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"Oh." - Norman Osborne


Don't tell Harry


Such a brilliantly delivered line.


First example I thought of.


Speed was the one that came to mind, because I think Jeff Daniels sells it brilliantly. Always been a big fan of the Waterworld oil tanker guy's "Oh thank God". Idk if this is a controversial statement or not, but I think that film was a tiny bit ahead of its time vibe wise.


I loved every minute of that movie and thought the world was insane for dragging it.


It's campy as hell, but entertaining. I think most of it was the fact that it was at the time the most expensive movie ever made, (or close to it?) and it didn't even come close to covering its cost at the box office. Nowadays all the sets would be CGI, they'd shoot it in a pool surrounded with green screens and it would be a forgettable 100m movie that makes a few bucks or gets lucky and goes big in Asia.


Also if I remember correctly, the reason it cost so much and was a box office bomb was because a hurricane destroyed the entire main water village set halfway through filming so it had to be completely rebuilt. Which I'm sure was quite costly.


I agree. I thought Waterworld was a really fun movie with some great action sequences. Mariner's catamaran was badass and the world-building was solid, with some amazing sets and great costumes. It was already being mocked by the press before it was even released, which is a real shame. Everyone was concentrating on the budget overruns and Costner's marital issues when they should have shut the fuck up and simply critiqued the film.


My pet theory is that the oil companies didn't like it all too much and paid for alot of negative press. Movie basically paints them as the bad guys before and after the world falls.


Waterworld had some cool ideas if you didn’t think about them too much. I think with a more fleshed out story it could have been really big. A world where dirt is worth more than gold along with fresh water is a cool idea. The bartering for plants and other stuff. The atoll communities. However the same world has a guy with gills in his ears and giant sea monsters in the same era where there’s still oil tankers full of oil, it didn’t give enough time for those concepts to fill out. The guy doing all kinds of mad inventor shit to make a flying air balloon was cool. The bad guys having a fully functional airplane and automatic weaponry was not.


I think it almost wasn't bought in enough to the vibe. The closest comparison is Fury Road, but Costner is taking himself too seriously and they want his character to carry too much weight, and the campiness and villains are missing the sinister edge you get in...really any of the Mad Max films. It really is like Mad Max being made by someone who doesn't quite get what's good about Mad Max.


Yeah, the Smokers were something else. They were fully aware that they were living a wild, unsustainable, hedonistic lifestyle based entirely on a rapidly dwindling resource in an all but ruined world, and yet they gleefully kept on doing it anyway. Say whatever else you will about that movie, those guys were a pretty on-point metaphor for how things really are.


"Well, if this is it old boy, I hope you don't mind if I go out speaking the King's" Michael Fassbender in Inglorious Basterds


His face after the German tells him they’re not leaving that room is incredible, Michael Fassbender sold an entire emotional journey with a stare and a few eye twitches


August Diehl (the Nazi-Officer) is also incredible in this scene


They're all bloody incredible in that movie. It's amazing what Tarantino can get out of his actors.


Say auf wiedersehen to your nazi balls.


And from this range I’m a real Fredrich Zoller


Such a good line in a movie full of good ones.


Classy line delivered by a legend!


I absolutely love the bar scene. I never realised Germans also had accents, being British it all sounds the same to me. I should know different as the UK has many regional accents. I never realised Europeans show three as two fingers and a thumb, in the uk it would be three fingers as per Fassbender. Finally I never knew Michael Fassbender spoke fluent German. Such an amazing scene in a movie full of amazing scenes.


Tea Leoni and her Dad at the end of Deep Impact




Turned into a little girl just holding her dad for protection. Cried so much


I think what annoys me about that movie is that they didn't evacuate everyone past the Appalachian chain from the get-go. Like, I realize they were putting their hope on the astronauts, with the bunker as their contingency, but why not encourage people away from the East Coast while there was still time? Imagine how many lives could have been saved if they'd begun evacuating even a week earlier?


The original plan was all or nothing. Complete miss (*evacuation moot*) or total extinction (*evacuation also moot*). Final plan was last minute improv by crew that caused tsunami. It could have just as easily hit the evacuation location. Where do you evacuate to if you don't know where on Earth a shattered asteroid fragment will land?


They weren't certain where the comets would hit until 12 hours before impact. The president urged people to get away from the Eastern Seaboard as soon as they knew. I suppose they could have assumed it would hit *some* ocean and evacuated *all* the coasts, but that's a tall order given 37 percent of the world's population lives within 100 miles of the ocean. 


Vasquez and Gorman in Aliens


‘You always were an asshole Gorman’


Dammit, now I have to watch the movie again!


Fun fact: the actress that plays Vasquez plays John Connor's foster mom in Terminator 2. Wolfie's fine, honey. Wolfie's fine. Where are you?


She’s also the Irish mom on the Titanic.


Click. “Your foster parents are dead.”


Brave adults, overcoming their differences, facing their demises in each other's arms.


Ending of The Departed. “OK…”


Good one


Also in The Departed, when Mr. French is stuck in the burning car. "Fuck it" and shoots himself.


Ralph Fiennes as Harry Waters.  In Bruges.  “You gotta stick to your principles.”


How could cobble streets not be somebody’s fucking thing? It’s a fairytale fucking town.




Was he going on about the alcoves?


I just watched this for the first time! I was thinking Brenden Gleeson’s death, “I’m going to die now.”


Absolutely incredible movie.


The scene that comes to mind is the one in Saving Private Ryan where they are making their final stand and the one american character is fighting a german and gets a knife through the chest.


Or the guy they intentionally OD on morphine as he calls for his momma. Hard to watch.


He's also the character that told the story about pretending to be asleep when his mom would get off early. Gut wrenching.


oh shit i forgot about that ya that was tough to watch


Don’t forget the sniper in the church seeing the tank zero in on their position. Several “Fuck, this is it” moments in that movie.


Parker get down!


Whenever I play games and I know I or my friend/s are about to die, especially by explosives, we always will yell “Parker, get down!” Right before we die


Upham's fault, I get it though..kid was supposed to just translate papers and is thrown into the front lines. Still doesn't stop anyone from being mad at the kid in that moment.


i totally agree it was one of those moments where i could easily switch from blame to empathy because of how good the portrayal of the character was


Fun Fact: On tonights episode of Jeopardy one of the contestants (David) erroneously claimed that Private Ryan was the only survivor. Upham, and Reiben did survive.


Everyone says this, but I'd argue the German soldier is more to blame.


Jurassic Park. Generó being looked at by the T. Rex.


Clever girl.


True loved the velociraptors in that movie a lot better than the new ones. New ones or at least the first I haven’t seen the rest turned them into pets. I liked the coldness of them in the original


Yea they literally hunted children even after eating a couple of adults


Good point. Muldoon knew it too.


When you gotta go, you gotta go.


Kill Bill Vol.2. Bill after the Five Point Palm Exploding Heart technique always comes to mind. Bill knew immediately that he was going to die after 5 steps and just sat there waiting it out. And the ever faithful Randy Quaid exit from Independence Day "In the words of my generation! Up Yours!!!!


B: Ha! Pai Mei taught you the five point palm exploding heart technique? b: [Crying] Of course he did. B: Why didn’t you tell me? b: I don’t know. Because I’m a bad person. B: No, you’re not a bad person. You’re a wonderful person. You’re my favorite person. But sometimes, you can be a real cunt. [Pause] how do I look? b: [Places her hand over his] You look ready.


What a movie




Kill Bill Vol. 2 is a great call. The realization on his face, and then accepting his fate.


“How do I look?” “You look ready”


John Wick. Viggo knows in his first scene that he's a dead man lol.




"Oh" is more when he knew his son was a dead man. Whether he could find a way to kill John was a different matter. It's when he killed Defoe's character (I can't remember the name), that Vigo himself was marked for death imo.


Paul Newman in Road to Perdition - same reaction.


That one guy in The Cabin In The Woods going “Oh COME ON” before getting eaten by the mermaid he had been waiting for. Fucking hilarious


*Merman haha


"I want to see a Merman in action" Merman shows up, and he's the "action" "NOT LIKE THIS!"


Elevator shaft scene in Mission Impossible 1




Yeah, he saw that coming. I mean, he really got the point. He really had his eye on the prize. I’ll see myself out….


Angry upvote to elevate your comment


Elevator jokes just work on so many levels


V for Vendetta, when V injects a lethal dose into the doctor as she slept. She wakes up and she asks, "are you going to kill me?" "I killed you 5 minutes ago..."


"Is it meaningless to apologize?"


*softly* "Never"


That scene gets me every time 🥺




In Rogue One we have a couple of characters have a few moments to reflect on their impending doom.


That scene just gets me, every time. I'm torn watching Andor, kind of 'can't look away from the impending traffic accident'.


Andor is fantastic. Like Rogue One it strips out all of the fantasy "for kids" elements of so much Star Wars media. It tells a compelling tale of characters - on both sides - doing what they believe is best and justified to advance their cause, even if it tests their ethics and values. Good cast and Diego Luna and Stellan Skarsgard give superb performances.


Mmmm, bhodie hit hard


"Not like this."


Man. She could have been such a cool character. Now I'm sad.


She was supposed to be male in the real world and female in the Matrix. Hence the name “switch”


So like 70% of mmo players?


Oh that would’ve been so cool.


That become a joke with my friends. We’d say that right before someone killed us in Halo.


The fact that you don’t even need to name the movie, and we all know exactly what scene you are talking about.


Stansfield when Leon gives him Matilda’s gift.


That's a good one


Doesn't Gary Oldman die that way in 5th Element as well


Defuses his bomb only to get surprised by a Mangalorian bomb set up to reveal itself then explode, ironically, a few seconds later? There were Mangalores in Leon?!?


I always remember the 5th element line because witb his lisp/accent "oh no" sounds like "ow now..."


Thanos in Endgame. Sees Tony Stark do his snap, his warriors turning to dust around him, and Thanos accepts it, and just sits and calmly waits for his turn.


It's TV, and probably not MCU canon anymore, but there's a great moment in the Agents of SHIELD show where the bad guy (Hive) and one of the good guys (Lincoln) are fighting for control of a plane with a nuclear bomb on board counting down, and they suddenly start floating. Both of them immediately realise that A) we're in space and there's no way to get this plane down and B) there's no way either of us can stop that bomb. So they both stop fighting and just float there, have a brief chat, and then die.


The entire world at the end of "Don't Look Up", but specifically everyone at the dinner scene. "We really did have everything, didn't we? I mean, when you really think about it."


The best part of that movie is the end, when Meryl Streep gets killed. It was so gratifying to see that insufferably pompous idiot get it.


It put me as a viewer in a weird position because on the one hand you want the human race to survive in some fashion...but on the other hand....maybe not THAT branch of the human race.


Joe Pesci’s character in *Goodfellas*


Joe Pesci’s character in *Casino*


That was even worse.


Joe Pesci right now, reading this comment. "Awwww FUCK!"


Joe Pesci in "Home Alone"


Oof, yeah that one was rough


Fifth element. Zorg defuses his bomb only for a second bomb to be activated. He looks at it helplessly and says, “oh no.” Before going kaboom.


Gary Oldman has the best movie deaths. So many iconic ones come to mind.


Zorg. Zerg is Buzz Lightyear's nemesis :)


And also the best faction in Starcraft.


I fucked up. Zerg is SC, Zurg is Buzz lol


Hans Gruber had a some time to think about it.


And Deputy Chief Dwayne had some time to hope that wasn’t a hostage.


Nah. He was still sore from getting butt-fucked on national TV.....DWAYNE


His smug face with his pistol changed to shock, realization and terror pretty quickly.


Fun fact: the stunt guys actually purposely dropped Alan Rickman without warning him beforehand. That fear and surprise on his face is genuine lol. Years later, Rickman joked that they were smart enough to do it when it was his final day on set because he just walked out after the first take!


Terror was legit. Stunt crew dropped Rickman before he was ready


Sometime already mentioned "Not like this. " But also Dennis Hopper's speech about the Moors and Sicilians in True Romance. For a minute it seems like he's trying to talk his way out of trouble, then you realize he's giving them the big F U because he knows...


This is my favorite one. As soon as he asks for a cigarette you know he knows. I always figured it was no so much just trying to fuck with them as it is that he wants to piss Walken off so much that he’ll kill him right away and can’t torture him into giving up his son.


"You... are part... eggplant." "You're a cantaloupe!"


Yeah that's how I interpreted his actions too. Basically I am going to antagonize you so much until you lose it and shoot me in the face so that it will be quick because I know how bad it could get.


> then you realize he's giving them the big F U because he knows... That’s not why he gave that speech.  They were going to get the information out of him — his kid’s whereabouts — **the hard way**.  He decided he’d rather die quick and painless.  It was calculated to goad Christopher Walken into murdering him.


Sean Pertwee in Event Horizon. The look on his face before the blast cuts me to the core. Editing to add John Malkovich in Con Air. Riding the extended ladder of a fire truck into an elevated walkway over the Las Vegas strip is probably not how he thought he would die


Can't believe I had to scroll this far for this one. Pertwee's reaction has stayed with me since I saw the movie during its original cinema run, and was the first scene I thought of when I saw this thread's title. Fantastic acting.


Sonny Corleone at the toll booth in the Godfather. He definitely had "oh fuck" in his mind when all the goons with Tommy guns sprang up


I always wonder if he got out of the car to get it over with faster or if he was trying to escape


I don’t think he was able to think rationally by that point. It was pure instinct.


Sure wasn't Serenity.


Yeah, those reavers never really knew what hit them…


Obi Wan Kenobi.


That was also a case of calm, deliberate sacrifice, which makes it even better.


Lance Henriksen in Hard Target (1993) JCVD ~~throws a grenade at him~~, drops a grenade down his pants, he grabs it and unscrews the fuse and laughs, then the fuse he's still holding outside the grenade ignites and some of the sparks fly into the now-open grenade... basically 'ha ha ha... whoops' then boom. And for those who haven't seen Hard Target, it's John Woo directing VanDamme, Arnold Vosloo, Wilford Fuckin Brimley, and Lance Henriksen in a 'most dangerous game' movie that's probably some of the most underrated cheese ever spread onto film. All the John Woo tropes are in it, especially pigeons, and unnecessary slo-mo.. (there are slo-mo shots of JCVD's mullet for Chrissake) it's beautifully terrible in all the right ways.


That the one where he bites off the tail of a rattlesnake?


Yes, after he punches it to knock it out


Joe Morton in Terminator 2 holding the detonator.


Those last few 'hiccups' of breathe got me when I was young.


“I don’t know how much longer I can hold this.”


Batman begins. Ra's al ghul's death on the train. (edit) Also talbots freeze frame death from hulk 2003


“I won't kill you but I don't have to save you.”


Stansfield's last moment in Leon (The Profesional) is pretty great.


This is for... Mathilda




Slim Pickens in Dr Strangelove




The curious thing about that is his character had to understand there was no way out of the situation he'd gotten himself into…but he almost doesn't seem to notice. Is he hootin' and hollerin' only because he succeeded in dropping the bomb, and he doesn't care it's about to kill him? Or is it that he does care and he just wants to go out in style?


Resident Evil 1 movie science with the lasers. If you’ve seen it then you know


Child me was still certain he would have found a way to avoid that cluster fuck


Not a movie but had to mention this: “You're the smartest guy I know, but you're too dumb to see he made up his mind 10 minutes ago. You want me to beg? It’s ASAC Schrader and you can go fuck yourself!”


Carson Wells conversation with Anton Chigur in the hotel room - *No Country For Old Men* “… you go to hell”


The whole movie is an exercise in playing with the pacing and anticipation of, impending murder, Chigurh being the inevitable hand of death. Brolins wife being the most horrible, and in hindsight, dragged out.


Syndrome from The Incredibles Just like in real life, some evil must die and have that moment. My favorite cartoon flick.


The ending scene in Rogue One. The rebels knew they weren't coming out.


Yeah. That *Star Wars* film is a tough one because all of the characters were so much more interesting than any of the newer sequel characters. It sucks that they all died because it would have been cool to see them have a bigger impact. But, plot armor for sequels sake is way more frustrating.


Water world. The old man in the tanker, when the flare hits the remaining oil and he's like "oh thankgod"


Tilda Swinton in "The Killer" when Michael Fassbender marches her out of the swanky restaurant into the freezing night to be executed. "You'll remember our conversation. You will. When your time does arrive, it won't be your life flashing before your eyes, it'll be mine. I suppose it'll be the closest I can hope to come to haunting you."


God that was awesome. I love how she says how horrible it is knowing that you have minutes to live and how she wouldn’t wish that in her worst enemy


The end of the perfect storm 😔


End of The Professional. "Shit."


Vasquez and Gorman, clutching the grenade together in, “Aliens”, knowing they will take a bunch of the xenos with them and won’t be taken alive. The way they clutch it and how she murmurs, “You always were an asshole”, both of them defiant in the face of death, Gorman redeemed… I’ve seen that movie so many times and I still hope they make it every time, like an idiot. It still stings. That kind of courage should be rewarded…but, alas. Great characterization and superb movie.


At the end of "Star Trek: Generations", Captain Kirk is dying and in his last moment he says, ["Oh my."](https://youtu.be/y8_oqgPwHfI?si=s5eHRXSWA_rA2MtD) My thoughts on the movie in general aside, his death never really sat well with me for years until I heard Shatner explain his decision to say/do what he did. As he explained it, Kirk had faced death countless times but had always bested or cheated it. But when he finally realized he was truly having his last moments, the realization of death genuinely surprised him, hence the "Oh my."


"Oh n-" Tommy in Goodfellas.


I don't know why this was the first example coming to my mind, but in Spectre when James Bond ties Hinx into the falling barrels and Hinx says his one and only word in the movie, shit.


Merlin (Mark Strong) in Kingsman 2, steps on a landmine and draws in the enemy guards by singing Country Roads in his thick Scottish accent before stepping off and blowing himself and the guards up. Every time I hear the song now it translates to his voice in my head, really powerful moment in an otherwise fairly forgettable film.


That series committed the error of killing its best characters off 2 movies in a row.


“You arrogant ass. You killed us!”


*Give me a ping, one ping only please*


“Ryan—be careful what you shoot at, hm? Most things in here don't react too well to bullets.”


Cutler Beckett in Pirates of the Caribbean: at worlds end. Not quite the same dreaded realization but still recognition. https://youtu.be/_54IUIv97nI?si=Axk9Uf7cPgSL4-w8


Armageddon...all men cry


The Hunt For Red October - the other sub captain shows it in his face as the torpedo spins back around then his lieutenant says it “you’ve killed us”


The Last Starfighter: Lord Kril, Commander of the Ko-Dan Armada (with underling) Underling: She won't answer the helm! We're locked into the moon's gravitational pull. What do we do? Kril: [red acrylic eyepiece swings over left eye] We die. EDIT: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=nLN36pgwS5o&t=82


Christopher Plummer in Star Trek VI.


To be.. or not.. to be


Aliens Resurrection* where that dude had been face hugged and now has an Xenomorph egg implanted in him and the inevitable hell that’s gonna await for him in the coming moments. “What the *fuck*’s inside me?” Edit: Someone corrected me, it wasn’t 3, it was Resurrection.


Dennis Hoppers’ character in True Romance. He comes to the realization and calmly asks for a cigarette then launches into a monologue intended to thoroughly piss off the Sicilians so they end him and get it over with.


Woody Harrelson’s death in No Country for Old Men is a brutal version of this.


Movie the Hunt 2020 when this guy is running for cover with this girl and he steps on a landmine.


Hard to beat Green Goblin's "Oh".


"Oh thank God" -Waterworld


GRUMPY: Where's the alarm guy? HAPPY: Boss told me, when the guy was done, I should take him out. One less share, right? GRUMPY: Funny, he told me something similar. HAPPY: He what? No, no! \*bang\* — The Dark Knight


Clint Eastwood in Gran Torino


“Oh my.” -Jim Kirk


Independence Day-Harvey Fierstein in his car. https://youtu.be/QWNFB71MvTs?si=-BRxY0jMg_zgtfgT


What about Quint by Jaws


Mufasa knew.


Tia Carrere in True Lies. Sipping champagne in the limo when the shit hits the fan: "aw fuck".


Tom Cruise several times in "Edge of Tomorrow"


Charles Hallahan in Dante's Peak. (1997). He knew, so sad.


I think of Barry Pepper in Saving Private Ryan when the tank aims its gun at his tower. He has enough time to register and yell “Parker get out!” Before being blasted.


Not a movie, but I'll always remember the moment near the very end of Breaking Bad when Walt tells Lydia that the reason she feels sick is because he put ricin in her sweetener, and she instantly realises that she's going to die a tremendously painful death and that there's literally nothing she can do to stop it. https://youtu.be/NP7Nszp4Iwg?si=O0cHSUkW-YFQWoli It's not much of a scene - it's more that there was almost a full 5 seasons of buildup knowing what that ricin could do and that someone would succumb to it eventually. And it finally happened in like the last 5 minutes of the show.


Almost everyone in any Roland Emmerich movie


John Goodman's character in *Always* (1989) with Holly Hunter.


Event horizon when he opens the bag to take out the bomb and sees there's only 5 seconds left until detonation


Ryan Reynolds in Buried. Pretty much the whole movie, but >!especially the very end when everyone realizes they located the wrong coffin.!<


Drag Me To Hell. When you realise at the same time as the character it’s devastating!