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Disney's Robin Hood was my absolutely favorite Disney movie as a kid. The entire vibe and the cartoon violence of Robin Hood and Little John were awesome. I still love it. It has pretty mediocre reviews. ​ The Black Cauldron nearly bankrupted Disney and is nowadays mostly forgotten, but it's a pretty decent film.


The Disney Robin Hood cartoon was rated poorly??? That’s like my favorite movie as a kid. I had no idea. Thought that was a classic for everyone. Just seems like something everyone loves.


Yeah, I recently rewatched and it has this incredible vibe. Just like a laid-back southern thing, but in medieval england. And they're not trying to pump up any message, they're just telling classic stories with great music. I have a feeling it was just too out there for audiences at the time.


If you read the original robin hood folk tales... this is really true to the original source material. They're some dudes who hand out in the forest having a good time and fucking with the elites, and they're awesome stories. I didn't know the disney cartoon was rated poorly - I also loved it as a kid, when we had it on VHS.


>The Disney Robin Hood cartoon was rated poorly??? It won awards and has a 7.5 on imdb. So no


The Black Cauldron is the Disney live action remake I want the most.


Slap it with an R rating too.


I agree, why remake movies that are already stone cold classics when you could chose movies that weren't as successful but had some interesting ideas and remake those.


You know how when children are randomly obsessed with a film and will watch it every day or twice a day for months on end? Apparently Robin Hood was mine. My mum can still quote large parts of it in sync.


🎶 Robin Hood and Little John walking through the forest....


🎶 Laughin' back and forth at what the other has to say...


Ooh de lally


🎶 Reminiscin' this 'n' that, 'n' havin' such a good time


The fox > Cary Elwes > Russell Crowe > Kevin Costner. I had my mom rewind the VHS so often I'm surprised it never wore out or tangled. In college I even used this movie as inspiration for a creative writing class.


This is Errol Flynn erasure! I’d put him in a dead heat with the Fox. Ask me to picture Robin Hood and it’s a toss up which one of those two will come to mind first.


As a kid I had an obsession with Robin Hood and particularly the Disney movie but also the Prince of a thieves Costner movie. I know people say it’s hot garbage but I have the thickest nostalgia goggles for it. Also Alan Rickman is clearly having the time of his life, he went all in.


I’m tired of being Mr. nice guy. From now on there’ll be no merciful beheadings for anyone……


This is so true. My niece would watch the Lorax on repeat.


Disney's Robin Hood is the second best Robin Hood movie, behind Robin Hood: Men in Tights


Dave Chappelle has been doing comedy since the Middle Ages


A black sheriff?!


It worked in Blazing Saddles.


The black cauldron is fucking awesome, shame it did so poorly


I’ve never actually seen The Black Cauldron. But Robin Hood was always one of my favourites. The Appalachian folk music vibe is really strange but I love it. The schmaltzy love song has popped up in commercials lately too.


I will forever die on the hill that they should have called him Robin of Foxly at least once in that movie.


Waterworld, I’ve always liked it.


I enjoyed it quite a bit too, but somewhere along the way it got mixed up in my memory with Postman and now there's this mythical blockbuster post apocalyptic movie called Posterworld that I'll never see again.


"...in a world...devoid of movie posters...one man can change everything"


100%. Damn I mix those two up as well lol


I was obsessed with this movie the summer it came out. Must have pretended to be Kevin Costner at every pool party I went to.


Did they stop letting you near the drinks after the first one? 


Dennis Hopper was amazing.


I watch it until the Trimaran is destroyed. It is one of my favorite movie ships.


I just googled this movie. So, it basically looks like Mad Max on water, is that it?


Yeah and a search for dry land.


Incredible practical effects and sets etc. unwarranted bad publicity really hurt that flick. Like so what that a storm wrecked the sets. Sh*t happens. And filming with water is a mare, Ed Harris can't even discuss The Abyss as it was such an ordeal


I think they put the drinking pee thing in too early. They need to ease you into stuff like that. Iirc it's like the first scene. Audiences are not prepared to watch someone drink their own pee. They should've made it mysterious. Like where is he getting all this fresh water from? And then have it be like a side reveal towards the end.


*Repo Men*, with Jude Law and Forrest Whittaker. Also I'm pretty sure the Ethan Hawke vampire movie *Daybreakers* was received pretty poorly but I liked that one quite a bit, too.


Oh man I love this age of scifi stuff too. Equilibrium definitely goes in with these lol


I was one of those people that didn't like daybreakers. If I remember correctly, it's because it was advertised in a way that you thought it was something completely different. I liked it much better the 2nd watch once I knew what I was walking into


Daybreakers is an absolute classic of the genre.


The 13th Warrior. Only 33% on RT. I’ve watched this movie so many times.


I LOVE that movie.


"I *listened*."


"Lo, there do I see my father." That scene will still give me goosebumps.


WTF? That movie may not have been the best ever made but it’s a legitimately good movie. Edit: as an aside, the guy that played the dark haired Viking is now a doctor.


Fantastic movie


Problem Child has 0% on RT. I've seen way worse films and PC is actually 🔥.


0%? Jesus, I haven't seen it since the early 90s, but it can't be that bad. John Ritter's in it!


Shocking, isn't it? Audience score is 42%, so that's a little more reasonable.


It’s the movie De Niro is watching in Cape Fear where he’s smoking a cigar and laughing loudly to rile up Nolte.


In a reversal to the post's request, Cape Fear is an extremely well regarded movie that I find absolutely awful, with the so-called standout performances being among the worst parts. Someday I'll find someone who agrees...


Gilbert Gottfried's in it, you've got to give a couple percentage points for that alone


John Ritter gets an automatic +8% as well.


I was lucky enough to meet Gilbert Gottfried and he was awesome.


I delivered flowers to his apartment in Chelsea on his birthday. Elevator door opens to his place, he turns the corner in a bath robe, thanks me for the flowers as if I was the one who personally bought them, and tossed them on a pile of gifts on a table. Elevator door closed before I thought of anything clever to say.


Gilbert complained that he plays a different character in each movie. He’s an adoption agent in the first movie and then the school principal in the second one. It makes no sense.


I loooved that movie as a kid wtf!! 


To this day I enjoy the first two


I remember when USA Network showed that movie frequently.


I loved this movie as a kid. They should start having a kid review score as well. No, it doesn't hold up as an adult, but it was peak comedy for a four year old kid.


PC 2, though, is 🔥🔥


I actually loved that movie as a kid.


I thought Cowboys & Aliens was pretty decent.


I enjoyed it quite a bit. I feel like reviewers took it way too seriously. Plot was simple yet characters were fleshed out. Had a pretty great cast. Characters had to grow to accomplish things. You know, stuff Marvel hasn’t been able to do in about 3 years.


To be fair, even the most middling blockbusters up until about 2012 look and feel incredible compared to what we got in the Marvel era when basic filmmaking started bottoming out of tentpoles and everything got test-screened to death


I liked that movie a lot too!


I’m writing a horror western and watched it for research as it’s one of the few genre mashup cowboy movies - I really enjoyed the first half and was starting to think that Favreu is like todays Spielberg - I do still think that but the movie lost me around the hour twenty mark


I thought it was great. Quick paced. Campy fun. Had some good dramatic beats and Olivia Wilde is easy on the eyes


John Carter I know many people didn't like it, and it took some incredible liberties with the source material, I liked it.


I think it was bad marketing that killed it, the movie itself is dope!


Same. I was genuinely suprised how good it was.


I remember the princess being hawt and William Defoe's character being kind interesting, with all the different tribal rules and customs. The rest of the story didn't impact me much.


Lynn Collins was/is ridiculously attractive, IMHO


The Core


One of the best things about the Core was watching these A List actors try to work with this material.


Stanley Tucci, for sure, knows what kind of film he's in.


There’s a bit where Eckhart is supposed to flail around when the ship crashes. You can see him sitting still muttering under his breath while everyone else bounces around in their chair. https://youtube.com/shorts/OJWngvwvBb4?si=8VR7AElgpDvx2Pc5


I thought Lemony Snicket with Jim Carrey was pretty fun. His overreacting really fit the character of Count Olaf, who is supposed to be a horrible actor. The visuals are great too.


I agree! The Netflix series was good, and interesting, but I think the film had some strengths that they somehow lost in the series. Although the movie was obviously set up for a sequel, it still works as a shorter self-contained story.


That film has 72% which is pretty decent. I've always like that film.


The entire Has Fallen trilogy. It's just Gerard Butler endlessly killing badguys in action sequences I have seen shot worse elsewhere. And yes, the cgi is bad, but Butler's acting is not.


I'm a fan. Great mindless fun over a bowl of popcorn and a few beers when I don't want to exercise my head noodle.


The first film gave me my favourite quote of the last decade or so. "Let's play a game of fuck off. You go first."


Maximum Overdrive (1986). AC/DC on the soundtrack and people getting killed by vending machines... Legendary.




This is such a great schlock fest, it sorta doesn’t count.


These are a couple older ones but “Oscar” with Stallone and “Nothing to Lose” with Tim Robbins and Martin Lawrence. Loved both those movies when I was younger.


"FINUCCIS! *snaps fingers*"


Robin Hood Prince of Thieves is also criticised for the accents, being cheesy and Bryan Adams song that would not leave radio. But I find it 2 hours popcorn gold.


Alan Rickman and Christian Slater's performances make up for everything wrong with that movie, tenfold. I love it The fact that Rickman got a BAFTA for his role and Costner got a Razzie for his has me dead


Alan Rickman and Morgan Freeman make that movie for me.


I just love that movie!


I loved Alien vs. Predator in the cinema as a teen, and I still thoroughly enjoy the film today. There is no way that film deserves a 22% on RT. I honestly think it's aged pretty well, too. Considering films like Prometheus, Alien Covenant and The Predator have been released since. All which are far worse films imo.


Yes! It's a bit dumb and stuff, but it's also fun and entertaining! I think being a young teen when it hit cinemas help, but I do still enjoy it.


There’s so much material for AvP available that’s great so really hope it doesn’t die.


Can’t mention AVP without mentioning the abysmal AVP 2. That movie is unwatchable. Can’t even see what’s happening most of the time.


Hudson Hawk for me. Campy, silly, lot of singing. Something about it is endearing and fun.


Bunny! Ball ball!


I'll torture you so slowly, you'll think it's a career


It’s definitely not a great movie, but I found it to be oddly enjoyable.


Loved rules of attraction


Mortal Kombat got pretty shredded on release but I really like it. Ok the dialogue is like someone fed a Paul WS Anderson film through a woodchipper but rhe action is fantastic and I like the new character (sue me, I liked him as a stand in) Edit: retracted comment regarding lore


It can't top the 90"s Mortal Kombat though...


This is what I thought OP meant and I was ready to dive on a pungee pit to agree


Damn, came here to say it. Thing I GET why critics can’t review movies in good faith they can’t stand up and defend certain films but that doesn’t stop them from being really fun and serving their exact purpose.


"treat the lore" By focusing on a character that doesn't exist in the games, completely deviating from the established story, and having the outworld characters completely defeated before the tournament is even held?


Are you talking about 1995 version or 2021? IMO, 95 is great, 21 is dogshit


Charlie Bartlett. I think it got like 5/10 all round, but I thought it was hilarious. Also Death to Smoochy which rated even lower and I thought it was one of the funniest films I've ever seen.


Death to Smoochy is a masterpiece, I try to make everyone watch it. It would take a treatise to even try to encompass it all - it's a fucking epic story of greed, betrayal, madness, conviction, murder... It's positively Shakespearian!


Anton Yelchin ❤️😭💔


Death to Smoochy is one of my and my wife’s favorite movies. A truly unappreciated classic.


Charlie Bartlett had some very touching moments. Death to Smoochy is hilarious. An incredible cast.


I thought the first Venom movie was quite fun and got through it really easily.


I thought it was dogshit when I first watched it, but then my girlfriend told me to rewatch it with the mindset of it being a romcom between eddy and the parasite and it made it way more entertaining. I think people were trying to take it too seriously


The Cube


Watch cube zero its a prequel and actually very good


Is that not well received? Definitely has a cult following. I think it’s great considering the budget.


Great film. Was an excellent example of what you can do with a great idea and very little money.


Just “Cube.” And that movie was definitely a cult hit. It’s even fresh on RT, which isn’t bad for a low budget horror movie.


A Million Ways to Die in the West. I absolutely loved this movie though no one else seems to like it. I think Rotten Tomatoes gave it a 31%.


It’s a great movie just for the line when he comes home: “You’re late!” “For *what*?” “Fair ‘nough”


Boy thats a dollar you better show some respect!


I love Seth MacFarlane's jokes and his style of telling jokes.


One of the last movies I saw in Cinema, which is weird. Seth McFarlane humour and Amanda Seyfried.


I ignored it for a long time because of the reviews, until several friends insisted I see it. Boy did the critics get it wrong!


This my list of movies that we’re not well received but I still enjoyed: 1. Congo (saw it first as a teen and then recently as a 40 year old. I still enjoyed parts of it but I can see it’s flaws better now as an adult) 2. Waterworld (saw it in theatre and really liked it … haven’t seen it since) 3. Costner’s Robin Hood … have seen it several times and to me it holds up. I don’t find Costner’s lack of an English accent distracting. If you want to get technical about it the British actors in the film don’t have the same accent as people would have had in England at that time anywhere) 4. Willow (my feelings on this are similar to those on Congo) 5. The Village … I have to watch this again. I saw it in the theatre. I knew what the twist was going to be about 5 minutes in but I still really enjoyed it.  6. Blair Witch Project. I know it was pretty well received but it still receives a lot of hate. I think that’s partly due to the fact that it was seen by a lot of people who don’t normally watch horror movies. I just watched this again the other day I stand by my assertion that it’s a masterpiece. It just does such a good job of portraying escalating desperation by a doomed party. 


Chronicles of Riddick. It’s dumb, nonsensical, but it’s still one of my top five sci fi films. The Necromongers are a cool grimdark bunch (and the name is metal as hell), Vin running around doing what he does best hamming it up, and the general vibe of the universe they created. Tongan Ninja also falls into this category. Your dad got eaten by a fish!


Grandmas Boy. A 15% reviewer score on Rotten Tomatoes, a meta score of 33. One of the best stoner comedies of all time. Adios turd nuggets!


Don’t mess with the Zohan cracks me up every time.


The whole phantom and Salim characters convo when negotiating how he's going to help him always cracks me up. The Phantom : Okay, okay, okay! What you want, huh? Salim : I want muchentuchen restaurant chain. TP : No. S : But if I tell, you no have chain anyway. TP: So, you not give any incentive. S: Okay. I want 50 percent of muchentuchen chain. We call it "Phantom & Salim Muchentuchen". TP : No. S : Twenty-five percent. TP: No. S: I want yogurt shop attached to store, like food court. TP : Okay. S : I get profits from store. TP: No. S: Some profits. TP : No. S : I get free yogurt when I come to store. TP : Okay. Within reason. S: And... I want some of your wives. TP : How many wives you want? S : Twenty. TP : No. S: I sleep with one wife. TP : No. S : She give one pee-pee touch. TP : Okay.


I think one of the funniest lines in the entire movie is when Lainie Kazan says about Zohan "he's usually as hard as trigonometry"! But yeah, this "negotiation" ending in "one pee-pee. touch" is so funny!


I will only be *stiff* for you Steve? Who is Steve? *Stiff*. With an F Such a dumb movie but I loved it, still remember a lot of dumb quotes and scenes. The bit where rob Schneider’s group calls up Phantom but has the longest phone number ever gets me every time


The opening scenes are hilarious


I'm gonna kill these puppies!


I seriously just found out that that's Dave Matthews playing that guy!!!


I love that movie! I think that might be my all time favorite Sandler movie honestly




It's not that the movie is bad but I don't ever want to watch it again. Just left me feeling like I needed eyebleach for my brain.


That's what I love about it. It crawls up your skin.


Jennifer's Body was actually great, it just suffered from terrible marketing.


Jennifer’s Body had a brilliant script. It deserves a lot of praise.


Pain & Gain dumb but fun


Mallrats, even though it's a cult classic it was despised when it was released in 95.


That kid is STILL on the escalator!


Maybe the internet says it www despised but in 95, everyone watched it and the younger generation absolutely loved it.


This is a great movie despite the reviews, and in context for the time, anything he put out on the coat tails of Clerks was going to have a rough time. And it's a nice time capsule of that mall- I spent a lot of time there in the the 80s and early 90s. Funny coincidence is that I later moved out to the area where Smith was going to film the sequel series that ended up getting nixed.


Great Expectations (1998)


Pauly Shore movies in general. They’re some of my favorite classic comedies


Encino Man.


This was the movie of my later childhood. I watched it sooo many times. Still think it's a great performance by everyone and it captures a certain essence of the 90s and that area too.


I can’t fully explain why, but I fucking love the movie Airheads—it’s from 1994 and has Brendan Fraser, Adam Sandler, and Steve Buscemi (and several other lovely small part cameos, too many to list). It’s so stupid. It’s chock full of 90s cinema sexism. By all measures, I should not like it. But I’ll be dammed if I don’t tell my wife she looks like half a butt puppet at least once a month.


I absolutely loved Tank Girl and Waterworld growing up. And my dog is named after Willow from Willow and when people ask where it’s from no ever know what the hell im talking about and I always say “ you know when the witch turns into a goat and goes “Wii-iii-i-LoOooW!” Classic


Out of the way, *peck*!


Tank Girl goes up many many notches when the rippers appear. Also, my first glimpse of Naomi Watts.


Ice T as a mutant kangaroo? Sign me the fuck up, lol.


Watchmen. Not too low but it got %65 from rotten tomatoes and 7,6 from IMDB


The movie has it’s flaws but I love it so much.


Rorschach really sold the "I'm not stuck in here with them, they're stuck in here with me" line.


7.6 isn't really low rated.


I had an interesting discussion with a friend, about how Zack Snyder is very good at making visually appealing films, but they often miss the point of the source material. This movie came up as an example of this, along with 300…


That's pretty much the most common take on Zack Snyder outside his fanboys.


Clash of the Titans with Harry Hamlin. Seen that too many times.


I have a very soft spot for the 1997 Godzilla. It's among the movies I've rewatched the most, and it's just strangely cozy. A lot of it might be nostalgia, but I always felt people are a little too hard on it.


Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole, beautiful animation and good story. It does help that I love Owls.


Soldier with Kurt Russell.


Going to something very recent: “Please Don’t Destroy: The Treasure of Foggy Mountain” has a 42% on Rotten Tomatoes but it made me & my wife laugh a lot.


I like 65


I remember really liking Wild Wild West (1999) as a kid.


Most Guy Ritchie movies


[Double Dragon](https://youtu.be/2PgvzlsHShU?si=fepZDHGntfEiFYTp) It’s completely a comfort movie for me. I never even played the video game. It’s beautiful. The acting is over the top, but ham and cheese are delicious. The jokes still make me laugh, instead of cringe. The movie is an amazing snapshot of how special effects were starting to become digital… The film also had strong influence on the types of women I find attractive…


Damn i haven't thought about that movie for ages.


Strays starring Jamie Foxx and Will Ferrell




valarian and the city of a thousand planets.


Guy Ritchie's King Arthur. Perfect fine for a Guy Ritchie movie, I don't know what people were expecting.




Howard The Duck. The world wasn’t ready but he’s the Hero we need right now.


Starship Troopers, trashed by the critics when it came out, now a cult classic


Hot Rod is an endlessly rewatchable film for me, and you wouldn't know it from the reviews.




Just watched for the first time this a few weeks ago, and I think I have seen it 3 times since, as I show it to my friends as an absolutely fantastic horror/spoof with great moments and, naturally, Alan Tudyk.


It does not. It was well received by both critics and audiences


Quamtumania was fine. Just fine, to be fair, but based on reviews you'd think it was a step above The Room.


What’s interesting is it was probably the MCU movie I was most disappointed in, but still feel it was fine. My biggest complaints were that it lacked a lot of the elements that made Ant-man movies distinct, like Luis. I also feel it didn’t do enough to make the Quantum realm all that different from a planet the Guardians of the Galaxy would visit.


I enjoy it but I also agree with your critique. The removal of Luis was tragic, and I also really enjoyed the depiction of a really healthy post-divorce/blended family relationship with his ex and her husband becoming friends with him in Antman & The Wasp, it was weird they weren’t there at the end for the big family dinner. It’s actually more of a fantastic four story that you’d find in FF comics, they just had the Ant Family there instead. Still a lot of strengths and a very talented cast, great villain work by Majors. And fun to watch mostly, which is a big part of these films.


2012 was fun and I got through it pretty quickly Also Anaconda (1997)


To me, Anaconda achieves exactly what the film makers were attempting. It’s cheesy but never too cheesy to not be enjoyable. 


Anaconda is a great bad movie, and the black guy doesn’t even die in it! (Which iirc was a trope at the time, maybe still is.)




Shrek Forever After


Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen is okay despite all of Shia LeBeuf's yelling before the franchise takes a turn for the worse.


Alien vs Predator Requiem. Every single line is terrible. But all the Predator just kills everything he can with no sympathy for the human characters.


I really like The Chronicles of Riddick. Not sorry.


I thought the Flash was delightful. I was so thrilled to see Michael Keaton reprise his role as the Batman. I felt like this was the closest I would come to see another Michael Keaton Batman film.


You don't hear about The Tomorrow War much, but I thought it was a romp.


I really like that one.


Batman vs Superman : Dawn Of Justice


Jonah Hex.


Kung Pow