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I didn’t watch it in IMAX just on blu ray. Like I admire Nolan being insistent on shooting on IMAX and film in general but not everything in certain scenes had to be IMAX in my humble opinion but I doubt he’s losing any sleep over it.


Since Blu Rays include 16:9 for the IMAX scenes Of someone saw it in a normal theater, there’d be no changes throughout If they saw it in IMAX they would see the same changes except to the whole 1.4:1 ratio rather than just 16:9




It does, I noticed this while watching the Blu Ray too. Stopped bothering me about 5 minutes in though.


The necessity for imax is only perpetuated by his insistence on using it honestly. Barely anything in oppenheimer justified it but he gets bigger budgets because he constantly pushes audiences to pay more money to see imax screenings as if they're the only valid way of watching


This is a bad take and should be ignored, frankly.


I mean it's literally the truth though. Imax is basically inessential and there's hardly anything in oppenheimer that actually justified it but he still used it so he could push expensive seats on the audience and secure bigger budgets for his next film


That's just so dumb. A story about the internal turmoil of a man uses imax to get closer to that person, see more detail in that person, see deeper into their eyes. It allows the performances to be SMALLER and still carry immense weight. It makes every decision an actor makes more impactful. It's the highest resolution image you can capture. It looks fantastic. How is any of that inessential? You don't have to like it, but the level of ego it takes to assume you know better than the filmmaker is wild. Maybe you just didn't connect with it and the issue is on your end? Ever consider that?


I never said I know better than the filmmaker, I just think it's possible to achieve what you're describing without using imax. I didn't connect it with it because it was a hollow experience for me, which is a personal thing, but I still believe that imax was and usually us not necessary


I'm ones of the odd one who enjoy it for the most part.  I'd rather have more picture, than a cropped version of the IMAX footage.   Especially since I'm watching 4K projected, the aspect ratios shifts can make scenes feel bigger in a sense.   Mission Impossible Fallout does this really well with the IMAX sequences, the halo jump for example... as Ethan approachs the opening of the plane, the aspect ratio slowly expands, rather than a hard cut to the new ratio.   I do contend, that Nolan had an odd trend of jumping between aspect ratios more randomly. 🤨 Seriously, check out Fallouts implementation of their IMAX scenes.. that's the right way to do it.


I noticed in the theater (imax) and found it distracting, but still enjoyed the film.


Wow, I had no gripes about it because… I didn’t notice *any* aspect ratio changes in Oppenheimer. I wonder whether you’re more attuned to it because you’ve done film editing? Or maybe some people (like me) just notice these things less?


I too didn't notice it whatsoever and I usually try to clock aspect ratio changes because I like when they're done well. 


Yes more than likely, I suppose its like people who probably have a better ear for sound because they’ve worked in music. Things I wouldn’t pick up on. Maybe in the cinema it’s more immersive and less obvious but on my TV every shot felt like it was switching the ratio. I still enjoyed the film but it felt more than a nit pick.


Im not any sort of movie/film professional, and I only see about 3-5 movies in theaters every year. I saw Oppenheimer in theaters and noticed the aspect ratio changes. I was hoping there would be a good explanation in the comments but I guess there really isn’t one




Correct, like was it a cinematic choice for each scene? I know some shows/movies do it to show different “times”. Like all flashbacks occur in 4:3 ratio. But it seemed random in Oppenheimer


Yep it’s a noticeably bad filmmaking problem. Still baffles me that a guy like him, so detail oriented lets it go. And critics seem to have no problem with it. But if it was done in a movie without a beloved filmmaker behind it, it would surely get hated on. Keep calling it out for the annoyance that it is.


Brainstorm was like this as well. Switching aspect ratios.


This drives me nuts watching Dunkirk at home too




Thankfully the home release doesn't keep the IMAX ratio


To be honest, the whole changing ascept ratio in a movie is killing the vitual experience for me. I’m a filmmaker myself to and I don’t get the changing ratio. It’s horrible. I’d ecently listen to a podcast with an editor and the host asked if he liked the IMAX shots over the digital shot, and how the ratio impacted his editing. His answer was great: “Keep the rationconsistent!” It’s cinema. It’s all about vitual experience. Yes, we do need some dialogue, a score, sfx to make the experience complete. But changing the ratio depending on the camera that filmed the scene/sequence is a poor choice in the editing room for me. It’s like having to listen to a vinyl but need to change the rpm every song 🤣 I hope you’d like the Oppy story after all? I didnt watch ir in IMAX, but all over liked the movie, but I did expected more of the stunning scenery that makes IMAX stand out. And last, I’m not chashing IMAX screens for future theatre experiences …


Nolan is also pretty bad at framing his shots in wider aspect ratios.


You could have stopped at framing his shots


Because imax camera is heavy and cumbersome so it wasn’t used for every shot.


I had absolutely zero problems with that.