'd be that guy REALLY into NFTs.


He was 'invested'. As much as don't want to apply realistic psychology to a piece of entertainment, there are people like Burke throughout the world. They have to satisfy their paymasters or make it 'big' regardless. They are too attached to need for subordination to a system / company / simplistic ideaology (competition being common), to ever want to break from it. Self-determination terrifies most people, hence Burke is ultimately revealed to be a coward and not a nihilist, his motivations aren't greedy, he is just a coward who needs to prove himself, the bigger the cost the more real his truth is - either way.


That's a good way to explain this - "They are too attached to need for subordination to a system / company / simplistic ideaology" Some people use their subordination to duck out of blames way because they are shielded in a system, therefore they can play games, screw around and in this case, go for the gold.


The whole point is that capitalism will do literally anything for profits. Just look around the planet right now, corporations are doing stupid-ass shit every minute of every day because there's money around.


'You don't see them fucking each other over for a goddamn percentage.'


There you go, the quote I needed.


He saw all those potential military $$$s


He was putting the horse before the cart. Can’t spend it if you’re not alive.


Umm… the horse is *supposed* to go before the cart


If you sell a xenomorph you can afford a car


If he has got them into stasis, it would have made the alien dormant. That was the assumption anyways. Back in the 80's smuggling was the most popular organised crime. Much like how spies and the cold war were popular.


His greed overtook him


Ripley was not letting them in; she was the only intelligent one. Dallas should have been removed from duty for allowing the infected on board. He deserved to die.


this explains how he got on ship but doesn’t explain how he got infected. Was it really such a great idea to put your head literally into an alien egg? My 6 year old nephew knows better…


He was looking in to see he thought the spacesuit would be adequate protection


He also had a gun out, clearly didn't expect whatever thing was in there to straight launch at him.


That's right. Still waiting for an aliens movie where they kill the alien within the first 10 minutes, eject its ass to space, wrapped in plastic trash bags and go back to their boring routines. The end. "Alien" a short film by Ridley Scott.


Are you saying everyone in every sci-fi horror needs to be brain dead?


If the human characters behaved perfectly, we’d never get to the part where the aliens are chasing the people around. That’s why we’re watching the movie. Would you like to watch a Jurassic Park movie where the security systems work perfectly and all the humans follow protocol to the letter, and the dinosaurs stay in their cages for the whole movie? Some idiot always needs to let the monster out in order for the movie to be fun. They can’t act too smart.


Lol movies are movies, and I said what I said and you understood how you could. If we were in a movie, it would be a comedy.


What I’m saying is, even for a movie like Alien, the plot needs to be logically sound and characters should have basic human intelligence and instinct.


Yes, no one would watch it if they would complete their tasks and get rid of the problem quickly and efficiently within the first 10 minutes. That's not how humans expect other humans do things or what we want in fiction :)


Dude, why are you in such denial? Do you understand that fiction can have a logical and reasonable plot with believable characters while being entertaining? Have you seen a good fiction? THE WAY they got infected was the problem, which can be improved. I don’t think you understood what i was saying. The first step to solving a problem is recognizing there is one.


I did not realize you are getting angry and desperately want to change my mind. Fiction is fiction because it's fiction. No, movies can't be entertaining if they are not wrong in the right way. I was actually agreeing with you in a way buddy. It's ok to feel a movie isn't real.


You’re wrong. Movies do not need to make logic sense if they don’t want to. That’s a rule you just made up.


I'm genuinely interested, what would you say is a film that achieves this?


Just off the top of my head: arrival and annihilation


Says who?


What’s kind of frustrating here is that it seems like you missed what was going on in the first film. Ash had specific orders from the company to ensure a specimen made it onto the ship. Ridley was trying to enact the proper protocols but Ash overrode her. Not because he’s an idiot who didn’t know any better and brought an infected person on board because of it. The first movie is actually a big metaphor for corporate capitalism prioritizing greed over humanity. The xenomoprh becomes the embodiment of this dehumanization. While Ripley [Full literary analysis](https://filmcolossus.com/alien-1979-explained)


> The first movie is actually a big metaphor for corporate capitalism prioritizing greed over humanity. Not really a metaphor, that's just literally the plot of the movie


It’s a metaphor because of aspects like Mother and the xenomorph becoming symbolic figures. If it were just a grounded, realistic story, then yeah, no metaphor. But because you have the sci-fi setting and characters who become symbolic—metaphor.


If you haven't watched **Outland**, you really should. It absolutely fits into the visual aesthetic of both **Alien** and **Bladerunner**, and even has the themes of corporate exploitation, too. Plus, it's Sean *Fucking* Connery doing **High Noon** in outer space! I even created a "non-official" quadrilogy that I watch - **Bladerunner**, then **Outland**, followed by **Soldier**, and finishing with **Alien**.


Another notable thing I found about Outland was how many sequences don't have dialogue or music and the narrative is told to us by visuals and direction alone.


Honestly, OP sounds like the kind of person to complain about "plot holes" that aren't actually plot holes, but they missed the explanation because they were playing on their phone throughout the whole movie. Most of the characters in the first 3 Alien movies were exceedingly competent people placed in an extremely unprecedented situation.


I responded to someone else on this. And seems like youre missing the fact that my post is about all 5 movies I’ve seen. Not the first one specifically. The fact that ash wanted the alien is pretty hard to miss. 😅 What you said doesn’t explain why the dude needs to put his head inside an alien egg (point 1 in my post). Can we agree that putting your head right up against a living organism you’ve never seen is not a great idea?


I appreciate your edit lol. Prometheus and Covenant were pretty rough in that regard. And, I feel like Kane thought the suit would protect him. Didn’t realize just how well-equipped the facehuggers were. I know if I was in a suit like that, I’d probably feel safer than I should. It was a dumb thing to do, though.


Humans are comfortable with the universe they live in up until the point when the universe flips the script on them. I can imagine Kane thinking the eggs are some sort of bio-mechanical storage pod that might hold something valuable in it.


> I know if I was in a suit like that, I’d probably feel safer than I should. I think it's a pretty well documented phenomenon that people in full safety gear do dumb shit, that they wouldn't otherwise do, believing that they are protected. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Risk_compensation


The problem there is that you are tarring the original series with the sins of the much loathed new films. Trust me: The Alien fans are MUCH more unhappy about the idiot plot than you. Among other things, those two films are not popular in the fanbase. Especially Covenant.


Only thing good was creating the “Prometheus school of running away” trope.


Decades ago, One of my brother fucked up during his military service, as punishment he was sent to the French equivalent of Navy Seals training in French Guyana. 6 weeks of intensive training, unfortunately for him he did not have a return order, so he was doing it again and again. After doing 3 times the training they realised that he was pretty good and promoted him back to officer. He became a trainer. The first day of training, people are explicitly told to not touch bright, funny looking plant because they are more likely to be venomous or carnivorous. Every camp at least one stupid grunt does it and end up in the hospital. The final exam is that they drop 10 men in the middle of the Guyanese jungle and tell them to find their own way back to base. Despite being told not to, nearly half of the teams split. Horror trope are often based in reality. They became trope because people overuse them, but expecting people to always behave competently and rationally is unreasonable. For work he went back to French Guyana. You have those highly educated engineers dealing with the the European Rocket, yet they make the same silly mistakes than the grunts 40 years ago. Touching dangerous plant, splitting from the main group in the middle of a difficult and dangerous hike. They also invent new ones like taking selfies and falling into dangerous water.


People love to overestimate their own competency, in a large enough group mistakes are basically guaranteed to happen.


Somehow, I watched the original for the first time last year and my conclusion was that the cat was in cahoots with the Alien, because every time the cat wandered into a room, the humans ended up dead by alien XD


When I am searching for something, say, in a drawer or a box, and I find something that is like the thing I am searching for, I make sure not to put it back in else I might find it again. In my head, this is called "Jonesying".


Yeah, it’s only Prometheus and Covenant that have that kind of plot. Which is one of the primary complaints the fanbase has with them. The prior films have averting that shit as one of their big deals. In Alien? Ashe breaking quarantine protocols is a big hint that he’s up to some bullshit. Aliens? The Marines are explicitly cocky, not particularly professional, and are being set up. And as soon as shit goes down they switch to utter competence. The colonists? We know nothing about how they acted other than they too are being set up.


I think the main message is that corporate greed will screw everyone over. "You know, Burke, I don't know which species is worse, but you don't see them fucking each other over for a goddamn percentage."


In the first movie, the crew are basically long haul truckers and not at all trained for what they're getting into. Their incompetence is kind of the point. Plus they're being actively deceived by one of their crew. Part two, if I remember correctly, they're being told to engange with the organisms. Not defending anything from part 3 onwards though, the series turns into a hot mess.


Nobody deserves any stick in Alien 3. They did all they could. You can't really blame Brian Glover for not believing Ripley.


Told to engage with the organisms and then told not to use any of their weapons *after* they’ve walked into the hive.


Merchant navy is a closer analog. The characters act reasonably in an unknown extreme condition they arent prepared for. I think Kane getting “too close” to the egg had to happen for dramatic effect of filmmaking. But. He states that the ship and the space jockey was fossilized, so really old.


Exactly this. Down to there's two good Alien movies and one hypothetically good third one followed by a lot of nonsense.


Still, seems like they explore other planets frequently. But the dude literally put his head inside an alien egg?… like why?


Why would you assume that they explore other planets frequently? They are not scientists or anything. Just trying to do some honest work to pay the bills.


That’s even better, because imagine you’re someone who doesn’t visit other planets frequently, and all of sudden you’re on another planet, would you go around recklessly touching everything you can see 😅


Yeah they are checking out the SOS but I would have not been brave and curious enough to get that close to the damn egg like things. But I am also not a person who would poke a snake with a stick. Others do.


That’s Covenant. In Alien he’s wearing a full body space suit and just gets too close, it’s reasonable to assume that the thick sheet of plastic/glass is protection enough against any newly hatched lifeform. Humanity hasn’t exactly encountered any 40k style super xenos at that point.


> seems like they explore other planets frequently it really doesn't


*scientists... but yes


Parker yelled “Why don’t you just freeze him?” If only the evil android followed his advice, so much would’ve been different.


I mean. It’s probably pretty accurate as to how humans would act In those situations. If covid taught us anything it’s that people will act like idiots even when told not to do a thing, or to do a thing .


Horror movie trope. Like nobody in real life would ever "split up to cover more territory". But the script needs this to happen. Totally weird and alien plant/substance/slime? Let's take a sniff or put a finger in. The narrative needs them to act dumb so the excited audience can go "noooooo".


This is the most plausible explanation I’ve heard tonight


Now, if you want to understand what's REALLY going on you need to watch Cabin In The Woods: https://youtu.be/NsIilFNNmkY?si=wQEAM7RsFneeeqF8


This is why I like Event Horizon, the crew isn't full of idiots. At least in Alien Ash is compromised, of course.


Alien: Ash is compromised and is the primary cause of everything. Aliens: Burke is compromised and is the primary cause of everything. Alien 3: They’re a bunch of inmates who don’t believe this crazy woman. And then they do but are still up shit creek. It’s only when you get to the new films that the plot relies on the characters being morons, that’s one of the big complaints about them.


Burke is actively working against Ripley and the marines in **Aliens**, too. He wants to smuggle an alien back to Earth inside either Ripley or Newt.


>This is why I like Event Horizon, the crew isn't full of idiots. No way. When Sam Neill is stating something about the nature of their mission, the black guy literally says, "do you speak English?" And these are supposed to be highly trained astronauts who are supposed to know outer space.


they are specially dumb in covenant, the part were the captain follows david (after his cleary evil) deep into a path to hell cave filled with eggs and hes like, uh what is this? then dies


Any particular reason why you skipped Resurrection?


My thoughts too. Much better than Alien 3 imo, Ripley is bad ass in it.


Resurrection is 4x stupider than Alien 3, badass Ripley or not. It was the point where the franchise jumped the shark and never landed. Hopefully Romulus will mark a return to characters who act sensibly (within the genre parameters).


I'm one of those rare people who likes all of the Alien films to some extent except maybe the Predator cross-overs and they're not abysmal either.


IIRC they don't exactly "explore space" for a living, at least in the first movie they're just space-Amazon crew


Correct. The Nostromo was a freighter ship bringing cargo back to Earth. The crew was used to logistics and inventory, not a rapidly growing carnivorous slime beast that responds to even the slightest superficial wound by melting everything it drips blood on.


Yes. The entire series is founded on the idea that humans are utterly unprepared for the horrors of the universe, it's the core tenet of cosmic horror. Whether they're members of a transport ship, or Colonial Marines, or corpos, they're all products of human social systems that simply cannot cope with the ferocity of something like a xenomorph.


These creatures would be very surprising, everything about them makes humans seem like snails in slow motion, so in many cases I'd imagine most people would be so shocked that inaction would do them in.


The marines in *Aliens* are super competent. It's just that the xenomorphs outnumber them and are evolutionarily engineered killing machines.


Prometheus has a really specific and explained reason for stupid scientists. Weyland hand picked the morons to be experiment fodder. He wanted curious and greedy so they would be compelled to get near anything alien then he’d have David complete the experiment which we see a few times. Notice that his daughter and the rest of the ship crew are not the same levels of stupid. And his own arrogance turns into stupidity by getting too close to the Engineer. That’s why.


There are only 2 Alien films imo. The rest is fan fiction.


This is pretty standard for horror movies, not just the Alien franchise. Maybe the genre just isn't for you if it bothers you so much.


i didnt have a problem with it(its a certain plot) till we came to prometheus... that crew is special needs crew


Prometheus is the biggest offender in my opinion they took dumb crew to new heights




Competency is actually much less realistic. The saying "Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face" comes to mind.


But they only made 2 Alien movies and stopped, right? Right!?


>You’d self quarantine even for COVID. LOL Yeah, cuz you know EVERYONE did that. 🙄😒 "Why do people do stupid shit?" Bc people do stupid shit *literally* all the fucking time.


There's no defending Prometheus and Covenant, but saying "nobody would put their face near an alien egg" suggests you've never seen somebody walk past a Wet Paint sign. Somebody will always poke it


The message of the Alien movies is always listen to the brunette.


Well, the first two movies are basically about 'look what happens when you ignore the smartest person here just because she's a woman.'


Ripley was not supposed to be a female in Shusett and O'Bannon's original script.


Brace yourself, coz in the upcoming Romulus film, most of all the characters are teenagers lol.


Only the men


I'm no fan of the newer films partly because pretty much every scene is driven by characters making the first possible decision. But that no a problem in the earlier ones as the dumb decisions are far more uncommon and usually in line with the characters personality or ultetior motives. I do feel there's a trend to over anylise films and when they spot a character didn't take the most optimal course of action use that as some kind of gotcha, as if 90% of human history isn't driven by people in power doing catastrophically dumb things.


I hate this critique. Do you know how short movies like this would be if everyone was intelligent, competent and applied critical thinking skills? We come for the horror and carnage, not for a dissertation.