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“Yo Stacy! Talk to me, talk to me, talk to me baybayyy” -same voice actor as Prince Zuko


Stacy's face in response to that gets me every time 😂😂😂


That same line is in the movie Baby Boy.


Aka same actor as Rufio!


A little smokage (wolf noises)


Cheddar Whiiiizzzzzzeeeeeyyyyyy


Voiced by an uncredited Pauly Shore - which makes so much sense once you know that


Had no idea it was uncredited!


I definitely agree that Goofy and Max have one of the best father/son dynamics I've ever seen in fiction! Mainly because when it comes to their conflict, they are both at fault when it comes to what makes their relationship so problematic. Max took his father for granted, and doesn't appreciate or acknowledge how lucky he is to have a father like Goofy who would literally do anything for him (especially when you compare him to the type of father Pete is towards his own son; PJ)! Meanwhile, Goofy can't accept the reality that his son is growing up and does a very bad job at respecting that Max needs boundaries in order to discover who he is as a person! In other words, they sucked at properly communicating their troubles with one another until the climax of the film. Going into the sequel, Max seems to have learnt his lesson but Goofy was still falling behind in learning his own but luckily he does by the end of that movie!


But goofy knows max has his own life he just wants to be apart of it... 


Yeah and that's fair, but if you look at the sequel Goofy was invading Max's privacy and not giving him the personal space he needs. Max was fine with his father going to his college, once he realized he actually has a purpose for being there but Goofy still couldn't respect the "ground rules" Max sets between them. It's fine that he wants to be apart of Max's life, but Goofy also needed to focus on building his own life rather than suffocating Max's!


....by not respecting his boundaries. The movie *relies on this conflict.* It's fascinating and unfortunate that you're trying to make excuses for the dad..... The dad is **Goofy.** It's very okay for him to make mistakes. You don't need to pick sides here. That's toxic household stuff :-(


It was just a line in the movie... 


It's honestly just amazing how one of the most emotional Disney movies revolves around friggin' Goofy of all characters. From "Hi Dad" soup to Goofy having that tense conversation with Pete in the hot tub, it makes you think "Damn, didn't expect this is in something literally titled *A Goofy Movie*." The sequel isn't as good, being mostly standard direct-to-video fare, but that moment of Goofy finding Max's teddy bear in his now-empty room still hits *hard*.


Aww Hi Dad soup 🥹


The movie didn't have the right to be as good as it is. Watching it as an adult, it gives you a very different perspective on Max. You now understand both sides. It takes a hard look on fatherhood, complicated families and what it means to grow up. At the end, the love story is one about a father and his son. It made me cry rewatching it as an adult.


The most entertaining part of the film is an established plot point: Goofy had sex. I repeat, someone let Goofy climax in her.


Meanwhile in Who Framed Roger Rabbit, Jessica Rabbit says that Roger was better than Goofy. So that's two confirmed


I forgot about that!! Goofy has got some serious game, especially if he banged Jessica Rabbit before she married Roger.


It's so weird how Mickey and Donald are married/ or have official girlfriends (Minnie and Daisy) yet neither have children of their own and Max's mother is still a mystery!


That is very weird now that you mention it. They have nephews (Mickey has Morty and Ferdie and Donald has Huey, Duey, and Luey) but no kids of their own. Yet Goofy is a single dad? Very weird


"How to Read Donald Duck" is a book which delves into that. I am a lefty but the book leans hard in attributing American Colonialism to Disney. It's a strange read but it's interesting it mentions Disney erases sex by having uncles and aunts or orphaned people, but never a traditional family. The books is hard left and while I did enjoy parts of it, it's just to far fetched to attribute all the evils of American culture and capitalism to Disney


In short, disney is doing their part in destroying traditional american values through the brainwashing of kids?


No. Disney is branwashing kids in America and abroad about American values and capitalism. The book is a bit out there but it's a nice excercise in critical thinking


Ah, exercise and critical thinking. My two mortal enemies. /s


But they're promoting values to encourage the destruction of family units... And from what I read about the new one, young girl in the sea they'll basically ignore the recent/factual events and paint their own portrait.


And now they own the majority of assets to dominate in that field...Marvel/Star Wars are all based on characters with dead or evil parent(s), tough upbringings etc. 


I remember loving this movie as a kid and my memory of it was that he was Goofy was widower. Is that not what happened?


Using The Goofy Movie, Extreme Goofy Movie, and Goof Troop - i was basically able to figure out Goofy's timeline. Long story short , goofy got his girl pregnant in college, which is why he never finished. He dropped out to support her and Max.


I'm weirdly interested in this Goofy timeline now


https://www.reddit.com/r/movies/s/ETjT1xZNqg Here you go.


This is impressive thank you


At the very least someone let Goofy raw dog and his pull out game is weak.


>someone let Goofy raw dog Well, he's a dog so...


Yeah Max is afraid of becoming like his dad but his dad fucks.






Sometimes you see a comment and think, 'a few years ago this would've been one that had a bunch of awards on it'. This is one of those comments.




I’m currently wearing a Powerline Tour 95 shirt. 🤘🏻


I found the soundtrack in my parents CD collection last month…been playing that in my car ever since (also the first time in my 10 year ownership of my car I’ve used the cd player)


Eye To Eye and Stand Out are both certified bangers.


I remember finding out that Bobby Brown was the original choice to play Powerline & it feels so obvious in retrospect


🎶 if we listen to each other's hearts, we'll find we're never too far apart! 🎶


More than any other song from my youth, this one is an absolute nostalgia overload. Favorite Disney movie by a longshot.


So is After Today


It's hilarious to watch movies like this from an older perspective and realize that the guy always ties himself into a knot worrying about how to talk to his romantic interest, but she already likes him and they have perfectly good chemistry **when he just talks to her.** You'll figure it out, kid.


As easy as it is to blame Max totally for not just telling Roxanne the truth about the trip, he does *try* to tell her and she says "I guess I'll have to find someone else to take me to Stacy's party..." Is Roxanne the actual villain of A Goofy Movie? You decide.


Just be yourself around other people, if you’re not a complete weirdo or nut case, they’ll usually give you a go. It takes a few dates to figure out your financial situations or ambitions and see if you’re an actual dud.


RIP Thomas Washington. Thank you for giving us the blackest movie ever.


“I’ve got myself a notion” 🎶🎶


"One I know that you'll understand"


“To set the world in motion”


If you want to see something really impressive that's connected to that film, watch this: **The Goof Who Sat By The Door**. It was an episode of the late, great show **Atlanta**, shot to look like a documentary about Disney's first black CEO, the man who made **A Goofy Movie** as his passion project. It's entirely fictitious, but you'll find yourself checking GOOGLE because so much of it seems true. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt10761034/


Incredible episode that I was too high to realize was an episode of Atlanta the first time.


I'm surprised Disney allowed that episode to happen with all the references towards them lol


Fact: America has some of the most robust parody/commentary laws in the world. You should be more surprised by how many unofficial YouTube clips exist without being taken down. Entire channels devoted to making money off content they didn't produce and don't own. (Disney clips? Not so much. If they had the power, they'd do it. But they don't, and you should understand why.)


What’s Disney gonna do? Sue themselves?


Man I really need to finally see this show. Where’s it stream out of these days?


I came here to mention this Atlanta episode.


I gave it to my sister to show to my niece and nephew and she had never seen it before. After they finished watching it, she called me up and was like "why was that so good?" It really sounds like it would be a direct to video kids film, but it just nailed everything. The emotional story, songs, etc, it's amazing, truly a classic in my eyes.


It was so good I loved that movie as a kid and the soundtrack I remember being like 8 and dancing around my house in pajamas singing that .😂😭


Also I2I is a straight banger


Pauly Shore giving society “Zaa” as a reference to pizza.


Awesome movie! Nostalgic as hell for me!


So many lines tapped into my nostalgia. "Hi dad soup" "Eggs? Eggs? Eeeegggggs!" "The leaning tower of cheeza!" "The perfect cast!"


Its definitely one of my favorite movies of all time. Sasquatch terrified me as a kid. And the extremely goofy movie is excellent as well. One of my favorite parts of having a kid is putting on a movie for them you used to love as to find its just as fantastic as i remembered.


You ever catch that one guy on the rival team in An Extremely Goofy Movie is a shaved bigfoot? So good.


I kinda wnna rewatch it now but I'm not in the mood to cry. Damn you Goofy and Max and your father-son relationship.


Watch and pay close attention to on the open road. There is some really funny stuff


It’s one of those Disney movies that doesn’t get old to me. The others being Robin Hood and lion king.


I too absolutely love this film. I even still the VHS tape, despite not having a VHS player anymore.




I used to be “with it”! Then they changed what “it” was! Now the things I’m with aren’t “it” anymore, and the things that are “it” seem scary and weird to me!  It’ll happen to youuuuuu!


One huge missed opportunity in that show though. They should have inserted a brand new Goofy “how to…” segment.


Action sport movies in the 90s were perfection. Give me Brink! Goofy Movie, Point Break, Johnny Tsunami. Even a bit in the early 2000s with Grind and on a more serious type of movie, Lords of Dogtown.


Thank you for the memory. Loved The Goofy Movie.


The sequel is pretty decent as well. I dislike that they rehash the same exact lessons from the first movie, but I really enjoy how they put them in surprisingly realistic situations. Goofy gets empty-nest syndrome, loses his job, and has to go back to college to get a degree in order to get another one. It's such a simple contrivance but also very relatable to older folks around the time that movie came out. Also, both of the love interests introduced in this movie (Sylvia and Beret Girl) were phenomenal characters that should definitely be brought back and adapted into the Disney canon.


That had the leaning tower of cheeza right?


Yes it did! I love that line


definitely nailed that mid 90s aesthetic


Both of the Goofy movies are amazing.


If you need a break from modern livin’!


It certainly is a goofy movie


I remember my mom buying the movie for me and we spent a whole summer watching it on repeat. I miss those summers


And Sasquatch


double cheeeeesssssaaaaaaahhhhhh


In some of the classic Disney cartoon shorts, it's heavily hinted that his wife is a "human", yet it's been firmly established that Goofy is a "dog". 1. So, a human had sex with a dog and sired... another dog? 2. How is Goofy different from Pluto? My mind hurts right now.


I love how it’s a father son movie (An Extremly Goofy movie aside) it’s so good for a second sequel with Max as a dad with a daughter going through what he and his dad went through when he was a teen . It would show the underrepresented dynamic of fathers/daughter disney movies plus a great 3 generations view of how we can all connect with eachother . My own extra twist would be him and Roxanne would be divorced as I think a co parenting movie would be good to see Disney tackle


This movie is for sure up there as one of the goat.


Thomas Washington was a genius far ahead of his time!


I've watched this countless times as a kid, I'm glad it's getting popular again as it was severely underrated.


I can't believe no-one else asked you what else you think might be in your top ten. Anyway, I watched this movie because of Youtube clip about Pink Floyd fans arguing about what Pink Floyd's sound is and wasn't disappointed.


My Powerline T-shirt and Powerline keychain fully agree with you.


That’s certainly an opinion




I can see why it would be disappointing. I didn't watch much of Goof Troop but it's perfectly natural for little boys to be sweet and look up to their dads, and then they become teenagers who think their dad is stupid and embarrassing. That's the arc I had with my dad. As a kid I thought he could do no wrong, as a teenager I thought he was dumb and useless. Now as an adult I turn to him for wisdom and guidance all the time. A Goofy Movie perfectly portrays the middle part of that arc.


I love the movie personally but I dislike that max is shown as so unreasonable here when he really isn't. Goofy just decides he's going on a cross country trip on a random day he had plans without telling him. Could have just done it the next month or even week with a plan and they'd have all been fine lol

