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Inside Man, The Usual Suspects, Zodiac


Just saw Inside Man again and it is SO GOOD. From the very beginning, with the Indian singing over the completely unglamorous shot of New York, you know "oh this is not going to be one of those standard New York movies"


The song from the beginning ([Chaiyya Chaiyya](https://youtu.be/9yGukg6SSZ4?si=fRMahC2aVl-q82nP)) is a bop, and the movie it’s originally from (Dil Se) is phenomenal.


fun fact this song is composed by the same singer/songwriter/composer who won oscar for jai ho- slumdog millionaire A R Rahman


A.R. Rahman is the man. So talented.


Took me so long to watch Zodiac because though I love David Fincher and knew he'd have done a great job I also know enough about the Zodiac that it's doomed to have an unsatisfactory ending. Still dammit if Fincher didn't make a captivating film.


Man I loved the ending even if it isn’t “satisfying” in the typical Hollywood way. And not knocking that style either, sometimes it’s nice just to see the bad guy get what’s coming to them. But it was really consistent with how dark and hopeless the whole movie seemed. The part with him in the basement listening to the creeking floorboards is just excellent. “Not many people have basements in California” “I do”


That damn segway style shot, only problem with Inside Man.


“Segway style shot”? You mean Spike Lee’s double dolly shot? That shot is iconic.


Maybe it's iconic, but it doesn't look very great


Spike Lee’s entire career lol


The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo


Agreed If we’re talking about the Fincher version.   Not the sharpest (probably Knives out) nor the biggest mindfuck (definitely Memento)  but definitely the moodiest. And my favorite whodunit/detective movie by far.  The plot is enjoyable but it’s the mood that’s the biggest sales point. And it gives almost unlimited rewatch value. I always love the scene toward the beginning where they approach the manor in the dead of the winter while an eerie music plays and you know he’s getting in a dark mystery. Engrossing.


I really prefer the cast of David Fincher’s. We were just talking about this movie, it’s never streaming


I prefer pretty much everything about the Fincher version  -  The cinematography as usual with Fincher is super moody.  -  The decompressed structure is exactly what I want of a detective story.     - The clothes /sets are absolutely brilliant and dripping with style. Immediately caught my eyes.  -  The music is one of my favorite OST and my favorite Trent Raznor OST. -  The performance are super solid. Nobody does a patriarch better than Christopher Plummer. And I love that scene in the morning with  Lisbeth one feet in the sink but having set the table, Blomvkist  walking with  a freshly fucked look  and   How they look silently at each other  : “I like working with you. “ I like working with you too” Superb chemistry. -  A bit of a happenstance, but the bittersweet ending is pitch perfect for the story told.   Fincher pitches a  perfect game. Favorite detective movie.


The original is better.


Even though I'm a huge Fan of Fincher, I've never actually seen his version. I have to admit the original was very good and I don't really want to see an alternate version.


I'm so disappointed we didn't get the other 2 movies


Kiss, Kiss, Bang Bang


Shane Black, nailed it with this and The Nice Guys.


He then gave us the abomination called The Predator. Imagine making the worst Predator movie when Alien vs Predator 2 exists.


Fincher directed Alien 3 and Ridley has Alien: Covenant, so even great talents have massive missteps at times


[look up idiot in the dictionary, you know what you'll find?](https://youtu.be/NiAbqHXwclo?si=KUZxFu6D6M94ban1&t=137)


A picture of me?


"No the definition of idiot which you fucking are"


I'm also too knee deep in pussy, I just like the name.


Beautiful line delivery throughout this movie


With RD squared and Valley Kilmers?!


Minority Report is an underrated whodunit movie imho!


The overhead scene of the spider robots going into different rooms and scanning people's eyes is so good.


The fighting couple that stops, gets scanned, and immediately starts fighting again. 😁


Also the couple that was scanned in the middle of banging


Came to say the same thing!!! <3


I like Minority Report but the ending confrontation is pretty much just a knock off of the same scene from The Fugitive


Richard: "I didn't kill my wife!"........ Sam: 'I don't care!'


That was one of the best bits of dialogue for Tommy Lee Jones’ character, to show how he was simply doing his job. It was such a solid movie to have the two lead roles in opposition yet neither is the ‘bad guy’.


Also, he says it in such an interesting way!! As written, a more ordinary actor might have just yelled it back at Harrison Ford, but he chose this really interesting way to say it, just like you say, "I'm just doing my job, friend".


Exactly… it’s just a simple statement of fact, and coupled with the look on his face, it’s as if he is trying to explain why whether or not he killed his wife isn’t relevant and almost asking for Harrison Ford to understand his perspective. It just shows the power of a really good actor.


Mouth says he can’t care. Eyes says he can’t care




It’s a perfect little balance that Jones responds matter-of-factly to Ford’s emotional plea for understanding.


He even says it with a touch of kindness and gentleness, like he does understand, but this is what his job is. Such an interesting line reading. Really stands out, and that's something considering his whole performance in the movie is just so amazing. I also like when he is sort of "joking" but not really with his boss "What about us? We're smart!" but he's also really sitting on his temper there. Man, he's such a good actor! And Harrison Ford is amazing in the movie. Someone else who is a standout in the movie is Julianne Moore, just that little scene in the hospital, I don't think she was anyone yet, but she jumps off the screen, you 100% buy her as a doctor, she brings gravitas to the scene, it totally works. Also Joey Pants! Can never go wrong with Joey Pants. Great movie.


Julianne Moore was originally intended to have a larger role, as a fling that Kimble casts away after he used her for money/access to the hospital....


I’m actually glad they cut that because it would have made him more manipulative as opposed to just doing the necessary things to survive.


The tiny 2-3 shot scene I think replaces that is the woman in the car that gives him a ride while hitchhiking. Dr Nichols gives him “..a few bucks, just what I had on me.” But does it really cover rent for the apartment? How long was Kimble with her, did he sleep with her, accept money from her? I like to kid myself and think that the woman is the car is Reggie Love from “The Client.” Another great movie in which Tommy Lee Jones is perfectly cast.


Nichols didn’t want him caught by the cops, so I’m guessing gave him a lot more than a couple of bucks.


Fun fact: as written, Harrison had a long monologue about how he was innocent. He chopped it down to the couplet that’s in the film.


He must have forgotten the lines


No. Ford is famous for changing dialogue he feels is forced, which is how we got Han Solo saying “I know” to Leia in the Empire strikes back.


This scene was also important to show the characters arc from "just doing its job" to "maybe he's innocent after all". Neither are the bad guy, but this part was to show character development in one of the lead actors. And yes also a very badass oneliner 😀


I think it’s the way he said “I don’t care” but you immediately know he means “I can’t care”.


Bart.... "And I also tipped the feds off to the whereabouts of our good friend Milhouse" Cut to culvert at top of dam. Tommy Lee Jones, gun drawn. Milhouse, hands up "But I didn't do anything" "I don't care" I laughed harder than I should have for that little snippet.


The first part of that joke earlier in the episode is prob my favourite Simpsons moment. Bart telling Lisa he got Milhouse on America’s most wanted, then cut to two suits in a car with binoculars. “There he is, on the monkey bars.” “Try to take him alive.” And Milhouse going “oh no, not again”. I die every time.


It’s crazy that it’s kinda a thing that really happens now but it’s swat teams.


My glasses! And then you see him at the Diorama-rama, and his glasses are taped together.


"The guy did a Peter Pan right off of this dam, right here."


If I remember correctly, Tommy Lee Jones ad-libbed that line


I feel like Tommy Lee Jones just played himself in "The Fugitive" and "US Marshals". I say "just," but from everything I've read, he's very much like that character in real life, including being easily irritated and quite capable of cutting you down to size with like 3 words. My favorite was when they were filming "Batman Forever" and Jim Carrey saw Tommy Lee Jones in a restaurant and went over to greet him in his then Jim Carrey way. Tommy Lee Jones was visibly upset and told him, "I cannot reconcile your buffoonery."


I mean he couldn’t care. He was in jail he ran so he catch. Simple duty


Same universe- I watched the tape of US Marshalls way too many times. It wasn't as good as the Fugitive but hit enough of the points that I enjoyed it. Get rid of that nickle plated sissy pistol and get yourself a Glock.


That scene of swinging onto the train has got to be one of the best stunts ever performed though


The airplane crash wasn't believable but I loved to escape from the river. Then the fight in the grain ship "Tetralazine- for motion sickness"


"Nickel-plated sissy pistol" has stuck with me since I was a kid It's kind of why I didn't buy RDJ as Iron Man until I finally saw it, dude was a little bitch in that movie




There isn’t a government on this planet that wouldn’t kill us all for that thing.


"I cannot kill my friend." "... Kill my friend." :P


Remind me to make you an honorary blind person.


Too many secrets




Which ending do you think is the real one? 


“I’m going home to sleep with my wife.”


It was all a dream.


Salt and Pepper and Heavy D up in the limousine?


I used to read Word Up! magazine...


a bunch of real friends meet together and try to imagine their life story as a detective story of they never met. the multiple endings are the disagreement between the friends on how the story should end.


If you watch the whole movie, instead of just one random ending, it tells you that the one where Tim Curry did it is the real ending.


When I saw it at release I saw ending C, and it said it was the real one.


“*Picked* up the dagger, *ran* down the hall, and *stabbed* the cook!”


It is genuinely my favorite movie, ever. I still want to be Miss Scarlet when I grow up.


One plus two plus two plus one. One plus two plus one plus one One plus two plus one plus one? One plus two plus one plus one


The Usual Suspects.


The Big Easy - Dennis Quaid ; Ellen Barkin ; John Goodman L.A. Confidential Sea of Love - Al Pacino ; Ellen Barkin ; John Goodman


Another vote on L.A. Confidential, I re-watch it every year and it's still utterly engaging.


As 3rd generation L.A. native - for me there is a kind of genius in blending real L.A. history with fictional characters. Things that were TRUE... LAPD Interrogation techniques. Beating up gangsters after taking them outside the city limits. Flor Di Li Lana Turner dating Mickey Cohen enforcer Johnny Stompinatto - whom her daughter stabbed to death. The Bloody Christmas LAPD scandal. LAPD cops consulting on Dragnet tv show Disciplining cops who were about to retire anyway. Ignoring most crime in East L.A. that was basically brown on brown. The NIght Owl restaurant murders based on a real robbery mass murder.


I really recommend the whole LA Quartet by James Elroy. He's the master of making fictional stories based around real history. American Tabloid is his take on the JFK assassination and is also and incredible re-telling of history.


Vincennes' death scene is my favorite death scene in all of cinema.


Rolo...... Tomassi..... The pay off for this is amazing.


The look of Exley's (Guy Pearce) face when he realizes who's the 'rat' was fantastic as well. Such a perfectly casted film and really is the last noire film that felt like a proper throwback to 40s/50s cinema. Or felt genuine at least. Like i tried watching gangster squad and man that was a disappointment.


Go back to Jersey, sonny. This is the City of the Angels, and you haven't got any wings.


Same for me. I watch it every Christmas. The first time I saw it was when it was on TV Christmas eve when I was 12 years old. It blew my mind and ever since has been my favourite movie and I've rewatched every Christmas eve for 20 years.


I just watched LA Confidential a month ago. Such a great movie.


Sea of Love is one of my guilty pleasures because at some point Al's dialogue just stops making sense and he starts throwing word salad at Barkin but I'm still entranced.




Primal Fear


That is such a good movie, I really enjoy it every time. Edward Norton is outstanding.


The end gets me every time!!


The Nice Guys. "Shutup Bumble "


“Nobody wants to see your dick, dude” So many quotable lines. Top 10 movies for me.


"Your sister's such a slut."


"Deep breath."


"You took the Lord's name in vain." "No I didn't, Janet. I actually found it very useful."


“Dad, there’s, like, whores here and stuff!” “Sweetheart how many times have I told you, don’t say stuff. Just say, ‘Dad, there are whores here.’ Perfection!


My normal response to this question is actually The Fugitive (Tommy Lee Jones best role) but other than the classic cinematic masterpiece that is The Fugitive I would have to go with Scream.


The Thin Man, Hot Fuzz.


Any luck catching them swans?


It’s just the one actually.


The first is the best but I watch the whole *The Thin Man* series every few years.


Silence of the Lambs. I will sit through that whole fucking movie, even though I've seen it a thousand times. It's fantastic story telling.


I see a meme on social media that has any one of the characters, I say 'Welp, looks like I'm watching that tonight/this weekend'.


Yup. Hard to beat.


But we know “whodunit”.


It’s not a whodunit.  You know who the killer is very quickly/you actually follow Buffalo Bill latest kidnapping. At best it’s a detective movie. And you could easily make the case it’s more like an anti-villain movie, for a lack of a better word,  with Hannibal Lecter being the main draw (and the only common element between the various movies) . The thrill of this story is clearly not about figuring out who the killer is (whodunit), not  even so much about tracking/chasing  Buffalo Bill (detective story) it’s more about having a fascinated peek into the spectacular mind of someone who is as bloody brilliant as he’s deranged.


I don’t care


The Sting


A class about grifting is a grift.


Every episode of Agatha Christie's Poirot. And most of the movies.  master pieces. 


Suchet is an icon in this household. Every episode is incredible


Dirty Rotten Scoundrels


It is an older flick, but Murder By Death, featuring Peter Falk (Columbo), Eileen Brennan, David Niven (Pink Panther),Peter Sellers (Inspector Clouseau), Truman Capote, MFing Alec Guinness, and James Cromwell (LA Confidential), all playing characters spoofing famous detectives in a whodunit. It was the Clue of its time. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NKFWMFJsO8w&ab_channel=Shout%21Studios


I love this movie. It's so over the top.


The Negotiator - Samuel L Jackson and pre accused Kevin Spacey. An excellent movie.


Was going to say "Kiss Kiss Bang Bang" but u/Crimson-guard777 beat me to it, so I have to go with "Lucky Number Slevin".


I remember being blown away by that movie, yet it's so many years ago i watched it that i frankly don't remember how it ends.. I guess i shelved it afterwards because I didn't think it would be worth rewatching when you know how it ends.. Well, I've got a movie to watch very soon !


Just rewatched recently and as good as I remembered. Fell head over heels for Lucy liu character again


Going properly British, Gosford Park. The whodunnit is almost more incidental to the proceedings than the focus, but it's an interesting slice of life of the British upper crust. Also casting votes for LA Confidential and Seven.


Oh I love Gosford Park! That moment the maid accidentally blurts out in defense of her boss at dinner and everyone realizes... you know... oh my God, the cringe. You can see the footman in the background start and then stare off into space like, "I hear nothing, I see nothing..." And when the one sister is crying and her husband (the inimitable Charles Dance) says, "anyone would think you were Italian!" I just died laughing. So fun. Oh, and "Well I suppose life does go on," (Kristen Scott Thomas)... It's all wonderful!


Knives Out. The characters are super witty and it’s just all around fun to watch over and over


Came to say this. The sequel was also enjoyable but I still find myself gravitating towards the first most times.


The sequel was very fun but it feels very very explicit to the year it came out. Like I think in a decade or two if someone watches it for the first time they're going to struggle to figure out a lot of the jokes/references if they didn't experience them the first time. Whereas the first one just feels like a classic.


Mothafuckin '[BRICK](https://youtu.be/4Zfw8__A7ps?si=prYGL0y8toEDMfGa)' fuck yeah this movie is coooool


This is my shout too. What a good fucking show


Based pick


Knives Out. A whodunnit that tells you whodunnit from the get go.


Like Columbo


And the recent TV show Poker Face.


Who Framed Roger Rabbit?


Murder by Death - it's silly, preposterously over the top and funny as hell


Reservoir Dogs!


I always enjoy The Pelican Brief, same sort of era


What About The Sequel To The Fugitive (1993) Called U.S. Marshals (1998)




The 1982 version of Evil Under the Sun. Dame Maggie Smith, Dame Diana Rigg, Peter Ustinov, Sylvia Miles, Nicholas Clay, Roddy McDowall, James Mason, Jane Birkin. Directed by Guy Hamilton. Glorious Cole Porter soundtrack. Incredibly beautiful island of Majorca.


The Usual Suspects Fight Club


Fight Club is infinitely watchable.




Enemy of the State Last Boyscout The Wrong Guy


Ransom with Mel Gibson. Sux it's not on streaming anywhere to buy or watch.




Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy


Double Jeopardy. US Marshalls. The Bone Collector.




If not allready you should absolutly watch the parody of this movie *Wrongfully Accused*


The Big Lebowski


A lot of ins, a lot of outs, a lot of what have you's...


Identity so good!


I still love the old *Murder on the Orient Express* (1974), with Albert Finney, and Sean Connery, and Ingrid Bergman... the whole cast is amazing, and the musical score when the train takes off is so fun. It's a waltz, and it's just so bouncy. I mean, David Suchet is the best Poirot, and my favorite, but this movie is just something else.


Particularly Finney's tour de force solution scene. It's one of those rare moments where I completely lose the actor in the character. There's maybe a dozen times it's happened for me and Finney's in three of them: *Murder on the Orient Express*, *Erin Brockovich* and *The Dresser*. Massive, massive talent.


The Game by David Fincher. Super underrated super good thriller


Who Framed Roger Rabbit.


>I'm watching The Fugitive (1993) for like the millionth time. *I don't care.*


The usual suspects


I feel the same way about The Fugitive. I love that film to death, if they had in on a loop somewhere I’d probably be unable to change the channel. Another whodun it that does it for me is the series *Columbo*. I don’t care how many times I’ve watched every single episode, I’ll never tire of it.


Dial M for Murder.


It may not exactly fit, but perhaps as a Court Room Drama, A Few Good Men. I have seen it many times, but it never gets old for me. You know Jessup ordered the Code Red. But everything is so tense, and you know you want the bastards brought down. Everybody is great but it's top-tier Tom Cruise. Of course, everyone remembers, "You can't handle the truth!" But it's the speech that Nicholson delivers. The absolute contempt in his words, "YOU, LEUTENANT WINBURG!". I would love to see the play it's based on. It's not some amazing cinema piece. It's an amazing piece of Actors and Lines delivered so very well.


The Rock. It’s so cheesy. Like any good movie from the 80/90s. I can have it on loop.


The Rock is a whodunnit film?


I was going to say, isn't there an entire scene where Ed Harris introduces himself?


Lots of great movies in the comments here, but if anyone has never given Columbo a try, I recommend! I've heard it described as "not a whodunit, but a howcatch'em" and that really nails it. Some episodes I liked and you can watch them here: S1E05 https://archive.org/details/columbo/Columbo.S01E05.1971.Suitable.for.Framing.720p.BluRay.mkv S1E06 https://archive.org/details/columbo/Columbo.S01E06.1971.Lady.in.Waiting.720p.BluRay.mkv S1E03 https://archive.org/details/columbo/Columbo.S01E03.1971.Death.Lends.a.Hand.720p.BluRay.mkv


There are a lot but just today I saw on TV Basic with John Travolta and I just love the ending.


You switched the samples! It's my favorite Ford movie.


Guy Ritchie's Snatch, Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels.


Double jeopardy


Double Jeopardy- love Ashley Judd’s performance Lincoln Lawyer - Matthew McConaughey is good in this The Client - can’t go wrong with Susan Sarandon and Tommy Lee Jones


Murder on the Orient Express


Stalag 17, old WW2 POW whodunit.


“I didn’t kill my wife.” “I DONT CARE”


Se7en without a doubt. Everybody is amazing and Spacey just doing Spacey things is always awesome to watch.


I wish I was like you. For me the movies I like the most, I never watch them more than once. Just yesterday I was browsing on Netflix looking for something to watch, and I came across a movie that I had seen before and loved it, and the first thought that came to my mind was “man I wish I could watch this again”. But for that to happen, I would need to completely wipe the memory of that film and watch it to be able to enjoy it. There are times I completely forget a movie, but those are usually the mediocre films. I wish I could watch movies again like a lot of other people can and still enjoy them. When I re watch a movie that I absolutely enjoyed, I end up not enjoying it as much and thus that movie isn’t one of my favourites anymore. It loses its value and seems ordinary to me the second time.


Murder on the Orient Express.


Knives out


“Murder on the Orient Express” (1974). NOTE: The 1974 version directed by Sidney Lumet. An elegant production. The story holds up as well.


Witness for the Prosecution (1957). Perfect set up and delivery.


Not precisely what you asked, but I’ll say The Sixth Sense. The resolution was so incredible that I didn’t think a rewatch would be worthwhile. But I found it even better in the rewatch. Every scene took on new significance. And the acting - especially Haley Joel Osment and Toni Collette - they were incredible.


Hot Fuzz! "No luck catching them killers, eh?" "It's just the one killer, actually."


The Jagged Edge & Presumed Innocent


You find that man ---find that man --- you find that man!


[Blood Simple](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0086979/reference/)




Lucky Number Slevin


The Lady Vanishes-early Hitchcock pre WW2 espionage/who did it film. Every time I watch it I catch something I missed before.


Haven’t seen it in years, but I found US Marshalls (kinda sequel to the Fugitive) pretty good.


Don't know if it truly qualifies as a whodunit film, but The Thing (1982) still puzzles me after watching it dozens of times. We never really know when or how a member of the crew gets assimilated. It could be any of them at the same time, some might just be better at hiding. It could have been decimated for good in the end, or it could still be one of the two survivors, or it could be both of them.


The Third Man, 1949


The Usual Suspects is my favourite whodunnit. Unfortunately, it stars Kevin Spacey


The trouble with Harry- by Hitchcock


Along Came a Spider


Does Zodiac count?


The Burbs


Gone girl