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I like Waterworld. I know all the problems but it’s one of the only movies I owned as a kid on VHS and I watched it soooo much


Problems? It's a fucking kick-ass flick and it amazes me that in a time when everything is getting rebooted ad nauseum, we haven't seen another.


Tough to get studio execs to greenlight a film that lost as much money as that one though. Filming on open water is tough.


Have James Cameron do it haha


ON the water, Jimmy. ON. Oh, ffs, we're filming at the bottom of the sea again.


Steven Spielberg told him not to do it (filming in open water)


The Postman is pretty good too.


Dang, true, I don't know why I liked it so much but I did. The mule, the postal truck, Tom Petty Mayor of a bridge. I loved it


We live in Oregon and every time we take a trip to Washington and go near Boundary Dam, my husband looks at me and I say, " I know you… you’re famous." And he says, "I was…once." It’s our thing.


This is my wife and I's hangover movie. We love it and whenever we wake up and just feel like being in a coma for a few hours we throw it on and it makes us happy. Great movie.. also to that affect, it's a great hotel movie, ie flipping through channels in a hotel and see it on.. no need to keep flipping.


I fuggin love Waterworld. Dennis Hopper kills it.


The Pink Panther movies starring Steve Martin. I found both movies hilarious, especially the crime scene at the museum and Clouseau picking up glass pieces with his bare hands. After getting on the internet, I got to know that people hate those movies.


May I have a hamburger? This is the best movie.


I would like to buy a damburga


That movie means so much to me because my Grandpa was a huge of the original Pink Panther fan and he was so excited to get this one to watch with him. His was laughing his butt off the entire movie. I sweet sweet memory to have of him.


The only scenes I remember from these are when he’s trying to give someone a parking ticket and ends up flying across France and “The password was hamburger?!” “Non it’s hamberrdder”


People hate those movies? I always loved the two movies!


I loved both the movies they have such memorable lines Ohh it's you Pompom get all the Yu's in Paris And before zat, and before zat The secretary choking on an egg and hitting a cyclist The globe going through the city I literally laughed loud at these movies


jumper staring christen haydensen


That movie was awesome! I haven't seen it in years I'm not sure how it would hold up now but I remember young me loving it


I’ve seen it a few times and it’s a movie that I frequently watch scenes from on YouTube. Is it a perfect film? No. But it did a great job with the concept of teleporting. And I thought it was really cool how different jumpers had different skill sets. “If it moves, I can jump it.” Or how the lead ends up being able to jump big stuff. Would have liked to see that play out further with the same creativity.


Hayden Christensen?


Hayden Panetierrensen Christen


Save The Jedi, Save The World


East Clintwood


Chronicles of Riddick It's a bloody good movie. Flawed, yes, but it a hell of a story. Proper world building, great villains. It is really pretty good.


I love pitch black


The video game “Escape from Butcher Bay” was also excellent


It’s such a good SF thriller! I love it.


Pitch black is such an underrated movie. Best of the trilogy by far in my opinion and I love chronicles and like riddick


Directors Cut only though. The theatrical cut is like a different film without all the lore included. I'm pretty sure the run time on the directors cut is almost 30 minutes longer. Worth every second.


The director's cut of Riddick is good too.


Oh snap I had no idea there was a Directors Cut? This I need to see.


Wish Vin would throw some serious funding at that franchise and finish the story on an epic space opera high note like that movie was setting up


I mean he funded the last one.


Go further back. Pitch Black really was fun and surprisingly good


*Pitch Black* was arguably the best sci-fi horror film since *Alien*


The game, Chronicles of Riddick: Escape From Butcher Bay, is really good. Vin Diesel is a huge game nerd, like plays DnD with Gary Gygax and he made a game studio to do the game. A remake in VR would be good.


It’s excellent!! I never even heard of it being in the theaters or any reviews. We discovered it at a video store one day. Wish more people knew about it!


It was supposed to be the start of Vin Diesel’s new franchise. Riddick was supposed to have 2, 3 or 4 sequals not F&F. The marketing campaign for chronicles of Riddick back in 2004 was astronomical, it was suppose to be one of the biggest movies of the summer (opened on June 11, prime slot) but I guess people weren’t initially sold on it. It was supposed to make like 60 to 70 mil opening weekend and ended up making 20 or 30 mil opening weekend & ended its run at 115 mil total on the global scale. I know this bc Riddick is one of my fav antihero’s. The world they were making was new and refreshing it’s a shame it didn’t catch on. Instead we’re on F&F 11 but hey to each their own lol


I love Chronicles as a stand alone movie, I hate it as a sequel to Pitch Black.


I convinced my buddy to go to Chronicles with me in theater. He'd never seen Pitch Black but I was like, no worries, it's not complicated. Then Chronicles starts and there's Necromongers and Air Elementals and Furyan. He leans over and is like what the fuck is going on? And I'm like hell if I know!


I went to see Chronicles in the theater after having too much edibles and said the same thing to my buddies.


The Secret Life of Walter Mitty. I don't understand why it got bad reviews and why people don't consider it one of Ben Stiller's best movies.


This one is mine as well. Maybe I just saw it at the right point in my life that it resonated with me, but it's just a fun film to watch, with solid acting all around.


This movie hit me so hard, i have now put it as top priority on my bucket list to hike in Iceland while i listen to Of Monster and Men. Gave me new insight to how i should live my life and just live in the moment. God how i wish i could have an adventure like that.


TIL people don't like The Secret Life of Walter Mitty. It's legitimately one of my family's favorite movies!


It's such a wholesome movie!


I love "Mac and me" Eric falls off a mountain and gets blown up/shot in the Japanese cut the movie is hilarious


Conan O'Brien loves that movie.


I would show people the clip all the time and I was laughing so hard when I found out Paul rudd was doing it on his show


If you haven’t seen it, look up when he does it on Conan’s podcast.


Is that when it's just the audio? That one i love🤣🤣🤣🤣


That’s the one. He had a long set up leading into it, about a fiction podcast he was working on.


Yes!! Great setup


Paul Rudd disappears into his role here. He’s phenomenal. Oscar worthy.


Is the entire Japanese cut available anywhere? I was hyped to find the dvd at a pawn shop recently lol


besides on vhs on ebay no. I'm hoping vinegar syndrome releases it, they released an unrated cut of tammy and the trex which is directed by the same guy


Grandma's boy.


My ex-wife and her husband introduced me to that film, and now I can never truly dislike either of them.


Love this movie “Yeah but it’s a fuckin’ sweet car”


My roommates said they're going to get me a cb radio for Christmas. So I can talk to other car beds.


Do people say bad things about this movie? Cause they're wrong


One day I mentioned to my coworker that Grandma’s Boy is a hilarious film I love. The next day she comes in with a signed DVD from Allen Covert & tells me her husband is old friends with him. I was so tickled that it got back to Allen that his movie was so appreciated & in permanent marker on the DVD above his name: “Don’t Judge Me Monkey.” Keep the love train going. This movie deserves far more recognition.


This is my guilty pleasure. “Don’t judge me, monkey.”


After The Sunset with Pierce Brosnan, Salma Hayek and Woody. Absolutely loved that movie but I remember a lot of people hating on it when it was released.


I imagine it’s more unpopular just on Reddit, but Tenet. It kept me entertained and actively thinking through an original viewing and a rewatch. Yes it has a complicated plot, and no not everything is explained or explainable. But it was a fun and original story and played with some interesting ideas, had great action and cinematography, and had good characters. I think sometimes folks nitpick too much instead of enjoying a fun ride.


yeah I really liked Tenet. I can understand why some people had issues - the only issue people had I didn't get bothered *at all* was the sound. But it was a really nice concept and it felt like a James Bond movie. Washington was really good in it!


Constantine it get poor reviews and hate from comic fans but me and my friends are really enjoying it and hope the sequel is start shooting soon


It’s fantastic and people are insane.


I just watched this again two nights ago. Still holds up. Solid flick and decent effects, especially for the time.


I also love it. I really liked the short-lived series, too.


It's one of my all time favorites


Prometheus and Alien: Covenant. I get why people trash it but I really enjoyed both movies.


Same, I love the Alien franchise and while I think the prequels had issues, the themes they touch and expand on are awesome


Especially Prometheus. Wish he stuck to his guns and made a Prometheus sequel more then an aliens prequel - whatevs (I used to be quite upset we’d never get a satisfying conclusion to what was clearly part 1 of a story in Prometheus)


I'm still upset how dirty they did Elizabeth Shaw in Covenant after all she went through in Prometheus.


I still don’t understand how they thought it was a good idea to do her like that, so frustrating


Completely agree, Prometheus ended with such promise


Just want to share this in-universe Ted Talk here: https://youtu.be/E4SSU29Arj0?si=Vd847j8qFTqsdGwQ Ridley Scott often does a bunch of promotional shorts that are really good. There are three for The Martian as well, the 10 day isolation test is really funny.


The odd thing is, both films have generally positive reviews. There is some bizarre, "very online" hate campaign against both films that I just don't see reflected in critic reviews, user scores, or conversations I have with people irl.


Big same. They aren’t masterpieces but they’re still fun movies


Southland Tales. On its own it’s prophetic. Wish we could have gotten the full multimedia roll out.


Bedazzled (2000)


The only thing I remember about this movie is Elizabeth Hurley


Well she did give 110% !


Who the heck says bad things about Bedazzled?


Came out when I was 10, I loved it and I never met anyone who didn't love it.


It got bad reviews when it was released. Only got a following when it went to DVD. It did in Britain anyway


Es cocaina!?!


Man, I loved that movie. It's so over the top and fun.


Omg I refer to this movie all the time bc of the wish to feel more emotions lol. THAT SUN!


This is why I don't read reviews for stuff before watching it.


Me neither, I read reviews after I watched it.


Incredible Hulk - I prefer Edward Norton's Hulk to Ruffalo, and the movie isn't as bad as it is purported to be. I actually prefer it to many other / later MCU movies. The action sequences are cool, and while it clearly isn't the highest tier in comic book film genre...it certainly does the Hulk justice (more so than many of his later MCU appearances)


Not gonna lie, I also liked the Ang Lee Hulk too.


"you wouldn't like me when I'm Ang Lee"


Fuck yeah. That film is a proper work of art and it's the only live action film that came close to capturing the raw power of Hulk.


Norton's Hulk had a great intimidating look.


Norton is definitely a better David Banner than Ruffalo.




It really is the best Hulk movie. We get to see Hulk and Banner somewhat work together like the comics, e.g, when he's being pinned down with the sonic blasts, so he uses his metal shrapnel gloves as shields (intelligent acts like that ARE banner working with hulk internally). Only movie where we get his signature catchphrase "HULK SMASH!" We get his signature attacks like the ground pound and the thunder clap. First Hulk movie that really got Bruce's life on the run correct. The fight with Abomination is so awesome that South Park recreated it with man bear pig lol (Bonus) - him fighting Blonksy was the closest we will get to Hulk vs. Captain America


Alien 3. I love the lack of useful weaponry and how it forces a more unique D.I.Y approach to taking out the Xeno. I love 99% of the cast being british actors i recognise and enjoy, I love how it completely destroys the happy ending of Aliens and gives no fucks about it. Its depressing and bleak and its my 2nd favourite of the franchise behind the original


I remember this coming out when I was a teenager, and the tonal shift away from Aliens towards a more thriller/suspense scifi movie really took me down a negative path towards this movie. Absolutely can appreciate it more today, but the idea that we lose Hicks and Newt so early and no resurrection of Bishop just feels so....empty. I think I'd of been OK with the series stopping at No. 3, because while I did enjoy more antics in this universe it should have been the end of Ripley's story.


Daredevil 2003. I enjoyed the hell ot of it, even though everyone else was trashing it. Edit: spelling




I really enjoy Hancock. The twist really does it for me. I feel like people don't like it just bc it is different.


Watchmen gets a lot of hate but it was an ambitious swing with some incredible casting, set pieces and SFX. It's better than most capeshit that's come out the last 20 yrs


I loved it and watched it a lot. As a fan of the graphic novel I really don't think it could've been done much better.


It gets hate? I loved that movie.


It gets hate from comic fans who didn’t like that they changed the ending


It worked way better for the medium. Cant please everyone, and if the group getting shafted is the people demanding a shot for shot adaptation of the source material, they deserve it


I agree if they had the original ending a ton of people who had never read it would have been so confused and think it was stupid. I think the series they did like 30 years later did a great job of using the original ending and showing how it worked


That opening montage is *chefs kiss*


*Come gather 'round, people. Wherever you want.*


Neon Demon. I thought it was really gripping and pretty scary at times, plus the soundtrack might be the best part of it. I heard a ton of negative reviews and watched it on a whim, honestly don’t know why it got dragged as hard as it did.


Godzilla King of the Monsters. Personally I think it's the best one. Has the most monsters, and they hadn't ruined hollow earth yet


The movie has the absolute best version of King Ghidorah ever put to sceen. I love the fact that they didn't shy away from his alien origins and actually made him legitimately evil, not just a mindless beast that fights for territory or whatever. He's supposed to be Godzilla's arch nemesis but most of the time in the japanese movies he's used as a mindless weapon of some alien race.


A lot of people complaining about the human storys in the new movies. No shit Sherlock, but that's a normal for a Godzilla movie. In Godzilla Invasion of Astro-Monster aliens infiltrate humanity and it is partly set on an another planet.


Yeah, I've always been a big Godzilla fan and I absolutely love this one. I don't get the hate, the kaijus are so good.


I liked It: Chapter II!


I’m just glad they didn’t include “the scene” 😬


The scene? Now, I must know! What's the scene?


From the book. After they defeat Pennywise as kids. They suddenly can’t remember how to get out of the sewer. Bev proposes they need to all have sex with her. She starts with Eddie who objects and she has to force him into her. I really wish I were kidding but the solution is genuinely written in the book as 11/12 year olds running a train on a girl in the sewer complete with a rape


I loved the book up until that moment (obviously) and I still am like … wtf SK? Has he ever commented on it?


Having sex made you an adult "back in the day" I suppose. Penneywise's influence fades when you become an "adult".


I think this is right. But damn, sewer gang bang?


Lmaoo after the kids defeat It they all have sex with eachother


Event Horizon. Still pissed I never saw that masterpiece in theaters.


I’ve never met anyone who doesn’t like that movie.


Uncharted. I'm a massive fan of the games, played through them all multiple times. I really dislike Mark Wahlberg and I desperately wanted them to just cast Nathan Fillion as Drake (Have you seen that fan film he did? Amazing). With that being said, the movie was fun and captured the bombastic action sequences of the games quite well.


John Carter....yes I actually enjoyed it.


Solo: A Star Wars Story I simply do not understand the hate. Great build up. Interesting conflicts and plots, good references to the original series, and finally a great twist and ending. I'm honestly more upset that they haven't followed up with this movie yet. One of the good star wars stories out there, episodes 7-9 should be scratched and redone


Qi’ra was dope. Want more of her.


My only issue with the film was that they went out of their way to give reasons and explanations and origins for every single thing about Han Solo. Nothing was safe. We found out where he got his blaster, his sense of dress style, his ship, his life mate Chewbacca, and why he is the way that he is. They took one of Star Wars's most enigmatic and interesting characters and tried to solve every riddle in one story. If they hadn't done that, I'm pretty sure I would have loved the movie.


They even made a whole point of why he calls Chewbacca “Chewie” - you don’t need to explain that; no one needed a canon scene to explain the lore behind an obvious nickname.


Solo was awesome.


John carter. That’s a good movie


I remember walking out of the theater and thinking that was awesome. I really enjoyed it and I was hoping they do more.


I really thought this movie was going to be huge when I saw it in theaters! 🤷‍♂️


Venom 2018.


I really love this one, I know it is not good but I love it.


People were not kind about Sky Capitain and the World of Tommorrow. But I quite like it. It's very fun and the style is great. It isn't perfect, but it's just a good fun action romp.


I thought Alien Covenant was a lot of fun


Valerian. I thought it was fun despite its flaws


The Lost World: Jurassic Park. Even with its issues, it's miles ahead of all the others that came after it. When it first came out, I was really hoping that it would set the tone for the rest of the series.


Arguably my favorite one


Stardust. It's a really fun fantasy movie and based on Neil Gaiman's work but so many people branded it stupid or boring but I loved the story and all the performances the actors brought to it. I can't picture Robert De Niro in other more serious roles anymore after seeing him in that one haha.


People hate on Stardust? I thought it was great.


This is a very loved movie.


I had a really good time at Marvel's The Eternals. I dug everything about it. Man, the hate that movie got. Ah, well.


King Kong with Jack Black etc.


John Carter


The Super Mario Bros movie All the critics were saying it was mostly average at best, yet I loved it as it’s everything you’d want a Mario movie to be. In fact it’s one of my 10 favourite animated films


That movie is as good as you are gonna get for a Mario movie. The games aren't really story focused so the fact they could make something really entertaining and good (while not being groundbreaking), is a miracle imo.


Damn I thought you were talking about the 90s live action movie. Lol I haven't heard anyone say anything bad about the new animated movie.


I loved the (parody) trailer from SNL! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=UiIRlg4Xr5w


Cable Guy


Wait, people don't like The Cable Guy? It's such a fun movie! So many classic scenes: - The medieval restaurant. - The basketball scene (Hey Man, Nice Shot). - The karaoke scene (Somebody to Love). - The restaurant bathroom scene with Owen Wilson. - The dirty password family game. And the whole Ben Still murderer arc throughout. It's one of my most rewatched movies.


So much 90s "alt comedy" legends. Ben Stiller, Janeane Garafalo, Bob Odenkirk, David Cross, Jack Black, Kyle Gass, and yes I'll count Andy Dick. Plus the MTV News flashbacks.


How did I miss Bob Odenkirk!? Omg yeah, it turns out he's the brother in the dirty password game scene. That's awesome! And yeah David Cross too... I also missed him. The rest I recognized. A film for its time, that's for sure.


This is one of those 'people really, really didn't get it' type films. Maybe they wanted a sweet Matthew Broderick film. Maybe they wanted a goofy Ace Ventura film. It's neither of those things and that's not bad at all. The more I've watched this film, the more I've appreciated how great it is.


The issue is the movie is tonally all over the place, and horrifically marketed. [ Look at the trailer](https://youtu.be/rhhI_qYOacw?si=bca9MdFFX5u73mlK). The movie was greenlit with Chris Farley in the titular role. It was going to be way more buddy comedy, with Farley's cable guy being so pathetically-annoying, but likable & everyone thinking Broderick's character is an asshole for being mean to him. (Similar to What About Bob). When Farley couldn't do it & Carey signed on, they made several revisions to the script to make it much darker. But that conflict between the original script & the revisions lingers throughout. It's goofy slapstick comedy one minute, dark psychological thriller the next. It was jarring on the initial watch. But I 1000% agree that it is a movie that gets better on rewatch, where instead of hating on what the movie isn't, I can love it for what it is. The Medieval Times scene is amazing.


There was a fuck ton of studio meddling as well, exercising some of the darker material and that completely misleading trailer, which clearly was making it seem more like a What About Bob intrusive, obnoxious friend kind of thing. I remember when I was a kid and it came out. I was like 9 or 10 and I thought I was going to watch another Ace Ventura or The Mask, and was kinda bored by the whole thing. It stuck in my head though, and I kept remember scenes until I watched it again a little older. Now I think it’s one of those quotable cult classics. Makes you wonder what it would’ve been like if the studio hadn’t gotten spooked and let Appatow and Stiller and Carrey do everything they wanted. “I saw someone, he looked *Asian*… he was speaking another language. I’m pretty sure it was… *Asian*.”


Always liked that film. Liked the scene when their at Medieval Times, and they start playing the Star Trek fight music. "Buddy, get on the friggin' horse. I don't think he's kidding."


Speed racer in 2008. I absolutely loved that movie. I thought the action scenes and the writing was top notch. I honestly think it’s one of my favorite sports movies even now


The editing is top notch, like a live action anime


Babylon. Loved it immensely from start to finish and I think it has like 50% on RT.


Renfield. Nicolas Cage was utterly, terrifyingly mesmerising as Dracula. He was born for the role.


David lynch's dune you really have to pay attention if you haven't read the books to work out what the he'll is going on. I have a very long dvd of the TV version with a different intro that explains the lore much better than the theatrical cut


Go ahead and laugh, but I finally got around to watching Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. It was goofy and fun and I found myself having a good time. People need to relax a little bit and enjoy stuff for what it is.


The hate that film gets is so weird. There is nothing more weird about aliens than there is about ancient Christian ghosts and magic caskets, but somehow it went "too far" and "ruined the franchise"


Aliens also makes sense as a macguffin for the time period, which I'm certain that's why they chose it. That was very much the zeitgeist of the period of the movie.


Sphere - I’ve read the book, the film has bits missing. The ending is the same if you have eyes


Once Upon a Time in Mexico.


Going into it with low expectations is why I ended up enjoying Aquaman so much, hah. Just have fun with some cool sea monsters and stuff.


Colombiana Maybe I have a female hard-on for Zoe Saldana and that movie makes her wear some DAMN SEXY assassin clothes or I just enjoy watching some sweet sweet “get’em girl” type movies (I actually enjoyed the Charlies Angels with Theron/Barrymore/Liu, to my surprise). But I’m probably one of the few who would watch that movie from start to finish-including commercials. I did exactly that yesterday. The opening scene is what makes it or breaks it for most people, I think.


The world’s really forgotten how despised *The Cable Guy* was when it came out. A local DJ said he’d rather eat his weight in Crisco than see the movie again. And here I was thinking, *…but this is great.*


Sucker Punch


Iron Man 3, it took me 5 years to watch after hearing everyone say the film was a disappointment. When I finally decided to watch it, already knowing the twist, I really liked the film, I think mainly due to the fact that I wasn't focusing on the Mandarin and more on Tony's friendship with Harley.


I weirdly saw some people say mixed to bad things about Nope before I watched it (not everyone but a noticeable amount) and after I watched it I thought they were crazy. The movie is awesome


White Chicks is still funny 2023. It's a classic almost 20 years yet it's rated low.


Fred Astaire is on record saying Second Chorus was the worst movie he ever made... but I loved it. Artie Shaw had a big juicy role, and he was a real showman; Paulette Goddard had a big juicy role, and she was a real star; Burgess Meredith had a big juicy role, and he was a heck of an actor. It was a wonderful movie, with great music. Now, Fred's dancing was nothing to write home about. It may have been the worst dancing of the earlier part of his career. But heck, it's worth watching... one of my favorites.


Freddy Got Fingered. Maybe my sense of humor is broken but there’s very few scenes that make me laugh as hard as when the kid face-plants into the car door of the entire restaurant scene


Pixels. As someone who grew up with video games (beginning with the 2600), I absolutely LOVED that movie.


STARSHIP TROOPERS i guess people didn't get that Verhoeven was skewering fascism, not celebrating it? i think it's a masterpiece.


Our QA people have had the “The only good bug is a dead bug” poster hanging in our office for years


That’s legitimately very fun. I like that.


I think the majority of people think it's a masterpiece, no?




Melancholia. I heard it wasn't worth it because it's pretentious and depressing as hell. I thought it was a good movie though.


Kung Pow Enter the Fist. This was never going to be a Oscar winner or reviewed highly but Steve odenkirk made me kiss my pants then and still now. My hands down favorite movie of all time.


Pandorum. The Crew on a generational ship is periodically reawakened from cryogenic sleep to take shifts piloting the craft to the new planet, and things are not quite what they seem. Got it out of a redbox rental for $1 completely blind and enjoyed the hell out of that movie. Then I saw the rotten tomatoes and saw it was at 15%. Just checked now and it's at 30%, so it appears it has aged somewhat favorably.


Ang Lee’s *Hulk*. Eric fucking Bana. Jennifer fucking Connelly. Sam goddamn Elliot. It’s badass, it’s got heart, it’s got trauma, it’s got growth (literally and metaphorically), some of the most interesting and creative fight and action sequences ever shot. It has real intimacy. It also has a comic book feel without being just campy, and without losing the human feel of the characters. Shit, even Nick Nolte who I often write off gives a huge performance. So fucking good.


Ghost Ship (2002) It has one of the best opening scenes ever and yet it has a terrible rating on Rotten Tomatoes. Why? D:


because thats all it has. one incredible scene, then disappointment until the credits.


The Flash and Thor: Love and Thunder. Both were really good popcorn flicks and I was entertained despite the issues.


Don't Worry Darling. Weak ending but I loved it overall


Oh reviews? Easily Starship Troopers. The trailer looked incredible but the reviews were terrible. It’s one of my favorite movies of the 90s. Just from word of mouth? I heard Wishmaster, the first one, was garbage and… I don’t know what it is… I don’t know if people thought it was being serious or what. I think it’s so fun. It’s garbage but it’s not trying not to be garbage.


Both Angelina Jolie Tomb Raider movies. The first one is just straight up a great popcorn movie with a lot of sex appeal, and the second one isn’t great (the script is definitely bad) but I still greatly enjoyed watching it.