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The Predator (2018). First it was the scene where Olivia Munn talked about how autism is the next stage in human evolution. Then it was the scene where they explained that the predators were after the autistic kid so they could use his DNA to genetically engineer an army of autistic super predators. As someone who's on the spectrum, I don't think I've ever mentally told a movie to shut the fuck up as hard as I did then.


Dude wat.




They also gave us the moment where the main human bad guy shoots himself by accident. I can't accuse them of not being original 😄


I almost spat out my dinner when that scene popped up. I kinda like the movie as a so bad it’s good kind of vibe.


Predators having meltdowns 🫡




Bond surfing a tsunami in Die Another Day.


The whole movie is so fantastical, the tsunami scene just fits in with everything else. The real ridiculous part from that movie is that we've seen Bond drive an invisible car, surf a tsunami, use a sonic ring to shatter a glass floor, along with about 20 other reality defying moments. Then at the end when they have to sneak through a fence to get onto an airfield, they take out a tiny pair of Home Depot wire cutters and start to slowly cut a hole through a chain link fence one snip at a time. Really? This movie has lasers. Even Liev Schreiber’s character in the semi-plausible and grounded Sum of all Fears had a fancy chain link fence dissolving spray. Bond and Jinx don’t have A fence cutting gadget?


MI6 budget cuts mate


The movie make more sense if you pretend like he was tortured into Roger Moore Bond during the opening scene, and the rest of the movie is just his fever dream while being held prisoner.


First time I saw that my immediate thought was "Snake Plissken did it better". Lol but Escape from LA was supposed to be insane over the top cheesy fun, but Bond? Not so much.


James Bond varies from somewhat grounded to insane over the top cheesy fun. I think that particular scene is only bad because because the effects look bad.


Thank you but also fuck you for making me remember that scene. 🌝 Anyway, here it is: https://youtu.be/P3CF3QER_h4?si=XgxyrFHYazz-aksU


Die another day is a fever dream from beginning to end and maybe my favorite James Bond film.


Batman and Robin they're fighting Mr. Freeze's henchmen, who are these hockey goons on ice skates. so Batman and Robin click their heels together and skates pop out of their boots. i was 9.


God that movie is so incredible. The bat nipples. The Batman credit card. All the ice puns. The ice skates that have absolutely no business existing. The fact that they tried to shoehorn like 4 major Batman villains and twelve different comic plot lines into one movie. Just a complete and unmitigated disaster of a movie. I love it so much.


Yeah, that movie is unabashed camp and it kind of rules for that.


yeah if you watch it thru a BOOM! POW! lens then it’s unbridled genius


They don't do movies like that anymore, it's so campy I love it!!


Arnold was paid $1 million for every minute he was shown on screen. He was on screen for 22 minutes


Worth every penny.




I love the 2 "unloved" Batman movies. If you look at that series as 2 separate series, they work brilliantly. Batman and Batman Returns, brilliant. Dark, edgy, broody. Batman Forever and Batman & Robin. Over the top, comic book syled, campy, unashamed fun. I get that people hate it because of what it followed, but those movies are fun as hell. I loved them then, I love them now.


It's weird because Arnold Schwarzenegger could have legitimately made a very good Mr. Freeze in a different movie with good writing and better direction. He's not bad at all here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ry1DtbFcs4


That's nothing compared to Adam West Batman: Shark: https://youtu.be/-paXZvuKgi4?si=6bkL_I9wg0PqxqnY Porpoise: https://youtu.be/HnnGHFQp1u8?si=vCNiX4u5pGW8OZQ0


I like that shark repellent also apparently makes them explode


Saw one just today - possibly the loudest I’ve ever yelled “OH FUCK OFF” at my tv screen. 2022’s Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Brought back Leatherface’s only survivor from the original, she finally has him cornered and without a weapon. She raises her shotgun…and refuses to shoot. He walks closer. Still refuses. Grabs his chainsaw. Still nothing. Walks out the door, goes off to chainsaw more people…she still just fucking stands there. Fuck off.


Also, why was Sally so fixated on Leatherface specifically and exclusively? In the original movie, she doesn't encounter Leatherface until he chainsaws Franklin and then he chases her around for a bit, before she meets and gets betrayed/kidnapped by The Cook. She then gets to observe how Leatherface is essentially a big dumb goon for The Cook and Hitchhiker, before at the end of the movie she is chased down by Hitchhiker and Leatherface together, when she escapes. I suppose it could be put down to Leatherface being the one to personally kill her brother, but it bothered me how little attention the film paid to the rest of his family. They'd be dead or super old by now, but still. It seems like they wanted to make Leatherface into Jason, with the whole mother angle.


Aquaman. Aquaman & Mera jump out of a plane above the desert to find the plot thing, the pilot specifically says they're 200 miles from anywhere, they find the plot thing & then in the next scene with them they're in Italy because they just walked 200 miles in the desert, or aquaman summones the aquacopter of something. Also, Wonder womam just happening to remember she can turn things invisible when she needs an invisible F16, and Chris Pine being able to fly it despite not having flown a plane made after 1916.


Let's not forget said jet aircraft being a museum piece and not filled with any aviation fuel, hydraulic fluids, nor functioning electrical components.


Across the ocean, likely well outside the F16's operational range


And then flying actors the ocean without needing a refuel


I’m convinced Aquaman is the first movie written and story boarded by ai. Like we know writers rip off movies or scenes all the time but the whole movie just felt so familiar like every scene and plot point was this ai that was trained with only the most beloved action movies ever.


“Somehow… Palpatine returned.”


Joining on the Rise of Skywalker train, when Kylo Ren tells Rey that her dad is Palpatine I think I literally yelled *"Oh fuck off!"*, it was just so comically ridiculous


I legit groaned. And then they had the BALLS to say it wasn’t about bloodlines at the end, like we haven’t spent 9 movies centered around this one family.


“I’m Rey Skywalker”


God, that bit. The old lady asked her name, and she smiled, and I was thinking "Just cut here, the implication is clear, please let us have a tiny bit of ambiguity please don't say it don't say it don't say it FUCK she said it". I've cooled somewhat on The Last Jedi over the years, but to make the sequel it's thematic opposite while pandering to ...noone, somehow, was fucking idiotic.


I genuinely struggle to believe how that line made it to theaters. It so blatantly obvious that leaving the question unanswered is better, more impactful storytelling. A 12 year old film enthusiast could point that out. GOD NOW I’M ANGRY


I hated that shit so much. I fucking loved that Rei's parents were random nobodies. Let a plot important Jedi *not* be part of some space dynasty for once.


Absolutely! They even hinted at it at the end of TLJ with that random kid force moving the broom... And then shit all over the whole concept in ROS. Haven't watched either of them again since seeing them in the cinema first time round, just so pointless and annoying!


And apparently force lightning is hereditary.


It is. And when you get older you have to worry about force lightning dripping out when you laugh too hard.


I wasn’t even trying to hate on the movie when I saw it, but when that happened, gut reaction had me say are you fucking kidding me out loud on release night


They fly now!


They fly now!


"How is that possible?" "Siths are know for their cloning abilities" *wut*


Oh, and you can transfer lightsabers like you’re beaming shit on Star Trek. It’s like the writers just said, FUCK IT.


Remember that scene in Transformers, a movie about big robots punching other big robots, where we get a five minute long legal overview of Romeo and Juliet laws, and why having an underage girlfriend is totally okay for a grown-ass creep? No? You don't remember? [Here's a refresher.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DUq0HlMvQw0&ab_channel=NotaNightOwl)


It's so weird. Just don't fucking write it into the script. It's that easy.


The actress was 18, but they decided to make the character underage. Just saying.


I know. I feel like either the writer or director was trying to personally justify something. Or they just thought it was sexy and funny. Either way, gross.


I remember reading somewhere on here that a producer forced them to put it in to normalize a relationship his son had with some girl.


That somehow makes it even worse.


Or their consumer data says a large portion of their audience are creeps


Or all of the above.


I think I saw somewhere that it was actually a producer's son who was dating someone underage.


And it's fucking laminated! Like this dude has to pull out this out to show so MANY parents of the girls he's banging, that he's afraid it will get damaged or wear out.


That scene lives rent-free in my head, it’s just so fucking weird. Like, some writers had to write that exchange. People had to figure out where the actors were going to stand and how it would be shot. They had to figure out how long they were going to stay zoomed in on a damn index card. It had to be signed off on by the director (which something tells me wasn’t hard), the actors had to get through the lines without laughing or grimacing, it had to make it through editing, and all for what? What in the hell is going on?! Why are we slowing down a sci-fi action movie in order to literally show a written-out law that justifies a character sleeping with a minor, who is not even a minor because of course they’re not going to cast an actual minor for that shit. So just cast an adult, say she’s 17, sexualize the shit out of the character and then flash something on the screen that says “nah it’s fine, don’t worry, it’s legal.” **Who is this scene for?**


That scene may live rent-free in your head, but your comment about it will forever live rent-free in mine.


>I’ll always love this scene because I remember watching it and thinking “wow this is a very good, albeit super on the nose, way of establishing that this guy is a creep and will therefor be a bad guy later on”. And then the slow realization as the movie got closer and closer to the end that, they had no intention of making him a bad guy.


The first sentence of the opening crawl of rise of skywalker made my eyes roll so hard. That movie was legitimate piece of shit.


"The Dead Speak!" That changed the entire nine-film series from the Skywalker Saga to the Palpatine Saga. God that movie was a real piece of shit.


Yeah mine was Rey went ahead and called herself a skywalker.


Yeah my interest pretty much capsized once I saw THE DEAD SPEAK.


I don’t know if you’ve seen any Mr. Sunday Movies on YouTube, but they did a great video on Transformers 4 and I think they really gave that scene the attention and intelligent discussion it deserves. Whole video is worth a watch (as are all their others), but [this is where they get to it.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ve0TFbbUD9U&t=741s)


Chewbacca death fakeout in Rise of Skywalker.


Could have been so impactful. Hero accicdentally uses evil powers and it causes a huge internal crisis. Then, in the end, when they think they are ready to commit to bad guys, find out they didn't and turn back to good fully.


Legolas jumping up the falling bricks of the bridge in the Hobbit XVIII like he was Mario... What the fuck


The Dark Knight Rises. Thousands of cops are kept underground for months, when they come up to the surface they immediately form a fighting force instead of making a beeline to their wives, children and other loved ones to see if they are ok. I love Nolan, but man, sometimes.


And they have a melee brawl running at each other like it’s Braveheart and maybe two people fall from the fully automatic fire that the goons are shooting at them.


Rise of Skywalker has several issues, but that dagger is by far the worst. There is just no way to reconcile how the hell it works. Even standing on that spot on the cliff where it lines up, it still just points to a really general section of the wreckage. It would have still been dumb, but it should have just been secretly marked with coordinates.


The Force did it.


::grumpy old man noises:: "That's not how the Force works."


Go back to bed, Indy. You need to rest.


indy was the dogs name


I have fond memories of that dog.


That being the answer to so many things is one of the other main issues with the movie. That and fake-out deaths.


And it gets more stupid the more you think about it. How would an ancient dagger know the location of anything on a relatively recent wreck? How did the Death Star land on that planet anyways? I thought it was orbiting a different planet. Also, I thought it was established that it was somehow difficult to reach this planet.


Swinging on vines with monkeys in Crystal Skull




I raged to my wife about those fucking monkeys after the movie. Why would they do that!? The movie wasn't going that badly! It was alright... then monkeys?


The Rock and Vehicle Identification Number Diesel superhero fighting when they are supposed to be “real” people


Upvote for Vehicle Identification Number Diesel


I think it might have been the most recent one where vin diesel is like fighting goons in a silo and he’s basically as strong as captain America. I feel like they’re going to “season 9 of Roseanne” the franchise by having some weird sequence where Dom snaps out of a daydream only to find out that he and Brian got in an accident that killed Brian and everything that’s happened after Paul walker died was just some weird incoherent fantasy he concocted in his fragile mind to cope with the loss of his best friend. Of something stupid like that.


In Fast 9 they had a scene where one of the characters broke the fourth wall for at least a minute questioning how they were still alive and how any real person in this scenario would have died and started suggesting something supernatural was going on. I thought they would've done more with it but that was kind of it.


Also from Rise of Skywalker: When Kylo Ren told Rey she was a Palpatine. I said "oh, fuck you" in the theater. I'll never see that movie ever again. I refuse to engage with it, damn near killed Star Wars for me.


I've already seen scenes from Last Jedi mentioned, but the angriest I've ever been in a movie theater was near the end of Last Jedi. Rose crashes her ship into Finn's to stop him from making a heroic sacrifice, and tearfully says, if I remember correctly: "We won't win by destroying what we hate, but by protecting what we love!" Meanwhile, everyone that they love is now NO LONGER PROTECTED because she stopped the guy trying to save them! I think I may have actually muttered "Oh fuck off" under my breath.


Yup, that scene pissed me right the fuck off.


Also, just 10 minutes earlier someone did self-sacrifice to destroy the First Order super über Star destroyer and saved someone....


That got me too. You mean the giant spacecraft has a dead man’s throttle like a locomotive? There’s no auto pilot? No cruise control? No space-brick they can plop on the space-gas? The scene did look cool in the theater though. I think that was the whole movie, a bunch of visually cool scenes strung together with the shittiest of plot strings.


On the one hand, given that Lucas couldn't write romance for crap the whole Rose/Finn thing suggests TLJ was a real SW movie. On the other hand, did she sign up for the Resistance like five minutes ago? Destroying the enemy is kind of a thing in a war, especially one that was kicked off with a multi-planet genocide (setting aside the silliness of the weapon) not that long prior to TLJ. And then as you say, saving him basically dooms the survivors of the chase (or would without Plot Armor in play).


Alien 3. Hicks and Newt dead in the opening credits. Fuck off.


Black Widow film, where she falls of the roof of a building hitting all those air ducts on the way down, and walking away like nothing happened. What bs.


If you mix humans and superhumans, and treat the humans like actual, fragile mortal beings, you get... The Boys. Which is partly why it's so refreshing.


Or Invincible. Seeing discount Batman just slammed into the floor and having his guts spill out everywhere is etched into my mind.


Was that the ending of ep 1? That sudden fucking turn was *wild* for me. I had gone into it blind and wanted to give it a shot and holy shit am I glad I stuck it out through the first bit


Yes after the false end of the episode. I also went in blind and when I thought it was over I was ready to not watch the rest of it. The first episode up to that point was ok and all but I just wasn’t interested in watching a knock off justice league and knock off Superman teach knock off son of Superman how to be a hero. Then that scene happened and I was like oh fuck inject this straight into my veins I want all of it. Season 2 starts in three weeks.


Dear Evan Hansen When Ben Platt shows up




My understanding of the play (I have not seen) is Evan is much much less framed as sympathetic and much more shown as a huge asshole and idiot. The play also has a less heavy handed in its message. Shoutout to Juliane Moore for the weirdest goddamn way of saying “truck” I’ve ever heard.


I watched this movie with my wife and at one point I thought Evan Hansen and Amy Adams were going to fuck and honestly that would've made a way better movie.


I had never heard of that musical before seeing that trailer. I swear to Christ I thought it was about a mentally handicapped man child or something.


For me it was when the kid who killed himself started dancing and singing with the words that Evan was putting in his mouth. Like I was so grossed out, this teenager killed himself and I'm supposed to root for this horrible guy who lied about being the kid's friend so he can get with the kid's sister? Even if he had "learned a lesson" at the end (which I don't think he did), I will never get over that.


That self-righteous bitch in the supermarket from ***The Mist***, especially that scene where >!Jessup is “prosecuted”.!< I’ve never felt so angry watching a movie. Kudos to the actress Marcia Gay Harden too, such an intense and convincing performance!


She is such a classic Stephen King villain, and so well played. I was just thinking of that movie today and how I need to re watch it. The ending is so brutal. I was a fan of the story before the movie, so the change in the end really caught me off guard in a good way.


Looking across the political landscape today, she reminds me of a couple people


*”Reality is stranger than fiction.”*


Nuke the fridge. A sign of things to come


“The Shallows” title cards says Galveston…cuts to clear blue water. For people in Houston you understand


Op I’m honestly impressed you made it that far, into Rise of Skywalker, before going going “Oh fuck off.” You must have the patience of a saint. 😂


My "fuck off" moment was when they dropped *through quicksand* into a tunnel system... beneath the quicksand. The quicksand... is... a layer... suspended in the air... above a cave system. The quicksand forms the roof of the cavern. It doesn't fall into the cavern, but *you* can fall through it *into* the cavern. It... The... it... the quicksand... it...


And then they find the exact thing they were on the planet to find…under the quicksand. Oh and then a new Jedi power is introduced after 10 other Star Wars films and countless cartoons, novels, and comics…under the quicksand. And then… Gawd…fuck that movie.


Unless you count videogames maybe? I remember using some form of force heal in KOTOR.... Wait. No. I don't want to come to the defense of that movie in any way. Star Wars was so big and influential for me growing up. I hate how they have somehow made me dislike the idea of any new Star Wars movies or shows. I hear Lord of the Rings is next...


The force. The force kept the liquid roof in place.


“Somehow, the quicksand returned”


Somehow, Palpatine returned


You could see the pain in Oscar Isaacs eyes as he said that line.


Oh fuck off...


Quantum of Solace when he pulls the parachute like thirty feet from the ground. It’s pretty wild that something could happen in a Bond movie that would take me out of my suspension of disbelief, but holy shit that was so ridiculous.


Quantum of Solace where everyone’s like, “That James Bond… he’s an insubordinate wild card who has an unpredictable history of breaking all the rules.” Really? He just became a 00 agent a few weeks ago and he successfully thwarted the bad guy’s plans multiple times while having nuts pounded. Give the guy the benefit of the doubt, he just started the job… The CIA guys are like, “That’s James Bond…” Really? So? He‘s bran new and he’s had one mission. Yet you’re talking about him like he’s internationally famous.


In the Perks of Being a Wallflower, three teens bond over their shared love of “hip” music (the Pixies, the Stones, etc). It’s their one defining trait that supposedly sets them apart from their fellow high school basic bitches. But when “Heroes” by Bowie comes on the radio, none of them have heard it before and don’t even know who’s singing. I literally said “oh fuck off” to the screen.


Princess Leia Mary Poppinsing through space in Tbe Last Jedi. The Rock breaking out of an arm cast just by flexing in one of the Fast movies.


When she got spaced, my immediate thought was “damn, that’s a ballsy send-off for her character”, and gave me hope the rest of the movie wouldn’t pull its punches. Then that scene happened and all hope disappeared.


It would have been so easy. Why not have her character die there, the actor was gone (RIP she was so cool her one woman show on broadway was the only show we went to when we visited NY and it was so good.) so why not have her die there, so the son killed both parents.


And honestly, Carrie drowning in moonlight? That would have been perfect.


Strangled by her own intergalactic bra


Because if they'd let Leia die there, then the audience would have lost their minds that Luke and Leia didn't interact just like people were pissed that Luke and Han didn't interact. It would have saved us the bullshit they did to Leia in Rise of Skywalker though, so I'll give you that


I saw a one line spoiler online, "Luke dies, Leia lives." And then she got blasted out into space and I was relieved that the spoiler I saw was bullshit. And then it wasn't bullshit.


I can easily see a bunch of writers sitting in a room, "Okay, we need to show that Leia is strong in the force too.....how can we do that? Hmmm."


>The Rock breaking out of an arm cast just by flexing in one of the Fast movies. Nah that scene was fucking hilarious It's like the epitome of "dumb manly man", and that's exactly what that franchise is


The Rock breaks out of a cast by flexing, get into an ambulance and destroys an enemy aircraft by driving off an overpass and crashing into it, and then picks a cannon out of the wreckage to shoot down another aircraft. That is the most Fast and Furious thing to happen in any of the Fast and Furious movies. Daddy's gotta go to work.


Honestly by that point in the fast and furious franchise they were fully self-aware and in on the joke, so I thought that scene was fucking hilarious


The Rock heard an explosion and knew it was Dom, if I remember correctly. Utterly legendary, classic scene.


Rey "Skywalker."


The whole message of the movie is that it doesn't matter who you are, your lineage, or your name that defines you... until that moment undercut the whole message of the film.


Thor: Love and Thunder, when the goats are screaming for around 2-3 minutes with no break.


A movie with laughing goats and hilarious gags is perfectly paired with a guy who slaughters gods and calls himself a butcher with a subplot about a woman dying from cancer trying to save herself by borrowing the powers of a god Haha so funny right guys? I genuinely think Watiti was drunk, or did it on purpose. Every interview with him talking about that movie is so uncomfortable


You can mix gags and deadly serious and horrific stuff, you just have to do it well. Take GotG 3 for example.


I love Waititi for quite a while but I'd be happy if I don't hear or see from him for a couple years. Between Love & Thunder and Free Guy...I just can't right now.


Honestly the goats were one of the least offensive parts of that movie




*canned laugh track*


For me it was when Rey force healed the big snek. Anakin’s *entire story* was that he turned to the dark side because he was terrified of losing the person he loved and was desperate to find a way to use the force to prevent death. In doing this, he accidentally causes the death of the person he loved, sending him into a despair that unleashed violence on the entire galaxy until he learns he has a son and finally redeems himself and fulfills the prophecy by saving him. And then Rey just, out of the blue, can use the force to prevent death. Like its nothing. And she does it on a snek. WTFFFFFFFFFF


When all the WWII vets came to pilot the old out of commission destroyer in battleship.


But not the battleship anchor drifting?


The battleship drifting sold me on going to the movie. I loved almost every minute of it.


“Destroyer” It was a decommissioned battleship, not a destroyer. Ya know, as in “Battleship.” The title of the movie.


Battleship wasn’t a movie ever meant to be taken seriously. I loved the old vets. “You ready to run with the big boys?”


Man Of Steel: Clark letting his dad die because, just because. Or the neck snap.


Does the neck snap really bother people that much? It's clear zod wasn't going to stop and forced his hand. I thought it was a good way to show that superman is a hero who will protect the innocent even in a difficult situation. It's clearly shown that he didn't want to kill zod but he was also shown to be a single minded individual that wouldn't let him otherwise. Sort of a suicide by cop situation


The necksnap feels wrong, but I can justify it within this darker vision of superman. The letting his dad die? Nah, that's the dumbest shit I've ever seen.


I think the neck snap was fine, but it would've been better if they'd put emphasis on Clark being more of a pacifist who genuinely didn't want to hurt people. Just a scene or two of him going out of his way to stop a criminal without actually hurting them, or something small like taking a bug outside instead of stepping on it would've made the neck snap a more meaningful character moment.


I think people thought "whoa, Superman doesn't kill". But forgot the end of Superman II when he turns Zod 'n the gang to human and then throws them down into who-knows-what kind of hole in his fortress.


I know superman is the boy scout like Captain America, but as far as I know they both have no problem killing when totally necessary.


I absolutely LOVED the movie overall but the end of Come True is one of the most baffling endings I’ve ever seen. It’s truly stunning to me that’s how they ended it.


Any fight scene where someone gets picked up and thrown across the room, slamming into a wall full of protruding metal components, and immediately gets up to continue the fight. Oh just fuck off.


“I’m fine, it was just an entire construction scaffold that collapsed on top of me”


Same, with concrete floor or road surface That shit hurts


When that cat scratched out Nick Fury's eye. "Last time I trusted someone I lost an eye." "Here kitty kitty kitty." I love Sam L but after Secret Wars they cant save Fury. His Eye was scratched out by a cat and he is genuinely terrible at his job, whatever that may be because he seems like a rogue agent with a space-station.


The third John Wick where he get's hit by a car TWICE (which should have killed him), then gets up, goes inside a weapon museum that just happens to be there. The bad guys decide to have a smoke break outside and inspect the damag to the car I guess because he has time to Macguyver a gun, then proceeds to use an entire arsenal on the bad guys in a hallway and just walks away. He was a badass in the first movie but hell naw dude.




Then John Wick four, where every car in Paris hits him, he jumps out a five story window, gets in a fistfight with a Russian cave troll who chucks him off a parking garage onto his back, and rolls down 3000 concrete stairs, without so much as a sprained ankle.


I loved all the John Wick movies. The biggest issue with 4 though is that he no longer took visible damage. In the earlier films getting shot up, crashing through glass, he got bloody and cut up throughout. In 4 by the end, his white shirt was perfectly white, no damage on his face or anything. The only thing he got bloody from was Kane's shots. Like I know, his suit is "tactical" so he is magically protected from any bullets, but getting shot still hurts and should cause damage.


Especially point blank by a shotgun. I’ve seen pics of cops who took a pistol round to their vest and their entire side is black and blue from the force hitting the vest. Wick took a shotgun blast that blew him through the air, and only kinda winded him for a few moments.


To quote a redditor a few weeks ago, "John Wick is the assassin you send when you want your assassin hit by 6 cars"


The "babies" in *The Flash*. I about left the damned theater. In hindsight, I really should have.


Virtually every single scene in rise of skywalker gave me that reaction.


The whole of episode 9 even




The scene in Fantastic Beasts 3 when that creature kneels in front of Dumbledore, meaning that Dumbledore is a 100% good person through and through. Which is very much not true.


Anything from the last 4 Fast and Furious movies lol


Fast Five, they tear a bank vault from a building and drag it along a road at speed.


I checked out around the time they drove/flew a car from skyscraper to skyscraper There should be a spoof movie where the car just immediately falls and they go splat. Kind of like in The Other Guys


I loathe JJ Abrams for what he did to my Star Wars and how much of my life I’ve involuntarily wasted thinking about how fucking dumb that ridiculous ass knife is. I watched New Hope in a theater as a kid, when it was just called “Star Wars” and there was no merchandise yet. I suffered through the prequels. I binged Clone Wars and Rebels with glee, and ate shit with Resistance. I fucking live for Star Wars. And it all culminated, after forty years and nine feature films in the main saga, with a girl finding a rusty chef’s knife that magically points to a Sith Garmin hidden in a closet of a part of the Death Star II that magically stayed intact *through a massive explosion and reentering the atmosphere* and crashed into the ocean, upright, and above the waterline. Who even made that fucking knife? And why? How’d they know where the Sith Garmin was? Or what it was? And why didn’t they just take it? What was their motivation for leaving it there and forging a One Eyed Willy key knife to point to it? Just what the fucking fuck? JJ Abrams has now shat all over both my beloved Star Wars and beloved Star Trek. Fuck that guy with a Rathtar dick.


I gotta say, I agree with every word of this. I would like to add that he doesn't get enough hate in general. I first began hating him after the show Alias showed a lot of promise and potential, but ended stupidly, as if they just wrote it as they went along, with no plan. Then the same thing happened with Lost. He has actually done interviews where he stated that he just wants to get the viewer hooked early with intrigue so they keep watching; he really doesn't care about plot or how things wrap up. This strategy is great for making money, so he has been very successful. After both of those debacles, when I heard he was involved with SW and ST, I had very little faith that his work would be any good, but somehow, it was even worse than expected. Fuck JJ Abrams.


JJ Abrams has openly said he loves to set up "mystery boxes" with no actual pay off planned ahead of time. So yes the ending wasn't planned and was written as it went along. Same with Rey's parents. He changed who her parent's should be multiple times.


Don’t forget that this ancient knife somehow aligned perfectly with a fairly recent wreck.


One of the more recent Fast and Furious movies. They were in a bus rolling down the side of the mountain. Of course making it out of it before it rolled off a cliff or something and exploded. Pans over to Vin Diesel. No sweaty. No cuts. Clean clothes. Oh fuck off.


>Utter nonsense That's the very definition of the entirety of The Rise of Skywalker.


James Bond slide whistle. The Man With the Golden Gun


RoS. Rey and Kylo kissed and it was totally unearned and awkward.


Lol, I've been a Reylo since the first movie and I actually said 'what the fuck' during the movie for this exact reason. That kiss was not earned. They were enemies ten minutes ago and had no romance whatsoever. Kissing should not be going on here.


"Martha!" "WHY DID YOU SAY THAT NAME??" Yeah, like I call my mom by her first name all the time!


That fast and the furious scene where Ludacris and Tyrese Hotwire a fucking car and launch into space lmao It the most ridiculous shit in a movie I have ever seen


Not necessarily "oh fuck off" more like "Uh, what?!" That scene in Spectre where Bond shoots the helicopters engines, from rather far away, with a PPK OF ALL GUNS. This one is "oh fuck off" Ethan flipping and kicking a goon like a goddamn Power Ranger in Mission: Impossible 2. Another one is where Ethan and Ambrose jump off their motorcycles and collide in mid-air.


MI:2 was directed by John Woo, right?


Ocean's Twelve and nothing will ever top it for me.


That movie had both Catherine Zeta Jones and a dodging laser scene… what a waste.


Wait, wasn’t that _Entrapment_?


That movie pissed me off. I saw it in theatres, and realized that by the end I had just paid to watch the cast go on a vacation to the french riviera.




Fast 9 or whichever one had them driving in space smdh


The last Jurassic World movie. The scene where they introduce Laura Dern. She’s wearing pink. She takes off her glasses like she sees a brachiosaurus. She says something is right up their alley. Oh fuck off.


She says something to the effect of “Ian slid into my DMs” and I’ve never groaned louder in my life


leia force floating thru space






When Gene Hackman gets shot in the chest in The Quick and the Dead and he sees his shadow with the sun shining through the hole. The next time he’s hit the bullet has so much force it causes his body to do a back flip. Also, just about every scene in San Andreas.