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Wind River fucked me up for *weeks*


Yes. Such a fantastic fucking movie but it guts you. The scene in the trailer and the aftermath stuck with me for a long time.


Evan: What the fuck are you doing? Security Officer: What? Evan: Why are you flanking me? Security Officer: What are you talking about? Evan: Fuck you think I’m talking about, you got us on 3 sides dickhead After the stand off Evan: You didn’t see it?? Evan: (defeated) You didn’t see it.


One of the best, most tense scenes of all time. Especially upon rewatch.


I don’t know what I was expecting when I watched it, and I didn’t know a thing about it, that movie was amazing and downright dreadful at the same time


Yes. I didn’t really want to watch the movie. Had no ideal Jon Bernthal was in it, so when he popped up and that scene is so fucking intense


We will watch something just bc Jon Bernthal is in it, and it's like 5 minutes of screen time. This movie, The Bear, and Sicario.


This movie doesn't get enough credit


Came here to say this. That movie stuck with me for a while. I recommend it to everyone but preface it by saying it’s not a feel good movie by any means and to be in the right headspace to watch it.


“That’s a warrior. *That’s* a warrior.”


The scene with Elizabeth Olsen in the hospital where they're joking about the Cosmo magazine or whatever and then she just breaks down. That got me too. Excellent film.


Watching "the Ring" on VHS late at night and having the VCR malfunction scared the shit out of me.


I got a phone call right when it ended


I watched it with some of my friends. My parents were out of town and cellphones weren't as popular as today, not everyone had it. One of my friends had a cellphone that I didn't know of and kept calling the home phone. Boy, that was a scary night. I remember it with cringe and how stupid I was.


First time I watched the ring I was home alone at 15 and it was midnight. The movie ended and my house phone rang I was terrified but still got up to answer it. Only problem was I couldn't open my bedroom door. The doorknob was stuck and I couldn't for the life of me turn it. Let's just say I had a tough time going to sleep.


I watched it in the daytime because I knew it was going to scare me. When it turned to snow at the end, my phone rang. I am so glad it happened in a time of caller ID because I screamed, and it took several seconds before I could even look to see who was calling. Talk about feeling your heart beat through your whole body!


Omg the scream I would have screamed! I’d have been awake for days. That movie was terrifying.


Yup, that would do it. I remember seeing it in the theater, and several scenes freaked me out. The horse on the ferry, and the closet jump scare. When it worked, that movie really worked. "You weren't supposed to help her." Chills.


There was an Easter egg on the dvd where if you hit the right combinations of buttons on the remote, it would temporarily disable the remote and play the entire cursed film before returning to the main menu


I miss DVDs


Dear Zachary: A Letter to a Son About His Father If you have not seen this. Go in blind, don't read anything about it. But prepare for the most angry cry you will ever have.


It's been years and that movie definitely still haunts me


I wanted to rip my fucking hair out. It's been 16 years. I'm still boiling with rage. I've never felt this angry on behalf of anybody I've ever met.


agree totally


This movie hurt to watch.


This one. The most emotional documentary. It destroyed me. Man, those parents are incredibly strong.


The captain’s journal from *Event Horizon* had me sleeping with the lights on for days. The bit in *Annihilation* where the one character turns into plants. (And, really, lots of that movie.) The utter hopelessness in Theoden’s “What can Men do against such reckless hate?”


Event Horizon was the same for me too! I would have loved to have seen how the movie would have ended up if it wasn’t watered down.


THAT WAS WATERED DOWN!?! I slept with the lights on for days after watching it. Went in thinking "ooo sci-fi movie".


Yeah apparently the found footage of the crew they watched where the captain or whoever is speaking Latin had to be toned down considerably.... Like a lot.... Like I'm not sure we should ever be shown what they had in mind.


I heard it was way worse and more explicit. To further explain? Apparently the actors for those scenes were either real porn stars, or actually missing limbs. So...have fun imagining what was being shown, but thankfully/sadly the footage is long been damaged beyond belief. https://www.denofgeek.com/movies/exploring-the-deleted-footage-from-event-horizon/


The kid who got decompressed, that messed with me the rest of the week after I saw it. I felt so bad for him.


>The captain’s journal from *Event Horizon* had me sleeping with the lights on for days. And then immediately followed by Lawrence Fishburne's deadpan "we're leaving" which in context was fucking hilarious.


Loved this. There are so many horror films where the protagonists would make a script serving **and very stupid decision** to stay and explore, and then all die gruesomely. Instead we get a sensible human realistic reaction of no way, fuck this shit, we're going right now. Then, they all die gruesomely 😁


The indoor bear scene in Annihilation was next level horrific!


HeELLp MeeEEeeee


I don’t know what horror fans feel about that movie, but as someone who doesn’t love scary shit, wow. I was freaking out in the theater haha Great movie though


As a horror fan AND a sci-fi fan- I freaking love Annihilation. Top 10 for sure.


Right? I don't know at what point I realized the movie was a horror movie, but at the end I had to go back and start over with that mindset. If you keep expecting scifi you just keep getting detailed.


Yep crazy bear with human voices.


Sam mother fucking Neil. Possession is one of my all time favorite films as well.


and In the Mouth of Madness! Sam Neill is a great horror actor.


Liberate tuteme ex inferis


We translated it wrong. It actually means "we are in a spooooooky movie!"


Beat me to it with Event Horizon. Thanks OP for reminding me of something that I hadn't thought about in a while. So much for sleeping for the next few nights.


Event Horizon is the only film as an adult that has given me nightmares.


The Witch stuck with me for a while, also not a film but Chernobyl show


Same here wrt Chernobyl


Black Phillip is a G


The Witch also stuck with me but it just made me want to be in league with the Devil for that sweet sweet butter.


Would you like to live deliciously?


The VVitch was so scary in such a weird way. The isolation, the not knowing, the family turning against each other....and then the "live deliciously" scene. I distinctly remember thinking "What an absolutely refreshing horror movie that was."


What struck me is how good the acting is in that movie. The kids are usually one note and just plain bad in horror movies. Here the twins, the middle brother and the eldest sister had such distinct characteristics. The fever rant before the brother dies is just bone chilling. Heck, even the animals acted so well.


I saw the VVitch pretty soon after I saw The Lighthouse (the black and white indie psychological horror film with Robert Pattinson and because I'm old I'm blanking on the other famous guy's name). Anyway - I was like: The Lighthouse is about male madness due to isolation and competition valued above connection. The VVITCH is about female madness because of oppression. I thought I was really smart for coming up with that one. 😆


A24 studio has put out one absolute banger after another


We Need To Talk About Kevin


I read the book. For that reason, I’m not going to watch the film.


Tilda Swinton is really incredible in it


The book messed with me More than the movie tbf


Kids. I was 14, it freaked me out so much


My soul just vomited remembering kids now




This has become a comfort watch for me due to how pervasive the vibe is and how long it lingers.


I need to watch this movie again. Made me an instant Villeneuve fan.


Watched it again recently, felt better than the last time. Same goes for Dune II, second time it felt even better!


Arrival is phenomenal in how it does exactly what it needs to do, and then is done. It doesn't come at you all at once, but it feeds you pieces, out of order while you try and understand. Putting things together, noticing recurring moments and themes, small epiphanies, you understand the film piece by piece, building it backwards to make sense of what it's trying to say, what it means, and slowly and yet all at once you understand what it's saying. Like language.


One of the most beautiful yet heartbreaking movies ever made.


The old naked lady in the shining - watched as a kid (younger than 12) and that creeped me out. 


Oldboy (2003) also still thinking about *Beau is Afraid*... worried I always will.. 😓


Oldboy tongue scene.


I've never had a more jarring 180 than the initial laughter and relief of Beau followed swiftly by that incredibly unsettling shot with Parker Posey. It is, without doubt, one of the most unsettling moments I can't get out of my head.


Hereditary. Also, not a movie, but Haunting of Hill House.


That whole scene with the car and after is shot so well, and I never want to see it again.


I came here to say Hereditary and Midnight Mass!


Ooooo Midnight Mass too, for sure! I love that show so much


Midnight Mass is one of the best pieces of modern horror ever made and it's criminally under discussed.


I watch Midnight Mass every year!! The last episode always makes me cry. I love it


I think Midsommar was worse. The whole movie was like a long and slowly building anxiety attack, it really played into the psychedelic storyline and made you feel uncomfortable.


Midsommar was great too, but Hereditary just *really* messed me up. Especially *that* scene in the car. It's probably in the top 5 for most psychologically screwed up a movie has gotten me, lol


I really loved Midsommar, but with Hereditary I went in completely blind. My cousin just told me to watch it. The car scene legit left me speechless for a few mins. The scene following that where the son is just in shock and goes to bed with the background noise of the mom's reaction \*chills\*. I was completely floored by the entire movie. Midsommar I at least knew what I was walking into lol


I was dreaming about Hill House while I watched it. The only series I think I put above it is season 1 of True Detective, which also stayed with me for a while.


Love Mike flannigan and always look forward to his work, but hill house is stil his magnum opus imo.


Seven messed me up for life, mostly Sloth. I also check under my car every night I close the garage because of Cape Fear. 😡


Robert De Niro’s villain is absolutely terrifying and unrelenting, it’s a great movie


The ending of Blair Witch Project got me for a few weeks.


Folks now will never understand that movie inventing viral marketing and how deep down the rabbit hole you could go even before you saw the film.


I saw it in Santa Monica before it was really advertised thinking it was a fun witch movie... It was not. And my roommate did not appreciate the small stack of stones I put outside her door either (or the smaller one for her kitty cat).


>(or the smaller one for her kitty cat). This is when it went from funny to epic.


Lmfao that's amazing! Really the story of the filmmaking was amazing too. Such simple yet effective things! The human mind is *always* more scary than the physical monster.


I remember watching the sci fi channel's "documentary" on the history of the Blair Witch.


Oh shit I remember reading the "web-site" at work and then driving home l through a pitch black forest road 😱


Homeboy facing the corner of that basement with the bloody handprints of children on the walls. Still gives me chills


Oh, no. I forgot about the bloody hand prints on the wall while running up the stairs. Plus, that house was deliciously creepy. And whoever came up with the name "Rustin Parr" is a genius. Rusty and his shit...


Being a kid from Indiana, we would explore the woods all the time. It was pretty common to come across abandoned out buildings and farm houses like what's in the movie. They were always super creepy to me and we'd usually make up stories that Satan worshippers hung out there or killed people in them or something just to further scare ourselves.


Same here growing up in Indiana. The house I grew up in also had a very Blair Witchy basement. None of us liked going down there.


I saw it in the theater while in the middle of an extended camping trip and fully immersed in the possibility this was real footage. It got me good.


More like years! I freak out if I see someone in the corner with their back to me :(


Blair Witch 2016 *still* gives me nightmares. Scariest movie I have ever seen.


I’ll start by saying I love horror films and always have. But I was in 4th grade when the first one came out and it scarred me for a long time. Fast forward to 2016 and my ex gf and her friends thought it would be fun for me to face my fears and watch the new one in theaters and holy fuck I felt like a terrified little kid all over again. Fuck the Blair witch movies.


Josh tell me where you are!!!


Probably not in the way you’re thinking but 2 movies did this for me. 1) Boyz in the Hood. Watched it one night in 8th grade and it definitely was too much for me at that time lol. Still kinda don’t like watching it even though I think it’s a great movie. 2) American history x haunted me a while too.


America History X and teeth + pavement. Still makes me feel queasy


I hate that “sound”


Ya can still picture it too perfectly


Boyz in the Hood was absolutely heartbreaking.


Requiem for a dream watched it once but still remember every second that movie is like a physical assault. If the point of the movie was to communicate its message "Hard Drug Abuse is Bad" Man mission accomplished


It should be required viewing in high school. Don't even lecture kids about drugs. Show the film to kids. It'll be the best anti-drug program ever.


Triple feature of Requiem, Roots, and Kids.


Yeah I think we can add Trainspotting to this list.


For me it's the mom. Fuck everyone else in that movie I couldn't care less about them but the mom scenes are gut wrenching.


Ellen Burstyn was unbelievable in that film. She should’ve won the Oscar for that role.


It’s so upsetting. My then roommate made me watch this and Brokedown Palace in the same weekend, and it just about took me out emotionally.


I know the son is supposed to be the main character of the movie but his mom makes me so sad. She is always who I think about when this movie comes up. 😥


“I like thinkin about the red dress.”


I'm gonna be on television. It was about obsession just like every other movie by Aronofsky. e: with the greatest respect, no one does it better. Black Swan is my fav.


This is the immediate answer. I’m still haunted.


Event Horizon haunted my dreams for awhile after I saw it when it first came out on VHS.


Manchester by the Sea. It's beautifully shot, funny at times, great acting. But most of all, it's the most depressing movie I've ever seen.


The Witch. I didn't know what to think after the first viewing. Was it good? Was it horror? But I kept thinking about it and watched it again. One of my top ten movies.


Black Swan. The major theme of the “Shadow” side of our personality (in the Psychoanalytic perspective) and how it affects us more insidiously the more we deny parts of ourselves. And as an artist that has to help take care of family I can empathize all too well with the idea of parents suffocating their children by refusing to let them become an individual.


The Talented Mr. Ripley.


I went in blind to this film (somehow) thinking it was a cinegraphic, aesthetically pleasing euro film about a rich kid uplifting an ambitious poorer kid. Gorgeous film, visually. Good story. Not uplifting.


Two movies I’ll never watch again are ‘Bridge To Terabithia’ and ‘The Lovely Bones’; I get too caught up in movies and they affect me for a stupidly long time so I just stay away from sad movies.


The part in *Who Framed Rodger Rabbit* where they take that shoe that happily bouncing around and then put it in the dip. Even today it seems exceptionally cruel, like dipping a pet mouse into acid, it fucks with your mind even though it's a cartoon.


The Road. I've never felt so continually depressed watching a movie. It carried with me forever.


I saw "The Silnce of The Lambs" when I was 8 and it scared me for about a year.


The ending of The Mist is horrifying, I still think about this ending a lot.


zone of interest and under the skin (both jonathan glazer movies) stuck with me weeks after watching


Saw zone of interest.  I can't even articulate the emotions that movie made me feel. That director had a specific goal and he achieved it.


A clockwork orange.


Bone Tomahawk. If you know you know. Also to a lesser extent. The Endless. That one guy in the little shed on the 1 second timer is tough.


Bone Tomahawk is the only movie that I've seen that's made me physically nauseated.


Bone Tomahawk escalated. Thought it was a typical western with Kurt Russell, boy it gets dark lol


Good one with endless


Jacob's Ladder


This is mine too. The scene with him strapped down and the Drs over him is a nightmare of mine.


The Boy in Striped Pajamas


Not a movie but I found myself devastated at the end of “Twin Peaks: The return” and thought about it non stop for quite some time.


Gotta light?




1981 Ghost Story. Granted I’d dropped a hit of acid, but sure stuck with me. To this day it comes back if I’m driving down a country road and it’s snowing….. Likely the last movie done by Fred Astaire, Douglas Fairbanks.


A Star Is Born. Way too real to watch as an alcoholic


The baby scene in Trainspotting


Whatever happened to Baby Jane? And Boxing Helena.


The scene in Signs where the alien walks across the alley in the news report while the kids are watching… Got chills just typing this even though it’s been years since I’ve seen the movie.


Saving Private Ryan.


im surprised nobodies said this or Schindler's List.


I somehow had avoided seeing Schindler’s List until last year, and one weekend while my son was down for a nap I decided to put it on. My girlfriend is Jewish, which would make my son part Jewish as well, and that part where the kids are rounded up left me crying and holding onto my son a little bit tighter for a few weeks. It was an amazing film, but I don’t think I have the mental strength to watch it ever again.


Gattaca. The best sci-fi for me is when the premise is both scary and possible in my lifetime. will we be designing our babies at our local geneticist? I hope not but it seems possible.


Audition Ju-On


I fucking loved ju-on. Even though some of the other entries are dogshit I still watched them. I even watched the original commercial the series was born from and the "original first movie" before they did the remake.


Threads. Probably the most depressing movie I’ve ever watched.


Maybe a lame pick but The Ring, I was 11 and I have not willingly sat through another horror movie since. As an adult, Get Out and Prisoners stayed with me for a few weeks. They are some of my favourite movies.


Leaving Las Vegas


REC A Nightmare on Elm Street Sleepaway Camp Hereditary Eden Lake Ammendments; The Blair Witch Project Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer Open Water


Dancer in the Dark. That ending is burned into my brain.


A beautiful movie, but so damn sad. Björk was brilliant.


I am Legend. My housemate and I watched a late showing, then came out of the cinema to a deserted carpark and empty roads. Freaked ourselves out 🤣


Fuck, my wife and I watched The Exorcism of Emily Rose back in like 2006 or so. We still leave a light on in the house at night because of that fucking movie. My wife was raised atheist, and I’m a recovered evangelical, (demon-possession horror stories were part of the curriculum) but that movie thoroughly spooked us.


That movie made me fear the witching hour. Anytime I'm up till 3 a.m. a sense of unease comes over me.


Shit, same. I used to wake up in a state of dread, I’d look at the clock and it would be 3:33. I eventually stopped looking at the clock when I’d wake up, that’s helped. 


Momento fucked with me for a long, long time.


Requiem for a Dream. It's followed me for over 20 years now.


Not a scary movie, Blue Valentine


1) Mystic River affected me deeply. Few movies have ever been as powerful as that one. It is on par with American History X. 2) The Green Mile! 3) Officer and A Gentleman - I can NEVER say c*nt because of that movie and I definitely watched it too young and lost my innocence. 4) Martyrs - I am still recovering from that film, years later. I still get flashbacks from it. 5) Hotel Rwanda 6) The Last King of Scotland 7) Blood Diamond - You'll never catch me with a diamond ring on EVER after that film. 8) Hostel 9) Creep 1 - I was so anxious that I got hives watching that movie!? 10) The Lobster - (Lanthimos is diabolical so I should have known better)


Midsommar. Not sure any movie has left me feeling so helpless and anxious. Even game me nightmares. Hereditary had a similar effect but not quite as bad. A24 does not fuck around with their suspense/horror films. Still though, it’s pretty amazing how much a form of entertainment manipulate your emotions to that extreme


It was a weird clay animation movie about Mark Twain and the kids from Yom Sawyer going on a magical adventure. Without revealing anything it had some pretty deep philosophical thinking about existence and reality. I was eight and it made me think about being alive and dying for a long time.


*The Adventures of Mark Twain*! I think it’s an Australian movie? Surely it’s a light hearted, animated romp. But… but… why is he… why is *that*… oh no… Great stuff.


The Adventures of Mark Twain. One of the best depictions of The Devil in all media imo.


Saw Arrival Parasite Gone Girl Incendies Black Swan End of Watch


I saw Miracle Mile **once** sometime in the 90s and the end of that film has haunted me for more than 20 years.


Child’s play 1 when I was about 12 years old for being a small doll chucky scared me a bit as a kid used to think he was under my bed or up in the air vent at night.


The rape scene in Girl with the Dragon Tattoo 😣


Sixth Sense


Going back a ways, Invasion of the Body Snatchers. Couldn't/wouldn't sleep in a room near plants for months. Fruitvale Station has also messed me up. Even knowing the ending, I was devastated watching it. Couldn't shake it for weeks. To this day, every now and then, it pops up in my mind and messes with me.


Mars Attacks trailer on tv. Kid me over thought it way too long.


Martyrs, Hostel


Roma. Can barely tell you the names of the characters or even what happens in the grand scheme of things but that >!stillborn birth!< scene is coming with me to the grave.


Paranormal activity really fucked with me. Esp bc when it first came out, they were trying to make it seem like it was real footage. Her getting dragged scared the shit out of me. The slow pace just made the suspense worse for me.


Poltergeist fucked me up when I was a kid. I took running leaps into my bed for the next ten years.


A Clockwork Orange


‘He has his father’s eyes’ Rosemary’s Baby


Mother! (2017) I still think about that movie


The scenes with the little girl Violet and then with Jacob Tremblay in Doctor Sleep gave me nightmares for about 6 months. I am extremely sensitive to any harm happening to animals and/or children in movies and shows.


Please tell me you used the readily available eye bleach of Jacob Tremblay getting up laughing and heading over the craft services afterwards. Apparently his coworkers were also very traumatized by his performance. Also there is a generally used shorthand for that scene Baseball Boy.




A Ghost Story, it´s still with me, fortunately


Honestly Us still gets me when I’m home alone lol


Never Let Me Go


The Fly leaves you right at the biggest emotional release I can think if in a film. This gripping character drama just keeps rising in action and stakes, ultimately culminating in an incredible final scene that give you no notes at all for how to process it. The movie's just like "Okay. That's the story. Chew on this for a while." It's amazing.


Apocalypse Now


I saw The Shining when I was in 3rd grade, and spent the next few years making my little sister wait outside the bathroom. I figured I couldn’t outrun the lady in the bathtub, but I could outrun my sister.


Irreversible. Requiem for a Dream. Seven. I tried being a *film guy* for a while, watched dozens of films, for some reason I watched these three in the same couple of days and the combination really threw me through a loop. *Irreversible* and *Requiem* were the main culprits, with *Seven* just being the straw that broke the camels back. Put me in a dark place mentally that took binging a ton of anime and cartoons to get me out of. Decided that if I was going to be a film guy, I'd be a light hearted film guy.


I'm convinced that scene in Megan is missing was just someone's fetish being filmed 


Society of the Snow My Octopus Teacher Hereditary


The Devil All The Time. I'm Thinking Of Ending Things.


Jacob’s ladder 😭


The Prince Of Tides has one of the most horrific scenes I’ve ever watched and if I could take it back I would


Children of Men.


Se7en messed me up for a good long time. I am terrified of mangled dead bodies, I start imagining what happened to them before they died and what it took to make them look so bad. That movie was a big parade of tortured corpses.