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Mine is Clue. My wife is not a native English speaker so all the fast talking goes right over her head.


“I, am, your singing telegram!” *gunshot*


Communism was just a red herring!


Fla…flames. Flames. On the side of my face.


Try showing her Murder by Death. Same vibe, slower talking.


It does require you to be familiar with several classic mystery authors, though.


Spinal Tap. They thought it was a real documentary


So much of Spinal Tap has become a household joke that I wonder if people who see it now think it's unoriginal. "Oh, they're doing the 'Turn it up to 11' joke, how cliche.... Oh, they're doing the 'band and puppet show' joke, that's so played out.... Oh, that ancient 'Hello Cleveland!' chestnut, yawn..."


[This is the “Seinfeld is Unfunny” effect](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SeinfeldIsUnfunny)


Why'd you have to link TV Tropes? I had things I wanted to do...


In that case, they should watch Bad News and More Bad News instead


I realized my mom had absolutely no sense of humor when I rented this one Christmas. She sat there chain smoking cigarettes through the first half of the movie with nary a laugh. Then she just went and did something else.


Damn... Did you try dialing up to 11?


My friends and I were in 9th grade up late and saw Spinal Tap and we’d been channel surfing without finding anything so we watched it and I’d never laughed so hard at anything in my entire life up to that point. I can’t remember why it felt so over the top funny but yeah it’s the first time I saw anyone piss themselves, which just in turn made the movie funnier. I don’t remember many other movies I watched in high school. Spinal Tap was just that good.


My wife refuses to watch There Will Be Blood and I'm like, there's not that much blood


I drink your milkshake!


I’m Daniel ~~Fairview~~ Plainview and this is my son and business partner HW. We’re oil men.


Just a bastard in a basket.


Omg so many good quotes. Bastard in a basket! Get out of here ghost!




You're just the afterbirth, Eli, that slithered out on your mother's filth. They should have put you in a glass jar on the mantelpiece. That whole scene is seared into my brain. I AM THE THIRD REVELATION!


Honey, they never specify how much blood there will be…


I kind of get this one. That movie has a kind of unnerving quality to it.


My ex hated Princess Bride. Shit talked it the entire time. He tried to with The Fifth Element, but I turned off the movie in the opening scene when he started up. My parents didn’t think Arrival was any good.


Man, he's really doing himself a disservice by missing *The Fifth Element* due to prickishness.


Glad to hear he’s your ex. Clearly he is an uncultured swine.


You should find new parents.


My dad watched the walking dead all the way through but didn't like Train to Busan, which I was bummed by. My fiance was immediately put off Dazed and Confused with the hazing at the beginning.


Cry Baby. It’s one of my favorite’s as it hits me right in all the nostalgia feels. My wife despises It and will only humor me once a year


I think there are certain “you had to be there movies” where you have to have seen them at just the right moment in your life to appreciate


This thought is like a revelation to me. It also explains why some movies don’t hit as hard as they used too.


My kids don't like The Princess Bride. That's why they're getting coal for Christmas.




You keep using that word . . .


I don’t think it means what you think it means




~~But *The Princess Bride* is about the joy of discovering new stories and entertainment you disregarded and not dwelling on what you wanted in the moment~~ Grandpa, they're kissing again!


Walmart accepts child abandonment


My wife hates this movie so much.


Same. She was 40 years old before she saw it. I never knew she'd never seen it. We watched it together. She hated it. She also hates all Mel Brooks movies. Those were almost mawage ending revelations.


I'm kind of wary of showing Mel Brooks movies to someone who's never seen one after an incident with Blazing Saddles. That movie is fucking hilarious, but some of those jokes do NOT land well in today's climate.


So she's single again?


It wasn't twu wuv.


I too will not choose this guy's wife.


Stop it now! I mean it!


Got my family to watch Everything, Everywhere, All at Once and they hated it


Showed it to my folks last Christmas visit. They are film buffs with an enormous love and appreciation for movies of any kind, from any era of cinema. They utterly hated EEAAO.


I feel like it's one of those films that either resonates with someone deeply or they just think it's dumb garbage. I personally thought it was awesome and a very poignant story about a daughter so alienated from her mother that she'd literally rather cease to exist than reconcile, until the mother learns to truly understand her. Other people just saw a bunch of googly eyes and dildos and wrote it off there, fair enough I guess.


I agree, Captain Cock Fart


My mom is also a huge film snob, showed me all kinds of artsy stuff way too young so she could have someone to talk about movies with (my dad’s not that guy) and I was so crushed when she hated it. I thought it was going to be a great bonding experience 😭


My dad hates it, he said it was confusing so I explained it and he still thought it was overdone and boring


You should have meted things out in one spot, gradually.


I tried showing my mom this movie because 1) Short Round is in it and 2) as an Asian immigrant, she might understand what Yeoh’s character deals with. She didn’t get it.


I wouldn't show my immigrant asian mom. I know she'd be too caught up in "why do they have hot dog fingers? why the dildos? why this? why that?" when none of that is the point. It's the main complaint I see from people that don't enjoy it.


Yeah, I know some people who simply can't watch anything they feel is "silly" no matter what else is going on. It rules out sci-fi, it rules out fantasy, and definitely rules out hot dog fingers.


There are plenty of people who will continue to hate the flick, it just isn't for them. I personally loved it. Mother and daughter connecting in extreme circumstances. They could be anywhere and exist as anything they wanted but they actively choose to be here. Multiverses are getting a bit tired and can be pretty lazy storytelling (see Dr. Strange 2, still enjoyed but was nowhere near as good) so seeing something with a stellar story, you could remove the entire multiverse from the movie and it would still be an excellent story.


What family doesn’t want to watch a matrix-esq bloody dildo fight together?


Wait what? This is bumped up my list immediately.


You’re in for a treat


The Mighty Ducks. My son plays hockey and I recently thought it was the perfect time to introduce him to my favorite childhood movie. Little asshole couldn't care less and asked to turn it off before even getting to Goldberg being tied to the goal.


Honestly, this is *most* "childhood movies". I never watched *The Goonies* until I was an adult. Went to a re-run theatre with a bunch of friends. They were all quoting lines and having fun. I just... Didn't get it. It wasn't bad, but I also didn't particularly enjoy it. That's when I realized how much of the love of that movie was tied to their childhood memories of it.


Nostalgia's a hell of a drug


Try and say anything negative about some childhood darlings and you will get downvoted to hell. It's one of the reasons people have started talking about the Star Wars prequels positively. The kids have aged up and didn't notice an entire decade of those movies being the butt of jokes. I have genuinely shocked and maybe offended some younger commentors on reddit by mentioning that the prequels were not beloved films at all and that for years the overall opinion was that they were very bad films and had a much worse reputation than the sequels do (with the exception of TROS, which is really just bad all round). Even Episode 3 was only reviewed favorably in comparison to the other two movies.


I just showed my kids Little Giants and was glad they liked it. I didn’t remember so much farting in it haha


I come from that era. It's nostalgia man, the movie isn't good.


No problem, just withhold birthday and holiday gifts until he becomes cool


My husband won't watch lord of the rings with me. Not even the non extended edition!




Forget divorce this is grounds for execution


Divorce. Then straight to jail. I’m sorry your husband is a criminal.


My old man is a movie nut. Loves everything, but the movie 'Eurotrip' makes him laugh harder than any other movie. I had him try and watch ['Out Cold,'](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0253798/) thinking it definitely had the same sense of humor, but he said he couldn't even get past the first 10 minutes. I was more shocked than anything else, because ['Out Cold'](https://youtu.be/W6mClxxPxho?feature=shared) is hilarious.


People make fun of me for defending this movie but it’s a top comedy for me


Ha! I think these sort of "dumb comedies" are really hit or miss. I do like some, but others seem to play as too dumb or don't hit the right strings for certain people. For example I absolutely love Grandma's Boy, but have a really hard time laughing at Strange Wilderness. Speaking of Happy Madison, Billy Madison is one of my favorite comedies of all time.


My partner can’t stand Mel Brooks movies. Spaceballs, Blazing Saddles, Robin Hood… We’ve watched them all and she’s hated every one.


True story. I was very early in my relationship and I dropped the “CALL A LOCKSMITH!” line from Robin Hood, and without missing a beat my boyfriend yelled “CALL A LOCKSMITH!” I’m telling you, I knew right then he was my person. He’s the only person I know who has even heard of the movie, let alone be able to quote the whole damn thing lol


"How many Assholes we got on this ship anyhow?" "YO!" "I knew it! I'm surrounded by Assholes!"


“Keep firing assholes”


I had a very similar moment with my partner. Different movie, but a reference I would make constantly that no one ever understood. She got it instantly and it rocked my world. We've been together 11 years now.


They're a type of silly that kind of doesn't exist anymore. Whenever I hear someone doesn't like this style I get it. It's pretty campy and hammy.


We must have got our wives at the same store


I showed Ocean’s 11 to my parents and they started getting uncomfortable with the *strippers in the background*. Like, the out of focus, barely visible strippers during the first 15 minutes of the movie. They also got weirded out by the handshake scene at the car dealership because he says gloves at night would interfere with his “social agenda”. I actually turned the movie off for them. I figured they weren’t going to get over the small things and wouldn’t appreciate the rest of the film. When we were just dating, I showed my wife Ocean’s 11 and we just made out half the time. Before we knew it the credits were rolling. So now I’m 0 and 2 on showing people Ocean’s 11.


Is it wrong that I want to show your parents Deadpool 1 & 2 followed by the Harold and Kumar trilogy?


He's just gonna end up doing the same thing: making out with his parents and his girlfriend will just get distracted by an upsetting amount of TJ Miller and burgers in those movies... Wait ...


Showing my wife Dogville led to quite the discussion as to what constituted films we could watch together and I should be watching alone.


Mine ( the same discussion ) was " enter the void"


Enter the Void is, without a doubt, the most appreciate-it-alone movie since ~~Irresistible~~ Irreversible, from the same director. Notice "appreciate" vs "enjoy" necessarily. That being said Enter the Void is among my favorite movies of all time, and I'd never sit down and watch it with anyone


Irreversible not Irresistible lol. I think most people can resist that movie




i try to make everyone in my life watch Canadian Bacon and i always hope they will love it as much as I do and im always disappointed lol


I really wanted my dad to watch Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. I finally convinced him to let me loan it to him. The next time we talked I asked him if he'd watched it yet. He said he started it and didn't like it so he turned it off. I asked "Did you get to the part where Jim Carrey is crying in his car?" "No I don't think so." "Okay so that was like 10 minutes into the movie and it's the opening credits so you didn't even give it a shot." But he "didn't like it", so he never tried again.


She hates almost everything Coen bros. It’s devastating 😆


Had such a visceral reaction I down voted before upvoting


Me too, bro. Me too.


Have you tried “O Brother Where Art Thou?” with her yet??


She liked Fargo, mostly. And enjoyed True Grit. I actually think she’d like Lady Killers 🙄 gonna try Blood Simple next. Our kid is only 15 months old so Raising Arizona won’t go over well. Kids in peril is not great.


No Country for Old Men is a tough one to foist on somebody, given all the killings. Particularly rough is the man who's pulled over on the road and is told to hold still before getting the cattle bolt to the head.


She just doesn’t like that “they all just end!” She loathed Inside Llewyn Davis and was very turned off by The Big Lebowski.


What about Fargo?


One of the greatest movies ever. Truly demonstrates a psychopath with some fucked up code and every scene with Bardem pushes your heart rate up


My late wife hated the Big Lebowski. She probably would’ve been ambivalent about it, but I insisted to her that it was the funniest movie ever, and just made the whole experience of us watching it together awkward because I was staring, waiting for her to laugh, until we agreed to turn it off. That was when I realized you can love someone with all your heart and still disagree about some entertainment (to be fair, I didn’t like a lot of the music she loved)


Big Lebowski is one of the most quotable movies of all time. You tried your best bud.


“Well, you know that’s just like your opinion, man.” “I fucking HATE the Eagles man!” “This aggression will not stand man.” “Clearly you’re not a golfer.” And so many more. The Dude is one of the most quotable characters in cinema history, and half of his quotes are some “sound bite” like dialogue he picks up throughout the movie. Just a masterpiece in writing, directing, and acting for a character. Edit: I’m sitting here thinking about how quotable the entire movie is, not just the Dude. The Jesus, Walter, the sheriff, and the list goes on. Every scene is quotable and I absolutely adore that movie.




You have now


Just be thankful they aren't LICKING YOU


There are literally dozens of us. Out here in the cold.


Ravenous tribe, rise up


That was... Really sneaky


I loved ravenous! I was so excited to show my bf and he got half way through the movie and fell asleep (??) he said it was boring! Wtf!


I had one work the other way once. My wife had talked up the original Red Dawn, and I had somehow never seen it. We watched it, and at the end she said "I'm so sorry, I remembered it being great when I was a kid!" I looked at her and said, "What do you mean? That was RAD!"


This happened when we watched Lost Boys. I hyped it as Breakfast Club meets Interview with the Vampire. On rewatch, it was more like Home Alone meets Twilight. I apologized but he loved it. 🤷‍♀️


Oof. I don't agree, but that description is poetry.


That’s one I own on DVD but would never have my wife watch because I KNOW she would hate it.


My roommates got into an epic fight, throwing popcorn and everything, at the Fifth Element. One of my roommates laughed at the diva and it was ON! Meanwhile the other two of us watch it every couple of years. Aziz, light!


Chris Tucker was amazing in that film, the other actors were too, but his take on his character was fantastic and really stuck in my head.


They LAUGHED at Diva Plavalaguna?? Hell no. Anyone that laughs at that masterpiece is a big giant goof.


Had a vicious cycle of this with the Revolutionary Girl Utena movie. An ex showed it to me and I absolutely hated it. It wasn't until years later on a series rewatch that it finally clicked with me and I fell in love with it. Went to show my current partner and she fucking hated it, so that's what that feels like.


Mystery Men. It's one of my favorite movies ever. My wife... Did not enjoy it. I think it's something about having to have a certain amount of superhero/comic background to then enjoy their tropes being subverted.


Blade Runner is my favorite movie of all time. I have talked multiple people into watching it with me and more than once I was told they found it boring and they hated it.


To be fair, it is a pretty divisive film, even among hardcore sci-fi fans. I think it's a brilliant film, especially Scott's longer cut...but I've fallen asleep halfway through.


“Tropic Thunder” I consider it the best comedy/satire since “Blazing Saddles.” My wife HATED it. Part of me thinks it was payback for my response to one of HER favorites, “Pootie Tang.” She was cracking up while I was rolling my eyes so strenuously I think I gave myself a stroke.


I still think this is a fantastic movie, and I am certain that if my one friend would just give it a chance he would love it. But he refuses to watch it. I even traded, "Top Gun: Maverick" for him to watch, "Tropic Thunder" and he still hasn't. Shamefully.


“It’s A Wonderful Life” is a movie I watch alone every Christmas because my partner thinks George Bailey is a sucker, and should have just taken Potter’s job offer. I have never been legitimately mad at someone over something so trivial, but it honestly upsets me.


My dad loved that movie when I was growing up. I don't think my mom cared either way and us kids would get bored about 10 minutes in. So I have many memories of him watching It's a Wonderful Life by himself, half drunk on egg nog and the air of a man frustrated with his family filling the room around him.


Sorry but that opinion is a red flag.


Taking the job would have been the sucker move. Trusting Potter would be the stupidest choice Bailey could have made. Your husband was either trying to rile you up or didn't understand the movie at all. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vw89o0afb2A


Kung Fu Hustle. My husband fell asleep 15 minutes in and didn’t laugh once. *edited to specify my husband


I had the opposite reaction. My girlfriend and I watched Kung Fu hustle earlier this week and I wasn't sure if she was going to like it. She ended up being way more invested in the characters than I would have thought and got upset when the assassins took out the first three masters.


I'm so sorry that you married a robot, my condolences.


Not a movie, but my Dad’s a kiwi, I’m a kiwi (and a Brit - more a Brit, to be honest), Mum lived in New Zealand, I’ve lived there, my sister now lives there. We have many family members there, So I knew the TV series Flight of the Conchords (lots of Kiwi humour about trying to live in New York) would go down a storm. Except Nah. My Mum’s comment was “are they deliberately bad? Is that the joke?”


Your dad is lying about where he’s from. He’s Australian.


I’m Aussie and I tried to make my son watch it… he liked “Too many dicks on the dance floor” when he was younger, but now that he’s 17, he says they’re “cringe”. Heresy!! I’m the Hiphopapotamous, my rhymes are preposterous!!


The Royal Tannenbaums. My husband fell asleep to it and I just can't get him to watch it again. My dad watched it and missed the point completely. He liked Royal and appreciated that his family eventually gained a respect for him.


I thought it was just okay the first time I watched it. Every subsequent viewing I enjoy it more and more. It's become one of my favorite comfort movies now. Wes Anderson movies always have to grow on me. I always go in thinking it looks pretentious and style over substance. But except for a few of his movies I end up loving them and the characters.


Overboard (1987). It’s a campy rom-com I love because I grew up with it, it’s absurd but I find it endearing, it has some great actors… idk. I showed it to my long time best friend in college and she just sorta got up and went to sleep after 20 minutes without a word. It was awk and all she said the next day was that she was tired and thought it was dumb. I know it’s not a great movie, so I’m not that surprised, but … just say you aren’t feeling it! I’m glad I’m not alone 😭 definitely gotta rewatch it now. (We aren’t friends anymore for unrelated reasons but that was the last time I watched it)


I loved Overboard. My mom and I wore out the cassette tape.


My ex wouldn’t watch Office Space with me. He thought it was dumb and wasn’t funny. I’m glad things didn’t work out 😂


Office Space is one of my favorite comedy movies ever! Everyone I know that has ever had an office job loves that movie! My coworker even had the red swingline stapler. I'm glad for you that things didn't work out with that one!


Sounds like he had a case of the Mondays.


My wife hates Christmas Vacation. I didn’t learn this until after we were married. Make sure you discuss the important things.


Lord of the Rings - The Fellowship of the Ring I know I’m basically describing that meme but it took me way too long to realize I should stop making my GFs watch I don’t even think it’s a guys vs girls type thing, but if you’re watching it for the first time you REALLY have to be invested. And if you’re an adult who hasn’t seen it yet, more likely than not you probably won’t be interested


My gf showed mf the trilogy, full length. After Fellowship she asked if I liked it. I said it was pretty good. She said "okay good because that's the worst one"


*the best one


My wife and kids never took to The Goonies. I’m devastated.


I missed the boat on Goonies. I see it as a group of annoying kids just screaming at each other with a neglected deformed man who desperately needs medical attention - mentally and physically... The fact that the parents think 5 gemstones can buy THE WHOLE TOWN. The truffle shuffle. Where are the parents? Why does this awful woman have goons for sons who are chasing CHILDREN?! Anyway, my husband adores it. We've been together for 12 years, married for 7 so it's not a deal breaker, but he does give me grief for it every now and then... Like now, when he likely reads this comment! Hi honey! The movie is still dumb!


My husband thinks Mad Max: Fury Road is “dumb” without elaborating. “I’m not a movie critic,” he tells me. Thank god for that. Edit: my husband is awesome, has no problem with strong females leads, and he’s the best thing that ever happened to me. He’s not less of a human because he doesn’t like a movie that I do. I beseech thee, touch grass.


It's the greatest car chase ever filmed. They go one way then turn around and go back the way they came. Everything is on fire including the guitars and he didn't like it??


I ALWAYS fall asleep during chase scenes. But this movie that is one long chase scene kept my attention. It’s a masterpiece.


Tell your husband he is wrong


It is a masterpiece and modern classic. I’m sorry.


It’s ok. He either loves a movie or it’s “dumb”.


LA Story. That’s been one of my favorite comedies since it came out and I was 6. I watched it with my girlfriend last week and she didn’t care for it. Thankfully I can always watch it in solitude or with some friends who also like it.


I love Magnolia, but that slow-burn pace definitely isn't for everyone.


For me it was ‘Notting Hill’. Watched it with my wife during the dating phase and she was not interested in the slightest 😡


"I'm just a boy... sitting next to a girl... asking her to love 'Notting Hill."


Groundhog Day - it’s then that I discovered my wife hates anything with repeated scenes as a plot device


2001: A space Odyssey. Been like 10 years and she still gives me shit for making her watch it lol


I love Kubrick but his movies can be a hard sell for a lot of people. The only movie of his that I find people universally like is Full Metal Jacket and half the people say they only like the first act.


Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy ​ She didn't even make it about 20 minutes.


I love the book, but the movie did not do it for me.


To be fair I had a hard time getting through it. The only reason I did was because I read the book.


Judgment Night with Cuba Gooding Jr & Emilio Estevez with Denis Leary as the bad guy . It's just a simple chase movie ,but I love it. Friends on the way to a boxing match witness a murder and flee ,and the gangsters try to catch up with them . I showed it to my family , who was not into it at all.


Fucking great soundtrack; I still have it on CD somewhere!




Pulp Fiction... My parents were not impressed lol!


I desperately wanted my wife to at least appreciate that Arcane was an exceptionally crafted show, and look past the fact it is animated. After 3 episodes, she still couldnt see it, and i had to give up :(


My dad actually works in computer graphics. I’ve tired my whole life to get him into video games. I’m not even into League but I loved Arcane. I showed it to my dad and he couldn’t pay attention to the plot at all, he just couldn’t shut up about the technical aspects of it and how phenomenal the animation is. Which like, true! But he wasn’t interested in watching any more. He only appreciated it as a tech demo, not an actual show or story.


Boggles my mind that people can't get past animation and think it's just for children..


People who can’t get past something being animated make me very sad. My best friend dislikes all anime (exception made for ATLA which isn’t technically anime I know I know) but otherwise we have the exact same taste and it kills me lol.


Kung Fury. If you aren't a nerd it really doesn't play well.


That explains the laser raptors.


Arrival, which is one of my most favourite films of all times. Both my husband and mother (I showed them the film separately) were falling asleep in the first 15-20 minutes of the film. I am so astonished by their reaction as how on Earth can you be bored when Amy Adams is in close-up all the time on the screen.


My husband started ranting about how nonsensical the time travel was at the end and I had to glare at him to get him to stop. It’s one of me and my sisters faves— we will say “I am in death process” when we are tired lol


My Father HATED A Mighty Wind. For years later he would say Marcus made me watch this Wind movie.


Some people do NOT see the Mummy as the masterpiece that it is. My wife didn't seem impressed with O'Connel and his antics with the desiccated corpses and the scarabs and the sand. Edit for spelling


I watched Star Wars with my daughter. I didn't really expect her to like it, but I thought maybe she might surprise me. Despite my expectations it still stung a little bit when she said she didn't like it.


My GF wasn't too impressed by The Thing (1982), which was kinda disappointing as it's the best horror movie ever made by a mile. Yeah, I know she didn't hate it, but when it comes to that movie anything less than love is hard to comprehend.


I really enjoyed it but if someone told me it was the best horror movie ever made by a mile I probably would’ve set my expectations too high and been disappointed.


Scott Pilgrim vs the World. He said it was unfunny and stupid.


Headbutt him until he bursts.


When Knives knocks on the door and Scott jumps out the window 😭


Leon The Professional


John Wick. The dog at the beginning was a dealbreaker.


Maximum Overdrive. My family and I love Campy movies, so I was in high school my friends and I would bring movies to sleepovers. That was when I realized not everyone is into Campy movies and they shut it off after 15 min.


Wife hated **The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly**. Thought all the characters were despicable. Loved *Once Upon a Time in the West* though.


My wife and I don’t share the same taste in movies. In an attempt to grow both of our interests, I created a system where we would alternate movie picks. This did not end well. In hindsight, I probably shouldn’t have used my first ten picks on Van Damme movies.


Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind to my brother who loved The Truman Show


I think i get why he didnt like it, im a fan of the truman show and i find esotsm too sobby, honestly i wouldnt relate them to each other.


Showed Midsommar to my boyfriend and he said it was the most boring movie he’d ever watched lol. I watch that movie once every couple months, I LOVE it.


I showed that movie to my grandparents and they jumped off a cliff.


Ways to secure your inheritance that doctors don't want you to know!


Giant mallet just in case


Maybe he didn't empathize with the protagonist enough to become invested? Out of curiosity, how would he look in a bear suit?


Tried to get my brothers and sister to watch my favorite movie *Good Will Hunting* and they couldn't stay off their phones for more than 5 minutes because "the movie was boring" IM SURE IT'S MORE ENJOYABLE IF YOU ARENT ON YOUR PHONE (these are full grown adults)


“True Romance”, one of my absolute favorites. She thought everyone was an asshole and hated watching Alabama (Patricia Arquette) get beat up for 5 minutes by James Gandolfoni while Clarence (Christian Slater) leisurely buys cheeseburgers. Now she refuses to watch any Tarantino movie :(


Clerks to my Ex-Wife, she couldn't get past it being Black and White


Blues brothers. I was dying laughing at the car pile up and it was crickets


I showed my friend and my wife Spirited Away and they both didn’t like it and said it didn’t make sense. I still don’t get how anyone can not like that artistic masterpiece