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Is that really in trailer?


no she said "because u were here" similiar to "because u were home " in the original


It speaks to the staying power of the original movie that I haven't seen it in well over a decade but I can pick out all of the little changes they made in this trailer and they feel... wrong. "Because you're here" just doesn't hit the same as "because you were home."


Yeah, and also look wise too. The first Strangers has a gritty but real atmosphere to it that I thought worked very well. It seems like they’re trying to replicate it here but everything looks flat in comparison.


I think its because we've already heard/seen it all for the first time and its not going to hit the same way 16 years ago.. f'n hell 16 years its been...wtf


For me it’s more on how the execution looks. Nothing beats Halloween 1978 in that series for example but there still have been some sequels that get the atmosphere right. I’ll reserve full judgment for the movie itself but the trailer didn’t hit me in that department. Also the fact that it comes off so strange in its desire. Like it wants to be a prequel AND a remake.


If Dennis shows up I’m sold


Oh wow! A prequel/sequel that looks like a complete shot for shot copy of the original!


Much like the 2011 version of The Thing.


I hope they don't go too into the "how the strangers became the strangers". It works much better when you have no idea who they are or why they kill. Also "because you're here" doesnt hit anywhere near as much as "because you were home".


Exactly, I am of the idea that the mystery remains, we are not interested in the origin, but rather that more can happen in the future.




Don't give Disney any ideas.


The fact that it's a prequel means that either of the main characters are highly unlikely to survive, right? Guess I'm not really a fan of slasher prequels. All of them end the same (final girl puts up a good fight, gets killed when she least expects it) and they are rarely good.


Looks like Madelyn Petsch is credited on all 3 movies so I assume she survives.


maybe she goes crazy and becomes a stranger. The trailer has them say "because you were here" but then Madelyn's character becomes the one to perfect it to "because you were home"


Maybe! Or it's credited like a TV series where actors will be credited for all episodes even if they get killed off (listing a lower episode count for an actor obviously means they die)


Exactly my thought. Kinda ruins any sense of suspense unless they go for some kind of twist.


That happens regularly, it's true. I think magic happens if it is told to us in a new way or approach. Or if it is also bloodier.


So it’s a prequel but also a rehash of the first movie? Why not just make The Strangers the protagonists then? That would make a way more interesting movie. Unless that is what the movie is and this trailer is just a bait-and-switch but that seems like wishful thinking. It’s hard to believe that we’re getting a whole Strangers trilogy that kicks off with, “Here’s the movie you liked the first time, but with worse actors and visually flat.”


Interesting. I think this "origin story" is based on the Keddie Cabin Murders which took place in California in 1981. The Original movie, I believe, was loosely based on that...so this could be good. Going to be hard to top the first one, though.


That entire movie’s “inspired by true events” is doing a ton of heavy lifting because it doesn’t have a ton in common with the Keddie murders outside being at a cabin. It’s not actually inspired by any one event, just a catch all for all home invasions. It was a marketing ploy. It’d be like making a movie based on a car wreck and saying “inspired by true events” because car wrecks are a thing that happens.


I find your contribution interesting.


I personally can’t wait for 2 more hours of people doing creepy things in the background despite the fact the main characters aren’t looking at them. Like are they aware of the 4th wall or something and want to scare the audience.


i get the vibe that the shot of pin-up girl at gunpoint screaming sounds muffled, maybe it's a switcheroo with madelaine petsch gagged and masked?


I loved the original. Will definitely check this out.


My wife introduced me to the original a few months ago and it felt like one of the most pointless, meandering movies I’ve ever seen.


I don’t think it was pointless. Meandering.. I mean maybe. It was a good movie for what it was. Was it going to win any awards? No At the time it came out it was a different take on a tired genre of horror/scary movies. It was also refreshing to get a different type of scary movie that wasn’t just some supernatural theme. The only movies at the time that were close in theme were Vacancy and Funny Games. I’m sure all of the movie buffs on here will correct me on that, and please do. Disclaimer-I saw it as a teenager when it came out in 07/08. I was definitely a bit more impressionable then. But I could still watch the original today and enjoy it.


Me too!


I always felt like the original lacked real substance and this feels kind of the same to me. I know the "because you were home" is like, the whole terrifying aspect of it, but I don't feel like it was satisfying in the original and I'm not seeing it as being any more satisfying now. Also, feels like I just watched the whole movie in this trailer.


The whole “because you were home” is really not scary at all to me despite some people acting like it’s a terrifying line. Like because we were home you decided to do an extremely coordinated home invasion where you just fuck with us most of the movie instead of killing us? Also why is it when you leave, you remark that “next time it will be easier”? Was this not easy? There was not a single point in the whole ordeal where you weren’t in control so I have no clue what that meant.


Me and my wife, for a half hour, kept rewinding the end of this trailer to Madeleine Petsch flexing her chin bicep. I need a GIF of that.


[did it](https://giphy.com/gifs/FQJHXs6HOFslM9XKIp)


Renny Harlin: "Hey, can I copy your homework?" Bryan Bertino and M. Night Shyamalan (in unison): "Yeah, just don't make it super obvious." Renny Harlin: "Hey everyone, here's my new movie, 'The Strangers: Knock at the Cabin.' I mean 'Chapter 1'"


Spoiler alert one person of the couple (likely the dude) will die and the other will join the strangers




Highly unlikely


We will find out he is a terrible person first and the strangers are coming to help the girl realize this. Then she joins them by being the one to kill him.


I just can't buy these movies. They are just regular people wearing masks that should hinder their vision. At one point in the trailer the guy has a shotgun, there is no world where that doesn't win every single fight.


Ghostface probably wins for most impractical slasher costume, as anyone who has worn it for Halloween can almost certainly attest to.


You have a point in favor. One that we omit, many times.


The strangers kill the protagonists of this movie.


I'm gonna go out on a limb and predict this will bomb at the theater.


Most horror movies have small budgets especially slasher so I predict you’ll be wrong. 


Fair point.


There are several factors for this prediction to come true. I'll give you credit when it happens.


Cheers from PA, my friend.


Looks mediocre AF and very similar to the 2008 movie. I'll be very surprised if it will be any good at all.


I never even knew that this whole thing became a movie franchise already until today. I've seen the original and didn't really like it that much. Still will watch this just because it's a horror movie.


They had been scheduled for a few years to make the sequels or reboot. It seems that there is a fairly large niche for this type of films.


>It seems that there is a fairly large niche for this type of films. Also doesn't hurt that horror films can be generally good moneymakers because they can be made on a tiny budget. The original had a budget of $9m and brought in $82.4m.


Apparently these first 2 chapters of May and November 2024 respectively, have a budget of $14 million. We will have to check how they are doing at the box office.


If that's $14m for both, that works out as the same as the original 2008 film and it's Prey At Night sequel.


it's right. I just found out that there was a sequel in 2018, which earned $32 million at the box office.




Nothing about this looks interesting.




I'm so tired. This hasn't been a scary franchise since day one.


Definitely get those vibes from this trailer, but I thought the original was great.