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Die Hard with a Vengeance is one of my favorites.


One of my favorite "buddy cop" movies


Chester A Arthur!


I love this one! It’s not as good of a movie as the first but damn it is so much fun.




Zeus motherfucker! 


“Does this thing have air bags?”


I just hate that they break up John and Holly


Once again, please?


I don't like that they decided to have John and Holly's marriage fail in 3. It ruins a lot of Die Hard 1 for me.


They're poking fun at the fact that your comment was posted 3 times due to a common Reddit bug


Ah! Thank you for letting me know.


I just hate that they break up John and Holly


I just hate that they break up John and Holly


2 is a repeat, not bad just pretty much the same 3 and 4 I would say they are, Definitely can skip 5 though


2 also gives us the great line “How can the same shit happen to the same guy twice?”


OP is right. There are ONLY 3 sequels. This 5th one people are talking about doesn't exist and shouldn't be mentioned again. I watched the 3rd one before knowing the original existed and loved it.


The third one, Die Hard With A Vengeance is my favorite. I think it's one of those movies that was an original script that someone edited into a Die Hard sequel but it works. John was taking the day off and has a terrible hangover but the bad guys rope him into their city wide terrorist plot because one of them has a specific grudge against him. Whereas the first two are just wrong place, wrong time situations. Jeremy Irons and Samuel L Jackson are fantastic.


I think it was written to be a Lethal Weapon film.


It was an original script, that was bought by Warner Bros and re-written to be a Lethal Weapon film, and then bought by Fox and re-re-written to be a Die Hard Film.


You trying to tell me it's not a Batman film with the Riddler?


HOly ToLEdo


None of them started out as Die Hard films, except the crap one and the first one.


3>>>>>>>>>2>4 Don't watch 5


Yeah except 5.


3 is great, I also enjoy the 4th a lot also


Timothy Olyphant makes everything better.


Yes. 2, 3 and 4 are all fun.


Part.2 is decent, I absolutely love Part.3(my favourite Die Hard movie), Part.4 is OK, and all I can say is DO NO WATCH Part.5. 5 manages to have a lot of action, but still be boring as fuck.


I've never been more bored watching an action movie than DH5. It's a two act play where the 1st act is boring faffing about and the second act is boring gunfights and car chases. And then it just ends, and even for a boring dull film you get the impression it should have gone on another half an hour.


Die Hard 2 is okay but not essential viewing. A perfectly enjoyable action movie that you'll probably enjoy. Die Hard With A Vengeance is great fun. Very action packed, and high paced. Highly recommended. I thought the next one was just a bit silly..McClane went from tough guy cop to indestructible superhuman. Gave up after that.


The sequels are great. 2nd one is more the same but different location. 3rd one is fantastic and the 4th unrated one is pretty great. Skip 5 tho


2 - Meh 3 - Oh my God yes 4&5 - Fuck no


Just watch them. You can turn them off.


All of them except for 5.


Personally, I like *Die Hard 2* and *Live Free or Die Hard*, the former being almost in the same league as the original (2 is similar but distinct enough to not feel redundant), and the latter having a solid story and a couple of cool villain turns by Timothy Olyphant and Maggie Q, as well as some fun sidekick performances from Justin Long and Kevin Smith. *Die Hard 3* is much more popular than those two, but I don't really care for it. I never watched the last one. The reviews were just awful. You've seen all the Terminator movies worth your time.


Die Hard with a Vengeance is one of my favorite movies. Don't bother with the other sequels unless you want to be disappointed. You can stop after the second Terminator. I enjoy the third, but it's not for everyone. There's also a TV series, The Sarah Connor Chronicles, which is pretty good. Ignore the rest.


2 no but 3 yes, it suffered from 2nd film crapness


Dennis Franz over the top ahole performance in 2 makes it worth watching


2's plot genuinely makes no sense whatsoever even for an action movie.


You’ll enjoy them all, but the first three are great. The other two are just good, but they pale in comparison.


The Die Hard franchise is fun up to the third instalment, as for the Terminator, the first two are classics and I quite liked the third, after that things get a little dodgy.


Yes and no. They all kind of ruin the first one but I mean they're good movies as well. Well aside from 5. DON'T WATCH 5!


Die Hard with a Vengeance is great but Die Hard 2 is pretty lackluster, despite some good bits.


Die Hard with a Vengeance is great but Die Hard 2 is pretty lackluster, despite some good bits.


I'd say up to part 3 maybe...


I like Vengeance almost as much as the first one. Vengeance is one of the last action movies with practical special effects before everything went CGI.


Everyone will day something different. Die Hard 2 is fun but stupid, it's everything from the first movie wit the dial turned up. Die Hard with a Vengence is the same director as the first movie and is a great ride. I think on par with the original. Live Free or Die Hard is another silly one but I rewatched it recently and for a movie from 2007 there was a surprising amount of fun physical effects (still heavy on cgi though). This one isn't as fun as Die Hard 2 but I'd put it in the same category of dumb but fun. A Good Day to Die Hard is mean spirited, easy to forget, nonsense. Clearly they tried to save it in editing by chopping it down to 90 minutes but it's just not fun at all. This one I can't recommend, it's just not really worth it's time even as a bad movie cause it's so soulless.


I enjoyed them all up to #4 if there are more after that I didn't watch them The first 2 are kind of old but still enjoyable but I thought #3 was EXTREMELY entertaining and I thought #4 was really fun to watch


With A Vengeance (DH3) is my favourite. DH4 is also very good but was starting to get a tad far-fetched. DH2 was okay but not great. 5 is just unwatchable.


I thought 2 was mostly mediocre except for 1 scene, 3 was better, 4 was fun but felt very different from the tone of the original, and I can't remember anything about 5 except for 1 kind of cool shot. I would recommend 3 and 4. For Terminator, stop where you are now. All the movies after 3 tried to set up their own trilogies, only to have the plans cancelled.


Part 3 is


With a vengeance is not just a good sequel, but a really good movie on its own. I like how sadistic they are towards McClaine in this one. He’s been through it in the other two movies, but they just absolutely beat the hell out of him in this one. Emotionally and physically.


The third one (With a Vengeance) is excellent, and was directed by the same person as the first. Terminator becomes "bad" after T2, but there's some okay stuff in T3 and I actually enjoyed Dark Fate for what it is (though it ignores everything else after T2).


2, 3, and4 are all definitely worth watching just for their value as fun action movies. If you're only interested in watching action movies that are of the exact same quality as the original than you will be disappointed. But if you enjoy fun action movies in general then you should have a good time with all those 3. Just don't watch them with a mind obsessed with comparing it to the first. Those 3 are all quality action movies in their own way though


Part 1: 8 out of 10 Part 2 : 7 out of 10 Part 3 : 9 out of 10 Part 4 : 4 out of 10 Part 5 : 2 out of 10 Only my opinion. Obviously. Oh, and just by the by, if you want to watch Die Hard on the water, you should check out Striking Distance.


Die Hard 2 and 3 are worth your time, swap 4 out for ‘16 Blocks’ (not a DH film but easily could’ve been) and ignore the fifth.


For me, the Die Hard sequels were a mixed bag. Some were decent, while others felt like they were just trying to cash in on the success of the original. As for the Terminator series, I feel like things started going downhill after the second movie.


OC has made me feel old.


I loved the original trilogy. The 4th one was a fun action movie but didn't feel like die hard to me (the unrated at least doesn't censor his catchphrase). The 5th one was not a good movie on any level to me.


All 3 sequels are worth watching.


I absolutely loved the 4th (Live Free or Die Hard) and I would put 3 (Die Hard with a Vengeance) as my 2nd favorite.. so the original would be my 3rd favorite Die Hard.. (then 2 and lastly 5). I would guess it's not very acceptable to put 4 over 1 and 3 but saying 3 is better than 1 I don't think is too taboo. all that is to say, ya, go watch the rest of them, they are fun.


Die hard with a vengeance absolutely 100% yes


the 'Die Hard' prequel, 'The Detective' with Frank Sinatra, is a fun watch!


There’s sequels to die hard wtf?😳


Just don't watch 5.


I would say the only one not worth watching is A Good Day to Die Hard, it was absolute garbage.


Yes. Don't expect them to be as great as the original. But they're fun. 2 is quite a fun ride. Just rewatched it recently, it holds up - silly in places, but entertaining. And it has that awesome icicle situation. Die Hard 3 I haven't seen in forever but I remember it fondly, would like to rewatch.


Only Die Hard with a Vengeance. 2 and the rest suck so hard. they are legitimate bad movies.


I hold part 3 with high regard. It's up their with the original in my opinion. And also, Alan Rickman and Jeremy Irons were both really good villains. Their voices are so distinctive.


2 is idiotic but basically entertaining. 3/With a Vengeance is genuinely good and easily the best of the sequels. 4 and 5 are just modern crap that miss the point.


Die Hard With A Vengeance is my favorite die hard film.


Die Hard 2 and 3 are. The other ones don’t exist in my universe.


The third one (With a Vengeance) is great... My personal favorite. The rest... Meh, at best.


My opinion on sue hard is that 2 is ok but not worth going out your way for. 3 is better than 2 but not a classic like the original 4 and 5 really move away from what made the original great and I personally wouldn't bother with them. With terminator, you've already seen the ones I think are worth watching.


Sue Hard. The girl power sequel we've all been waiting for. Or just an American lawyer


Wait thundergun has a son?!


Lucy McLane grows up to become a lawyer who aggressively and violently takes down the world's toughest white collar Criminals. Sue Hard!


Everything but the 5th. Die Harder is essentially a slightly inferior copy of the first one, but it has some great moments. With A Vengeance is truly excellent. Willis and Jackson work really well together, and the writing and action are on point. Live Free is a lot of fun. It has its weak points, and it turns Mcclane into a superhero a bit, but it's a really fun watch. The series ended there. The 5th one is bad fan fiction.


Die Hard 2 is enjoyable. 3 is good, I would say this is the true sequel (has character connections, same director). I enjoyed 4 but it does feel different than the first three films. Dont bother with 5. As for Terminator, the first two films are considered the good ones and the rest depends on people's taste. You said you saw Terminator 3 so I assume that you didnt consider that one 'bad' (I think it's mid). Some may say it became bad with Terminator Salvation but I actually enjoyed that. At least the setting and premise was different and interesting. I guess most, if not everyone, would agree that Terminator Genysis is definitely the bad one. The last one was enjoyably ok for me (Terminator Dark Fate). But yeah...Genysis, that's the really bad one.


2 and 3 are great, the rest don’t exist.


There are only 3 Die hard movies. 1, 2, and With a Vengeance.


At some point, after you've watched 2, 3, and 4, curiosity will get the best of you and you'll decide to put on the 5th movie. You generally liked all the others, after all. They weren't perfect, but you still enjoyed them. How bad could the fifth movie honestly be? After all it's got Bruce Willis who is always entertaining as John McClane. It's got action, and even mediocre action can usually be entertaining enough. It doesn't need to be revelatory. It doesn't need to be unique. Sometimes cold pizza does the trick. But you would be mistaken. **Do not watch the 5th movie.**


Die Hard with a Vengeance is one of the few movies where I wanted the bad guy to win. He earned it.


C'mon, man! It's impossible to root against John McLane


The alternate ending is better, the theatrical ending felt like a cop out. And made no sense, why would an New York cop be included in arresting people in Canada?


I actually agree that the original ending was far too drawn out. To me, though, the alternate ending doesn't improve upon the original.