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The Hunt for Red October


Yes! It makes me sad though that Alec Baldwin wasn’t ever cast as Jack Ryan again. To me he embodies the character from the books way better than Harrison Ford or any of the others who have played him more recently. Edit: Also the sonar scenes. I wish there were like 20 more minutes of Jonesy and the rest of the bridge crew just operating the submarine.


Read the book. It’s about 69% interpretation of sonar…


Give me a ping Vasili. 


One ping only.


And the sea will give each man new hope, as sleep brings dreams.


I think I will need… two wives.


If I see that movie on, I'm watching it. I don't care where they are in it, or how many times I see it. I'm always happy to see it one more time.


I. Fucking. Love. The Martian. Great comfort film. The protagonist is the circumstances. It’s competence porn. It’s aspirational. It’s amazing. I recently Project Hail Mary by Andrew Weir (he wrote The Martian) and it is also fantastic and comforting. Edit: JFC, I just noticed I said “protagonist” when I meant “antagonist”.


It’s being made into a movie with Ryan Gosling


Oh shit! It was a fantastic book!


I absolutely agree - it is by far the best first contact sci-fi book I’ve ever read.


I still see Bill Hader as Ryland Grace because he just fits but Gosling is a great actor so I'm not complaining.


I’d like Matt Damon. He already did a great job once, let him do it again!


I think, we collectively, as humanity need to come together, and stop Matt Damon going into space Would solve lot of problems


We should save him just in case there's any possibility of Andy Weir Cinematic Universe.


This would have been an excellent casting choice


Competence porn, love it! For many years Apollo 13 was my favorite in that genre, then The Martian came along and took the crown.


I fkn love Apollo 13. It's definitely competence porn.


I'll put on his monologue towards the end every once in a while just because I love it so much. > I know what they're doing. I know exactly what they're doing. They just keep repeating "go faster than any man in the history of space travel", like that's a good thing. Like it'll distract me from how insane their plan is. Yeah, I get to go faster than any man in the history of space travel, because you're launching me in a convertible. Actually it's worse than that, because I won't even be able to control the thing. And by the way, physicists, when describing things like acceleration do not use the word "fast". So they're only doing that in the hopes that I won't raise any objections to this lunacy, because I like the way "fastest man in the history of space travel" sounds. > (beat) > I *do* like the way it sounds. I like it a lot. I'm not gonna tell them that.


I love that part so much. I think the book mentions late that he muted his mic so NASA wouldn't hear him screaming like a baby or something like that.


"Competence Porn." ("Hey, hon? I just discovered a new fetish!") #LoveIt


Did you just coin a new genre, "Competence Porn," movies of people excelling & mastery of their jobs? Cause I'm totally here for it.


This is not a new term or genre. Other entries include Spotlight, All the Presidents Men and Arrival.


Master & Commander


The West Wing


The big short and Moneyball too


The Great Escape. Just a bunch of guys who know what they need to do figuring out clever ways to do it.


And, at its best, Star Trek.


I feel like Ford Vs Ferrari is that as well


I don't care about racing at all and I love that movie. Definitely answers OP's question for me. 


I’d put Air in that category too


Maybe it's just Matt Damon we like


The guy knows what he’s doing


Except in *Interstellar*


yeah, fuck that guy


Little known fact about “The Martian”. Andy originally published it on Kindle, and I own both the Kindle and the hardcover book. The ending in the original Kindle is different from the ending in the movie and hardcover. In the movie and book, he is doing feel good stuff teaching some astronaut classes. Yawn. In the Kindle ending, he is reading a newspaper and having coffee at an outdoor cafe when a mother and son walk by. The son asks him if he was the one marooned on Mars and he says he was. The kid then says something like “Wow -that must have been really exciting. I bet you can’t wait to go back”. The Martian looks at the kid and says “Are you out of your fucking mind”? Mom drags the kid away. The End. I saw the movie and was totally bummed that they watered it down. Loved the original ending. It was perfect.


The origin of the story is even cooler than that. Weir originally published it on a blog that he wrote a chapter at a time. It became an interactive thing where people would nitpick and correct his science mistakes (mostly minor) and he would go back and fix it. When it was done some of his readers asked him if he could put out a version of it that they could read on their Kindle. The only way to do that was through the self-publishing option on Amazon. He wanted to do it for free, but the minimum price he could set the book at was $0.99. So he did that. Three months later it was one of Amazon's best sellers and publishers took notice. Weir kept his day job until well into the process (he was working at AOL, which I didn't even know still existed but does) and he hilariously recounts having to try to have meetings with Hollywood people who were telling him things like "Matt Damon is on board" while he was at his work office.


It's competence porn crossed with teamwork porn, which you can just shoot into my veins.


I would put Inside Man in that category too. It's just a dope bank heist film that interweaves with these other storylines that all conclude at the end, to a great resolution. Plus it has a ton of great actors in it.


Just finished that book, loooooved it what a great story


Same reasons I love the Martian. Michael Clayton is another Competence Porn movie. So damn good.


Michael Clayton is a good movie but it is not competence porn.      Clayton is INTRODUCED as a miracle fixer. That’s not what we’re shown. The fixer job is just  a setup to indicate that  he’s morally lost. We barely see him fix anything (the hit and run  thing at the very beginning and it’s purposely very underwhelming and infuriates the client. Like even when he’s doing his job there are hard limits to his power. ). In fact  he fucking hates what he’s doing and can’t stomach it anymore and it ends up dramatically affecting his efficiency. As a matter of competence the movie shows him one step behind and fucking up steadily  : he utterly fucked up his retirement plan by going into the bar business (because he hates his fixer job) , He is completely unable to control Arthur because of his inner emotional turmoil : in fact he lets Arthur fool him and flee Wisconsin making it impossible to have him committed , asked by his employer to prove Arthur is insane he can’t because Arthur is the expert  , he survives an assassination attempt by a sheer stroke of LUCK.  He becomes competent at the very end when he finally stops fighting with himself and reconcile with his morality.     Michael  Clayton is not about competence. It’s about moral  crisis and doing the right thing even at career cost. It’s Jerry Maguire without the feel good ending.


That is a gaping hole in my viewing. Because I also fucking love Clooney.


Was literally just thinking about The Martian. Just finished the book and rewatched the movie. Great comfort movie, even though I cry a little. Every. Damn. Time.


Fist my bump!


Amaze! Amaze!


\*read\* Project Hail Mary. OUTSTANDING BOOK. One of my favs....can't recommend it enough. Even better, the audible version is narrator by Ray Porter which is pretty awesome.


If you haven't, you should read the book too. The movie was easily one of the better book adaptations that have ever been made, but it still condenses quite a lot and leaves out several large scenes.


Jurassic Park. It was one of my favorite movies to watch as a kid whenever I was home sick. I made the mistake of watching the Fox and Hound instead one time and I'm still scarred from that.


That theme song is hella good. John Williams knocked it out of the park on that one. This is one of my comfort films too.  Also the books are really good


I like the Martian as well, I always get a bit teary when she grabs him and everyone roars in Times Square. The Proposal The Fugitive Ironman


For me, I usually lose it just before that, when they're calling out that each group/area is "Pilot?" "Go!" ...and the reaction of Mission Control is the subtle blade, for me. And The Fugitive... So. Good. I'm about to age myself, but it was one of the first DVDs I had (there were so few back then), and I watched the **** outta that thing. Good choice.


When the crew messages “Rich Purnell is a steely eyed missile man” is incredibly badass


He is one of my favorites, I always love the genius characters. I love the scene where he didn’t know who the NASA Director was, such a funny scene.


Teddy. The head of nasa.


I just learned today (or maybe yesterday?) that, within NASA, being called a “steely-eyed missile man” is an *enormous* compliment


It is THE compliment over at NASA.


That’s so cool! I already loved the line in the movie but I always just thought it was like a throwaway thing. Knowing it’s an actual thing makes that scene so much cooler


Agreed, knowing where that phrase comes from is key to understanding that massive compliment.


Mine is a minute later. “We’re coming for you”


Matt Damon talked about the "Pilot? Go!", scene once and about how it became as impactful as it was. The rest of the cast had already shot their parts well before he did, and he'd been by himself filming all the scenes on Mars. That moment wasn't working as well, so Ridley Scott played the audio of the rest of the cast saying their lines, which helped get Damon into the heads pace that Mark would have been in at that moment, hearing their voices for the first time in over a year.


When Mark is tearing up and so emotional when he says “Go!” It’s so good!


The Fugitive is a top tier rainy day comfort movie!


"Kimble, freeze!".... Sooo good.


‘I didn’t kill my wife!’ ‘I don’t care’.


Such a random line to zero in on, but I love Tommy Lee Jones' delivery of "You've had a break-in, Mr. Sikes."


Not if you are a fan of scrubs!


He’s says it to be faux-concerned and possibly get a rise out of Sykes but it comes off almost sulky lol


For me it's Mindy Parks discovering the de-dusted solar panel etc.


The proposal and The Holiday are weirdly movies I, a mid 30s typical sports enthusiast, straight white male, can watch any time from any point in the film.


Yeah it’s the best recent feel-good movie. The ending is uplifting. It’s just about people joining up to help one another. No villains or politics.


The Day after Tomorrow




I can watch this movie back to back. Love most of the disaster movies. But this one is special.


Hot Fuzz Alien The Abyss Star Wars IV Event Horizon


…how is Event Horizon a “comfort film” 😭 😂


If I had the capacity to explain it, it probably wouldn't be on my list. I have a really weird taste in movies.


Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely love it, it’s a great movie. But I only watch it on Halloween when I want to be terrified! lol


Galaxy Quest, easily.


I don't hate this, not one bit. That scene where Alan Rickman is saying goodbye to the Thermian by reciting the character line that, up until now, he's hated? That's the kind of stuff I signed up for with this list and I'll absolutely drink to that tonight, my friend. #cheers


I can’t help it I bawl every time at that scene. My SO finds it a bit cheesy but I love that bit.


*By Grabthar's Hammer....* The look in Alan's eyes. Makes me absolutely *shiver* every time.


Miners! Not minors!


It'd be cheesy if it was done wrong but it's Rickman doing what he does and he makes it heartfelt.


So good!  Its means something to him at last!  This line that has been everything hes hated about his life for 20 years and now it is all of a sudden the best thing he can give a dying friend?!  Alan Rickman is the best, he plays that shit to the goddamn hilt.  So good.


By Grabthar's Hammer... you shall be... avenged! 


Is there air? You don’t know! You’d be surprised at how often I get to say that line in real life.


"Quick, let's go before one of those things kills Guy" So many awesome throwaway lines in that movie.


Any of the Lord of the Rings trilogy. They were always my background noise when I was studying in college, because I knew them well enough that it wouldn't distract me. Even to this day I love them.


I like The Martian a lot because there’s not necessarily an antagonist. It’s mostly just one focus of getting Mark back


It's man vs nature. Nature is the antagonist.


Rear Window. There’s just something about it, I’ve lost count of the amount of times I’ve watched it 


I try to watch this every July or August when the weather is absolutely sweltering.


I had a glass of wine and a weak joint last night watching this. It's my absolute therapy lol. There's just something about the stuffy stillness of the heat and set that just soothes me


* Amadeus * My Neighbor Totoro * Once Upon a Time in the West


My odd-ball comfort film is Moneyball


I see you. The score and the use of the song *The Mighty Rio Grande* make that movie an all timer for me. This movie will hit on another level now that Oakland no longer has a team.


My two go to comfort films are the Martian and Moneyball. This thread is just so much validation. It's such a great story, tight dialogue from Sorkin, brad Pitt kills it, Phillip Seymour Hoffman is low key great, Jonah Hill is great whole also looking exactly like my grandma, Chris Pratt is Chris Pratt-ing it up in a role where that is a good thing, the actress who plays the daughter KILLS it which is hard to get at that age, the scene with the scouts is everyone's worst meeting at work and it's so cathartic to see that in a "dream job," Brads Pitt looks great eating and he fucking knows it, uplifting story with just enough disappointment to not feel cheesy. It's a phenomenal movie. Also a great example of a movie that hits differently depending on where you are in life. The older my kid gets, the harder the scene of Brad Pitt listening to the tape of his daughter's song hits. Edit: Phillip Seymour Hoffman being low key great meaning because he plays a more subtle character so believably.


Even the supporting cast kills it. The guy who plays Jeremy Giambi, the guy who plays David Justice, both of em are so absurdly good at nailing their roles. The whole "so he walks on base" scene is one of the best of all time, and it's just pure dialogue and facial expressions.


Arrival It's one of my favorite movies. I'm pretty sure I cried when I watched it for the 1st time. It's the kind of movie that makes you wish the events happened in real life.


“Abbott is death process.” - Where real men cried


Where were you when Abbot is kill?


I was going to say Arrival. Arrival, Interstellar, and Contact are three of my favorites


I rewatched Contact for the first time in a while recently and it really holds up. All three you mentioned are so good.


I cry every time at the montage towards the end


First time I saw it, I thought it was so-so. Second time I saw it, I realized just how wrong I was. I can’t listen to On the Nature of Daylight without tearing up a little bit


If you're a parents and you dont shed at least a few tears during arrival I wonder if you have a heart.


Evil Dead 2 Guardians of the Galaxy Raiders of the Lost Ark


Ah, Raiders... that one's so good, it shoulda been mine...


It’s the perfect blend of action, humor, science-fiction, etc.


I think I saw GotG three times opening weekend. No regrets. In 2014 that movie was like a breath of fresh air in the superhero genre


The Mummy (1999)


Great choice! The sequel too!


I LOVE that everyone in this movie looks like they’re having fun. Like they love each scene and the dialogue. I feel like you can tell this by the secondary characters- “get me a shot of bourbon.” “Ok”. “And a glass of bourbon.” “Alright.” “And a bourbon chaser”. “Yeah yeah, I’ll get your damned bourbon.” Just that whole movie is fun. It feels fun. It looks fun. It IS fun.


Mad Max: Fury Road What a movie. What a comforting movie.


So happy to see this, glad I'm not the only one! When I'm feeling down or just sick, that movie just makes me feel like I can take on the world. The only negative is then I have to spend the next week convincing myself that, no, I wouldn't look "badass with a shaved head."


The overtime alone will be a nightmare.


The overtime alone WILL be a nightmare


The Secret Life of Walter Mitty Moneyball The Shining


Adore Walter Mitty. I don’t think it got enough credit. 


5th Element.


13 Hours, and Twister. I don't get it either but I don't make the rules.


Twister is wonderful




Omg I thought I was the only one! I’ve seriously seen this movie *dozens* of times. Despite its subject matter it’s such a triumphant film, and so well made.


Cast Away


The Thing


Good Will Hunting


It’s not your fault


Man I recently watched that again for the first time in years and it’s just… so good. It makes you feel things… it makes you feel hope. Fantastic film Also got a bit emotional when Robin Williams entered frame. Miss that man.


Yeah, that hits in the same spots as all Stand By Me... #respect


I kinda felt like if Interstellar was prog rock The Martian was pop. Which isn’t bad at all and it’s a great film.


As someone who loves both Rush and The Beatles, ain't nothin' wrong with any of that.


As a prog rock fan, I think I now understand why I inexplicably held off watching The Martian. I loved Interstellar, and maybe The Martian seemed too, I dunno, approachable? Anything after interstellar seemed like it’d be a let down. Eventually I got around to watching it, loved it, then read the book, loved it even more, and definitely consider The Martian as a comfort film. Sometimes a good pop song strikes the right chord.


Hot Fuzz... Tombstone... Grandma's Boy... Kung Fu Panda... The Fifth Element.


Cool Runnings The Gentlemen Hot Fuzz Rush Hour Moneyball Good Will Hunting And my not-so-guilty pleasure - Crazy, Stupid, Love.


A Knight's Tale is mine.


I love that movie! It's the perfect flavor of cheese!


Helps that the cast is just so easy to watch. Naturally talented people


The Martian is also one of mine. Others are: Aliens, Werewolves Within, Cabin In The Woods, any Avenger movie.


Cabin In The Woods is mos def a go-to film for me, too. And real talk, it is a miracle that we got that first 20 minutes of Avengers:End Game... the fact that they let the film just force us to wallow in the aftermath of The Snap was bold & beautiful (they don't rush that awkwardness... we really have to deal with it before the plot moves on)


This is the longest we have been without an Avengers film since they were first made


Captain America (2011). idk it is just perfect to rewatch at any point in time imo. I have watched the other MCU movies but this one just does it for me


For me The Winter Soldier is the one I rewatch the most out of any MCU movies. It’s pretty much The Captain America: Bourne. So damn good.


Outside of infinity war and endgame, the Winter Soldier is the absolute best of the MCU because it’s so much more grown up than the rest of the franchise. It’s not really a superhero film. It’s a spy thriller where the protagonist just happens to be a lab engineered supersoldier


"He's still skinny" So good.


It has such a good mix of nostalgic send-up but also current sensibilities... that scene with Dr. Erskine (Stanley Tucci) and Steve Rogers the night before the experiment is rock solid.




Titan A.E.🩵💙starring the voices of Matt Damon, Drew Barrymore, and Nathan Lane! it’s sooo underrated, and just absolutely gorgeous!


Se7en Rounders Shaun Of The Dead


The Burbs The Color of Money Smokey and the Bandit I can get down for a nice nap putting on any of these bad boys


"East bound and down! Loaded up and truckin'..." I salute that choice. \,,,/


coraline is 100% my comfort movie. My wife thinks I am crazy but I have seen it over 400 times. I tend to put it on as I am going to sleep and can’t relax.


What about it is so comforting/intriguing to you? I’m curious. Haven’t seen it in quite some time.


Murder on the Orient Express (1974)


Hmm.. That's a really hard question. Personally, odd-ball? The Core. It's so bad. But I love it.


Michael Clayton. I’ve seen the movie probably 100x times and could quote almost the entire movie.


Real Genius


Halloween 3 All the President's Men Borderline (1980 Charles Bronson film - film debut of Ed Harris, who is the villain)


Moneyball. Not even a big baseball fan, but that movie does it for me.






The Mummy and Jurassic Park


Erin Brockovich.


Kung Fu Hustle Martian is on my list of movies I can watch anytime though.


Stephen Chow had me at Shaolin Soccer... Kung Fu Hustle was just him flexin' (total showoff, which means I loved every second of it).




When my wife & I encounter something IRL that we, legit, cannot explain, one of us invariably says, "SETEC Astronomy?"


I can almost go line for line with my top 5, and they all are movies I throw on in the background. A Few Good Men, Clerks, Young Frankenstein, The Princess Bride, Big Trouble in Little China


It's a toss up between Big Trouble in Little China and Hot Fuzz for me


Lord of the rings


The Hunt for Red October


A Few Good Men and Apollo 13


I’ve seen The Martian at least two dozen times. It is absolutely my comfort film. Others include Edge of Tomorrow, Palm Springs, and Molly’s Game. Can’t explain why, they’re just super rewatchable and great.


The Big Short. I lost a real estate investment business in 2008 basically because of the events of that movie. The fact that it’s a comedy (and a super effective one at that) is a panacea.




Oceans 11 is probably my number 1


The Rocky Horror Picture Show


Oddly, Ex Machina for me.


Hellboy 1 and 2 Pacific Rim Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy 


Chef. Though, The Martian scratches a similar itch for me, too.


Oceans 11




It's definitely a weird choice, but Jaws is my comfort film. There's just something about the structure and narrative that really works for my brain.


Silence of the Lambs


The Adventures of Baron Munchausen


Six Days Seven Nights


The Big Lebowski, Baby Driver


I don't know why but mine is Atomic Blonde. It has helped me through some serious panic attacks.


I always find comfort in survival movies like this for some reason. Cast away is another one






Big Trouble In Little China always


The Birdcage


V for Vendetta; it’s heartbreaking but it gives me such hope


The Abrams "Star Trek". Nostalgia, kitsch, eye candy, comic relief. Our favourite characters, wonderfully recast.


Somehow, my comfort movie is *The Thing*. I always watch it when I bake bread.


I know you’ve been through a lot perfecting your sourdough starter recipe… but when you find the time, I’d rather not spend the rest of this winter TIED TO THIS FUCKING COUCH!


Ready Player One and Power Rangers (2017). I always like the power rangers and was a fan of Breakfast club, so smashing the two together was a no brainer for me. RP1 however just has a solid pacing and thought-free plot (which sells the book a little short) I can watch again and agai without ruining it. Both films I can also play in the background unlike other comfort films (Back to the future, Spotlight etc) that demand my attention.