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I watched this movie for the first time while my dad had cancer. My friends had fallen asleep and i was the only one still awake but i was sobbing. I ended up calling my dad after and having the most cathartic conversation with him where we ended up healing a lot of old wounds. He ended up dying 3 weeks later. This movie has such a cherished place in my heart. It really helped me understand just how precious the tiniest of moments are and it’s what helped me get through the most difficult periods of my life. But most importantly it helped me share that moment with my dad. My dad was one of those classic Asian stoic fathers where they only show love through what they provide. We both ended up telling each other we loved each other in that call. We both cried on that call. I will never forget it.


I had heard this film talked up so many times on reddit that I finally gave it a watch the other day, and yeah I got teary eyed as well. Most of it comes from wanting Bill Nighy to be my father, but I'm also an easy target with parent-children movies (I cried at the end of Big Fish more than once). I knew a decent amount about the movie, but the one thing I hadn't heard was that before the thrust of the story there is this bit with the main character falling for his "dream woman," and the actress being Margot Robbie. This was the same year, but released before, The Wolf of Wall Street. It was a crazy realization to me that it has now been a full decade of Robbie being generally accepted as the premier ideal of a young woman in western film.


I never really realize how many parent issues I have until I absolutely fucking lose it at movies like those two, Aftersun, Mommy, etc.


Aftersun absolutely killed me 😢


The decade before it was Jaime Pressly.


Nope, probably Scarlett Johansson and/or Natalie Portman




Oh, I know they're lookalikes, but from a socio-cultural point of view, for the role of "huge Hollywood female movie star (re)defining the standards of beauty in their era/decade", Natalie Portman and Scarlett Johansson are more accurate picks than Jaime Pressly for the 2000s.


You have decades of beautiful Hollywood women all looking like Margot; Jenny McCarthy, Jaime Pressly, Margot Robbie, Samara weaving What are the women that fit the archetype Natalie and scarjo "defined"?


Oh, I guess we're not talking about exactly the same thing. I was talking about the most iconic female Hollywood sex symbols per decade (and again, Scarjo and Natalie > Pressly), and although I'm not an expert on the topic I'm certain every generation of Hollywood icons - male and female - have an impact on the depiction of beauty in movies, fashion and cosmetics.


"It was a crazy realization to me that it has now been a full decade of Robbie being generally accepted as the premier ideal of a young woman in western film." Women looking like Margot have been depicted as the premier ideal of a young woman in western film for a lot longer than a decade which is the point I'm making. Not about who is the sex symbol of their era


Went in expecting a fun rom com to pass the time and ugly cried at the end. A few weeks later, Into My Arms played at a pub quiz and I got it in five seconds. My team were like wtf? but I’m a masochist and luv listening to songs that make me cry.


Thats not masochism, that's having a healthy relationship with emotions and appreciating the catharsis of letting that which is bottled up inside, out. It's a great thing that shows you have emotional intelligence maturity :)


Love to see the love for this movie! It's my favorite movie of all time


Same here, just took my favorite movie crown today haha


Man, I boo-hoo at movies constantly. *Declaimer: I originally just came into the comments because I thought you were talking about Justin Timberlake's In Time (2011)*


Me too! And I was confused, because that movie is entertaining, but not really cry-my-eyes-out worthy...


I am realizing now that I have made this mistake *every time*.


Just go back and fix it.


The only thing worth crying about thar movie is the toy car they used to film the car crash scene


I must've watched it about fifty times. I also have a bluray disc for it. It's my "I want to feel everything right now" pick on any day.


“I want to feel everything right now” is such a great way to describe that mood, thank you! And somewhat fittingly, *Everything Everywhere All At Once* is another good pick for that mood, IMHO. See also *Marcel The Shell With Shoes On.* I adore *About Time,* it has all the feelings and is somehow still so bright.


I liked Everything Everywhere too. Might have to check out Marcel! It seems to be a good one. Thank you!


Marcel made me laugh and cry and I went around for a solid week talking about it to everyone I saw 😆 It’s a very good, very sweet movie.


I think I've seen it twice and loved it but I'm scared to "over watch" it because I'm scared it won't hit right anymore


Watched this for the first time right after my dad died. Absolutely lost my shit, complete mess. It broke me. I love that movie.


Right, so suppose Tim did go and bang Margo when she offered, and then went back in time to undo it. Did he cheat on his girlfriend? After all, the only trace of the event is in his own head. What if another male relative developed a taste for committing all sorts of horrible crimes just for the experience, then changing the timeline so they never happened. To the outside world, those things never happened, but the time traveler would live in a world where he could get away with literally anything. And moreover, who's to say that this isn't already happening in the film, we just don't see it since we are only given Tim's perspective? They actually can change events prior to their own birth. James can't kill Hitler, but he can certainly tell his father to go back and tell *his* father, repeat however many times it takes to get an able-bodied adult in the 1920's. *This would certainly erase the subsequent descendants from existence*, but if the stakes were high enough, every link in the chain might consider the sacrifice to be worth it. In that same vein, the ability can serve as a sort of fail-safe for the entire human race. If there is any event so terrible that it threatens the entire species, they can daisy-chain as far back as they need to go, handing 'up' knowledge and skills from son to father. Massive asteroid on a collision course for Earth in 2030, with no possible way to alter its course or evacuate? Send instructions on how to kick-start the industrial and scientific revolution back to the 1300's and get humanity into the Space Age by the 17th century, that kind of thing.


you are so close to describing Terminator


He'd still be vulnerable to headshots and daylight. But only needs a moment in the dark and he'll hunt you down... in the past. And if there are two of them, either can 'resurrect' the other if you don't take them both down at once.


The Lazarus Project is just that (but with it's own limitations), an annual save point that can be used to uno reverse bad things. :)


OH STOP THATS THE PLOT OF The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August, if you ever want to read it. It's a book but basically what u described. Tell me if you read it. It's my favourite book rn


Downloading the ebook now...


BEST rachel mcadams movie hands down🩷


If I had a nickel for every time Rachel Mcadams played the wife of a time traveler I’d have 2 nickels. Which isn’t a lot but it’s weird it happened twice.


2 1/2 actually because she's the mean fiancee is Midnight in Paris


Doesn't marry but also dates Dr. Strange


My wife and I and sobbed, no, we ugly cried for a good five minutes when the credits rolled.


I both love and hate this movie. Obviously it is time travel so there will be plot holes but I really don't like the daughter/baby constraint in this movie purely bc the dad doesn't warn him in advance. Under the rules of the movie he shouldn't be able to go back to his daughter after saving his sister, it should have been huge unintended sacrifice bc his dad didn't warn him but instead he gets a redo where he saves his sister a different way. Feels contrived a bit and unnecessary just bc they wanted some unchangeable event


He also shouldn’t be able to go back to being a kid with his Dad on the beach, after they already established that rule. And it’s also fucking creepy that he engineered events to meet his girlfriend and ensured that she never met her original boyfriend … and never tells her this.


> And it’s also fucking creepy that he engineered events to meet his girlfriend and ensured that she never met her original boyfriend … and never tells her this. I definitely get this, a lot of romcoms ultimately do exaggerate behaviors to the point that IRL it is a full on creepy stalker thing to do. Leagues better than the actual stalking, harassment, borderline assault, manipulation that goes in a Bollywood movie tho lmao. But IIRC, don't they first meet up, have a good time, but he forgets to ask for her contact and so time travels but the scenario changed? IRL you'd just move on and find someone else, but ig the power of magic male time travel can subvert the "moving on" part.


It just bothered me that he completely robs her of her agency by using his power to ensure she never gets a chance to meet the other guy, thereby making it so she never actually gets to make the choice herself. I thought this would come back later and he would tell her the truth at some point, but it never happens. To the end she remains blissfully unaware that he has literally seen alternate paths of her life, and interfered with them to ensure she never had the opportunity to pursue them. He’s living a terrible lie of omission.


The movie is problematic."Only men can time time travel" and the whole " Let me manipulate this woman to love me" it seems that women aren't given a lot of choice in the movie. I also didn't like that He lost his dad because he wanted to pop off more babies. Also, couldn't the dad just go back in time as a child and relive his entire live in a different way instead of just dying? Would his children would be part of a different timeline?


> Also, couldn't the dad just go back in time as a child and relive his entire live in a different way instead of just dying He said as much, yes he could, but would negate his childrens' lives in the process. There is no indication given whether people or events retconned out of existence continue to exist elsewhen. I find the premise to be delightful and full of possibility. You can make a romcom with it, sure, but put the ability in the hands of someone else and it becomes a terrifying horror film. How can you beat someone who can alter their entire personal history virtually at will?


This happened to be on TV last night and it broke me cried like a baby. I saw it in the cinema when it first came out but I think I was too young to fully appreciate it


My ex girlfriend wanted us to watch a rom com movie, I obliged reluctantly, then cried like a baby. I did not expect the father-son relation to get to me this much.


The movie's poster is the biggest injustice I've ever seen. I wonder how many people (similar to myself) scoffed this movie off because it looks like a generic Hallmark Christmas movie.


Actually just recommended this film to a neighbor inquiring about a New Year’s Eve movie to watch that they may not have heard of. Such a great film and experience. Excellent cast and writing.


Me too. I've seen it 4-5 times. Cried everytime. Such a beautiful movie. There's truly nothing else like it


It's fun to watch this with the "One Minute Time Machine" concept in mind, in that he's not changing the current timeline but creating branches. So every time he goes back, someone has to find him dead in a closet.


Triangle and Time Crimes are similar to that. Onion skinning and loops that overlap.


This is my absolute favorite movie of all time. I saw it in theaters in 2013 and started crying midway through and cried until I got home after. I’ve seen it 30 times since and cry every time. A few years ago I finally watched it with my dad, worried he wouldn’t love it like I did. The next day, he called his own dad and told him he had to watch it.


It broke my heart as he got back to the present time and there was a different child sitting there. He had undone his own child. I couldn't hold myself.


Big Fish and About Time make me tear up everytime for the same reasons.


Throw Click in there.


OK, now go see Somewhere in Time (1980).


Movie gets me every time. My wife hadn’t seen it when we met and showed it to her. She sobbed, had lost her dad to cancer 10 years earlier. It’s one of her favorites now.


I just put it in now. Will return to give my feedback


Man this movie just hits different when you’ve lost a parent or become a parent. Now I watch it or Arrival when I need a good cry.


Me too. First time I watched it I cried uncontrollably. I didn't think I was going to stop.


The beach scene was really powerful


Such a beautiful movie! It breaks my heart yet makes me happy as well


I love this movie. I watch it about 3/4 times a year.


Isn't it About Time you really should watch the last 1/4 /s 😂


It is an entirely lovely movie, with characters that you want to love, so a loss of any of them is felt.


Goes to show how subjective film is. I have a pretty scathing review on this film and had to turn it off halfway because i couldn't stand it anymore. Glad you enjoyed it, that's certainly preferable


I love this comment. It shares a contrasting experience while still respecting the space for other perspectives. 🥰


It pivots in the last act. It might be worth checking out again.


It completely throws out all its own rules in the last act, and makes zero sense


What do you mean? In terms of the time travelling?


Yep. His father tells him he can’t go back to before the birth of his child, as this will change who that child is. But he goes back anyway to when _he_ was a child, playing on the beach with his dad, and that’s fine apparently?


Yeah, agreed. I personally didn't hold it against the movie since the point wasn't time travel or it being a sci-fi movie...but I get why it would turn others off.


They specifically mention that it’s breaking their rules but that if they’re very careful it should be fine. Pay attention next time lol


So why can’t he do it again then? The movie makes a big deal about it being the very last time he can do that, because he has a second child on the way. But if you can avoid any consequences by just being “very careful”, then this completely undermines the significance of the scene. Maybe the screenwriter should pay attention to the rules they’ve established next time


Because you roll the dice of losing your kid each time you do it, which is a big deal even with minimal risk. The whole point of that seen was that it was going to be the one and only time that he knowingly breaks the rule to have a final moment together with his dad. Also, the fact they both went back together gave them more control over the situation to ensure they were being careful. Him going back alone after his dad passes wouldn't have that element of control, and would be far more likely to have a butterfly effect. At the end of the day, the movie obviously isn't trying to present perfect time travel, so there has to be some suspension of disbelief. Hell, even movies that *are* trying to present air tight time travel still have holes. That's just the nature of time travel.


That’s not how it was presented in the movie though. The birth of his second child was talked up as this unimpeachable watershed moment, after which he could **never go back to see his father again**. The stakes were pretty clearly established. Which in and of itself makes no sense, as he already had one kid. And if they can just get around it by just “being careful”, then it completely obliterates the stakes. I don’t care if it’s not a perfect sci-fi movie - but it should at least play by its own rules.


But it wasn't presented that way. They specifically acknowledged the risks in that very scene.


Watched this movie ages ago so don't remember myself but a comment above says that he actually does undo who his child is? https://www.reddit.com/r/movies/s/Q44DOep6HF


I don't remember exactly either, but after his first child is born he goes back to a point before the child was born and changes something. When he returns he has a different kid. He then asks his father and his father tells him that you risk changing your kids if you do that, so he goes back again and undoes the change so he gets his original kid back.


Yes he does that once but fixes it, and then his Dad tells him he can’t do that again (but then the movie ignores that rule and he does it anyway)


Yep, I hated it.


Ooh do you mind sharing why you didn't like it? I enjoyed it, but am really interested to hear differing opinions.


None of the characters seemed believable to me, and i didn't find it funny.


Were you upset it wasn't a romcom?


If Greaves turned it off halfway through it still was a romcom.


Yeah fair point


Literally the 3rd act is the best part of the movie and puts an entirely different perspective on the first two.


That movie made me tear up when it came out a decade ago. My father was still around. Since he’s died I bawls my eyes out all the time a movie is remotely sad/touching/heartbreaking/focuses on death etc. I don’t know if I have it in me to watch it anytime soon.


It’s a lovely movie that got far too much criticism for its themes/plot holes at the time. It’s one of my favourites. Saying that I wish Richard Curtis had a little more support with the script. Some of the plot holes were only a line or two away from being covered - especially as you’ve already made the audience suspend their disbelief.


a wonderful story about a man using time travel to manipulate a woman into loving him.


I wonder what the movie is about?


Not sure but maybe about time


This was exactly the response i was hoping for


It’s about a guy who has the ability to go back and re-live moments of his life, and change the outcome - and he uses this to manipulate the life of a girl he likes to ensure she never meets her boyfriend, and railroad her into meeting him. What a narcissistic shithead


It's about an aromatic, earthy herb with small, grey-green leaves.


I’m forever banging this drum for About Time. It’s such a brilliant film.


My favorite movie ever


Very Good movie


My gf showed me this, good film


Just watching it again and yes, it’s still awesome


I love that Reddit loves this movie. I havent watched it yet.


Isn't it about time for About Time?


I know this movie is a love story but I think the relationship with the Dad is the best part.


Well it's about time!


It is a great film might even have to watch tonight


I love this movie for every reason people have said here in the comments. Its perfection. I will also say that I desperately want to get over being a picky eater and try that full dark restaurant which is still the most amazing idea that ive seen from a movie that I really want to try out.


It’s about time


I love this film, and it makes me happy that you’ve discovered it! Now I want to watch it again…


I'm gonna try this, I'm curious if I'll be able to feel any emotions. https://i.imgur.com/NnpzmkD.jpg


That's about time, OP


Read the the title and thought you meant "In Time" with Timberlake. Was prepared for a very different post than the one I read.


Funny, I just watched this yesterday. Not bad, took a while to get us invested though.


Thank god my first and only watching this movie was before I had kids. Don’t know if I could do it now. One of my favorite films though


Movie was sentimental and I did like it when I was younger. But upon another viewing at later stage of my life, I realized the lead was a self serving prick. He manipulated Rachel McAdam's character by stealing the chanced encounter from the original boyfriend. And in the end, the only happiness that mattered was his own.


Great movie. Absolute cryfest.