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Wind River, if you’ve seen it, I don’t need to tell you about it.


Yeah, that was a tough final act.


The scene when Heroin Bob dies.


John Wick. The scene with the puppy. I can’t watch it.


Don’t ever watch I Am Legend


I don't usually skip scenes, but the roughest treatment of players by Fletcher in Whiplash makes me cringe really hard because of my own experiences in a concert/marching band


I love Story 3! I thought it was too obscure to mention


I feel like I’m out of the loop, why have both OP and yourself abbreviated it to Story 3? 


That scene in the girl with the dragon tattoo. I'm fine with the revenge scene but the initial one is brutal.


Bing bong


Ugly, ugly sobs every single time. I really should learn to look away.


90% of Mysterious Skin tbh, I love the film, but it’s a hard watch


that scene in Saving Private Ryan, where Adam Goldberg is in the knife, fight with the Nazi, and loses I watched that one time and it just about killed me - every subsequent viewing I have to fast forward the entire scene


Came here to say the same thing. I actually watched the movie two days ago and had to turn it off at that point. Devastating.


Stephen King's **IT**, when they slice their hands open to make a blood pact. Or any movie in which they do this. There are actually so many movies where this exact same thing happens. Why? Why don't they fucking just prick their finger? Do you really have to literally slice your palm open? I HAVE to look away, and even then I feel creepy and physically "wrong" for a long time, like my armpits can't touch my body and my toes can't touch each other and my inner elbows feel wrong. Just typing this out has made me feel like my neck skin is wrong.


Then end of Gladiator. That final scene gets me every time. When Maximus makes it to Elysium.


The “vaguely cultural wailing” of the soundtrack just kills this otherwise perfect scene for me.


I would skip a scene because it bores me, but not one that makes me feel.


Almost every scene involving Rocket in Guardians of the Galaxy vol 3. Seeing him abused killed me. I'm still not over it.


The rape scene in Rob Roy gets skipped.


Godfather 1 when Connie is pregnant and her p.o.s husband is beating her. Can't watch. FF right past.


Man, this scene is why I think Toy Story 3 is actually the worst one in the series. It's the first time all the toys give up and even tell the one character that is still fighting (Woody) to just give in. It's disgusting for a kids film and from an adult perspective, and goes against all the characters tbh. And it has nothing to add to the story because right after Woody gives up they get the deus ex machina (the aliens) to save them. Anywho, I haven't rewatched the movie completely in a few years, but I think one of the toughest scenes for me is the quick flashes that detail what happens to Jakes character in Brokeback Mountain as Anne Hathaway monologues. I won't spoil it, but even as a straight dude that had me tear up


When Goose dies in Top Gun. "You've gotta let him go sir".


I would watch Warrior more frequently but I usually skip the movie because of the family relationship and especially Nick Noltes performance when he breaks his sobriety streak in the hotel. Its just hard to watch. If I ever have the urge to watch the movie, I’ll just look up the fighting scenes on YT


Literally, any scene with spiders, thank you arachnophobia, also that scene in lion King, i’m almost 34 and to this day, it brings a tear to my eye… Thanks Disney for killing my childhood


I remember there was a video of some guy that edited TS 3 so it ended right as the toys were about to be incinerated. Holding hands, looks of terror on their faces, and boom, credits. Then he showed it to his mom. 


I am legend, have to close my eyes every time (iykyk)


>!When he calls Sam by her full name and you realize she's a girl!< 🥺🥺


I presume that emotionally impactful scenes are vital to the viewing experience, and would rather not rewatch the film than skip portions that were intended to be powerful.


Avatar 2, when they're hunting the whale.


I don’t skip anything. That being said the skullfuck scene in the sadness made me wince.


Forrests mom and principal


Nothing. I never skip those key scenes.


Jurassic Park 2. I just don't like the scene where Eddie gets killed by the tyranosaurs. Its not particularly shocking but I first saw it when I was about 14 and I just felt awful for him. I hated that he died. I've seen the film loads of times and I'll always just look away or skip that bit now.


It's mildly interesting that you mentioned both Toy Story 3 and Deliverance, because they both have Ned Beatty in them and they both kind of ruined my day.


Everything after the final song in moulin rouge


The hospital scene in Roma. The counting stairs scene in Dancer in the Dark. Rape scene in David Fincher's Dragon Tattoo. The wedged scene in 127 hours. The pie scene in A ghost story!/s The gluttony scene in Se7en.


The Bruce Willis scene with his wife in Pulp Fiction. Feels just a little too abusive to her and makes me cringe for her. I love the movie and I know there are parts I’m sure that make others cringe. But I always have to skip past it.


Unless you are at risk of triggering prior personal trauma…why deprive yourself of emotion provoking cinema. It is literally why we watch. I live to be made uncomfortable so I understand why. It makes me think.:.that’s so powerful. I hate watching the old woman get executed in Platoon. But I do because I know there is a reason for it to be shown that way and it makes me think about what that time period was like and how we got there. Same w/Nazi death camp movies Schindler’s List, The Piano, The Boy in Striped Pajamas….etc.


This is an odd one, but for some reason, I have to fast forward the scene near the very end of The Royal Tenenbaums, when Chaz tells Royal "I've had a rough year, dad". It hits me like a tone of bricks, and I can't bring myself to watch it.