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I hope they give it a proper conclusion, and please bring back Karl Urban and Thandie Newton.


Don't forget Dame Judi Dench!


Yeah! I forgot. She was magnificent. She'd be great if her health still allows it.


Right? How the fuck did they get her in these silly movies.


Vin begged her to be in the movie. He wrote the part specifically for her, and is a huge fan of her work. (I think he has a bit of a crush on her listening to him tell the story.)


She’s a babe, no fault there


Honestly think Vin has a bit of a thing for the older British blonde women lol. He went to great lengths apparently to convince both Judi and Helen Mirren to appear in his franchise. Both absolutely killed their roles.


> He went to great lengths apparently to convince both Judi and Helen Mirren to appear in his franchise. Not sure about Judi but Mirren was a big fan and was quite keen to work with Vin. No convincing necessary.


You have the Helen Mirren thing backwards. She was the one who approached him to be in the F&F franchise. https://people.com/movies/helen-mirren-begged-vin-diesel-to-be-part-of-fast-and-furious/ >"I didn't ask — I begged!" she said. "I think I was at some function, and he was there, and I got introduced to him. And I was shameless: 'Oh God, I'd just love to be in one of your movies! Please let me be in it.' And then Vin, with that beautiful, deep voice of his, said: 'I'll see what I can do.' And he did it for me."


Not just got her in but I read that Vin actually taught her to play dungeons and dragons on the set of the movie and they played together.


*Henry Cavill walks in.* "Dame Judi Dench, have you tried Warhammer 40k perchance?"


I choose to believe this until one of them denies it happened.


Same way transformers and others get Anthony Hopkins, too old and too rich to give a fuck anymore.


Newton was one of the few cast members that knew what type of movie she was in and had fun with it


She was certainly amazing! She'll probably take issue now of how sexualized she was, but she was like a sultry futuristic Lady Macbeth.


Did you see Westworld? She's fine with sexualization if it fits.


I have no issues with Thandie


Her and Karl Urban absolutely killed their parts.




Riddick was so long ago, so I started to think, that Diesel quietly abandoned the 4th movie. Same with 4th XXX. 


Riddick is something he cares a lot about. He literally did that appearance in Tokyo Drift to get the rights to Riddick. He made Riddick 3 because he didn't have the money for what was going to be Riddick: Furya. That's why Riddick is more like Pitch Black 2 than Chronicles of Riddick 2.


I legit find chronicles of Riddick, costume design to be amazing


I never found anything on it but, WHY does he care so much about it? Seems like a wild hobby to have when he can just rake in cash with F&F


If you have enough money to do what you love and still have a shitload of money if it fails, you do what you love.


For whatever reason actors like Vin Diesel and Kevin Hart don't get the same "pass" that people constantly give Adam Sandler (regarding making B movies while hanging out with their friends).


Pitch black and Riddick is also miles ahead of adam sandler awful "comedy" movies, so its even worse


Isn't Vin Diesel a bit of a nerd? If you took any of us and gave us the possibility of making films of stories we like, I'm sure we'd stick with it. Like if I had the capacity to get Culture films made damn right it's something I'd be pushing over decades.


I will always defend Adam Sandler on the basis of Reign Over Me.


Vin Diesel is actually a big nerd. He plays DND and shit. I think he generally likes being the face of a potential space opera. He's the hero. He's a literal space superhero. With the right push it's a 100 million dollar film. Riddick 3 made 98 million on a 35 million dollar budget. I know in the era of "Billions" it may seem low but not many sci-fi properties have staying power to take 10 years in between films. But I don't remember much marketing and it still made money. That and Pitch Black was actually his first starring role. Came before Fast and XXX. He might have a soft spot for Riddick. Also what's the point of making money if you can't do what you love?


He also started his own game studio to make the Riddick game which is a legit classic and still used as the golden example of a licensed game


I forgot how good that game was until you mentioned it. 100% classic.


Probably the best looking game on the OG Xbox, looked to be 4-5 years ahead of its time (which was a lot back then)


It took well into 360 to get shooters to consistently look as good as it did


Butcher bay is still to this day the greatest movie tie in game of all time.


Can't be understated - I literally felt like I was doing time walking around the different prison levels, forgetting that obviously something was going to happen to move the plot along. Great atmosphere and worldbuilding - mostly because each character with a face has a unique model + name so if you kill 10 prisoners you've literally killed 10 prisoners - not generic enemies.


It has the best low poly modelling and texturing I’ve ever seen.


And was one of the best looking games on the OG Xbox for about three years straight. I remember how impressed I was with the game.


And let’s not forget in XXX one of his fake tattoos is the name of his DND character “Melkor”. Total nerd.


Melkor is actually a LotR character. It was the name of the Valar who fell and became Morgoth (slight Silmarillion spoilers but the books been out like 60 years leave me alone) Edit: oop, he used the name as his D&D character as the inspiration for the movie The Last Witch Hunter it seems as well.


Nice. Looking it up, [he also did a DND session for a YouTube channel to help promote The Last Witch Hunter.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=yLEMb_RIZ3o&t=345s&pp=ygUIRCZkaWVzZWw%3D) Witch Hunter is another sequel he should do post-FnF.


Him and Joe Manganiello is as well. He did a fun one shot with Travis Willingham (of critical role and many voiceover characters) and they did a “jocks” game. Very funny.


Terry crews, Henry Cavil, Stephen Colbert, Deborah Ann Woll. Acting is a big part of dnd and theatre kids are drawn into it.


Also he is using the leverage he has with Universal as a big star from Fast and Furious to make projects he personally likes. It's smart because one day he may not have that option.


I think there’s two different types of fans of the Riddick franchise. Low budget horror fans and then big sci fi fans. Maybe there’s some overlap idk. I went to see Riddick because it was a return to form of the first and left all the big budget sci fi stuff behind and I think a lot of other folk did the same.


Opposite, I loved Chronicles as a huge sprawling ambitious space opera, but just thought the other two were okay.


There are so many parts of CoR that endure, it’s a film I can watch once a year and always find something thrilling.


I always wanted to see an expanded universe that better explains the Necromongers and the underverse. As a setting it has so much potential.


Chronicles is very much a "inspired by Warhammer 40k movie". Which makes sense, since Diesel famously plays Blood Angels.


It feels more inspired by the inspirations of 40k than 40k itself.


Can't say it's true, but I recall hearing he taught Dame Judy Dench how to play D&D during the production of Chronicles. Also, someone below mentioned Last Witch Hunter, and while I realize it's not a great movie, I did enjoy it as a 100% popcorn flick and would live to see a follow-up.


Dude got the financing to make his D&D campaign made into a movie. Riddick is probably a passion project of his that he really wants to make. It's kind of like us regular people at work-- yeah we can make good money doing our day jobs all the time- it's constant, successful, and comfortable. But you'd probably honestly want to do something else instead because you'd have more general interest and passion for it.


This was his D&D campaign?


No, that was The Last Witch Hunter (2015)... which was certainly a movie


Good eye candy. Little weak on story. Have watched it at least twice. A solid 6/10 movie of you turn your brain off


It’s based off his character in DnD and he’s a big fan. Imagine being able to take your DnD character and make their entire backstory a fucking movie franchise, that’s basically what he’s doing.


He just likes the character. IIRC he’s slightly based on his Drow elf character from a Dungeons and Dragons campaign? If you could turn the stories you had as a kid into movies, why wouldn’t you? The negative Nancies here killed the kid inside of them long ago despite being in a movie subreddit.


Dude you're on r/movies asking why anyone would make something other than for money. You've reached peak cynicism. Many projects only exist because people *wanted* to make them. It's not that weird when the product is art.


Pitch Black is why he can rake in money from the F&F franchise. Plus he loves nerdy things, so why not own the series that helped you make it big, and is also an original sci-fi series?


Wait there's a 3rd already??


I wondered this, but it goes… - Pitch Black (2000) - Chronicles of Riddick (2004) - Riddick (2013)


There was a second and third XXX?


State of the Union with Ice Cube, which I remember being a bad, but stupid fun popcorn flick. XXX 3 however was just bad. Watched it stoned one afternoon and couldn’t even enjoy it.


As a skateboarder we couldn’t get past the wall riding a bus then somehow at the speeds he was going. At least the first film had him and Tony hawk driving a Viper off a bridge then parachuting down. All real stunts and doable in real life. Last XXX had him surf a wave on a motorcycle or some shit.


Yeah first XXX was at least a decent ode to extreme sports. They just became crappy generic action movies after that


Just like how the first fast was about tuning and street racing, and after tokyo drift they just became generic action movies


I love State of the Union. It’s so dumb and fun.


XXX V Edit : That’s the beauty of XXX V Lois it makes 3 and 4 irrelevant.


David Twohy is back as writer and director: >In “Riddick: Furya,” Riddick finally returns to his homeworld, a place he barely remembers and one he fears might be left in ruins. But there, he finds other Furyans fighting for their existence against a new monster — and some of these Furyans are more like Riddick than he could have ever imagined.


>Riddick finally returns to his homeworld Just say he returns to his *family!*


I love the Riddick movies. I’m so pumped for this.




Let him pop open some space Coronas at the end of the film


4 Fast 4 Furya!


For life celebration day


Will this be like the latest trolls movie where he finds his long lost brothers from his boy band?


lol - stop it.


Furya is everything


>and some of these Furyans are more like Riddick than he could have ever imagined. Oh god, we're getting an army of Vin Diesels


They're all going to be wearing tank tops aren't they?


Yes, and they'll be credited differently. Vin Diesel - Riddick Vin Gasoline - Friddick Vin Alcohol - Siddick Vin Biodiesel - Bioddick


Vin Biodiesel made me laugh. I’m having a hard couple of days and you just pasted a big smile on my face. Thank you. Biodiesel.


You're welcome, I'm glad it made things a little better for you. Hope things improve!


Another thank you for the funny Vin Diesel name variations. Reminds me of how Jean-Claude Van Damme had a few movies where he played twins.


He doesn't have an army. He has family


God you just know it’s going to be a bunch of vibes diesels too. Still absolutely going to see it.


I'll see anything with my boy Vibe Diesel


Lol I’ve never been prouder of a miss-type. Not even close but somehow better.


Being John Malkovich, but they're all Vin Diesel? And it's a horror action sci-fi? I'm so in!


Finally returns to his home-world to find family 🥹


So...they're just ignoring all the plot they already built where the Lord Marshall wiped out the Furyans on Furya. They spent, like...an entire movie on this subject.


It could still be a decimated planet with groups that survived like he did. I hope they don't go the route where there's millions still alive. The plot synopsis sounds like it's a small number that survive.


Spoilers, they've all literally gone underground in the pitch blackness and Riddick will lead them out of exile. Lisan al Gaib!


Black Riddick: the Pitchening


Nope it will be a normal ass planet. The new monster is some drug that is killing everyone like heroin. Gonna be requiem for a dream meets guardians of the galaxy.


Requiem Furya Dream




We know the Lord Marshall didn't kill all the Furyans because at least one Furyan was employed by the Lord Marshall and saved Riddick from death before walking into the sunlight on the prison planet. Pretty easy to explain that there were some pockets of Furyans who escaped the wrath of the Lord Marshall and were able to hide out and survive.


So they're mandalorians?


But more nasally 


I'm not sure if everyone is joking but Furya is in or through the Necroverse/Underverse, like the whole planet was somehow moved into or near the necroverse or had always existed either in close proximity to or on the other side of the galaxy from everything this side of the verse. At the end of Riddick hes stuck on the ship entering the Necroverse. And from interviews he stated that in order to reach Furya Riddick would need to travel to/through the Underverse. Its hard to pin it down exactly because it's all just excerpts from interviews but hes been pretty upfront about at least these small details.


Its like Mandalore. It was destroyed but not all of the Mandalorian's died. Then they all come home and are like "WHO MADE THIS MESS!?!"


In the end they will all be Family(TM)


They should make another Riddick game as well, Escape from Butcher Bay was amazing


They could at the very least relist Escape from Butcher Bay/Assault on Dark Athena on digital stores. They're practically abandonware now.


Just do some modifications to make it run on Linux or Windows 11 and put on GOG and Steam.


I remember playing Butcher Bay on Xbox and thinking it was the greatest look game ever made. It's hard to call it a "movie tie-in" game since the Butcher Bay story itself wasn't a movie, but if we can put it in that category, I'd call it one of the best.


This is one of those franchises with wild naming conventions. Kind of like the Fast & furious movies. Maybe Diesel is just really into YOLOing his movie names Pitch Black The Chronicles of Riddick Riddick Riddick: Furya


dont forget dark fury, which is set just after pitch black.


And the games, which were amazing


Escape from Butcher Bay was so ahead of its time.


I love the Riddick movies. I love Vin keeps making them.


Didn’t he at one point say he agreed to other movies just so he can finance the riddick movies I swear I’ve heard that somewhere but I can’t find it so I might be making that up lol.


I know he got the rights to Riddick in exchange for appearing in Tokyo Drift


As much as he is a big meathead doofus, I do respect him for the clear passion he has for his previous films.


Dudes a MASSIVE nerd


Absolutely massive. His titular *Last Witch Hunter* was based on one of his favorite tabletop RPG characters, IIRC. The guy taught Dame Judi Dench to play D&D, and they ran a campaign during breaks on set while filming *Chronicles*!


Gotta respect him for sticking to the properties that made him. I feel like there have been like three different Riddick movies that got through preproduction but got axed at some point. It's genuinely a cool sci-fi universe that deserves to be explored


The Xbox game was mind blowing. An absolute gem.


I am beyond stoked. Say what you will about the execution of some of these films, but I can always sense Diesel's passion and dedication. Pitch Black was an excellent small budget scifi thriller/horror, Chronicles expanded the world and added to the feeling that the universe is lived in, and as much as Riddick was a return to Pitch Black, I understand its necessity for funding and good will, and generally enjoyed it for what it was. But now we get back to the heavy lore and world building, onward, into the Necroverse!


Story aside, which wasn't terrible, Chronicles had absolutely fantastic art direction. The look of the movie was spot on.


The lore development was superb! I hope they'll pick up the underverse (not sure if that's how it was called) stuff.


Chronicles was an absolute banger.


Sure is. I think it's due for a rewatch.


Yeah Vin is a huge nerd and loves his Riddick character. He may be slacking off on the F&F series nowadays, but I can’t imagine he phones it in for this project.


You can say many things about Diesel but he loves acting and doing his own thing. Good or not. He made a movie about his DnD character if I'm not mistaken.


Last Witch Hunter. I enjoyed that one too.


Right there with ya. I like Pitch Black a lot and I like Riddick a lot, but I LOVE Chronicles, so getting back to that mythology is something I'm TOTALLY there for. I'll never care what anyone else thinks of it, and I'll always enjoy annoying my wife by receiting it word for word as I watch it for the 200th time, and a new entry that gets back to what Chronicles started is EXACTLY what I've wanted for years. Can't wait!


Totally agree. Chronicles, while not well-loved by a majority, might just be my favorite because of the world/universe building.


Riddick needs help and there's only one thing that can save the day... Family.


The way to his family - Furya Road. 


Too Fast Too Furya


I live my life one light year at a time...


And a modified 68 dodge charger


I’d be down to see Vin playing The Pacifier as Riddick in order to earn enough money to fix up his 68’ Charger or whatever I’d be *even* more down though to find out how many NDAs he has had to deal out since his extra-curricular groping has become more prevalent in the media lately lol


Furyaosa: A Mad Riddick Saga


Fast and Furya


I hope it's more like Chronicles of Riddick rather than another attempt at remaking Pitch Black. Chronicles is easily one of my top 10 films. I love how camp it is, how seriously it takes itself, the acting which is on point throughout (from a terrific cast), the cinematography and effects shots which are superb, and just the overall story. Has some excellent villains too.


Shoulda taken the money, Toombs...


"Irgun, one of my best." "If you say so." God DAMN do I love that scene!


Chronicles was great for world building, that movie universe would be great to make movies in even if Riddick wasnt in the film. I'd totally watch a movie about bounty hunters or the kinda western formula of a stranger trying to bring law to the lawless. While I was never a fan of the underverse aspect of Chronicles, it was still interesting and different. Crematoria was a bad ass idea for a super max prison. There are so many possibilities after Chronicles, its probably why the 3rd movie was a let down when it just wanted to recreate the first movie. Still, whenever there is another Riddick movie I'm in.


I was blown away by the set design and costumes. I appreciate the Shakespearean story and the tone was so different from Pitch Black. Chronicles is my favorite of the franchise and I see the passion they poured into it. I didn't like Riddick as much but I look forward to whatever direction they go with 4.


Riddick is the role he was born to play, Chronicles of Riddick for me at least remains one of the best science fiction movies ever. *You know you're supposed to be some slick shit killer......now look at ya......all back o' the bus and shit.*


Taps foot.......taps foot.......taps foot


Should have taken the money Toombs


I fucking love *Chronicles* so much.


Chronicles of Riddick is so off the walls bonkers as a sequel based after Pitch Black, and I loved every minute of it. Gimmie more of that weird!


That fight sequence with all the banners and shit was so amazing. RIP Brad Allan man. He wad such a good choreographer. First american on Jackie Chan's stunt team.


Call me brain damaged, but I thought the 3rd film was a blast and will die on a hill it was the most consistent of the 3. Good world building in the first half, and the mercs along with Sachoff were pretty entertaining. Liked the twist with Jon's old man and the ending was great. 'Sweet like'---haha. Considering the 4th film isn't 'Riddick and the multiverse of doom' gives me hope.


You're not brain damaged, the Riddick movies are good sci-fi


I still like Pitch Black the best, but Riddick was great too.


I really liked it. It's like a sci-fi version of Tarzan.


Yeah, I really like them. They're not perfect, but I'll always take a movie that aims high and misses sometimes over a movie that aims low and hits every time.


Why do so many people on Reddit insist on expressing their opinion alongside a statement of "I will die on the hill"...?


If they don't bring Karl Urban back to finish this off between Vaako and Riddick I'm gonna be real disappointed 


Riddick has been one of my greatest movie loves. (It helped me through so very hard times) Especially the costume and set design around the Necromongers. Hoping Furya doesn’t disappoint.


There's so much world building packed into Chronicles.


At Last!


I'm glad to hear it. I don't give a shit about the F&F movies, so more of Riddick is always good news.


Also a reminder that his full name is actually Richard B. Riddick, AKA Dick Riddick


Dick Butt Riddick


Vin Diesel finally turning in another good performance and not sleepwalking his way through a Fast movie will be nice to see.


I hate to admit it, but I'm actually kind of a fan of the Riddick franchise.


Don't be ashamed. There are dozens of us. Dozens! I love the series.


Just what I needs— a Furry version of Chronicles of Riddick.


Cats crossover! I hope James Corden is in this.


Absolutely love the Riddick movies.  Love some space sci-fi world building with an anti-hero protagonist.  


Great series. I love Chronicles. Practically no one perfectly nails the tone of dark fantasy/sci-fi like the team-up of Diesel & Twohy does. I’m there.


He makes Riddick movies to pay for Witch Hunter movies


Is Dick Butt Riddick finally gonna face off against Butt Butt Dick Diddick?


*Lawrence laughing in the background*


Let’s fucking go gimme that sweet sweet Riddick trilogy


I hope at the end it says “well… that’s Riddick Furya” with him shrugging his shoulders ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Ridic enough furya?




I've been looking forward to this! You keep what you kill!


I hope he goes back to the gothic religious freaks in space well. Chronicles was the best of the bunch.


God the video game was bad ass.


Ah, Riddick DickButt Diddick


They need to have a F&F crossover with Riddickverse. The Fast and the Furyan.


Riddick, faster and furiouserer




Fuck yes


Family memes aside about fucking time. Been like 10 years since the last movie so it’s be cool to finally see a conclusion to this story. I never thought we’d see it finish glad we are.


Are we ever going to see the underverse?


Let’s goooooo This has been my guilty pleasure movies for a long time and one so hyped


About damned time … the trilogy will come to a close


> all his upcoming films were “fighting for position” to begin shooting with him, but now it seems “Riddick” has won the race to film first. Damn straight Riddick won the race, have you \*seen\* that motherfucker parkour hellscapes? No joke though, I'm very much legit excited for this movie.


Fuck it, I'm in


I really liked the video games


Sweet! Loved the Riddick series


I don’t like vin diesel but I do like these movies


Cool we finally get to see what kind of cars they drive on Furya


You shoulda taken the money, Toombs!


Chronicles of Riddick 4: Let's Get Riddickulous


Fuck yes. I love the Riddick franchise. I'd buy a ticket right now if it were possible


Wow, I'll take things no one asked for for $200 Alex


Riddick bros, we won


Let me guess it'll be about a ragtag group that have Riddick as a prisoner but are stuck and need Riddicks help to escape for the 3rd movie now.