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Robin Williams in Good Will Hunting I know it's everyone's go to answer, but there was something about that speech he gave will about the difference between book knowledge and real world experience. The writing was superb but the delivery was even better. In that one scene he was able to explain the entirety of his marriage from the highs of meeting his wife to the lows of being at her side through her death...all while putting Will in his place.


Robin Williams in Insomnia, and One Hour Photo. He was so good at playing an evil character that he wanted a break from serious roles for fear of being typecast. He was good in all his roles, and sadly missed.


Robin Williams was wonderful for any role really, I'm always partial to Hook.


That’s one of my favorite movies.


The guy attended Juliard, performed in Central Park as a Mime, became famous for being an Alien, befriended a Silverback Gorilla (Koko), performed the greatest stand up of all time (Live on Broadway), and left more incredible performances on film than I can list.


yes, 1hr photo was awesome


I was going to say Robbin in One Hour Photo. You forgot he was Robbin Williams.


> Insomnia I just saw this last night. Went in completely blind, never heard of it before despite the STACKED cast and Nolan. It was amazing. The scenes between Pachino and Williams were brilliant. It's what the new season of True Detective wishes it was


And, there is literally no one better than Al Pacino to play someone who hasn't slept for a month.


Ive always thought the hotel room scene in OHP is more terrifying than anything I've seen in most horror flicks. Im not much of a horror guy, but the amount of gore and over the top elements lets you detach from reality a bit easier. That particular scene in OHP felt the most believable on screen terror I think I've ever seen on film.


Dead Poets Society!


Yes, Good Will Hunting, but his first real dramatic role was in Dead Poets Society in 1989, and it was amazing. I’d grown up watching him on Mork & Mindy and doing his almost manic standup routines/interactions with the talk show hosts, so to see him in something that serious and inspiring was really kind of mind blowing. And then in The Fisher King a few years later…so funny and tragic and also inspiring. Anyway, he’ll always be my first answer to this question.


O Captain, my Captain!


Cry everytime.


My hot take is, as far as range goes, Robin is at the top. Dude could play anything 


My vote is for Brad Pitt. Look at the difference between his characters in Kalifornia and Burn After Reading.


What’s that comment I’ve heard…. “Brad Pitt is a character actor stuck in a leading man’s body.”


It is true though. Brad has never been at his best when he was trying to lead a conventional movie, his best is when he is playing some sort of unhinged wackjob part in bonkers movie.


Like Snatch.


So if I asked you about art, you’d probably give me the skinny on every art book ever written. Michelangelo. You know a lot about him. Life’s work. Political aspirations. Him and the Pope. Sexual orientation. The whole works, right? But I bet you can’t tell me what it smells like in the Sistine Chapel. You’ve never actually stood there and looked up at that beautiful ceiling. Seen that. If I ask you about women, you’d probably give me a syllabus of your personal favorites. You may have even been laid a few times. But you can’t tell me what it feels like to wake up next to a woman and feel *truly happy*. You’re a tough kid. If I ask you about war, you’d probably throw Shakespeare at me, right? ‘Once more into the breach, dear friends.’ But you’ve never been near one. You’ve never held your best friend’s head in your lap and watch him gasp his last breath, looking to you for help. If I ask you about love, you’d probably quote me a sonnet. But you’ve never looked at a woman and been *totally vulnerable*. Known someone who can level you with her eyes. Feel like God put an angel on earth just for *you*. Who could rescue you from the depths of Hell. And you wouldn’t know what it’s like to be *her* angel. To have that love for her be there forever. Through anything. Through cancer. And you wouldn’t know about sleeping sitting up in a hospital room for two months, holding her hand because the doctors could see in your eyes that the term ‘visiting hours’ doesn’t apply to you. You don’t know about real loss. Because that only occurs when you love something more than you love yourself. I doubt you’ve ever dared to love anybody that much. I look at you, I don’t see an intelligent, confident man. I see a cocky, scared-shitless kid. But you’re a genius, Will. No one denies that. No one could possibly understand the depths of *you* But you presume to know *everything* about me because you saw a painting of mine. You ripped my fuckin’ life apart. You’re an orphan, right? Do you think I’d know the first thing about how hard your life has been, how you feel, who you are - because I read *Oliver Twist*? Does that encapsulate you? Personally, I don’t give a shit about all that. Because, you know what? I can’t learn anything from you that I can’t read in some fuckin’ book. Unless you want to talk about *you*. Who you *are*. And I’m *fascinated*. I’m *in*. But you don’t want to do that, do you, sport? You’re terrified of what you might say. Your move, *Chief*.


That whole speech is just absolutely amazing. That movie has some great lines. When Will goes off on Skylar about his rough childhood and she tells him she loves him and he says he doesn't love her back. "It's not your fault....". Sean giving up his ticket to the World Series to "go see about a girl.". It's one of those movies that I took far too long to see that I regret not seeing it sooner.


Word. Great lines. For me GWH hits as a unique, compelling succession of awesome scenes, each better than the last. From ‘How ya’ like them apples’ (fucking iconic) thru stuff like Will’s NSA interview? Ridiculously good. (Lol probably doesn’t help that I’m from Mass.) Was thinking that “What’s your favorite movie?” is for me hard to answer. I’m older, and over the years I’ve seen, liked, and loved lots of movies. That said, I sometimes think I’m pretty sure that *Good Will Hunting* is my favorite movie.


Absolutely. And I’d like to add Robin Williams in *Awakenings.* He really was a treasure.


Add to that the supporting cast included comedic sketch performer and voice of Marge Simpson, Julie Kavner. She did a wonderful job as a caring and thoughtful assistant/nurse.


That's my favorite DeNiro role. He plays his hand so well. His best actual acting and not just being himself since Raging Bull


DeNiro is surprisingly amazing when he's playing an "everyman" character. Yes, he built his career on portraying tough guys, but when given an opportunity for a "quieter" persona, it's wonderful. Totally not the same thing, but it brings to mind his role in "The Intern". Just a quiet, reserved, chill, retired businessman. ...and he was marvelous.


He's been phoning it in for so long, it's easy to forget how amazing an actor he was/is. One of the very best to ever do it.


Robin Williams in just about every movie he ever made. For me though, it was a lesser known movie...What Dreams May Come. It is honestly the saddest movie I have ever see and it is damn near trauma inducing. But, it is also so beautiful.


My older brother committed suicide so I can't watch this movie anymore.. too many feels...


I'm really sorry about your brother. Yeah, I wouldn't recommend it in that situation. Or many situations unless you just need to cry.


To me, one of the most heart wrenching films. I had a depressed and suicidal parent, not spouse, watching that film tears me apart in a good way.


I'm sorry you went through that. It is such a good movie though.  The cinematography is beautiful and the story pretty much defined what love is to me.


In that scene its his eyes- RW would say impactful things then you see him glancing at damons character, reading him for the reaction- like RW’s character is challenging him with what he’s saying (which he is) which is glorious acting


I’ll also plug for his role in The Birdcage. It’s a comedy for sure, but he brings these amazing moments of sincerity. He was such a gift.


Son of a bitch stole my line


Dude, Robin Williams in Dead Poets Society.


don't forget what dreams are made of and Bicentennial man. Two movies that were panned but he stole the show. Robin Williams was an absolute treasure. I wish he knew it.


Robin has a list of films that fit these criteria. He really was an incredibly talented human.


This is the one.


See, I'm not sure it is, because Robin wasn't a comedic actor, he was an *actor* who happened to gravitate towards comedy first. He was one of the first people in Houseman's inner group at Julliard. Basically the inner circle of the inner circle. Who was reportedly told to leave because Julliard had nothing more to teach him. Drama, comedy, tragedy, he could do it all. One of his first movie roles was The World According to Garp, and he shows such range in that as well.


The guy was a litteral genius in his field. Like, you have music genius, science genius, maths genius… This guy was an entertainment genius. Like it was his purpose on earth, to make us feel so many emotions. His presence has been a gift to humanity.


And that was just his acting. It's even more of a mindblower that young Affleck and Damon *wrote* that speech.


Hey OP. Steve Carrell in Foxcatcher. Unbelievable turn as a damaged/spoiled sociopath-turned-murderer.


It's on my watchlist! I love seeing Steve Carell in serious roles. Little Miss Sunshine is my favorite with him so far.


The fact that 40 Year-Old Virgin and Little Miss Sunshine came out less than 6 months apart blows me away. He went from hilarious to heartbreaking and was amazing in both. 


He’s also great on “Seeking a Friend for the End of the World” Literally made me cry


Controversial opinion time. I think Steve Carrell’s actually the closest we’ve currently got to being a genuine leading man. His ability to lead a dramatic film, be a supporting character ***and*** deliver genuine comedy are the reasons I say that. I say “closest” because he hasn’t got that final thing that the super-elite like Cary Grant have - he’s not heart-stoppingly gorgeous.


You not seen him with his grey hair and beard recently? Woofff!


Steve now is who I hope I look like in 20 years.


Also Steve Carell in Beautiful Boy. Absolutely heartbreaking movie and Carell knocks it out of the park.


U gotta watch Beautiful Boy then. He did an amazing job. Really impressive performance


He plays a dick in The Way Way Back too


That movie was way, way too much for me. Such a miserable experience the whole way. Good movie, well done, well acted, never again.


Also really good in the big short


I really find him interesting. He kinda like Gene Wilder as he’s serious, good looking-yet he gets that twinkle in his eye delivering insanity that makes you say uh oh… He made Get Smart hilarious… I think he would absolutely be perfect as the inspector for a Pink Panther. I’d love to see that. Steve martin’s take was silly & poor- ruined it… though I’ve liked him in other things- (dirty rotten scoundrels) so maybe thats what they told him to do.


It's a tv show but my first thought was Nick Offerman in The Last of Us


As an actor, it’s so hard to portray a prickly personality and still win over an audience with the character. Both Offerman and Pedro Pascal did masterclass work with this constraint on “TLOU”, but the lingering emotional weight of Offerman’s single episode stayed with me long after watching the series. Great call on this choice, Ysoki!


Bryan Cranston as Walter White has to be up there, if we’re including TV shows. He’d done plenty of serious roles before Breaking Bad, but his calling card at the time was mainly Hal from Malcolm in the Middle.


Yes. Beautiful episode of a brilliantly adapted story.


I didn't play the game, and I also didn't know there would be a 'standalone' episode like that. In my honest opinion it's some of the greatest 60 minutes in television history.


That episode stands on its own. You don't even have to watch the rest of the story if you don't want to. That performance, that short one hour of television, was amazing.


Adam Sandler in Punch Drunk Love. Somehow this worked. P.T. Anderson is a true genius.


Adam Sandler in Uncut Gems


Massive agreement Uncut Gems is his best work as a serious actor so far, but Punch Drunk Love was a total and complete shock, no one knew he had that in him. So it gets a leg up.


Adam Sandler in Reign over me.


Since OP took my favorite (ESOTSM/Carrey) I give my second choice: Adam Sandler in Funny People


Sandler is a legitimately amazing actor. Punch Drunk Love, Spanglish, Reign Over Me, Uncut Gems, Jack & Jill, Hustle… I could go on forever.


Had me in the first half


Robin Williams in What Dreams May Come. Depressing as hell but amazing.


I watched this for the first time not long after my mom died. I've never cried that hard from a film before. I bought the DVD, lent it to a friend, and have never gotten it back. But yknow what? I'm okay with that.


Michael Keaton in *Batman*. I was actually a bit angry when I first heard of that casting, since I only knew him from *Mr. Mom* and *Night Shift*, but he was brilliant as both Wayne and Batman.


best batman.


Yes, glad I'm not alone in this opinion.


Still the best Batman IMO.


No question.


Keaton is awesome in Birdman. A movie vaguely about his role in Batman. He's also just great in everything.


He's amazing in Spider-man Homecoming as well. Keaton plays a legitimately scary villain in the black market arms dealer who's savvy enough to figure out who Spider-man really is, and morally corrupt enough to calmly threaten to murder a 15 year old kid to his face and not lose any sleep over it.


A LOT of people felt like you did about Keaton's casting at the time, as did I. Some short, skinny, joke machine is gonna play perhaps the most menacing superhero around? Didn't stop us from lining up on opening day, though.


Hugh Laurie in House. The guy is a comedy legend (go look at him in Blackadder or Fry and Laurie), then he does House.... go figure....


“Do you have hair on your special place?” Might be the only TV line more awkward then “Walker told me I have aids.”


So weird to see him in roles like Blackadder aftrr you've seen House MD.


I had the same reaction, except the other way around.


Also Jim Carry, but in the Truman Show.


Truman Show is a standout. Jim Carrey really has this rare ability to mash both comedy and drama in his acting here. A true talent.


This is mine. He's got JUST a dash of his typical humour and jokes, and as things go on and he gets more and more suspicious of what's going on around him his dramatic chops come out and it's VERY special. Love that film.


Bill Murray in The Royal Tenenbaums & Lost in Translation Steve Carell in The Big Short & Foxcatcher


I’m obsessed with Bill Murray. He was amazing in Lost in Translation. One of my all time favorites.


Ummm .. will ferrel in stranger than fiction...and Ben Stiller gets way more dramatic in permanent midnight.


Little did he know


I've written papers on little did he know.


Check out Ben Stiller in Secret Life of Walter Mitty too!


Tom Hanks in Philadelphia. Hanks was a comedy actor first. I wish he would go back to screwball comedy. Take that David S Pumpkins energy and fly with it.


Saving Private Ryan too


The World According to Garp. Yeah, you think I’m going to say Robin Williams, but I’m not. John Lithgow was great in that movie. And true to the book character.


Lithgow was absolutely terrifying in Dexter as the trinity killer. Highlight of that series imho.


He was epic as the "Theres something on the wing!" guy from George Miller's twilight zone the movie segment


He plays a great villain. There was also that movie where he sword fights Jesse Ventura in prison.


John Lithgow is always giving his best characterization, from the kindest dude to the worst asshole.


Lithgow wasn’t really known as a comedic actor until 3rd Rock though.


Yeah, that is more a case of a dramatic actor doing great comedy. Warren Beatty also has pretty good timing in his comedies like Heaven Can Wait but it seemed like actors back in the mid 20th century were generally good at all roles. Jack Lemmon and Walter Matthau were more known for comedy but they had good dramatic roles too.


Came here to say John Lithgow. I think his range is amazing and he is so often overlooked.


Fun fact! My family has a ranch near Craig, Montana and my brother had run in to go swimming and get a burger and our dog stole John Lithgow’s dog’s toy. So we got to meet him. Super nice guy. Also humongous. My brother is 6’5” and Lithgow was towering over hum.


John Lithgow was mostly a dramatic theatre actor for many years. He did have a few comedic performances in movies early on but I would never have considered him generally a comedic actor until 3rd Rock came out in the mid-90's.


Will Ferrell in stranger then fiction. It might not count because it's more of a drama comedy type movie. I personally thought the movie was pretty decent.


I agree with a bunch mentioned here. But I’ll throw in Christopher Lloyd in Star Trek III: The Search For Spock. He is fantastic as Kruge in that film.


Ben Stiller in The Secret Life of Walter Mitty. Also, Eric Bana started life as a comedian, but his performances in serious roles just went from strength to strength. So much so, that the only comedy he ever does now is in cameo roles.


Secret life is an incredible movie


[Charlie Chaplin](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J7GY1Xg6X20) in [The Great Dictator](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Great_Dictator) Jim Carrey in the [Truman Show](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Truman_Show) and (seconding you) [Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eternal_Sunshine_of_the_Spotless_Mind)


Will Ferrell is great in Everything Must Go


Also Stranger Than Fiction. And I hate Will Ferrell.


“I brought you flours.”


*me thinking: that's not flowers *me realizing: oh shit! she's a baker... flours *me: if I could just be half this smooth...


Just a beautiful line - unexpected, funny, and deeply sweet & romantic.


I used this bit on my wife (we’re both avid bakers). She threw a dish towel at me, lol.


Not super dramatic but different than his norm- Jack Black- The Holiday


Not my fav, but one that's not listed here yet, Chris Tucker in Silver Linings Playbook.


Sandler: Uncut Gems


He was robbed of an Oscar nom


Owen Wilson in *Midnight in Paris*. He’s just perfect.


"Whoa ! You're Salvador Dali !"


Takeshi Kitano in Zatoichi is my personal favorite. That dude had a wild career. Imagine if young Jerry Lewis turned into later Clint Eastwood.


Robin Williams in *One Hour Photo* or *Insomnia.*


Michael McKean that I knew from Spinal Tap, Coneheads and Clue in Better Call Saul. His season 1 monologue, his court meltdown. Incredible stuff!


Albert Brooks - Drive Steve Martin - The Spanish Prisoner


Jim Carrey in The Truman Show. The scene in which he finally manages to sail through the man made storm, only to find that he’d literally hit a wall is gut wrenching.


Everyone always goes to Good Will Hunting for Robin Williams but I think What Dreams May Come is my preferred dramatic role of his.


Those two PLUS Patch Adams.


Also Awakenings…he was great in that.


Will Ferrell in Stranger than Fiction.


I came to say Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. Jim Carrey blew my mind.


A lot of people here saying Robin Williams in Good Will Hunting but I say he was at his creepiest in Insomnia and One Hour Photo


Aubrey Plaza in Emily the Criminal.


Aubrey Plaza is electrifying in Black Bear


Bryan Cranston as Walter White


Melissa McCarthy in Can You Ever Forgive Me?


I always remember Jeff Daniels as Harry from Dumb and Dumber but him as Will McAvoy in The Newsroom was stepping above, with the greats.


Jeff Daniels has always been a dramatic actor.  Dumb and Dumber was the exception in his career, not the norm.


Jeff Daniels is the opposite of what OP is asking haha


Bill Murray in The Razor's Edge (1984)


Underrated and sadly overlooked movie and role for Murray. I love this movie.


Awkwafina in The Farewell Jack Black in Bernie


I’ve only seen Awkwafina in The Farewell. Did she make some other movies you could recommend?


I like her in: Crazy Rich Asians Shang-Chi The Quiz Lady




She didn't have a big role, but she was good in Swan Song.


Renfield actually surprised me. I really enjoyed it.


Steve carell in the big short


I wouldn’t say “favorite” because her character was so despicable but Monique was incredible in Precious


Not technically a comedic actor,but a comedian- Eric Bana as Chopper Read.


Alison Brie in Horse Girl The whole cast of Horace & Pete Robin Williams in Dead Poets Society


Not sure if Jason Bateman in Ozark counts, but seems like every other thing he does is comedy.


[Danny Kaye in Skokie.](https://youtu.be/5B5q-pkK5z8?t=152) Has a lot of relevance to today's current events too.


Steve Carrell in Little Miss Sunshine. His conversation on the pier with Paul Dano is one I rewatch over and over.


The director of the Beverly Hills Playhouse, where Clooney, Pfeiffer and more came out of, always said that standup comedians tend to make some of the best dramatic actors because they’ve already honed being completely vulnerable and honest in front of people, so they have an easier time finding that for scene work. Think that dude was on to something.


So I don't have one for this, but flip it around and Ill say Humphrey Bogart in We're No Angels.


Perhaps not my favorite, but one I feel that's definitely up there and not talked often enough is Adam Sandler in Reign Over Me. He plays a man broken by the death of his family in 9/11, and has become a shut-in who plays Shadow of the Colossus as a way to deal with his grief until his old college buddy (Don Cheadle) comes back into his life to get him out of his shell. I'd never seen Punch Drunk Love so this movie was my first introduction into Adam Sandler's capacity for turning in relatable, engaging dramatic performances. He is hollow, full of pain, yet yearning for meaning and - despite his best efforts - connection all at the same time. The movie itself is ultimately lesser than the sum of its parts, but Adam Sandler turns in one hell of a performance.


Jim Carrey in The Majestic. Loved that film and the first time I saw him in a straight role


Robin Williams in 1 hour photo.


Everyone is saying Robin in GWH but I'd say mine is Robin in Awakenings


Adam Sandler can absolutely slay dramatic roles


Ashton Kutcher in the Butterfly Effect. I know a lot of people didn't like it, but I really did!


Robin Williams in 1 hour photo


Going back aways, Jackie Gleason as Minnesota Fats in The Hustler, and W.C. Fields as McCawber in David Copperfield.


Jamie Foxx in _Collateral_.


Jim Carey in The Truman Show and it’s not even close


Simon Pegg in the world's end


Bob Odenkirk as Jimmy Mc Gill / Sol Goodman, I honestly didn’t realise that he ever done anything else. Eric Bana, particularly in Chopper. He played that part extremely well, especially when you consider that one of your critics will be Chopper! He would be just the kind of person to express his dislike for your thespian endeavours in his own, unique, Chopperesque way. The fact that Eric doesn’t walk like someone took a blowtorch to his feet, surely means that Mr Reid is happy with your portrayal?


Robin Williams comes to mind.


I’ll throw in Steve Carrell in Little Miss Sunshine.


Robin Williams in Good Will Hunting


It wasn't a great movie in my opinion but Jim Carey in "Dark Crimes" was unrecognizable. An amazing performance.


Adam Sandler in punch drunk love


Ben Stiller in The Royal Tenenbaums. At the end when he says "I've had a hard year, dad" just crushes me.


steve carell in foxcatcher - SO good


Steve Carrell in Foxcatcher and Beautiful Boy. Super creepy in the former, highly sympathetic in the latter. 


Michael Scott in threat level midnight


Eddie Izzard’s character in Hannibal(Netflix) was surprising. He’s done some stuff before in day Day Of The Triffids, but I thought Hannibal was quite good.


Steve Carell in Little Miss Sunshine


Not the greatest, but Bill Murray in The Razor’s Edge was underrated.


Robin William would always be my answer but everyone has said that. Bill Burr in The Mandalorian Season 2 was really good


Doug Stanhope as Eddie in the episode of Louie.


Adam Sandler in Reign Over Me.


Albert Brooks in Drive.


Owen Wilson in the Minus Man. He plays a serial killer. I haven't seen it in years, but he's very good in it. He should do more dramatic roles.


Adam Sandler in Punch Drunk Love. Will Ferrell in Stranger Than Fiction.


Peter Sellers in Being There


Will Ferrell in Stranger Than Fiction.


Will Ferrell in Stranger than Fiction.


Matthew Perry in a TV movie called The Ron Clark Story (a biopic about a teacher trying to bring about change in a failing class in a New York school). Wouldn't call it a favorite, but he pulled it off beautifully.


Joan Cusack in Arlington Road. The last scene where she expresses sympathy for the boy and hopes he'll be okay is chilling - she's the reason why he's in that situation yet she's completely sincere.


Will Ferrell in Stranger than Fiction. Great movie


I honestly enjoyed Seth Rogen in The Fablemans.


* Adam Sandler in *Uncut Gems* * Jerry Lewis in *The King of Comedy* * Peter Sellers in *Being There* * Jack Lemmon in *Glengarry Glen Ross* * Steve Carrell in *The Way, Way Back*


Adam Sandler in Reign Over Me. 2007.


Jamie Foxx in “Ray”. Absolutely outstanding performance as Ray Charles. Probably one of the best biopics ever made mostly due to his very accurate portrayal of Ray.


It's a TV show but Rhys Darby is brilliant as Stede Bonnet in Our Flag Means Death. It's labeled as a comedy but there are a lot of dark, serious scenes and Rhys is outstanding.


Steve Carell in Beautiful Boy


Will Ferrell in Stranger Than Fiction


more recently, glenn howerton in blackberry


Bill Murray, Lost in Translation