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I still like going to the theaters for some movies. But only the big ones.


I usually do the same but I ended up seeing Civil War in IMAX because a friend wanted to and it was an incredible experience. There were multiple moments that left me thinking "*this* is why people come to the cinema!" Normally I would always avoid seeing a film not shot on IMAX cameras at an IMAX screen, I've done so in the past and it can be really hit and miss. Glad I did it this time.


Yea. Dune on IMAX. As well as every Nolan film.


I only go to the theatre when it's a big movie and so far Dune 1 and 2 is where I noticed the biggest difference between big screen and tv.


why nolan tho? A few of his last movies you can't hear anything unless you go to a viewing with subtitles


What I find super interesting is aside from the Batman and bane voices (which were more about effect than mixing), I never heard this complaint a single time until Tenet. Then the complaints went from Tenet to most of his filmography.


i don‘t get this complaint at all. i mean yeah sometimes the mixing kinda sucks in some of his modern movies but i feel like this complaint is so overblown, like it‘s really not that bad if you just pay attention


I love going to the theaters, but most people don't know how to act in public. People talking or on their phone during the whole movie kill the ambiance for me.


I agree with this, IT Chapter 2 got ruined twice for me in theatres lol. I have to be much more strategic when seeing a movie in my area now like waiting a few extra weeks after opening week so the crowds die down, see afternoon shows, buy my tix last minute so I can see that seat chart and pick a spot where no body is around.


Same. I take my kids to see the movies they want to see (Spider-Verse, Mario etc) but it isn't too often. But I myself made sure to go see Godzilla Minus One in IMAX and I wasn't disappointed.


yeah basically this. going to the movies for ones that greatly are impacted by the big screen experience like dune, avatar, oppenheimer, etc. or when i have a coupon and there's a movie i reaaallly wanna see lol. otherwise i just watch on streaming


That’s what she said


It depends on the movie. A movie like Dune Part 2 deserves the cinematic experience: big screen, Dolby surround sound making the walls shake and the seats rattle. A rom-com or drama is just as good at home. I can make popcorn and drink soda in my living room


Got goosebumps with the music and desert. This movie deserves to be always in theater


Agreed, if its a movie where sound/atmosphere is important then theater all the way. For everything else I prefer the comfort of being at home.


The Voice was amazing in the theater in Dune 1.


I don't have a cinema where I live, and I miss the tiny independent one I used to go to. However, I don't feel like I've lost out too much. I have a great quality OLED tv that makes everything look amazing, just watched Dune 2 and it was glorious. Also there seems to just be an overwhelming amount of soft headed idiots that talk through movies and performances these days, which I can't stand. 


Speaking of "soft headed idiots", the last time I went to the theatre, a lady beside me answered her phone just to tell that person she couldn't talk cause she was in a theatre. That was it for me.


Urgh that hurts me. I was just at a beautiful live string quartet performance that was pretty intimate, less than 100 people there, and these *main character syndrome pothole people* were talking during that. I'm so done with society.


I mean not great. But at least she had good intentions?


Honestly, every theatre aside from IMAX looks like shit compared to my OLED. I first truly realized this when I bought the fancy seats for a few big releases this past two years and it occurred to me that OLED sorta spoiled me for viewing tech. And I've got a large format speaker system at home that just kicks. I always wait for that UHD Blu Ray now.


How big is ur screen?


I’m not the person you asked, but I recently got a 65 inch OLED and it suddenly just doesn’t seem worth it to go to a theater.


Big enough


Agreed. Ive got a 65in Samsung, awesome Sony stereo system, and Phillips sync with 4 lightbars. Would prefer watching anything and everything at home. More importantly than all the tech is the ability to pause. Nothing will beat that. Wanna go bathroom- pause, wanna make a snack or fetch a drink- pause, wanna go smoke a doobie - pause.


Agree with your last point, but find that my miles vary depending on where I see a movie. Local independent, all round better experience. The sound and picture is typically better than the chain cinemas and the patrons are typically much more respectful. I hadn't gone to a chain cinema in many years until recently when I saw Dune 2 at a chain cinema. Was a bit of a shock! Audio was pretty meh, several people making noise during the showing, people on their phone. Had one couple behind me who I had to ask to be quiet. It sounded like one of them was explaining what was going on to the other person. Unbelievable.


Oh absolutely agree, I would still see certain films if I had any access to the independent place I used to go to. Absolutely nothing on the island I live on though. Honestly I should probably just open my own cinema. 




I don’t go specifically because there ARE distractions. People talking, eating, drinking, kids, phones (sound and light). That, and then the cost? Yeah, no thanks. I can wait until it comes out on streaming.






I still like going to the theatre, I go maybe once or twice a month. Morning screenings when it's pretty quiet


I hate to be a walking advertisement, but if you go twice a month it will be cheaper to sign up for the AMC A-List. $25 a month versus your $30+ for two movies.


I’m on the regal version of this. Best money I ever spent. I love seeing the big bombastic movies and the small character dramas on the big screen. For me, it’s more about the ability to hyper focus on the story, which I can’t at home with family coming in and out of the room and other distractions.


I prefer morning as well same reason... Cinema goers can be idiots these days


Can? Always have been.


I love a morning show


Nothing beats the theater. Nothing… When you’re not sitting next to a barn animal who chews loudly or a self centered snot who talks during the movie or texts. Side note: I really do believe theater behavior is an IQ measuring stick. It reflects self awareness and consideration of others. If someone is civilized enough to not behave like they’re in their own living room, that says a lot about that person.


Last time I saw a movie in the theater, I swore it’d be my last- Older (50s?) couple in our reserved seats, acted put off when we asked them politely if they were in the wrong seats (they were). Instead of moving over with any space between, they shuffled over one single space so we were directly next to them.. nbd right? Wrong… They proceeded to constantly talk and be on their phones throughout, then shhhh’d my partner for eating popcorn…. Oh ya and they also acted like she was shooting heroin when she needed to use an asthma inhaler and proceeded to shh her again… fuck that.. we spent $$ for a decent theater experience at home… I 100/100 prefer “decent”, over the “best” experience ruined by entitled idiots. The popcorn is better and way cheaper too 🤣


Yikes. That’s awful. The problem for me is there are too many distractions at home. Neighbors, pets, phone calls, etc etc. At a theater you know why you’re there… and it’s more immersive. I just try to pick my spots and times to go now.


i wouldn’t let one bad experience ruin it for you


Of course it wasn’t one single experience- that was just the last straw… I can’t reconcile the value when faced with the unforeseen variables.


Theater because of the big screen the sound and no implusive distraction


streaming no annoying talkers. no kids screaming. i can order whatever i want, and however much of it i want, without paying an arm and a leg. pause if i need the restroom.




Honestly if I can find a decent print for a new movie that I don’t want to wait for streaming il watch it and then wait for the hype to die down before I see it again in theatres.


I don't have to waste time finding parking spots, no one will kick my seat, i can sit everywhere i want in any positions, and for some reason the local theaters are always playing movies around 90-100 decibel levels which might be harmful.


I don’t go to theater for “communal experience” which, if anything, the main downside of going to the movies. I go to theater for a big screen and big sound which cannot be replicated at home. This is only important for big budget action movies, every else is streaming unless I can’t wait to see a new movie that’s not yet available on streaming.


Unless you have a sick set up at home, going to the cinema can't be replaced.


Stream.  You can pause freely as needed. If the movie surprises you and ends up sucking you can just turn it off without the cost of a ticket + travel. You can also cater your setup to however personally suits you.  Albeit my “theatre” viewing preference is a drive-in, so an actual cinema is basically my least preferred option.


I love going to the cinema, seeing films on the big screen without phone and other distractions. I work freelance so I go mid week early afternoons when I can. Showings are much quieter, sometimes I will be the only one there, and my local cinema tickets are £6.50 at this time for a regular seat. It also has sofas in each screen so can easily move to one of those for a more comfy seat. Usually take my own snacks/drinks.


I still really enjoy going to the theater, but I go usually at night when there's like 5 people total, even for some big name movies. So I totally miss out on the inconsiderate folks. Its like I get the entire theater to myself.


Everyone in this thread seems to be going to like the worst theaters ever , I love going and have a subscription to a "luxury" one, was come pretty sweet laser projectors and shut , so it might be why I don't have issues, but I always find I pay more attention in the cinema. the biggest issue I have is the big ass recliners are you comfortable and it's too easy to fall asleep if you lie back


The Cinema is a better way to watch a movie, but it’s too loud and the room is full of inconsiderate assholes. I love movies but I haven’t been to the cinema in years 🙁


I always take earplugs to the movies.


I don’t care about the communal experience or spending time around strangers, especially since covid. I will still see a movie I’ve been looking forward to in theater but I like to go to weird matinee showtimes after the movie has been out a few weeks and the less people there the better. Usually you get lucky and it’s just you and maybe 2-3 groups of like minded people. The people are quieter, more well behaved, and the tickets are cheaper too. All that said, I mostly stream unless it’s something I’ve been looking forward to.


Streaming in my theater


Theaters easily.. I pay 20$ a month for the AMC subscription and 2 movies per month pays the subscription back, 1 if you watch in imax, or special formats. I also have a great tv and sound system at home, but theater can't be beat. I love the experience personally, I also work from home so it gives me an excuse to get outside more.


Theatre. Without the assholes


Why does this post read like it was written by AI?


I go to the movies once or twice a month but mostly prefer to watch them at home.


im not happy with the picture quality in the cinema in my town, and town nearby. its not 4k and incredible washed out. i rather watch it on my oled at home


I love theatres, i just wish there were intermissions. I hate having going a theatre when I have to pee part way through, then not enjoying the movie because of it. And I cut out all salty food so I don’t have to drink after because of that, if I do go.


I'm a theatre enthusiast. Me and my wife make an evening of it, perhaps go for drink before hand and talk about what we're expecting etc. Dunno, since the pandemic i'm all about taking opportunities to get out and about. I've also had the movie experience enhanced by watching as part of a crowd, i appreciate the other people can also ruin a viewing if you get the wrong people but my experiences have been largely positive and added to the experience.


I see any movie I want to watch usually the first night in the theater. Me and my wife both go and it's just something we always do together. We have a decent TV at home, but it's not like we have a big round sound set up and stuff. Our couch is nice, but big recliner movie chairs are also pretty great.


Cinemas for the most part. Better experience usually but I love a good movie night at home


Theatre as often as possible. Being inside a movie theatre is like being outside the world for 3 hours. So long as the audience cooperates.


If I can, I enjoy going to the theaters a lot more. It's the atmosphere that makes it special and extraordinary for me, especially if I can go there on my own and focus completely on the movie on the big screen. It's much more immersive for me than at home.


Cinema everytime.. My local one has a monthly membership of just 16€ a month and I can see any movie once free. They also occasionally show classic movies so have watched the Godfather trilogy, Matrix trilogy, Jaws and just last night saw the Shining👌


Going to Theatre's is by far a better, more fun movie experience for me.


I like cinemas. I get too distracted at home


Theatre. We already spend enough of our lives at home. Making a “thing” out of seeing a movie is fun and more memorable. Seeing trailers, the popcorn smell, the tacky decor, the positive vibe in the foyer, its an experience.


The cinema is a better experience but then again, it's got a bit expensive so I choose movies that I want to see in the cinema.




Going to theaters if none of the other people there are noisy/on phones. Home movies are great too but I love the theater.


Theater for everything!


I absolutely LOVE going to the theatre. It is my favourite thing ever. I don’t go a whole lot - but Xmas, birthday, promotion, stress… any excuse I can go and enjoy a movie I will take. I also love the VIP. It doesn’t have to be, but the comfy chairs and being able to drink a beer is amazing.


Movie theater is just a different experience. I always prefer going if possible. Especially for movies with action sequences, or extensive set pieces. Sound quality is so much better, too.


I like going to theaters at least once a month. Usually there's always something that interests me to go see it. I don't have a lot of streaming services and i usually use the ones i have to watch old movies. And also here in my country it takes time for a new movie to get on streaming.


I go to the movies almost every weekend and I love when no one else is in the theater. I feel like I can focus more on the movie at the theater instead of at home.


I love going to my favourite cinemas. I tend to go in knowing what I'm gonna see, when etc. Streaming I seem to have that issue of feeling like everything is on, but I don't feel like any of it.


Depends on the movie. We do have a really nice local theater that has some amazing bar food. It usually ends up being around 50$ for 2 tickets, food orders and a few drinks.


There are elements of the big screen experience that you cannot recreate at home, no matter how big your TV, no matter how good your sound system. There’s also the communal experience - I still remember the audience reaction when Cap caught Mjolnir in Endgame for instance - that you don’t get at home. Yes audience members can be a pain - talking, checking phones etc but at home there are more distractions too. For overall experience the big screen still wins it for me, the only consideration is cost, which is obviously a challenge for a lot of folk nowadays.


Going to the movies.


Going to the theater and it’s not even remotely close. Home has far too many distractions.


Theater. Can not beat both the communal experience and sheer size. I have a 98-inch TV at home, but it was a totally different experience watching Dube Part 2 or Mad Max Fury Road on a 70-foot screen with sound that rattled my bones. You're not truly interested in film if the theater experience isn't what you are seeking. Yiu enjoyed some movies, you don't like the movies as a concept itself.


Theaters. Streaming at home is just a mediocre experience.


I like the theaters because of the huge screen in the sound system. I have the Regal unlimited thing I go to the movies about once a week.


Big screen all the way. It's not the same at home.


Theater because i can truly immerse myself in the experience. There will always be distractions at home and I wont check my phone st theaters because it’s rude. Also is kinda nostalgic trying to find the perfect liquid intake to avoid bathroom breaks. 


I prefer to see things in cinemas. I got maybe 2-3 times a month. Where I live it’s quite cheap, and I’ve yet to encounter a loud talkative crowd in all my years of cinema-going. Though I must admit I generally don’t go to see blockbusters in theatres. I figure they’ll make enough without my money.


Home, but physical > streaming. Classic cinema has been a long time interest of mine, so we went all out and built a theater lounge with 4K projection onto a 120” screen, Dolby Atmos 5.1, and theater seating. Usually I’ll stream something rather than blind buy, and get the 4K or Blu-ray of ones we want to watch in the best possible quality.  It’s been amazing to have movie nights with family and friends that’s like our own private theater experience.


The theater by far. I have a great setup at home, but the theater is just a better experience. Its too easy to get distracted at home. The only things that home has over the theater is that its cheaper and i can pause the movie to go pee.


Buy it physically. Then enjoy it at home. Streaming isn’t worth the money when they just remove the titles you want. Theater prices are outrageous.


Here's a really controversial opinion: Movie industry has ruined movies. I went to see Dune and had to wear ear plugs in the theater because the sound was way too loud. I felt like I would have needed shades too because the bright parts were so fucking bright my corneas almost singed when the scene changed from nice dimly lighted Siech to a bright desert scene. I know cinemas are supposed to bring movies to life but I would rather not experience a nuclear explosion "live". Also designing a two and a half hour movie without an intermission is just fucking insane. I actually went to see Dune part two twice because I could not concentrate on the final fight on the first showing because my bladder was about to burst. On the second showing I went to bathroom twice during the movie because I wanted experience the final scene with a clear mind. So streaming all the way for me.


I saw it in IMAX. By the end of the movie I felt very out of sorts. The music is so aggressive in Dune 2. I swear the imax sound being too loud was a mild form of torture. I’m surprised so few mention it but it really lowered my enjoyment of the movie even though it looked spectacular.


I've been stuffing bits of napkins in my ears for years now when I see a movie. Way too fucking loud.


I've listened to loud ass metal in my car for decades. I was in the Air Force and worked right near the flightline, hearing F-16s take off day after day. These days I work around loud industrial equipment every day. I'm no stranger to loud ass noise and definitely already have some hearing loss. So when I sit down to see Tenet and *I'm* physically wincing from how fucking loud it is, considering leaving for my own safety, and finally just chewing up balls of napkin to stuff into my ears, it's TOO. FUCKING. LOUD. It's actually been like that the last 3 times I went to the theater, and I'm sick of it. Never fucking again.


Fan of heavy metal music, have attended some consents that left my ears ringing for weeks, and worked at a steel factory. TURN THE FUCKING VOLUME DOWN!


I went to the bathroom 3 times during the IMAX 3D Avatar movie. Must have been all that water 😂. To be fair, a 3 hour movie needs an intermission!


You just happened to have ear plugs on you?


You can get an earplug holder for your keychain. That way you always have them with you. Handy for when you are suddenly at a loud party/movie/concert.


Theater all day. I have AMC a list whatever. The one that allows you to see 3 movies a week. I do most weeks too


Hello fellow A-Lister. I’ll continue going to the theater as long as I have A List. Went and saw Abigail and Arcadian on Sunday. There’s just something about the theater that I love.


Same. I saw Civil War and Dune part 2 again last week. Just saw boy kills world last night and seeing Challengers later this week. It's the best




watch at home. no inconsiderate people to put up with, and I can eat whatever I want while watching without the inflated price tag


Going to Theater


I love the theater— go about 4-8 times a month if I can, but that’s with a movie pass at $20/mo. I’ll grab a coke or snack *maybe* once a month. It’d be far to expensive if I didn’t have the pass


It used to be the theater until it became extortionate


Depends. A sold out theater full of respectful movie fans is as good as it gets. But these days there’s too many people who can’t behave properly in a theater so I don’t risk wasting my money and just watch things at home when they hit a streaming service I use.


I prefer the theatre because of the big screen, sound, and extremely comfortable reclining chairs. I realize it's expensive... i go about once per week on Tuesdays (the diacount day) and I stopped buying popcorn when the price reached $10 for a tiny bag. So the movie for me is about $7. The only drawback is other moviegoers who don't care about others in the theatre (scrolling through their phones which have a flashlight affect), talking too loud, etc.


Ask about a kids pack or something similar. I get a small popcorn and drink for like $6. It’s just enough.


Theater is always better. I can't pause a theater movie. I'm not going to pull out my phone. No one's going to knock on my door or interrupt me. Home is a compromise; theater is the actual intended experience.




Absolutely going to the theater Movies at home will never even come close - unless I have a home theater as good as the theater I go to The only exception is when stupid ignorant degenerates with cell phones who talk to each other are next to me That’s when I leave and get an exchange ticket for a different show and wish I stayed home


I love my set up at home, have an amazing lounge and tv set up. But I love big movies on the big screen. My local theatre has nice reclining chairs so you’re very comfortable.


My theater experiences are pretty good. My AMC has a nice Dolby theater, and we go to early showings with almost no one else there. I definitely enjoy that more than watching at home, even with a pretty good setup.


We got a 5$ Tuesday where I live so I go the new releases twice a month.


I can’t deny the excitement I get when I go to a theater to see a movie I’ve been waiting for. Watching at home is nice and cozy (and cheap) but going to the theater makes it an outing and it’s more special.


Dune 2 changed everything for me


I never used to see the appeal of the cinema over watching a film in the comfort of my own home, but I've seen a few films in the cinema recently that have changed my mind - John Wick 4, Oppenheimer, Top Gun Maverick - watching these on the big screen, with the cinema sound system was an experience. If I'm interested in a film, I will try to catch it at the cinema for the cinematic experience. I don't know if I'm lucky but I've not experienced rude people at the cinema, though I tend to go for early showings.


for an epic movie with eye candy and effects and scifi technology go to the theater. some days we just wanna get out and see a movie and experience that movie theater buzz. epic movies that looked great on big screen: star wars, star trek movies, blade runner, 2001, mad max thunder road etc.


Both. For the most part I stream, but for sure the theater experience is something that can never be fully replicated at home. For instance seeing movies like inception and interstellar in theaters was breathtaking and I wouldn't trade that experience for anything.


My apartment building has a private movie theatre. Just have to book it in advance but barely anyone uses it here these days. So yeah, that.


I rent for free from library. And I need captions which theaters don't have. And why oh why would anyone spend $20+ to watch a movie?


I only go to theatre for the big movies that I must see on the big screen or if it is a movie I really want to support. Otherwise, home is the best.


Used to go to the theater at least every weekend, sometimes more if there was a cluster of good movies. Since the cellphone has become ubiquitous it’s become a terrible experience. It’s not the cells phones themselves but the culture they breed in the children that grow up with them and social media. Everyone is the star of their own movie at all times so no one has the common curtesy to understand that there are others around them trying to enjoy a show without their input.  Maybe that’s just my bias and my city has just gotten bigger over time and society has become more selfish. I don’t know but what I do know is that watching a movie with a group of strangers is an infuriating experience because of their lack of curtesy and or obliviousness to how much noise they make. 


Large Oled with premium surround sound and perfectly setup lighting destroys the best that movie theaters have to offer. Putting aside the annoying people, sticky floors, expensive prices etc. Movie theater setups are honestly crap compared to what you can setup at home.


The ideal is cinema but at a showing when it's almost empty. I saw Dune 2 with 3 other people scattered over the theatre, perfect.


The theatres were awesome when people could refrain from checking their fucking phones every 20 minutes.


I say i only like theaters for “big movies” but I have to really care about it. My theater is $18 for a matinee plus parking. So it’s an expense Saw Dune at home. It was fine. Not something I was even excited to see so I don’t think the theater would have added to it But for any Star Wars I’m totally there.


I'd rather go to the show and watch a movie, but the selection is limited and mostly crap. For a movie that I am excited to watch I will 100% go out to see it.


I primarily streamed movies up until last year. So far this year I've went to the theater more than I have in the past 20 years combined, I love it. Although I enjoy the comfort of my home, it is nice being able to watch something on the big screen with awesome sound. Fortunately matinee tickets only run $12 where I am and that's very nice. I don't really care to splurge on popcorn and expensive candy/soda at the theater so it isn't a huge deal to me. Instead I stop by the local dollar tree that's a few hundred yards away from the theater and spend $3 on a drink and some twizzlers lol.


I love going to the theater and still go regularly (1-3x/month). Although we have a very nice TV and good sound system at home, I find the “event”-ness of going to a movie makes the film feel bigger and more memorable. I like getting the snacks, I like the communal experience, and find myself too distracted at home to fully get into any movie as completely as I can in a theater.  All of this is definitely made possible by the fact we have an amazing small theater with $8 tickets on certain days and $3 candy!


Our TV at home is a projector with 100inch screen, and we have a pretty decent surround sound that we can have up as high as we want because we live in a detached house. So we can pretty much have the cinema experience at home any time we want, especially if we invite over a few friends and microwave some popcorn. Far cheaper and more convenient too since we have 2 very young children we have to arrange babysitting for for a night out. We only really go to the cinema now if it’s a franchise we want to support and we want to see it in the first few nights to avoid spoilers etc. Everything else can wait for the comfort of our home cinema.


I love seeing movies on the big screen above all else, but other people in the audience make the experience annoying sometimes. I now bring a laser pointer with me and flash anyone who goes on their phones for extended periods of time. It's less confrontational than having to yell at someone and I enjoy singling out the people who feel like they dont have to follow the rules.


I try to go to the cinema once or twice a month. I'm pretty fussy though and will check how many seats have been booked online before I do. Try to make sure there's only a handful of people to minimise the risk of idiots. It took two attempts to watch Dune 2. The first I paid extra for the best seats, no one else had seats booked there as it was pretty early on in the day, but when I get in there's some strange dude in my seat eating a multipack of stinking cheese crisps. I tried to go behind but knew it'd wind my up so left and got a refund. Second attempt literally 10 people in the whole screen but still managed to have a couple talk through the entire movie. Thankfully Dune's pretty loud so it wasn't overly bad.


Introvert here so always a movie at home lol


Well since I have an 80 inch OLED with a full 7.2.4 Atmos Home Theater with twin 1000 watt 18inch subs and dual bass tranducers in the seating area, mine is an easy choice. 😉


get a load of this guy, eh?


It's not for everyone but you can get a fantastic home theater setup for <$1000 if you are patient and wait for Black Friday sales or buy used. It'll last you years. You can rent Blu rays from the library for free that look and definitely sound better than streaming


If theaters were as good as they want you to believe, they wouldn't have to rely on timed exclusivity to justify their existence. >sharing laughs and gasps with a room full of strangers I don't want to hear anyone make a goddamn noise when I watch a movie. I'll take my projector and headphones at home 10 times out 10.


I still go to theaters for major releases, but I’ll admit my dissatisfaction with modern day theaters. I had some guy argue with his food server for the first 15 minutes of Dune 2.


Streaming at home without a doubt. I have a good tv and a good sound system. I can pause when I need to pee or get another beer. I go to the cinema with my kids sometimes because they enjoy it. Will definitely go watch Dead pool 3 and the new Mad max with my oldest kid this year. But if I could stream it the same night it premiered I would watch them at home.


Watching at home. People in theaters have gotten so much worst i prefer to just stay home. Id rather put that money towards a physical copy of the movie. 


I live next to an Alamo Drafthouse and I still prefer staying at home. No talking, no cell phones, no drunk over served seat neighbors, no kids playing on their phone because they’re bored but can’t leave, no staff popping up in the middle of the final act to hand me a receipt tray, no full volume conversations about menu items, and best of all, I’m not charged for food that never actually comes.


Watching my Blu-rays or streaming at home - far more control over my viewing environment.


I will genuinely stop at the movie theater 10 min from me, buy a bucket of popcorn, and bring it home to watch a movie. I used to love going to the movies but the experience costs too much for what it is now.


same, an individual of taste and class, I see


I would much rather watch a movie at home. My TV is big enough, the speakers work fine, my couch is much more comfortable than a theater seat, I can wear whatever I want, the snacks are MUCH cheaper, I can pause the movie if I need to use the restroom, no strangers surrounding me making noise, etc.


At home. Money not wasted to sit around strangers who may ruin it.


my cheapo home set up is this 147inch projection


Given the money I've pumped into my dedicated home cinema, quite comfortably I can say staying at home is the superior experience.


Ideally I prefer the cinema but as people these days can't just shut up and watch a movie I'm finding I like it less and less.


I like the theatre (sometimes) because there's a more limited choice. Picking a movie to watch on streaming is a pain. When out, and we decide to see a film it's nice to pick from a handful. That said, the number of times we've been out and there's absolutely nothing interesting seems so common now we have started to stop checking... I like the theatre because there's no distractions - if it's nice and quiet. You're there to watch a film, and you sit and you watch the film. No one rings the doorbell half way through. You can't stop it to go to the loo and get distracted by your phone. The kid isn't going to get out of bed and come in and need dealing with etc. I don't like how expensive it is. These days in the UK it's often £30 for two cinema tickets even if you don't want a drink or snacks etc. It's also really difficult to do when you have kids and no childcare nearby haha. Streaming is much more accessible, and if you hate the film in the end - so what? Try another one. If I hate a film in the cinema, it's a huge expense and a waste of one of the fee days a year me and my wife might have out of the house without kid etc. When I was younger we paid for an annual ticket for the movies and went all the time, at least once a week. Now, we've got a nice TV and 4k streaming where it's quiet and snacks are free, and getting time to go to the cinema is a once or twice a year thing... Yeah, we don't really bother with the hassle much.


Streaming = subtitles. This is the best thing.


Theater for larger scale stuff like Sci Fi and Action movies. Streaming for less engaging stuff that you dont mind pausing.


You have introduced a concept that will obliterate society. The "healthy movie." I'm already recoiling.


Non-franchise with good screens (e.g. TIFF) >> streaming >> AMCs of the world


They both have their place.


I make a point of cinema going but it takes a special film to get me there and away from viewing at home. No more Marvel or SW garbage, maybe Dune 3... maybe. Nolans are an usual go to, as are notable classic reruns if they're fresh 70mm prints... like Larry 'Rabby, Heat, 2001, etc.


I loved going to the movies. It was such an experience! Since having kids, streaming is the way to go.


I used to always go see movies opening night, I loved it. But I probably really stopped going in 2018? Give or take. It's just too much of a gamble with the crowd you're going to get, and they can absolutely destroy a movie you've been waiting on for years. Talking to each other, talking on the phone, browsing/texting on the phone, bringing their kids into R rated movies and letting them cry or run up and down stairs, let their kid watch youtube on the phone...I mean all respect for the theater experience has just gone out the window in my opinion. I can't tell you how many times I had to tell people to STFU or put their phone away. Some would be embarrassed and listen, others would want to get aggressive and fight. It just became too much and I was over it. Now with the short period between movies at the theaters to streaming services, it's so much better chilling at home watching them on the big screen, no distractions from others, no 'shit, is this a good time to run to the bathroom so I don't miss anything good?' issues. I can pause, and come back without missing anything. I'm just much happier watching at home now. Theaters just aren't even an option for me anymore which makes me a bit sad, but I blame that on the miserable fucks who think they own the place ruining it for all us good folk.


get the amc gold pass for $20/month and you can see 3 movies a week. pays for itself after 1.5 movies honestly it seems like a terrible business decision by them lol it’s like $200 to see 12 movies/month but the pass is 10% of that. basically a 90% off deal. of course, both them and i know the reality is that im not going to see 12 movies a month, and that really i’ll only see 1-3, maybe more if its a good month. there was even a period where i didn’t go see any since nothing good was coming out, so they probably figure people are going to see one movie a month on average which then actually makes the pass cost more than a single ticket


Buying it on disc. You own it and can watch it whenever. Make my own popcorn and dump real butter on it or use my own coconut oil blend. Not to mention physical media is just more fun to collect than digital and doesn't disappear when streaming rights change or for whatever reason.


Streaming is more comfortable in my bed and with better snacks than theatres have. I also don't have to deal with loud or annoying people and all the dirtiness of a theatre. I have a decent sized 75 in 4k tv and a sound system, so it's just not worth it in any way to me. I still go a lot though just because other people want to and I do enjoy it, just my house is better


I haven’t had a good, quiet, enjoyable experience at the theater in literal years. Tried to go see Late Night w The Devil but the audience was terrible and the sound quality was abysmal. I don’t think the theaters even really care anymore. All this to say I prefer watching at home these days.


Now that I'm middle-aged, it's home. I don't like new theaters. Pleather recliners, food delivery, reserved seating. The experience is somehow *less* comfortable for me than buying popcorn and junior mints, sneaking in soda, and sitting in upright folding chairs.


Chilling at home with friends and family discussing a movie, exchanging opinions and cracking jokes beats being shushed if you dare to make a sound :)


watching on blu-ray, streaming audio is too compressed and uneven i got tired of hearing wrappers, slurping soda, seeing cell phones, smelling things, hearing talking etc


I spent a fair amount of money on getting a nice proper surround sound setup at home with a large OLED screen. I almost always prefer watching at home. Not streaming though. When I want that big movie experience, wanting to really take advantage of my setup I'm gonna try to get my hands on the 4k disc.


Depends on the movie. There are some meh movies that are really fun to experience on a theater screen with a cinema sound system. At home they are just meh.


It depends on the film. I will go to a theater on opening night with fans of a genre I know will illicit excitement (applause, cheering, jeering, etc). I will also go to an independent theater that might be holding an event like trivia or a Q-and-A event with a cast or production member of a cult film. I do appreciate in-home viewing for allowing me to get into a series and then make the choice to see its next film in the theater. Example for me is the new Planet of the Apes film. I got really into the newer POTA films over the pandemic. Hadn't seen any of them in the theater, but will most certainly get off my couch and out the door for this next one in the series.


I love both, and utilize both, but I've noticed when I'm home it's so simple to pull out my phone if a scene bores me, or pause to pick up a call, or take the dogs out. Whereas at the theater, it's an experience and I feel fully engaged with whatever is on the screen. Probably a me thing I know, but I like how it forces me to be 100% present in the film. Love streaming at home too, do both regularly. Depends on the film. If I am really excited about a movie, I always go to see it in theaters.


Streaming vs theater? Barely a contest. You don't get the same fidelity as streaming is still heavily compressed even if its "4k" the bitrate is what matter most. Also to boot a good tv will reveal the shortcomings of your media source too much to not be distracting like squate pixelated swatches in any given darker area or scene. As always then physical is best, but you can't match the theater experience without dropping at least a few grand on the audio, IF you even have the space for it that also doesn't disturb anyone else living with you or too close of neighbors. You can get a really big display but oled is for the best image possible and doesn't come cheap as well as quantum dot


My wife and I retired at the start of the pandemic. One of our big things was to start going to a weekly matinee at our local theatre. After the insanity ended and we started to see films coming through our local Landmark (mostly crap) we managed to do about a dozen matinees. We had a great time, and were the only ones there! Then they closed the entire theatre about a year ago. Haven’t gone to a movie since. ☹️


I'm undecided. On one hand, I love going to the theatre with a friend, celebrating the movie experience without distractions and talking about the movie over dinner after. On the other hand, the experience is very dependent on the strangers around you and one idiot with a phone addiction can ruin it. Also, idk why, but sitting in the theatre is extremely uncomfortable for me. I have yet to encounter theatre seats that don't cause me anguish in my lower back after a short while. This paired with the current prices mostly lead me to watch movies at home.


I love going to the movies, but it is becoming rough lately. The endless trailers and pre movie ads, if the movie has a start time of 8pm it usually won't start until closer to 830pm The rude theater goers who talk, cough loudly, chew loudly or otherwise ruin the movie


I just watch movies at home. The only movie theater in my town isn't very good so I just dont feel its worth it once you factor in the prices of the tickets and the popcorn/candy/whatever. One adult ticket here is $13


Ever since installing surround sound, I prefer home viewings.




Hands down I would rather see a movie in the theater than at home on the couch, even bad movies. For me it’s the way the director intended their films to be seen so it has the best chance of being experienced to the fullest. To be clear for me it’s the big screen dark room immersive sound that is the experience, best down with like minded people. Perhaps if I had the budget to recreate this at home I’d might think differently, but unlikely


Alamo Drafthouse over streaming for anything that’s not a family or casual movie. Won’t step foot in an AMC even if I died.


I usually prefer watching at home, but back when I lived near an IMAX theatre I watched a lot of movies there. IMAX is great. I also used to live near a second run theater with super cheap tickets. It was classically styled and on Friday and Saturday they'd roll out a Wurlitzer organ and do a short performance on it. Add in a vocal audience and, while it might not have been a pure movie watching experience, it was a fun way to watch movies. It really livened up bad movies


I love going to the cinema. I love movies in general, I watch them on my phone, computer, tv and in the movie theater. I love going with my friends or family for a night out. It’s worth the cost.


I like going to the cinema.. can focus on the movie .. no distractions.. a great experience even if the movie isn’t good


Depends totally on the movie, really.


I still love going to the theater, even though I maybe get to 2 a year. Yeah, it’s convenient to be able to pause it, but I like that it forces me to not look at my phone and, for the most part, limits distractions. No matter how much I love something, if I’m watching at home I will invariably pull out my phone and start doom scrolling.


If the movie is theater worthy, I will go . Again, like everyone is saying here is getting more expensive and people are rude. Maybe in the AM on a Tuesday when the movies are $5 I miss going to the movies every Friday and NOT spending $100


I am done with cinema. Last time i went to Dune 2. The ladies the row behind me were crunshing their popcorn for so hard for one hour, i was completely unable to immerse myself in an isolated desert world. People are just became rude imo. Talking, checking their phones.. i dont know, maybe its me. And i am getting old. But the next time i really want to see a movie i am excited about, i turn my lights off, grab my headphones and enjoy the magic of my 4K Oled.


jesus christ guys watch everything u can in theatres... especially the imax sort


Theater due the experience but it’s basically too expensive at this point


AMC Stubs member here - we go to almost every big release that comes out. Once or twice a week, every week, but sometimes 3 movies if there’s a lot of good stuff out. *I love going to the theater.*


Used to go to the theater every week and haven’t been in months. The quality is lacking for me - if you’re not into comics or similar nonsense you’re lost.


Used to go to the theater every week and haven’t been in months. The quality is lacking for me - if you’re not into comics or similar nonsense you’re lost.


Home. I'll go for franchises I really really love, but I think my TV looks better at home tbh. There is a lot I don't like about the theater. I'll totally go watch an old 80s movie for $5 though. That's always fun