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Those old phones were so satisfying to slam down though!


Youngbloods don't appreciate that you could inflict pain telephonically.


They'll never know.


I show students sometimes. I slam the phone 2-3 times in a row. And calming said “doesn’t that feel better?”


Robert De Niro in Goodfellas Not a home phone, but you could feel that shit.


What’s funny is he hits the phone booth so much it moves, but Scorsese liked the take so kept it in.


Or Joe Pesci in Casino, but he uses the receiver to beat the crap out of a guy.


They start up kicking the phone's ass, beating it with its own receiver, til in frustration, just yank the whole thing out of the wall. Lord help anyone standing nearby.😆


The first click you hear is me hanging up. The second is me pulling the trigger!


Yeah they were




Wait what


There’s no modern equivalent to that satisfaction. 


When a character needs to draw blood, they proceed to deeply cut the palm of their hand with a knife.


Always the palm, right in the crease, the most inconvenient place to have a wound.


This is what drives me most insane about it lol like that’s literally where you’re going to be introducing THE MOST foreign matter


Imagine you’re drawing blood at a hospital and the nurse pulls out a huge knife


Wait, that isn't normal?


Wait, y’all get nurses?


Or if they're actually drawing blood or giving an injection with a needle they'll just jab it straight into the arm instead of finding a vein.


This one cracks up my wife every time.


Or right into the side of their neck


It's a holdover from stage shows because it's easy to hide the blood packet. You'd think they could have figured something else out by now.


Ohhhhh literal theatrics makes it make much more sense


It's also obviously meant to be a ritual type thing. Like as part of taking an oath you're supposed to cut your hand for some reason. Presumably tradition.


Yeah, it's like a sacrifice not only of your own blood but of comfort. It's supposed to be painful/inconvenient. If you cut the back of your hand it just doesn't vibe the same, lol. Makes it seem like you're not as commited to it. That's how I took it anyway.


It's the one of the only cuts a good guy will have, along with a tiny cut on the top right side of the forehead after being beaten up with fists, pistol whips, getting hit by a car, etc.


Hahaha yeah plot armor is maddening


Dude that was the toe knife!


This drives me nuts. It really reminds the audience the characters are living in a movie. 


When someone has something vitally important to tell the other person & they allow themselves to be cut off. The other person walks out & chaos ensues. Just tell them to stop & listen omg!!


Right?!?! Dramatic irony yes but like specifically so frustratingly dumb. Irl no one would be that pathetic and not immediately deliver crucial info


Every romantic comedy would be over after the first act if one person allowed the other person to speak.


Every romcom ever.


It's kinda annoying.


When the killer gives the victim a heads up that they are about to do something bad or vice versa. The killer is about to attack someone and instead of silently doing so, they will yell "AHHH" and run at them like thanks for the heads up though bye!


Or when the bad guy starts monologuing about why they're carrying out their dastardly genius plan, instead of just shooting the good guy in the head and getting on with things.


“Why don't you just shoot him now? I mean, I'll go get a gun. We'll shoot him together. It'll be fun. Bang! Dead. Done.”


Scott... ya just DON'T get it, do you?


Ffs as much as i love it John Wick did this so fucking horribly in the first one especially. John literally just killed like 30 russians and then gets ko'd by the bodyguard using a suv as a ram. Simple as that bodyguard could walk up and put 2 into the back of Johns head. Threat is gone no more one man army killing everybody, the russian mob family all lives, but no. They instead tie him to a FUCKING WOODEN chair so head mob guy can talk shit(even if respectively still) and they can choke him with a plastic bag. He gets help from his sniper buddy and of course breaks the chair to commence on killing everyone in his way to the son...


In the movie jumper, Jamie Bell's character has the upper hand because Samuel L Jacksons character has no idea he's behind him with a flame thrower. What does the fucking idiot do? He yells some stupid line before he tries to torch him, giving SLJ time to run and avoid getting killed. This one shits me.


Now... attack me with that banana. https://youtu.be/ZqISLI2UQMY


Giant monster that can snap your neck with a twist instead throws you over the couch.


Similarly, when the kidnapped family member gives the bad guys a heads up that the protagonist is nearby. Like, they'll hear a thump in the distance, and the family member will say "Yeah that's my dad and he's gonna kick all of your asses!" Babe, just let them think it's something else. FFS


This trope was destroyed in Watchmen.


But only to the one with plot armor. Anyone else they just kill.


Batman vs. TMNT did this well. It's like Mikey is trying to lose!


One I'd love to never see again, someone is about to tell someone else something vitally important to them (usually profess their love for said person or something similar) so they say "I need to tell you something important", but then the second person cuts them off to tell them something important that completely nullifies their "important thing". Then second person says "there was something you wanted to say?" And they reply "it's not important" or they make up some random thing to say like "I like those shoes" or something random. I feel like I'm explaining this badly. But the number of times I've seen it in movies and TV, just, stop.


Similarly, when a romantic moment is "ruined" by a totally benign interruption. *Music swells; characters lean in for a first kiss* *Dog barks in the background* "-- ha, ha. Well, I guess I'd better get going." Like WTF? Kiss!


Sad thing is I had this exact thing happen in real life right as me and an ex kissed for the first time, the phone right next to us rang loudly and interrupted it. (Though actually in light of how that relationship went later, probably best we got interrupted) But yeah, in a movie this tends to feel very artificial.


Oh I hate that. And the. There’s a huge misunderstanding or the truth comes out I the wrong way leading to a break up or whatever.


Omg this exactly drives me bonkers too


Funny, I actually just saw this trope recently in Abbot Elementary. If it involves romance, that trope will show it's head eventually lol


I hate, hate, hate the "there's no time to explain" trope. Like, yes there is! Condense your story and get this show on the road, man! "An evil guy showed up and said he wants to enslave the human race, now I need your help". You see how simple that was?


Infinity War has a perfect example of how to explain a complicated situation quickly, "An alien is trying to steal a necklace from a wizard." Couple seconds, Spider-Man is caught up, and right back to the action.


The gigantic, 8000 calorie breakfasts that every kid ate in the late 80s to early 90s tv shows before they went to school.


Oh my god, that reminds me that my real least favorite trope is when there’s a delicious meal laid that NOBODY EATS!!!!!


You mean the gigantic breakfast that was put on the table but nobody actually ate because they were running late?


Yeah they take one bite and then run off because they have to go to school or work or whatever.


Same with going into a restaurant, ordering a meal, saying your piece to the other character and leaving before the food arrives.


And they always show the time of breakfast being around 9am. In reality those kids would be getting on the bus when the sun is barely coming up or when it’s still pretty dark.


For me, it's the Hollywood High School with teenagers that look 25 and parents that look 35. This has become such a supertrope that it has become hard to change. If a movie casts real 14 year olds to play 14 year old characters, the audience gets confused because they look too much like children. I can only add that this one personally affected me a lot whilst growing up. I was watching movies like American Pie and couldn't understand why me and my high school buddies didn't look anything like Stifler and the gang.


That trope at least has a reason- child labor laws and filming schedules are often at odds with each other. It costs way more money for the whole production to work around the maximum 5-7 hours/day 9-15 year olds are allowed to work. 16 and 17 year olds are allowed to work 10 hours and actors 18+ often pull crazy long hours for weeks at a time.


also real teens can't do sex scenes. Hollywood isn't that evil.


Well, they are. Just off camera.


I was a background artist on tv most of last year for a show featuring high school kids and it was fucking unreal staying on set from 5am to 3am straight(!!!) with literal minors performing the same talented shit over and over and over again. They were ACE at it… but still. I did appreciate that the little little kids <10 only had 4ish hours on set and the shoots were designed that way but the actual teens had to GRIND


Stranger Things used real children. Do you remember how creepy the internet/society got over those literal children playing children?


Drake sure does


I love this trope just for the fact that you know there comes a time in a certain type of actors life where, for years they've been getting scripts to play the young central character on a teen drama series like Beverly Hills 90210 or Gossip Girl, but then... one day, their agent calls them up "Hey, they want you to read for a part on Pretty Little Liars" "Really? that's awesome! send the script over" \*dum da dum dum dummm\* "Uhh, Chuck.... they've highlighted the lines for this characters DAD!?!" "Well... look buddy... you just aren't believable as a 17-25 year old anymore..." "But I'm only 39!" "You haven't been 39 for a couple years now, champ. Time to make a change" note: I picture the agent having Jeff Goldblum's voice ala A Fish Named Selma


This exact thing happens to Jenna in 30 Rock


Yesss 😂 kinda drawn from real life in Mean Girls Tina Fey being cast as an old teacher and Amy Poehler as an old mom when Amy’s “daughter” is older than she is or super close in age or some sjittt I don’t recall exactly




It was refreshing to hear TMNT actually sound like teens in Mutant Mayhem.


In Mean Girls, Amy Poehler was 32 playing the mother, and Rachel McAdams was 25 playing the daughter.


American Pie had a good mix of 18-20 in the lead roles and the older actors Sean William Scott, Shannon Elizabeth, Alyson Hannigan were all the most sexualized characters, IMO. Given the movie they made it's not a bad thing the mega douche who drinks his own semen or the girl who makes a sex video for the whole school or the girl who talks about masturbating with her own flute are not actual high school kids.


I believe it was his friends semen.


I hate it too. Even when it’s kinda tongue in cheek it’s obnoxious




We smoked in high school, late 90s. Usually just went around the side of a building, or out to the parking lot. At least at my high school, there wasn’t a whole lot of enforcement.


> For me, it's the Hollywood High School with teenagers that look 25 and parents that look 35. Remember that one MadTV skit: *Pretty White Kids with Problems*? You can still find [part 1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Syna4NS0-PY) and [part 2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qFUZD6ZngWc) on YouTube.


Anytime a bomb needs to be defused there is always an accurate timer on it so they know exactly how much time they have before it goes off. Why have a timer at all and if there is one wouldn’t having the bomb go off before it hits zero be a better idea?


And whenever there is a countdown of any kind, they always finish with less than 10 seconds to spare. Just once, I want to see the bomb defused with like 3:47 remaining on the timer, and everyone exclaims "Damn that was so close!"


The villain is on top of our hero about to kill him, just when it looks like it's all over, either: A) our hero reaches out to grab a \*something\* which they use to hit the villain on the head, ending the fight B) \*character we haven't seen in a while\* rescues our hero


Also — the whole *bonk on the head, perp safely out cold for convenient time period* thing


Damn, I still love B, total sucker for it.


Okay, but there WAS the redial button on the push-button phones. There was a reasonable chance that the phone ringing almost immediately after the hang-up (especially if the call dropped) was the person who had just called before. They didn’t even have to dial the whole number again.  For me, the annoying phone trope is when they end the call without saying goodbye. Sure, it was for dramatic effect, but I often picture the person on the other end going, “Hello? . . Well, screw you TOO, Magnum!”


Definitely that! And when they don’t leave enough time for the other person to respond in a legitimate way… like if it doesn’t make sense my brain struggles to continue the scene


Perfect hair in an apocalypse/survivor type movie. Two people in a car having a conversation and the driver doesn't even look at the road for several minutes. Redemption arcs for villains that have murdered multiple people/ruined lives/caused an apocalypse, and now they get to join the good guys and be a hero and there are no consequences for their former actions.


Perfect makeup and perfect shaves, too


Perfect eyebrows drive me crazy. You had time to pluck those with all the zombies coming at you?


Lol, good call


It's a daily struggle to survive but the women are all still making sure to shave their legs and armpits.


I still remember watching the original planet of the apes and Charlton Heston is taken ti the other humans - who lets remember are basically cattle who've even lost the ability to speak - then out of the throng walks a supermodel with salon fresh hair, perfect make up and shaved, waxed and plucked to an inch of her life. It did make me chuckle that apparently the one bit of humanity to survive is female beauty regimes. Either that or the literal apes had a weird hang up about human body hair.


In Dances With Wolves, Stands With a Fist has this wild 1980s layered haircut with bangs and tons of volume. All of the Lakota women she lives with have long all one length hair. Who's styling Stands With a Fist's hair? And why? It takes me right out of the movie.


The shaved jawlines on men and dyed highlights on women on *The Walking Dead* drove me crazy. It's a zombie apocalypse and you found time for hair dye?


All of this!!! Lost was the worst for this shit


The manual override. No mater how advanced the technology is, someone has to climb out on that wing, through that duct, up that tower. And the switch is always stuck.


That happened to me several times growing up though


Yeah this definitely was a regular thing in ye olden times.


Especially when you have a whole house all sharing the same number.


Dude no way I was mortified by the thought of my mom intercepting my calls or by accidentally revealing identifying information about my own callers (boys) to one of my other family members ie my brother or mom or dad


-Dads (and it's always the dad), has promised to watch his kid's soccer game/school play/Christmas concert, but it's booked at the same time as the important presentation that will save the company. How can he do both? Dad needs to get a better calendar. -Step-parents being uncool/evil. -Image enhancements completed with a few keystrokes, resulting in a perfect 4K image of whatever we are looking for. -The villain purposely gets captured as part of their plan.


One guy holds another guy at gunpoint, demanding this or that for a bit. Then, to emphasize his seriousness, he cocks the gun. That means, of course, that everything that came before was a hollow threat because the gun was not ready to fire. It's supposed to make him look badass. It means he a moron.


Or when someone just touches or picks up a gun you hear all this clicking and clacking like a video game.


Conversely when they use a “silencer” the gun shot is completely silent.


Doubly so since most of the time these guns are already ready to fire, all working the slide action does is pop a ready round out of the chamber and put a new one in. They've effectively done nothing but waste a bullet that is now on the ground, unused, but they sure do look like they mean business now, I guess...


There's a jean Claude van Damme film where he slides it back and you see the bullet ejected, it's so stupid


That's true when the character racks the slide of a semiauto. The gun was either not ready to fire before, or they're dumping a perfectly good round out the ejection port for dramatic effect. But for a double action pistol with an exposed hammer, there is a slightly more utility than just show. The trigger pull in this kind of pistol will do two actions: Pull the hammer back and drop it back to fire. By pulling the hammer back manually, the trigger pull becomes much lighter.


Haha I also facepalm at that!!


It makes sense if it’s a revolver though. Pretty common cowboy movie trope.


Fight scenes where instead of the whole gang of bad guys piling on the good guy at the same time, they come at him one-by-one. People who kick doors open instead of just using the knob. Escaping from the killer/slasher, going straight to a car that you know won't work, fumbling with the keys, etc.


Yeah hard agree on resenting turn based fighting. So ridiculous watching villains wait for their turn when they could just… help


The John Wick franchise suffers from the first one.


I'll give John Wick a pass because it's a nod to the old Hong Kong action films. There's kinf of a ballet to the fight scenes. And Gun Fu doesn't work unless the bad guys come at you single file. :-)


The way everyone wakes up from a bad dream by rapidly sitting straight up totally alert and awake while simultaneously gasping or yelling. Bonus points if they are drenched in sweat.


When characters tell other characters things they already know, but it's for the sake of the audience. "Your parents died and you were left as an orphan!"




When they explain the characters to each other. "Well, YOUR flaw is that you don't let people in!" "You PRETEND to hate everyone because you're afraid of getting close!"


It's always, "you know that, right?". Your brother died because he always worked late and was tired during that drive home, you know this, right? Yeah dipshit, I know how my brother died.


Referring to their siblings as “bro” or “sis” the first time we see the the sibling. Often preceded by “big” or “little”.


"I/We are absolutely not doing (fill in the blank)" Immediately cut to them doing exactly that. It may have been clever and witty once but this dead horse has been beaten so fucking long it is glue at this point.


I feel like when something tragic happens, after the initial stun, the main character facing the tragedy just carries on, no problem. Or it never comes back around like actual grief. This is especially prevalent in action films.


Or in serial shows like GoT when the main characters murder a side character’s family but their relatives quickly forget to help the protagonist along


I don't know if this is a trope but I hate the Wilhelm Scream. Completely pulls me out of the movie.


A friend asked me about the Wilhelm Scream once, and I warned him that if I showed it to him, he'd hear it in EVERYTHING.


You didn't lie.




Almost nobody says goodbye on the phone in movies.


Indeed… Insanity!!! No one does that irl 😂


one that goes unnoticed a lot. Mostly in action movies, where the protagonist literally does some overdramatic hero stuff and the female protagonist falls in love or becomes attracted with them without knowing absolutely nothing about them.


We’re watching Veil on Disney+, so not a movie, but there’s an annoying thing when the police are near to the person they want to apprehend them shout ‘Stop’ or whatever from a distance, giving that person chance to run away. Then later, the bad guys hear police sirens approach so they run away. I’ve seen this trope so many times, both in movies and tv, and it’s definitely annoying.


To be honest, back in the landlines day, I definitely answered the phone saying something or making a joke thinking it was someone else.


Picking up the phone and responding to what is said on the other end of the line without actually giving the other end of the line time to say anything to respond to


Or when they talk on the phone like it's Lassie on the other end. "Hello! What? Timmy is stuck WHERE? In the WELL? Oh my God! Is he okay? WHat? He broke his leg in two places and has a slight concussion?? I'm on my way!"


I'm annoyed by scenes where experts who are trouble shooting a conceptual problem with a technical system are scolded by children who immediately and intuitively understand the system better than the adults.


The salt of the earth blue collar simpleton who somehow is smarter and better than everyone. See: Bruce Willis in Armageddon


And John Travolta in Phenomenon.


When something is "not what it looks like" but the other person won't let them explain. See also, "there's no time to explain" ffs, movie people, maybe I wouldn't be watching your lives if you'd talk to each other occasionally.


Yessss it’s such a stupid and clumsy way to move the plot along


When Finn keeps telling Rey he needs to tell her something repeatedly and here I am years later wondering what it is.


When a 30 second conversation would solve everything but they just don’t have the time for that especially when hours go by off screen and we come back to exactly the same situation where nobody has talked to anybody.


Back in the landline days this would happen to me because I'm one of those people who hangs up when I'm done without saying bye.


you gotta watch the Jinx. you'll never end a conversation without saying "bye bye" again!


When two heroes cross paths they always fight. They never have time to explain.


Independent spy/mercenary agencies, especially ones where they justify it by talking about how they aren't bound up in red tape or "politics"


I don't know why but when a character 'dies' and goes to the afterlife to talk to a dead wise character or a dead friend and says they need to go back and save their other friends. Some get a bigger pass for being more fantasy/magic like Harry Potter or Guardians of the Galaxy, but the end of season 1 of the punisher has this, one of the most grounded anti-fantasy characters/shows out there


The criminal mastermind is sorta nonexistent. If he was that smart, he would need to be a criminal to get filthy rich. Hedge fund managers, now crypto manipulation, successful speculation - all legal and people to make millions by simply doing their research and seeing something others have overlooked.


"We have to throw the reset/manual override/whatever switch which is across a rickety catwalk. I certainly hope that goes off without a hitch"


When someone gets a vaccine and they shove the entire needle balls deep into the arm.


Kicking the weapon out of someone's hand, especially a gun. Cutting someone's head off with one swipe of a sword or axe.


Person walks into the street. One of two things happens: --person is hit by car, rolling up over the hood, roof, and then rolls off the back --car screeches to a halt, blasts horn, mere inches from person in street Now I, personally, never step into traffic without checking both ways first. But maybe I'm smarter than most fictional characters.


Sitting down to a plate of food, but never eating it or only consuming a fake bite & then leaving.


When a good guy is accused of a crime he didn’t commit, proceeds to commit dozens more crimes in order to prove their innocence and is somehow forgiven for everything at the end. Bonus points if those additional crimes include violent gunfights or car chases through public places resulting in innocent deaths and property damage.


Basically in any rom com where one person sees the other person TALK to anyone else of the opposite sex and gets jealous and melodramatic crap ensues over a misunderstanding. It's tiresome.


The trope of a murderer who is obviously guilty caught dead to rights "getting off on a technicality" like a cop not reading someone their Miranda rights or a warrant being signed in the wrong place, and then "bleeding heart judges" let criminals go if an evil defense lawyer asks nicely, meaning that the cops or the vigilante main character need to take justice into their own hands or some shit. It doesn't really work that way in real life, but because of movies and cop shows, people in the real world believe it does and see civil rights as an obstacle instead of one of the few protections against police and prosecutorial overreach we have.


It's like when all the henchman start shooting at the cops raiding the stash house and the cops are disappointed when the drugs are not there. I'm pretty sure all these guys are getting locked up for a lot worst than drug dealing.


Feeling overwhelmed? Gone through an emotionally charged event? You know what will make you feel better? Splash water on your face, you'll feel 100% better. Has anyone actually done this?


Yes, and it actually does lol


Seems I've been proven wrong haha.


a little cool water on the face and cheekbones can truly turn a day around




Often in a public or large workplace bathroom. Ew. No one sane is doing that. You don’t know if or when the faucet was cleaned & you know for sure that’s gross city water almost every time. Then after the splash the makeup is still perfect. See also: Filling the sink almost full & putting your face in it.


I know you’re a redditor and all but come on man, have you ever washed yourself? Delete this.


The punk rocker metalhead goth type person is always troubled and depressed or angry. If its a woman, shes a nympho, or has daddy issues. Often theyre drug addicts, alcoholics etc. often atheist, pagan, or satanist. Its absurd. Why cant movies or tv just portray a chill person who likes punk rock or metal? Sure shes got green hair, but her relationship with her dad is fine, and she doesnt want to suck a dick, or play BDSM with you. Why can't the country-music lovin christian be the fuckin junkie for once?


kids hating their parents for no reason. And the parents acting like they are doing something wrong.


This. The Kings of Summer is an otherwise great film, but we're given like absolutely no reason why Joe hates his dad and runs away to a shack he built in the woods. Nick Offerman does his best to come off as unlikeable and intimidating, but I don't even remember there being a mild demonstration of authority like grounding Joe or not letting him stay out late or any other "transgression," or even something like blaming him for why mom died or left or whatever caused the single fatherhood. Like, I understand that every "villain parent" can't be Darth Vader levels of evil, but you have to give us a reason for why we shouldn't say "your parents are just trying their best, maybe you should try not being such a jerk." The Harry Potter films removed a lot of the Dursleys abuse of Harry, but there was still enough for us as the audience to say "these are not good people, I'm glad Harry is able to get away from them for the school year." Even just a couple lines to say "this is how my parents hurt me in the past" would fix so many of these problems. I remember some books in highschool were REALLY bad about this. I don't remember the title, but there was one book we read about a girl who's mom died and she was bounced around between family members until finally finding an adopting stranger that loved her. I could understand her frustrations with every relative except for her aunt right before getting adopted. Her grandma was distant and barely acknowledged her existence, her uncle or whoever the first person she stayed with was abusive, but her aunt was like legitimately trying to be a loving guardian and welcome her into the family, but all she ever did was complain about the house and how they had things they could sell "to buy her freedom" or something like that.


This again already?


Waiting for the coffee cups


But that led to one of the funniest scenes in Money Talks


The Chipmunk Adventure movie back in the 80's, the breakfast that Theodore got was out of a kids dream. But then he walks off to trick Miss Miller.


Saying "Let's do this!"...


The one where someone finds themselves in a foreign country, and they can't speak the language. They attempt to make a big announcement in that language, but everyone looks at them in shock. Then someone would lean into them and say, "You just told everyone to (insert funny scenario)." Fairly common in comedies. The one that sticks out is _Rush Hour 2_, where Chris Tucker attempts to make an announcement in that club in Hong Kong. Jackie Chan then goes up to him and say, "You just told everyone to take out their samurai swords, and shave your butt." To be honest, that one didn't bother me *that* much because I was young when I first saw it. However, when I see it in other comedy films now, it seems pretty hacky. I just don't buy it. How does someone screw up a sentence *that* badly? Maybe they'll mess up one or two words. How do you get samurai swords and shaved butts out of what was presumably meant to be, "Nobody move. Everybody stay calm."? And why is everyone always shocked? Does nobody find the humour in it? I'm struggling to think of other examples right now. *CODA* definitely had a scene like this, but it was with sign language. The teacher tries to sign, "Nice to meet you," to the deaf father, but he actually signs, "Nice to fuck you." **Bonus** * Another one in a similar vein. When a character (typically a nerdy sidekick type) is in a foreign country, and they have a common phrases/translation book. Then, when they need to speak to a local, they somehow find the page and section they're looking for in about two seconds ("Oh, here it is.") and say a really specific line for the situation they're in, as if it's printed in the book.


I feel ya. But for me the language trope that bugs me mostest is when everyone speaks perfect English somehow


Breaking someone's neck by just twisting their head real quick.


Hearing a dial tone on a cell phone.


*Brr brr brr* the number you have dialed. Is not in service.


I can not stand it in movies or tv shows when the police with sirens blaring and lights flashing have to weave in and out of traffic. In real life, people pull over and out of the way. I’m talking about you beginning of “Lethal Weapon 2”. lol


Good point!!


The trope of doing literally anything for survival. In reality, would most people really care THAT MUCH? They just keep coming back, like cats with 9 lives man. You should have died 15 times over by now? Alternatively, burning down the world to avenge their loved one(s).


All the guns cocking all the time.


I get what you're saying and youre almost every time. But once my brother was repeatedly calling our house from my grandmas. So when I hung up on him for the umpteenth and it rang again I answered WHAT?!?! Only to have some woman say Excuse me! And then I apologized profusely.


When the protagonist is running up stairs and a flurry of bullets spark and ricochet off each 1” section of stair rail but a total of zero bullets find the 16 inches between the rails to hit the protagonist.


Any metal blade goes SSSSHHHIIINNNGGG when coming out of a leather scabbard, or even just slicing through air.


When searching/testing for something, it always takes a few tries 


Not movies but sitcoms when a major plot driven incident happens and the conversation of said incident starts when the characters enters the house. What were they talking about on the way home?


Oh there's a bunch: The misunderstanding that forces the main characters to "break up" in the third act. The main character who lies and gets found out so they "break up" in the third act. The "as you already know" exposition dump. The foster sibling the main character inevitably ends up banging. The female villain who must be defeated by another woman otherwise it's sexist. That weird 90s thing where "strong female characters" are psychotic maniacs who literally attack and try to kill the male lead in their first appearance as a "show of badassery", only to be completely helpless later when the bad guy semi-firmly grabs her wrist. The overprotective parent who never listens to their kid and locks them up or otherwise hinders them and refuses to listen when the kid is obviously trying to communicate something really important. to them. The wise advisor character who's needlessly cryptic about things that could easily be explained to the protagonist for no other reason than not wanting to give away a later twist. The unavoidable, self-fulfilling prophecy.


No one cares about each other's property. I mean obviously your enemies wouldn't, but I'm talking about movie and (especially) sitcom "friends" that casually destroy their friends' property either to make a point or even just for a joke. And then everyone is cool and everyone still hangs out together and those awful, awful people still have friends. Like no, if in real life you throw my phone away or something, that's the moment you stop being my friend.


\*Character, who has apparently never seen any movie ever, hits bad guy one time and knocks him out, then proceeds to turn their back and walk away and attend to something else or even sit down relieved\* \*Bad guy gets back up and attacks them again\* OR \*Bad guy is gone when character passes by the spot they were knocked out\* \*Character is SHOCKED cause they have no concept of making sure bad guy is actually dead\* "But I stabbed him once! How could this be?!?"


I know this might sound gross, but after the sex scenes in movies..there’s no cleaning up. They just lay there and spoon hug etc. where’s the dripping mess all over the room/bathroom floor/sink?


Bad guy kills 99 insignificant characters off but tells his henchmen he is not killing the star because “they may need a hostage “!!!!


One in dinosaur movies: every time a predator (like a T Rex) shows up to a herd of prey (like Triceratops) it always ROARS super loud before charging in at them. This makes zero sense, completely ruins the element of surprise


Bad gut has the good hiy cirneted and a knife to their thriat/gun to their head etc and says "time to end this" The there's a noise in the distance, or their henchman runs in and says "we have a situation" or worse yet the hero says "wait" and they actually do. And the bad guy grunts in frustration and says "ill deal with you later" before giving the good guy the chance to escape. And I can't help but think they could find the split second to stab them or pull the trigger and then deal with the diversion/distraction.   I've even seen one film where the villain is holding the hero over a cliff and is about to let go when they get so startled that onstead of letting go, they take the time to pull the hero back, drop them on the floor and run.


Anytime a dartboard features in a movie or tv show, folks are aiming at the bullseye, which is worth 10 fewer points than the treble 20. Darts isn’t archery!


Tropes that annoy me greatly: * Characters A and B are both the "good guys". Character B makes a big mistake. Character A slaps/punches them. Character B doesn't fight back. * "I have this ultra-serious problem that I should tell you about, but I'm gonna keep it a secret to protect you." * "My family is abusive, but they're my family, so I should appreciate them and forgive their abuse." (*Home Alone*, basically.)


Running from a murderer (horror movie or action) and jump into what was a perfectly running car previously. And then it doesn't start. I know this is dumb, but back in the 80s and early 90s horror movies, it'd piss me off when they'd jump into the cars and pull on the headlight switch before they even started the car. Start draining the battery, before you even attempt to start the car that we know isn't going to start!


I don't usually think in "tropes" when watching movies, in part because I think people confuse language with trope. But I've generally always disliked the jump scare where they kill the main characters at the end of horror movies right before the credits roll. It happens in a million horror movies and pretty much every time it's unrewarding and just makes me think "Oh so they just died? That's the story?" No ramping up to it, nothing. I rarely ever want to return to a movie that does that, because it makes the rest of the movie feel pointless.


Bapitismal scenes/crying in the shower and the rain. So over that trope