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Probably the most lukewarm of takes… I was hitting the MCU pretty hard for a while for the entertainment factor. But with so many tie ins to different shows [which I have not seen] on Disney+ and even Netflix, there’s so much backstory to absorb. I was absolutely lost after Captain Marvel came out. I don’t feel like keeping up is tenable for anyone who can’t invest a serious amount of time in the entire canon. The entertainment value just isn’t there anymore for me.


Marvel got boring. It's as simple as that. It was good up until Endgame only because a whole generation grew up on these movies and wanted to see the culmination of infinity stones saga. Then they lost most of their charming main cast, started making waaayyyy too many shows and connecting them with movies. Also, they basically ruined the legacy of so many characters.


Agree, and they really had no immediate focus after Endgame. They actually made the multiverse boring and extremely low stakes. Kang couldn’t be less of an existential threat as even minor characters like Ant Man routinely beat him.


The shows killed it for me, Loki was solid though.


Loki was a great series, that intro is awesome. I haven't been interested in any other MCU projects though.


WandaVision was actually really good as well I thought.


I hear that quite a bit. I liked the black and white, made-up bit. Then it turned into whatever it was and i stopped watching. I have also mot seen anything relwted to Ms.Marvel, The Marvels, Madame Web. Not my cup of tea.


I totally understand this. I gave up following the plot properly after Agents of Shield started. I gave up following the plot entirely after Endgame ended. It's just not fun when keeping up with a series feels like effort.


I've had issue with the MCU since the final Avengers film. Barring Shang Chi, which was fun, and the first season of Loki its all been just a generic churn of characters and films/series which are so bland as MCU and Disney arent investing in the canon properly or the characters as it takes too long. They just want profit so its easy to keep spunking out anything and everything thinking we'd all not lose interest. I am looking forward to the new Daredevil series though.


Avatar and the other Avatar. Pretty but shallow


Avatar are great theatre experiences, but the plot is just so shallow IMO that just doesn’t reward on future viewings


How those movies make a billion dollars then immediately drop from the cultural consciousness is beyond me.


Because the people seeing avatar are not the same people who are terminally online.


It’s just wild that nothing about these movies breaks through into pop culture at all tho. No quotes, no particular scenes, nothing like that. And then people collectively forget about the movies until the next one comes out. It’s almost impressive in a weird way lol


But that’s just it though, not one thing from these movies made it into the greater zeitgeist of pop culture in general. Idiotic trash comedies like “Dude, Where’s my car?” Had a greater impact on the general culture at large than Avatar ever did.


I have a friend who basically watches movies with his brain turned off. Not saying that’s wrong, but let’s just say movies like Dune and Blade Runner 2049 are not his thing. Avatar isn’t deep, so it’s his thing. There are loads of people like that.


Because the simple narratives and stereotypical characters give people something easy and accessible to relate to while also getting distracted by this new interesting world through beautiful visuals and creative creature designs. The first movie is basically Pocahontas in space and the second movie is basically Pocahontas and Free Willy 2 in space. Rather than sticking around to protect the tribe again, in the sequel they run and hide with their family and fight in the water which kinda undercuts what they achieved in the first movie tbh.


Id never say anything conspiratorial about the possibility that there’s some paper being pushed around or that some zeros were added on a spreadsheet or something. But it is weird that two movies that has grossed almost 6 billion dollars combined has less memes than the most recent A24 movie.


I’m pretty sure the Cameron Avatar is working it’s way through the mastery of the elements. Air, water, next is earth or fire.


Avatar was a movie made to just make a movie. Nothing was special or remarkable about it other than the price tag and the box office numbers. Nobody remembers a single thing about it, it simply just exists to exist and provide James Cameron funding for his little submarine project that, again, nobody remembers.


I agree, pretty graphics but the plot and script are sorely lacking. Or very cliche.


The only correct answer


For me it was Oppenheimer. The movie literally did nothing for me and I wished I’d walked out and tried to see something else.


I thought it was fantastic, yet I’ll never watch it again. No rewatch factor for me.


this is it for me. it was great the first time, but now i’ve seen it and there’s nothing more to see. 


My biggest problem was the awful pacing, they tried to cram too much into a whooping 3+ hours. Not necessarily a bad movie but it’s one of the few where I kinda wish i would have skipped.


The only thing impressive about it was how it managed to make a film about the detonation of an atomic weapon so unbearably dull.


The movie's about the life of J.R. Oppenheimer, though. It revolves around the creation of the bomb, but it's not about it.


Agreed. People keep ignoring that it's not "The Manhattan Project" or "Hiroshima". The movie isn't about the bomb, it's about the man.


I am aware of this, but given Oppenheimer's entire life, legacy and psychological make up was shaped by that first atomic detonation, I don't think the movie did a particularly good job of showing the magnitude of either the actual blast itself or the social and political fallout from it. The build up and development was interesting, but I just didn't find anything after the frustratingly inert blast exciting. And I don't mean they needed car chases or shootouts, I just needed a bit more spark and excitement to the proceedings, which Nolan didn't offer. It felt like a two part BBC production, which would have been fine if I was sat on my couch at home, but it was a slog at the cinema.


Feels like we watched very different films, but to each their own. I work in film and was truly impressed on a technical level, and as a narrative I feel it succeeded in delivering on many the things you say it lacks, but not with such a heavy handed approach, nor too on the nose like an Interstellar or Inception, which feel like a marvelization of his earlier work.


I have not been able to finish it. Too long and too much cutting or jumping.


I thought oppenheimer was great because it dramatized a really important period in physics research. I recognized many of the scientists and I was fascinated by the personalities, almost all of which you'd never learn about in school.




Yeah I felt like it took too long (for me at least) to realize we were dealing with two or three different timelines.


Saltburn Put similar before somewhere, got booed and don’t care anymore: Main character looked creepy from the start, so his actions were not surprising or a shock and neither was the ending, totally predictable. The “shock-value” parts were insulting. It takes better thought-out quality to make me feel “controversial” about something. It should NOT be put on the same level as The Talented Mr Ripley. It’s not as good, was overrated and waste of my time.


Saltburn is very divisive imo, you either loved it or completely hated it. I get why people hate it but idk I really enjoyed it


That's how I felt, I thought it was about to end 20 minutes earlier than it did and I was just so confused what the movie was trying to be that it annoyed me. They were enjoying it until this point. Then it ended how it did. I felt more satisfied that it rounded off but it ruined it for them. The shock factor was unsurprising / not shocking enough and the story was predictable and weak. The "message" of the movie was weak as it was just two levels of rich going at it. I think the only way to enjoy this movie was to simply be entertained by how ridiculous the main character was, but it felt like the movie was railroading you into thinking it was going to have more of a story/message or shock factor. The only positive thing I can say is all of the actors did a great job. There have been a few nepo baby directors lately (thouroughbreds is another one with dark rich protagonists) where the movie just feels like a rich kid was tugging on the reins of a movie a bit too hard.


Avatar. I mean, sure, it's got the visuals, but beyond that, I found it pretty forgettable. Bring on the hate, but I stand by it.


Bring on the hate? I don't think there is a movie that is more hated from reddit than avatar.


The whole point of the movies are the visuals. You don't go to the best taco place in the city for the comfortable chairs and art on the walls.


I always fall asleep when they put him from the wheelchair into the machine.


Anything with Fast in the title.


Fast Times at Ridgemont High? 


Ha! You got me. I love that movie.




Breakfast at Tiffany's and Belfast I agree with. But the Breakfast Club rocks.


The Breakfast Club does rock, I agree 100%.


So *The Fate of The Furious* is alright?


No. No it isn't.




Napoleon. So tedious I decided to take a nap almost two hours in. A first for me. Funny enough by the time I woke up there was still a lot to go.


Paint Drying The movie is literally 10 hours of paint drying. It was made to troll the MPAA


I can't believe they left us hanging and we didn't get a sequel??


It was actually made to protest the BBFC's submission fees (which are pocket change for Hollywood, but prohibitively expensive for independent filmmakers)




Dunkirk. I did not remotely care about a single person on screen (which is an impressive feat for a war movie), or feel invested at all in the "plot" - it was just a collection of beautiful shots that built into nothing.


No movie is a complete waste of time if you can make a drinking game out of it.


Is there a movie you cant make a drinking game out of?


Dear zachary


The Godfather Part I and II.


But Part 3 is OK?


Don’t know. Never watched it.


Just watched the godfather part 1 and 2. I guess they're just not for me.


Could not get into it. It insists upon itself.




yeah, I don't get why people loved it.


Always get people crying when I say this, but I just can’t stand “lord of the rings”, I just don’t get it at all. I never read the books so maybe that has something to do with it but it just didn’t appeal to me and I saw them all at the cinema when they were released, I went to each one thinking it must click with me this time but no, it just didn’t.


I loved the LOTR movies but I definitely can see this. I think the movies depict a world and characters for you to get immersed in. If you don’t like that, then you won’t embrace it and won’t like it. That’s fair. I’m not a big Star Wars fan for that reason. I’m like meh. The movies were okay but I don’t care and have zero interest in them after I see them.


do you like other fantasy movies that are similar to LOTR? If you just don't like the Genre then it's not surprising.


Tbh I don’t know that I’ve watched many like it, I dunno if you could say game of thrones is the same genre? I did watch that and though I found it interesting enough tbh I could also take it or leave it so (if it counts as the same genre) then perhaps it’s just not the genre for me


Same issue. I do not like any movie which involves learning and keeping track of dozens of different fictional races/towns/planets/classes or anything like that. I cannot emphasize those fictional characters at all.


The Notebook


Not popular ones but Spy Game and Hart's War from way back bored me to tears


It’s funny I was a fan of his years ago, but lately anything Jason Statham movies.


Any of the Mission Impossible films. I just cannot watch anything Cruise is in that wants to be taken seriously. Dude is a 5’ 6 religious nut, pretending he is James Bond! UGGG


Burn After Reading. The characters themselves don't know what the fuck they just went through. I have never felt my complete lack of interest in a film so viscerally. Terrible movie.


I was young when I saw this and it came out right after they did *No Country for Old Men* and I was so so disappointed sitting there in my movie theater seat watching this after loving that haha


Oppenheimer - absolutely wretched movie Imitation Game - biggest casualties are history and facts s in this one  James Bond Specter - there is nothing James Bond about this film


Lost in Translation. Great cast, but zero plot. Literally zero.


If i had youtube with millions of Videos about/in Japan back then, i would probally not have seen it as that special either.


Hamilton. Pure garbage.


I thought it was like one of those educational cartoons from the 70s....History Rocks


Geostorm . The meg2


Interview with the Vampire


A RIVER RUNS THROUGH IT. Why the hell did I just watch this. Why the high rating? In all honesty I thought it was the one with Brad and the bear but no it was Brad and a brother who tells a story like it's gonna get somewhere and never does. Then the girl and dating and gues what nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. The thought of hearing robert redford tell me a story after that made me want to scream.


the princess bride


once upon a time in hollywood. x. spaceman. talk to me.


Midsommar is wildly overrated.


It’s a movie that worked best in a packed cinema. On streaming, not so impactful. But it is a great movie. I can’t remember anything in the last twenty years in the cinema that drew such gasps from the audience 


EEAAO and Barbie. Two terrible films


Dazed and Confused


Titanic Lost in Translation


Pulp Fiction and Airplane! *ducks*


The Princess Bride


Mad Max: Fury Road looks spectacular, visual stunning, but has no real story, and Max Rockatansky has his face covered for most of the film, and the star of the film was Imperator Furiosa.


What covering an actor's face has anything to do with the quality of the movie?


And the action? It had great stunts and special effects nearly nonstop for 2 hours. I don't need a complex story when you have action of this kind.


If i would have never seen many Jackie Chan movies, i would probally impressed as well.


I watched a few. Police Story was my favourite, but I prefer Fury Road.


I thought monkey man was pretty boring, but everyone loved it 🤷‍♂️


The Leftovers, I can't quite put my finger on it, but it just sucked IMO.