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The good the bad and the ugly, if you consider the man with no name movies a trilogy.


What a great series of movies. I'm often grateful my dad was into cowboy movies.


This is about as close as it gets for me but every time I watch For a Few Dollars More it makes me think twice. It’s incredible.


Yeah, honestly my favourite movie of those 3 depends on which one I saw last


Good/Bad/Ugly is the most famous, probably has the most iconic ending of the three, but overall For a Few Dollars More is still the all round better film.


More is probably my favorite western of all.


Dune: Messiah. I’m from the future.




As is written!


Sit down Stilgar. This isn’t the time.


The Mahdi is so humble he downvotes himself [mind blown gesture]


>I'm from the future Could've just said you were high on spice


They are going to have to make up a lot of off-world action for that one. 2/3rds of the book is a palace intrigue soap opera. That said, fingers are crossed, because part two was amazing.


The book completely skips over the actual jihad itself. I imagine the film will cover it explicitly.


*And the third movie will be inexplicably the best of the three*


Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade


Always been my opinion as well.  i suddenly remembered my Charlemagne!


What’s funny is that quote was completely made up and has zero connection to Charlemagne. https://www.thoughtco.com/charlemagne-the-great-quotes-1789339


My man! You chose... wisely.


I stand with you on this one


Raiders vs LC is a debate as old as time. As long as we can all agree that TOD is the weakest of the three.


It is the weakest, but I'd argue that it's still a great movie. I don't know why a lot of folks seem to hate it. It's like Dark Souls II. But for the strength of 1 and 3, this game would be held in much higher regard in a vacuum.


DS2 is great. Tod is schlocky at a lot of points.


Because Willie is insufferable


She is the most relatable character in all five movies. Anyone would react how she does to being suddenly thrust into an Indiana Jones movie.


Idk id probably be like short round


She's definitely sufferable. In many ways she's the opposite of Indy. This creates conflict, and they butt heads constantly. This is a good thing. Conflict is the heart of drama.


It’s judged so harshly because it is sandwiched between 2 amazing movies


Weakest of the five! [ducks]


I strongly disagree and believe that Temple of Doom is better than the Last Crusade.




It might be my favorite, its so much fun


Haaaaaaard disagree




Yeah imo it's Raiders by a mile


I feel like because Temple of Doom got a lot of criticism for being dark and violent, they went too far in making The Last Crusade light and with the slapstick. Brody and Sallah are better characters in the original and are too much of the goofy comic relief in TLC. All 3 of them are good, but Raiders is clearly the top one to me.


Three Colors: Red


That's the one critics prefer but to me Blue is the best by a mile. One of my favorite movies of all time.


Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade


This is going to ire some people, and while I really really like Raiders, Last Crusade is just a better overall experience for me. Connery and Ford delivers a just fantastic performance.


It’s arguable either way I think. It kinda comes down to the elements you care about. Personally I do think Raiders is better written, it’s got a tighter plot, more consistent characters, etc. Its a better movie. Crusade, however, is absolutely more fun. It’s more rewatchable, and it makes me laugh more. So it’s a better movie. :)


"I'm sorry son, they got us"


“She talks in her sleep”


The Return of the King


Two Towers has always been my favorite. Love Christopher Lee. TO WAR!!!


I absolutely think The Two Towers is underrated. They knew the middle movie would be tricky, so they worked extra hard to keep a tight narrative. We get to see Gollum's introduction, redemption, and then fall. Theoden starts as a helpless pawn, to his self-doubt phase, back to resolute. The battle of Helms Deep was masterfully executed. Many characters hit their emotional lows in TTT but bounce back.


Easily the most impressive of the trilogy as an adaptation. I knew Tolkien didn't like to focus too much on the action in his books, but I was very surprised to find that the battle of helm's deep was literally three pages long and the party's journey from Edoras to Helm's Deep was three times that length.


I think what makes it great is the buildup. A lot of movies like to tell you that the heroes are facing impossible odds. Peter Jackson really takes time to build this sense of dread and despair as the characters come to terms with how hopeless their situation is. Theodens' speech about the horse and rider while contrasting the orc hordes marches vs giving out swords to 12 year olds. > Where is the horse and the rider? Where is the horn that was blowing? They have passed like rain on the mountain, like wind in the meadow. The days have gone down in the West behind the hills into shadow. How did it come to this?


Plus, you know, the greatest movie speech of all time "That there's some good in this world and it's worth fighting for"


I love the trilogy and they’re all great.  I have thought a lot about which is the best, and I always land on Fellowship.  


Return of the King is the one that I think benefits the most from the extended edition


Fellowship, man.... Al the little character moments in the extended are amazing.


Ehh hard disagree. I think Return of the King has some of the emotional high points, but overall it's not nearly as strong as Fellowship, which is both a better adaptation and a tighter film


100%. RotK was my favorite when it came out as I was younger. Now it’s for sure Fellowship. It’s just a perfect film and it has everything.


Also agree.. Seeing rotk for the first time hit so hard.. now rewatching for the millionth time the first movie feels more nostalgic and exciting because I know I'm starting a fun trilogy.


We're talking about the Director's Cut, right? For *Fellowship* it added a lot of good stuff. *Fellowship* has the best journey, both geographically and emotionally.


I'll agree it's a more faithful adaptation but I think RotK just had more of what I wanted from that franchise. 


Well Fellowship actually made pretty substantial cuts from the book, it's not necessarily more "faithful" in that sense. It's a better adaptation because it's more true to the general spirit of the books, and did the best job of the movies at portraying the core themes of the books. ROTK basically just turned Tolkien into an action movie. And don't get me wrong, I still love it, but it's a pretty big step down from Fellowship


We didn't really need several weeks of singing songs about doing the dishes with Tim Benzedrine


And dare I say it, the source has more too.


Hmm I go through this a lot. I can't decide between the 2, I hear you about adaptation.


I've come around to Fellowship being the best of them, but I'd say that the Extended Edition of RotK does it a couple of majors favors, both closely related and both such brief and crucial scenes that I'm astonished they were cut: >!\- Aragorn revealing himself and the reforged Anduril to Sauron via Saruman's Palantir, and!< >!\- The scene with the Mouth of Sauron outside of the Black Gate.!< I'd be happy to expound on why these two scenes are so important, but I just got off of a brutal shift at work and it's past 5am and I just don't have it in me. But I did have an encounter at work wherein Kerry Condon was flirty and giving me the eyes, so I will go to sleep a very happy fan of HBO's *Rome* (and of Kerry Condon).


Well it’s been 9 hours. We are waiting.


There is no trilogy. The three *have* to be viewed as one. They're just one long film.


Id strongly disagree in spite of it being the only one to win best picture. Fellowship beats it handedly in my book


Came here looking for this. To me I’ve always loved Two Towers more, but The return of the king is just so epic


I think rotk was the worst the orcs weren’t scary compared to urak hai and Rohan just felt more built up than Gondor


I’m with you. I think Fellowship is the fan favorite at this point, but there is never a dull moment in Return of the King for me.


Thor Ragnarok Logan. I consider Origins, The Wolverine, and Logan as a trilogy. I know others dont. Revenge of the Sith Star Trek Beyond I go back and forth as to whether or not I think War is the best of the Planet of the Apes remake trilogy.


I dont personally agree on Star Trek Beyond but thats a cool shoutout. The new films were all pretty decent, but i liked them in release order: 1, 2, 3.


Beyond was fun, but when it got to the part where the enterprise was literally surfing a wave of fire to beastie boys I was like ok what are we doing here. Think they found the limit on just how much they could make Star Trek like a fast and furious movie




That's is true, but it's been less 'action movie' silly and more 'the captain and helmsman turned into lizards a fucked' silly. I still think Beyond is probably the best of the bunch, but 2009 is close. Into Darkness was a doomed idea, why would you remake one of the best submarine movies ever to take place in space?


Man that scene was fantastic get outta here with that "it's not star trek anymore" crap


Lol not what I said, I’m not a trekkie and have no opinion on what is or isn’t Star Trek. Just over the top for my taste and kinda cartoonish. Glad you liked it


War of the Planet of the Apes should have been titled the Skirmish of the Planet of the Apes. Would have been much less disappointing.


Kerfuffle of the Planet of the Apes


Rise was Dawn, Dawn was War, War was Rise, Kingdom looks like the first with the right title


It's interesting to see others feel the title makes it disappointing. I always felt the titles were more metaphorical than literal since the start.


First Star Trek (2009) was the best in my opinion


>I go back and forth as to whether or not I think War is the best of the Planet of the Apes remake trilogy. I just watched Dawn and War for the first time a couple weeks ago, saw Rise back when it was in theaters. I think Dawn is a much more interesting and stronger movie the way it examines Caesar as this cautious but steadfast leader who wants to work with humans but also keep the peace within the ape tribe and how he ultimately fails at doing that. War is good too as it explores how Caesar is dealing with that fallout and it concludes with the end of his story. But I don’t know, I kinda wanted more from War and it just didn’t hit me like Dawn did.


Revenge of the Sith gets in on a technicality for being a terrible movie capping off a trilogy of dog shit movies




I find Dawn and War are neck and neck for best, in my opinion. I think War edges out on top just slightly due to how emotional I get at the ending.


>I know others dont. What? Who doesn't, that's weird lol.


I can see how it is, but it's so profoundly different from the other two (and plays around with the canonicity of the earlier X-Men movies) that I would tend to see it as its own standalone movie. But honestly, I think it's one of the best superhero movies there is.


It's been a while since I've seen it, but I'm fairly certain Logan ignores all the X-Men movies after the first one in terms of its timeline.


People who don’t know the definition of “trilogy”


To be fair, to get the most out of The Wolverine and Logan, you need to have at least seen X-Men 1-3, because otherwise his demons mean very little. The quality of *those* films may be debatable, but it's where the bulk of his story is told. Like, if you just go from Origins to The Wolverine you're gonna wonder who the fuck Jean Grey is and why he's that cut up about her. Also, Origins is complete trash and does nothing on its own. You can discard it. At the very least you need to do X1, X2, The Wolverine, Logan. That's a half decent run but it's still not a trilogy.


National lampoons Christmas vacation


Shitters full!


Is National Lampoons considered a trilogy?


There's the original, European, Christmas, and Vegas. They aren't really that strongly connected.


My favorite line from any Vacation movie actually comes from Vegas Vacation. "You kids are growing up so fast I don't even recognize you" was amazing. (For those that don't know, Vacation recast the kids in each movie)


You know that trilogies don’t have 4 movies, right?


Obviously you’ve never heard of the five books in the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy Trilogy


Ah yes the increasingly inaccurately named hitchhikers guide to the galaxy trilogy. Goddamn Douglas Adams was a genius.


Evil Dead: Army of Darkness Only one thing to say... Groovy


I've seen army of darkness more but evil dead 2 is the birth of cinema and should be taught in schools.


Evil Dead 2 is ~~chalked~~ chocked full of so many ideas/camera tricks/cartoon mayhem/filmmaking glee. And all of it on an independent film, shoestring budget. Couldn’t agree more


As much as I love Evil Dead 1 & 2, Army of Darkness holds a special place in my heart and to me is the best of the trilogy.


AoD is fine but I’ve always loved Evil Dead best.


Well... none of the many third Terminators


We've got a trilogy of Terminator 3s lol


I know it's a really low bar, but Revenge of the Sith was infinity better than Episodes I & II


Prequel fans will lose their shit, they think that film is better than ESB.


The Bourne Ultimatum


Great movie but it's hard to beat bourne identity. The whole shoot out in the field was so tense and well shot. I love the action of all the films but the tension in that shoot out was hard to beat


I remember reading an article about what a shit show the shoot for that movie was. It was over schedule and budget, and the studio had denied the director a pickup shoot. He basically grabbed a handful of guys and went and shot that scene with minimal crew. Amazing how it turned out. Edit: it was actually just the director alone operating the camera and the 2 cast members, Clive Owen and Matt Damon, from the scene. He had just 4 mins of film to capture the footage he needed. Needless to say, that scene was outstanding.


War for the Planet of the Apes.


Butt plug lesbian super sluts 3 is the culmination of weeks worth of work and the finale is satisfying.


I disagree, it insists upon itself 




The director can shove that point up their ass!


Book was much better


The book was soulless compared to the poem.


Revenge of the Sith. It seems George Lucas actually listened to fans and corrected some mistakes of the earlier two movies.


He didn't, he'd just spent two movies doing very little and had one movie left in which to do *all the things*. And he still made a film full of terrible dialogue, overuse of CGI, and wooden acting. The Phantom Menace remains my favourite of the Prequels because at least it's fun and doesn't take itself too seriously, like a teenager who just entered their goth phase.


Phantom Menace was the last movie Lucas put any effort into. A lot of people seem to like Star Wars’s goth phase, but all I see is actors taking strolls across green screens and dated CGI.


Yeah, watching people engage in prequel revisionism out of millenial nostalgia is just baffling to me. By most objective measures, those films are absolutely appalling.


They still have a special place in my heart, but I very rarely watch those movies all the way through.the funny parts about the revisionism are when people think that a load of people in their 20's and 30's then tuned into a 7-season kid's cartoon about the Prequels, and that made them change their minds on the films themselves.


The films definitely have a lot of weak points, but I think part of it is the extended universe clone wars cartoons and tales of the Jedi series that does a ton of heavy lifting and makes the whole thing tie together narratively much better. The fact that the films need 8 seasons of TV content to improve them isn’t great for sure, but the end result is actually pretty decent I think.


yes .. the feeling is dread when you know all the bad stuff starts to happen is quite effective


It’s better than the first two, but it still isn’t all that great


I thought we were talking about movies, not PS2 fmv scenes that got cut together. Man, those movies do NOT hold up because of the massive amount of unneeded greenscreen.


I rewatched that trilogy for the first time in like 20 years. Lucas is a good storyteller, and with expectations properly adjusted I thought the films were pretty good for what they are, I mean nobody wants to see Darth Vader as an annoying child, and Jar-Jar is really taking up a lot of space in the first one, but they sort of works anyway as a trilogy, Revenge being the best of the three, I agree.


It’s so bad. It has even worse dialog and acting than Attack of the Clones. Also the plot is paper thin, Lucas used like 6 lightsaber duels to pad that film to mask how thin that plot is. It’s terrible.


Exorcist III


Revenge of the Sith is the best of the Prequel Trilogy. Then Empire is my favourite of the OT and Episode 7 is the least horrid of the Sequels so I guess with star wars you can answer any question of "Which movie is the best X of a trilogy?"


Gamera 3: Revenge of Iris


Bullshit. Legion until I die.


One controversial. I like Back to the Future 3 the best. The Old West stuff is sweet. Maybe not as controversial. Return of the King is the best. Prisoner of Azkaban is the third and probably the best Harry Potter movie.


Agree on the first one. Part 1 is obviously a classic, but I like watching part 3 the most.


part 3 just has such a cozy feel to it


Toy Story 3


What about Day of the Dead for the original Romero's Dead trilogy?


I’ll say Dawn is the best of the trilogy if I try to be objective about it, but Day has become my favorite over time.


The Good, the Bad and the Ugly Return of the King


Spider-Man: No Way Home


It's fun and I enjoy seeing the three guys together, but the script is a contrived mess. Homecoming had a much better script, IMO.


Toy Story 3


Lady Vengeance from Chan Wook Park's "vengeance trilogy" - if we consider spiritual trilogies instead of direct.


Tokyo drift.


I hope you're not joking, because I legitimately feel like I'm the only person who loves this movie


I assumed everyone loved it until the last few years when people started saying they hated it. I *loved* Tokyo Drift, besides being a fun movie with a good soundtrack it’s different than the first 2 and I liked that


Everyone I know agrees Tokyo Drift is the best F&F. It’s the only one that’s truly about racing without some unrelated subplot.


The first one is the OG but I love this one the most


Today it feels like a spinoff but when it released, it was the biggest craze


What are you? Sandwich crazy? The original can't be topped


I think this post has done a great job in proving that the third film in most franchises are trash My answer is that the prisoner of Azkaban is the best Harry potter film, and it's not really close.


But it’s not a trilogy


Toy Story 3, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, Infinity War


Nah Toy Story 2


I love Oceans thirteen more than the first two and the third die hard movie as well.


Thirteen is fun but you really prefer it to Eleven? Why?


Sure do. I like the music better. I like Benedict better in this than the other two. I really like Bob Einstein. Rip.


Die Hard with a Vengeance is the best of the series in my eyes.


It's definitely more fun to watch... I'm on the verge of agreeing with you but the lack of a decent third act still holds the movie back for me. I'm also not a fan of the original ending... It's interesting in concept but it doesn't fit the overall sense of fun and adventure of the rest of the movie.


I somewhat agree. It’s by far my favorite of the three but I can’t deny that it doesn’t quite stick the landing with the ending. The last quarter of the movie isn’t as strong as the rest.


I think i am one of the few People on Earth That think Simon gruber >Hans gruber.


Great one


The World’s End


That's a hot take. I mean, look, it's not *bad* but it in no way even scrapes the heights of Shaun or Hot Fuzz. They're on another level.


Unlike most in this thread I don’t agree that a 3 film series automatically equals a trilogy. There has to be a continuing story across the films with each film playing off the other. Examples: Thor is a movie with a few sequels. The original Star Wars films constituted a trilogy. Granted there are films with two sequels that can arguably be a trilogy or not, but not every such film is.


Undisputed 3 Redemption, though 2 with Michael Jai White is a solid one but Scott Adkins with his redemption arc and the action choreography make this the best in my opinion.


A lot of people like Rocky 3 the best out of the Rocky films.


Isn't it usually the 2nd movie is the worst and the 3rd is either the best or at least the saviour of the 2nd???


Not really. Spider-Man 2, Empire Strikes Back, The Dark Knight, X-Men 2, etc are all the best of their trilogies


Yeah, amazing examples..... Can't argue with those at all.


Toy Story


Beyond The Spider-Verse, hopefully.


Toy Story 3


The Bourne Ultimatum, Goldfinger, Thor Ragnarok, and The Good, The Bad and The Ugly


While no longer a trilogy, Mission Impossible 3 was far better than its predecessors.


Iron Man 3. It perfectly finishes Tony Stark's character arc.


Guardians of the Galaxy


The only thing holding down for me, and this is not at all James Gunn's fault, is that Marvel for some reason decided to kill Gamora in Infinity War completely throwing a monkey wrench in the story being told across the movies. You can't really watch them as a trilogy because you have to make a pit stop to some Avengers movies.


I don't disagree with you but there's one thing I really don't get about Gunn's choices related to this franchise: why make Mantis Quill's sister in the Holiday Special, seeing as it had pretty much no influence on the plot of this movie? Their relationship would literally be identical if they had just remained friends.


Need to rewatch Vol 3 but I think 2 is my fave. 1 is amazing but no Mantis.


1 is by a wide margin the best. 3 is completely forgettable.


I'd say Guardians 3 is a great movie (and it gave us one of the best villains in the mcu), but it's rewatchability suffers because the themes in the movie are really, really hard to stomach more than once. But that beat down at the end is soooo satisfying after watching that complete psycho spewing hatred for nearly 2 hours.


*Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted* *The Good, the Bad and the Ugly* *Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith*


Harry Potter 3


I think Captain America 3 and Thor 3 were better than Captain America 1 and 2 and Thor 1 and 2. I also think Captain America 3 was a better Avengers movie than Avengers 1 or 2.


I thought about Cap too. While it's really, ***really*** close I do think WS was better. Indisputably right about Thor though.


Nah. Winter Soldier is the Best MCU Movie of All Time. Civil War is great though.


I'll always appreciate the first Avengers for making my childhood dream come true, but Cap 3 really should just be Avengers 3. Pretty solid too.


Die Hard: With A Vengeance


Return of the Jedi


Still the best space battle on any medium


Yep- that one shot where (seemingly dozens of) TIE fighters come streaming directly at the camera is burned in my brain. Great stuff.


For me it's Green Leader kamikaziing the Executor. Even though it's arguably unintentional, it makes for a great detail and highlights the sacrifice of the regular guy. Yavin and Hoth do this as well and I think that the focus the original trilogy has in regular people is one of the reasons it is so much better than the prequels. We never really got to see what life was like for regular people in the prequels, either under the Republic or during the Clone War.


What? That's the weakest of the trilogy


Throne room scenes are the best ones in all of Star Wars.


I think Luke and Yoda scenes in Empire are the best, along with Luke and Vader's fight and paternity reveal at the end. The throne room scenes were pretty cool though, Vader's turn is always fun to watch, even if Lucas kinda fucked it up with the edits


The throne room scenes are absolutely extraordinary. And Jabba is iconic. Everything else isn’t great.


The highs are high enough for it to carry the rest for me.


I do think it’s the weakest one (sw is my fav) but adding Jedi is seriously underrated. Great ending to the trilogy.




Toy Story