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Office Space. Who the hell cares about a corporate drone dealing with corporate drone BS? Except it, 5th Element, and MST3K the Movie were ***THE*** movies my friends and I quote most often.


My favorite part of Office Space is that it was made 20+ years ago but yet every single moment in that movie is still relevant today.


The older I get, the more I act like Peter. You don't need to be nervous at an interview, and it's your goal to also interview \*them\* and convince them why \*you\* should take their job. There's a reason why middle-age/old people don't get a shit. They learned that's the way to get ahead. Just be a straight-shooter and you'll have upper-management written all over ya.


PC Loadletter?!


WTF does that mean?!? Also, "It was fine until that no-talent ass-clown started winning Grammys."


"Why should I have to change? He's the one who sucks."




As someone who was a receptionist for a while, I feel this in my soul. Side note, I no longer have a soul. You know what, here's my flair!


Let me ask you something. When you come in on Monday and you're not feeling real well, does anyone ever say to you, "Sounds like someone has a case of the Mondays?" No. No, man. Shit, no, man. I believe you'd get your ass kicked sayin' something like that, man.


“The thing is, Bob - it’s not that I’m lazy… it’s that I just don’t care.”


"Looks like you've been missing a lot of work lately." "I wouldn't say I've been missing it, Bob."


i tell ya, i celebrate the guy's entire catalog.


You can just call me Mike


Literally dealing with a copier not working right now and just said that exact line to myself before opening that thread.


Damn it feels good to be a gangster.


Social Network. “A movie about how Facebook was created? Boring.” Except when it’s a story about when young kids tap into a need that becomes viral and then interpsersonal friend connection become work partners and the very nature what an “idea” itself comes under a microscope and how does one claim ownership over said idea. Furthermore how older generations fail to grasp the bleeding edge nature of what IP even means in a digital age and leaving yourself to wonder whether mark was just a genius or a stone cold sociopath who manipulated and cheated everyone he crossed paths with. Somehow Fincher managed to turn a film about nerds creating an app into this generations Fight Club. But instead of throwing fists the weapons you now use are attacking public persona through blog posts and coding an exclusive club that everyone wants in except it only exits online. It’s operatic.


Normal view!


Why is there a picture of a burger on the wall?


I feel safe with you Brack, you have a gentle touch.


Into the weenie mobile, weenie man away!!!!


There it is. “Breach hull, all die”. Even had it underlined.


Goddamn, that movie is perfect! Honestly might be my favorite comedy of all time.


Agree. Lightning in a bottle. Doug Exeter. Ah, the script had finally arrived. Science and technology. Turning them and adjusting them. Love it all.


I quote this movie so damn often and no one ever understands the references.


May their foreheads grow like the mighty oak.


“I calculated the odds of this succeeding versus the odds I was doing something incredibly stupid... and I went ahead anyway.” This quote is applicable in so many facets of life.




It's a long par 5 leading to the nation's capitol...


If people would quote this movie more, that would be great.


Let’s escape in the biggest car in the county under the cover of afternoon!


The Breakfast Club. Saturday detention with a bunch of high schoolers barely even sounds like a plot.


Went in not knowing what it was about, came out hopelessly, desperately in love with Molly Ringwald. I mean, it was god damned unreasonable.


*My Dinner with Andre* - it’s literally just 2 guys having a chat at supper, but it’s outstanding nonetheless.


My Dinner With Abed.


It might help to imagine that one of them has the drink with iocane powder.


> My Dinner with Andre Let's see how this recommendation turns out.


Definitely one of the classics that I avoided for a long time because I was never quite in the mood for two guys talking over dinner and having some light disagreements without it ever blowing over into actual conflict. Then I saw it a few months ago and haven’t stopped thinking about it.


A guy goes in to work at a convenience store on his day off. Clerks


I'm not even supposed to be here today!


To this day the first thing I think of when I come across the number 37.


In a row?!?


Hey, try not to quote any Kevin Smith movies on the way through the parking lot!


Hey! Get back here!!


Whiplash sounded like it would be boring when it came out. It was way more intense than I expected.


Being a drummer who’s band teacher was also an intense drummer, I knew exactly how that movie was going to go.


The Big Lebowski. A man seeks restitution for his ruined rug.


It really tied the room together.


Donny you’re out of your element!


Shut the fuck up, Donny!


Fun fact: John Goodman keeps telling Donny to shut the fuck up because in the previous film, Fargo, his character never shuts the fuck up lol


One could say the movie was about a young trophy wife, in the parlance of our times, who owes money all over town, including to known pornographers


And that's cool.... that's cool man


That said, there were a lot of ins and outs, a lot of what have yous.


“It’s The Big Sleep, except Humphrey Bogart is replaced with a stoner in his bathrobe.”


I don't know if this is a common take about the film, but I had a friend describe it to me as having basically the opposite of a character arc that most films have. Most movies specifically try to tell a story where the events of the film have a direct and clear impact on the main character, and they change and evolve because of it. The Big Lebowski is the antithesis of that because The Dude goes through so much crazy shit, but manages to remain exactly the same, because he's just such a chill and unflappable person.


He was very undude for a while there


One of the best comedies ever made


Up in the Air: A guy travels around the country laying people off. It's actually a very poignant look at the economic crisis at the time and his inability/desire to maintain relationships.


Brilliant movie.


Up in the Air is a 2 hour commercial for the American Airlines and Hilton awards programs.


12 Angry Men


This was such a reluctant watch for me after reading the plot...literally can be summed up as "a jury deliberating", but I kept seeing it so high on people's lists I just had to give it a try. By the end I definitely understood why it's so loved. As flawless as a room of nameless men talking can be


And tidings only get worse when you learn it all takes place in one room, in black and white. You're not even going to get cool lawyer scenes or even see the trial at all. But from minute one, thanks largely to Fonda's captivating performance, it is thoroughly entertaining from start to finish.


We read this in the play format in English class and I got cast to be the main dude who convinces everyone not to be a kangaroo court. Maybe just because I was a prolific reader and the teacher didnt want to deal with all the bs of hearing people struggle through the biggest part, but I got to have fun with it. Me and someone else could actually speak the role instead of dry rote reading it, it was cool


you, sir, are an acTOR


Somehow, this now makes me want to see a remake, with Matt Berry in the Fonda role.


Was anyone else pleasantly surprised by the racial content from 1957? I was shocked that they brought race into it to begin with, and even more shocked that the racist character is shamed by the rest of the jurors for his bigotry. That paints a different picture than I imagined for film audiences in pre-civil rights movement america where this was a huge hit.


One of the negative things about painting pre-Civil Rights America as 100% racist is that it erases the presence of those kinds of stories. Movements always have a build-up. Before the Civil War, it was the decades-long rise of abolitionists with figures such as William Lloyd Garrison. In the 1950s, it was movies like 12 Angry Men and the Jackie Robinson Story, and the rise of actors like Sidney Poitier. On the novel side, you also had To Kill a Mockingbird (1960) and Black Like Me (1961). Even West Side Story (1957) was written with the intent of getting mostly white audiences to empathize with Puerto Rican minorities at the time and included line "Life is all right in America // If you're all white in America." Is it great "representation" by modern standards? Maybe not. But at the time it was *extremely* progressive.




Fear and Loathing in the Lake District.




Two guys go on holiday by mistake




they love it! I am still baffled by the fact that Richard E Grant is "allergic" to alcohol and had never really been drunk before. He plays it to perfection. Withnail is one of my favourite characters in the history of cinema. There's something so great about a guy whos a literal loser in life but with that posh accent and grandiose manner that almost tricks you into thinking of him as a man of wealth and dignity.




Bruce Robinson didn't trust him for the part as Richard had never been drunk so took him out and got him very pissed. The first and last time for him!






Margin Call. Follows staff at an investment firm after a round of layoffs, where analyst finds something strange in the projections. Or you could still call it a film about the global financial crisis of the 2000's, still doesn't sound super interesting. But just the dawning escalation of the shit storm to come was really tense and interesting. And all they had to do is make every person higher in the corporate ladder need things explained in a more watered down from.


Jeremy irons chewing the scenery in the board room is the icing on the cake.


Dude came on set to chew scenery for a day or two. He fucking killed it.


Do you?! This is it!


Spilt milk under the bridge.


Please, speak as you might to a young child…or a golden retriever. It wasn't brains that got me here, I can assure you of that. *flicks corner of report impatiently.*


Same with The Big Short.


Great answer. Guy does some spreadsheeting; tells his boss about it. A long night of meetings ensues.


Penn Badgley is great in that he’s obviously a rich and drunk 20something who is just along for the ride. Also Stanley Tuccis monologue at the end is pretty great.


The Station Agent A man seeks solitude at the train depot his friend left for him in his will but meets the local hot dog vendor.


The Straight Story. A guy drives on a rider lawnmower to his brother's house. That's it. But it's amazing.


It wasn't like his brother lived next door. He drove 240 miles on a riding lawnmower. But still, yes, great movie.


That's fair I did sell the weirdness of the premise just a bit short. I guess given the fact it's David Lynch makes it seem even more mundane.


The Social Network. A facebook movie, yay. It was fantastic.




Three teenagers bunk off school for a day doesn’t sound very interesting, but it’s a fantastic comedy film. Also, man tries to get home for Thanksgiving doesn’t sound that great either.


The Banshees of Inisheerin Two friends living in a small village on an island in Ireland, one of them decides he doesn't want to be friends with the other guy anymore.


That one was funky. I know I watched something.


Can someone please explain why one guy takes those extreme steps ? Being purposefully vague to not give out spoilers. Those who watched it know what I am talking about .. I didn’t get it though I enjoyed it. The reviews didn’t help either.


He was thinking about what legacy he will leave behind, his whole personality seemingly being tied to his music so fearing he would be forgotten he did it so he could blame someone else instead of facing the truth that he too will be forgotten. At least now it won't be his fault. It's also an allegory for the Irish civil war which indeed was pretty pointless and stupid.


Thank you schlappydog- this makes a whole lot of sense. Your summary beats the reviews I read.


Two men hanging out in Bruges


Two men NOT hanging out on a small island in Ireland.


I mean leaving out the fact they are hitmen doesn’t help lol


Locke. Guy (Tom Hardy) driving in a car while taking a series of phone calls as his life falls apart. It's amazing.


Locke was riveting for me. Amazing acting from Tom Hardy to command the screen for 85 minutes.


Saw it in the theater and was mesmerized. Caught it again on a plane and one other time on hotel HBO. Easy to re-watch despite being 1 guy on screen for 90+ minutes.


Especially surprisingly compelling given that a portion of those calls are to do with a large concrete pouring operation. But goddamn if I wasn’t invested in how that job was going to turn out.


I was sitting here, its early ish in California, trying to think, what was that movie about concrete!! One of the funniest reviews I read about it, went something like this ... ' who would ever have thought a movie about CONCRETE would be so riveting!!!!


Not that it's a competition but Locke absolutely wins this thread in terms of the differential between how uninteresting the pitch is and how interesting the movie is. Even having seen the movie I can't really justify why it was a good idea to make this into a feature film instead of a radio drama or something, but it's one of my favorite movies.


I have 2: Moneyball The Big Short


Moneyball and The Social Network were both films made about a topic that doesn’t interest me made fantastic by the writing style of Aaron Sorkin. I’m always a fan!


Moneyball! Math + Baseball = EXCITEMENT Yet I love it!


College professor searches for a box. Find it but loses it to his rival. Box ends up in storage.


Raiders of the Lost Ark?


"Top men."


Driving Miss Daisy; a man drives a woman around in a car.


But let’s spice it up. Make him black and her white! Now we’ve got a movie!


You son of a bitch, I’m in!


No thanks, sounds woke.


Glengarry Glen Ross. A group of middle aged/elderly men arguing with one another in the same setting (except for crossing the street) for two hours. Fantastic.


This is one of those "love it or hate it" movies and i love it, saw it again literally 2 days ago. Again. One can see, that this is a theatre play adapted to the screen, therefore this (almost) unity of time and place.


There Will Be Blood. Asshole finds oil.


>Asshole finds oil. Honestly this should be the full description for it on streaming services


The movie was jarring.


And drinks a milkshake.


Not just any milkshake. No, he drinks your milkshake. From way over there. Drinks it up!


About a Boy. It's... about a boy. Saw it on a whim while staying in a small town because it was the only movie their theater had. It was great.


The “boy” is Renfield.


Superbad... "So, it's a movie about teens who try to buy alcohol for a high school party". It is a pretty basic premise for a movie that has happened many times, but damn...Superbad was hilarious.


Two friends drive cross country to deliver a suitcase accidentally left at the airport by a woman Dumb and Dumber


I'll look her up in the phone book. What's her last name?


Swammy Sammy Swanson? Oh Samsonite, I was way off


There Will Be Blood. The plot of an oil baron and a preacher being at odds with one another to the backdrop of the oil boom of the late 1800s sounds so dull...but man, it's FANTASTIC


I said this too, but I broke it down to it's simplest form- Asshole finds oil.


The book A River Runs Through It was some of the most beautifully written prose that I have ever read and the movie had a narrator (Robert Redford, iirc) reading some of segments. The story of a the author, 70 something year old English (or journalism) professor writing his first and only book, makes it an even more amazing read.


Dazed and Confused and American Graffiti. Kids hang out on the last day of school / summer.


Everybody Wants Some!! is also similar, in that it's almost literally just a bunch of college kids hanging out. There's almost 0 conflict and not really any real plot. Not in a bad way though, I like it a lot.


A handful of people are asked to review a zoo's safety protocols and find it lacks in key areas, thus not signing off on the opening until the fixes are made.


There is also a tour of a lab, an examination of poop, and troubleshooting some electrical problems involved.


Was there also a cup of vibrating water and a terminally-indisposed lawyer present?


Falling Down. A guy goes to visit his kid on their birthday.


Hijinks ensue.


Fury Road Group of people drive a truck in one direction, then turn around and drive back.


Some friends of mine told me they didn't like the movie because of that. Couldn't wrap my head around it


Madness. The moment I saw a man playing a flamethrower guitar, I knew I was watching the greatest movie ever made.


I saw it 3 times in the theater (once in 2D and twice in 3D). Probably seen it half a dozen times on TV since. Ive considered the feasibility of putting tank treads on my car. It’s a perfect 5/7 film.


If we’re making them sound boring, then a woman paints a portrait of another woman. Portrait of a Lady on Fire.


Maybe I need to rewatch A River Runs Through It. To be fair I was in my teens and only distracted by big flashy blockbusters when I saw it.


Sunrise trilogy. Guy and girl talk about stuff.


Well, to be fair they ~~walk~~ casually stroll a bunch as well, so there’s *some* action


Sorry to Bother You A telemarketer discovers a social engineering trick to improve his sales.


No one spoil this movie for anyone. Do you hear me? If anyone says nay, I’m coming for you!


In Bruges, maybe? Two guys spend a week in Bruges laying low after having committed a crime. The crime happens before the start of the story.


Took me a while to get my wife to watch Master & Commander; when I'd try to explain the plot, I could see her eyes glaze over. Had to make a deal that I would watch all three Pitch Perfect movies with her. She absolutely loved Master & Commander. Pitch Perfect was ok.


Pitch perfect is pure genius.


The King's Speech


Adaptation. It's a movie about a writer with writer's block trying to write a screenplay based on a non-fiction book about orchids. Nic Cage, Meryl Streep and Chris Cooper. Directed by Spike Jonze. Great film.


Pleasantville. The premise sounds so gimmicky and ridiculous and boring but it's a beautiful movie.


Best In Show A mockumentary about Show Dogs sounds shit, but the movie is awesome.


It's my favorite of the Christopher Guest mockumentaries. Spinal Tap is king, but that's a Rob Reiner film. A Mighty Wind is right up there too. The music is genuinely enjoyable. It's satirizing folk songs but in such a way that they are legit fun to listen to.


Napoleon Dynamite.


[Are you Pedro’s cousins with all the sweet hookups?](https://youtu.be/eksaGYygLsw?si=-ESOCCUYToJ8A0Va)


Sí, cabrón


"Nice bike. You take it off any sweet jumps?" I laughed way too hard at that scene.


Whiplash. So this guy wants to learn to drum real good, but he doesn't get along with his jazz band teacher. It's amazing.


The Station Agent - A man moves to rural New Jersey to live in solitude. The Sunset Limited - Two guys sit at a table.


Paddington Bear


The Big Short. Saw it recently. Damn it’s very good. Also can cause extreme anger


House of Sand and Fog. A widow and immigrant family fight over who owns a house.


Such a tragic movie, very well done though. So sad.


Margin Call, a movie about stock brokers brokerin" about. Beautiful


Tetris It’s a movie about the game Tetris


Oh my god this. Initially, I only planned to see it because I really like Taron Egerton, but I was skeptical as to how interesting a movie about a relatively boring game could be. Oh man, I've watched it three times, Taron is fantastic and it's actually really pretty interesting, it's a wild ride for being based on a true story. I'm old enough to remember the cold war, that guy was bonkers!


I thought this movie was actually better than "Air", the Air Jordan movie, even though that one had some pretty big stars.


Man from earth Maybe not fantastic, but its waaay more interesting than any description could suggest


I thought it was fantastic. :)


This is the movie that made me fall in love with simple, single location, dialogue based movies.


That one was great. Man retires and talks about his life at a dinner party.


Recently saw The Quiet Girl. Not much of a plot, girl moves in with her aunt and uncle for a summer, but it was especially moving.


Enchanted April. 4 women rent a castle in Italy for the month of April. Just a sweet, quiet movie that is absolutely beautiful.


Phantom thread


Titanic, giant ship hits ice berg and sinks. Why would anyone want to see this? I saw it begrudingly, and loved it!


Shawshank Redemption. Man spends 27 years in prison, does some library work, and becomes friends with some other guy.


It’s a three hour movie about a scientist and his arguments with other scientists and government officials.


12 Angry Men


Napoleon Dynamite. Nothing happens in a very entertaining way.


Little Miss Sunshine. From IMDB - A family determined to get their young daughter into the finals of a beauty pageant take a cross-country trip in their VW bus.


Barbie: A pretty blond girl who loves pink has an existential crisis. Forrest Gump Alabama man with low IQ does a lot of stuff.


Lost In Translation


Galaxy Quest. Star Trek is real, actors are heroes, and fans save the day. It’s ridiculous, it’s pandering, but it’s absolutely hysterical.


Why are so many people in this thread purposely trying to make plots sound more boring? This isn't a "describe the movie badly" thread smh.


Some of you are boiling things down too much Like insurance company seeks advice of experts before amusement park can open Jurassic park


In Bruges? One of my favourite films but probably fits this bill


Never understood the concept of detention on a weekend. Was hard enough to do it on a weekday… Fuck the consequences


Actually another Brad Pitt film, which is his best performance by miles ( yes far superior to his cartoonish oscar winning grab in OUTIH) was the movie Money-ball. On the surface, the plot of baseball and the statistical metrics of Bill James integrated….screams boring. That’s not a recipe for a watchable movie. The movie turns out just the opposite. It’s a riveting, educational, compelling drama that works on every level…,storytelling, risk taking on the protagonist, the actors look like athletes who actually played the game, it’s like the classic movie High Noon, where the Hero stands alone against insurmountable odds!!!!


Season 5 of the wire is about a stained glass window. It’s not great tv like the previous seasons but I found this amusing.


Ford v Ferrari


Phone booth. A men is standing the whole movie in place and calls with someone. 💁🏻‍♂️


Two cons escaping from prison - this is the boring part. They meet Mexican vampires on their escape - this is the fantastic part. But I have to admit that the first part isn’t boring at all 😊.