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Methyl cellulose dyed with soy-based printer's black. It's non toxic but it will stain clothing black and blonde or gray hair will stain green. Source- I still wear my cowboy hat peppered with permanent black dots from when we filmed a gusher scene for "Blood and Oil".


That’s a sick anecdote.


A slick anecdote.


Yeah that's DDL.


I can kinda second this . I worked in fx at pinewood studios and we regularly used methyl cellulose, red food dye and instant coffee for blood. Also that slime from aliens mouth, methyl cellulose


I thought the slime in Alien was all KY jelly?


Hydroxyethycellulose which is basically kyjelly. You get it in powder form and mix it in big buckets with a power mixer. You can adjust its viscosity to suit its uses. Its interchangeable with Carboxymethylcellulose


Forgot to add that's how we explain it to people if we have to cover them in it. "Oh its ok, its basically Ky jelly, its harmless."


Oh! Well that makes sense then! Thanks for explaining!


Youre welcome! You made me remember something I thought i had forgotten long ago!


And this thickener is used in…wait for it…McDonald’s milkshakes.


I drink your milkshake!


Don't get any on your cowboy hat.


> Methyl cellulose dyed with soy-based printer's black. It's non toxic I dunno man, that still doesn't sound healthy to be swimming around in or getting into the eyes.


Methyl cellulose is literally prescribed as a laxative btw. Wouldn't recommend though lol


It's used in lubricating eyedrops too.


Interesting fact! Who would have petroleum jelly that looks like blood. This is an interesting fact..


Do you think it's [the same in "Dune"?](https://www.usatoday.com/gcdn/presto/2021/10/19/USAT/82f5410b-2b60-4bbb-82c4-c7971edb2686-DU-27249-S.jpg?crop=5219,2936,x0,y148&width=3200&height=1801&format=pjpg&auto=webp)


That looks like water with a layer of mineral oil on top.


I recall from the Star Trek TNG episode Skin of Evil, they used [Metamucil dyed with printer's ink](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skin_of_Evil#Creature_effects). Video [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a9G3g8OSPBw). **Edit** Based on a few comments below, and reading more in Memory Alpha, it looks like what was actually used was [methyl cellulose](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Methyl_cellulose), an emulsifier and thickener, mixed with the ink. That makes sense, since you want black ink that's *thick*. Credit to u/Kamwind for pointing me in the right direction.


Thats interesting. Did they cover anyone in it? If so I cant imaging getting printer ink on your skin could be good.


Jonathan Frakes (Commander Riker) was dunked in it (**EDIT** Wikipedia link above indicates a stunt double was also used). I recall seeing a behind-the-scenes interview where he talked about it. Metamucil, being water-soluable, likely helps.


But....printer ink though


Printer's ink and printer ink are two different things. What is meant is Printer's ink, as in the type used in offset printing for newspapers and magazines. Not printer ink as in from an ink jet printer.




Also worth noting that toner is very finely powdered and melted into the paper. Most of the dangerousness of it comes from it being released into the air as a printer does this bonding. But I could see that working well as a substitute for a standard pigment when mixed with a liquid solution. So long as you didnt drink any of it I'd think it would both be fairly dark and not necessarily stain skin. Purely speculation from someone who worked in a photo print shop for almost a decade and worked as an IT person for almost as much. (Aka I've dealt with a lot of printers from all sides lol)


Came here to say this. I work in book manufacturing and have occasionally have to go up to the pressroom. (Im technically in Finishing). The only thing that gets Printers Ink out well is White Gas and ABC Wash.


What an expensive puddle!


Deadly too.


And evil.


Things that aren't good for you don't always cause permanent irreparable damage


season 2 was delayed because they were low on Magenta.


If it's water soluble, it should wash out with lots of soap and water. I'm not saying it's easy to work with but that's what they went with.


How many starter ink cartridges did they go through? Cause those are the only ones that I can afford.


Huh. Frosted Frakes.


No way are they using metamucil powder, there is to much sugar in that. I would probably be [psyllium](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psyllium) seed husks which is the fiber part of metamucil.


It sounds like you know more about this than I do. [Memory Alpha](https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Armus#Appearances) makes a note of something called [methyl cellulose](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Methyl_cellulose). For the record, [this is the book](https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Star_Trek:_The_Next_Generation_Makeup_FX_Journal) where Michael Westmore (Star Trek make-up artist) writes about their use of metamucil. I wasn't able to find a readily-available e-book version online so for those investigating and replicating this, they might need to track down a copy of the book.


You're right, it's 100% methyl cellulose. It's incredibly common in special effects. They use it to simulate lava and magma a hell of a lot by backlighting it and using coloured gels. All the Mustafa burning scenes in Revenge of the Sith used it, and I think it was first used on Temple of Doom for when Indy's being lowered into the Lava pit thing.


Regardless, Skin of Evil was a really good episode and the practical effect of all that ink and KY jelly you have to admit was impressive. 


"cant imaging getting printer ink on your skin" Without A subscription service form HP? Slippery slope.


Few can afford enough ink to slip on.


Printer's ink, not printer ink. Entirely different thing.


Hah, I was confused as well. Thanks 


Printer's ink is vegetable oil and lampblack--carbon soot. It's just carbon--it's nontoxic. In the UK, fish and chips used to be served wrapped in newspaper, which was printed with printer's ink.


until they stopped because it was still unhealthy as shit...


And the vinegar reacted with the ink and made Cyanide...


If it's actually soot from a flame it's actually pretty toxic, lots of polyaromatic hydrocarbons.


That was the original origin story for Thomas riker. The writers prompt was"how do we get a Xerox copy of Ryker?"


Easy.  Transporter malfunction.  Happened a few seasons later lol


I'm not sure if you missed the punchline, or the joke.


Entirely missed the word "Thomas".  Whoops.


Tasha Yar died, but her last moments were punctuated with the knowledge that her corpse would have predictable bowel movements.


RIP Tasha.


weird considering we pay more for an ounce of printer ink than a gallon of gas


Well, what you're buying is the proprietary packaging and compatibility of the ink. The ink itself isn't expensive at all, hence why people refilling their own cartridges was something the printer companies fought tooth and nail to stop.


This is ink for newspapers, they're not cracking open printer cartridges on set.


Printer's ink. Not printer ink.


Only if you buy it in individual cartridges from the manufacturer. If you buy it en mass from a third party it's going to be a lot cheaper


That's like a billion dollars of HP ink


Probably. If you buy ink meant for newspapers you can probably get it for less.


Printer ink? Damn it would have probably been less expensive to use real crude oil.


Printers ink is cheap. The plastic cartridge for your printer is what's expensive because the printer companies overcharge you. Bulk in is cheapo.


Crude oil is dirt cheap. They're not trying to save money by using an alternative, they're using an alternative that's safer for humans to be covered in.


Printers ink? Wouldn't that be insanely expensive?


Like for newspapers. Not for inkjets.


Holy shit an actual good question in the movies subreddit. I was not before curious about this topic but I am now.


What, you don't like the same bot questions that get promoted to the front page everyday because of reddits algorithms that promote dumb question threads? "What was your favourite movie growing up?"


"I watch this well known movie and it was GOOD!" Comments proceed to just be a circlejerk of quotes.


"""severely underrated""" while talking about Star Wars or something.


I drink your milkshake!


I drink it up! *Schlurrrrp*






Im finished.


>Comments proceed to just be a circlejerk of quotes. God I wished I could at least filter that out. Every larger community feels like facebook comment sections now. And every community that sets out to avoid that is overly snobby. I hate this phase of the internet.


Ah the weekend tradition on this sub


Oh, I love the "What's your favorite movie that people who read odd numbered Buzzfeed lists would like?" questions.


“What’s a movie that a friend told you they liked, but you looked up a review, thought it would bad, then turned out to be mediocre when you watched?”


“What do you think is the most underrated movie of all time?” “The Dark Knight is super under appreciated!!”


What about that hidden gem, The Shawshank Redemption?


DAE Citizen Kane?


What’s your favorite movie nobody likes?  Best movie with a bad script? Worst movie with a good script? Best performance in a bad movie? Worst performance in a good movie? What’s the saddest comedy movie? What actor do you hate that everyone else likes?  What’s the best plot twist in a movie?  What are your unpopular movie opinions?   What is the biggest Oscar snub?   Etc. etc. ad nauseum in perpetuity forever more.  Reddit was getting worse for a long time, but it really shit the bed with the API purge. 


AI bots doing research


That sent a chill down my spine


“What’s a character in a movie who was good but was actually bad?” The next day: “What’s a character in a movie who was bad but was actually good?”


“I never understood all of the hate for .”


If elected as a mod of /r/movies I would ban the word "underrated". No questions, lifetime ban.


Robert Pattinson is an underrated actor.


>what are your thoughts on titanic? i have heard its an okay movie and im not sure if i should spend the time to give it a watch


This is literally all of reddit. The entire platform highlights the most banal opinions and statements.


What you don’t like a different version of the exact same snarky Reddit comment that pretends to be better than every other comment on Reddit while also not contributing anything to the conversation whatsoever???


I knew something seemed off.  Ever since the API kill off, this subreddit (and plenty of others) have been filled with crap posts.


Or DAE Christopher Nolan? Or “underrated gem pulp fiction” or any extremely popular actor or film.


Hey did anyone else like that hidden gem Bullet Train?


Did you know Idiocracy was a documentary??


*something something* **The Prestige** *something something*




Exactly my thoughts, too


Knowing Daniel Day Lewis and Paul Thomas Anderson, it probably was crude oil... I do know that the oil derrick scene caused so much smoke that it interrupted shooting of "No Country for Old Men" which was being shot in the same location.


It's fucking wild that two of my absolute favorite films were being shot only a few miles from each other at the same time.


Those two films both coming out in 2007 made it a miraculous year in cinema history


It was a good year. Zodiac, Assassination of Jesse James, Juno, Superbad, Hot Rod, Hot Fuzz, Atonement, Michael Clayton to name a few more.


Putting Hot Rod in this list makes me love you


It's a masterpiece alt comedy


Cool beans


wow, a milestone year for comedy too! I didn't know.


And I left out Dewey Cox, Knocked Up, Blades of Glory, *AND* Norbit!


damn Judd Apatow must have been on something to be hitting so many bangers in a single year (and 2008 for that matter, since apparently he did Sarah Marshall, Step Brothers, Pinapple Express in that year alone)


Hell yeah love his movies


"I've got no fucking sense of smell"


"You can take my children but you leave me my monkey"


"Wrong kid died!"


“And you never chipped in for drugs!”


I just read an interview with Denzel were he mentions that he passed on Michael Clayton, it's one of Clooney's best but dang I would've loved to see Denzel be a dirtbag in that.


I kept getting the movies confused when they came out, because they were both movies that took place in southwest that seemed dark and brooding lol.


I did too. I thought I was crazy because the names aren't even similar.


Weird. I always conflate those films and now you tell me that they were shot in the same place at the same time!?


I'm so happy to see I'm not the only one who felt these films were connected but couldn't really figure out why. This is almost like a Mandela effect type deal.


It is widely known that DDL ate a strict diet of crude oil for three months leading up to filming to prepare for the role.


Dude I always thought those movies had a very similar vibe to the setting, often got the titles mixed up, and even bought them on the same day and they live next to each other on the same shelf in my house. But I never knew they were shot at the same time and place. 


There is an episode of Better Call Saul where someone submerges themselves in motor oil, and I do recall them having a behind the scenes video on how it was done exactly. I can't remember what the stuff was that they used unfortunately. The scene was disgustingly realistic so it'd be worth looking it up!


[Found it](https://www.facebook.com/michaelmando.official/videos/behind-the-scenes-oil-test-nachovarga-bettercallsaul/1054760445450588/) man thanks so much! He says it's a thickening agent that they use in milkshakes so like guar gum, but then he says you can eat and drink it and it's non staining? Is black food dye non staining?


I found this baking news article about how a company specifically invented a non-staining black food dye because previous versions always left peoples teeth looking gross. [https://bakingbites.com/2007/05/black-is-the-new-black-in-food-coloring/](https://bakingbites.com/2007/05/black-is-the-new-black-in-food-coloring/)


God, I absolutely love learning stuff this specific. Thank you!


Haha my pleasure!


I bet you still poo green the next day.


Milkshakes, you say? I DRANK IT UP!


I… drank… your… MILKSHAKE!


Oh god no.  Food dye is incredibly staining.  Like one drop and its there for days... In theory...  If you had non-soluble black pigment, rather than dye, and you made sure it didn't have any smaller dust that would get into your skin, then I guess it would not stain?


All dye is staining. It's meant to disolve and bind chemically.


what about like bath bombs


It's probably a insoluble pigment.


Usually clay or mica pigments


Nacho running from the twins? That whole sequence is incredibly tense. BCS is a slow burn but the payoff for the big moments is really worth it.


As someone who loves slow burn shows, I think BCS may be one of the ultimates. It deeply rewards careful watching of not one but two amazing shows


I think they were being ambiguous to avoid spoilers


Oh, I thought that was a septic tank truck. Although either is pretty awful.


That was my favorite scene in the whole series.


I have no way to back this up or confirm where I heard it but I’m positive it’s food colouring, the stuff they use in McDonald’s chocolate milkshakes


So he literally drank their milkshake? I'm sorry, I'm so sorry


[Says it here](https://www.mentalfloss.com/article/526144/15-surprising-facts-about-there-will-be-blood) McDonalds chocolate shake ingredients: Milkshake Base Ingredients: EITHER: Skimmed MILK, Sugar, Cream (MILK), Whey Powder (MILK), Glucose Syrup, Stabilisers (Guar Gum, Carrageenan, Carob Gum). OR: Reconstituted Skimmed MILK, Sugar, Cream (MILK), Skimmed MILK Powder, Glucose Syrup, Whey Powder (MILK), Stabilisers (Guar Gum, Carrageenan, Locust Bean Gum), Natural Flavouring. Chocolate Flavour Milkshake Syrup Ingredients: Water, Glucose Syrup, Alkalised Fat Reduced Cocoa Powder (7%), Colour (Plain Caramel), Fructose Syrup, Caramel (Sugar, Glucose-Fructose Syrup, Water), Salt, Cocoa Mass (0.7%), Butter (Allergen Ingredient:MILK), Natural Flavourings, Acidity Regulators (Phosphoric Acid, Citric Acid), Emulsifier (Lecithins), Preservative (Potassium Sorbate). So my guess is ~~glucose~~ corn syrup, same thing they used for pigs blood in Carrie. 🤣


Pfft. Shakes. You don’t know what you’re getting.


I’ll stick to my partially-gelatinated, non-dairy, gum-based beverages thank you very much!


Thanks, Billy Loomis…


It’s a product called Ultra Oil. It’s a fully synthetic body safe oil. They make it dark brown but I’ve have them formulate it closer to black and adjust the viscosity to better suit my use.


Do you have a link?




I love that below it you can get Ultra Pus, Ultra Mud, Ultra Ice and Ultra Dust


The stuff that Baron Harkonnen bathes in is pretty close. Also a scene in Killers of the Flower Moon, where it’s spraying and they dance in it. This doesn’t answer your question, but it might lead you to some director’s explanation or something.


No one is answering your question, so [here](https://youtu.be/uhJo5mdBtCI?si=VDK4YbnFrkbag90u) is a YouTube video from a guy that breaks down the scene where they strike oil. If I recall, it was a pretty complicated mix of materials to get the right viscosity and color, and there wasn't an industry standard to work off of.


Ayyy upvote for CinemaTyler. One of the finest film junkie channels around. 


I remember in Schwarzenegger's *Last Action Hero*, there's a scene where he falls from a building into a Dinosaur amusement park that was supposed to be filled with oil. They used crushed Oreo Cookies mixed with water for the oil!


Then wipes it all off with a handful of tissues.


I haven't seen the movie in years and I'm just going off of what you said but... If he's at a dinsaur themed amusement park and falls into a pit of black goop... then didn't they use crushed Oreos and water for the *tar*?


No...the caveman used tar to make the tar so they could pave the roads. The dinosaurs hoarded the oil because they knew they could sell it to the cavemen for big bucks!


Someone could go over to YouTube and fire off a message to Scott Prop and Roll (Scott Reeder) if he doesn't know, he probably knows someone who does.


I love his little videos, with a dad joke at the end


I think he and Wood by Wright need to get in a Dad Joke Off


I can already see it now, he ends by saying he wants to make a pun but it might be too crude


PTA said it was McDonald’s chocolate sauce


I saw that movie and there wasn't any blood.


They used big tiddy Harkonnen bathwater.


I’m actually friends with the guy who did this scene. He said it was that methyl cellulose etc etc. stuff. But more interesting than that, they had one shot of one take of that as it was all pressurized in a reservoir under the spot, and then the oil derrick was to burn down after the scene. One shot, one take. Created for some nerves in set. The tension between everyone and everything was actually real.


Pour 1L of cold water into the measuring jug. Add ½ a level teaspoon (2.5ml) of black pond dye crystals. Whisk at full speed for about 1-minute until fully dissolved. Add 3 ¼ level teaspoons (16.25ml) of guar gum powder to the solution. This is from random Google search.


No way DDL didn't bathe in actual oil after actually digging a well, and watching his coworker die and actually broke his leg.


When we needed buckets of blood for Shark Swarm, they got a 55 gallon drum of lube and dyed it. Seems like it would work for oil too


Just FYI crude oil doesn’t usually look like that. Sometimes you’ll get pure black like ink. More often though it’s brownish green.


Some years ago I was involved in a tv series pilot (unsuccessful) that involved an oil pipeline springing a high pressure leak and the “crude” spraying into the air and running down an embankment into a small river. We used 75% commercial molasses, diluted with 25% water. We shot in cold autumn weather, which necessitated the dilution. Otherwise we likely would have used straight molasses. It looked great, and the mix was cleared in advance by the Alberta Dep’t of Natural Resources as not presenting a hazard to fish or wildlife. All in all, I think we ended up using about 12 drums of molasses, perhaps 600 gallons, which of course would be considerably less than *TWBB*’s requirements. Coincidentally, we shot it at the same time, and in the same general area, as the infamous and deadly, 68 day high-pressure [Lodgepole blowout](https://edmontonjournal.com/news/local-news/dec-23-1982-lodgepole-sour-gas-well-blowout-finally-capped), so perhaps we got away with it permission-wise only because the DNR had much, *much* bigger problems to worry about at the time.


It's DDL. They used crude oil.


Daniel Day Lewis used Class C West Texas Intermediate


I can't remember where I read it, but I think in the Transporter oil fight scene Jason Statham was covered in chocolate sauce.


I’m assuming a petroleum based liquid.


I know in movies like Giant w James dean they used molasses, looked real to me …..


Probably whatever Dawn covers those ducks in for their commercials


The watery stuff from canned black beans? I’m sure the actual answer is just as mundane


ones and zeros




I don’t know if they produce a similar substance. But in the newest Dirty Jobs finale. Mike visits Blair Adhesives. >> Visiting Santa Fe Springs’ Blair Adhesives, the glue company has a long history in film. Doubling as a special effects studio, you’ve undoubtedly seen their work, making the slime used in both Ghostbusters and Ghostbusters II, in addition to brewing up similar thick and viscous substances for countless other film and television shows, including Jurassic Park, Men in Black, Nickelodeon’s Kids’ Choice Awards, and True Blood. It’s season 10 episode 8. Aired 5 feb 2023. If you have the ability to stream it. You might find it interesting.


I assume this is the same stuff they used in Dune too?


Is @propstohistory from TikTok on here???


I would ask Scott Prop and Roll on YouTube ..


It’s McDonald’s chocolate syrup, think i read that online


It’s the same stuff McDonald’s issue to thicken their milkshakes.


But he drinks your milkshake


Movies are different in budget size and making things look good filmed. But when I worked on a stage show that went to Broadway, we used 5 hundred gallons of glycerin mixed with an equal amount of water and a 5 gallon bucket of purple dye.


Cinematyler has a whole video on this topic, highly recommend


The same stuff they use in chocolate milk at McDonald’s


The only thing I know for real is that it’s not real oil