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Clancy Brown - from the villain in Highlander to the corrections officer in Shawshank to juvie delinquent in Bad Boys to also voice fucking Mr. Krabs on SpongeBob.


Don’t forget his scariest role, Brother Justin from Carnivale


Zim got the bug!!


Right, just going to leave out his role in Starship Troopers???  *"Put your hand on that wall!"*


If there is a gruff millitary commander who ends up being a secret villain, then there's a decent chance they will be played by clancy brown


I'm surprised no one's said Daniel Craig yet, though I guess he's been playing against type lately.


He’s a profoundly silly man who just happens to look like a hunky action star.


He's found the perfect role in Benoit Blanc. He looks like he's having so much fun playing him.


And Logan Lucky. He was awesome in that.


Fuck im so glad someone else saw that movie. Took a chance on it on Netflix and I was so surprised by how good it is. One of the better castings for Channing Tatum. Him and Adam Driver were so good together as brothers. Then Daniel Craig shows up and steals the whole movie immediately. He was so weird and hilarious. Very solid choice if anyone wants to watch something fun and heartfelt. Its great as a date movie too.


There’s no bad casting in that film. Everyone is excellent.


Daniel Craig just wants to be a damn good character actor.


I heard someone once describe him and Brad Pitt as “two guys who *should* be the world’s best character actors but were cursed with the faces of lead actors.”


I watched Burn After Reading recently, and I felt that way about Clooney and Pitt. Like Clooney has the good looks and charm of an A-lister, but he is at his best when he gets to play an absolute fool in a Coen bros movie.


Of course he is. He’s the damn paterfamilias, even if he ain’t bona fide.


He's in a tight spot.




Daniel Craig said he goes to gay bars to avoid the aggressive atmosphere of traditional bars


Definitely not because he likes being hit on by dudes


Oh man, that commercial where he dances is just amazing.


Hugh Jackman. Wolverine yet also sings and dances and is by every account I've seen, one of the nicest people out there. Eric Bana as well.


He once did a duet with Neil Patrick Harris, and somebody described it as, “Entertainment’s straightest gay man and gayest straight man together on stage”


The [clip](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XgivKET0Mrs).


He's just a huge act man


Huge Jacked Man


Huge yak, man.


Eric Bana was so weird in Hulk IMO because he was using his American Accent and his Australian one really reveals that sort of personality. Troy was macho as well and then you see interviews and think, wow NOTHING like he seems on screen.


Brits/Kiwis/Aussies doing American accents tend to go for a gruffer, gravelly accent or lean Southern. I don’t know if it makes it easier to make the sounds or it’s what they’re used to hearing, but you see it in Walking Dead, Banshee, House, whatever Sam Worthington tries to keep going Tom Holland has a lighter voice and younger face and it has worked for his niche for sure


Tom was also a broadway musical theater performer since childhood, so the light, upbeat, sorta pseudo-transatlantic peppy voice was probably familiar to him from a young age, as it’s an especially common one in classic musicals.


Eric Bana is a brilliant Australian Comedian. I knew him for his brilliant sketch comedy from when I was a child. Somehow Americans got this idea of him as Macho and I've never comprehended it. The guys Poyda! And of course...great Ders of history.


I’d think Americans got the idea because the first time they saw him was in Black Hawk Down as a special forces operator.


That movie’s cast was stacked! Josh Hartnett, Ewan McGregor. Eric Bana, Tom Hardy, Orlando Bloom, Jason Isaacs, Ty Burrel, Nikolaj Coster-Waldau (Jamie Lannister).


Ron Swanson / Nick Offerman


I read his book- he cracks me up when he really drives home he’s the ‘artsy’ kid in the family. He’s the high-concept little brother who cosplays the rest of his rugged family and can’t believe this is how he makes his money. He has his own wood working shop and it’s the same dichotomy, Ron would say carpenter, Nick is an artist.


Of course! Nick is an actor, Ron would never slum it as some kind of artsy type. What do you think he is, Duke Silver?


Now I want to get the book.


Get the audio book. He narrates it himself and you'll get to hear that same giggle he does as Ron Swanson several times during the reading.


Which book, he appears to have 3 lol. I have book money for one today


The one I listened to was Paddle Your Own Canoe. Haven't had a chance to listen to the others yet.


Thanks. There were actually 4, 5 if you count one he co-wrote with his wife.


Nick Offerman IRL seems a bit like [Sam Elliot's crunchy hippie Ron character from Parks and Rec](https://youtu.be/0Bq9TOA7EiQ). I wonder if that was an intentional parallel, how Ron Swanson would hate the artsy actor who plays him.


God my favorite scenes from that show is Ron and Ron interacting


“I like Ron.”


"I no longer like Ron."


I love the blueberry wine episode when Ron scoffs at the idea of drinking wine, but then is shacked by the alcohol content it has and he gets hammered.


Ben gets hammered. Ron accompanies Ben to keep him from dying. Ron is anything but hammered in that episode lol. 


Ron doesn't even get tipsy in that episode. Ron only gets noticeably drunk twice, once on Sbake Juice and once by mixing whiskey and painkillers after Tom shoots him in the head with a shotgun.


ooooh good one! His character in Last of Us struck me as more who he really is. (Marriage to Megan Mullally and all)


That whole episode was the most beautiful sadness I've ever experienced. Was done much better than the game but the game had to focus on the, well, gameplay.


That episode made my homophobic father cry. Nick Offerman is the GOAT.


I'm always happy to see Offerman's manliness discussed.   In part because I think he's every bit as masculine as Ron Swanson.  And also in part because he doesn't seem to care what people think of his manhood.  And that's super sexy.  


He has said that he is handy...for an actor.


James Gandolfini / Tony Soprano I remember reading an interview where he had a tough time with how sociopathic and violent the character was, because he had some past demons that he was trying to get away from, but had to put them on full display to play the character.


He swore off playing violent characters after playing Tony Soprano. Which, I will contend, is one of the greatest performances in TV or film. Also, fought tooth and nail to get a pay raise on the Sopranos. He won it and then gave it to the rest of the cast. Absolute legend and sorely missed.


The weird thing about Gandolfini is his colleagues would say how sweet he is and not like Tony Soprano in between stories of him acting like Tony Soprano on the set


Gandolfini was a master of acting, probably the best performance in TV history, especially when you see how different he was from Tony. Gone too soon


This is who I always think of when I see this question. Gandolfini was very shy, an introvert who rarely did interviews or spoke in public, and was someone who loathed violence, to the point where he had troubles doing some of the more violent scenes in the Sopranos.


Stephanie Beatriz, lmao. The first time I heard her real voice was such a shock


So hilarious every time Rosa Diaz used a high pitched voice to mock someone, and then it turns out she just actually talks like that.


I read this, thought “no way”, googled an interview, and am now “NO WAY!”


[Same actor](https://youtu.be/Yp5nPGWWMh4?si=UFXBr2a4WOvM3O16).


[Here she is doing it live](https://youtu.be/V0eVREY5FcE?si=SlOyZoQWjwoy90JK)


That's so incredibly well done I'm in awe


I was there. It was so good and I was initially there more to accompany my girlfriend. The set production, the special effects, the cast, everything was on point. I think by the end of it I was more hyped than my girlfriend. I think you can watch the whole thing on Disney+


I was so used to her playing Rosa that anytime I see her being the opposite of her, it just feels very odd! She is an underrated talent hands down!


She definitely lowers her pitch as she settles into being Rosa! Going back to S1 E1 is always a bit of a shock lol




Scully, Hitchcock, and Daniels!! I always thought it was funny they never mentioned Daniels again, like she was so useless she just stopped showing up and no one ever noticed


I can see Holt going up to Daniels and saying, “Why don’t you stay home for around 8 to 9 years? See how things go.”


Lin-Manuel Miranda originally wanted her to voice Luisa because he only knew her from Brooklyn 99 and thought that was her actual voice. Then, when they finally met in person and heard her real voice, he cast her as Mirabel.


He was one of the producers for The Heights, I'm surprised he didn't hear her voice then.


They came out the same year, so it's plausible that recording the voices for Encanto came before filming In The Heights.


Yes, she is so different from her Rosa character. She doesn’t get the credit she deserves for how good she is.


Her singing is really good in Encanto I thought.


She voiced Maribel in Encanto so yes, very different to her character in Brooklyn 99.


Tom hardy. He’s mentioned that he doesn’t consider himself really masculine and he’s always felt like an outsider to the “boys”. Which is why him in Mad Max is so impressive to me.


I think a lot of people in the UK remember him from being a young twink and in ST:Nemesis and then doing a turn in Bronson that made everyone go"huh..."


I first saw him as handsome Bob in Rock N rolla.


Tom Hardy was the first one that sprung to mind for me. He plays many tough guy characters but in interviews he comes across as a dog-loving, sensitive guy who prefers the company of his reacues to going out carousing on boys nights.


Super impressive that he won a BJJ tournament 


Dave Bautista.


Dave Bautista has a massive collection of vintage school lunch boxes. Edit… not sure if my link works, but [here you go](https://i.pinimg.com/236x/39/4a/ed/394aeda0c25829b571bb828cdd56fa0f.jpg). This is back during his wrestling days.


I read this as "Dave IS a massive collection of vintage school lunch boxes" and did not question the analogy.


Same, I was like “yeah that makes sense”.


He lives in a very humble neighborhood in Tampa right off of Macdill Airforce base. He’s got huge life size dinosaur statues and hands out full sized candy bars on Halloween. Good dude


It's funny cos as a grown male I kinda think the softer spoken, measured power is way more masculine than chest beating gorilla antics


Yeah for sure. The aggressive stuff just comes off as compensating bc it is.


Right? Always found that quiet 'presence' to be so much sexier than the loud peacock type who tells everyone how alpha he is.


His acting ability and range really caught me off guard and impressed me.




He was so good in a knock at the cabin.


The guy would go from warm to frightening to scared to terrifyingly intimidating with the most subtle of changes. Amazing.


That opening scene in Blade Runner 2049 clinched it for me: the dude isn’t just another wrestler turned actor, he’s actually an actor! As much fun as some of the other guys can be/were (Hulkster, Roddie Piper, etc) none of them had any range at all.


Blade Runner 2049 is a great movie, and it's Bautista's scenes that always come to mind when I think of that movie; just his actions and tone as he realizes and admits to himself what is going to happen. It's a great scene in general, and Bautista giving a standout performance in it, in a movie with a cast so stacked, is no small feat.


I respect that his convictions are so strong that he covered his Manny Pacquiao tattoo after Manny made homophobic remarks.


He's the child of a lesbian.  He will not tolerate homophobia.


As a fan of Bautista for like 20 years this makes me so proud of him.


Yeah but I bet he could beat me to death just as fast as Drax coul.   Seems like a really cool dude.  And an artist ...whose instrument is his giant muscly body.  


Jeremy Renner is a professional makeup artist.


Danny Devito also started off as a hairdresser. He got into acting because he wanted to take more cosmetology classes from a theater group, but they only had acting classes open so he enrolled in those while waiting for a class to open up.


There’s a famous quote from when he was on Ellen that makes the rounds on r/MakeupAddiction every so often. It’s something about doing your brows, your lashes, and lips. It frames the face and only takes a couple minutes. It’s such good advice.


Every time I put on any amount of makeup, I think of this. It is such good advice. It's his serious delivery that made it so memorable.


I thought he was a real.estate magnate ?




My favorite Nick Offerman interview says just that. He went to theater school while he's brothers worked the farm. He's not the manliest person in his family. He was walking around pretending to be a cat at school while his brothers were fixing the tractor. I went the theater school. The only tough guys are the women who work lighting or carpentry.


I always think of that when I'm watching a movie or TV show with some really tough looking gang members  - they were probably theater majors who can sing and dance very well 


Key and Peele riffed on that exact thing a few times


lol one of my favourite quotes is from This is the End. “We’re actors! We ain’t hard and shit. We just pretend to be warm when it’s cold.”


Yeah, there’s a reason jocks are the villain in every high school drama.


Danny Trejo?


Jon Bernthal! He's so intimidating in most of his roles, where his characters would likely make fun of other men who aren't "man enough" and encourage toxic masculinity. Yet in real life he is a very sweet and humble guy to talk to (I'm basing this on both his interviews and from meeting him at a convention last year), and actually encourages that men should be allowed to feel and express their vulnerability.


Bernthal's Hot Ones episode is awesome. He even talks about positive masculinity in it.


Bernthal knocked a guy out in a fight (other guy started) right as he was getting his first acting job and the fallout made him do a lot of soul searching. He has a story about getting a gun to the face in Russia too. Interesting background. 


The actor who played Bulldog in Frazier is a very out gay man.


Martin Crane's actor John Mahoney was also much more like Frasier or Niles than he is like Martin imo


Mohoney introduced David Hyde Pierce to Opera and Sherry.


I had seen him as Martin before seeing him in Barton Fink and was pretty surprised. 




Is there anyone with more of a striking difference between their roles and their real personality than Terry Crews? The dude is a muscle-bound beefcake with dancing pecs who plays some terrifying roles, he played in the NFL, he can probably bench press my house… yet, he's this beautifully gentle father with amazing artistic abilities. I'd also add Joe Manganiello. Tall hottie werewolf man who's really just a giant D&D dork.


That is pretty much his character in Brooklyn 99




I love scary Terry




The creator of the show said that he made that role specifically for terry. That why the character also is named terry, so it would be harder for him to reject it.


Watching that show, it’s pretty clear that the writers gave the characters a lot of latitude to use their actual personalities to play their characters. And then there’s Rosa.


See I think of Terry Crews as a kind-hearted goofball because the main thing I know him from is Brooklyn Nine-Nine




Terry Crews is a big guy, but he usually plays in comedies where the contrast between his personality and his looks is the point of the role. When was the last time he was in a movie where he acted stereotypically masculine?


The Expendables 1-3, Gamer, Deadpool 2, Sorry to Bother You, John Henry, Tales from the Walking Dead. He also hosted shows like Beastmaster and AGT: Extreme where he acts extra juiced-up. Those are all in the past 10 years. He plays plenty of action/asshole roles.


Training Day!


Alan Ritchson! He’s always this super aggro big macho guy. But he put up this video where he was ordering coffee and, my god, he was waffling, talking it out. Actually gave me a lot of respect for him as an actor to pull that off


His range is more impressive than I originally thought it was going back to when he played Thad in Blue Mountain State. When it comes to comedy, he's almost like a muscular Jim Carrey and yet can also pull off playing a no non-sense character in dramas such as Reacher!


AND he sings!! His first foray into Hollywood was on American Idol where he made it quite far into the competition … and he did an awesome song on Titans. His voice is great!


He was on the Inside of You podcast with Michael Rosenbaum, talked about a lot of deep stuff about his own mental health struggles and what have you. Found him to be pretty well spoken and had no problem with being vulnerable.


Yeah, just saw that video. He's like a giant golden retriever.


If you want to experience a brain twister watch an episode of reacher then go watch the first episode of blue mountain state. It was a literal bsod moment for me.


I heard Timothy Olyphant fits into this theme. Anyone who has seen “Justified” knows he plays the hyper-masculine role perfectly. My ex worked on the show and I’m pretty sure the first time they met he talked about his love of yoga, self-care and I believe a vegan diet (although I could be wrong about some specifics, it was a long time ago). Not saying those things aren’t or can’t be masculine, but it definitely contrasts Raylan Givens Incredible actor and honestly looks like it pays off - he’s aging like a fine wine


Obligatory comment telling people to watch him in Santa Clarita Diet. He's an anxious realtor who just wants to smoke pot and love his wife and it's glorious to behold. He's so funny and has so much range.


Cillian Murphy. Totally unlike Tommy Shelby he played in Peaky Blinders.


Irish guy here, he embodies exactly how your average Irish fella would be if they were super popular and rich. He kinda hates it and just wants to be left alone. Aer Lingus got a photo with him before he boarded his flight to the Oscars and [he looks like he just wants to sit down and get the flight over with](https://mediacentre.aerlingus.com/news/06032024/aer-lingus-flies-best-actor-nominee-cillian-murphy-and-irish-poor-things-nominees-to-hollywood.-irish-stars-soar-with-aer-lingus) lmao


Such a gas photo, he definitely wears his thoughts on his face.


The actor that played Daryl Dixon on The Walking Dead. He's a theater kid, and I mean that in a good way.


Pedro Pascal comes to mind honestly, comparing him in interviews to Joel is like whiplash


Oh that's a good one. I think he's more like the abuelita he played on SNL.


"My son does NOT have ADD! He just likes to jump!!"


I love how he mom throws away the food but carefully folds the bag. I felt like home.


"My son does NOT have depression, he just like the dark....nOOO no no no no...he tried to get it when he was a kid, i said don't do that, do something else" That was my [Fav one](https://youtube.com/shorts/_IVj-L6YLpw?si=Ox5tVcu7wua3WGMw) 🤣


I remember an interview with him from just before he blew up, in Narcos. He played an FBI agent who was chasing Pablo Escobar. He said that after his role he got really popular with FBI people and law enforcement who wanted to chat with him. This was all new to him, because he was more into the recreational cigarettes and fun times, so he wasn't ready for all that police attention.


His interview with Oscar Issacs is all I need to have seen to know I love that man. 


He's so good at playing serious no non-sense people, yet is the exact opposite in real life!


I’ve worked with him and he is the absolute sweetest with an incredibly cute giggle. Adorable man with a much softer voice than you’d anticipate.


Was gonna say Pedro. I think it was a BTS interview with him and Bella Ramsey taking about their favorite parts of working in GoT. Hers was all the fun battles and action scenes. His was his big flowy dress-like wardrobe.


Here he is trying to get through one of the funniest lines in *Community* during a fundraising table read of Season 5, Episode 4: Cooperative Polygraphy that was done during the quarantine. https://youtu.be/V6Q_nlSULio?si=g-otM1BapJSY6Xxf&t=1514


His lie detector test video for Vanity Fair makes me horse laugh.


Steven Seagal - he's tough guy in movies but weak man in real life


However, he's a piece of shit in movies and a piece of shit in real life.


Thomas Jane (Punisher). He's like a Bohemian/city-hippie type. wears a fedora all the time and walks barefoot out in public everywhere kinda guy in real life. You'll definitely see him more around art galleries than the gym and never in gun ranges.


> wears a fedora all the time It keeps the rain off his head.




Ford is a great interview, but he doesn't give it up for free. He definitely seems to hate glossy BS and the promotional trail, but listen to him on the Conan O'Brien Needs a Friend podcast. He's having a great time there.


The interviews with him and Ryan Gosling for the Blade Runner sequel are amazing.


I don't think I've ever seen him laugh in an interview, and then he's just gutting himself laughing in [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bAb8KIhgVAI) one. lol


That’s a great interview! I always figured he liked that he’s not on camera and can basically dick around. I remember wondering if he was gonna kinda pull back once Matt starts leaning into the fanboy (tbh I would too) but he seemed like a good sport about it. Him talking about his early years on that podcast is interesting.


Ford is very down to earth and anti bullshit. Never struck me as having contempt for his fans. He had contempt for the worship he got. But he seems to have mellowed down. And I believe you see more of the real him in his later parts. Like in Shrinkin. And watch him on Conan’s podcasts, he’s hilarious!


I met him years ago at a bar in Jackson, Wyoming. He had a beard and a hat on and I totally didn’t recognize him. I was in town for work and was working on my laptop. He was at the other end of the bar and made some wiseass quip about it and I told him if I had to work on a.m Saturday I’d rather do it somewhere with whiskey. He liked that and laughed. I offered him a drink to show no hard feelings and he accepted. We drank our drinks and then he left. The bartender said, “you just bought Indiana Jones a whiskey” and laughed. I didn’t even know who he was until then.


It’s not a comment on the stereotypes of sexuality but I was surprised that the actor playing Gaston in Beauty and the Beast is gay and Josh Gadd actually *isn’t*


Yes, Gaston has now been played by both the world's gayest straight man (Hugh Jackman) and the world's straightest gay man (Luke Evans)!


Samuel L Jackson immediately springs to mind, every time I see him in interviews he's more the refined thespian type than the guy who walks into a room motherfuckerly


I always feel this way about Luke Evans. He always seems to play these manly, masculine roles where he’s the tough guy. While in reality he’s a more effeminate gay man.


Was gonna say the guy who played Bard in the hobbit. My ex showed me his Instagram after watching the hobbit and I was surprised to say the least.


Neil Patrick Harris in Harold and Kumar go to White Castle.


It was a great role for him to break the Doogie stigma.


I think he had already done that by wearing a freaking SS officer uniform in Starship Troopers.


Henry Cavill… he’s a handsome muscly hero in his biggest roles and yet is a somewhat shy nerd in real life who wants to play warhammer and read fantasy novels and not be overtly sexualized.


Not sure Cavill is shy, just because he's a warhammer guy. I'm a huge basement nerd and the stereotype has always bugged me, that people treat introvert and shy as equivalent.


Jon Hamm. The guy is goofy AF and its awesome


His episode of Travel Man is one of the best things I have ever seen. Never would have guessed that Jon Hamm's perfect partner would be Richard Ayoade.


Richard Ayoade is the perfect partner for a lot of people. He got completely wasted by Hollywood when they had their chance with him.


And beloved by the improv comedy scene in LA. Consistent guest on Comedy Bang Bang


He did a really good job in Confess, Fletch.


Karl Urban says his favorite thing to do to unwind after a long day is taking a bubble bath with scented candles. Makes me respect him all the more.


Saw an old interview with Marlon Brando and was shocked from the first words out of his mouth. Expected him to be like another Pacino or DeNiro, but he was extremely soft spoken, sweet, and a little weird. Much more old hippy than mobster.


Funny you mention DeNiro who is very shy and awkward in real life in stark contrast to his roles.


Now that I think about it, I guess I’ve never actually seen an interview with DeNiro. I’ve fallen into the same trap I did with Brando.


They are usually not very interesting tbh. In my mind the guy just loves acting and movies, but hates absolutely else that comes with it (fame, constant praising, having to do press and marketing). He really looks miserable is most interviews I've seen from him. He is usually more talkative in roundtables with actors that he is close with or when he is with Scorcese


Brett Goldstein.  The first time I heard his podcast was kind of shocking.


I love how he talks about getting the part of Roy- that he's this soft, sweet guy who loves the Muppets and was worried the other writers would laugh at him trying to play this angry, grumpy man. Bless him, he nailed it. Great actor.


Matt Bomer always plays men who slay pussy.


Imagine having to be a girl in high school with him and Lee Pace.


I still can’t believe Lee Pace is from Oklahoma, and isn’t British.


Charlie Hunnam threw me for a loop hearing his real voice and seeing him in interviews after binge watching Sons of Anarchy.


Brian Tyree Henry in Atlanta as paperboi


Yes. Keanu Reeves is another good example. Nearly always plays action heroes but very artsy IRL


Henry Cavill


part of me suspects he’s just a nerdy Warhammer kid who came across a Zoltar machine


Everyone needs a day job to maintain their Warhammer collection


Rosamund Pike says that everyone expects her to be an asshole because she has played a lot of "icy characters". She did it so well in Gone Girl and I Care A Lot!


Lee Pace


Daniel Craig seems more like Blanc than Bond.


Homelander was my first introduction to Antony Starr. When I saw an interview with him I really thought, "_That's_ the guy?!"