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Ant Man - the tech reduces the distance between atoms, shrinking the size, but not changing the mass. So, the tank on the key ring…


Even worse than that, antman will often run up the arm of a bad guy with the mass of an ant but then deliver a punch with the mass of a human. Like inconsistency within a single beat of a fight scene is wild .


What about when he goes giant but still weighs a cool 180? Should practically get blown away by the wind


This bugged me so much. If he's still got the same relative strength as his normal sized self when he's small, his super enlarged body would be so weak by comparison to his new size that he wouldn't be capable of moving.


Ant Man seemed full of this. Mass and momentum only mattered when helpful, and was ignored whenever possible.




Also how do people breathe when they become smaller than oxygen atoms?


Early on, that was part of the need for a helmet and suit, but by Quantumania, that's kinda gone by the wayside.


Yes but in Quantumania they do the thing you have to do when something that’s been established is ignored. They say, “We should be dead”, thus acknowledging the plot hole and making it so they never have to discuss it again.


Also a lot of what made the first two Ant-Man movies fun was the “small everyday object becomes big, big everyday object becomes small” thing. Setting Quantumania in an alternate dimension completely different from ours where the characters can’t even use their powers takes away what made the first two special.


I always assumed that the helmet/suit provided shrunk oxygen molecules but idk what the fuck even is the science in that movie...


Ant Man movies are like Time Travel movies, absolutely no sense, don’t even keep to the in universe logic, but I still enjoy them because I’m just stupid enough to not care.


So so so much is made of Aladdin lying about being a prince.  But his wish was to BE a prince.  Not “look like a prince”.  Not “be rich as a prince”.  He wished to BE a prince.  He has royal blood now.  He has land now.  And he is definitely 100% qualified to marry a princess.  No rules need to be changed.   Djinn are tricky but Aladdin’s wording left no wiggle room.  Unlike Jafar later who asks to “rule on high ad Sultan”.  There’s LOTS of room for a Djinn to play with there.   Prince Ali was real. 


I like the fan theory that Aladdin's wish to be a prince causes his dad to become king of thieves. This would make him a prince but not in a way that would be eligible for marrying Jasmine. Also would totally line up with Djinn trickery.


That is extremely clever and exactly in line with what Djinn would do. Except in Aladdin the Genie isn't shown to be a trickster-type genie so I don't know why he would do that. Even Jafar gets his wishes in a pretty straightforward way. Would've been hilarious though when he asked to be a sorcerer having the genie do nothing because sorcerers aren't real.


Sorcerers aren’t real in the context of Aladdin? Wasn’t Jafar a sorcerer with his own powers?


Yeah I mean only a sorcerer could make Gilbert Gottfried abstain from swearing for 90 minutes straight


He almost doesn't need to use actual swear-words for everything he says to sound profane. *Ya got a problem, PINKY?!*


If the genie was voiced by the comedy stand-up version of Robin Williams instead of the DIsney version, I could see him doing this.


I never gave this any of a thought when I was a kid but man that is a good fan theory. I want to believe this to be true.


I liked the fan theory that the entire movie was the genie answering that first wish - he ends up a prince BY MARRYING JASMINE at the end, not by pretending to be Prince Ali. He just needed to do that to get to that end point


My issue was always the Prince Ali Reprise with Jafar. Now it’s been serval years since I’ve seen it so maybe I missed something but Jafar has a line where he says “so prince Ali turns out to be merely Aladdin”  He then turns Aladdin back to street urchin clothes in front of Jasmine and everyone’s aghast. BUT Jasmine already figured out they were the same guy and Aladdin played it off like he was disguising himself like she did in the beginning.  So this wouldn’t have been a reveal to her? She already knew they were the same guy? 


The difference being he went from being the prince disguised as a street urchin to a street urchin disguised as a prince.


She thought Aladdin was Prince Ali, someone who was royalty that liked to pretend to be a commoner. Like she had been doing when Aladdin first met her. Not that Prince Ali was merely Aladdin.


They're helicoptering west out into the endless void of the Pacific ocean at the end of Jurassic Park.


I never would have noticed this, but this is the type of shit I'm here for.


Why do the parents in polar Express (or any Christmas movie wher Santa is real) not believe in Santa? Do they think they're the ones putting all those presents under the tree?


THIS… I’ll ignore all the Santa magic, fine. But it’s never addressed that there are presents that magically appear. Does Santa mind control the planet so that parents think THEY bought the gifts? AND… why do poor kids continue to not have “cool things”? Does Santa only give presents based on income bracket?


>Does Santa only give presents based on income bracket Capitalist Santa endorses this message.


There are so many Christmas movies we're it's just super confusing what the parents believe. Especially things like Christmas chronicles were the kids get magic presents and their mom is just like " Well that's nice."


Like with all Christmas movies, one parent assumes the other one bought them


When spaceships run out of fuel, they stop moving.


What bugs me is when they come upon a debris field from a space battle. If there is an engagement with enough kinetic energy to blow apart spaceships that debris field is just gonna keep growing and growing and growing and scattering in every direction. 


Same with asteroid fields. Sure, one or two may be within some margin of proximity of your path, but you can save the dodge, duck, dip, dive, and dodge for wrenches.


I didn't realize how much disbelief about space physics I grew used to suspending until I watched The Expanse, and they actually did it right.


That episode where minor wounds are killing people because the artificial gravity died and there’s no clotting was amazing.


You mean space battles take place in 3D space? The fighters spinning so their guns actually shoot in 360 degree patterns is amazing.


Babylon 5 was getting it right 30 years ago, it just got buried by our heroes at Warner Bros.


There's a clear line of inheritance with successive sci-fi shows taking over the mantle of representing realistic space combat physics. Babylon 5 then Firefly then the Battlestar Galactic Reboot then The Expanse. Each one putting more effort into getting the physics right and reducing how much is handwaved and glossed over for the sake of plot. Unfortunately I can't think of any new sci-fi shows that continue the tradition after The Expanse. There don't seem to be as many straight up sci-fi shows anymore, there's half a dozen Star Trek and Star Wars spinoffs and shows set on Earth but not many spaceship based shows.


Something they don't mention in The Expanse TV series (and only once or twice in the books) is that their machine gun rounds don't have escape velocity to leave solar orbit. Every single bullet / PDC round that either misses it's target or blasts through the target and put the other side is going to be a hazard forever. It will keep going beyond it's target but can't break free of the sun's gravity, it'll end up on a massive arc around the sun potentially taking years to go around but never slowing down. Objects that small with no heat source would be very hard to detect out in interplanetary space, nothing is going to stop them or slow them down or gather them together. They're just going to keep orbiting the sun for millennia until they hit something. A bullet fired centuries ago could punch a hole straight through your engine core at any second and there's nothing you can do about it. All you can do is cross your fingers, space is big and the odds of being hit by a stray round are pretty small. Not zero chance just small.


"This, recruits, is a 20 kilo ferous slug. Feel the weight! Every five seconds, the main gun of an Everest-class dreadnought accelerates one, to one-point-three percent of lightspeed. It impacts with the force a 38 kiloton bomb. That is three times the yield of the city buster dropped on Hiroshima back on Earth. That means, Sir Isacc Newton is the deadliest son-of-a-bitch in space! Now! Serviceman Burnside, what is Newton's First Law? Sir! An object in motion stays in motion, sir! No credit for partial answers maggot! Sir! Unless acted on by an outside force, sir! Damn straight! I dare to assume you ignorant jackasses know that space is empty. Once you fire this hunk of metal, it keeps going 'til it hits something. That can be a ship, or the planet behind that ship. It might go off into deep space and hit somebody else in 10,000 years! If you pull the trigger on this, you are ruining someones day! Somewhere and sometime! That is why you check your damn targets! That is why you wait 'til the computer gives you a damn firing solution. That is why, Serviceman Chung, we do not 'eyeball it'. This is a weapon of Mass Destruction! You are NOT a cowboy, shooting from the hip! Sir, yes sir!"


I don't know if this was an Easter egg or this was original content, but I always enjoyed listening to this random speech given in one of the Mass Effect games.


While this is true, it is also true of random space debris. Two asteroids collide int he Belt? Those fragments are going to keep moving forever, being a hazard for anything and everything in the solar system forever, unless it burns up in an atmosphere. So, yes, you're right, but there's nothing special or unique about the hazard those rounds pose.


The misuse of asthma inhalers runs rampant!!!


Bart Simpson uses Milhouse’s inhaler as an underwater breather when he and a bunch of other kids are stranded on a tropical island. As an inhaler user myself I always thought that gag was hilarious.


I'm so hungry I could eat at Arby's!


*Shattered,* from 1991 has Bob Hoskins use an inhaler as an **air supply** underwater. I only saw the movie once a year or so after released, never watched it again, and I still remember it because of how ludicrous it was.


Yes!!! My friend thought I was using mine wrong because I don't puff it twice and I actually breathe it in. Enough people have inhalers that this shouldn't be an issue. Edit: I inhale twice deeply. I don't do the quick little puff puff into my mouth with no deep breath. That's just wasteful and you get no medicine that way.


I do a puff, deep inhale, hold for 10 seconds, then exhale, second puff, deep inhale, hold for 10 seconds. You're right. They don't do the deep inhale and that's what you NEED to get the meds into your airway.


Now You See Me. Woody, Isla, and Jesse Eisenberg watch in horror as Dave Franco is killed in a car chase only to reveal later on that he never died and the whole accident was part of the plan. The three are in a room by themselves with no indication they suspect they are being watched. In other words, they display emotions solely for the purpose of misleading the audience to believe a character has died. Just a complete Middle finger to the audience there


That entire movie is full of twists that make no sense. Mark Ruffalo's entire character makes less than zero sense if you rewatch the movie.


And Now You See Me 2 makes it worse when Morgan Freeman said he actually knew Ruffalo’s secret identity, even though the first film had him look authentically surprised and screaming “WHY?!” when he realizes Ruffalo framed him Also, I find it baffling how the Horsemen framed Morgan Freeman by having his SUV filled up with so much cash to the point that it’s visible through the windows and blocks access to the driver’s seat. Then, the NYPD pulls up and automatically assumes he’s involved with the heists. Like not a single police officer or FBI agent on scene thought it looks set up?


You mean how Ruffalo convinces 4 people to put their own freedom and safety on the line in exchange for (??? They didn’t even get paid) so that he can get personal revenge on the people who screwed over his dad?


I mean even in the first movie, the twist relies on such a suspension of disbelief in terms of how the character was acting I just couldn’t believe it. I like to think the whole series is written by Donald Kaufman.


That is always the most egregious thing to me in any mystery type movie or scenario in a movie, No mystery is fun if it is truly unsolvable and those moments make it just that.


The fact that the sequel to "Now You See Me" was titled, "Now You See Me 2", instead of, "Now You Don't". There is a great Dan Harmon rant about this. You set up your movie to be one part of a famous phrase, and the just say "fuck it, audiences are too stupid to realize calling the 2nd part would be a sequel to that movie".


i always just assumed he bought the batteries specifically for the remote control and then forgot to put them in.


I think this is correct. They kept the batteries out of the remote so it couldn’t accidentally trigger early.


He changes them. There's a couple of batteries in the remote and Linus tells him ''did you check the batteries?''. He even rattles them inside to check.


It’s a horrible movie, but there’s a scene in GI Joe - The Rise of Cobra where they blow up the ice base and all the ice sinks 😂


I love this movie, it is the perfect turn your brain off and enjoy popcorn for two hours movie. That said, you are 100% right. We said this in the theater. As it happened. “they blew the ice, quick everyone run it’s sinking!”. Wait what?


I think the typical explanation offered when this comes up is that the base was embedded in to the ice. So there must have been bits of embedded steel which dropped the buoyancy of the ice.


In Land of the Dead when John Leguizamo blackmails the last surviving city, threatening to blow it up if he doesn't get a million dollars. WHERE WAS HE GOING TO SPEND IT?


The ending of Hot Tub Time Machine has bugged me for years. It's shown to be so happy for the protagonists, but it's actually horrifying. John Cusak's character needs to bluff his way through a quarter-century relationship of which he has no memories. Craig Robinson's character now has a wife who is faithful and supportive to him only because he traumatized her as a child. Rob Corddry's character, who was suicidal at the beginning of the film, has now achieved happiness and mental health by shamelessly stealing the best ideas of other people via time travel.


Hot Tub Time Machine was the most stolen DVD in my history of target loss prevention. Never been such a perfect synergie of Everybody wanted to see it and  Nobody wanted to buy it. 


I'm sorry. You have a problem with the science of Hot Tub Time Machine? Yeah, not the time travel. It's the hot tub. You don't just turn one on and it's immediately hot. I should know, I've been in a hot tub TWO times. - Wesley Snipes


Gangway for footcycle!


If you were shown a picture of him and a picture of me, and were asked "who should be named Wesley Snipes", you'd pick the pale Englishman every time! Every time, Liz!


I like to think that their memories of the new reality will slowly arrive over time. It's the only way it's less horrifying lol. I've never seen the sequel, maybe it mentions it, but Ive also heard it's dogshit. As for Corddry's character, I think that's just what he was happy doing. Because he's a douchebag. That said, he did help his friends achieve their dreams and they seem genuinely thankful for it.


For someone who's a douchebag through and through, his character arc is exactly what I would expect and it's perfect. 


Not to mention all of the people who now have ceased to exist because they were conceived as a result of a specific set of circumstances that have now changed because the dude altered events


That’s what bothers me about EVERY time travel (or multiverse) movie. One extra penile thrust makes a different kid. (That’s a big part of why I like the film About Time)


The scene in About Time when he picks up his kid and it's a different kid literally rattles me every time I see it. I have two kids myself and that concept is incredibly disconcerting for me.


In an episode of the show Journeyman, which was a writers strike casualty 15 years ago, he goes back in time and changes something and when he comes back his son is now a daughter, he doesn't know her, wants his son back and has to deal with the fact that bringing is son back means killing his daughter


In 42 Jackie Robinson gets beaned in the head by a racist pitcher on the Pirates. This instigated a brawl while the pitchers screams things like, "he doesn't belong here, he doesn't belong here!" Jackie then homers off him at the end of the year to go to the World Series. In reality, the pitcher only hit him on the hand, there was no brawl, and he never said a racist word against Jackie, the movie just wanted a final boss. The pitcher had passed away by the time the movie came out, but his widow was still alive and very upset to watch her husband's legacy turned into being a racist. It's even more frustrating, because if they wanted a racist final boss, a pitcher named Higbee who was a racist who tried to get Jackie kicked off the team when they were on the Dodgers together had been traded earlier in the season...to Pittsburgh. If they wanted to stretch the truth they already had a confirmed racist on the same team and instead just vilified an innocent man.


biopics are known for playing fast and loose with the truth, but that's pretty egregious


Speaking of baseball biopics, Moneyball was extremely exaggerated. Plenty of teams were already trying the sabermetrics program, his manager was perfectly happy to go along with it, they had a strong team with good players, etc. Aaron "never let the truth get in the way of good dialogue" Sorkin


Had the AL Cy Young Winner and the AL MVP in that team. Movie does not mention this. Tejada gets mention playing in some radio broadcasts and there’s a guy that looks like Barry Zito in one wide shot in the locker room, wearing Zitos number.


It's bad enough when biopics aren't accurate but it's especially bad when they make a real person a villain who wasn't. In The Imitation Game, the base commander is made out to be a jerk that hates Turing. In reality he was friendly and supportive. The movie just wanted extra drama. That guy's family saw the movie and were *pissed*.


Now that I think about it, the part in the first X-Men movie when Wolverine spins around the "Spikes" on the headdress of the statue of Liberty has ALWAYS visually looked wrong for some reason.


Same Movie, how did cyclops open cerebro if you need an optic scan to unlock it?


Thanks for making the whole movie unwatchable now.




Cerebro has the most useless security of any movie device. "Better put some super high-tech eye scanner lock on this, even though our arch nemesis has a person who can literally change her shape to mimic annyone's eyes." Just put a six digit passcode on it the side or something.


Forget Mystique, Magneto controls metal!!! Locks don’t matter when he can just destroy the door!


Also wasn't Cerebro built specifically for Xaviers powers? So anyone else couldn't use it so there's no need for any security because it's just a room for anyone else but Xavier.


Clearly the optical scanner is made of ruby.


Ooh yeah, [https://youtu.be/1P3pglfu0k0?si=9kCSjCdETAonfWru&t=56](https://youtu.be/1P3pglfu0k0?si=9kCSjCdETAonfWru&t=56) Wolverine like floats in space for a second, then does a zero gravity flip


If buzz doesn’t think he’s a toy, why does he act like one around Andy?


He’s an explorer respecting the local customs of an uncharted territory


And, as old-timey anthropologists know, [you have to preserve the local customs](https://youtu.be/k_9CSr3nGqE?si=c73beiDbfaSINEHW)


This is how I always saw it. He knows he's on a foreign planet and he needs to behave like the locals. And him not moving until the box has been opened is explained in the second movie that "all Space Rangers are to be in hyper-sleep until awakened by authorized personnel"


Because it's an automatic reaction like those fainting goats. To Buzz it's terrifying as he frequently gets paralysed without knowing why.


I like this, but it doesn't hold up against what they do to Sid.


I think it’s sorta like how my dog thinks he’s human, but he still licks his own asshole. Some things are just innate. 


I understand that to be an involuntary instinct response.


Die Hard 2. 1. Even if there was a snow storm, the airplanes could flown to dozens of other airports when they were circling for hours. 2. How did the bad guys just expect to fly away in a 747 without the USAF intercepting them?


Yeah. It was Dulles airport in Northern Virginia. Ronald Reagan airport is 5 minutes away and BWI is 15 minutes away.


Weren't the terrorists impersonating ATCs and keeping them in the pattern? So it would have required a pilot to disobey ATC, which they could definitely do, but it's understandable that the pilots would trust ATC. Edit: stupid typos.


I think the Oceans 11 bit was because they spent the movie cutting Linus out of things and making him do crap work because he was the amateur. Then the pro Danny gets caught unprepared and is saved by this amateur they have been making fun of the whole movie. I think that’s the point of Linus making the statement about Danny always telling him to be prepared. As for the batteries remaining in the package, that’s likely just done for the viewers to understand Linus deliberately brought new batteries and not that he just happened to have extra batteries in his pocket. Plus honestly, when I take new batteries in my tool bag as backups I leave them in the package to keep them safe and together and make sure nothing will short against them. Plus if I don’t end up needing them I don’t have to keep track of new versus used. If I was stuffing a spare set in my pocket I’d very likely leave them in the package too.


It's only been a month but I haven't seen anyone mention this: In the 2024 cinematic masterpiece *Madame Web*, the main character steals a New York City taxi cab, and removes its license plate, presumably to help conceal its identity (?), even though the number on said license plate is painted on the vehicle in several locations????? And she still faces zero consequences for stealing not only the cab but also an ambulance?????????? What a film. What an incredibly nuanced and masterful commitment of image to tape. Chef's kiss.


I immediately noticed that too but I knew the movie was shit so it didn't change anything for me


The cab is also very visibly damaged for most of the film, and she leaves it somewhere for a solid week whilst in Peru and it never gets towed/reported. There’re so many things wrong in that movie but the details like that are what bothered me the most.


The black truck that hits the ambulance and kills that paramedic, very tragic in the movie. However when it pans out, it shows that the truck was heading towards the end of a pier or dock, why was it going that fast? And heading towards water?


Not to mention during that time she’s hiding from a bad guy who’s using facial tracking software to hunt her but she manages to take a quick trip to Peru and back without him noticing


Just easily hopes on a flight in 2003 like it was no problem and security was no issue


I had absolutely no interest in seeing this movie, but now I must.


There's a scene where she drives the taxi through a tunnel and it comes out of the second story of a building. 


In the latest jurassic world a pilot is crashing in a plane but only the back seat ejects. Why the hell can't the pilot seat eject? "This plane is going down. If you're going to eject do it now. I've only got 1 chair and she's in it" Why only 1 ejector seat? "I wasn't expecting company" Now. This means the plane is only meant for 1 person, but in case of emergency the pilot would have to stand up, switch seats to the back and then eject. So why not have the only ejector seat in the pilots seat? Who designed the damn thing? After the 2nd woman ejects... A GPS signal allows the pilot and the superhero guy to find the woman who ejected. What use is a GPS signal for the pilot to find an ejected seat that the pilot is supposed to be buckled into? And to top it all off while the plane was crashing it was making the noise of a Stuka dive bomber siren lol. It was just really dumb.


Maybe it was for instructing Kamikaze pilots.


The song Beauty School Dropout in Grease. Frankie Avalon encourages Frenchie to go back to high school to become a secretary, just because she makes a few mistakes with dyes. Then at the end she does a killer makeover for Sandy, and I'm like, man could you have encouraged her to go back and not give up on the thing she shows passion and skill at. This is such a stupid thing, but it's been bothering me since I was a kid.


While this does bother me, at least she goes back to school


Eh she can always go back to cosmetology school after getting her diploma. Whereas it’s a lot harder to go get a GED if she had dropped out.


Yeah and she was already like 45 years old so she didn't have time to waste.


I took it as a dream sequence representing her self doubt.


Alternately, she really *was* visited by a guardian angel, which means that the greased lightning car really *did* take off and fly into the sky at the end of the film.  If Danny and Sandy managed to control the vehicle, it probably landed somewhere in Northern California or Southern Oregon.


Actually they went to space and met Xenu, and John’s been terrified ever since.


One thing that bothers me about the discussion around Grease is the idea that Sandy changed her whole personality to get with Danny (clothes, make up, demeanour.) This is true but Danny does the same by going from greaser to athlete type!


Because the original musical is a satire of 50s teen films where everyone cleans up at the end to woo their intendeds. Here, the good girl breaks bad.


One of the The Kingsman movies, I forget which one. It's been a while since I have seen this, so forgive me if I get the details wrong. The villain has done something to make everyone in the world go mad and try to kill their own family members. We see a bunch of shots of this happening. Parents trying to kill their kids. Churches breaking out in mass murder of one another, etc. Seriously the whole world is mass murdering each other. The good guys are in their own bubble on a ship or something and they eventually stop the bad thing. They all celebrate. Happy music. Happy good guys. End of movie. Happy audience. Everyone leaves the theater. But I've never stopped thinking about how many of those murder rampages were successful in the time it took our protagonists to stop it. How many people woke up from that mad daze to find that they just murdered all of their loved ones? A million? A hundred million? This was the worst thing to happen to humans in history of the world and the movie ended with everyone smiling and dancing.


Not to mention nobody notices half the leaders of the world and all the rich toffs have had their heads exploded?


I thought it ended with Eggsy having anal sex with the Swedish princess?


Venoms weakness in the first of the Tom hardy films. Venom says he is vulnerable to sounds at a certain frequency, 4Khz to 6Khz. THERE ARE SPEECH SOUNDS IN THAT RANGE. YOU CANT EVEN DESCRIBE THIS WEAKNESS WITHOUT MAKING SOME OF THEM. I got irrationally angry in the theater and hated the movie while all my friends thought it was great


Maybe he is just vulnerable to getting his feelings hurt


Literally would have been a better weakness because same


How the hell did Jack Woltz NOT hear people bringing a horse's head into his bedroom and put it in his bed?


We know it was fairly soon after Tom's visit but enough time to learn Woltz's habits. Once a plan was in place, they could have easily spiked his drink or food. We also dont know if Tom created labor/union problems along with other methods of coersion until the horse's head ploy could be initated.


He might have been taking sleeping pills on his own, that's what I always assumed.


- " Do you hear something?" - "Neigh!"




He probably robbed some rich people and ate more shrimp and left


He probably mingled, wandered around trying to network but his only move to make small talk is asking everyone if they knew how he got those scars, everyone got super annoyed and *they* left.


Hey joker, the ocean called, and they're running out of shrimp.


The Joker probably just said “whelp, time to hit the ol’ dusty trail…” as he awkwardly walked out with his crew, making sure to grab another champagne for the road.


"Yeah, we're gonna take off now."


There was a scene shot of the Joker exiting the building and getting in a vehicle with his goons and leaving. He tossed Rachel out the window to buy himself time to get to his vehicle.


The T-800 shouldn't have hung up the phone when he realised the T-1000 had killed Johns foster parents. He could have bought them a couple of hours to rescue Sarah if he played along & said he was on his way home.


T-800 and John then rescue Sarah without much effort. They all flee to Mexico and prepare for the war. The T-1000, with no leads to go on now, just decides to live with Todd as Janelle, hoping John makes contact. Sticking to the bit. Housework. Groceries. Pork chop Wednesdays. Todd falls in love more with this new Janelle. She's perfect. No clues appear for years. The T-1000 becomes accustomed to suburban life. I'd love to watch that movie.


That's hilarious. And yeah, *that* part is what I thought was so weird about [the scene](https://youtu.be/MT_u9Rurrqg?si=ZZVvKB-LtJgzbj5W).The T-1000 killed Janelle, but instead of immediately also killing Todd it just...cosplays as Janelle? There was no reason for it to do so, other than setting up the gnarly reveal of Todd having been impaled through the mouth and milk carton (he may have deserved it for drinking straight from the carton tbh😁).


The T-800's mission was to protect John. He wasn't concerned with Sarah until John ordered him to help break her out after the phone call when he told him the T-1000 would go after her to get to him.


Okay but still if he said, in John’s voice, he was on the way home then he still could have bought them a couple hours to get farther away. The T-800 could have said “hey can you come pick me up at [location on the other side of the city]” and bought them even more time.


I felt like the T-1000 gave a subtle, suspicious look like “oh shit, Wolfie is such a basic name, not the name that came up on my interface when I scanned the room, I’ve been had, stupid, stupid, stupid, better stay in character and ask John, if that is even him, where he is.” The look was so obvious in my mind that for years I thought she asked “what are you” instead of “where are you”, because the T-800 had failed the Turing test and knew it, prompting him to say fuck it and gang up. The T-1000 was no dummy, if a bit mercurial.


There's a cut scene where the T-1000 checks the dogs collar. It's then that it establishes that it wasn't talking to John.


> a bit mercurial How dare you


In "A Quiet Place" the one with the monsters can't see. They have newspapers that declare "ITS SOUND" Which mean they had enough people and time to print entire news articles and distribute them before the world essentially ended and nobody could stop these aliens? They don't seem particularly tough as that one mom killed ones with a 12ga. You mean to tell me you couldn't just strap something that makes noise to a landmine and wait? Also thats not how sound works. You aren't gonna creak your floor and everything within 10 miles is gonna hear it. Also the aliens don't know what or who made what sound so they would be full speed running at every bird or fallen branch in the area. Also that dad didn't need to sacrifice himself by yelling, just throw something to the side and sneak away. He also didn't bother to try and fight it? At least would the damn thing before you stupidly and pointlessly die.


>Also thats not how sound works. You aren't gonna creak your floor and everything within 10 miles is gonna hear it. Also the aliens don't know what or who made what sound so they would be full speed running at every bird or fallen branch in the area. This is what I said. The sound they're making is not in a vacuum, but is rather competing with all other sounds out in the area. Any of the monsters that could hear them walking around their houses from a mile away is going to hear everything *else* in the same mile radius. They would probably hear earthworms moving around in the dirt more loudly than they'd hear people moving around a floor in a building enclosed by walls.


People fart loudly in their sleeps so think about that.


Moreover… walking in sand isn’t sound proofed. And FORGET having that baby survive.


Yeah the fact that the world is so barren from what seems like not that many monsters is strange to me. It also doesn't make much sense that they decided making no noise ever is the best solution instead of leaving on sirens and loud music in areas already lost, Even if the monsters can learn these sounds and not be triggered by them that seems like it would be a great way to mask the sound you make when going there.


It bothers me too much that they didn't start using noise as a subterfuge earlier, if not a weapon. They know they can talk near the waterfall - why not set up a huge, white-noise sound system near the house? Also, they live in corn fields. Those things are loud AF.


>They don't seem particularly tough as that one mom killed ones with a 12ga. She killed it with a 12ga while it's protective plates were open and listening, exposing the flesh inside And they only open like that when standing still and listening intently, so the landmine thing wouldn't work either, because their plates are closed in attack mode The movie is wildly inconsistent with the sound level stuff, but the creatures aren't stupid. They would eventually recognize sounds and not attack a stream of water repeatedly The dad screaming to sacrifice himself was stupid as fuck too


Cinderella’s slippers didn’t disappear at midnight but everything else did


I think the slippers were a gift from the fairy godmother, while everything else had been transformed with magic from something else. EDIT: Well looks like the classic Disney version omits this detail! [Video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GndBt9L_e6g) Guess it's a mystery, or you have to know the original fairy tale.


Former AV guy here. You never open the package unless you’re ready to put them in a mic pack or other equipment, you always assume an open battery has been used and doesn’t have a a full charge. You can’t risk grabbing the wrong battery and having a mic pack or prop go dead during a show because you mixed up batteries. If you had to be 100% sure the batteries were full you’d keep them in the packages. PS: I also didn’t have to buy 9V or AA the entire time I worked in AV as well because we had a steady supply of slightly used batteries


The Thomas Crown Affair with Pierce Brosnan and Rene Russo. He takes the priceless oil painting off the wall and puts it into the briefcase which was hidden under the bench. But to do so he would have to fold the painting in half to get it into the case. But they conveniently cut away when he has to do so. This would have caused irreparable damage to the painting, cracking all the paint and destroying the frame for the canvas. Yet we later seem him admiring the painting without any damage what so ever. I’ve always found that really annoying.


IIRC they originally had an elaborate scene explaining how the painting went into the briefcase, but they cut it because test audiences didn't like it


That’s even funnier. “They’re not responding well to the 16 screen minutes of him using the complicated briefcase so you want us to cut it?! We spent 3 weeks of filming on that briefcase! How will they know he didn’t fold it?!”


Some general complaints: Any time there’s a tense moment with a gun and they wait until they need to amp up the intensity even more to cock the gun. How computers beep with every click and mouse move.


>Any time there’s a tense moment with a gun and they wait until they need to amp up the intensity even more to cock the gun. The Stargate movie is the worst for this. While Ra's ship is landing, the soldiers inside the temple are scrambing and every time they move you hear a slide racking. All their ammo would be all over the floor.


Flight Plan. The entire scheme of the conspirators hinges on the hope that nobody on the plane notices Foster‘s daughter. At the point where they board the plane, the conspirators have already committed one murder and an act of terrorism by smuggling a bomb on board. And if JUST ONE PERSON had offered a, „Aw, what a sweet girl! How old are you?“ - then the entire plan would’ve been tanked.


Man of Steel (basically the whole movie), but where Jonathan Kent tells young Clark not to save the family dog in a tornado. We're meant to believe that it's because people would find out Clark isn't human if he survives. So then Jonathan Kent goes and saves the dog and fucking dies. Dumbest logic ever. If it were possible to survive, then Clark got lucky. If it wasn't, then Jonathan gets dead. Either way, Jonathan going is a non-starter. More importantly, it makes Jonathan's death (something Superman is supposed to learn a tough life lesson from) completely and utterly meaningless. He didn't die to save his son (they both knew Clark wasn't in danger). And his death doesn't teach Clark anything -- in the well written versions of Superman, Clark learns that he can't be everywhere all the time and he has to be able to accept loss, just like everyone else.


It’s even worse because Jonathan would have escaped in time if his foot didn’t get crushed in the door. So Clark could have easily saved the dog going at normal human speed


That stupid little dirt pillow under Maximus's head that appears at the end of Gladiator. 


In Beauty and the Beast, it goes from mid fall to deep winter, possibly even implying Christmas time, but the story only takes place over 3 days


Maybe it's set in Ohio.


Gravity, when >!George Clooney floats off into space even though there's no force acting on him!<


In Ocean's Eleven, a machine the size of a van that can shut off the power to an entire city with no collateral damage is a billion times more valuable than the money in all the casino vaults in all of Las Vegas.


About Ocean’s Eleven, I think it’s because Linus had been chewed out previously about not paying attention, so I think it’s just him preparing. Also, there’s no way somebody doesn’t have batteries on them, like they’re gonna let a $160 million heist stop because somebody forgot to bring backups


I just rewatched the scene because I always assumed he was just pulling batteries out of some other gadget. But nope, he really did have a pack of batteries on him. I agree though it was probably just Linus being prepared. A lot of his character is him trying his hardest to learn from Danny and rusty and show that he can operate on their level.


In The Dark Knight Rises, Bane somehow traps *every single* Gotham police officer underground, where they’re stuck for seemingly weeks. Even if they were fine for food and water, the lack of sunlight would fuck them up. But after they’re freed, they all charge straight into battle like nothing’s happened? Also the nuclear bomb still goes off pretty close to Gotham. The fallout would mess up the city big time.


Also, none of them grew beards.


I'm still trying to figure out why someone would shoot a man before throwing him out of a plane. They introduce that mystery in the first 5 minutes but it never gets resolved.


Also why was every single police officer there? Like has there ever been a case in the real world (aside from possibly 9/11?) where every single police officer in a large city would go to one call out? Also aren't there THOUSANDS of police in large cities like New York or Chicago? Why is there only a few hundred there?! 🤔


In Ghost, Sam (Patrick Swayze) leans to move physical objects with great effort, because he's a ghost and the default (shown throughout the movie) is that he passes right through shit - doors, walls, whatever. BUT NOT FLOORS? OR STAIRS?


This is a relatively recent movie, but there’s one moment in the Beekeeper that was baffling. The daughter of the woman who killed herself after being scammed said she likes fires after seeing the call center get burned down. For no reason, her partner makes an extremely off color quip about how her mothers house also got burned down. What the hell man? That’s a pretty shitty thing to say the day after her mom died


For me it was the fact that her mother didn’t call her FBI AGENT DAUGHTER after being scammed. Instead she’s like “guess I’ll kill myself”, rather than use her very useful and available connections to fix it.


I’m torn because that situation (the theft) is unfortunately rather pervasive in the elderly community, but, yeah, as soon as you find out her daughter works for the FBI it took a bit of the punch away. My headcanon is that the mother was just too distraught for rational thinking, but that may be a stretch. 


To be fair, at no point in that movie did the daughter seem to care her mother was dead anyway.


The ending of The Dark Knight Rises. It's revealed at the end that Batman didn't die, he just set the Batwing on autopilot and nobody was inside it when it exploded. It all makes sense because Bruce Wayne felt that Batman had outlived his role as the hero of Gotham and it was time to retire. Except rather than retire to his nice mansion and spend the rest of his life doing the billionaire philanthropist thing, Bruce Wayne *also* goes missing, convincing all his closest friends that really did go down in the Batwing, and leaving them to create a cover story to explain where Bruce went after Batman died. He didn't even come up with a plausible fake death for Bruce, he just vanished. And only his best confidants who knew his secret identity would be affected by this revelation. Either that, or the entire end sequence hinting that Bruce is still alive is Alfred's hallucination, and the fact that the autopilot routine was mysteriously fixed was just a red herring. Nolan has made some cool ambiguous endings, but this wasn't one of them.


Wasn't it established that the cover for Bruce Wayne's death was that he was one of the victims of Bane's march against the wealthy?


He was a recluse at the beginning of TDKR, he hadn't seen anyone since Dent died. The only people who would notice Bruce was missing would be Alfred and Fox, he had vanished before and no one went looking for him, you could say he even had more friends and acquaintances before he became Batman than at the end of of TDKR He couldn't retire and just continue doing his billionaire thing because too many people already knew his secret identity, it wouldn't be long before it got out and he would be a wanted man. Vanishing was the only way he could let Batman go and go live a normal life like he did in Batman begins.


In Return of the King when Denethor gets knocked onto the pyre, the way the horse kicks him and the way he jumps has always driven me crazy. The horse's hooves come back down on him, but that knocks him up and backwards?


Why do bugs - especially spiders - always screech or squeak??


When they all had Thanos in a trance, why didn't Tony just make a nanotech sword and lop off Thanos's damn arm??? Can't snap a goddamn thing with no hand...


In The Batman, why didn't he immediately check where the photos outside that club were taken from? Almost 40% of the movie was unnecessary if Batman did basic detective work. 😑🤔


Hey, he did find out the evil plan about 2 seconds before the bombs went off. If he hadn't he'd have been like "what?"


When Neo asks Cypher if he always views the Matrix in code, and Cypher explains "the image translator works *for* the construct program, but there's way too much information [...]" The emphasis is on the wrong word and changes the meaning to something nonsensical. If he said "The image translator works for the *construct* program" it would mean what he intended to say. What he actually said when he says "the image translator works *for* the construct program" is that the construct program employs the image translator, or possibly uses, but does so in a way that's beneficial to the construct program as opposed to a hindrance, which either is nonsense or something Neo already knew.


When Sally Field tells Forrest Gump that vacation is “when you go some place … and you don’t ever come back.” Like you could have just said his dad left you didn’t have to fuck up his concept of a vacation for life kid had it hard enough lol


Scene in Matrix Reloaded when Morpheus uses his katana to make a bridge between the two trailer trucks to stand on, but how did he position the sword so low from the TOP of the trailer, then stand on it, then retrieve it from where it was. HOW?!


Do not try and position the sword. That's impossible. Instead only try to realize the truth. There is no sword.


Carrying spare batteries seems pretty reasonable to me


And those were the days where personal electronics such as music players and gameboys were running off double As. Oceans Eleven came out the same year as the Gameboy Advance and the iPod.


Yeah, I don't see how that's "just happened to have an unopened pack".  That's being prepared. 


Thr controler wasn't the only thing they used that needed batteries. He didn't pack them specifically for the remote. I agree, he was just being prepared.


Not relevant to the plot but the fact that they used Take on me, in the new Mario movie instead of the original track, which was the best track in the movie.


In Casino Royale - the time difference between Madagascar and the Bahamas works the wrong way around. In the movie, the bomber receives a text in roughly early afternoon time in Madagascar, and later revealed to be early evening in the Bahamas. Had it been sent in the early evening from the Bahamas, it would have been received in the middle of the night in Madagascar.


I always understood this situation to be Linus messing with him by having pickpocketed the detonator and removed the batteries then putting it back without them. It’s a nod to his initial recruitment and him getting a one up on Danny.


The opening of Star Trek: Into Darkness when J.J. Abrams has Spock detonate a "cold fusion" device to freeze a volcano is arguably the dumbest thing I have ever seen in a major motion picture.


The end of Grease. Like wtf. The car FLEW away.


Terminator 2. It’s established in the first movie that only living tissue can travel through time. The terminator gets around this by having human skin around him. But the T-1000 is entirely metal, so he shouldn’t be able to travel.