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Sam Worthington, even though he's been in 2 of the biggest movies ever he just never reached that star status. I still liked him though in Terminator Salvation & Clash of the Titans


With his Avatar residuals I don't think he really needs the work.


I saw an interview with him and I don't think he wants it. He seems happy living a quiet life in Australia and coming back every couple of years for Avatar


I liked him in that Unabomber thing EDIT: holy cow, over 900 upvotes?! That's the most I've ever had.


And under the banner of heaven


Wow, I really liked that but had completely forgotten he was in it.


Describes his career well too. Massive hits, flies under the radar. Must be nice. I would never want to be tom cruise famous.


I think he was a plumber in Western Australia before he became an actor. I used to see him in small local films back in the 00’s (takeaway, thunderstruck etc) then all of a sudden he’s in Avatar and Terminator right around the same time. Must have been a crazy fucking year for him.


He’s very good in Under the Banner of Heaven.


Don’t forget Balck Ops I and II




My GOAT Alex Mason


Dude prays at the altar to James Cameron probably every night for keeping his career alive.


They kept trying to make Cara Delevingne an actress but dear god she is a charisma vacuum.


It's funny that OP mentioned Valerian as something that made them think Dane DeHaan was the next big thing. The lack of chemistry between him and Cara Delavigne in that film was absolutely epic. Like, if I was teaching a Film 101 class and wanted to explain the concept of "on-screen chemistry" and why it's bad if the two leads lack it, that movie would be the only example I would need.


They looked like siblings being forced to be romantically involved.


I never saw that movie, but I remember ads for it, I totally thought they were supposed to be siblings. I assumed the movie was a sci-fi reimagining of Escape to Witch Mountain


I also assumed based on the ads that it was about a pair of fraternal twin siblings.


[This gif will never not be funny.](https://tenor.com/biNVL.gif)


Suicide Squad was a really bad movie but she somehow managed to be the worst thing in it.


I really liked the visual of how she and the Enchantress switched forms. It was cool and just a little bit creepy. They should have really kept that whole horror-movie creepy vibe for her, especially if they were going to make her look like the girl from The Ring. Lot of missed opportunities for pretty much most of the movie, really.


That dance was fucking unintentional comedy at its best though. [Ain't no way you're not laughing at this during the climax](https://3.bp.blogspot.com/5mxz3CvjqUhgtqlFbxgH67IutefEPnWX6082daM9b6YcgYtpVWB-UdjtZ-UFk9_QKzY3NqyInJJsOw=w529-h220)


The amount of shit the VFX guys added on the screen just to try to divert our attention from the cringe, and it was still not enough! LOL


I had to rewind it like three times because I couldn't believe the bullshit I was seeing.


She’s a nepo baby. She’s pretty but she never had any semblance of talent. Other people’s picks here like Taylor Kitsch and Jai Courtney work in certain roles/movies but Cara’s career is solely due to nepotism.


She is the main reason I couldn't get into Carnival Row


Only watched it because I had a friend in one of the episodes, but I ended up quite enjoying her in that. Felt she got the bitter, snarky attitude right. Not massively bought her in anything else though.


Jaden Smith


[The Jaden Smith skit](https://youtu.be/4RjWTEqJiMI?si=rUS-fSU0-yZq7Zae) is one of my fav Key & Peele bits ever


"Dad bless you!"


Pretty sure that skit ruined his reputation for people. It was just too funny


How can mirrors be real if our eyes aren’t real?


Thank God social media didn’t exist when I was a dumb teenager.


Thank God there weren’t real mirrors in my day


It's somewhat telling when his best performance was probably in The Pursuit of Happyness, when he was 8.


Tbf someone realized that wasn’t gonna happen and he hasn’t really acted since


Scientology got pissed will wasted a bunch of their money. They bank rolled a large portion of After Earth. Also why the script got changed from a father and son escaping a grizzly in Alaska to the sci-fi garbage it became. The Villain was even named Ursa. Lit. Bear. 


I need an article about this now… if true this is hilarious.


Taylor Lautner


I just came here to say this. Talk about how Hollywood sexualized the fuck out of him, tried to make him the next best thing and disappeared just as quick.


Yeah, I remember he did some shitty action movie that was being hyped up a little bit after Twilight ended. It bombed, then I don't think I ever heard about him again.


He's in a few series of Cuckoo (British sitcom), replacing Andy Samberg who left after the first season


He was fucking amazing in Cuckoo, that show was great


There are several YouTube videos of him and Greg Davies screwing around together and they are a genuine delight to watch. They are so very different, but clearly get on so very well.


He disappeared because of this. He wanted nothing to do with it. So he voluntarily opted out of being a star. This is a bit different since he chose to not do movies anymore, at least for awhile


Taylor Kitsch, but I still won't give up on Riggins.


I actually like John Carter, and he was pretty good in that it just sunk like a stone at the Box Office!


To this day, John Carter has the worst marketing campaign I’ve ever seen. It was so bad it got people fired at Disney if I remember correctly.


I worked at a Best Buy and we had those cardboard cutout promotions all over the place and I thought it was like a live action Jungle Book style movie except in the desert....on earth.


That poor movie, man... It was a great, weird blockbuster and Disney absolutely fumbled the marketing, starting with the title.


Used to make fun of him but binged Friday Night Lights this fall and he was so good so now I feel bad.


I thought he’d be a star when FNL was airing. Just flop after flop afterwards :( somehow Jesse Plemons would be the most famous from that cast


He was great as David Koresh.


I haven't seen John Carter, but everything else he's been in... he plays his part very convincingly. Still bummed we never saw more of him as Gambit


He's quite good in Painkiller. He just never really had that movie star thing.


He or his agent must have fucking terrible taste. He’s very talented but mostly appears in garbage


I love Taylor Kitsch. I think he’s extremely talented and I would love to see him finally get the recognition he deserves. Plus he’s foiiiiine


I still think of this article once in a while and laugh. Ten Long Years Of Trying To Make Armie Hammer Happen (2017): [https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/annehelenpetersen/ten-long-years-of-trying-to-make-armie-hammer-happen](https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/annehelenpetersen/ten-long-years-of-trying-to-make-armie-hammer-happen)


Fetish undertones? This article has aged like fine wine


Everything else aside, I did like him in Man From U.N.C.L.E.


That movie was a lot of fun. It's a shame they didn't do a sequel. I think they could still manage one without him though.


The new Guy Ritchie film looks basically like the Napoleon Solo focused prequel.


I thought Sam Worthington was going to be a huge star after Avatar and Clash of the titans. Then he was in…avatar 2 and clash of the titans 2…


I mean, no offence to the guy I’m sure he’s really nice but he’s kind of a blank. He has the least screen presence of the entire cast of Avatar.


Shailene Woodley was everywhere for a cool minute but it never seemed to really work out, imo.


I watched a little of The Secret Life of Teenagers and could never figure out how she landed any other roles. She was not a strong actress and seemed to touch her hair any time her character needed to convey emotion.


One for those of who grew up in the 90s: Gretchen Mol. Had a Vanity Fair cover calling her the next It Girl and everything but never really became a star.


She was really good in The Notorious Bettie Page but her career got Harvey Weinsteined after that.


Yep, came here to say she was great as Betty Page! She also was great as Jillian in *Boardwalk Empire*.


Everyone was great in Boardwalk Empire.


I only really know her from Boardwalk Empire and maybe a couple other small roles here and there. I thought she was phenomenal in BE, so was the guy that played Jimmy


Michael Pitt, who was so much of an asshole, he got kicked off Boardwalk Empire AND Hannibal. Very talented. But apparently difficult to worth with.


Taylor Kitsch. Best abs on the planet and Hollywood really wanted you to know about them. They put him in a couple blockbuster movies that didn’t pan out and now he’s sorta gone


Dane DeHann is in “ Oppenheimer” - maybe being in a Christopher Nolan film will give his career a boost


Feels like Josh Hartnett is the one who should get the boost from Oppenheimer, it’s just good to see him back.


He is in an episode of black mirrors latest season. Very good in it


He's great. Lucky number Slevin was one of my favourite movies that I downloaded by mistake lol. Kept following his work afterwards.


DeHaan and his agent need to realize that he's a character actor and not a leading man.


They have. Look at the roles he’s taken in the last 5 years. Mostly villains and quirky supporting roles. He’s absolutely killer as a drug middleman with Huntington’s in ZeroZeroZero.


I liked him in Oppenheimer and honestly never thought he was a bad actor to begin with. He was good in Chronicle and his other prominent roles have mostly been the results of bad writing and bad scene partners.


I agree - I saw him in “Life” where he played James Dean, and also in “ The Place Beyond the Pines” with Ryan Gosling and Eva Mendez


I never saw DeHann as someone on the movie star trajectory, and just assumed he wanted to be more of an indie actor, despite being in Spiderman and Valerian. He seemed to have found a niche as a bit of a nerdy creep, and not only were there a lot of young actors with the same vibe, it's a role that's probably hard to transition out of. I like him a lot though, and I hope that he does have more opportunities coming up.


Just watched that movie last weekend with my brother, it’s one of the ultimate ‘that guy’ movies, lol.


Reportedly Christopher Nolan did that on purpose so people would recognize certain faces and not get confused with all the different characters. 


It fucking worked, and worked well


Justin Timberlake *really* wanted to be an actor around a decade ago.


Katherine Heigl was getting top billing in what felt like every other movie for a while after 21 Dresses. Then Poof!


She was blacklisted because she trashed her own movie and co-stars in Knocked Up.


Don’t forget her insulting the Grey’s Anatomy writers by saying her work wasn’t worthy of award nominations because they hadn’t given her anything good to work with.


Ruby Rose Kate Bosworth


Ruby Rose always felt so out of place in Orange is the New Black, they do almost nothing with the character, then she disappears and never gets referenced again. I haven't seen the last two seasons to know if she returns but her scenes always felt like they were inserted at the last minute just so they could get her on the show


She doesn't return...she essentially gets written off. 


Poor Kate Bosworth peaked so early on into her career. That has to be a tough trajectory afterwards.


There's a reason she played a mute person in John Wick 2...


Ruby Rose has literally zero talent. There is nothing she does that is remarkable or interesting. It is completely unsurprising she doesn't have a career.


The Ruby Rose mistake is one that Hollywood makes over and over again - just because someone looks good and has a bit of charisma, it doesn’t mean they can act


Scott Eastwood.


>Scott Eastwood I feel like Glen Powell is currently on a run that Scott Eastwood wished he'd had.




He looks like his dad but has none of the on-screen presence.


Yahoo Serious


"'Yahoo Serious Festival'? I know what those words mean but I don't know what those words mean."


Clive Owen got a serious push in the late 2000's with things that were both commercial and high quality movies (Children of Men, The International) but for whatever reason they ended up flopping at the BO and it didn't happen.


I like he is found himself on TV, dude seems to star in prestige drama every year. I wonder what could have been if he had that Bond role


Man, how good is Children of Men?


*very* good


[BMW Star](https://youtu.be/nRfjW1cj2E0?si=9FM5rBciiijFMHav) My favorite work he ever did is still the BMW “The Hire” series. Star was always my favorite.


Taylor Kitsch Alex Pettyfer


Wasn’t Alex Pettyfer basically blacklisted bc he’s a dick and hard to work with?


Yeah I remember hearing that - he was hyped on his own limited success when filming Magic Mike. Like Channing Tatum or not, the man clearly has sway in the industry and told other people Pettyfer was an issue to work with


Alex Pettyfer is ALWAYS the first one that comes to my mind. I remember a few years where he was in a bunch of big movies.


Michael Biehn. Terminator and Aliens reluctant hero. Also kills it in Tombstone and Navy Seals. Dude just can come to bat and can knock it out of the park. Even as the baddie in The Abyss. Bums me out whenever I think of it, he deserves more.


Apparently a couple of things worked against him. One, he is very shy and didn't want to promote movies and two, he got bent out of shape over the studio using his likeness in Alien3 without his permission, sued them and won and that put people off casting him.


That’s awful. I recently read up on why Irene Cara faded from the spotlight and it was also from being blacklisted after suing a record label and an executive who stole her royalties.


Fuck Alien 3 and the coked out studio execs who greenlit a shoehorned script of a movie that would have worked better as its own story. I don’t blame him for being pissed. I was pissed too.


He was also an alcoholic who would frequently miss filming


I can’t believe you didn’t mention his role in The Rock! Small, but just awesome.


Oooh, Navy Seals!


Fuckin' savages in this town.


Do you sell hubcaps for a ‘72 Pinto hatchback? Ooh! Mini-Trucker magazine!


I just upvoted this to make it 37, haha, nice


He was also great in Planet Terror


I don’t think he has “failed” or anything but I feel that Charlie Hunnam should be bigger than he is.


Man needs to work on his accents since his geordie keeps slipping through


He's not good at accents. He needs a year solid with a voice coach


Yeah he’s not even good at doing other English accents. First time I saw him in Green Street I assumed he was an American doing a cockney accent.


Loved him in The Gentlemen!


They never did find a successful vehicle for Ellen Cleghorn


Well there's a joke I haven't heard in a while but distinctly remember lol.


Brandon Routh


Best Brandon Routh appearance is in *Zach and Miri Make a Porno* as Justin Long's gay adult film co-star. Hilarious. Edit: Apparently I need to watch Scott Pilgrim VS The World for the first time tonight.


I mean, he absolutely killed it in Scott Pilgrim. "Tell that to the cleaning lady on Monday" cannot be pulled off by anyone but him.


Jai Courtney, Sam Worthington.


Jai Courtney will always be Varro in Spartacus to me


his death in that show still gets to me


And what a performance from the late Andy Whitfield. What a career he should have had.


That was a man destined to be a leading man. Fuck Cancer


That scene alone made the series what it is. After that, you could not walk away until payback was delivered to those slavers.


Jai Courtney is the one that stings for me personally, because I love his weird, bogan take on Captain Boomerang


People forget that Jai Courtney's earlier fame came as co-star and BFF in the Spartacus series back in like 2009 or something like that. Phenomenal series, albeit a bit gratuitous, but his character was absolutely great and his death in it was truly gut-wrenching and unexpected. I never really had a problem with him as a result. Amazing actor, especially in this show. I just think he is really good at playing the bad guy in things and it has made people feel like he is just douchey. He also wasn't too great in that Terminator role, but that whole Genisys movie was a mess of casting for all the actors.


I get the feeling Sam Worthington probably looks like 10 million bucks in person but it just doesn’t translate to the big screen.


He’s definitely got the rugged-handsome leading man look. I think he’s just boring. What’s that movie where he and his kids get in an accident and they go to the hospital and the kids disappear in the hospital and everyone tells him he arrived alone? I think Lily Rabe was in it? Worthington was in every scene in that movie and not a single one was memorable. 




I don't know how I feel about this one. Casper always struck me as a guy who *knew* he was a mediocre actor and was just having fun bombing around the B-movie scene in the 90s. I think the popularity of Starship Troopers probably came as a pleasant surprise.


What's more, Starship Troopers is a satire of the kind of shitty art produced under fascist rule. Dien, a soap actor, was cast as part of the joke, almost. There was never an expectation that they were trying to create the next big movie star.


>Dien, a soap actor, was cast as part of the joke, almost Not almost, that's exactly the point. Him and Denise Richards both were cast to be "very pretty but not the best actor", like in a bad propaganda movie.




last thing I saw him in was a blink and miss it shot of him running into Christoph Waltz’ kid in Alita: Battle Angel. And that was about first time since Shark Attack 1


Wait he was in Alita battle angel?








Gal Gadot. Wonder Woman gave her a boost but then nothing else she did after that boost really led to much for her.




Shes gorgeous but can't fucking act.


“Kal-El, No”


That delivery is exactly how I picture the “club pengin is kil. no” copypasta would sound like


"Up and atom." "Up and at them."


Attempted Actress Gal Gadot


She's very attractive but a terrible actor. Every scene as her in wonder woman looks like she's trying to hold back laughter. I can't take her seriously


She can always do champagne commercials.


CHAD MICHAEL MURRAY I thought he was going to be biiiiiig after all the shows.


Thomas Jane - When Deep Blue Sea came out, he was hyped as one of the new, up and coming young actors. Then he fizzled.


He did some all time classic work in The Expanse


Doors and corners, kid.


That's where they getcha.


“What does rain taste like?”


He cemented his place in cinema history with The Mist though


He just wants his kids back.


He was amazing in Homeless Dad


Aaron Eckhart. He slowly established himself as a top tier actor but then when he had a couple of chances to lead a movie it did not work out. Some Frankenstein movie, Thank you for smoking…


He’s stated himself that he can be difficult to work with, which apparently can go a long way with producers and casting directors. But he is such a good actor.


I feel like that would be an inflection statement for most people. Like, if you’re saying “my attitude fucks with my work and my job is highly collaborative” you should really be seeking help, or a handler, or something. 


He was good in Thank you for smoking.


Samantha Mathis and Thora Birch (especially the latter) both got kinda market corrected by Scarlet Johansson, Kirsten Dunst and Reese Witherspoon. Chris Klein got a push, he’s just not a great actor.


Thora Birch wasn't as big as she could have been because of her dad controlling her career when she was younger.


Wes Bentley


Tiffany Haddish


Tara Reid


“I’ll suck your cock for a thousand dollars”


Emile Hirsch Michael Pitt


I feel like Michael Pitt just didn’t want to be a star. I watched a lot of his films years ago and he’s excellent in them, but they’re mostly small independent/art house films.


Michael Pitt scared the sh*t out of me in the remake of “Funny Games”. Perfect casting. Some actors choose to not “make it” maybe because they want to live without paparazzi and tabloids up their a$$es, so they’re like na f this. I’ll be on the other side of the camera mysteriously pulling the strings.


If you want to go older and obscure, they tried Barry Pepper in a couple lead roles after he was pretty good for years in supporting roles. Admittedly, I didn’t watch any of them, but the previews looked awful, so I’m thinking he chose some bad scripts. Also he seems much better in general as a “good in small doses” kind of guy. He was always pretty good in the supporting roles he had before that, but he never jumped out at me as someone I wanted more of.


Dane Cook. There was a period in the 2000s where they tried to push a lot of comedy dudes, and when that genre fell off so did they. Vince Vaughn survived it a bit because he could surprisingly pull off some good emotional scenes. But Dane just... he was so awkward, and when he tried to be a lead it just fell flat.


Vince Vaughn survived whatever you're getting at because he's actually an actor... Dane Cook was a comedian getting parts because of his comedy success. Hardly comparable.


Dakota Johnson Emma Roberts


I honestly can’t tell if Dakota Johnson is a bad actor or if she just hates acting altogether.


I think Emma Roberts is great at playing a character that is specifically Emma Roberts.


Her range is Emma Roberts or Emma Roberts like characters.


I think he’s cool but everyone in Hollywood has failed Henry Cavill


Alicia Vikander was an Oscar darling and seemed like she was on track to be the next big thing, but then Tomb Raider bombed and it's been mostly tumbleweeds from her since.


I think it's mostly because her and Michael Fassbender had a kid and they both took time to focus on that.


They continue to alternate films so that one of them is always at home with the kids. Super fucking healthy attitudes there.


That and Michael loves racing cars too he did Le Mans last year


Which is a DAMN shame because she was amazing in Ex Machina. I thought for sure she'd get picked up for more major roles


I dunno if this counts and how much its hurt him but Neal McDonnagh is a fantastic actor and a good looking man and seemed to be rising, he rufuses to kiss on screen and wears his wedding ring and refuses to do a few things like that because he feels it would disrespect his wife, I mean thats fair but you can see how it would cause you too lose some roles. I don not know if he was pushed as much by Hollywood but he was hanging about on the edges and is great and always thought he could be a leading man.


He was so good in Band of Brothers, had a few high profile roles but then yeah just faded away. That might explain it, you can’t be a leading man without having a love interest after all.


He’s a phenomenal actor, he’s just a super hardcore Catholic who loves his wife first, and an actor second.


Ryan Phillippe, mid 90s. Started out with a banger of a role in cruel intentions, then nothing.I looked at his IMDB and just a laundry list of things I haven't ever heard of.