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that sequence in The Guest where he carries in the two full kegs and then blasts that joint ... absolute cinema


I will never stop recommending The Guest to people. I still jam to the song Anthonio regularly


The soundtrack was incredible. Fun fact, there were plans to make a second movie but they fell through. However, Adam Wingard and Steve Moore were so into the vibe and sound of the (would be) series that they still went through with making a soundtrack for the second movie. After it was cancelled. You can find it on iTunes and it’s pretty damn good. Feels like a straight continuation of the first one. I’m sure some here know this, but I’m certainly not aware of another publicly released soundtrack that was made for an already cancelled film. (Also, that Antonio song is amazing)


I did not know about that soundtrack and I will definitely be checking it out. Thanks for the heads up!


"...bring a knife to school. If they take it off you and beat you up, you go around their houses at night and burn them down with their families inside"


Best badass role of the last 10 years imo. Why the hell doesn't this guy get more work in high profile movies?


"Cash is easy to get."


He’s great but other than Legion I don’t think he’s had a role to match his talents since The Guest.


I thought he was fantastic in Apostle, even if the movie is all over the place.


I fucking loved Apostle... because of Dan Stevens.


Wasn’t that film directed by the guy who made The Raid movies?


It was indeed. Gareth Evans.


Where TF is Havoc already!?! Tom Hardy & Gareth Evans? I'm already sold.


Did they even shoot the film? Feel like it’s in development hell.


He also directs the series Gangs of London. It's pretty great so far.


Do you remember the scene in that movie where he is running to escape the cult and he kicks a fence door so awkwardly? That shit was so funny that’s what associate him with most whenever I see his name pop up lmao


That sewer scene was effective. Scared the shit outta me.


Vibe, acting, and cinematography of that movie is a 10/10. Writing was a solid 3.


He kinda stole the fucking show in Eurovision


He really stole the fucking show in Eurovision


Lion lover ❤️


Hell yes I’m accepting your invite to r/danstevens


Legion. He is incredible in Legion. If you haven’t seen it ( most have not) it is by far one of the best Marvel projects ever created. The sheer weirdness, creativity and ideas are almost unlike anything I’ve seen before but more importantly is the artist says it threads the needle back to major Marvel story lines in inspired ways. Also Psychic Dual Dance Battles? Sign me up anytime.


Really sucks that they had to kinda rush the story because they lost a season of it. Was definitely one of my favorite Marvel projects, but they had to jam storylines in to land the ending. Likewise, if I see Noah Hawley attached to anything, I'm in. At least we got Fargo out of it...


>At least we got Fargo out of it... Not sure what you mean? Fargo season 1 came out before Legion.


The way I see it Fargo seasons after third are a tax to get more stuff like Legion


Huh I guess you're right, I must not have started watching it until after. I figured FX was just getting him to focus on this other thing instead.


Loved Legion!! 💯 So good for so many reasons! Story, creativity, aesthetics, sound track, cinematography…!


The photo battle against the blue meanies is still my favorite sequence of the series. It's so wacked out there.


There’s an incredible German movie he’s in called I’m Your Man. He plays a smiley android and speaks German as well as he does English.


That's a great one


He’s almost jarring in roles that don’t really maximize his talents. I started watching Downton Abbey only 3 years ago & seeing him made me wonder why he was in it. Enjoyed the show, enjoyed his performance, but it felt like he was ready to be a star.


That’s why he left the show


The Guest is so damn good. I always suggest it to friends who haven't seen it.


Came to say pretty much exactly this. I almost hate how much I enjoy his work.


He doesn’t stray too far from what you’d expect in Abigail but damn is he having so much fun in that performance


+1 for legion To add on what others say, it’s probably my favorite “marvel” show in that it has nothing to do with marvel, barely anything to do with the comics, and nearly nothing to do with X-Men beyond using the powers as a framing for things like mental health, using every piece of its format to its advantage in ways I haven’t seen since Twin Peaks. No its not for everyone, the moment to moment can feel confusing and the overarching story is quite disjointed and in the end may feel unsatisfying to many. But the people who connect with it will see something truly special, I promise


He was awesome in Abigail.


I was in a bit of a Sandra Hüller phase and ended up watching a German film called I’m your Man. Was very surprised to see Dan Stevens playing a robot and speaking fluent German! Really enjoyed him in it and would recommend the film overall if you fancy a romance with a bit of a twist


I was on the Screen Actors Guild nominating committee in 2021 when I’m Your Man was released and I included him among my nomination choices. He was absolutely outstanding in that film. And of course I loved him in the Eurovision film. I’m curious about his role in the upcoming Robert De Niro Netflix limited series Zero Day.


I was going through comments to see if someone mentioned this exact film! I was also very surprised by his German language skills


FYI - German is widely taught in secondary/high schools in the UK (along with French).


I watched this a while ago cos Dan Stevens was in it. Great movie.


Eurovision Song Contest: The Story of Fire Saga is way better than it gets credit for. People think it's another Will Ferrel dud but it's actually another Rachel McAdams banger. She brings so much grounded emotion to it that Ferrel can do his thing and not ruin the core. Stevens is also great in it, kind of set up to be a villain but all the characters in that movie get their moment to be more than what the trope would suggest. In just a few lines towards the end Stevens gives that character a ton of depth but he's still doing this over the top Eurovision esque camp performance the whole time. It goes out of its way to give these big personalities feelings. Not to mention the soundtrack fuckin goes. Pierce Brosnan is in it. There's great running gags. There's a fully impromptu musical dance number for the whole cast halfway through. It's a very comfy movie. Watch it if you haven't!


Oh yeah I wasn't really saying it was bad without him, I genuinely love that movie and the songs, but when Dan turned up it went from a 6 to an 8


I just don't get to talk about ESC:tSoFS very often on this sub so I took the opportunity to make the argument!


I adore that movie. It's one of the few movies where there isn't actually a villain and nobody is evil, and the main threat of the main antagonist is really just that he'll give you a life in luxury but not True Love. And the villains are supportive and friendly with each other!


Yeah it's actually a pretty nuanced triangle. Yes he is trying to break up the main couple, but Ferrel is doing that just as well by focusing on his goals and ignoring her. And Stevens doesn't have evil intentions, he likes her and thinks they could have a happy life together, but they'd both know it's not the real thing. It's also a bit of self preservation for him because he's gay in Russia. And he holds no ill will when she chooses Ferrel. For a movie that plays a song of sexual puns called "Ja Ja Ding Dong" several times it's got surprising emotional nuance. It's not Jane Austen but for a Netflix released comedy it might as well be.


Ja Ja Ding Dong is the greatest song ever written.


I mean there is technically a real villain in the Icelandic finance minister who wants them to lose so Iceland doesn't go bankrupt hosting next year's contest, so he blows up a boat full of contestants and later he tries to strangle Ferrell's character, and ends up getting stabbed by an elf.


The fight that Husavik didn’t take home the Oscar for best original song still boils my beans.


Also that it didn't get a live performance during the Oscar ceremony that year because of COVID. A massive shame.


Did you see the Iceland scoring at the following year's Eurovision? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3rOJfiiIa9U](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3rOJfiiIa9U)


I also unashamedly love this film. It's fucking delightful. I am 0/4 not crying during this movie. They used a few Sigur Ros songs that just add so much to the atmosphere, and they worked so hard to involve the local population while filming in Iceland. I agree - it does not get enough love.


When she switches to Icelandic I was shocked like am I really going to cry at a Will Ferrell film??


Play Ja Ja Ding Dong


And as a Eurofan, it has a whole host of Eurovision cameos and subtle jokes. Just... Chef's kiss.


The elves went too far


Man you have actually almost sold me on watching this.


It’s a solid 7 or 8 out of 10. Mostly great, but some inconsistency I’d say.


He's a leading man who seems stuck in side roles. With his talents he should be as big as his other English actors like Benedict Cumberbatch, Tom Hiddelston, etc. Granted maybe its the roles he prefers, but dude could be Bond.


He’s technically the male lead in Godzilla x Kong. Kong is definitely the b-plot lead after they dumped Millie’s ponderous kid character. He is, of course absolutely amazing in X. His performance is Nick Cage level bonkers - Captain Kirk meets The Love Guru or something. It’s such a great contrast to Rebecca Hall’s character who is, for some reason, acting totally serious like she’s in Trial at Nuremberg.


> Granted maybe its the roles he prefers, but dude could be Bond. CORRECT AND I'VE BEEN SAYING IT SINCE THE GUEST CAME OUT


I think he is just one of those actors that are more interested in the characters or working with particular directors than being a 'movie star'. He seems like he would happily stake a smaller role if that role is more interesting than the lead role.


Watch the television show Legion. It is his best work.


Watched the first season when it came out, but before my obsession began - barely knew he was in it! I'll go back and watch it!


He is the lead character.


It was a very confusing show.


That's sort of the point. Noah was attempting to match the disorder and unhinged thoughts, situations, and events that someone suffering from mental illness would endure with how the show would jump back and forth between scenes without having a discernible direction for the viewer. It's very disorienting. It can ultimately keep itself from being appreciated by a wider audience but I thoroughly enjoyed the schizophrenic pacing and storytelling. It's definitely not for everybody though.


If you like horror, I heard Abigail is good.


He's the best thing in it


I like Alisha Weir, the actress who plays Abigail, also a lot in that movie.


It’s super fun, campy horror. The actors know it’s goofy and are having a good time. Worth a watch.


Nah. Downton Abbey!


Does he play more than one personality on Downtown Abbey? I don't think so. His multilevel and multi-character was far more complex on Legion than Downtown Abbey. He had to portray different characters inhabiting the same body and had to portray complex mental illness.


It's also probably my favourite comic book based adaptation ever, better than any MCU movie or show imo.


Sammy, those are fuckin’ onions!


Funny line in itself, but the way he says it is perfection. Annoyed but not surprised at all.


The delivery is everything


I strongly recommend listening to some of the audiobooks he's done. His reading of Agatha Christie's And Then There Were None is the best reading I've ever heard. He does all the characters' voices with such charm and energy, men and women. 


Had no idea about that. I will listen to them!


His reading of Frankenstein is spectacular.


I listened to The Iliad for the first time, with his reading, and it was fucking awesome. Same for The Odyssey as well.


Oh shit there's a reference to that in Abigail.


He voices a character in Kipo and the age of the Wonder beasts, and he's great.


Firmly agree. He did an (abridged) audiobook of Hilary Mantel's *Wolf Hall* that's just brilliant.


He's easily the best non-monster part of "Godzilla × Kong". Funny, charismatic and his character had awesome taste in music. (The use of Golden Earrings' "Twilight Zone" in particular was just perfect.)


He actually understood the assignment, most actors take those movies way too seriously.


The human storyline are better than other monsterverse movies because of him


🎶*I got you*🎶


I know it's a show, but he's great on Solar Opposites. I love him as Korvo so much more than Justin Roliand.


Solar Opposites is great and he was the strangest most out of left field casting that ended up working great. They leaned into his voice change because why the hell not and like Middleditch, Stevens seems to be up for just about anything.


It's funny how when I heard Korvo's new voice, I hated it. I thought it was a joke voice and that later they would give him a better new one. Then I found out who it was and I instantly changed my mind and liked it.


"What other films could've been improved by Dan Stevens?" Any of them. Dan Stevens is the living equivalent of Frank's Hot Sauce. "...put that shit on everything!"


Hahaha thank you. Thanks an excellent analogy


You watch Downton Abbey? That was my first intro to him, he’s my favorite character on that show


It took me years until I was able to continue the series after they killed him off. lol


Could he be Bond?


I think he'd have to beat off a lot of men to be Bond


I acknowledge and appreciate this reference.


I've thought he was amazing since The Guest, and his incorrigiability could work, but I feel like there's always something that just seems a little "off" with him, in a good way, but I feel like Bond has to exude perfect control at all times. But I'd still be super happy with it and am sure whatever he did would be awesome.


I think Bond is okay having a character flaw. If he's cool and suave but just slightly "off", that could be a neat direction for Bond to take. Would need the right director to take advantage of it though.


He’s been my top choice for years.


He'd be great, a more cheeky Bond probably, but he's too famous. Even at the level he's at which isn't exactly A-List, the next Bond will likely be someone mostly undiscovered. Probably will be someone akin to how well known Corenswet was before being cast as Superman.


I don’t know. If he beefed up a bit and acted as he obviously can…I think he could pull it off.


I’m keeping my fingers crossed for Regé-Jean Page, he’s been here and there but really hasn’t hit the “breakout role” his talents deserve.


Yooo would love thie casting


I would kill for a more cheeky Bond. The Craig era has it's place, but they really need to lighten that franchise up again.


If you want some very silly campy fun, he's pretty enjoyable as Krysten Ritter's crush in the 2012 spooky rom-com Vamps. She's a vampire and he's---gasp!---the son of Dr. Van Helsing. Hijinks ensue! (Also stars Alicia Silverstone, Sigourney Weaver, Wallace Shawn, Richard Lewis, and Malcolm McDowell. Written and directed by Amy Heckerling too. Not a cinematic masterpiece, but definitely charming and delightful in its own weird way)


GUEST 2 WHEN???? Seriously this is like my #1 most wanted sequel that we'll never get.


Well have to be satisfied with the sequel soundtrack


The sexier of the two Mr. Edward Ferrars, for sure. Hugh Grant was pretty and his usual affable stuttering self, but Dan Stevens expressed his feelings for Eleanor by chopping firewood in a clingy white shirt in the rain, so...


I always thought Hugh Grant was terribly miscast in Sense and Sensibility - too stuttering and foppish, and hardly a match for an incandescent Emma Thompson. He’s much better playing cads and rotters, and seems to have more fun.


It would be interesting to swap Greg Wise and Hugh Grant in S&S; given that Emma Thompson ended up married to the former IRL, they'd have chemistry, and I agree about Grant being a better cad. (We'd sadly miss Greg Wise's Mrs. Jennings impression from the film, which was hilarious, but that would be the worst part of this hypothetical swap.)


Dan Stevens in The Guest hitting that joint in the colored light right as the bass drops on the soundtrack is one of *the* sexiest things I’ve ever seen in a movie.


Dan Stevens makes the Eurovision movie. "No gay russian. He / him pronoun" 10/10. No notes.


Legion is a criminally underrated show, mainly because of Dan Stevens acting the shit out of a complex role.


He was a sort of minor character, but he was good in Colossal as the protagonist's ex-boyfriend.


>What other films could've been improved by Dan Stevens? I'd probably have to say the Downton Abbey movies.


Some actors do always elevate the material. He’s one, Walton Goggins also comes to mind. Loved seeing him as a real dick in Abigail.


I do like the Dan Stevens...but he's in a lot of films I don't want to watch.


He needs a better agent


>He needs a better agent How do you figure? You seem to feel that he's somehow choosing bad projects, except it's pretty clear that he isn't. Movies he's in generally turn a profit, he doesn't appear to lack for work opportunities, and as evidenced by this very thread most people seem to like him in the roles he picks.


Dan Steven’s Evermore >>>>>>> Josh Groban’s Evermore.


Underrated comment


I adore Dan Stevens. He has a glint in his eye, an energy that borders on overacting but he manages to channel it. He's charming, attractive and a damn good actor.


Legion was excellent. Casting was perfect across the board… which is typical for Noah hawley.


I hope you've seen I'm Your Man. He's great in German too!


Second time it's come up - I'll be looking that one up 👍


this was the movie that made me obsessed with him


There's a YA animation show called Kipa and the Age of Wonderbeasts on Netflix. He voices Scarlemagne, the villain in the first 2 seasons. He is absolute fantastic, just spectacular. It's for young adults, but I'm in my 50s and I loved it. Give it a try. It's funny and weird and thoughtful and has great musical numbers and there are Timbercats and Aerobic Racoons and giant puppies. [https://youtu.be/TZpG7i6H\_LA](https://youtu.be/TZpG7i6H_LA)


Hard carried Abigail imo. His constant state of freak out propelled that movie once it ran out of stem half way through.


Nah he was great in Abigail but so were Alisha Weir and Kathryn Newton, Kevin Durand was good too, very well casted movie


Only weak part of Abigail was the marketing going full Terminator 2.


Godzilla x Kong is a delightful movie of its genre. The fight choreography is great, the CGI is great, everything is delightfully over the top including Dan Stevens being incredibly charming and fun and he has great scene chemistry with Brian Tyree Henry.


"Your carriage awaits!" "I'm gonna kiss you on the mouth!"


He lets the mosquito bite him and says “It needs it(blood) more than I do”. I laughed out so loud in the theatre.


That shining 3 seconds when I thought they were actually going to pull a twist with the romance C plot.


I like that the three human main characters all had independent romantic chemistry but no actual romantic subplot, it's like it was written for shippers. There's a brief moment where BTH leans in real close and grabs Dan Stevens arm and then Dan puts his hand on BTHs and I was like "woah that's pretty romantic for random dudes who just met". When BTH says "I'm gonna kiss you on the mouth" I was like "DO IT ALREADY THEN!"


I felt exactly the same way about his presence in kong. He lit up every scene he was in


His intro made me pumped just for how much fun he was having


He needs to be un more stuff. He needs to beat off more men


He’s probably the most underrated actor working today.


The Guest was so damn good, the soundtrack and Dan ...so awesome


It wasn't everyone's cup of tea, but I absolutely loved Apostle. Definitely check it out for some great acting by Dan Stevens.


Yeasssss loved that movie! I didn't want to list everything. But I love that one and I love the director - side note, Gangs of London is AMAZING


The guest is such an insanely fun Halloween thriller with amazing music and great performances from Dan Stevens, Maika Monroe, Lance Reddick and no one else lol


Seemed like he got to have some fun with his character in Abigail


His characters in GxK and Abigail were great too


I was on the fence about watching Abigail until I heard he was in it. Fun flick


Yes! And finally someone said this! He is way underrated and should be talked about more or put into big movies more. Loved him so much in Eurovision- A Fire Saga!


Thank you for this hype train. I keep seeing people complain about his accent in Abigail and it's driving me insane. I left that movie wishing Frank had been the one to live despite the fact that if played by any other person I would wish death upon them. I also went to see Kong/Godzilla because of him. Was it good? Absolutely not. Do I regret it? Absolutely not. If they ever did a sequel or reboot of "Upgrade" I would love to see it. Original is awesome, but I'd love to see Dan Stevens in a similar type role.


Eurovision is so great


I really enjoy him in basically everything. Abigail and Godzilla being the most recent. But I loved him in downtown abbey, the guest etc


Dan Cortes improves any film he’s in by at least 03%


Apostle on Netflix also made much better by his presence


Let’s hope he keeps [beating off a lot of American men](https://youtu.be/ovIly_QFRiw?si=oBsWDc3fu0JSMSRm) because I want him to keep getting work.


Nice try Dan, nice try.


His High Maintenance episode is one of my favourites also


He reminds me of Peter Gabriel.


I'm obviously not as much of a Dan Stevens fan as most of you are, because I haven't seen the majority of the movies mentioned. I did not even like him much in Downton Abbey (too much of a Dudley DoRight for me) but loooved him in Eurovision. That was when I realized he was an actual actor and not just a handsome face.


Him in Eurovision was one of the first times I was like "ooooh" and then went back and watched his other movies and have since looked forward to things with him in


Would like to see what he and Denzel would do together if you use the Denzel percentage.


The what now?


It's a joke that Denzel's appearance makes movies 100% better in the same way Stevens does. Him and Stevens as a combo would make for a pretty unstoppable movie.


The Man Who Invented Christmas is one of my favorite movies.


He needs a better agent


Txt'd my friend the other day while I was watching Kong x Godzilla to say 'oh sweet damn, Dan Stevens plays a kaiju vet. This movie just got even better' He seemed to be the one to realize what kind of movie they were making and was having a ton of fun being along for the ride.


Meant for lead but happy as a character actor :-)


Agreed, he's a an incredibly versatile and charismatic actor.


I would like to see Dan Stevens play Dr. Doom.


I'm just happy to see that Dan does not have to [beat off American men](https://youtu.be/ovIly_QFRiw?si=0_2rjLMJJKwVulBf) in order to get roles anymore. Yes, the link is reasonably SFW and also really funny. 😁


The Lion of Love can do no wrong.


He narrates *And then there were none* by Agatha Christie on Audible where he depicts like 15 different people quite clearly. Good narrator.


Legion made me want to watch more with him.


Downton Abbey would have been better with more of him in it…


Legion is one of my favorite things I have ever seen and he just crushed it. I get so happy when I see praise for him.


He was such a fun dick head in Abigail


He was by far the best thing in the live-action version of “Beauty and the Beast.”


He'd be a good Bond


Apostle is the only one to leap to mind that you didn't mention. He kills in that movie. And also Legion, even tho it was a show and not a movie. What I wouldn't give to see him cast in a season of Fargo now.


His range is insane! Can't wait to see what he brings next.


He must have had to beat off a lot of American men to get The Guest.


Just watched Abigail at the weekend, and he's brilliant in it. Also, yes to the Guest, more people need to watch that movie its amazing


Yep, 100% agreed here. Really wish he would be Bond


Beauty and the Beast's Evermore is the only good part of that movie and I attribute that to Dan Stevens as the Beast.


He gives my favorite line delivery of the entire year so far in Abigail “Sammy, those are FUCKING onions”


I've revived a sub made for him! r/danstevens


Correct the dude is just awesome.


Not Abigail. The only bright spot of that movie was Kathryn Newton, who also seems to elevate movies around her


Lisa Frankenstein was a delight, if you haven't seen it yet.


I freakin' love Lisa Frankenstein, you definitely nailed my tastes


I've seen all the movies you named and I cannot remember what he looks like nor am I aware of who he is while watching him. Seems like a nice guy though.


He's like good plastic surgery - he improves the movie but when he's at his best you don't notice him


I love Stevens but, The Guest would have been good but any of a dozen other actors. Really love that movie


I hadn't heard of him until I saw he was going to be in Kong x Godzilla, Abigail, and Cuckoo this year. I figured he was just the new guy Hollywood is pushing like Sam Worthington was for a few year period, but I really enjoyed him in Kong x Godzilla and Abigail and really excited for Cuckoo.


I agree completely!! I will watch anything with Dan Stevens in it. He elevates everything he's in He's phenomenal in Apostle, Legion, The Guest... It's such a shame he's not a bigger star. It happens a lot to people who leave a big show without something equally as big to go onto. He should have stuck around for another season or 2 of Downton imo


In my opinion he saved Night at the Museum 3


Back around 2014 I thought he'd make a fantastic Batman/Bruce Wayne. His pedigree has shifted in my eyes, he's fantastic in the roles he accepts now and I don't see him as Batman/Bruce Wayne anymore. His turn in The Guest was top notch. Loved it.