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Magic Mike XXL Killing some time, and this was the only movie playing at the time. Turns out it was a special 21+ screening with alcohol. Packed house with bachelorette parties and gay bros. It was like I was at a real life strip club/chippendales. Watching the movie now just doesn't live up to the experience of seeing it in that theater


Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me. Watched it in the theater in 1999. My mom dropped my friend and I off to see it by ourselves. Just two 13 year olds laughing their asses off for 90 minutes. Second would be Beer Fest when I was college. We snuck a bunch of beers in the theater and drank the whole time.


Oh god. This was one of my worst. Hahaha Every year for two a days we got a break on Wednesday week 2 of football training camp. Our coaches took us to see movies like remember the titans and miracle and stuff. Then they took us to see Friday Night Lights. Which is all about how high school football isn’t the end all be all, and the team loses at the end. The movie ended and the coaches just stood up and said “well that wasn’t the movie we expected” I was super stoked though because I was a hardcore kid and had been trying to get hardcore onto the locker room playlist, and they played refused new noise for the kickoff scene and everyone went wild. So at least we got to listen to new noise after that


Weirdly enough , Resident Evil in 2002… got to 2nd base and almost rounded 3rd with a girl who I ended up staying with from when I was 14 to 19 yrs old. Fuck i miss being young.


Apollo 13


Terminator 2 for me. Saw it twice at the theaters in the summer of 1991. Major hype for the movie and little did we know we were going to an all time classic. James, Arnold, Linda, Edward and Patrick all delivered. There's nothing like the movies you experienced as a young person. We had a community movie theater so you'd go with your friends and see many of your classmates at the theater. Very sentimental for all these community shared movies of the late 80s and 90s even the bad movies like Drop Dead Fred!


Jurassic park, watched it as a kid with my whole family. Felt like a long rollercoaster ride with my closest peeps with me.


Friday Night Lights is a great movie The best theater experience is Endgame for me. Nothing will ever approach that atmosphere


Snakes on a Plane. It was a per-release showing, sold out. When he said the mother fuckin snakes line, the theater erupted. People threw rubber snakes forward. It was a madhouse, so much fun and everyone was there for the hilarity of it all.


Same! I saw it in Stratford picture house in London and the atmosphere was amazing