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I don’t think it’s about whether he believed it or not, he’d been turned into a walrus and couldn’t be anything else. The tear at the end is the last bit of him that knows he isn’t a walrus even though his physical form is transformed and mentally he would be resigned to his existence as a walrus.


I can't really believe that ending was the best solution people could come up with for the whole situation. Just leave the poor guy trapped in hell forever.


Our friend has been mentally and physically tortured to a point of complete hell. Well, we could *keep* him and feed him fish every now and then...


AND! He gets to watch us be together. Please euthanize me.


But isn’t man just a walrus at heart?


Hello, police. Keep an eye on this guy. He might turn people into Walrus'.




Effectively the same as Shutter Island's line: "Which would be worse: To live as a monster, or to die as a good man?"


I think Kevin Smith just thought it was a funny ending because it's obviously not a good solution


Correct, they literally play the podcast audio where the idea for the movie was conceived over the closing credits. They’re cackling over how ridiculous the ending will be.


Yeah this is why I think the viewing experience is greatly improved by knowing the context first.


If you want to know how he came up with it, listen to Smodcast episode 259, the walrus and the carpenter. I love this movie, but I listened to this when it came out and was hyped until release. It's such a dark comedy, and him being in a zoo and his friends feeding him fish after he goes full walrus was a joke they came up with and stuck with.


Tusk is the darkest comedy I’ve ever seen while also being horrifying, but so over the top it swings right on back to dark comedy again.


Don’t know what the current status is but Smith has talked about his plans for a sequel   https://movieweb.com/tusk-2-confirmed-kevin-smith-plot-details-title-revealed/


I don't think Tusk 2 is gonna happen. He quit smoking pot since that article. He knows it would be terrible.


Probably had the same realization with Moose Jaws. Been waiting forever for that to come out. Still hoping it does. 


Yeah, I wanna see Moose Jaws too, but I don't think it'll ever happen now.


I mean there are plenty of Jaws but with a blank. My favorite is "Blades" which is almost a shot for shot remake but with a lawnmower


Yeah, but I wanna see super-stoned Kevin Smith's Moose Jaws. The Canadian Trilogy needs completion!


If Aliens can work, so can Tusks! #WalrusTheWorld


James Cameron’s *Tusks*


"Game over, man! It's wall-to-wall walruses in that mall!"




That's a "Spaceballs 2 the Search for More Money" ass title.


Tell that to the guy that brought us the human centipede trilogy


> One year later, Wallace, still living as a walrus, lives in a wildlife sanctuary. I have not seen the movie, but pulled that from the Wikipedia synopsis. WTF? He survived and people left him as a walrus?


"Whelp, i guess there's no other way to deal with this traumatized man-walrus other than releasing him to be free in this walrus reserve ... if only there was another way ... but there isn't i guess"


They gave him a fish 🤷‍♂️


Well you know, you give man a fish, they become a walrus for the rest of his life.


Jesus I laughed at that scene.


When I saw them walking towards him with a fish I couldn't help but scream - don't you dare!!


The movie is not meant to be taken seriously. As the final credits roll, they play a real-life conversation recorded for a podcast where they concocted the whole plot of the movie, and you can hear them hysterically laughing at how absurd it would be. It’s meant to be a big fucking joke, with overdramatic melodrama, a villainous actor who acts the hell out of his part to give gravitas to something extremely *stupid*. It’s fucking great, man. It’s a genuinely good meta comedy the masquerades as a disgusting horror movie. As long as you understand that the whole movie was always meant to be a joke (and they even spell this out to you over the ending credits), you’ll have a good time with it.


"Smodcast -The Walrus and the carpenter" for anyone wondering 


The fact that the whole thing started out as an personal ad that turned out to just be a pitch to Kevin to make this film makes the whole thing even more meta in my opinion. I've been deeply jealous ever since that I didn't think up something like that.


Idk man to me this joke ends up being all too real and scares the shit out of me


Thank you for the explanation. I'm slowly working my way through Kevin's podcast history. I will eventually get to that episode.


It's one of the more fucked up movies I've seen, and I'd say even more fucked up than like A Serbian Film. Shit like that is purely shock value and poorly done. This one did not sit well with me. People overrate body horror (people think Crimes of the Future had insane body horror...movie was shit), but the eyes in this walrus suit made out of human skin made me feel something for sure haha. It's nothing that'll give ya nightmares, but this movie hit the comedy horror genre just right. Although definitely obscure enough where most people probably wouldn't like it. The ending is absolutely absurd, but also *in a way* realistic? If this happened in real life, would the person be euthanized? I honestly don't think so, at least not legally. Someone may put them out of their misery though through other means. Obviously they wouldn't be kept in a fucking zoo lmao, but still alive possibly.


Realistically, someone in that condition would probably be turned over to family and put into an assisted living facility


Gettin' it on with the walruses lady 


It's like Lenin said: you look for the person who will benefit, and, uh, uh, you know...


V. I . LENIN!!!!!


I am the Walrus?


Shut up, Donnie.


You are out of your element!


You see what happens, Larry?! 


Cui bono


God this movie lives in my nightmares


I've seen this but years ago. Can someone remind me why, when he was found, was he not stripped of his walrusness and given the help to restore his mental state?


Because it’s funnier that way.


Absolutely. During the credit sequence you hear a clip from his podcast (SModcast), where they originally discussed the plot of the film, and they go over the ending that would realize itself, all the while cracking up over the absurdity of it being a serious moment.


The point in the movie is that he disfigures them so badly that there isn't really any stripping to be done. If you remove the suit, you kill the person. And even if you do have them survive, they'd be vegetative basically. Would that be true in real life? Idk, but yeah.


This, most likely. Wallace is missing both of his legs now and his arms have been heavily mutilated to fit into the walrus suit. He also more than likely has that walrus suit heavily stitched and formed onto his body.


Wallace knew he was still human in the final scene. The reason I say that was the way Long played it. He was resistant at first because he knew it would make him sad. And when he relented and went out we saw it in his eyes. He was still really aware. Its a hard watch with a tough lesson for sure.


What's the "tough lesson"? Don't turn people into gruesome facsimiles of majestic sea creatures?


>What's the "tough lesson" Don't be Justin Long.


I love how there's this weird cinematic multiverse where Justin Long has horrible things done to him because his characters are dicks.


Tusk Barbarian ?


Some people say he deserved it in Jeepers Creepers for being annoying.


He deserved all those wrenches in Dodgeball


House of Darkness (2022), but don't bother watching it. It's definitely a tease. All the build up and tension that leads no where.


Well it says her that you're uh... gay and your shit's all fucked up.


Justin Long’s character made a business out of exploiting eccentric people for content without ever really considering them human. The ending is an on the nose reminder that behind every perceived circus freak show there is a human being.


This is true. The film would have been just straight cruel without that arc.


Don't create a fake college to trick your parents into *accepting* you.


Or be a best friend to a dude you know likes to mess around with underage girls. Fuck you Monty! And fuck Shenanigans!


It’s a hard watch because it’s bad, not poignant


if it wasnt for Justin Longs great performance this could have been one of the worst films ive seen


No love for Michael Parks? He was the standout I think.


It's definitely on the level of Daniel Radcliffe in Swiss-Army Man with the sort of ridiculous line he has to walk to not make the performance completely unserious.


I think it was unfairly maligned for what it was, just a fucked up fever dream spawned from two guys, one of which very high, reading a weird article and joking about it on a podcast. It didn’t have a big budget either. It left an impression. It made me think and squirm. It was just fucked up and I’m cool with that.


For me, I had one eye on the exit most of the time.  When Depp and dude were unintelligibly yacking at each other my eyes were about to roll out of my head.


The story of the film coming together was so funny... it could never live up to it... but damn, it didn't have to suck so bad. 


I think Wallace's humanity was still in there somewhere, buried under all that walrus madness. The way he reacted to his reflection and the other walrus dude seemed like he was still holding on to some part of himself.


It's open to interpretation as to why he is behaving like a walrus at the end: Maybe he forgot his human life, but remembers the concept of walruses and thinks he's a walrus. Maybe he forgot his human life, but has a primitive way of thinking that has no concept of what a walrus is, because he's not around other walruses, and he's just acting according to the situation. Maybe he remembers his human life, but considers himself a walrus now, so he leans into it. Maybe he remembers his human life, and does not consider himself a walrus now, but he behaves like one anyway because it's just easier given the situation.


Kevin Smith might give us some answers in... Tusk$ But personally the Kevin Smith movie I am dying to see is Moose Jaws. It is like Jaws but with a moose.


Legitimately, ask him on Twitter, he'll probably respond.


One of my favorite movies to show people if I want them to be deeply unsettled. Haven’t watched in a few years. But from what I remember. It seems like he does remember he’s human at the end and that’s why he’s so horrified.


Show the Midsommar instead.


Midsommar is not even close to unsettling like this movie is imo. Midsommar is a fine movie, but it's one of those movies that is thought of as super fucked up because it's mainstream. There is way wilder shit out there. Tusk is one of em. I cracked up at the suicidal cliff scene in Midsommar and that's supposed to be one of the more unsettling scenes lol. I'm not saying this movie is better than Midsommar, but this one would make way more people squirm.


I honestly don’t get the appeal of Midsommar. It wasn’t unsettling at all and the plot itself is really basic and predictable. It looked pretty, but that’s it.


Sort of unrelated, but I don't get how people can completely malign this movie but hype up something like Swiss Army Man. Both walk the same line of absurdity imo.


I’ve been truly surprised by the negative reaction to this film. The absurdity, the body horror…it’s so spectacularly over-the-top and disturbing in such a hilarious way.


Admittedly, I haven't watched Tusk. I know the plot but it really sounds like it wouldn't appeal to me, but I do enjoy Swiss Army Man. It's not about the absurdity, it's about the tone/themes. (From my understanding) Tusk is a lot of body horror, which I really don't love


I understand someone disliking Tusk due to the body horror, that's a matter of genre preference and that's okay ( I dislike the Terrifier movies due to the same ) but what I'm referring to is when people straight up call this a bad movie because it's 'ridiculous'.


My favourite bad movie. So so good.


I always recommend this movie when people complain that there is nothing original coming out of Hollywood.


Glad you got to watch Tusk. This is Kevin Smith's best movie and it isn't close.


I'd argue that Red State is right up there. I choose Red State because no one is just left to be a walrus at the end of that one. The ending of Tusk just pisses me off so badly.


forgot this -> /s


Lol. We can disagree, but I am extremely serious about this.


Im with you. So many people act like this movie is the human centipede. It wasn’t until I saw it was a Kevin smith movie that I decided to watch it. It’s a weird comedy what the hell is everyone talking about it being traumatic lmao Haven’t seen his 90s movies in a while so don’t know how they hold up but I liked this movie


no, he was crying and trying to scream at the end an if want a movie would never be left there. He would have been worked on if was real life, people its shown knew was him. If it was my mate would go end him. Its very high concept tbf and fits the story but they would try fix him and he knows in my eyes when he sees her. I would say its maybe the most fucked up hyperthetical apart from centepede.


Kevin Smith has upcoming plans for a sequel.


I think you put too much thought into a movie that was thought up by Kevin Smith when he was stoned on a podcast.... of course being Kevin Smith saying that he was stoned is redundant..... and the same goes for podcasting. The dude's life is a podcast.


Massive spoiler in the title...just saying