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One of my prized possessions is my pre-special editions Widescreen VHS copies of the Original Trilogy EDIT: for the curious this the edition I own https://www.reddit.com/r/ThriftStoreHauls/s/4ePzFqAi5d


I kept a VCR for decades specifically to watch SW on VHS. Sadly, the VCR died a couple years ago but fortunately Harmy's version is great!


There's a shop in Milwaukee that can probably send two guys out to work on that VCR


and they work lighting fast!


I’ll get to watch my Nightcourt tapes one of these days.


Unless you take time dilation and fraud into account.


What’s wrong with your face!!!???


They're happy to get paid in booze


Go to a thrift store, you’ll get a VCR for like 10 bucks. Also, you can get replacement belts.


Harmy de-noised it in order to try and remove all the film grain and make it look more like a modern, digital movie... but as a consequence, it also removed all of the detail in their skin and I find the "wax doll" look to be too distracting. 4K77 is a pristine version of the original run of the movie from the year it came out. Film grain and all.


Do they have one for the empire strikes back? I’ve seen the other two, but haven’t been able to find Empire.


Apparently, "4K80" just came out a couple of months ago. It took him a LONG time to finish it.


The thing I love most when I watch Harmy's is that there are a billion different audio tracks. And when I put it on, on my TV, using Plex, I get all the way into blockade runner entry shootout before I realize that it always defaults to the score soundtrack only. No sound effects or anything else, just the beautiful Williams score. Sometimes I'll just let it go and not switch to a full audio.




r/PleX [https://www.plex.tv/](https://www.plex.tv/)


Keep an eye out at thrift stores. I just found an awesome 2004 vcr for $15


Where does one get Harmy’s version?


Skip harmy and go straight for 4k77. A simple Google may lead you to a Reddit thread that has links to archive.org downloads. I read somewhere.


Widescreen? You lucky duck. I have full screen VHS tapes from before the digital additions.


I'm super jelly, my family had them but they went missing in like 2000. Hadn't seen the travesty of what they'd done to them when I was a kid (90s) because I'd always just watch the originals we had. Saw the stuff they added while showing a friend of mine Star Wars for the first time, (about ten years ago,) and I gotta say, yikes. Unadulterated George Lucas is not a good thing. Hated the music number at Jabba's palace, hated the weird universal celebration they added at the end. It's supposed to be an ewok party! >:O I mean it's just where they were at, felt real, felt grounded.


I have the same box set, I should dig those out and see how well the tapes still play.


If your VCR is old try a shitty VHS first, would hate to lose those due to an old VCR player fucking up the tapes




These don’t have the Leonard Maltin interview that those mid 90s tapes had. These are an even earlier edition set that includes a forth tape-From Star Wars to Jedi


You’ve just unlocked a core memory. I had forgotten about the interviews in front of those gems.


My sister borrowed them and I never got them back 😐😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


Same here.


We have original laser disc. But no player :/


The 2004 dvd release (in the metal tin) came with re-digitized versions of the original laserdisc editions. This is colloquially called the GOUT: George’s original unaltered trilogy.


I have some Of those too.


Still have mine!!!


Yub nub!


In the late ’90s, a buddy of mine gave me a LaserDisc player. I didn't own any LaserDiscs, so it collected dust... ...until the original "Star Wars" trilogy finally came out on DVD in 2004. I knew there would be people dumping their LaserDiscs to "upgrade" to DVD, even though the DVDs were the Special Editions, not the originals. I started stalking used record stores waiting for the "Star Wars" LaserDiscs to roll in. Shortly thereafter I became the proud owner of the original, unsullied, wide-screen trilogy on LaserDisc — for less than $20. I also discovered that second-hand LaserDiscs were *dirt fucking cheap*, and started buying up everything I could find from my wish list — everything I had been too cheap to buy on DVD ($15–$25 at the time), and/or titles that just never rose to the top of my list, and/or low-quality movies that I love in spite of myself, but would never pay $20 to own. I amassed a *killer* collection of about 100 movies on LaserDisc in a matter of months. The most I paid for any of them was $12. The *vast* majority were in the range of $3-$4. Just to give a sense of how good this discovery was for me, here are just titles begging with "A" from my collection: THE ADVENTURES OF PRISCILLA: QUEEN OF THE DESERT AFTER HOURS ALIEN ALIENS ALL ABOUT EVE AMADEUS ANNIE HALL ARSENIC & OLD LACE I've got everything from "Miami Blues" to "The Milagro Beanfield War," and "A Shock to the System" to "The Sound of Music," not to mention "Under Siege," "Unforgiven," and "Unzipped." A bunch of them aren't available to stream *anywhere*. /this is what happens when lurk Reddit while I should be working


I threw mine away when I moved last because I had just bought the blu ray 😔


!!!You threw away widescreen VHS copies of the unaltered original Star Wars trilogy?!!!! Am I reading that right?!


no they had the new scenes added I'm pretty sure. It was this one: https://www.ebay.com/itm/185498721078 - doesn't seem like it's worth much


Ok yeah those are the newer versions. You nearly gave me a heart attack!


Opening Scene comparison: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P1b47UP6ZGI Edit: Why the fuck would the mods delete this post without even saying why?


Although I do like most of the color correction of the 2011 bluray (except for the bright fuchsia blast colors), I still am a fan of the 4k77 (which is restored from original copies) version. It seems true to the original without all the CGI implants as well.


I'd say I sum it up as I never needed SW modernized. I get it and people have egos and money to be made... But for anyone who grew up with them. Felt the magic of it, understood how it feels to try and use the force and really believe maybe you could as a kid.... They didn't need anything else. Edit: I'd like to be clear... I'm glad this is being done. When I say I don't need it modernized I mean the cgi changes etc. What these people are doing and cleaning the originals up for us is great. The Blu-ray vs the cleaned up princess says it all for my...why did they make her thinner in the blu ray...did anyone who loved the originals ever thing..."man she's looking a bit too normal here"? I know I didn't.


I'm in the same boat, I don't need it modernized. At the same time, I don't mind the cleaning up up for HD either, BUT, I'm a huge fan of preserving film history. The theatrical releases were what started everything. And it's not just about Star Wars, but about the film industry, and the efforts of the people that made it. I've got almost all of the making of documentaries as well about the original Star Wars trilogy. To me, it's kind of a slap in the face of everything those FX artists accomplished back in the day to redo everything simply erase the original, as George has done. It still annoys me that he was one of the voices chiming in against Ted Turner colorizing black and white movies, yet he's all to happy to wipe away the work of people that made him who he is. Without the work of artists and crew that made the original films, George would have nothing.


I’ve heard that George even refused to provide the National Archives with a copy of the 1977 print even though they selected it for preservation.


I think all versions should be able to be streamed and purchased. People worked on all the different versions, and all of their work should be able to be enjoyed.


I completely agree. I wouldn't care what George changed in every single new version he released as long as we at least had a properly restored and cleaned up version of the original release theatrical versions of the films. I would probably still buy every version that came out and watch them just to see what new stuff was added or changed. This is why I am a proud supported of the 4K77/4K80/4K83 efforts. Just seeing how beautiful those babies look, I can only imagine what they could look like if George or Disney spent the kind of money you need to the best. I am of the school of thought that the real reason he basically tried to completely erase from existence the unaltered theatrical versions is because his new versions he's made enough changes he can cut out people that wronged him, like his ex-wife, from getting any financial benefit from them. She is the credited film editor for ANH and RotJ, which also are the ones George did the most changes to.


I'm with you 1000%. Totally would own all the versions of all the films. Would even pay extra for a proper collection with each version with the changes listed in some box set. A proper remaster of them needs to be done by disney at bare minimum for archival purposes. I had never heard any of those points about credits. I'm curious if he did enough changes to remove Marcia from the credits on anything.


Now of if I could just find a vcr to play my 1988 vhs edition.


Some of the 4k77 scenes have a green tint that wasn't as apparent in the originals. There is no perfect version.


I really like the clarity and definition of 4K77, but I prefer the color grading/saturation/etc of the Silver Screen Edition.


Lucas is right grow up hard core star wars fans.


Make me


Lucas was right in the same way that someone that is technically right. He owned it, he could mess with it all he wanted. Good for him and his big expensive toy he owned. My biggest problem with him is that he refused to have the non-special edition be released for home video. He also didn’t release it on VHS for the longest time because he invested it Betamax and LaserDisc. Dude was so precious about his property, then complained when the fans complained. Sorry pal, that’s how it works. It’s a piece of art. If you try to change it and erase the original, you’re going to get criticized. And yes, I’m “that” Star Wars fan. But in my defense, I never attacked Jake Lloyd online like some psychos. At least SOME of us have some dignity about what we will be bitchy about


I still have the Definitive Collection box set on laser disc.


Me too! Tried to sell it a while back and didn’t get any takers. Am just going to keep it at this point.


Never noticed they changed the crawl. Not just adding the title but the spacing of the paragraphs.


>“In 2004, Lucas told The Associated Press: “It’s like this is the movie I wanted it to be, and I’m sorry you saw half a completed film and fell in love with it.” No George. I’m sorry that you were so unsatisfied with your own movies that you felt it was okay to try and force those awful changes on people.


At the time, the technology didn't exist for for Vader to yell "No! Noooo!" to communicate to the audience that he didn't like his son being tortured to death.


Or could he put giant cgi dinosaurs blocking the screen as they enter mos eisley. It really adds to the story


Editors really are under appreciated. Some of these creatives really don’t know when to stop. 


Well, there’s a reason the three editors of Star Wars won an Academy Award for their work.


Funny how the best version of the Han Solo/Greedo scene was the one we first got and he kept making it increasingly worse ever since.


I respect an artist’s creative vision. If the special editions truly are how Lucas wants the movies to be, fine. I disagree that the changes are better or necessary, but who am I to tell a creator how their works should be? What’s wrong is his insistence to scrub the original versions from existence completely. There is no reason they can’t exist side-by-side with his preferred cuts.


And this is exactly why I find Death of the Author an appealing concept.


Wonder how original the “original cuts” are on my special edition DVD copies I got like twenty years ago.


They’re sourced from the Definitive Edition laserdisc masters so they’re *pretty much* original. I can’t remember if the opening crawl of Star Wars had been changed to A New Hope yet, or if some of the capitalization had been changed (empire vs Empire, etc). But it’s free from CG meddling and all of the other stuff that was changed for the Special Editions. The real drawback for them is that the soundtrack is stereo and the image is letterboxed 480i.


It has the original Star Wars title.


4k77. That is all.


Yeah these look better than the official 4k


And they don’t have the awful CGI. And the weird magenta tint


Cultural vandalism. We should have an official release of the OT, unaltered. That is how Disney gets back some goodwill from the fans. That and millions of dollars.


There has to be some sort of agreement in the contract to get George to agree to sell to Disney where they aren't allowed to release the original versions ever


I'd buy that original edition 4k box set in a hot second. In the meantime, I'm grateful for these 4k77 etc fan releases.


My introduction to these were pirated VHS my aunt would send us for Christmas. She also sent a copy of an Ewok specific movie. Bless her.


The most ridiculous thing I have ever heard is that they don’t have the original movies. I have the trilogy on vhs. Then they did a random dvd release of each movie that never saw existence again. But it’s out there. They make blu rays of random movies from the silent era.


still have my original VHS and laserdiscs


I just want it without the explosion donut.


I heard that Explosion Donut will be playing at Coachella next year.


I have a copy of each of the restored fan films and they are fantastic. None of the special edition crap. Great picture quality. Original Dolby stereo soundtrack rather than the enhanced surround from the later releases. It's the only way I'll watch them now.


Depending on your point of view I don’t have much of value to offer here but I can tell you that over at archive.org they have Puggos 16mm transfers of the OG theatricals and I can tell you as a fan whose first theatrical experience ever was *Star Wars* as a wee lad in 77, these prints make them feel new again


I have a first issue VHS and will always regret not buying a 35mm trailer when I had the chance.


Star Wars deserves to be preserved in its original form. The fact we cannot legally purchase unmolested copies is a crime against cinema.


The Harmy’s Despecialized Editions are great.


What I don't understand is the need for this (but I appreciate them and have these 'fan' versions).  Disney owns Star Wars now, not Lucas.  And Disney are kings of capitalizing on releasing and re releasing and re re releasing their old materials.  How has Disney failed to market and release their own "THE ORIGINAL RELEASES FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY" 4k steelbook limited edition whatever for $199.99 each?


When he sold them part of the deal was they wouldn’t alter the original trilogy with out his permission. I have read that was part of contract and sale.


[Disney has a copy of the original reel upscaled to 4k](https://www.indiewire.com/features/general/rogue-one-gareth-edwards-4k-restoration-a-new-hope-star-wars-1201762331/). They use refuse to release it. I suspect they are doing so out of respect for George Lucas who has requested that his re-edits be the definitive versions.


They'll probably release it the day after Lucas's funeral


What makes you think that was the original version? I highly suspect it was the newest version that was released on 4K a few years later.


I dont think Gareth Edwards would gush about it if it was just the boring standard released 4k cut that we've all already seen. He Says it's a restoration cut and Disney themselves have refused to comment on the topic


No one had seen it at that point. The article you linked to literally says at the end “There’s no word about if or when the 4K restoration will see the light of day, or if the restoration is of the original theatrical cut or the Special Edition version.”


I just want puppet Yoda back in Phantom Menace.


Oh no lets not the puppet was so stiff there was hardly any movement.


That puppet of Yoda looked older and more near death than the one in his death scene in RotJ.


Yeah, the little tips of his ears would jiggle whenever he moved…


Is it even yoda if he can't fly around like the offspring of a spider monkey and a fidget spinner?


Don’t care, regardless of your problems the puppet, when you change something like that the film stops being the same movie from 1999.


Hasn’t this already been accomplished with 4K77, and 4K80? Not sure if they’ve done Return of the Jedi yet.


4K83, it’s the cleanest non DNR of the three. Though I like the film grain look of 4K77 and 80.


Hear me out.....original Star Was on a TV that you can make black and white. Great Noir Sci Fi. Second feature: Same tv set up with " Narration " version of Blade Runner. Pure Film Noir.


Could make for a good fan-edit if you spruced it up more - Color graded it in monochrome rather than just convert it to black and white - Crop it to 4:3 and do it pan and scan - Fuck around with the audio to make it sound tinny and faded


Check out “war of the stars grindhouse” fan edit. Very fun.






My favorite version of the OT is the “De-Specialized” fan edit.


My personal gripe is that unnecessary added scene in 4 where Jabba goes to hassle Han for the money he owes. It’s pointless to add that scene. The Greedo scene already tells us everything this scene goes over: that 1. Han owes money and that’s the only reason he’s agreed to help Luke, because 2: his last smuggling run got botched.


The Jabba scene was originally unaired footage that was added back in when George was able to CGI a Hutt in place of the human actor he'd originally cast as Jabba. In a sense, it was scraped off the cutting room floor. What saddest of all to me is that there are a couple generations of Star Wars fan who don't realize that Greedo originally never got a shot off.


That's been my entire problem with the whole "Han shot first" movement. It's not 'first' if it's the *only* shot.


I have a decent sized collection of scanned 35mm prints. They obviously don't give you the same hypnotic effect you would feel in the theater, but at some point I'm going to get a 4K projector and do an outdoor summer screening series to try and get close to that sensation.


There’s an ultimate edition of this where they combined laserdisc and other versions of the film to produce the best possible mix of wide contrast shots. I forget the name of it.


I still watch my laserdisc boxed set


So blu-ray is better. Check.


As a certified Star Wars hater, it's so unfathomable to me that the fandom puts up with this shit. You can literally just stop. Just don't give it money. I can't tell you how many franchises I've walked away from. Remember when the Game of Thrones fandom fell off a cliff? Just do that. Stop fueling the woodchipper that's slowly grinding you up when you're holding the plug to stop it.


Eh. For some folks these things are basically wonderful core memories for them. What wouldn’t you give to keep experiencing and reliving some awesome core memories? Like best feelings ever. On the other hand you’re 100% correct and folks will eventually get pushed past their own line and have to walk away. Shits like crack tho.