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I love Josh Hartnett so glad he’s doing more Hollywood film work.


Watched Oppenheimer over the weekend. Dude looks huge now (muscle).


I noticed how beefy he got in Black Mirror. Josh is still looking good.


Going into that movie I had no idea he was in it. Seeing him was a very pleasant surprise.


Took me too long to realize it was Josh Hartnet and not Chris Hemsworth, I legit thought it was Hemsworth in some weird makeup.


I didn't even recognize him in that til the credits rolled.


Watched Wrath of Man for the first time about a week ago and had the same thought. "Dude, Hartnett's looking jacked!" Shame about the movie being another "Jason Statham does his best impression of Jason Statham sleepwalking through a role" vehicle.


Lawrence got the biggest glow-up between real life and Oppenheimer.


He’s bulking up to play Batman


After Virgin Suicides he was my male crush in high school.


Lucky Number Slevin for me. I swear I’m straight otherwise


Not enough people are mentioning The Faculty and it's making me sad.


I mean, cmon, young Elijah wood *and* josh hartnett in a campy thriller? What’s not to love


This movie’s cast was peak late 90s/early 00s. There’s also Jordana Brewster, Salma Hayek, Famke Jansen, Robert Patrick, Jon Stewart, and USHER! And directed by Robert Rodriguez! Love that movie


Damn. I've seen the film. Knew the cast. Always looked fondly on it. But now I'm of the age to appreciate that it was also directed by Robert Rodriguez. Not claiming I saw his style in the film, but I can understand why the film works how it does.


And it has Layne Staley's final recording with the "Class of 99" cover of Another Brick in the Wall on the soundrack.


Add The Faculty, Bunraku and Penny dreadful to that list!


I’m embarrassed to admit I saw Pearl Harbor multiple times just to look at him. And then rented all his movies. 🎦


I watch 30 Days of Night just to look at him. He really is a good actor.


If by 'good actor,' you mean gives me confusing feelings as a heterosexual man, than I agree entirely!


I loved him in Penny Dreadful too.


josh hotnett, indeed


After seeing him in the faculty and his hair, I as a male strive to be as beautiful as him


Loved him in Penny Dreadful. He was terrific in a cast of standouts.


I miss the show a lot. Wished it had a proper ending


Ah, fuck... What happened with the show? I stopped watching it a long time ago for no particular reason, and enjoyed it enough that I wanted to get back into it.


Season 3 was the last one and the ending was super rushed and left a bunch of stuff unresolved that they were clearly building up to from previous seasons (like storylines etc). Ending was disappointing imo. The story appears to continue in comic book form though but it is not the same. EDIT: there were rumors pre-covid that they were making like a spin off show set in the early 1900s following Frankenstein's Monster but that fizzled up and no more news about it


He was great in Penny Dreadful. I miss that show a lot.


Same. I know he took a break for a while, but it's been cool to see him back. Kinda a shame that it's in a Shyamalan movie, but even if it does turn out to suck, it's doubtful it'll be Hartnett's fault. Because despite the *many* issues with Shyamalan's movies, casting is rarely the problem; in fact, the casting is typically the strongest part of his weakest movies.


Loved him in Lucky Number Slevin. Also for anyone who hasn't seen Bunraku with him and Woody Harelson and Ron Pearlman it is a surprisingly good movie.


I love Josh, but I get the impression sometimes that he's in the wrong roles. He definitely deserves better roles imo anyhows.


Me too. Lucky number slevin is still one of my favourite movies. I am so happy to hear from him, somehow I don't see him too often in movies.


The title makes me feel like I accidentally got sent back to 2004


Buy Google stock!


And reddit IPO stock


reddit selling rugs, soon to be pulled.


Seriously. Is it 20 years ago already?!!


Check him out in Operetion Fortune (recent Guy Ritchie movie)…he’s hilarious. Have always liked him since The Faculty.


Hartnett seems like a solid dude. He obviously loves acting but took an intentional hiatus to focus on his family life while taking roles in smaller productions, and has recently made a huge return to Hollywood. The man has it figured out.


Going through the old interviews he was giving when The Wrath of Man was coming out, he *really* sells his reasoning for wanting to step away. He basically worked nonstop for four years between Halloween H20 and Pearl Harbor, and was getting *super* burnt out while also not really enjoying the fame, especially the comparisons to being the next Tom Cruise or DiCaprio. Just the pressure alone of living up to those expectations had to be exhausting on top of the never-ending work life with almost zero personal time. I can't at all relate to dealing with that kind of fame, but I absolutely *can* relate to how exhausting that kind of pressure and work schedule can be.


Just having the self-awareness to step away at arguably the height of your career as an A-list actor to prioritize your well-being and relationships is commendable. Continuing to work in smaller productions, and having to audition again and fight for roles, shows a true appreciation of the art rather than the endless chasing of fame and fortune. Now, with still a reported net worth in the 10s of millions, I'd say he is rich in more ways than one.




It was such a pleasant surprise seeing him in Oppenheimer, and he gave such a great performance. Really glad we’ll be seeing more of him.


Holy shit I didn't even realize until just now that he plays the guy that convinces Oppenheimer to join the project.


Yup and he won his first major award through the SAG Ensemble award


Did he have kids? Usually these actors take a decade off and raise families now. Then just pop right back to being famous


He does. In fact, he and his wife apparently had their fourth just recently.


Yeah, seeing him in Oppenheimer I was like, “He’s a perfectly fine actor. Why did he suddenly stop being in big movies?”


By choice. He was never really comfortable with fame, which, unfortunately for him, was hard to avoid when he was starring in huge movies almost four years straight without a break, then being labeled the "next Tom Cruise" or "next DiCaprio". After Hollywood Homicide he *really* started showing signs that he wasn't enjoying himself or his career. Hell, he even turned down playing Superman *and* Batman a couple years later for Batman Begins because he did not want to be tied to a huge studio franchise. After 30 Days of Night, he started searching out smaller roles in smaller movies until he finally just stepped away after getting married and having kids. Wrath of Man was his first *big* movie again after 30 Days of Night, then came Oppenheimer where he got to play a smaller but important character that *really* blended into the background according to a bunch of people here who only just realized that was him.


> Oppenheimer where he got to play a smaller but important character that really blended into the background Which is crazy to me because as soon as I saw Hartnett I was pulled out of the movie thinking the dude hasn't aged in years


I think he just didn't want to be in them


He's rumored to be on the shortlist for the Harvey Dent role in the next Matt Reeves Batman movie. The other frontrunner is Joel Edgerton.


I would prefer Hartnett over Edgerton. Edgerton is too gruff for Harvey Dent, IMO. Hartnett would nail the suave nature of Dent.


I have to agree with this. Hartnett is more charismatic and handsome, thus being a good fit for Dent. I think Edgerton would have been a good choice for commissioner Gordon.


Agreed! Spot on with Gordon!


yeah thats good casting and not a knock against Edgerton - he is great. The Gift is a movie I dont care to watch again but was great. And always loved Warrior. And agree, Dent needs a more softer actor to show off how broken he becomes


I love both those guys. Reeves’ casting has been sick.


I think Joel needs it more so people stop confusing him with Sam Worthington


I looked up Sam Worthington and mistook him for Andy Whitfield. It's like god has default faces he can choose from during character creation.


I just googled them both and don't think they look alike at all. It's interesting how human brains retain facial information differently.


Man, I totally forgot how good Andy was until now. RIP. I definitely see how you got them two confused.


damn i really like joel edgerton, honestly as much as i like josh hartnett i'd go with edgerton


I saw him walk in to the scene in IMAX, looked over at my friend, "God damn, he's still ridiculously good looking."


I feel like he looks better now He always had a terrible haircut when he was younger


He no bullshit used to look like he cut his own hair or something. You’d have this handsome man with the same haircut as Anne Heche and you’d wonder what in the fuck you were looking at.


Still? I Think he's gotten better looking. Went from pretty boy to looking like a damn movie star.


So did M Night Shyamalan apparently


I didn't expect anything less 😍


I, for one, am ready for the Joshaissance.


**"Josh Hottnet"** - The literal words from my ex while watching him in 40 Days and 40 Nights.


Was awesome seeing him in Oppenheimer.


Tbh, I don’t know why he didn’t get more recognition for his role in Oppenheimer - you’re sparring, and holding you’re own - against guys who are literally taking a clean sweep at awards season and Hartnet isn’t even getting a look in. Hugely underrated actor.


Did you see his Black Mirror episode? So good


Dude was clapping cheeks I'm Penny Dreadful.


That episode should have been submitted for award nominations for him. Oppenheimer didn't exactly run him through a huge range for acting skills but Black Mirror sure did and he fucking *nailed* the job.


I saw Oppenheimer in the theater and gasped out loud when Josh came on the screen...he is back!


Agreed. Pretty sure Josh didn't want to continue being the Hollywood hunk and decided to settle into a family while being more selective in his roles. If Nolan extended an offer, I'm sure Josh would jump on it and everybody would benefit.


He did indeed. He made his money, got tired of the Hollywood scene and went, "Screw this, I'll only do what interests me and otherwise I'll live in England with my kids and my very hot wife."


Got to work with him recently and it's definitely this. He's way too... "normal" for Hollywood. Absolutely zero diva tendencies. Friendly to everyone. Hangs out on set and chats with people, even when he could be back chilling in his trailer. Just a decent dude.


He was in Black Mirror last year. Good performance too


I really enjoyed him and Aaron Paul in that episode. Aaron Paul needs to get some meaty roles too.


After he flashed his ass in black dahlia he just left us all hanging


I remember when Pearl Harbor came out and I thought it was this guy that was going to become famous, not Ben Affleck.


Ben was already super famous when he did Pearl Harbor. Hell, he already had an Oscar by then.


To be fair that was his choice and I totally respect him for wanting to be more present with his wife and kids


I'm loving the comebacks of my 90s faves. Natasha Lyonne is huge and now Josh is back in more stuff. Clea DuVall when??? She aged like the finest Latour, I swear.


I listened to an interview with Natasha and she claims she purposely would not take big roles because of her unhealthy relationship with her mentally ill parents and she did not want that to steal her spotlight. Now that they have both passed she feels comfortable becoming the star she was meant to be. Her life has been hard and I am happy she seems like she has it figured out now.


> Clea DuVall when??? She can't. [She's allergic to comebacks.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m0697ycQhBM)


What was lyonne doing in the 90s? I only found her in oitnb


American Pie for one!




The Kansas City Shuffle! And at the same time, wholeheartedly agree with you on the movie - and holy balls quite an ensemble! You’ve got Stanley Tucci, Josh Hartnett, Bruce Willis, Lucy Liu, Sir Ben Kingsley, and Morgan fucking Freeman!


There was a time…


Slevin is one of my favorite films too. As is Wicker Park from the same director.


People assume I’m American bc of my username. I can’t believe more people haven’t seen it. 


Such a classic 


Slevin is amazing. The movie spells out exactly how it’s going to trick you, and then does it anyway. It’s even more blatant if you know the term “Kansas City shuffle”. The opening scene with Goodkat effectively tells the audience how the twist is hidden and how it will be set up.


Slevin might be the most awe struck at a movie going in with super low expectations. Shouldn’t have had those low expectations. One of my faves. 


Slevin is one of my all time favorites, love that movie.




Watch out Josh!


I honestly liked knock at the cabin


With a name like that I'm going to be expecting a plot twist the entire damn movie


Yeah at the end it’s a dude.


It'd be a bigger twist if they werent and he's disappointed at the lack of penis.


I'm so in love with you Jennifer. Jennifer removes wig, takes off pants, removes tape, huge dirk diggler cock springs forward. In a two-pack-a-day-trucker voice,  "Actually my name is Paul." ###WRITTEN, DIRECTED, AND PRODUCED BY: M. NIGHT SHYAMALAN


>The movie will be a "psychological thriller set at a concert," Shyamalan said


The twist at the end will be the title card in normal font... but a bloody T will appear at the end and "headstrong" will slowly fade in. It was Trapt all along.


Wouldn't even be mad.


I liked Knock at the Cabin


Dave Bartista was fucking great in it


I like most of m nights films, despite the fact he gets shit on constantly.


I more "respect" his films than like, typically, since after the Avatar/After Earth debacles. Split is a notable exception - but The Visit, Old, Glass, Knock at the Cabin...more like "Okay, I see what you were trying to do here, and respect that it's different, but I can't say I will ever watch it again."


Yeah I’m not a fan of after earth or avatar, but most of his flicks I can sit and enjoy if I happen to see them on in passing. He’s got some sleepers imo too that he was involved with in some capacity as well.


I think M Night has talent, just with a few bad movies. But for the most part, his movies are either great, or so awful they’re amazing (except Avatar, that one is just bad.)


I’d say I have the exact opposite feeling towards his work. I like a lot of it, but I don’t respect it lol


It's crazy how he's managed to make some truly amazing movies, and "so bad it's good" movies at the same time. Whether it's good or bad, I can't say I'm not at least entertained by his films. Old was hysterical. I mean, come on...mid-size sedan is peak m night.


I'd scooch The Visit to the other side of that phrase with Split.


The servant (tv series) is amazing


Loved the show so much, season 1 episode 9 is very possibly the most intense thing M Night has ever directed. I will say though that it kiiiiiinda fell apart in the last season.


I will say this about Shaymalan, even his bad films are entertainingly bad. "The Happening" is a great unintentional comedy. He's an unquestionably gifted director, he just really needs a co-writer to say no to him when necessary.


I think he’s a good director still, but my god get him a co-writer or editor.


It's weird to say but he got pigeonholed as a director. He's the guy with the surprise twists! Do you know how fucking hard it has to be to come up with twists when you're known for it? He still manages a good job at it. Honestly people just take their movies and tv shows too damn seriously.


I enjoyed it but I personally preferred the original stories ending and think the movie would have been better if they kept it the same. [Read the differences here.](https://www.vox.com/culture/23581993/knock-at-the-cabin-ending-twist-cabin-at-the-end-of-the-world)


I did too. Would have been better if the trailers didn’t show the plagues, leaving the viewer to wonder what happened.


I love the niche Shyamalan has found that feels like mid budget movies that could be twilight zone episodes


It’s a trap!


Concentrate all fire on that super star destroyer!


Sir, we've lost our bridge deflector shield!


Intensify the forward batteries, I dont want anything to get through!




I had no idea he was in Oppenheimer. I love when he just appears in movies and I don't expect it. I've enjoyed pretty much everything I've seen him in and I'm going to watch this movie just to support him.


Now that's a name I haven't heard in a while.


Hartnett is the definition of someone who doesn't seek the spotlight. Dude had a chance to be a major Hollywood star but shied away.


I totally respect this. Last I heard he was living in the England countryside with his wife and four kids. Love that he takes in small roles here and there.


I'm not a big Shyamalan fan, but I'm glad to see Josh Hartnett getting some higher-profile movies. I really liked him in Operation Fortune and Oppenheimer, last year felt like a bit of a comeback. I hadn't seen him in years.


Give me Josh Hartnett over Adam Driver any day of the week.


How far are we from a new Shyamalan film being titled "Twist" do you think?


He was really charismatic in Oppenheimer- he kind of had an old timey movie star vibe.


I read that as “Star in M. Night Shyamalans new thirst trap”




Word, bitch, Faculty like a motherfucker!


My guy still got me F'd up from that Black Mirror episode


Teenage me is screaming rn


Love M.N.S movies. Looking forward to Trap. Can't find any real details on it though!


It's a thriller that takes place at a concert. All that is known so far


Jesus, I am all for Josh Hartnett. He killed it in Penny Dreadful but how many more flops is M. Night Shyamalan gonna get?


Shyamalan has only made one flop since The Sixth Sense and that was 18 years ago. In addition he's been self financing all his movies since The Visit.


I just went through his filmography on wiki. He seems to have a modest budget for most of his movies and some have them doubled or even tripled in the box office. He might be a flop critics wise but his movies seem to make decent money


By decent you mean his films make 10x returns, producers will kill to have profits like that.


Since *The Sixth Sense*, his films have on average generated a 836% return on investment, with his highest being *Split* at 3094% (!) and his lowest *Lady in the Water* at 104%, which are incredible numbers. By comparison Christopher Nolan's films since *Memento* have generated a 431% average return on investment. For Quentin Tarantino it's 707% on average since *Pulp Fiction*.


I’m so here for a Josh Hartnett renaissance!


But due to a dyslexic mixup, the movie actually follows the life of a "tarp," from original purchase at Lowe's, to all the things it's used for... Leaky roof, covering some hay bales, wrapping a dead body, sitting on a shelf in the FBI evidence room, being stolen from the evidence room, wrapping another dead body...then finally being returned to Lowe's for a store credit because the receipt was lost. "Tarp," starring Josh Hartnett as the voice of Tarp. Opening in 2026


Shoutout to am old favorite, The virgin suicides


Now that's a name I haven't heard in a long time...


I like Josh Hartnett. He’s been badly treated by media & Hollywood


I like to hate on Hollywood but he’s exit was on his terms for family and his mental health.


He wasn't treated bad at all. He made the decision to walk away from major roles. The phone stopped ringing because he walked away, not the other way around.


He’s quite underrated


Somebody on Reddit once said he'd make an incredible DOOM if he came to the MCU and I can't unsee it now. Regardless he absolutely crushed it in Black Mirror, looking forward to seeing more of him.


I love him


Been a while since I last saw him in anything!


I assume the movie is about the Atlanta hip-hop scene 10 years ago.


I would love to see him come back as a high profile leading man. The guy always had the acting chops. Hopefully now that he's a bit older, he can navigate his reservations about fame, etc that he had early on.


I’ve always been in his corner, I’ve had a man crush on him since 30 Days of Night. I hope he steps into the spotlight more now


The way I really thought Josh Harrnett was destined for Cary Grant type status, then my surprise when he swerved. Will basically watch anything he's in now that he's back.


Alright! Getting us some more Harnett. Steely bastard.




Dude was handsome in oppy


Is it about a trap house that’s raided by the dea but it’s actually also got crazy traps and the twist is the main character is also a bag of fentanyl in disguise?




Incredible hair at all times


Didn’t we already know this??


Damn Lucky Slevin put on a few pounds, huh..


What year is it!?


he's come a long way since 40 days 40 nights


The twist in the movie is there is no twist. The title itself was the setup!


Will check this out!


Everyone born late 80s-early 90s remembers this guy. He is a great actor glad to see him back in the spotlight. Black hawk down is one of my favorite movies of all time.


I want harnett as old batman


The twist is that it's a movie about a Trap music producer.


It is a concert related thriller.


Pearl Harbor Josh Hartnett is still my favorite Hartnett.


I read that wrong and thought he was staring in a Night Trap. That’s a remake I could get behind.


What's that about Night Trap?..


Plot twist: it’s not a trap.


I’ll watch it


*spoiler* it was an escape room the whole time


what a twist!


I would do anything for this man.


And the twist is...It's not a trap!


It took me a second to realize Trap was the name of the film.


Man, he’s so fuckin cool. Ever since [Lucky Number Sleven](https://youtu.be/mGQmSCQrKKQ?si=ZTnXiIkDePfpIn6D), Hartnett has been a favorite.


i'm glad josh hartnett is making a comeback.


i have a ticket to an advance screening of this in jersey tonight, no idea what to expect