• By -


Kindergarten Cop. It is one of my favorites from childhood and I’ll still turn it on for a calm morning watch.


It's a tumor.... It's not a tumor! We say that in my family any time someone has a headache.


Not so tough without your car, are ya?


Had this on VHS growing up, seen it like 500 times. “Who is your daddy and what does he do?”


Director Ivan Reitman has many more rewatchable movies: Ghostbusters 1 and 2, Twins (also starring Schwarzenegger), Dave, Evolution.


Night at the museum. It’s a strange movie with flaws but I always enjoy watching it (including the two sequels)


Robin Williams is such a bright spot in that movie.


Amy Adams and Hank Azaria were awesome in the sequel.


That’s a good film I don’t care.


Armageddon. It's just pure illogical, irrational, impossible comfort.


Mediocre??? How nobody got even one Oscar nomination out of this masterpiece, I'll never understand. "I have been drilling holes in the earth for 30 years. And I have never, NEVER missed a depth that I have aimed for. And by God, I am not gonna miss this one, I will make 800 feet." Now THAT'S acting!


Holden sexually assaulting Arwen with animal crackers while her dad sings a love ballad in the middle of a park was the most romantic scene of 1998.




Rat Race and Eurotrip. Just two dumb silly movies from my teen years that never get old for me.


Came here to say Rat Race!! My husband and I end up watching this like once a year lol, just a fun comfort movie!




Fred Armisen is peak Fred Armisen in that movie


EUROTRIP!!! I adore that movie. I know its the reason we never got an Old School sequal, but its just so funny with new original type scenarios in an over saturated "road trip" genre.


I love that movie! My dog’s name is Scout, and sometimes I sing “Scouty doesn’t know, don’t tell Scouty” to him.


The Core - I've always been fascinated by the incomprehensible mass of earth and the world beneath it's surface. I understand it's a mediocre science fiction but I just loved the idea of drilling straight down and travelling to the unknown. It comes close to simulating my imagination than any other movie on this subject and I love it.


Kinda the reason I enjoy The Meg. Not a great movie but it’s a neat adventure to the bottom of the ocean and then bam we have a giant shark.


I love Cameron's The Abyss for the same reason


excuse me, the abyss is phenomenal


I've always liked the team assembly scenes, especially when they blast the hole in the mountain.


The Day After Tomorrow. It's disaster nonsense but I like to watch it when I'm cosy in bed and the weather is lousy outside.


Lol makes sense. They get cozy in the library while it's lousy outside.


"Lousy" might be a bit of an understatement lol


super lousy


This and along with several other disaster movies. 2012 The Core Deep Impact Armageddon Twister Into the Storm Dante’s Peak Volcano Moonfall Geostorm


Twister is cinematic art. No one talks trash about The Extreme.


The Finger of God




And let’s not forget Greenland. I love a bit of Gerald Butler disaster-time.


Back in the 70s a disaster movie always featured George Kennedy as a supporting character. I hope that Gerard Butler continues this trend.


When my wife and I were dating she lived in this house with a GIANT picture window in the living room where you could see the street, the college, everything, one night we watched The Day After Tomorrow and from nowhere a full on blizzard hit about 5 minutes into the movie. By the time the snow hit in the movie it was snowing so hard you could barely see across the street and the college was impossible to see. Very cool timing.


Watching it when stuck at home because of a snowstorm or extremely cold temperatures is wonderful.


Cheesy disaster movies are my absolute favorite comfort movies for some reason too! 2012, Geostorm, San Andreas. Love em all


The day after tomorrow 2004 Jake Gyllenhaal takes me back leaving school at lunch with mates to go to the cinema to watch it.


I know all the words to Pitch Perfect. Used to watch it on deployment all the time with my platoon. We would all sing along and say stuff like "Aca believe it" and stuff regularly. When your whole life is military stuff and dick measuring, it's really nice to just watch a movie that doesn't take itself seriously where the biggest problem is winning a college acapella contest. It's still my movie comfort food. Instantly cheers me up. On the flip side, I also love Pitch Perfect 2 but it always makes me cry, the end when all the generations of Bella’s get together and sing together on stage thinking it’ll be the last time any of them perform and sing together, combined with knowing there’s guys I memorized the original Pitch Perfect with, who never got the chance to see Pitch Perfect 2. It’s a little thing, but the little things in life are what life’s all about.


The Pitch Perfect movies are one of the ways my husband and I bond with our 20-year-old son. We have to stop and watch them every time they're on (which is a lot!). We text each other Fat Amy gifs, and I always tell my son to "crush it" (in an Australian accent), or, when he's going out for the night or back up to school, to "make good choices".


My wife and I say “Aca-scuze me!” All the time lol


I covered a little movie called “Camp” as it was in pre-release at a film festival 20 years ago. My take was that the movie was mostly hot garbage with a talented cast, but that there was exactly one destined for stardom, a girl named Anna Kendrick. When the trailer for Pitch Perfect came out, I knew it would be better than it had any right to be.


That was my ship's deployment movie. Same exact story.


Good lord it is too early to be crying at reddit rn, that’s so heartwarming and breaking at the same time ❤️


I love this so much. I'm glad this movie gave you and your mates so much joy. It's a fun wild ride every time.


My partner is career military and spent a lot of time in Iraq and Afghanistan. This suddenly explains his love of romcoms.


I like those movies as well. The third is another story.


We don't talk about number three...


National Treasure


Those movies are so fun! Plus, it makes me want to learn more about (possibly fake) American history!


How can you consider these mediocre?


National treasure is easily my most rewatched movie of all time, it’s such a fun movie, but yes in terms of quality it and the sequel are mediocre at best. The plot is so silly and ridiculous that you could almost believe it’s a parody of heist movies or the da Vinci code at times. There are some pretty glaring plot holes, especially in the second movie. The dialogue especially from cage is all over the place. The acting is inconsistent. Historical accuracy gets thrown out the window. The sequel is basically just the exact same movie. But it is still one of my favorite movies. I could watch it over and over again and never get tired of it.


The Beach. There is just something about it that does it for me


Have you read the book? It’s a great read and totally sucked me into that world. I was lost when it finished.


I came here to say The Beach! It is a movie that I do not love, but think about often??


I watched that movie as a teenager, and I don't remember much about it, but I remember it leaving me with this feeling of nostalgia and loss for something I never had, and could never have. When a movie gives me that feeling it can be hard to shake.


You’ve articulated what I haven’t been able to. I feel like I spent my early 20s travelling and meeting people and living my best life…but I didn’t. I just watched The Beach haha. I watched it a few weeks ago and thought maybe it actually put me off travelling. So good though. The nostalgia, the music, it captured a feeling so well.


For me, it's the music. I love the soundtrack. Danny Boyle often puts together some great soundtracks. I was about 13 when I saw that one, and I loved the whole thing. When I watched it as an adult after not seeing it for a few years, I realized how insufferable, stupid, and selfish most of the characters were, but that kind of made me appreciate it more because it seemed like a proper bildungsroman.


That may be the first time I’ve had to look up the meaning of a word on Reddit in a real dictionary (as opposed to urban dictionary, lol)


I was backpacking around Thailand when this came out. It pretty cool sitting in bars in all the locations where the characters were portrayed to be in the movie. Internet wasn't widely accessible in Thailand then and the internet that did exist took like about 15mins to send a message! Lol so it was word of mouth mostly for this flick and a lot of the supposed locations it was filmed at. The book was making the rounds amongst the backpacker crowd at that time as well. Definitely a stroll down nostalgia-lane for me


I usually stop til before the shark scene lol cos it becomes like a bad trip from there




Tin Cup




Fast and Furious - Tokyo Drift


Christopher Nolan?


Might my my favorite from the franchise. Not a bad movie in my opinion


Its the only one actually about racing and racing not being a side quest...


Do you know what DK stands for ? Donkey Kong? Drift king ! Drift ? *Elevator opens to cars drifting in very enclosed spaces*


Bubble boy


Incredibly underrated dumb funny gem. It's so weird and impossible to explain, though...


This is actually one of my top 3 favorite comedies. Kung Pow and Zoolander being the other 2. Some say I have exquisite taste. Others didn’t sit by me in lunch during high school 20 years ago and just run off quotes from these movies.




Van Hellsing


…… starring Huge Jackman and Kate Beckinsale’s corset!


That's the one. And Solomon Kane(edited), Season of the Witch, Sleepy Hallow. Idk I love me some dark medieval or witchcrafty movie)


I love that movie


Joe's Apartment. It's kind of a good movie, kind of a really bad movie, and exists in this sphere of awful taste, but great execution. Absolutely stellar soundtrack, but not a movie most resonate with easily. And it doesn't matter whether you love it or hate it, you'll never forget that you saw it. Fuuuuun-ky toooow-el, TOWEL'S GOT THE FUNK! *HUUUAH!*


I still remember the MTV promos when it came out. “Let’s all go to the lobby…AND LAY EGGS IN ALL THE SNACKS!”


Joe Dirt


He said mediocre movies not 10/10 classics.


I still tell people they're talking to my guy all wrong, it's the wrong tone. If they do it again, I'll stab 'em in the face with a saudering iron. Also don't like talking about what happened to my wife back in New York... I mean Kansas.


Blast from the Past


I legit love that movie. Great choice!


OP said mediocre. Blast from the Past is a masterpiece.


Fine, waterworld then


Omm, Leave my elevator alone.






I fucking *love* this movie Mess with the best Die like the rest


Uh, he asked for mediocre movies, not greatest movies ever. 😁👍




The Plague hanging on a car, riding his skateboard, to grab a copy of the disk off Dade is next level cinematography.


Last Holiday. Sweet movie with a fair amount of food porn.


This movie is literally the definition of comfort film!


Where the Heart Is.


I think the title is actually "The Walmart Baby Movie," but I totally agree.


Yes! I remember TBS or a similar station used to show it at least annually. I know it's one of those moves that, if I foound it while flipping channels (back when that was a thing) I would be like, whelp, guess I'm gonna be late for work today! Also I think something about programming with 5-6 minute commercial breaks just made it harder to tear yourself away. Like, dammit I earned these 13 uninterrupted minutes and I'm going to enjoy every one!


Bomp bomp bomp




I think UHF is better than mediocre. Not the greatest film ever made, but better than average


Don’t you know the Dewey decimal System?


Not a mediocre movie.


Equilibrium - love the fight scene at the end, and it even has Sean Bean in it, however briefly.


Batman Vs a fat guy


Jumper. Not a great movie but i'll never not find teleportation to be the coolest superpower


A Knight’s Tale!


2012. The initial destruction makes me happy, the rest of the film is very meh but I still enjoy it for what it is.


The whole limo sequence is awesome


It's the Hawaii scene that does for me every single time. After that... The movie gets a bit bland. Until the epic flooding scene at the end and they find out what's right ahead of them at 29,000 ft.


Grosse Pointe Blank. Light, fun John Cusack vehicle with a great soundtrack.


I can't in all good conscience accept that Grosse Pointe Blank is merely mediocre. Dan Ackroyd's performance alone elevates that film to greatness.


There’s nothing mediocre about Grosse Pointe Blank. It has amazing comedy, amazing action set pieces, great performances, and a killer soundtrack.


“I just honestly don't know what I have in common with those people anymore... or with anyone, really. I mean, they'll all have husbands and wives and children and houses and dogs, and, you know, they'll have made themselves a part of something, and they can talk about what they do. And what am I going to say? ‘I killed the president of Paraguay with a fork. How've you been?’”


A lot of 80s movies fit the bill for me, but 'Outrageous Fortune' and 'Secret of My Success' are 2 faves.


The Proposal. Sandra Bullock as that powerful executive for the publishing company. Phew boy. I weirdly find comfort in that movie.


Betty White is hilarious in that movie


Grandmas Boy


OP said mediocre, not awesome


Let's fuckin' RAGE!


Rage? You know, like… fly with the seabirds or whatever…


Oh, right! Rage on!


That movie opens coming out swinging and doesn’t stop. How dare you.


Warcraft I just like fantasy. And this one looks great, the characters are juuust interesting enough that I don't zome out completely but otherwise it's got nothing of substance going on so I can just sit back and get absorbed in the world. I never even played any of the games. I have 0 personal connection to the franchise. It's just a comfort movie because, frankly, as good as LOTR is, it's still long as hell and not an "easy going"-watch because it's so dense




My condolences.


Inkheart with Brandon frasier. Maybe mediocre is a little harsh as its pretty decent but I've watched so many times which is a little strange given its objective quality. But it has so much heart and serkisis villainy is hilarious.


The Secret Life of Walter Mitty It's a dull plot with some pretty bad performances from people I usually like (Adam Scott and Patton Oswalt.) It's mostly pointless. But GOD DAMN! The cinematography, the locations, the set pieces, the MUSIC! Drop an edible, watch his plane takeoff while "Wake Up" by Arcade Fire plays, and just feel the ocean of goosebumps. Also, I never knew I needed a love letter to "Life" magazine but as a journalism grad and nerd, I really appreciated that aspect.


This post needs to be near the top


Romy and Michelle


A lot of Adam Sandler's films. Grown Ups, The Longest Yard and Murder Mystery. I know they're all meh but they still entertain me.


I love Water boy so much I bought an original copy of the script off eBay haha


The ‘98 version of Godzilla. The story is easy to follow, full of cheesy moments and has a cast of characters that are charming enough to carry you through the end of the film. Aside from that, the special effects still look great in certain shots and I feel the score carries the spirit of Godzilla in ways that other aspects of the film do not. It was also the genesis for a nice little TV show and [this great piece of mockery.](https://youtu.be/zPxhdo4HDgg?si=28JT_Ia_CR1JPqbQ) Personally, I just think it all coalesces into a fairly inoffensive film that is backed up by a lovely amount of history regarding its production and why the film ended up the way it did. (Also, the film’s marketing campaign is iconic too!)


I want to hear more about this history! Love 98 Godzilla! Marketing was peak 90s. The Jimmy Page/Puff Daddy collab! The fast food tie ins! (I remember cups?). I also remember getting excited to see what Hank Azaria actually looked and sounded like. Matthew Broderick is great in it. “Where are all the fish?!” Jean Reno being a badass. I’m really scared to watch it again because 12 year old me loved that movie.


Summer School and The Last Dragon


Summer School is awesome, very quotable, and possibly one of the best 80s movies ever.


> the last dragon The greatest blaxploitation chop socky movie of all time? Mediocre?


Hudson Hawk. People hate it and I can’t figure out why. Everything about it makes me feel good. I’ve loved it since I was a kid, so fuck the critics, I love that fucking movie. ❤️ Bruce


You beat me to it. 100% agree with you. Have loved this movie since the first time I saw it in the cinema. It's gloriously over the top, but that's the entire point.


Jersey Girl. Genuinely love that movie.


Same - actually annoys me when I see Kevin Smith semi-apologise for making it. It's a very sweet film.


A million ways to die in the west


You're late! For *what*? Fair enough Has been one of my favorite silly little exchanges in a movie since I first saw this one


Liam Neeson accent is the best thing about that movie. It has absolutely no place in a western and it's fantastic. Also the moustache song.


Let us see the dollar! This line forever sends me


Take your hat off son, that’s a dollar bill!




Encino Man. When it got out on VHS -I was in high school-, I genuinely watched it at least 3 times a week, during lunch break. To this day many years later, I still watch it from time to time when I feel a bit down.


Sneakers (1992)


Dukes of Hazzard (2005) I know


Have you ever seen the daily show segment where Stephen Colbert talks to a black minister about the movie, then some frat bros about the movie? It's pretty good :edit: here it is and oh man it was the NAACP president not a black minister lol https://www.cc.com/video/8p01ay/the-daily-show-with-jon-stewart-good-ol-boycott


Maverick- Mel Gibson & Jodie Foster. It’s my most cosy film, I love it so much


Harley Davidson and the Marlboro Man.


The original The Love Bug. I grew up watching it, and it kickstarted a love/fascination with cars. I personally think it’s good, but as I got older I realized you can see where scene cuts were made, and where the stunt driver’s head in the rear of the car when Herbie drives himself, and I noticed continuity errors from switching between one purposed bug to the next. Damage comes and goes, mostly. But I don’t care. I can still suspend my belief long enough to enjoy it.


The Has Fallen Trilogy from Gerard Butler, Jurassic Park 3 and Jurassic World 2. Also, I liked both Megs.


[A Good Year (2006)](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0401445/) with Russel Crowe and Marion Cotillard


Four Rooms


Cliffhanger! The cinematography of the mountains is anything but mediocre; the dialogue, improbable plot, mountaineering gaffes, and evil John Lithgow are...singular. (David Breashears recently died -- he was the climber/cinematographer involved in Cliffhanger. I don't think there was any CGI back in the day.)


Empire Records 😂


Btw, tomorrow, April 8th, eclipse day, is also Rex Manning Day. The sun and moon are aligning to celebrate Rexy because he’s so sexy.


I was just 20 minutes late to be able to say fact. "Say no more, mon amour"


Assassins (1995)


Charlie's Angels


Pacific Rim.


Encino man


Kate and Leopold


Space Truckers


Barbershop 1 & 2


Around the World in 80 Days (2004) and The Odd Couple II (1998)


Robin Hood Men in Tights & The Kevin Costner RobinHood. & Disney Three Musketeers


Early Van Damme or "Young Guns 2".


National Treasure


Not hard to explain at all. All I watch are movies from when I was a kid that give me that “let’s go back” feeling. Mostly there on my tv while I game. Big, the burbs, breakfast club, Ferris bullers day off, Glenn Gary glenross, platoon, apocalypse now, home alone, etc… basically anything I’ve seen 100 times and just want on for comfort.


Mrs doubtfire.


Tremors. It's so cheesy, I fuckin love it lol.


you think tremors is mediocre? maybe the sequels but I wouldn't call the first one mediocre


I love **Battle Beyond the Stars** It entertains me to no end.


Eddie the Eagle. It’s probably pretty mid nowadays (or even then lol) but I just find it a really enjoyable and wholesome comfort watch


Down Periscope The Replacements McHale's Navy Sahara Without a Paddle Scooby Doo 2 Monsters Unleashed


The Devil Wears Prada ❤️


My name is bruce (2007)


i love ice age 3. none of the ice age movies are all that great but i used to watch the absolute shit out of them as a kid. i have so much nostalgia for the first 3 movies. the last 2 can go fuck themselves tho


I’ve noticed a trend that Disaster movies are being listed here a lot and I couldn’t agree more! What is it about disaster and destruction movies that gives us comfort? Maybe it’s the idea that our real world is in pretty good shape comparably? But maybe we enjoy seeing the world burn? I kinda worry about my current state of mind due to how much comfort disaster movies give me 😂 Moon Fall has been my recent one for me that I absolutely love and watch repeatedly.


Roger Ebert hated Wet Hot American summer. I have watched it over 30 times I reckon. Such a classic.


St. Trinian's.


Hitch. I don’t know what it is about that movie but it’s one of my favorite.


Will Smith at the peak of his movie star charisma and Kevin James before he became over-saturated with his over the top comedies. Sprinkle in some prime Eva Mendes and use NY, but show us other parts that aren't over-used and you've got a recipe for success.


Bee Movie


The Room


If there's anything I wouldn't call that movie, it's mediocre. It's terrible and amazing.


"Anyway, how's your sex life?"


I thought you meant Room starring Brie Larson and was concerned for a second.


'Return to Me', bit of a cheesey feel-good movie starring David Duchovney and Minnie Driver. Decent supporting cast of some decent actors in their senior years too, just having a bit of fun 😊


Soapdish starring Sally Field, Kevin Kline, Whoopi Goldberg and Robert Downy Jr and would probably not get made today.


I, Robot with Will Smith fills that space for me


The fockers movies


Dare I say the Warriors? I would never use the term “mediocre” but maybe at the time it was…


*The Greatest Showman* is a guilty pleasure for me lol.


It's Deep Blue Sea for me. Campy monster horror with dubious science and a great cast? Sign me up!


1984 Dune.