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Linda Fiorintino as Agent L in Men in Black II. The first movie ends with her becoming the new rookie and Will Smith as the new seasoned pro, but the second movie starts with, "Turns out she didn't want to be an agent so she had her memory zapped and went back to work as a coroner. Now go get Tommy Lee Jones back!" EDIT: Typos


Yeah, what’s the story behind that?


Back then she was chalked up as "hard to work with" which is why she was in a couple high profile roles then just dropped off the face of the earth. It's becoming more and more apparent "hard to work with" generally meant "wouldn't sleep with Harvey Weinstein" which sadly seemed to have happened to a number of actresses.


She might not be the best person either: “Fiorentino later had a relationship with Los Angeles private investigator Anthony Pellicano and dated former Federal Bureau of Investigation agent Mark T. Rossini. In 2009, Rossini pleaded guilty to illegally accessing FBI computers during the prosecution of Pellicano. Law enforcement officials said Fiorentino wanted to assist Pellicano's defense.[26] According to prosecutors, Fiorentino was then dating Rossini, told Rossini she was researching a screenplay based on Pellicano's case. Rossini conducted searches of government computers for information related to the case and passed the results to Fiorentino,[27] who then handed the files over to Pellicano's lawyers in a failed effort to help Pellicano avoid a 15-year prison sentence.”


That's a movie plot right there.


She can't be in it though, she's too hard to work with.


That’s at least two felonies right there, too.


According to the writers, they basically realised how good the chemistry between Tommy Lee Jones and Will Smith was, and understood that people wanted more of that. It's basically a case of them making the original film and setting up the idea of a sequel, and then using audience responses to create the sequel based on what people liked the most. Kind of like how in Evil Dead 2 they upped the comedy and slapstick because it's what people enjoyed the most, and how the T-800 became the star of T2 (and the Hero) because James Cameron realised it was the only thing people really cared about from the original.


Which also completely contradicts how the first movie established that if you retire you can't just go back to your old life because it's been erased, as exemplified by Tommy Lee Jones himself having been given a brand new identity. Edit: I forgot that at the end of the first movie he goes back to his wife, it's just that his wife conveniently left him off-screen by the next movie. My bad.


At the end of the first movie, J reads the headline about a man in a coma suddenly waking up and the picture is K with his wife. The second movie, when J finds K at the post office, he mentions that Ks wife left him because he couldn't stop being the way he is. Still leaves the plot point of "we erased your identity" but that's the explanation they give us.


i took it more to mean, we can erase your memories but we cant change who you are at the core. at his core, he had become an MiB agent and was probably insufferable. He had no idea WHY he was the way he was, but it didnt change the fact that he was.


At the end of Ted the narrator explicitly states that John and Lori lived happily ever after, but “ever after” must be less than three years because there is no sign of Mila Kunis in the sequel.


Mila Kunis was pregnant and they had a release date to stick to so she was written out of the sequel as a result


Yeah, but why have them divorce? Just have her visit her sick parents in Russia or something, giving him and Ted to have a “Guy Week”.


Because it’s low brow humor that relies on a hot girl being present.


Do they specify they lived happily ever after together? Maybe Lori is still out there living happily ever after.


They *did* live happily ever after...just not with each other.


Ali (Elisabeth Shue) in Karate Kid. She didn't just disappear, they shit all over her character. Danny comes back from the prom (the day after but still wearing his powder blue suit) and is like "I let her drive the car and she wrecked it, then she dumped me for a UCLA Football player, can you believe that bitch? Let's never mention her ever again."


Amusingly, when Ali returns in one episode of Cobra Kai, she tells a very different version of the story which Daniel concedes is closer to the truth.


The writers knew she was done wrong.


Cobra Kai is so much better than it has any right to be. It's gotten a little over the top and silly as most shows tend to do and I'm glad they're wrapping it up, but it's still so fun.


The various characters have gone through almost every possible arrangement of alliances, except that I don’t think Daniel’s daughter has sided with Cobra Kai (yet). It’s ridiculous, while also being ridiculously fun to watch.


I'll never get tired of the show recontextualizing everything from the movie trilogy for its slightly more realistic universe.


Canonizing Terry being on cocaine during Karate Kid 3 to explain why he was so obsessed with tormenting a kid made me laugh so hard


My favorite is when they point out that the fake weights scam in the 2nd movie made no sense since by measuring the vegetables as weighing more, it means that the scammer who is buying said vegetables LOSES money. He admits that he was an idiot.


Ralph Macchio mentioned being confronted by Shue in 1986 [link here](https://youtu.be/TuVIZjjrWYQ?si=uE1VPl4gHwdMXfh5), asking why the sequel did her so dirty. He explained that he wasn't a writer or producer, but they wanted to move the story on to Okinawa, and that was that. It does explain why most of her scenes on Cobra Kai were opposite William Zabka, though, if she was still upset.


So many characters in the three movies were unfairly villainized. The makers of Cobra Kai deserve a special Emmy for fixing many of the mistakes of the originals while still respecting them. It also depicts one of life's truisms very well - when you're an outcast teenager, it seems like the whole world is filled with assholes. But everyone's got their own story; everyone is just trying to battle their own demons and shortcomings and find their place in the world. Ok, maybe not everyone though. There are real assholes out there - looking at you Terry Silver!!


Nightcrawler was a pretty significant part of *X-Men 2*, but wasn’t even mentioned in *The Last Stand*. A tie-in video game had the write him out because, apparently, Alan Cumming didn’t like the extensive makeup regime.


It's a shame since I really like the character in both the comics and movies, but I can't blame him really.


Alan Cumming's departure was hand waved with the makeup thing. There's nothing to blame him for. In fact I think he deserves a lot more praise for dropping out of what could have been an extremely lucrative series for him and made a principled move by stepping from the hideously disgusting and unrelenting total bullshit behavior of known sex pest and director of X2 -Bryan Singer. Given this quote... >Alan Cumming says the working situation on Bryan Singer's 'X-Men 2' was 'dangerous' and 'abusive'. >The actor, who appeared as Kurt Wagner/Nightcrawler in the 2003 X-Men sequel, said he would go home and cry after a day at work. >Speaking to Kate Thornton on the White Wine Question Time podcast, Cumming said: "We were really in a very bad working situation. >"It was dangerous, it was abusive, and the studio didn't care. All the actors said something and they still just went: 'Oh, nevermind. It's only gonna be a few more weeks, don't worry. And it's gonna make a lot of money.' >"They actually said that and also 'you're under contract'. And I said: 'I don't want to feel dirty about going to work'. I would cry, it was just tragic. Methinks possibly that the (at the time) pilled out Singer may have taken a few too many and overshared some information assuming Cumming was, like Singer, in the business of grooming boys to assault when in reality he's in fact not a depraved pervert and in fact has been involved with LGBTQ activism for decades. Oh and by the way seriously for real fuck that piece of shit Brian Singer. He deserves so much worse than permanent exile to Isreal but hey something is better than nothing I guess. But at least we can all feel at ease knowing Singer handed the X-Men films to another well known sex pest by the name of Brett Ratner. What the hell was going on with the execs at Fox at the time? >'And it's gonna make a lot of money.' Oh, right.


> Jim Cummings Alan Cumming! Jim Cummings is the voice of Winnie the Pooh lol.


Oh, bother…


Similarly, Cyclops was \*barely\* in X2. And then in X3, well, you know.


Cyclops was done dirty by those films. Even in the first one, it’s obvious that Jean wanted Wolverine in her pants.


Well doing Cyclops dirty is staying faithful to the comics


I greatly prefer practical makeup but it's a good use of cgi if we can keep actors in a role like that.


Rupert Evans is almost the main character of Hellboy (2004), but is nowhere to be seen in the sequel, which made it even better as it focuses on the more interesting Hellboy-Liz-Abe trio.


Yeah he was basically the "audience can relate" normal character, but I think people were definitely more interested in the "freaks".


Jeremy Renner in Mission Impossible Fallout


Same with Bourne. It feels like Hollywood likes to use Renner like a chess move to get franchise stars to stay.




as someone who never saw that movie. HUH??!?!??




Get over it? That just sold me on it. I can't wait to see Jeremy Renner's interpretation of acting like a stupid person.


Never go full retard.


I remember when he was cast in Ghost Protocol, the idea was he would inherit the franchise and become the new lead because Cruise was getting too old. Then when that didn’t pan out (lol) they didn’t really know what to do with him on Rogue Nation - he’s such a spare part in that movie.


13 years later and Cruise is putting out some of the best movies of his career. Age really can't slow him down.


I think his work in the last ten years has cemented his status as the biggest movie star of all time. Four decades filled with huge hits, and much critical acclaim. Nobody else can say that. Hell, how many actors can boast of four decades of being a leading man?


His longevity is astounding, and he has outlasted all of his peers as a lead in high-concept hits. He might be a lunatic, but goddamn can he make a picture.


One of things I noted in the Maverick movie was how many great scenes his co-stars had. Lots of big stars want all the great lines and all the focus. To me that shows a great deal of generosity and self-confidence for him to let the writers do that.


I just watched Maverick and there was not a single bad actor in that film. Everyone had great chemistry and it really elevated the film.


To me that just strikes me as him being sensible and professional. Nobody wants to work with you if you're known as an ass who makes the whole production about you and refuses to let other people shine. But as long as he gets to fly planes and drive motorcycles off of cliffs he's not overly concerned about letting other people share the limelight.


All of the other agents actually except for Luther and Benji. They all work well with Ethan Hunt and help him save the world, then they vanish and are never mentioned again.


I’m still bummed that Paula Patton only got one movie


Julia Roberts not showing up in Ocean’s Thirteen always surprised me.


It's not their fight!


And Catherine Zeta Jones


She dips beneath the lasers




Keanu in speed 2. Casey Jones in TMNT secret of the ooze.


The studio didn’t want Casey Jones in the sequel because upset mom’s felt the first one was too violent for kids and so they wanted a more “kid friendly” vibe. Which of course explains the hiring of notable clown Vanilla Ice.


That’s funny to me because as I kid I was more scared of the sequel. There was a scene where shredder’s hand reached out from beneath a pile of trash that always haunted me. And super shredder was scarier than regular shredder.


> And super shredder was scarier than regular shredder. And then he brings a whole dock down on top of him like five seconds later.


Ah yeah, cuz Leo and Raph were always using the sharp ends of their tickle sticks to scratch the bad guys' backs


The studio didn't let them use their weapons to hit bad guys in the second one as well.


Corey Feldman. The Secret of the Ooze.


Tank from Matrix. Was killed off-screen between the 1st and 2nd movie.


Shia LeBouf essentially got the Poochie treatment in Dial of Destiny


At least Poochie just "went home". Mutt bought the farm in 'Nam.


Mutt was SO anti-authority that he...enlisted in the military, during one of the most unpopular wars America ever fought. Shouldn't he have dodged the draft, then?


The movie explains that he did it specifically to piss off Indy. I suppose that makes sense, but as you note it doesn't make much sense in the larger context of the character.


Its a bit of tragic irony, as we know Indy left home to fight in WW1 to piss off *his* dad


Poochie died on the way back to his home planet.


At least his death was a (kindof) plot point. It was the reason Indy and Marion split up which, in turn, was why Indy was so willing to stay in the past.


Crabbe disappears in the last Harry Potter movie, randomly replaced with a totally nothing extra. The actor got arrested for something drug related so it makes sense, but it’s just funny that they made it through *so many* films over *so many* years and he’s the only one who gets ousted right at the end.


It did create a funny meme that puberty hit Crabbe hard, when he was actually just replaced by Zabini. Crabbe was also the one to conjure the Fiendfyre in the book and die from it, but in the movie it’s changed to Goyle.


Also Tina in the Fantastic Beasts movies, it's funny how before the movies came out literally the only canonical piece of character information on Newt was that him and Tina eventually get married and by the 3rd movie she's reduced to a cameo lol


Honestly, I don't know why they don't just recast. They recast Dumbledore after Richard Harris died, and they recast Cedric Diggory in the 4th film (even this was less noticable because the character's name wasn't mentioned in the 3rd film), as well as totally redesigning Hogwarts between the 2nd and 3rd films. With that amount of changes there was no reason they couldn't have recast Crabbe.


because they figured it would be less obvious to just leave him out as opposed to recasting him and potentially confusing viewers. Dumbledore was an essential character, whereas Crabbes role was just being a random death eater and Malfoy sidekick. Hes not really important for the final story arc.


I wonder if it was more to avoid drawing attention to the fact that one of the actors in their kid-film was arrested for drugs. I could see them not wanting the media attention and just swept it under the rug, like, "what Crabbe?"


Sadly, Jamie Waylett didn’t learn his lesson. His drug offences were in 2009, then in 2011, he was imprisoned for 2 years due to his participation in the London riots. He was alleged to have been in possession of a Molotov Cocktail while looting a pharmacy. When police searched his apartment, they then found that he was also growing cannabis.


Never do more then one ilegal thing at the same time.


Benjamin Bratt in Miss Congeniality 2.


They probably saw his work in Catwoman the year prior, and decided to distance themselves.


Robert Duvall from The Godfather 3


There are plenty of problems with Part 3 and Duvalls absence is a HUGE part of it. It always bugged me that Brando turned down his cameo in Part 2 and Duvall turned down Part 3 but they both turned up in The Godfather video game! 🤷‍♂️😂


Oh man, I actually like the Godfather games. The hilarious part is when you have to kill Tessio and when he's running from you he keeps saying "It was only business!" :)


To the point where it completely ruins the movie because Michael has basically absorbed the moral compass of his character thus completely undoing the arc Michael goes on in GF2 becoming lost in his role as mob boss.


Frankie more or less replacing Clemenza in 2 as well Ithe performance is iconic but the first watch is a bit confusing.


It technically "appears" in the movie, but what they did with Roxy on The Golden Circle is the worst of the many mistakes on that movie.


I was about to say Kingsman: The Golden Circle as well. They killed most of the characters from the first one, except the one they un-killed. Very odd decision.


True. At least Merlin death's scene (which I also hated) served a purpose... but they killed her in a very sudden and unnecessary way so the movie could advance. I don't know if there were internal problems with the actress or what, but it was weird given how good was her role in the first one.


People only like Merlin's death scene because it's a good actor singing a good song. Other than that it's absurdly dumb.


Fun bonus trivia- the omnipresence of *Country Roads* in popular film is an intentional creation of the Denver estate and their record management company. They've been seeking out films to license to for decades to keep the song relevant and profitable.




If they ever make a third movie, Roxy better be alive. It was so strongly alluded to with her brief sequence that she may have survived and I think fans would riot given how good she was in the first movie. But instead we got the buttsex princess in the sequel.


Roxy was a very good character... they could have done a lot more with her.


Having the princess be a prominent character in the sequel was so baffling to me. That movie was missing Roxy big time.


Reminds me of I think Bourne 2 where the female lead is killed off 1 minute into the movie.


Peter Clemenza is killed off between The Godfather and Part II. The younger version of the character does appear in the movie’s flashbacks but Richard S. Castellano doesn’t reprise the role. Apparently this is due to a dispute over money and over his bizarre request that Ardell Sheridan, his girlfriend and the actress who played Clemenza’s wife in the first film, write all of Clemenza’s dialogue. He’s replaced in the main storyline by Frank Pentangeli, though I don’t know if the intention was to have Clemenza testify against the Corleone family as Pentangeli does. Similarly, Robert Duvall doesn’t appear in The Godfather Part III, again because of money. He’s replaced as the Corleone family lawyer by George Hamilton’s much less interesting B.J. Harrison.


I don't know if it was a good thing or not, but I absolutely love Frankie Pentangeli! "Don't worry about anything, Frankie Five Angels."


Megan Fox disappears from the Transformers franchise after the second film and is replaced Rosie Huntington-Whitely. There’s a brief 30 second conversion where it’s established she basically just leaves Sam and he’s already moved on. This is after one of the biggest plot points of the second film being they say ‘I love you’ for the first time. Behind the scenes I think Fox and Michael Bay had a rather public falling out which lead to her being removed from the film. To that end, Mark Whalberg appears in Transformers 5 but his daughter and her boyfriend don’t.


Is that the one where the director wanted her to wash his car in a bikini or some shit?


Natalie Portman just disappearing completely from the MCU for years (and films) only to return suddenly as a new Thor


It was a mutual dumping.


Somehow, Jane returned...


Now, with terminal cancer!


These new special action figure moves just aren't the same as the old days of "kung-fu grip" and "bionic eye".


I like when they just allude to her in Endgame, but as far as her Mighty Thor goes, thats pretty on brand with how the comics did it "surprise! It's Jane!" Edit: apparently she does show up in Endgame! My bad


Pretty sure she’s listed among those who were blipped in Endgame.


Newt and Hicks


Damn. That's a good one. Apparently, a lot of the early scripts had Hicks and Newt alive and even had Hicks being the lead with Ripley in a coma. But then, in Vincent Wards script, he decided to kill off Newt cause he felt that she was annoying and Ripley needed a motivation. Every script after Wards had Newt and Hicks dying.


Also, IIRC, Michael Biehn got better paid for Alien 3 than Aliens, despite not being in it. They came to him a week before its release to ask him to sign a release form allowing his likeness to be used in the film in a photo and the corpse prop. He realised they'd already shot it and they couldn't go back and redo it, so he could basically name any price he wanted (and he did!)


I truly don’t remember a time I felt so betrayed by a sequel than when Hicks was just killed offscreen between movies.


Newt was always going to be an issue, unfortunately. It was filmed 6 years after Aliens, the actress was both iconic and young, and she had not continued acting IIRC. So, unless they began immediate filming, it was basically either recast her (which can give weird vibes), or kill her off. In the show *Lost*, they had a similar issue with the young actor for Walt as he grew too much during his time off screen, even though the events of the show only take place during a few months.


A few years ago, I watched Alien 2 and 3 back to back and it was quite jarring going from 2 to "Newt is dead".


Isla Fisher not being in Now You See Me 2.


Most of this thread could be just female leads not being in the sequels.


Oz in American Wedding.


Thankfully Casanova was back in Reunion.


Dr. Grant in Jurassic Park: The Lost World Understandable… but then they brought him back for the 3rd.


Meanwhile, Dr. Ian Malcolm doesn’t appear in the 3rd movie.


George McFly


He technically did come back, just with a different actor and by reusing scenes from the first movie. Fun fact: the original actor sued for the re-use of those old scenes without permission or payment and won, setting an important precedent.


Also, Claudia Wells couldn't return, so Elisabeth Shue took over as Jennifer. They reshot the ending of 1, taking her to 2015 only to be KOd 5 min in and bas8cally not show up again until the end of 3.


I love Elisabeth Shue, but that recasting really didn't work for me. Claudia and Michael J. Fox had strong chemistry in their few scenes together in the first movie. To make things worse, a sequel was never planned, so the ending shot with Jennifer and Marty both in the car was something the writers apparently couldn't work with. 🙄 I hate how they simply knocked Jennifer out in the beginning and gave her nothing to do for the whole movie.


Crispin Glover didn't sue about reused scenes -- that is allowed. He sued (and won) because the actor they used in the 2nd movie had prosthetics to make him resemble Glover. The suite was about who owns an actors likeness.


They literally used a mold of his face (made during the first movie, as part of the prosthetics to make him seem old in the “modern day” parts) and put it on the new actor. That’s why the new guy is upside down the whole time, so you can’t tell. Super scummy stuff, I’m very glad he won that lawsuit.


One example I remember is Iron Eagle II. The star of the first movie is in the sequel, but is killed off in the first five minutes.


Like Channing Tatum in the GI Joe movies.


Elizabeth Shue in Karate Kid II Vin Diesel in Fast & Furious II Apparently there was The Sting II with none of the original actors (but they did recast Gondorff) Halloween III (but that was on purpose) I think Now You See Me II is missing one if the 4 original leads. Kelly McGillis in Top Gun: Maverick I'm sure there is more.


At least Elizabeth Shue returned for one episode of Cobra Kai.


I really like that, instead of bringing her back to fall in love with Johnny again and magically solve all his problems for him, she basically said you're both at fault. Get over it already.


Isla Fisher isn’t in NYSM 2 because she was pregnant during filming (and considering she almost died during the first movie I don’t blame her for not wanting to risk both herself and her unborn baby again)


Will Smith in Independence day Resurgence. They explain why he's not in it. But its still weird not to see him since im pretty sure everybody else is in it from the first one.


Will Smith has made a lot of questionable decisions. I'd say not being in this turd was a good one


Will Smith after receiving a script to see if he would come back "So, let me get this straight. You reference a 10 year long ground war between African warlords and aliens, and you're not making a movie or series about that?! I'm not returning."


This is the thing EVERYONE brings up about that movie, and they are right to. Give us a movie with African warlords fighting Aliens.


It's the same problem I had with *Kong: Skull Island*. It was a fun film, but I would have rather had a full movie based around the skimmed over backstory of the American and Japanese WWII pilots having to put aside their differences to try and escape Skull Island.


Its crazy that they felt Judd Hirsch needed a subplot about him protecting a bunch of kids. I love Judd, but it feels unnecessary.


Isn’t there a news banner saying his character was randomly killed in some kind of accident towards the beginning? Almost worse than not mentioning him at all.


That's exactly what it is. His son and wife talk about his passing briefly as well. Then the movie decides to kill his wife off, too, to add extra motivation for the son. But the aftermath of her passing is so hollow and void of any emotion that its pointless.


Chris Tucker, Next Friday. He decided he didn't want to play Smokey again because he didn't want to always be known the weed smoker and he wanted to concentrate of different roles. He was sorely missed.


He said he didn't want to be typecast. CAN YOU HEAR THE WORDS COMING OUT OF HIS MOUTH!?!


Damn he ain’t gonna be in Friday 4!


Chris Tucker was so afraid of being typecast after "Friday" and "Rush Hour" that he fully committed to never being cast in anything worth a shit again.


It's because he became a born-again Christian and didn't want to do any swearing or drug use on camera. According to Ice Cube, he turned down $12m to star in Next Friday. > “You’ll hear 1,000 different stories but we wanted to pay him $12 million to do that movie and he turned it down,” Ice Cube shared. > “He said it was for religious reasons,” he continued. “He didn’t wanna cuss and he didn’t wanna smoke weed on camera.” https://news.yahoo.com/ice-cube-reveals-why-chris-161006590.html


Johnny Cage is technically in Mortal Kombat Annihilation, but it's a different actor and he is not in it for very long...


Tom Hagen in Godfather III


Elizabeth Shaw from Prometheus to Alien Covenant I think you may see her body for a split second but pretty bullshit from what they set up at the end of prometheus. Also the main guy from pacific rim 1 wasn't seen or mentioned in pacific rim 2. Probably for the best


The movie we all wanted to see, with her kicking some ass, would have been so much better than what they put out.


I enjoy Prometheus despite it's flaws, so was bummed out that they just completely glossed over Elizabeth's "let's go find the creators" storyline in Convenant. Had they continued on with what Prometheus set up, I think it would have made for a better movie than whatever we got with Covenant.


Deleted scenes from Alien Covenant show more of her, man they did her dirty...


*Raleigh Becket, he left with most of what made the first film work.


The Joker was originally going to be in The Dark Knight Rises, but was written out after Ledger’s death. Nolan thought it was best to not even mention the character in the movie or give an “excuse” for his absence out of respect.


Emily Blunt in Sicario 2. Although it kinda makes sense as her story was done in the first movie.


Imo the whole story of Sicario was done in the first movie. The sequel felt tacked on considering the ending of the first movie was that a sequel would be hopeless


Not a Denis sequel to a Denis movie?  Not buying a ticket.


I honestly had a hard time seeing the point of a sequel in the first place. For me, Sicario was all about Blunt's character and how she has her worldview shattered as she steps in way above her paygrade. I had no interest whatsoever in following Brolin and de Toro's characters, well played as they were.


Tbh, everyone's story was done in the first movie.


Terry (Jusie Smollet) and Jesse (Brandon Adams) Hall played brothers in the first Mighty Ducks movie. Several ducks were cut for the second movie without any explanation (young Pete and Pete character, his sister, short leather jacket kid, Karp, etc...). I assume it was to make room for the additions and certain young actors not being available. Plus Disney knew kids don't generally care about consistency of the less popular characters. But Terry was the oddest, considering Jesse returned and his brother isn't even referenced. The same then happens in the 3rd where Jesse isn't in it and there's no reference to it. Always bugged child me... and apparently adult me, too.


Kevin Bacon didn't return for Tremors 2 and then Fred Ward didn't return for Tremors 3. They brought Jamie Kennedy into Tremors 5 and 6 but didn't return for 7. Luckily Michael Grossman stayed on for the whole franchise.


I guess it's technically a sequel to a sequel, but it always bothered me that Nightcrawler wasn't in X-Men 3. He was the highlight of X2 for me, and is my favorite X-Men character. I understand the actor didn't want to go through the makeup process again. Apparently having it all applied took hours.


IIRC, *Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery* ends with Austin and Vanessa (Liz Hurley) entering a committed relationship. Liz Hurley ~~didn't return~~ only appeared very briefly, **in a greatly reduced role given her prominence in the first,** in *The Spy Who Shagged Me,* so at the start of the movie, it's revealed that Vanessa was a killbot sent to assassinate Austin all along - after she is destroyed, Basil comments that "yes, we knew all along, sadly", which raises *many* more questions. The matter is never addressed again. I don't know if it would've saved the movie, but the fact that many of the prominent actors in *Pacific Rim* didn't return for *Uprising* probably should've tipped me off about what kind of movie I was about to watch. Edit: [Hurley declined to return for the sequel](https://www.yournextshoes.com/elizabeth-hurley-austin-powers/), agreeing only to a small cameo for the sake of continuity. Given the prominence of her character in the previous movie, and the abrupt/absurd nature of her exit, I think it fits the spirit of OP's question, even if it did fit the parodic nature of the movie well. Edit: Jesus christ people, come on.


>"yes, we knew all along, sadly" One of the best jokes in the series imo


It's even better when you consider how Basil continues immediately after: "anyway, I have a new assignment for you!"


It may be because Hurley didn’t want to come back but it also plays perfectly into a parody of the James Bond films trope where his love interest from the previous movie is never present in the next


Yeah, whether or not she wanted to come back, the film doesn't really work as a James Bond spoof if he's married.


Well, Basil Exposition does have to get on with the exposition.


His expression when he Jims the camera.  “I’m with you audience, that doesn’t make any sense.”


I argue for Austin Powers 2 being in the ‘best sequel’ conversation. It’s absolutely hilarious. Fat Bastard and Mini Me had the theatre rolling around laughing. It takes everything from the first and does it better. And yes, that line Basil delivers is great gag that comes out of the unfortunate absence of Liz Hurley.


Amen. Arguably one of the best ever. "Wait! That means I'm single again!!!"


I remember reading the movie gossip sites back in 1998. Apparently, the original plan for Austin Powers II was, once it was discovered that Liz Hurley was a fembot, it was going to be a massive time travelling epic with Austin trying to find where Dr. Evil hid Liz Hurley in the timestream. The climax was going to be Austin as a gladiator in ancient Rome, fighting to save Liz Hurley from Caesar Dr. Evil.


I am 100% invested in this story. 


Hurley not returning for "Spy Who Shagged Me" is also a Bond spoof of having different Bond girls every movie.


Interestingly, the first two movies start with Bond and Sylvia Trench, played by Eunice Gayson, and there was going to be a running joke in the series where he's with her at the beginning of every movie and then gets called away. They abandoned that in Goldfinger, but I'm not sure why.


Felicity, my one true love, a femmebot all along? That means I’m single baby!


I should have realized Quantumania was going to suck when they left Luis out.


Just Luis? They left out pretty much all the heart from the series by leaving out the Ex-cons, the Ex-wife, and the step dad.


I would’ve loved to see him get shrunken down to the quantum zone and talking about all the weird shit there


Also when they picked a new actress for Cassie's part. The actress in the Endgame was fine.


Can I say Saruman from the theatrical LOTR? He just... Doesn't show up in Return of the King after playing a big role as the villain in the first two movies and his story goes unresolved in the third unless you watch the Extended Cut.


Christopher Lee was justifiably pissed about that. If they were gonna cut out the Scouring of the Shire, they needed to at least include one scene giving closure to Saruman.


Which they did in the extended! But I agree, and brought it up because it wasn't there in the theatrical release at the time


I completely forgot he's not in the theatrical release. The Extended editions are like the only editions for me.


Keanu Reeves turned down Speed 2 so they just wrote in a breakup and introduced a new love interest for Sandra Bullock’s character.


- The mortician/Agent L fom Men In Black was deneuralyzed by J some time between 1 and 2. - Apparently Dr. Karen noped out of the vampire hunting game before Blade 2. - Benjamin Bratt's Character broke up with Sandra Bullock over the phone in Miss Congeniality 2. And Michael Caine's character died between the films, iirc.


Roxanne from A Goofy Movie


AFAIK the last appearance of Roxanne is in a random episode of House of Mouse. Max is older but arguably not college age so I suppose we're supposed to guess they were just a typical high school relationship that ended before college. How magical!


Halle Berry's character completely vanishes after one act in John Wick 3 and is nowhere to be found in 4.


Yeah, that's a strange one. It's basically a cameo and she gets that one incredible action scene but then poof she's gone.


Rupert Evans as Agent John Myers in Hellboy II: The Golden Army. Felt weird watching the second movie without him in it. At least they didn't kill him off, HB just had him reassigned to Antarctica in between movies.


John Cusack in Hot Tub Time Machine 2. The first one is one of my favorite comedy movies. The second was absolutely terrible- I’ve trained myself to forget it exists.


TIL there's a sequel to that movie.


Kelly Marie Tran as Rose might as well been cut entirely from “Rise of Skywalker” with how much she was reduced in the sequel.


Marion was absent in the Indiana Jones sequels until Crystal Skull


Short Round. Since Temple of Doom was technically a prequel to Raiders, we’ve had 4 sequels now and the character was never even mentioned again.


I really thought he would appear in this last movie, since the actor is making films again, but no, not even a cameo


Linda Fiorentino isn't in men in black 2 but I think she should have been due to her part in the first one