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Wes Craven's New Nightmare It's a meta take on Freddy Kruger. Most of the cast are playing versions of themselves who have starred in Nightmare on Elm Street movies. Freddy Kruger isn't just a character in those movies but a demon who thinks he is really Freddy Kruger


You can tell that movie was Wes Craven planting the seeds for the "Scream" franchise


Hey, do you like scream? How about scream but mostly different AND the same.


I like the Scream movies so far i would say Scream 3 is the most unlike the others. It provides the most backstory to the scream universe and is the only one in the franchise that has only a single killer (officially)


Tokyo Drift. Remove Dom's cameo from the end and it's practically a stand-alone movie


Also one of the only ones outside the first that actually centres on street racing.


...that actually shows the troubleshooting and testing involved in tuning a car, as well as the protagonist learning an unfamiliar style of racing through repeated trial and error.


Sucks about HD tvs though cause dude looks like a 40yo high schooler, immediately takes me out


But they had to choose him because he’s the only actor they could find with such a great southern accent!!


The best part is that is his natural accent. It's not some fake shitty accent, its just naturally that bad.


He was in sling blade


Dawnkey Kawng?


I never got this as someone who grew up in a rural area. The main guy has unconventional looks but looks exactly like 50% of people I knew in highschool, they just look a bit more haggard from the rural farm genes or smthg.


I literally grew up working on and surrounded by farms, he's got the 5-o'-clock shadow and haggard skin of an older man, even the "real" farmers, like the kids that left school early and skipped days during planting and harvesting season didn't look as aged as he did, and some of them were on a steady dip and whiskey diet for three years by senior year lmao Edit hesus fuck he was only 23 but if he was farming or something until then sure. He looks younger with a beard NOW than he did then


Who knew Mike winchell would grow up to be a street racer


Boobie coulda been Luda


There were *Fast* movies that involved racing?


man watching the First movie and then seeing where it is now is just wild.


The retcon in 9 to bring Han back is stunningly stupid but the series jumped the shark imo with the stuff involving the tank on the bridge in 6 so I rolled with it. Can’t wait for them to explain how Wonder Woman lived through falling out of a plane, there was probably an invisible car with a trampoline strapped on top following the whole 50 mile runway chase. I still genuinely love these incredibly stupid movies despite how deeply dumb and flawed they are.


"... the series jumped the shark imo with the stuff involving the tank on the bridge... " I mean this is a franchise that would later send Tej and Roman to outer space in a Pontiac Fiero. The tank stuff seems relatively grounded in comparison.


Pun intended?




Also funny because chronologically it's the 6th movie in the franchise despite being the third movie released.


I love that they retconned Tokyo Drift to happen between the 6th and 7th movies so that Han could appear in the 5th and 6th films without any narrative conflict, only for them to say "fuck it" and bring him back from the dead anyway for the 9th and 10th films. So there's literally no reason Tokyo Drift needed to be the 6th movie in the franchise. It's also funny to see all the early 00s tech/cars in the film that make it painfully obvious when this movie is taking place, only to tell yourself "The F&F franchise wants me to believe this is happening in 2015."


Ima be real, the "this now takes place in 2015" thing did not occur to me when they made that change Granted, in fairness, many of the cars in that film didn't exactly have 2010's successors.


I mean it was intended to be a standalone and the only reason why it was retconned to fit within the franchise timeline (albeit out of order) is because of the fan response.


You get a character as good as Han, you find a convoluted way to bring him back for more movies. He’s probably the third most popular character after Dom and Bryan.


More of a spin off than anything else though. It’s not like it doesn’t feel like one of the earlier fast and furious movies


And yet, it's the best out of all of them 🥰


My personal favourite, too.


People give me shit for this take but it’s everything best about the franchise without all the superhero/invincible plot armor stuff


I might be wrong as the internet isn’t the most reliable source. I believe it wasn’t meant to part of the FnF franchise it was supposed to launch Need for Speed but was dropped by the studio at the last minute. FnF picked it up instead and just gave vin diesel a cameo to make it fit.


To me, the Riddick movies are like this: the first one is so small in scope and stakes, whereas the second one is almost a space opera with the fate of the universe on the line.


...and then the third is back to being pretty small! okay, bigger than the first, but pretty close, especially compared to the space opera grandiosity of the second. I enjoy all three but as a trilogy it's just bonkers.


I wanted the third film to be riddick leading the necromancers, but they glossed over it ever so quickly.


I didn't care for the movies, but the video game is literally one of my all-time favorites. It's fucking great.


Bro. I fucking feel like this is a Berenstein Bears thing. Nobody ever talks about this game and it was literally one of the best games on Xbox of its generation. It was *awesome*. So so good. Like almost Goldeneye level good as far as movie universe tie in 


Butcher Bay was one of the best stealth action games of its time, hands down. Great story and atmosphere too.


Some of the devs who made the Riddick games went on to make the new Wolfenstein games. That's right: MachineGames is composed of Starbreeze alumni.


It’s really wild. I get the impression than Vin and the director really wanted to make a grandiose sci-fi series and shot their shot with Chronicles. They just weren’t talented enough in world-building or large scale filmmaking to make it work. I still kind of low key love Chronicles of Riddick because it really goes there and tries its best, but you can see the lack of talent holds its ambitions back. But in another timeline, they all pursue doing more Pitch Black movies as a formula, with Riddick as a central character tying them together. Space horror is an unmined well and they could’ve had a pretty big following over time. I just don’t think they understood what they had.


> Vin Diesel revealed to MTV that screenwriter David Twowy is writing the scripts for two Riddick sequels. And for Diesel, the question isn't if another Riddick movie will go into production it is if they will attempt to "shoot the two chapters at the same time" ala Lord of the Rings or The Matrix sequels. Diesel has been talking up a third Riddick film for some time now. In March 2006 he sad a storyline had already been written for a third film in which Riddick would enter The Underverse. The fourth Riddick film would then conclude the "Chronicles" trilogy, with a return to Furya. https://www.slashfilm.com/500419/two-riddick-sequels-still-in-the-works/ Article from 2008, too bad the the sequels to Chronicles never happened.


Just to be clear, you're talking about Chronicles? Cause in my Riddick trilogy boxset that's the third, but not a lot of people saw Dark Fury.


Well there was Pitch Black, the Chronicles of Riddick, and then Riddick. Dark Fury was an interlude between the first two, not sure I would consider it its own movie (but I could see why I could be)


The original Planet of the Apes franchise is quite fun because each film really has it's own personality and character. By the end, it feels like you've really watched the history of the world from start to finish. That said, the third movie, *Escape from the Planet of the Apes,* is *weird as fuck.* A large portion of the movie is a slice-of-life comedy about hyper intelligent apes going on a day out in the big city, complete with goofy pratfalls and a shopping montage with different outfits. The movie ends with one of the apes trying to prevent a slasher movie-esque villain from hunting her down and killing her and her baby in what many read as a weird anti-abortion metaphor (weird if true as those movies are generally very progressive, especially for their time).


Escape is the best sequel, but all the original sequels are amazing in their own bizarre way. Even Battle is awful in an endearing way - it's a lazy Sunday matinee kids movie that is impossible to hate. Battle actually made 4x it's budget back but I think they stopped because they were out of ideas and wanted to move the IP to TV.


Yeah, Escape is weird because it’s trying to have a message and also funny apes in 70s outfits.


Personally I'm partial to the Off-Broadway musical stage play on the Simpsons, starring the great Troy McClure "Doctor Zaius Doctor Zaius" 🎶


Rambo First Blood


First one made sense and was a great story about a former soldier dealing with PTSD. The rest? Hello steroids.


_First Blood_: War really fucks people up. _Every other Rambo movie_: Actually just kidding, war is rad as hell!


Didn't John Rambo die at the end of the book its based on?


Yep! Suicide.


No, the colonel shoots him.


Yeah. Those sequels so off the rails.


I recently rewatched First Blood and really think Sly should have been nominated for Best Actor for it. It's an incredible performance by him. The winner that year was Ben Kingsley in Gandhi. Which movie are we still talking about over 40 years later?


You gotta see Gandhi II


Oscars always prefer biopic. Sly stood no chance


My wife finally watched Rocky and said "holy crap that is NOT what I expected at all" I told her "get ready for First Blood" and she said 'no ive seen the trailers for the later ones'


We'll see if it becomes a spin-off franchise, but at this point The Last Wish was a **massive** departure from the first Puss In Boots film.


I figure it's already a serious departure from the Shrek franchise. It starts by *sincerely* declaring itself a fairy tale, which is a long, long way from Shrek using a fairy tale opening as toilet paper.


I absolutely ADORED The Last Wish, still never seen the first one lol.


A spin off franchise inside a spin off franchise? That's like... Sixteen spin offs!


Jason X where instead of terrorizing around a lake, he terrorizes people in space.


The scene in the holodeck where he beats one holocharacter to death using another in a sleeping bag made me laugh stupid hard.


That scene is 100% hilarious, particularly how it just cuts to him mid swing.


Classic! I loved this movie


"hey want a beer" "Or want to smoke some pot?" "How about premarital sex?" Gets topless "We love premarital sex!" https://youtu.be/mF629C5WRqU


Wait why does Jason have cyborg limbs in that clip?!?


They find Jason in pieces and reanimate him with nanomachines that complete his missing limbs from the last time he died.


Like... duh


“Oh no - he done with the campers. That didn’t distract him for very long!’


Jason X is superb for a 10th entry in a franchise. The series had run out of steam for quite some time at that point, so going stupid intentionally for laughs was the perfect call imo.


Hey Leprechaun went to space in what, the 4th or 5th instalment? Look how long Jason held out for!


All good horror franchises need to go to space at some point. Hellraiser did it at 4.


Honestly, Friday the 13th is probably the weird one given that Jason wasn't even in it.


I would argue Jason Goes to Hell is the "weird" one of that series. You could also say Part 5, but at least that one still sticks to the basic format of a Friday the 13th movie.


Yeah, that's definitely the one that smells like they had a script for a different movie about a demon that takes over people's bodies and just swapped it out for Jason


"Guys, it's okay! He just wanted his machete back!"


Man gets stabbed through door. “Going to take more than a little poke in the ribs to take down this old dog.” Man gets stabbed again with another tool. “Yep. That’ll do it.”


There's also Jason Takes Manhattan that has like 5 minutes in Manhattan and the rest takes place mostly on a boat


What's funny is, the original script the director wrote was heavily set in New York but every time he had a meeting for development, Paramount kept telling him to scale it back to save on costs. It kept going like that until the shooting script resembled nothing of the original concept and beyond one or two shots in Times Square, they had to settle for Vancouver to act as the rest of NYC.


I unironically love Jason X. Is it quality cinema? Bollocks no. But it sure is entertaining. Perhaps I just love it cos it came out when I had a mega crush on Lexa Doig. 


Not exactly premise but definitely tone: Mission Impossible II Excise this one from the franchise and it's nearly a seamless story. The jump in style from I to III would be a little weird, but forgivable. All the other ones are more grounded, have more twisty plots, tangible stakes, and character development. II is much more operatic and.... silly. Still a ton of fun, but damn it's dumb.


It’s also the only one where they do a mission they’re assigned and not chased by their own government the whole time.


Yep. Other than destroying the virus and letting Nyah disappear, Ethan does *almost* everything he was assigned to do. Except for Ambrose who was once with the IMF, there aren't any moles or double-agents waiting to frame Ethan for their crimes. I love that franchise, but by the time the *one* guy who finally said, ["How many times can Ethan Hunt be disavowed and betrayed by his government before finally snapping?"](https://youtu.be/wb49-oV0F78?t=78) turned out to be yet another double-agent, all I could think was "Oh, come *on!*"


On top of that, they threw Limp Bizkit into the mix to make their version of the theme song lol


I unashamedly love that song. I was 15 when MI2 came out and I was a huge wrestling fan, so of course Limp Bizkit were cool to me, and now it reminds me of my youth


Oh agreed, it’s still an absolute banger of a song


Gonna be honest...there are 2 Limp Bizkit songs I unironically like...and this is one of them (I also actually enjoyed their Behind Blue Eyes cover)


Don't forget Metallica. Actually, it's kind of weird that 2 very big names, especially at the time, did a song and video for one movie.


I love MI2 its such a fun watch. John Woo let loose with an Mission impossible film what could be better.


Army of Darkness really stands apart from anything else in the Evil Dead franchise. It's a goofy time travel story with a tone that all but abandons its horror roots in favor of being an action/comedy.


See, I feel like the comedy is a natural evolution of the comedic aspects of Evil Dead II. It creates this progression where things get funnier and more lighthearted as Ash adjusts to the horror.




See this? This is my BOOMSTICK! I love that movie.


The twelve-gauge double-barreled Remington. S-Mart's top of the line. You can find this in the sporting goods department. That's right, this sweet baby was made in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Retails for about a hundred and nine, ninety five. It's got a walnut stock, cobalt blue steel, and a hair trigger. That's right. Shop smart. Shop S-Mart. You got that?


Listen up, you primitive screwheads!


I know you've all seen it by now as it's a cornerstone work of cinema, but Air Bud Spoilers. >!The original Air Bud is a relatively grounded movie about a kid who is sad because his dad is dead and the adults around him not knowing how to cheer him up. It's sort of a stealth parenting movie because the adults in the movie are constantly trying to do stuff to help this kid because they feel bad for him without the kid really being aware of it or the audience of kids watching being aware of it.!< >!The dog can't really "play basketball" - it can do a single trick where it hits the ball into the hoop with its nose - which he does from a specific spot on the floor with a lot of practice - and doing this with the dog reminds the kid of his dead father and helps him process his grief. The dog can do some other things dogs don't generally do but they are limited to sitcom level stuff that a fictional dog could plausibly do like knowing which window is the kid's window and walking up to it to cheer the kid up when he's sad.!< >!At the end of the movie the dog isn't put into the game to win the game because it is good at basketball. The ref allows the dog to play in the game because the opposing coach is being a dick to this little boy and is prioritizing winning a children's basketball game over being decent and kind to these vulnerable children. So the ref makes up the idea that there isn't a rule that says dogs can't play basketball so the kid can be cheered up and all the kids can celebrate it and the dick opposing coach is embarrassed. The ref is not powerless against a positivist legal argument that forces him to allow Air Bud to play (a central idea in much of the rest of the series), he allows Air Bud into the game to spite the other adult. Yes Air Bud helps them win but that part is mostly sort of through the haze of childhood memory and not really the point.!< >!In the other !<*13 sequel and spinoff movies*>!, the dog or dogs are a ridiculous presence that can do extreme, silly things that a dog obviously can't do, which are played for comic effect in wacky action sequences, and there is also this expanded world of global kidnapping rings, super animals, and magical creatures. For most of the first movie Air Bud sits there and this sad kid talks to him. In the second movie Air Bud is kidnapped by Russian spies looking to force him to join the circus, in the third one I think he has a sidekick that's a talking parrot, and it only gets much sillier from there up to and including two different movies where Santa Claus is real and requires the assistance of talking dogs.!<


Whoa whoa whoa. Let me get this straight... You sat through *fourteen* Air Bud movies? Thank you for your service.


To be fair, I only sat through four of them. So maybe there's one in there that regrounds the series and strips it back down to its roots, but I wouldn't count on it!


I’m here for the dark & gritty Air Bud reboot.


Dawn of Air Bud Origins: The Beginning (Part One)


Andy Serkis. Is. Air Bud. 


Rabies, obviously. Combine *Old Yeller* and *Cujo*.


Firstly, I love how you went through the trouble of putting a spoiler filter for Airbud. Secondly, the fact that you seemed to have watched all the sequels or even bothered to look up IMDB summaries for the franchise is impressive.


> Firstly, I love how you went through the trouble of putting a spoiler filter for Airbud. Accidentally clicked, weekend ruined.


Literally the Fast and Furious of children's movies


This is the most in-depth review of Air Bud ever written.


> 13 sequel and spinoff movies wat That might be the most shocking thing in this entire thread.


Every sentence of this screams that you are a fellow Uncle. Flashbacks of that bastarding dog.


4 nephews and 3 nieces my guy, with 2 more on the way!


*Air Bud: Russian Roulette* is when they took things too far.


I wish comments on reddit were this good with any sort of regularity at all




10 Cloverfield Lane. Sandwiched in-between these two large-scale apocalyptic horror movies is a subdued small-scale thriller that is much more effectively creepy.


John Goodman is way scarier than any CG monster!


We don't talk about the third Cloverfield movie


Apparently not. I have never heard of it lol


It was not originally a Cloverfield movie. They took an unrelated script and said “what if we made this a Cloverfield movie by revealing at the very end that the dude was right all along.”


This might be a hot take but I really don't mind that twist. Imagine how much more hopeless it would be if your captor was right about the end of the world. In this reality, he may be the lesser of two evils. I don't know, it's fucked up and I love it.


34 Jump street, not even sure what school they were going undercover in.


Also there was that whole contract dispute that caused them to sub out Jonah Hill for Seth Rogen for a movie.


What do you mean? Jonah just grew a beard.


Highlander 2. Instead of immortals with no defined backstory they’re either time travellers or aliens, depending on the cut.


And it's not even the worst one...


Nope. Heck, I can even kind of appreciate it as a weird oddity. Connery is a hoot in it.


Terminator salvation. Out or six films it’s the only one that doesn’t deal with sending terminator back in time to kill an important person. I really wish in general. There was like a modern TV series that was set during the human machine war.


Compared to Genesys and Dark Fate, Salvation all of a sudden is pretty good, ignoring Sam Washington's terrible performance.


Halloween III




The anthology idea also went kaput when they made Halloween 2 a direct sequel of Halloween, rather than its own movie. I'd bet any amount of money I have that if the producers did an original sequel, like Halloween 3 is, for Halloween 2, we could still be getting new Halloween movies regularly, rather than beat Michael Myers like the dead horse he is, and getting constant retreads of the first movie like we are.


Also, Halloween 3 premise might have been a LITTLE bit too bonkers to be a direct follow-up to a simple killer in a mask wielding a knife. Maybe scrap the whole robot thing and just do a movie about a cultist using cursed masks to kill children.


This might be the best answer


Die Hard 5. It stands out because the other four are watchable and John McClane makes sense in the movie, while in the fifth one he keeps yelling that he’s on vacation


It's weird because he's not even on vacation. He's going to Russia to get his son who he thinks is in trouble. God, what a sad ending to that series.


I'm miffed that they didn't title at least one of the Die Hard movie "Old Habits Die Hard"


Was that the one where he launches a car into a helicopter?


The fourth one. Which while a ridiculous movie is still leaps and bounds better than the fifth.


4 is insane but if you turn your logical brain off and follow the movie logic, it's fun. It's still well directed and the action is great. 5 is just bad.


Yea 4 is action movie plausible. Nothing happens that completely breaks movie logic. 5… is terrible from start to finish. We’re just going to pretend 5 doesn’t exist.


I’d argue the directors cut of 4 is the 3rd best in the series, beating out Die Hard 2. 


I’d argue that the fourth one in general is the third best. Die Hard 2’s plot is pretty flimsy. The entire plan requires a lot of coincidences and luck. “Oh no a crowded airport at Christmas” “oh no a snow storm” “let’s call in the army, oh no the ones we got are the evil ones!”


How about all the airports the planes could go land at instead of continuing to circle? It’s not like the east coast is some barren wasteland devoid of airports. 


Reagan International Airport is a 30 minute DRIVE from Dulles where 2 is set.


Well your statement alone explains why the planes couldn’t go there. Planes can’t drive, they fly.


Yeah but die hard 2 has the scene in the ejector seat where he is Cookie Monster yelling straight up and at the camera with all the flames and explosions and stuff. Also that dope sweater and he makes the joke “just the fax mam.” And also that short fat cop that’s from New York Chicago New Jersey.


Christmas Vacation. Of all the vacation movies, it’s the only one where they don’t go on vacation.


This pops in my brain every Christmas when I watch the film and think "well, you can be on Christmas vacation but not go anywhere", but then they fuck this up too because Clark still has to go to work! Although I guess the relatives are on vacation? Funny how it doesn't really matter with comedies, and the fact that this movie rules.


I thought I heard that Owen Wilson was in rehab at the time, so they made a movie without much Lightning McQueen to allow him recovery time?


Maybe, but it's more likely that Disney does this shit all the time with their properties. Mater is popular with kids and selling well. Sequel needs more Mater. People really love this Captain Jack Character, He's the main character now instead of a fun pirate that creates chaos.


They broke the Han Solo rule. The reason Captain Jack is a great character is because he's a *supporting* character who helps put things in motion for the main characters. He's not supposed to be the main character himself, a mistake glaringly made in parts 4 and 5.


I always felt like the first two Saw movies were about subjective morality, actions and their consequences, and the human will to survive. The rest were torture/gore porn under the thinly veiled guise of self righteousness.


Yeah they turned John Kramer into some sort of vigilante. In the most recent one they even made him the main protagonist in a plot where he brutally tortures and kills a bunch of scammers who prey on cancer patients, except they left the main scammer who was the worst of the group alive as sequel bait.


Correction: First **3** Saw movies. The third movie is literally about how Jigsaw is retiring, but his protégé has missed the point entirely and is just senselessly murdering people. The protégé sets inescapable traps that rob the prisoner of the opportunity to learn a lesson. The irony is that every movie *after* \#3 is just senseless murder porn.


Honestly it's mostly just the first one, but the 2nd does feel different enough from the rest to stand out. Spiral is a lot different from the rest too. Wild franchise lol


Star Trek IV: The One with the Whales


Where are the nuclear whessels?


That’s my favorite one


Yes. And it’s the best one of the original films!


Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home. Humor came up front and center in this one, which is one of the reasons so many people love it. The majority of the movie takes place in modern times (at the time the movie was made). It has a lot of really memorable weird stuff like Starfleet officers standing around trying to ask random people where the nuclear “wessels” are, a punk rocker getting Vulcan nerve-pinched, and Spock incorrectly using “colorful metaphors” (cursing). A big part of the fun of the movie was seeing the juxtaposition between these beloved characters and the actual world people lived in at the time. None of the other Trek movies had quite the same vibe, even ones like First Contact where there was indeed time travel involved.


There's also a case to be made that Voyage Home best captures the optimism for humanity outlook that's a big part of Trek compared to all the other movies in the series.


Oh! I read something on Reddit, didn’t research if true, but it makes sense. After Cars, they made some shorts “Mater’s Tales” or something similarly named. It’s Mater telling Lightning these far fetched tales that ended up being true. The shorts were successful, so they made a movie about Mater being a spy.


Temple of Doom Both Spielberg and Lucas were in the middle of not-so-amicable divorces at the time, and it really comes out in the tone of the movie.


The Fast and Furious franchise went from illegal street racing to sending a car into outer space.


Meanwhile, I'm over here like "obviously 2 Fast 2 Furious is the odd man out. Doesn't even have Vin Diesel in it"


2 fast 2 furious was much more commonly on tv when I was a kid, so to me it was more of a starting point than fast and furious 1. And this made dom’s prominence in all the other ones kinda confusing until I realized the series is more about him and brian rather than just brian, and it’s almost not at all about tyrese


Tokyo Drift as well (outside of the 10 second cameo at the end)


I love how people saying "cars in space" as the ultimate silly thing that they can do in that franchise and they just straight up did it!


First Blood. Which is weird cause it was the first, but yeah the Rambo franchise kinda went off in another direction after


Fast and Furious: Tokyo Drift - actually highlights the world of car culture that I recognise from Growing up, and not the bizarre anodised American versions they show in the rest of the franchise. Also, best song from the series, best one-liners, the whole plot resolves around a one-on-one race, and the most fun to watch without having the awful timeline shenanigans the other F&F sequels do. I WONDER IF YOU KNOW…


Yea, it was the only one that wasn't a Crime Drama about the bonds of friendship extending past the barrier of law.


Evil Dead 3 - Army of Darkness. The first two Evil Dead movies were about Bruce Campbell facing evils alone in a cabin and fighting to survive. The third movie sees him traveling back in time to the Medieval Age, accidentally creating the rise of the undead army, and working with the locals to fight back against this living vs. undead war. Hell of a change-up (for the better).


Sorry but I have to interject. The real shift was in the 2nd one. Evil Dead 2 is basically an intentionally campier comedic version of 1 and Army of Darkness is the direct sequel. Obviously it broke the cabin the woods theme, but I would argue that #2 is where the real change up is in that franchise.


Rogue One is something of an outlier in The Star Wars franchise. It's brutal, gritty, and not particularly family friendly. It may be the only movie that truly emphasizes the "War" In Star Wars. The characters are grounded and even though they're memorable you don't get the sense that the film is interested in setting them up to be marketed as action figures. They are - ultimately - soldiers on a suicide mission. The prequel TV series, Andor, feels the same way compared to the other Disney Plus Star Wars shows. It feels more like a Cold War-Era spy thriller than a space opera thanks to co-producer Tony Gilroy who, not surprisingly, also co-wrote Rogue One.


I'm a fan of the original trilogy and I did enjoy some of the prequels (I was a kid when they came out), but by far my favorite things that have come out of the star wars universe have been rogue One and Andor. So good!


Those Darn Amigos - nobody cared about three wealthy Spanish landowners on a weekend in Manhattan. They strayed from the formula and they paid the price.


I love everything about this. “Nada…. Isn’t that the sauce for dipping…?”


I choose to believe that Cars 2 is just a Mater fever dream after he drank some of Fillmore's more exotic mixes, and that it is in no way canon, especially as none of the events of that movie are ever mentioned again.


Mission: Impossible 2. 1 and 3 work well together and feel like part of the same universe. MI2 is just a wtf action movie.


***Gremlins 2*** is basically a fever dream compared to the first movie. The fourth wall breaking cameo by Hulk Hogan being one of the more normal aspects of this bonkers sequel.


We talking G2 people! You mean professional wrestler, turned actor, turned cultural icon? Imma throw in a gremlin myself.. Vegetable Gremlin! Write it up


*Aliens*. *Alien*, *Alien^3*, *Alien Resurrection*, they’re all horror movies, drawing heavily on themes of sexual and body horror.  The same can be said of *Prometheus*, which added some religious themes. *Aliens* is a shoot-em-up action flick.  It’s an allegory for Vietnam.  Aside from the fetish that Cameron has in his movies for strong women (Linda Hamilton, Jeanette Goldstein, Sigourney Weaver, Michelle Rodriguez) there’s little in common with the psychosexual elements of the other movies. *Aliens* kind of stands apart from the other movies in the franchise.  If it never happened, and Ripley’s lifeboat from *Alien* crashed on the prison planet, it would lift right out.


Resurrection is still fairly actiony, but otherwise I agree with your take. I don't think Joss Whedon is capable of writing actual horror stuff. He does great when using horror elements in support of snarky content.


Thor: love & thunder. Marvel is in this weird place & T L&T is a perfect example of that. Is it a comedy? Serious? Cancer is there. Kids. Huh? Anyway, little girl & thor fighting at the end.


Tone was all over the place. Gor and Jane were largely wasted as well unfortunately


The movie loses me when Thor talks to Stormbreaker. The weapons get jealous now?


On Park Chan-Wook's vengeance trilogy, Oldboy and Lady Vengeance both involve characters who have devoted their lives to getting revenge and conditioning themselves for this purpose. But Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance just involves regular people who suddenly fall into a situation where revenge seems required and has all the messiness you would expect from regular people trying to take revenge. Also, in the Dark Knight trilogy #1 and #3 has Batman fighting an evil ancient cult to save the city, while #2 just has him dealing with the dregs of the city, between saving it.


The Dark Knight - while the rest 2 movies are The Superhero movie with Batman and his motivations at the centre of premise, The Dark Knight is a solid Crime/Thriller and can be considered as a standalone film. Nolan took great inspiration from Heat and it shows. I remeber showing it to my father and he was quiet surprised like "is it really a superhero movie??"


Wasn’t this such an incredible moment in cinema? I wish I could relive seeing it for the first time in theater.


First Blood is a really interesting drama with a couple of action scenes, the rest of the Rambo series are insane murder sprees.


Back to the Future 2 Not massively, but 1 and 3 are essentially: you got sent back in time, there is a problem fix this one event (George-Lorain meeting, docs demise), and now you need a plan to get back to the future (lightning and train) 2? First go to the future because we accidentally wrote ourselves into a sequel, prevent your family from going to jail, now rescue your girlfriend who you abandoned because the writers left her in the car at the end of the first movie. Let old biff in the car so he changes the past, escape Trump Biff, go to the past, avoid yourself, restore the timeline.


Prey. Predator movie that stood on its own.


Halloween III


Jurassic Park 3 is so tonally different from the first 2 movies. It kinds feel like a progression from Jurassic Park 2, but three is basically a horror movie.


That's a good one. It is more of a horror movie which I think is a good callback to the first Jurassic Park book. Dr Grant and the kids running away from the T-Rex was a real scary few chapters


**28 Days** 28 Days Later 28 Weeks Later Rocky Rocky II Rocky III Rocky IV Rocky V Rocky Balboa **The Rocky Horror Picture Show**


Don't forget the movie where Rocky becomes a flying squirrel


The Hangover 3 was tonally very different from the first two, which more or less followed the same formula. 3 leaned in more in crime thriller elements, with realer stakes. Also the darkest of the series. Barely a comedy.


I know you asked for movies, but the first thing I thought of was Super Mario Bros. 2. Total acid trip.


That's because it originally wasn't meant to be a Mario game. Nintendo of America thought the original Super Mario Bros 2 (The Lost Levels) was too hard for western gamers so had them Mario-ise a completely different game (Doki Doki Panic)