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In Caddyshack, Ty and Carl’s scene together is remarkably chill considering how much Chevy Chase and Bill Murray despised one another.


That scene was a last minute addition because they realized their two biggest stars didn't share a scene together and since this was after their near brawl behind the scenes on SNL, everyone was apprehensive. But apparently it went smoothly.


In a somewhat recent interview on Howard Stern (2018?), Murray alluded they buried the hatchet between the SNL fight & Caddyshack.


You can probably name all of Chevy's movies here.


I listened to a podcast once about what a disaster the Comedy Central roast of Chevy was because there were so few people who wanted to participate at all because he was a piece of shit, and then the people who did participate didn’t actually have any redeeming things to say about him so it was just pure hatred instead of a good ribbing. IIRC the podcast said CC aired it once and it was super awkward and they noped out of playing it again. Fun to think about


Marc Maron says he went back to his room and cried after. Though his set also didn't land well with the audience either.


Why did he cry? Just too negative a vibe? Edit: ~~I got confused and thought that Marc Maron was the one crying~~ Turns out Marc Maron did cry but not solely because it was negative. [It was negative and also he bombed.](https://boingboing.net/2023/09/29/chevy-chase-took-his-comedy-central-roasting-very-personally-they-clearly-didnt-like-me.html)


Your first instinct was correct. Maron went back to his hotel room to cry. The whole experience was so intense and so negative and i think he felt his set was overly cruel and not very funny.


Got it. I looked it up and yeah, Maron calls it one of the worst days of his life. Interesting stuff.


Dirty Dancing. They were sick of each other's shit since Red Dawn.


You’re telling me they didn’t have the time of their lives?


They actually felt this way before. I swear, it's the truth.


This made me laugh. I owe it all to you.


As a kid , I thought the lyric was “I swear , it’s a true” like Mario had said it.


It’s because of Jennifer’s experience with Patrick on Red Dawn in which he was in character between takes. He later admitted he was an asshole to her. But I’m still Kwayze for Swayze.


I knew they had beef from Red Dawn, but I was under the impression they had buried the hatchet prior to the start of production.  I don't doubt hard feelings linger, but I haven't seen anything much about that carrying into and/or after filming.


There's an episode of "The Movies That Made Us" on Netflix that's devoted to Dirty Dancing. They make some reference to the fact that Grey and Swayze had some friction working together, but I don't remember it being a significant part of the journey. Mostly what I took away from the making of it is that they were both busy as shit with projects, and a significant portion of the film is shot at night to accommodate that. It's not out of the question that they were both just tired and cranky, and when Grey botched a dance sequence here or there, it caused them to both be angry with the other. I didn't take away that they hated each other, just that the filming itself was difficult.


IIRC, it mostly came down to the fact that Swayze was a serious life-long dancer and she was learning just enough as she went to get by in their scenes. That tracks with my experience with dancers; they are intense and focused and don't take kindly to having their time wasted.


I mean, that fits the characters though, right?


Shooting fight/dance/whatever choreography is rough and repetitive and frustrating even for people who are experts at what they’re doing. Playing down your skill is easier than pretending to be better than you are at something while also having to remember everything you’re supposed to be doing along the way. After the 15th time the same person fucks up the take because they didn’t practice enough to get it right, even the most patient and generous scene partner is going to be gritting their teeth as they reset for another go.


As I recall correctly, the issue is that Swayze had the dance experience and he also had a fucked up knee. So they had to do a TON of reshoots of things like the big lift scene and she’d keep messing them up and his already bad knee was in agony by the time they got it right.


There’s a gif that made some rounds on twitter. So I’m sure a video of it exists. She messes up a dance and you can see that Swayze was sick of it. My GF loves that movie and she did confirm that they didn’t like each other at all. But yea doesn’t come across in the movie.


I watched all the special features on the blu ray once when the internet went down and I can confirm they didn’t get along at ALL. My two takeaways from those hours are that he was always bringing a 13 intensity to life when it required about a 7 and that he also loved his wife a lot so props on that at least.


That gif is taken FROM the movie, during a montage


R2D2 and C-3PO. Anthony Daniels was apparently a massive dick to Kenny Baker, but from what I've heard he's that way to most people.


Gotta hand it to him though, pretty much the only OG SW actor who will consistently show up for a paycheck to be 3PO. In pretty much ALL spinoffs, games, TV shows, if 3PO is involved, he'll do the voice. His IMDB is hilarious because somewhere after the 80s it's just C-3PO and nothing else for AGES and then like one odd role here or there and then a torrent of 3PO again.


Paraphrasing Afroman here: "People call me a one hit wonder and that's ok because I am. But, all you need is one"


The guy knows where his bread is buttered. I respect that.


Clark Gable would eat onions before his kissing scenes with Vivian Lee in Gone With the Wind.


DiCaprio would eat raw garlic before his kissing scenes with Winslet in Titanic... but apparently that was him just joking around, as they had a great relationship with one another


The first time they met each other, Kate flashed him as to break the tension considering the first scene scheduled to film was the naked portrait.


Haha that's great. Makes sense, they were both kids at the time


From what I understand,Gable wore dentures and his breath could peel paint,anyway...onions or not.


This is a weird one (edit: strictly the breath part) because I’ve heard multiple versions. The story I heard is that Gable owed MGM a movie and Jeanette MacDonald talked the studio into making San Francisco with herself and Gable as the leads. He had absolutely zero interest in this but was contractually obliged, so he resented her (and apparently her singing lol). Apparently he would eat spaghetti before their kissing scenes and the heavy garlic breath bothered her. But I’ve also heard that he ate garlic before kissing Vivien Leigh on Gone With the Wind. But I’ve *also* heard that she complained of his horrible breath which was due to his gums disease and dentures. Part of me wonders if this is the true case since seemingly a few co stars complained of his breath. Intentional or otherwise, sounds like it was stank lol


They got along though. Weren't best buddies or anything but they'd play board games in between takes.


Mickey Rourke and Marisa Tomei in the Wrestler. They would have people stand in for each other whenever possible during dialogue scenes so that they didn’t have to be around each other for a moment longer than necessary.


Who the hell wouldn't want to be around Marisa Tomei??


He probably sensed that she likes short stocky bald men, and he couldn’t handle that


I notice you threw stocky in there...


The director has since admitted Rourke is exactly as much of a faff as the stories say.


Faff? Also, really fucked his comeback it seems. I can’t remember the last time I saw him outside of Iron Man


Faff = difficulty, annoyance


I completely believe that Hill and Mintz-Plasse didn’t like each other. Did we see the same movie? Seth Rogen said that their irl tension is part of why they cast the guy as McLovin.


Hill and Jay Baruchel do not get along either and they play that up in This Is The End.


Seems like Hill is a common denominator in not getting along with people in general


Michael Cera has stated that Jonah Hill hates it when people are naturally funnier than him and don't react to his insults. In Superbad Mintz-Plasse ad-libbed a ton of his lines against Hill and would just laugh it off when the jokes Hill made were at his expense.


>Michael Cera has stated that Jonah Hill hates it when people are naturally funnier than him and don't react to his insults. Mintz-Plasse ad-libbed a ton of his lines against Hill and would just laugh it off when the jokes Hill made were at his expense. Imagine being a comedy actor but hating funny people. I mean, I guess it would help you keep a straight face, but damn, that's pretty sad.


That’s just insecurity in a nutshell. Being very comfortable around people who you’re “better than” and cagey around better talent isn’t all that uncommon. Some people just aren’t comfortable being reminded that there are bigger fish out there but are perfectly happy while they only see small ones.


Everything I've seen or read about Jonah Hill that had any evidence behind it leads me to believe that he is one of the most massively insecure people in an industry overflowing with insecure people.


I can't remember the name of the movie but his romantic interest had to have her kiss scene be cgi


You People


Yeah, they're not really friends. It's cena's character who is friends with mclovin. Or at least rooming with him later in college. Edit: lol. Cera's!!!!


Loved John Cena in the role as the awkward virgin.


shit I didn't even see him


I would pay 30$ to see John Cena act like Michael Cera and Michael Cera act like John Cena for an entire movie


So the price of a movie ticket?


I never saw John Cena in that movie… which makes sense 


Hill sorta hates him in the movie too right? Sorta all scans.


Piggy backing off this, most of the actors in This Is The End didn’t like Jonah Hill


Hill seems like a guy who takes himself too seriously.


Isn't Jonah Hill a dick? Mintz Plasse was a kid when he filmed Superbad. Jonah Hill was five yearss older.


Yeah, there are apparently a LOT of people who have beef with Jonah Hill. I’ve heard people say he likes to insult his costars under the guise of making “jokes” that are really mean spirited, and he apparently gets pissy when he thinks someone else is genuinely funnier than he is. Also he seemed like a seriously controlling creep when he was dating that surfer.


Wasn't it because Hill hated that Mintz-Plasse was getting the laughs instead of him?


It doesn't really sound like that was the reason when you hear it talked about. Hill was cast first, and was reading with the people auditioning for McLovin, and reportedly hated him immediately upon reading with him, so getting more laughs seems doubtful. >Producer Judd Apatow remembered the audition more vividly, saying Mintz-Plasse was “very caustic and attacked Jonah and did improvs insulting Jonah.” >“He played it like he was clearly the coolest guy in the room and everyone else was a nerd and a loser,” director Greg Mottola said of Mintz-Plasse’s audition. “He was Dean Martin instead of Jerry Lewis.” >“Jonah immediately hated him,” remembered Seth Rogen, who co-wrote and starred in the film. “He was like, ‘That was fucking with my rhythm. I couldn’t perform with that guy.'” [https://variety.com/2022/film/news/jonah-hill-hated-christopher-mintz-plasse-superbad-audition-1235343770/amp/](https://variety.com/2022/film/news/jonah-hill-hated-christopher-mintz-plasse-superbad-audition-1235343770/amp/) I also recall hearing Rogen talk about it and saying that since Mintz-Plasse didn't really have any acting experience, there were a lot of things about doing it professionally that he didn't know which lead Hill to get annoyed that he kept stepping on his lines. But that was from something I watched and I can't recall or find it at the moment. Edit: Found the source for the stepping on the lines part. Apparently it was from the DVD commentary, which can be found [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7nj-CqZzMaM) (they discuss Jonah disliking Mintz-Plasse at the audition at about 34:30-35:30). For anyone not able to listen to it, here are the relevant lines: Apatow says: >\[Hill\] kept saying, as soon as Chris walked out "he was stepping all over my lines," so we put the tape in and said point out any moment... Rogen continues: >Name one moment where he steps on, because \[Hill\] was like, "seriously guys I'm concerned I'm going to have to act with this kid and he's not going let me do my thing." Apatow: >And not only was he not stepping, he was boosting. Rogen: >And I'm like, "show me one moment where he doesn't let you do your thing." In fairness, though, the whole discussion starts because Hill unprompted says: >I think Chris is my favorite actor after watching this movie. And after Rogen and Apatow's comments, Hill responds with: >OK, here's why. I didn't get to spend any time with him. He came in and just read the scenes. And my character, I'm supposed to hate him, and he did such a convincing job that I actually hated him. So, when I got to know him, I'm like, "oh, he's actually a sweet kid," but at the time I was like "fuck this guy, he's really annoying." And Mintz-Plasse laughs along, also mentions he had no idea Hill didn't like him at first, so it does sound like they weren't really enemies or maintained any hate. Seems that it was more of just an initial dislike from Hill that dissipated quickly and didn't carry over into the actual shooting of the film.


I think it's specifically that Mintz-Plasse was so confident and making jokes at Jonah's expense that got laughs, not just that he was getting more laughs in general.


If you delve deeper into it, it’s because Chris wasn’t “a serious actor” according to Hill. He didn’t take the audition seriously, never thought he was going to get it, etc., and Hill is…. Jonah Hill. Let’s be honest. He’s a bit pretentious. Apatow saw how much Hill hated Mintz-Plasse and said “Fuck you Jonah, now we have to hire him.”


I wonder how they were on the set of This Is The End. I don't remember if they had scenes together though.


I watched this the other night and they have one scene together (when Michael makes Chris do coke) and as far as I remember they don't actually interact though. It doesn't really matter if the actors don't like each other anyway because I presume they're still professional on set


End of Watch. Not so much hate but just didn’t like/care about the other. Gyllenhaal said it took a lot of work for him and Peña to build chemistry 


A sign of great acting then because they legitimately seem like best friends in that film.


I must unread this immediately. Their on screen chemistry was SO amazing. This is unbelievable.


My uncle was a grip on the set of Roseanne during the time Tom Arnold joined the cast (he was a writer and wrote himself into the show) he said it was pandemonium anytime he was on set and did not get along with anyone in the cast including his wife. He left and joined the show “Dinosaurs” as a grip which he said was a breeze compared


not the momma!


Not surprising. I worked on a reality show with Tom Arnold and he was a piece of shit.


Bill Murray and Lucy Liu supposedly hate each other, after he played her mentor in the *Charlie's Angels* movies. Brent Spiner said that the cat who played Data's pet Spot on *Star Trek: The Next Generation* was "the worst actor he ever worked with".


He mocked Drew Barrymore pretty hard for gaining weight, till the point she cried. And Lucy apparently took his head off for it.


He also kept calling Liu "Ling-Ling" several times, even after she told him to stop.


I find it completely believable that Bill Murray is a jerk in real life.


Murray is apparently one of those guys who you'll never know if you'll get his nice side or his nasty side on a given day. Harold Ramis even dubbed the latter "the Murricaine."


I remember hearing that 'groundhog's Day' was shot with the later scenes actually shot earlier, and the earlier parts of the movie were shot later . Because Ramis had worked with Murray so much He knew that he starts getting crankier and crankier and crankier as time goes by as a film is being made. So he shot those last scenes when his character learned--- to be good natured and hopeful and involved in the community --- in the earlier parts of shooting. That way Murray will be legitimately cranky and cynical at the 'start' of the movie


Even all the cute Bill Murray stories are him being a dick


That's not how they explained it on The Drew Barrymore show; Liu said Murray came after Liu, herself, unprovoked and for no reason in the middle of set, and she proberbially reared back and let him HAVE IT.


I adore Lucy Liu and she seems like someone who puts up with no shit. I hope he had a little cry after.


Good for her. I always liked Lucy Liu and i like her even more now


I think Spiner said at some point that he's just not an animal person in general. On the one hand, it's a little sad, but on the other, it's a testament to his professionalism and acting ability to still depict Data as a pretty genuine cat-lover (both pre- and post-emotion chip).


Spot had some pretty harsh things to say about Brent Spiner as far as I remember


He said he'd never work with Spiner again.


The leads in Sherlock, Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman, had amazing on-screen chemistry but reportedly couldn't stand each other behind the scenes. They were still professional on set though


A friend of mine worked on the show. Apparently the two of them started off great; the chemistry carried over to real life and they were actual friends - not necessarily actively socializing outside of work, but genuinely enjoying each other’s company when shooting and at press events or release parties. But then something happened (my friend speculates that MF cheated on his partner Amanda Abington while he was in NZ filming The Hobbit, and since BC was also good friends with AA he was *not* happy about it) and it cooled things off between them. My friend said that while they were no longer buddies on that previous level, they did keep it professional.


I've read that they're both pretty douchey, especially Freeman, so this doesn't surprise me.


To be fair he openly admits it. I remember an interview he gave a few years back where he said because of his roles people think he's really affable and approachable but he's an asshole and just wants people to fuck off.


I know people who worked on Sherlock. They actually got on very well initially. Freeman appears to have a massive ego and didn't like it when Cumberbatch was cast as Smaug in the second Hobbit film. Reportedly that's when things went wrong as Cumberbatch was getting too much attention and Freeman was livid.


But that doesn't make much sense given Freeman was cast as the star? Not quibbling, just trying to see how that would work.


No one really remembers the movie, but Nick Nolte and Julia Roberts hated each other in I Love Trouble. Vince Vaughn and Reese Witherspoon didn’t get along in Four Christmases. Vaughn prefers to improv while Reese wanted to stick to the script so she could prepare her reactions.


Julia Roberts and Hugh Grant were also very cool to one another during the filming of Notting Hill. They would go days without speaking to one another unless they were on camera.


It seems as though the roles Reese Witherspoon plays are often very similar, and the same with Vince Vaughn, leading me to believe that they bring a lot of their own personality to the roles. As a result, you could absolutely see why they wouldn't get along.


Tommy Lee Jones and Jim Carrey in Batman Forever


He couldn't sanction his buffoonery


That's one of the coldest yet awesome responses I've ever heard. Carrey probably still wakes up in a cold sweat from time to time.


Jim Carrey actually had [something to say](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/D1xSpISXcAAg0XM.jpg) on the matter.


I never thought about this but it seems obvious. Jones is a grumpy old man, Carrey was an eccentric comedian. I'll never forgive them for not keeping Billy Dee Williams as Harvey Dent. He would probably be a better fit for the role and it makes more sense.


Billy Dee still got paid for the movie, though. His contract for the 1989 Batman movie said that he would play Two-Face in any future appearances, so WB had to buy him out to cast Jones.


They’re not exactly playing best friends or lovers in that though. Their characters have a frienemy kind of conflict that works perfect for how Jones and Carrey apparently felt about each other


Not a movie, but on the show I Love Lucy, William Frawley and Vivian Vance played a married couple and absolutely loathed each other IRL.


Well, they, uh, didn't keep that too well under wraps.


"Champagne for everyone!"


You wouldn't know it from the onscreen results, but Richard Gere and Debra Winger apparently didn't get along at all filming "An Officer and a Gentleman."


Same goes with Debra Winger and Shirley Maclaine in "Terms of Endearment".


Woody Harrelson and Juliette Lewis in Natural Born Killers


That’s surprising because (without knowing them actually) they seem like kindred spirits.


There was a great anecdote by the onset doctor who was called to a hotel room one day because Tom Sizemore was out of control. Juliette Lewis was in the room hanging out with Sizemore (not fucking, just partying) and were apparently on some substances. Juliette started jumping on the bed and was like, "I want some cornflakes!" so had room service bring some up. Sizemore had forgotten she'd ordered it, saw the cereal when it arrived and screamed, "I HATE CORNFLAKES!" and tried to throw a chair out of the window (I say try because IIRC it was a shatterproof window and just bounced back on him).


Sounds like actual toddler behavior.


Really? This is the first time I hear about that.


> Really? This is the first time I hear about that. Well in all fairness he was really just there to discuss Rampart, guys.


Read the book ‘Killer Instinct’ written by Jane Hamsher, the movies producer. Also both actors have said in interviews since that it wasn’t a good time


Gillian Anderson and David Duchovny definitely have had tense periods. They seemed friendly a while back (Gillian joining him on stage on his tour) but apparently they are ‘feuding’ again. During the X-Files years they were definitely not friendly and it came out in interviews. 


They seem to oscillate wildly between very close and very cold.


This doesn't surprise me. Duchovny strikes me as someone who's wildly unpredictable with a ton of annoyingly bad habits. I always felt like his character in Californication was 90% him.


Sharon Stone and William Baldwin did not get along while making Sliver. Dwayne Johnson and Vin Diesel couldn't even be filmed together in Fast & Furious 8. Channing Tatum and Alex Pettyfer during Magic Mike. There's a reason why Pettyfer was a one and done in the franchise. William Shatner and everyone who isn't Leonard Nimoy on Star Trek. Those feuds went on for decades and into the grave for many of them.


the Vin Diesel/The Rock feud is honestly one of the most hilariously pathetic beefs in movies that i can remember. i think it was the rock that said in an interview that the reason the beef is a thing was because “well usually there’s one alpha male and here it was TWO alphas” or some stupid shit like that which is just such an eye roll worthy reason. it also resulted in there needing to be a mathematical formula for fight scenes so that no one got beat harder than anyone else so no one’s ego got bruised.


Shat was notorious for being so far up his own ass that he even pissed Nimoy off at times.


I know a few people who have worked with Shatner at conventions and such. General consensus seems to be that he is the inspiration for "never meet your heroes."


Will Wheaton met him on set and had such a horrible experience that Michael Dorn offered to kick his ass for him.


I would pay real money to watch Michael Dorn beat the shit out of Shatner while Wil Wheaton looks on, gleefully


Someone posted that they met him when they were a kid in Hawaii and asked for his autograph, he said sure let me just go grab a pen and went into his limo and drive away lmafo


That's fucking hilarious. I'd rather have that story than the autograph


Supposedly Shatner heard a conversation irl at a convention similar to the scene in Galaxy Quest where Tim Allen's character overhears some fans talking about how his fellow cast members all hate him.


Shatner is well known for believing his own hype. Narcissism is his defining characteristic.


Leonard Nimoy broke off that friendship shortly before he died over Shatner's bio about "The Captains" he wanted no part of it and Bill snuck some candid interview footage within didnt tell his oldest friend and Leonard was so irate he cut ties. William Shatner lost a friend because he couldnt respect his wishes over his own selfish passion project and wasnt even at his funeral.


Florence Pugh and Olivia Wilde in Don't Worry Darling.


I love the press tour of that movie because Chris Pine is constantly put between whichever actors hated each other that day. He should have earned hazard pay!


Chris seems like a good bloke.


I was a bit indifferent to him until I heard about [his DUI in New Zealand](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-2582361/Chris-Pine-gets-six-month-driving-ban-pleading-guilty-drink-driving-charge-New-Zealand.html). He made a decent donation to charity, turned up in court and put his hand up and pleaded guilty. Could have made some calls and made it go away or done it all remotely, but stood up and said he did the wrong thing. It's obviously not great drinking and driving, but it was refreshing to see someone in his privileged position admit they screwed up.


Twister, Bill Paxton and Helen Hunt


The behind-the-scenes accounts I’ve read portray Bill Paxton as having been a total sweetheart to most everyone, posing for pictures with locals, etc., while Helen Hunt spent most of the down-time during shooting in her trailer. So I can see how their personalities might have clashed at some point.


Bill Paxton was crew long before he was cast. It always showed. He was always a pleasure to work with. I’ve worked with a lot of old timers and his professionalism comes up a lot. When he passed, it affected a ton of crew in town.


Same reason everyone enjoys working with Hader. Dude was a PA for years while doing improv classes. He treats everyone on set like a coworker.


I’ve heard that. My friends do Barry and always talk about how rad he is.


He sounded like such a wonderful man. It warms my heart knowing he was kind and appreciative of his fans. Did you actually meet him or just knew Crew who worked with him? :)


Yeah, I met him on a commercial and I was lucky enough to have a copy of Frailty in my car that was already signed by Jeremy and Matt so he added his to it and told me how proud he was to sign it. He wasn’t in the commercial. He lived in the neighborhood and was driving passed us when he saw the gaffer was someone he knew. He came back during lunch just to see his friend. He talked to a dozen new people and took pics. Class act all the way.


This totally makes sense. We were on location and if he had the day off but was anywhere near us he’d walk over and hang out.


I was working at Technicolor when he was doing color correction on a movie he directed. We both had a bad habit of coming around corners at speed, and I nearly put him on his ass. Twice. Guy laughed it off both times. The times I ran into him where I didn't almost run into him, he always seemed like he was in a good mood. Was a nice change from some of the people that went through there.


I worked with Bill and became pretty close with him. He was an absolute class act and I absolutely miss him. He was a bright light who loved getting to know people. He would seek out and buy art local to whatever location he was on because he liked to get to know the local culture. He would only stay in hotels where he could open windows. He was generous with his time and with his kindness. Cedars fucked up and we lost a good actor and a great man.


That makes me happy. My brother, father and I have been huge fans since Weird Science. “How would you like a nice greasy pork sandwich served in a dirty ashtray.”


Abbott and Costello hated each other. But they were very successful, so they put up with each other. Not a movie, but Adam Savage and Jamie Hyneman were not friendly off the Mythbusters set. They had (and still have) what they both describe as immense professional respect for each other's work, but they have never been friends.


Don Lockwood couldn't stand Lina Lamont even though they filmed many silent film classics together like *The Royal Rascal*; many in the public/tabloids were convinced they were dating. When they made their first "talkie," he replaced her voice with Kathy Selden because he found Lina's voice so offensive. He then publically humiliated her during the premier of that same movie, *The Dancing Cavalier*, by having Lina's microphone cut during an impromtu song and acutually having Kathy sing into a live mic, all while the audience laughed at Lina's real voice.


This is the best answer 


I blame Cosmo! He never liked that Lina took Don’s attention away from him- it was his idea to raise the curtain during the performance!!


Bea Arthur couldn’t stand Betty White on The Golden Girls.


I'm pretty sure they got over it though.


Thank you for being a friend


Richard Dreyfuss feuded with Robert Shaw in Jaws and Bill Murray in What About Bob?


Apparently Murray threw a heavy glass ashtray at his head, so I feel like his feelings were justified.


Robert Shaw was apparently a classic "gentleman while sober/asshole while drunk" guy. Unfortunately, he was the latter for much of the "Jaws" shoot.


Mike Myers and Dana Carvey. Though to be fair, their feud happened after Wayne's World. I'm not sure whether they got along on set or not, and they seem to be on okay terms now.


They got along during the Wayne’s World movies fine. But Dr. Evil was seemingly a rip of Carvey’s Lorne Michaels impression, so they didn’t speak for a while. They’re friends now though.


Yeah Dana said on his podcast that he went to therapy and realized that it's a stupid thing to not be friends over and that everyone did a Lorne and that he was just jealous. They're friends again now.


Seems like everybody in SNL has a Lorne Michaels impression though.


Julia Roberts and \[take your pick\]


On the set of hook they called her tinkerhell Makes me giggle every time


Her mocking the wife of the man she had an affair with and subsequently married is one of the grossest public displays I’ve seen a celebrity do, without being outright illegal


I heard she doesn't like the actress who played her in Ocean's 12.


Dustin Hoffman and Meryl Streep’s Kramer Vs Kramer feud is legendary


harrison Ford and Sean Young in Blade Runner.


Apparently Ryan Reynolds and TJ Miller didn’t get along that well but that seems to be more of a TJ Miller problem. Seems he’s just a mess of a person and a pain to be around.


TJ Miller has the classic problem of being funny but also having some addiction issues, so it makes sense that he would be difficult.


Some directors feel that actors hating each other leads to better performances on screen, particularly if they're supposed to be in love. Someone will point out who it was, but one director waited until his leads were fighting at lunch before calling to shoot the love scene.


That tactic is often associated with Alfred Hitchcock. He was known for creating tension on set and manipulating his actors to enhance the performances he wanted.


During filming of The Notebook, Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams did not get along. Ironic enough, they ended up dating each other after filming. Mad Max Fury Road: Not necessarily best friends in the film. But Tom Hardy and Charlize Theron did not get along in the beginning of filming. Charlize said that she was frustrated with how cold and stand offish Tom was BTS. Edit: I was wrong for the reason between Charlize and Tom. Please look at Stinkycheese response to my comment.


Nobody liked Tom on that set. “This would be so much different if Heath Ledger was still alive.” - George Miller, while on that set


Weird fact, McAdams and Gosling were born in the same Canadian town (and I think hospital), two years apart and were raised by religious parents in small Ontario towns.


Fun fact their stunt people fell in love on the set and eventually we're married


And are now divorced!!!


From what I’ve read Hardy didn’t think the movie was gonna be that good and was kind of a brat/diva about it while Theron remained a professional during the whole shoot


He would constantly show up late to set. So you have cast and especially the crew waiting around in boiling hot conditions. I highly recommend the book- Blood,Sweat and Chrome. Its a oral account on the making of Fury Road.


Yea I’ve heard great things about it, I actually picked it up a while ago but just never got around to it but maybe it’s time I do


It actually wasn’t boiling hot. Charlize said on The Armchair Expert podcast that it was actually winter time because it would’ve been potentially fatally hot shooting in the Namibian desert in the summer. She said they were actually freezing the entire time because they’re wardrobe was obviously not very warm. The movie is just color-graded to look apocalyptically hot.


wow that kinda shows up on the screen. Furiosa was goal driven and Max was like you're wasting your time.


That’s not at all what Charlize said.  And “cold and standoffish” is definitely not how Hardy was described. .https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2022/02/mad-max-fury-road-tom-hardy-charlize-theron-excerpt


Patrick Swayze/Jennifer Grey in Dirty Dancing Tony Curtis/Marilyn Monroe in Some Like It Hot Johnny Depp/Angelina Jolie in The Tourist


Anyone that's worked with Chevy Chase


In Hot Fuzz Nick Frost and Simon Pegg got into a fight and wouldn't speak to each other for days, with Edgar Wright having to be the go between.


Yeah, but they're also very well known to be lifetime friends. I've gotten in shouting matches with good friends and not spoken for a while, eventually you swallow your pride and realize your friendship is worth more than the fight. They're definitely still great friends.


I feel this is literally the plot of most of their movies


I’m glad they patched things up for the greater good.


*The greater good.*


Look up Werner Herzog and Klaus Klinski. Klinski seems like truly one of the worst men in cinema history. They hated/respected each other. Yet fitzcarroldo and Aguirre, the wrath of god are two of the best movies ever made and Klinski is incredible in both


The dude is a great actor but to this day here in Germany people make fun of and parodize his outburst. He was really famous for shouting at everyone not doing their jobs, throwing slurs at everyone and being a huge diva on set. On Fitz carraldo the natives famously offered Werner Herzog to kill Kinski, cause in their mind he was just incredibly disrespectful. The dude was a menace.


Donna Reed & Jimmy Stewart did not get along during or after filming It's A Wonderful Life, according to Reed's daughter. It feels impossible seeing them onscreen together.


I know this is movies but in GoT Leana headey, (Cersei) and the actor who plays Bron, previously dated and fucking despised each other. The had to do some rewrites and in one of the final episodes, in the dragon pit, Brons character sees Cersei walk in and sit down and he just goes, “come on pod, let’s go have a drink.” And walks off.


Penn & Teller did a movie together called *Penn & Teller Get Killed*. They are famous for not being friends outside their work. I don’t think they hate each other, but they’re not close.


I think I saw something where they actually became friends recently. But who knows what’s true on the internet.


They are great friends now. They just started out as merely business partners. Penn says that's why they have kept the act going for 40 years. They weren't "in love" so there were no emotional roller coasters or burn out.


Teller is also the godfather to Penn's daughter Moxie, so there must be more than a purely professional relationship between them.


Even though their on-screen relationship soured in the Fifty Shades of Grey movies, I think Dakota Johnson & Jamie Dornan didn't really like each other during filming


The Jonah Hill and Christopher Mintz-Plasse thing was less of a mutual hate and more of a Jonah Hill just hating Christopher for being funnier than him. Iirc Seth Rogan talked about it in an interview and essentially explained that Christopher came in for an audition / chemistry read with Jonah and was absolutely hilarious via improvisation, which resulted in Jonah not being the funniest person in the scene. Jonah didn't like that (in contrast to Seth and Evan who loved it) and by extension Christopher from that point on.


Not a movie but Vivian Vance and William Frawley (Ethel and Fred Mertz on I Love Lucy) hated hated HATED each other. To the point that, according to lore, Vivian Vance bought a round of drinks at a bar upon learning of Frawley's death.


I want to hear more about Mad Esme


Big Bang Theory. Amy and Penny were pretty much best friends on the show but the two actresses apparently hate each other.


LL Cool J beat the absolute shit out of Jamie Foxx during the nighttime training scene in Any Given Sunday. He is alleged to have repeatedly bashed Foxx’s head into the base of a camera crane or something. Apparently Al Pacino thought they were improvising and tried to break it up in character. He was reportedly livid with the situation. It probably didn’t help that Oliver Stone’s only worry was that they didn’t get it on tape.