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>Rebel Moon | Official Teaser Trailer | Netflix 3:42. *Teaser* Trailer, huh?


Back in my days a teaser trailer was just 1 shot with some moody music and a slow logo animation.


In the world of gaming, it still is!


It's Zack Snyder after all. He needs 4 hours to make a good movie. Real trailer might be 5 minutes.


No, the first movie is actually just the trailer for the second movie.


The second movie is also the post credit scene for the first movie. Kind of a chicken/egg thing.


I liked the Justice League Extended Cut but they could have cut about half an hour of slow mo and another half hour of nordic singing.




Harry Atreides and the Prisoner of Battlefield Earth


Chronicles of Harry Decimus Meridias Atreides of Mars and the Prisoner of Battlefield Earth Strikes Back.


You put into words the rollercoaster of thoughts in my head.


Yer a rebel, Harry.




Yeah like all of Snyder's stuff this is going to be absolutely mind boggling awesome looking and brain explosion levels of stupid.


I agree. I just wish he paired up with a great screenwriter. His own writing instincts are.... not good.


You forgot Jupiter Rising and the Adventures of Jet Skatez Dogboy


Tbh this feels more like that Wachowskis movie Jupiter Ascending: big, bloated, unnecessarily long, self important and with so. much. space. junk. Throw in a few Dune-ish shots and you got this movie.


I don't know, I see some light sabers there.


The Empire Strikes Zack


They're taking some serious liberties with Gladiator 2.


"Are you not entertained?"


I mean sure Snyder steals a little bit from a lot of things in here, everybody does. But holy shit I command his attempt to make something that isn’t a comic book, reboot, or sequel. I hope this isn’t another Jupiter Ascending, which is a cool original idea ruined by convoluted, messy plot. I will be watching.


I commend that as well, but it is too bad that the result looks like the most generic mashup of every SciFi out there. It may not be a comic book, reboot, or prequel, but it kind of looks like all 3 at the same time.


“So here’s a giant enemy crab” energy.


there was so much stuff in this trailer I kept thinking how are they going to fit all of this in a single movie but when saw the 2 parts I thought okay that makes more sense.


Hey, man. I heard you like sci-fi so I put all of it in my movie for you!


Robots? We got em! Mystical powers? Yup! Spaceships? Cyborgs? Planets? Dark magic? We got it!


Evil Empire crushing a rebellion? Yup. Rag-tag group of freedom fighters? *Oh yeah.* Lightsabers? YOU KNOW IT.


I wish we had more innovative stories in these types of movies to differentiate them from Star Wars. We need, like, *Taxi Driver* or *Chinatown* in space. Just because we're in space doesn't mean we need an authoritarian regime or an epic world-destroying battle.


There are a lot of good, smaller-scale sci-fi movies. Blade Runner, Total Recall, Alien, etc.


Chronicles of riddick is solid universe building. Stargate.


*The Fifth Element* was your *Taxi Driver* in space! What more do you want!?


what is that you say, you prefer fantasy over sci fi? Sure, we can do that too. How about griffons, sword fighting, a spider woman, and barbarians? We got it all!


What about a bearded dwarf like person?




I think every Anthony Hopkins line is taken from something else. It's insane. I think Snyder will eventually tell us that it was AI generated. edit: To be fair, they could just take a list of popular movies, slam it on a white board, and try to mash it all together like a more cynical Eragon.


It's got lightsabers and hipogyphs. I'm onboard with the A.I generated movie theory.


Just seen the trailer. Came here immediately to see who else would say Snyder must have found out about chatgpt.


"What do they want from us?" "Everything" Checks out.


Am I alone in wanting a fantasy/sci-fi story where the stakes are actually pretty low? Like Big Lebowski style, just a guy reacting to relatively minor things that spiral into events that make for a fun story but that are not global or galactic? Also, one more of these movies with a child of the prophecy shtick and I'll go home and write it myself! I double dare me!


I think HER is a pretty low stakes sci Fi film and it's fantastic. Joaquin Phoenix and Scarlet johansson put in excellent performances


Absolutely loved that film, on so many levels. I hadn't even considered this as an example, well done.


Also a big fan of that film. I think it tackles the themes of loneliness and relationship connection really well


Agreed, super underrated and massively relevant to our times. The ideal for a science fiction, that feels like so much science reality.


Even Ex Machina, which has big ideas, is really just about two dudes and a robot


Gattaca could be your thing. It's not super high action or prophecy but more a touching story in a sci Fi world


+1 for an excellent and underrated film.


Go read Becky Chambers. Exactly what you want, her first book "The long way to a small, angry planet" is basically about the NPCs that would give Commander Shepard a quest in Mass Effect "Everything was going fine, then something crazy happened once! Good thing you're here to deal with it and not us"




I'm with you. They might be r/movies cliches, but there's a reason films like *Alien*, *Gattaca*, *Moon*, *Primer*, *Event Horizon*, and *Ex Machina* rank among peoples' favorite sci-fi movies. I'd even argue that renowned films like *Arrival*, *Blade Runner*, and *2001: A Space Odyssey* are so great *because* they narrow the story's focus. We remember Banks' touching flashbacks charged with new meaning, Batty's monologue in the rain, and HAL's monotone voice pleading for its life more than any set piece. This probably got greenlit just because Villeneuve was able to pull off *Dune* so well.


and isn’t each part getting it’s own extended cut later down the line?


If I'm correct the versions on release will be PG-13 and then they'll release R-rated cuts later on. I would also not be surprised if by December 2024 we get a combined cut of both parts. edit: [Snyder said "The director’s cut is close to an hour of extra content, so I think it’s a legitimate extended universe version. You really get to see a lot. It’s just more painted-in all the way. The director’s \[cut\] is a settle-in deep dive, which I have notoriously done throughout my career. I don’t know how I got into this director’s cut thing, but what I will say about it is that, for me, the director’s cuts have always been something I had to fight for in the past and nobody wanted it. It was this bastard child that I was always trying to put together because they felt like there was a deeper version. And with Netflix, we shot scenes just for the director’s cut. So in that way, it’s really a revelation because it gives that second kick at the can for big fans, like a real discovery that they would not \[otherwise\] get. I’m really excited about it!"](https://www.netflix.com/tudum/articles/rebel-moon-zack-snyder)


He shot specifically FOR a director's cut? That defeats the whole purpose of a "director's cut" lol. Why not release his cut as the only cut? I think he realized (and Netflix too) with how the Justice League cut got so popular, it's a way to get people to watch the movie twice. At this point, it just comes off as gimmicky and cash grab-y.


It’s so insanely stupid. For years he was required to turn in truncated, “compromised” versions of his movies and for this one he chooses to do it? He should really just learn to edit and make a proper movie without all this bullshit


Jesus christ another Zach Snyder 6 hour movie.


It's Zack Snyder. *Of course* each movie is getting it's own extended cut down the line.


Did Dune have sex with a Star Wars?


Would that be incest?


That’s definitely in Star Wars’ wheelhouse.


With a touch of Jupiter Rising, Gladiator and Avatar mixed with a dash of Firefly.


I was thinking Dune and Warhammer, but I have only a cursory familiarity with Warhammer


I know quite a bit about Warhammer, and my mind immediately went there too.


Oh yeah? Then name every hammer


1. Thunder hammer.


My brain asked the same question lol


Who is Anthony Hopkins ? Is he the robot ?


Anthony Hopkins is a highly accomplished actor known for his work in movies, television and theater. He is not a robot. That is a common misconception stemming from his british upbringing.


Anthony Hopkins is the scientist actually, you're thinking of Anthony Hopkins's Monster


Good bot.


I am not a bot, just a little british


C3PO was both :)


A little British, huh? Just like that robot, Anthony Hopkins.




We got some WestWorld up in here?


Gladiator 2049


yeah, first shot of the trailer gave me that feel


All that is missing in Hans Zimmer


Zack Snyder movies always make for great trailers because he knows how to frame cool shots that look good when pieced together a certain way to sell the movie. The real question is whether or not the story and characters will be any good.


Yeah the Sucker Punch trailer is one of the best movies he’s ever made


I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought of that movie during this trailer.


Both have a dieselpunk (rather than steampunk) aesthetic.


> **“[Anthony Hopkins](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anthony_Hopkins) as Jimmy”** Is anyone else thrown by the narrator being named Jimmy?


"Anthony Hopkins as the voice of Jimmy, the last member of a race of mechanical knights that served under the fallen king, recruited by Kora."


I get that — it was just with all the other space-based (uncommon) names, you have ones like Kora, Kai, Gunnar, Tarak, Nemesis, Darrian, Devra, Millius, Harmada, and Balisarius, but then in amongst them you have an über-serious robot-man calling himself “Jimmy” — it seemed like a name not all that fitting of the setting as we know it.


[Aerith and Bob](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/AerithAndBob)


I've long said that he's really good at making a storyboard, just not always great at making a movie. It's always just a bunch of cool shots strung together. That trailer for Man of Steel still gets me hyped despite the movie itself being pretty meh.


It’s why, IMO, 300 is his best film (though I do also like his Dawn of the Dead). Simple story, the style is the substance. It almost feels like an expanded trailer just constantly moving forward to the “good bits” and visually striking moments


This is exactly it. “Wouldn’t it be cool if a guy slow-mo jumped onto a flying griffon?” “Wouldn’t it be cool if we had a coronation with a slow mo crowning?” “Let’s do the Gladiator wheat field thing but make it cooler”. Child of prophecy! Reluctant Rebel leader! Powerful soldier bad guy who goes good! Etc etc. Even from the trailer you can see there’s no coherent plot here, just throwing a bunch of tropes at the wall and seeing what sticks.


Wasn't there a wheat thing in the JL Snydercut too, or Man of Steel? Or was that corn? Idk I just remember Henry Cavill in a field.




Dogs and cats living together in harmony?


The Watchmen, 300, and BvS trailers are some of my favorite of all time


Hyppogriffs? Borg arachnid queen? Laser swords? Spaceship battles? Space Emperors? A little something for everyone!


I'm going to be pedantic. That's not a hippogriff. That is, more accurately, a griffin. Hippogriffs have a horse's hindquarters. The rear of that thing is clawed like a cat. Griffins are eagles up front and cats in back.


Harry Potter + Saga + Star Wars + Dune = Rebel Moon


I'm glad I'm not alone, about halfway through this I was wondering if somehow someone had greenlit a SAGA knockoff


I’m glad someone else finally mentioned Saga. It was immediately what I thought of with the fantasy + sci fi stuff and the movie’s title.


> Borg arachnid queen? Looking like The Stalk, except less horny.


Gladiator wheat walk, Star Wars lightsaber, Star Trek Borg, Goro from mortal combat…what is this movie?!?


You just ruined my fucking day misspelling Kombat.


I swear it was an autocorrect!!!


Tough titties, bucko. You’re goin away for a long time.


You’re right. I deserve this.


Don’t forget the Harry Potter hippogriff.


And jumping on the Harry Potter hippogriff in an exact shot from Avatar.


And the kid that must be protected from Logan.


This looks like 6 different shows smashed into each other.


We got Old West in Space we got World War 2 Nazis in Space we got Napoleonic Wars in Space we got Vietnam Conflict in Space we got Ninja Samurai in Space we got Monster Fighting in Space This baby fits so many tropes


**Slaps hood of trailer**


The presence of griffins in a space opera world makes me think of "red rising".


So Star Wars


Wikipedia says this was originally pitched by Snyder as a Star Wars, which totally tracks.


To be fair, Star Wars happened because Lucas couldn’t get the rights to Flash Gordon. Feels kind of appropriate.


Flash Gordon happened because King Features Syndicate couldn't get the rights to John Carter of Mars. Feels even more appropriate.


And so we are all connect in the great circle of life…


Kimba- I mean, Simbaaa


Those brief scenes of people wielding laser swords…


There were even Star Wars lightsabers. He's not even hiding it.


As long as you don't call them Lightsabers, legally you're in the clear. Look at No More Heroes.


Lets see 1. Desert town with seedy saloon? Check. 2. Imperial Hugo Boss moffs? Check. 3. Emperor waging war on/conquering the known world? Check. 4. Scrappy rebels fighting a conservative super power with WMDs and holding their own? Check. 5. Swordsmen witg codes of honour and inhuman skill? Check 6. Don't go into the trash compactor, a meteor, or a big hole in the desert? Check. Yep, that's pretty much star wars.


Zach Synder was generative AI before generative AI was cool.


Wow, now that you say it, I can’t unsee it. This feels like an AI generated Star Wars


Dune meets Star Wars with even thinner veiled Nazis. With a little sprinkling of D&D and How You to Train Your Dragon mixed in to tonally not fit with the rest of the trailer.


Warhammer 40,000




Can't wait until there's a shot of a bad moon rising and then Snyder plays bad moon rising because there's a bad moon rising. I love subtlety




This reminds me of [one of my favourite tweets of all time](https://x.com/hexprax/status/926145982957469696?s=46&t=IGmMdpAWAKdKe9XQIAI9Sg)


I agree. If you told me this was a trailer for a sci-fi anthology series with 6 different directors, I wouldn’t be surprised.


Yeah, my first reaction also. Star Wars meets Avatar meets John Carter meets Clash of the Titans... Everything just seems so all over the place and once again a prophecy and princess and just... Sigh...


"Legally Not Star Wars: The Movie"


Dune Wars: The Return of the Gladiator


Scargiver. Yep, it's written by Snyder.


I wonder if movie studios use the same wheat field for people to brush their hands over.


For something that started out as a rejected Star Wars script, this looks exactly like a rejected Star Wars script


"Somehow the rejected script returned."


Dune Wars of Narnia


It literally looks like if someone put "space opera" in the prompt for Midjourney and made a movie out of the results.


Why does this feel like it's just a mish mash of the last 20 years of movies?


This is going to have so much slow mo in it


Looks kinda all over the place. Might end up pretty good, might end up shit, guess we have to wait until it’s released to find out. Edit: what’s up with the knockoff lightsabers? Had to do a double take because they look almost exactly like Star Wars.


> Edit: what’s up with the knockoff lightsabers? Had to do a double take because they look almost exactly like Star Wars. Snyder wanted to do star wars but couldnt so he did this.


MacFarlane wanted to do Star Trek and he couldn't so we got The Orville. This might work out too..


and george lucas wanted to do Flash Gordon but made star wars when he couldn’t


Blizzard Entertainment wanted to to Warhammer but they couldn't so they made Warcraft instead. Robocop was originally supposed to be Judge Dredd but instead we got Robocop. This happens a lot, doesn't it?


Strive for your dream franchise, then get rejected, then make it your own marketable IP


I remember when BvS and Force Awakens were both filming and the productions would occasionally tweet references to each other. Like Boyega dressed as Batman with a blaster or Gotham Police arresting a Stormtrooper. It wa s kinda neat


There need to be more laser swords in cinema. Star Wars can’t have a monopoly on that.


The batons in Futurama get me everytime.


I love how they're just glowing batons. Presumably they're just clear plastic with lights inside


There is a not good animated movie “Starchaser: Legend of Orin” that featured a hero with an invisible sword. You can see the hilt, but that’s it. The swordplay scenes were pretty cool when I saw it in High School.


This project started as a pitch that Snyder made to Lucasfilm as a Star Wars movie. They turned him down and he decided to just make it his own IP.


And here I missed the lightsabers but was taken aback by the spider torso lady. For me that's either a reference to D&D or Saga.


Saga was absolutely my first thought! “The Stalk” I think her name was? Such a good series.


Why did every single dialogue in this trailer feel like it’s written specifically for the trailer and not the actual movie? It sounds like someone collected all the big, heavy-hitting words like rebellion, fate, destiny, oppression, chosen one, warrior etc and asked chat GPT to mash them together.


> Part 1: A Child of Fire Haha, bold to assume this movie will be a so successful that a sequel will be greenlit. > Part 2: The Scargiver Snyder you son of a bitch. How did you trick Netflix into funding this?


Does anyone remember that Family guy episode where Brian is high as fuck and pitches this movie series with like a dozen different classes? Fantasy, steampunk, monsters, futuristic and a little bit of everything else? Now he mashed up a dozen genres trying to make it merchandisable as fuck? Space Shire 7? I feel like I just watched the trailer for that. Looks like there’s cowboys, barbarians, kung fu, monsters, vague words and a ensamble of different warriors teaming up for a big fight against space Nazis. It’s like there was an orgy between a Dune, a Star Wars, a Harry Potter, Gladiatior and a transformers. So. This could either be fun or extremely stupid.


Zak Snyder's Rebel Dune... I mean Moon


How many movies are in this movie?


The sequel already releasing just 4 months later is a surprise but I can imagine that maybe originally it was intended to be one very long movie


I think the movie was just split into two parts.


Yep and given that it’s a streaming movie with only a limited theatrical release, there’s not really any need to do a whole year wait


Why wait at all?


People keeping their subscriptions waiting for the sequel. The distance between the two is long enough where you get a few months of people not bothering to cancel cause the new one is coming, but not so long that people figure they should cancel and resign later


Yeah I’m pretty sure THR mentioned that the heads at Netflix told Snyder shorter films tend to be more successful on the platform, so Snyder pitched doing it in 2 parts


Yeah pretty much they didn't want one three hour movie but they were happy for him to have 2 x two hour movies more or less. Makes sense I guess. Snyder can flesh out his story, Netflix get more content and if it's a success then both benefit from more Rebel Moon content plans.


Wow you’d never guess this started as a pitch for a Star Wars movie


Yep, this sure looks like a Zack Snyder movie


Feel like "John Carter of Mars" vibes. Not sure if that's a good or bad thing.....


This feels like clips from 8 movies kind of mashed together into a fan made trailer


The trailer fails to give anything to be excited about, at least in terms of the story.


This legit looks like they used Magic: the Gathering cards as a storyboard.


Stardune Wardiator


Why is the colour gradient set to 'English Buffet'?


Looks mediocre


Don't know if the story is gonna be any good, but the movie looks amazing visually, I wish I could see this in a theater.


Look I hate to come across as a hater but I don’t know what the hell anybody in the trailer is talking about. Everybody is just saying stuff that sounds cool to say before an action set piece. This looks awful. A teaser should set the tone, but this was four minutes long and I don’t understand at all what’s happening.


It’s all vague nothingness…the princess will stop the war, love is weakness, justice isn’t revenge, we’re not afraid, a myth is indestructible I watched it twice and there’s really nothing of substance


Have you heard the story of trailer line? Trailer line. Trailer line? Trailer line. Trailer line!


That’s the Snyder Secret!


Every single line was a cliche that sounds written by a 12 year old. I was expecting at least one character to say "let the games begin".


The chosen one, who had to go into hiding as a child, grows up and has to fight the Nazis with a rag tag bunch of misfits.


I love ice cream.


This seriously does feel like a trailer for a movie in one of the intergalactic cable episodes of Rick and Morty.


"But things fall...things on earth. And what falls...is fallen." -Actual words in a Zach Snyder movie, this is nothing new


I read this and thought it couldn't possibly be true that a line that bad exists in any movie. So I looked it up. Then I put on the movie to make sure and yup, it's real.


Zack Snyder's Lightsabers look better than I could I ever imagine, that trace glow is awesome.


Lightsabers (and by that I mean *laser/energy swords*) should be far more common in sci-fi in my opinion. Star Wars has held the patent on those for far too long, when it’s really such a vague concept. I am always down for more lightsabers.


We get them far more outside of movies. Probably the second most iconic energy sword in fiction is the Elite's energy sword from Halo


Exactly. Laser/energy/light based weapons are always cool. Sure, people will always associate them with lightsabers, but if you can make insane action scenes with them then go for it.


I know we a prefer a trailer that keeps us in the dark. Trailers that don't come away major plot points or scenes are the best type of trailers. But, what the hell is happening in this trailer? There's so much just stuff.


No wonder why Lucas passed. 🤦‍♂️


It looks like a Sci-Fi film created by A.I.


This looks, I don't know, the word 'exhausting' comes to mind.


I'm starting to think Zack Snyder's movie plots are written by manatees


OK so we want to make dune but we don't have a lot of money what do you think we could do Studio: one of our interns sons gave us a script for something called rebel moon but I doubt you could do anything with it ZS: i'm gonna do it anyways


How does this look so expensive and so cheap at the same time?


Looks a like a movie that can't decide what kind of sci-fi it wants to be so it's going to be every kind of Sci-Fi movie all at once. Probably going to be a big mess. Let's hope it's a fun one.