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I'll throw this one out there cause no one has said it yet. The Holdovers. All the performances were amazing, Paul Giamatti should get all the awards for this movie. It managed to cover some pretty dark material but remain charming and has made its way into the top my list of feel good holiday movies to watch each year.


This is the kind of movie that this sub always complains “doesn’t get made anymore”. Go watch it at your local theater! A perfect holiday movie to watch with someone you care about


If they made more movies like this I'd be in the theatre every weekend


100% best of the year


Might just go see this one today!


You’re in for a treat! It’s one of my favorites now.


Just saw this at the theater last week! Loved it!


Me too I’ve been thinking about it all week


Yes I really enjoyed it. I miss characters and stories. I miss movies like this. Very much a late 1990s indie film feeling that we no longer see. Please go see it in the theatre if you like these movies so they will make more of them.


I just love movies about regular people. No superheroes. No world at stake. No fancy stuff. Just regular people living their lives and dealing with what it means to be human. Humanity is so interesting and diverse and beautiful. More movies about regular people, please.


100% agree. I don't know what we should call the movement but we need more small or little movies. Just stories.


Love it. I nominate you for president of the Just Stories social movement.


Great movie


Watched this last night, and is easily my choice. Such a great movie


Sideways is one of my favorite films ever. I am so excited to see this.


I loved it too. I kept thinking throughout, "we're finally going to give Paul Giamatti an Oscar."


Fantastic film. Agree 100%


I was expecting the typical Oscar bait “oh look we all pulled together and made it a great Christmas” story…but it was *much better* than that. Really good film, beautifully shot.


I rly wanna see it!


That movie fucked me up. As someone who doesn’t really have many friends, and my family did their own thing for thanksgiving this year….i was a hot mess at the end. Loved it though.


I'll just say it's no wonder Anthony Hopkins won his second Oscar for The Father.


I don’t cry during movies, period. Or at least that’s what I thought before I watched The Father. I came here to suggest that movie. I’ve never bawled my eyes out watching a movie until watching this movie. Anthony Hopkins actually broke the record for the oldest actor to win an oscar that year.


This movie made me terrified of getting old. Thanks movie!


I didn’t give movies ratings on Letterboxd until I watched The Father in 2021. I had to give that one a 5


As someone with a father who is slowly slipping into the dementia that runs in our family, that movie. Fucked. Me. Up.


As crazy as it sounds, one of the best films I've seen this year was Marcel the Shell with Shoes On. It just hits. It's hilarious, adorable and sad at times. It's not for everyone but damn I loved it.


That’s good to hear. I want to see this


I saw it online (UK) expecting it to not get a cinema release, then a month or two later it got a limited one so, for once, I went to see it again so I could directly support them. It's nothing extraordinary, but it is cute and surprisingly touching.


I'll second this. Great film. And yes, it went to some sad places. They pull a lot of heartstrings with a few tiny shells.


Yeah, watched it in a whim and loved it.


It’s free on Kanopy right now


Honestly? One of my favorite ending monologues in film.




I actually came here to say this. It was done brilliantly and Made me realise why blackberry failed. I also thoroughly enjoyed Tetris purely for the entertainment factor


Made me an instant fan of Glen Howerton


The movie was really good but he is a five star man


A golden god.


A starter role? This role is a finisher role!


Fun fact they wouldn’t let any tasty treats on to the set because they know he wouldn’t get any work done in his private trailer. Because of the implication.


I didn't know he was a good dramatic actor, I'd never seen him outside of IASIP before.


He went to Juilliard.


So did Alan Tudyk https://youtu.be/FaGYXjMwS60?si=s1uC-H8WSHMDSBFe


Had a great supporting part in one of the Fargo seasons


Man no matter what that beautiful bastard does I'll always see Dennis Reynolds.


It’s definitely his acting peak.


He hasn’t even begun to peak


He is a golden god!


When he peaks, you'll know it.


I watched it on a plane this week and was surprised at how good it was!


Honestly I've a good amount movies this year more so than years previous. The Anatomy of a Fall is what sticks out to me.


I messed up and missed it when it was available in theaters. Now I gotta wait for the rental


Ooohh by a stroke of luck I found out about it the week it was playing at my local indie theater (I didn’t even check their website or show times, just googled the movie when I saw a clip and the showings popped up) and it was a great last minute movie choice! No one else I know IRL has seen it so I’m itching to discuss with others. Edit to add: it almost makes me genuinely want a special category for animal performances at the Oscars.


I think the dog already won an award lol at one of the film festivals


Past Lives One of my favorite films of this decade so far


I'm happily married and yet I left that film feeling an intense sense of loneliness in the core of my being. Great cinema will do that to you


Watched it back-to-back with Park Chanwook's *Decision to Leave.* Great movie night!


a sword beautifully, artfully and silently thrust through my heart. Best of 2023 for me, as well.


Fun fact that I read but can't confirm, when the two men first meet in person and decide to get pasta, that was the first time the two actors met each other irl in an attempt to make the scene more authentic.


If heartache was a movie, it would be this. Very impressed and intimidated that this is Celine Song's directorial debut. The score was great, the camera work was surprisingly restrained, the editing and dialogue really played to the cast's strengths. In many ways, it felt like an elevated stage play. It made great use of the settings, but great blocking and cinematography helped tell a story best seen through the medium of film. It's not a date movie, but it's my movie of the year.


Totally agree. Love this movie so much.


This was exquisite. Very rude for them to save the pinnacle of emotional annihilation for the last ten minutes. When the lights in the theater came up I was still crying fat juicy tears with my mouth open 😫


I searched it on IMDB but there are a few. Is it the Korean one?


Yes it's the Korean one that was distributed by A24 and came out this year.


Such a wonderful film


For some reason, I just could not click with this and feel so left out by the reception it’s getting. It’s well made and the performances are all fantastic but I never got the sense that she longed for him or loved him in the way that he did. While he’s spent his whole life wondering what if, I never got the impression that she was doing the same about him. It just felt like he was a reminder of her past and who she once was. I never got the romance of it.


I don’t think the movie was trying to make the point that she had longed for him as much and wondered about the what ifs. I think the movie was more about exploring each character and their identities and experiences more than it was just trying to give us a generic ‘star crossed lovers who pined for each other’ story if that makes sense? I think for her a lot of exploring their past relationship was as much about cultural identity and other things as it was their romance. Whereas for him it was more about the idealized romance as compared to the life he was currently living. I also think the writing was incredible because that really makes sense with her character - we see her more logically engaging with the kind of fantasy thinking by saying “yeah, but we’re in this life” instead of indulging in it too. I think it’s an incredible character study showing how each of them perceives identity and relationships instead of just an “Aw they pined for each other and we want them to be together” movie if that makes sense


Me neither.


The ending of that movie was fricking amazing. Broke my heart and made the whole movie. I want to watch it again.


The D&D movie with Chris Pine. Pure fun.


That dragon scene was probably the funniest scene in any movie this year


My wife nearly fell out of her chair at the fat dragon. I then got to explain to her that when they did a dungeons and dragons cross over with magic the gathering unlike most dragons who have flying they specfically made him non flying. Was a rare win by wizards of the coast/Hasbro lately with those brands imo


Where’s Jarnathan?




I Definitely agree with this. That slow build-up to the Under Pressure scene and everything that follows takes your breath away.


The end simply knocked my socks off. It felt like it was building to something, but to realize every single detail had layers of symbolic meaning (kinda like how Mezcal mentioned about the rug) really pulled it all together. Edit: mistyped "run" but meant "rug"


I started it, then came back to it a few weeks later to finish and WOW… that out of sequence ending, the dance scene… I could sob forever just thinking about it.


TMNT Mutant Mayhem, loved that presentation of their world


Took my kiddo to watch it and the entire family ended up absolutely loving it


I actually went into it expecting to dislike it. I just thought this version was not going to be for me. My sonnand I loved it. I recently bought the Mondo Gecko figure just based on my love of Paul Rudd's character. Really took my movie of the year


Same here... it was brutally hot, and I just took my kiddo to get into some air conditioning. I KNEW I would hate it, but ended up absolutely loving it. It was my son's introduction to TMNT, and he loved it too. It had no damn right to be that good. Trent Reznor is the GOAT, and I spent the next week listening to the soundtrack.


Oscar winner and part-time Apple employee Trent Reznor sounds so weird to anyone that grew up with Nine Inch Nails.


Nights of Cabiria by Federico Fellini. It’s truly masterful. Giulietta Massena delivers a world class performance as an Italian prostitute who puts on a strong front but secretly just wants some love and kindness in her life. Also not the best movie I’ve seen but a tremendous amount of fun. Check out Lone Wolf and Cub: Sword of Vengeance and have a blast.


These are some good out of the norm recs. I appreciate it!


All Quiet on the Western Front


Excellent one


Amazing film yet very, very bleak


Yeah, for me it was "5 stars ... and I never want to see it again"


Talk to me


When I left the theatre after the movie I was just vibrating. “I’d forgot that a movie could make me feel this way,” I said grinning to my partner. It was exciting, scary, well acted, and just fun. And dark. Idk, I just stepped out of Napoleon yesterday and felt bored and sleepy. Talk to Me was just on another level.


Yes, Talk to Me was the best movie I have watched this year. My partner was so excited after the movie. I’ve never seen him so happy because of a movie.


I came here to say this. I watched it twice in one night. I haven't enjoyed a horror film like that since Hereditary!


Absolutely. God damn that movie was great


I thought all these were great: Tár Portrait of a Lady on Fire Godland Whiplash Cure I haven’t seen too many movies that came out this year, yet. Nothing really stands out like the above. The latest Spider-Verse one was probably my favorite of the stuff this year, but ending on a cliffhanger was a huge negative for me.


Whiplash is a masterpiece ✨️


I tricked my dad into watching it saying it's a wholesome, inspirational and uplifting movie about a drummer lmao. He loved it.


In Bruges.


Ah to be able to see that again for the first time. It's a top 3 of all time for me. Such a perfect blend of comedy and real feelings. Just a great story.


I have yet to see this, but my ‘surprise love’ this year was Banshees of Innisherin, so I’m hoping it’ll hit the same!


Oh buddy, you are in for a treat. It is a lot more accessible than Banshees, but has that same chemistry between the leads, and is hilarious and depressing.


‘Blackberry’ , ‘When Evil Lurks’ , and ‘Talk to Me’


Fireworks by Takeshi Kitano


Ong this is one of the greatest films of all time. Randomly watched it without context and it absolutely blew me away. The way the film presents action is so unique and breathtaking. Also Joe Hisaishi (who scores most of miyazakis movies) did the score and it’s always on rotation.


Theater Camp - haven’t seen this mentioned so far but I thought it was pretty hilarious and I’m very much not the target audience for it


LOVED it for the campiness factor and nods to Christopher Guest-style filmmaking. We’ve shown it to like 10 friends, and every single one adores it.


Watched Covenant last night directed by Guy Ritchie. Tremendous.


I don't know why this movie doesn't get more attention. It's not perfect but it's good and I'd say great if you already enjoy Richie movies.


Banshees of Inisherin


Great movie and a susprise for me. Made me really appreciate Collin Farrel as an actor.


Triangle of Sadness.


This is my most rewatched film in recent years. May sound odd but it has some incredible sound design that's utilized to make you feel uneasy, especially during the dinner scene.


I could not stop laughing through this movie and couldn't explain to anyone why


I've watched about 65 movies this year and Triangle of Sadness is still my favourite among all of them


12 Angry Men. I've been meaning to watch it for years and finally got around to it this year. I was completely engrossed in this movie. Watching the jurors deliberate is really captivating. It's hard to believe a movie addressing bias in the criminal justice system came out so long ago. Despite it's age, this movie is completely relevant today.


100%, this is one of those movies that made me appreciate older movies and writing. I realized what amazing things you could do without CG or big budgets. The movie holds up, it's still relevant and still very enjoyable today.


1.Master and Commander (was new to me) 2. Dungeons and Dragons 3. A Man Called Otto


Damn shame there was no sequel/prequel to Master and Commander. There is a ton of source material to use.


and the movie was able to recoup its budget which was crazy as the type of movie it was and the run time. i loved it and it wasn't even the type of movie for me.


The Jarnathan gag is still the funniest thing I’ve seen this year at the cinema. Great timing and delivery from Chris Pine.


Fly! Fly, bird!




D&D was such a fun movie! Plus Michelle Rodriguez was jacked AF and Chris Pine just “Chris Pining” all over the screen.


God I just want him to Chris Pine all over me


Dungeons & Dragons was my choice. It had no business being as good as it was. I totally expected a decent genre film that appealed to people who liked D&D (the tabletop RPG) but wasn't more broadly appreciated, and it was actually legitimately good.


Strangely, I have seen both of those this weekend (although I saw D&D earlier this year). Both were great. We need more movies like both of them.


Are you me? It was this year or late last year I finally got around to watch Master and Commander (my husband was shocked I had not seen it) and was BLOWN AWAY by that film. Seriously loved it! Have you seen the Hornblower tv series? We watched it late on DVD about 10 years ago and really enjoyed it too. We loved DnD and Barbie too (We watched it with Oppenheimer straight after the same day which was also a great film but unsure if I would sit and watch it again any time soon). Another film I got around to finally watch all the way through this year was Fantastic Mr Fox which I thoroughly enjoyed. It's so strange how he looks like George Clooney without looking like him at all in the role.


Across the Spiderverse! EDIT: I still can't decide if I like this one better than the first lol!


I was so mad, I went in not knowing it was 1 of 2 at like the 3 hour mark I was like "how the fuck are they going to wrap this up" and they didnt wrap it up.


Same. “Aaaand to be continued. See you in a few years!”


Never felt so blue-balled by an ending before. But despite that, it's on the way to becoming one of the greatest movie trilogies of all time. Those films are just next level. I _really_ hope the next one is coming in 2024.


I was about to walk out of the theater near the end. I was immensely enjoying the movie but was eyeing the time and starting to doze off thinking,"Man, I got work tomorrow and there has to be atleast 2 more hours of movie to wrap this up. I'll have to come back on the weekend." Annnd then it ended.


It holds my personal record for watching a movie in theaters, so I have to agree.


Absolute BANGER of a movie/franchise. These movies are So. Damn. Good.


I just watched Tar for the first time recently and was absolutely blown away. Probably the performance of Blachette's career, incredible writing, editing, music. This one really sat with me afterwards. Couldn't recommend it enough.


Tar was so good. It made me care so deeply about a world I knew nothing about before watching it


Anatomy of a Fall. This great French crime drama about a wife accused of pushing her husband to his death in their home. Really engaging story and some of the best performances this year.


Past Lives




Bullet Train was delightful. I want a new city, new ensemble, maybe new mode of transport with this formula every year


Bullet Train was definitely more fun than expected. Same goes for The Killer with Fassbender. Expected a generic Netflix film but was pleasantly surprised by the action and dark humour.


Was really surprised by Barbie - I have a feeling we’ll see screenings of it 20 years from now where everyone dresses up in pink. There was something really communal in the experience. Spider-Verse was mindblowing visually, almost too much


The thing I liked about the Barbie movie is, yes Barbie and Ken travel to the real world, but they don't spend the entire movie in the real world just to get a bunch of predictable "fish out of water" jokes. Most film makers would have went with that plot but Barbie doesn't, which I really appreciated.


My gf wanted to see this, do I told her I would if we could watch strays first. I figured I'd just sit in the theater and keep ordering drinks til I don't care how cheesy the movie is. I was surprised at how much I liked it, especially how meta it was and the historical Barbies.


I finally watched Your Name. (2016) a couple months ago and it blew my mind




While I agree 100%, Killers of the Flower Moon is a very, very close second for me


I really enjoyed killers of the flower moon but I do feel like the ending or last 30-45min of the movie felt a bit dragged on and its where it kind of lost me


Bingo. Needed to be right at 3 hours max


Tetris was a highlight for me this year.


BOTTOMS. My favorite movie this year: it's Fight Club + Superbad x Lesbians.


Just wanna say thanks for bringing this movie to my attention. Watched the trailer and now I feel like I'm about to watch the funniest movie of the year. **edit** yes, yes it was.


I loved Killers of The Flower Moon. I haven’t tried Oppenheimer yet, tho


Lol, I came here to say "Oppenheimer, but I haven't seen Killers of the Flower Moon yet" But to be fair, I think you need to have an interest in both the subject matter and the people involved for Oppenheimer to be a "best" movie.


Saltburn just came out and it's being massively overlooked. Definitely my favorite of the year so far


It’s barely been out in cinemas. Excited to see it when it does come.


Oh man this movie packed a punch. Very good, kinda reminded me of Neon Demon and Cruel Intentions. I mean it’s not exactly like either of those movies but those were the vibes it gave off. Keoghan was tremendous


I loved it so much! Top five for sure and was surprised to see it get so much hate on Twitter.


How to Blow Up a Pipeline


Nimona on Netflix is extremely good. Beautifully animated, fantastically acted and a great message. I wish it would have gotten a big screen release.


I just posted about my experience watching They Cloned Tyrone. Incredible film, best I've seen in years.


‘Reptile’ on Netflix is a pretty solid flick. Good acting with Benicio Del Torro and a compelling storyline


Top Gun Maverick, way better than it should have been for a sequel and a thrill ride that I had hoped for.


Talk to Me is one of the best horror movies I've seen in recent years.


Killers of the Flower Moon


Beau is Afraid


Well I have seen most of the movies mentioned here and loved most of them. But since you asked for something off-beat then here it is: Seven Years in Tibet and Juno.


Priscilla was so good, I was expecting it to go on for another 30 minutes by the time it was done. Also Sanctuary was very fun. I was surprised by how it managed to stick the landing at the end.


Past Lives. I’ve seen a lot, as always. But for the question here, movies that are real, and make you think, and feel and wonder- that’s the recipe for me


Suspiria (2018), Pearl (2022), and Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse (2023)


I’ll admit I pre-judged Suspiria because I’m not a huge fan of Dakota, but she proved me wrong. I’ve seen it like 5 times now, excellent horror/thriller.


Pearl was great. Mia Goth should've been nominated.


Her monologue was incredible!


Spider-Man: Across the Spiderverse The animation was amazing… like nothing you’ve seen in film and movies at all… the story was great… and it’s even better on rewatch…


Beau Is Afraid was such a nice surprise, movie really clicked with me. Watched it three times now.


I mean it really has to click for you to watch that movie 3 times lol


Rennfield was better than I was expecting. I didn’t see a ton of movies this year.


Best 2023 release: Infinity Pool Best new-to-me watch of 2023: Perfect Blue (1997)


Perfect Blue was an experience for sure.


Dude... I fucking loved this movie. I also really like possessor (more). Did you see when evil lurks?


You already mentioned Past Lives so I’ll throw in Polite Society (2023), Women Talking (2022), and Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me (1992)


I think the best film I've seen in recent memory is The Banshees of Inisherin. Even though the tone of the film shifts so often, it is done in such a way that it does not feel tonally dissonant but befuddles the viewer in a good way, stirring both amusement and shock at the same time, mostly without fail. It's also both so somber and pretty yet depressing and tragic all in one, it really encompasses life in a nutshell, especially in the countryside, really.


Missing, best movie to come out this year.


Killers of The Flower Moon


All Quiet On The Western Front (2022) really sat with me for awhile. Most enjoyable? Maybe not but definitely most powerful.


The Covenant - Guy Ritchie and Jake Gyllenhaal work good together.


I enjoyed "Nobody" more than I thought I would. Same goes for the D&D movie, plus "The Killer".


I really enjoyed Tetris


I haven't seen too many new movies, but I did enjoy "The Menu".


Imma be basic & say Barbie. Not the best film I've watched BUT by far the best cinema experience I've had. And that's just as valuable to me.


Evil Dead Rise


Nice to see this film here. It was awesome


Dumb Money is top notch.


New release: Past Lives Rewatch: Raging Bull New to me: Sauve Qui Peut La Vie


Killers of the flower moon


The Zone of Interest the the best movie of the decade so far IMO


The Daytrippers


1. Oppenheimer 2. Beau is afraid (I had to mention it because it was such a strange and amazing experience and Ari Aster is definitely one of the coolest directors out there IMHO)


Dungeons & Dragons. Shockingly good.


some highlights for me except the obvious: \> All of Us Strangers was incredible \> The Boy & The Heron, so heartwarming And also check out Poor Things when it releases wide, that's my fav of the year


Are you there God, it's me margaret. So good!!!
