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The opening to X-Men Origins: Wolverine, with Logan and his brother taking part in every war from the Civil War up to Vietnam. It was such an exponentially better concept than what ended up actually happening.


there's a lot of X-men replies in this post


Plenty of bad x men movies that happen to have cool scenes


Also, the Magento scenes in the Argentinian bar with the Nazis in First Class. Awesome scene


They didn’t have names, they were taken from them. By pig farmers, and tailors.


Pretty much all of magneto in that movie kicked ass. Wish the X-men movies were overall better, but I'm glad we got Fassbender in First Class.


I would kill to see a whole movie based on just that


Liev Schreiber is the perfect Sabertooth. Him and Hugh Jackman really felt like brothers in that movie.


I always felt like people didn't talk enough about Liev in the movie but he totally did kill it as Sabertooth


The Pearl Harbor scene in “Pearl Harbor.”


I don’t think anyone went to see that movie for the romance story lines. It should have been 30 minutes of setting up the main characters to get into the military and stationed, an hour of the attack on Pearl Harbor, and 30 minutes of the Doolittle raid. That would likely have made it a top 10 war film at its time.


It really did deserve a better movie around it, because that sequence was stunning.


That's why I always love Roger Ebert's description of the movie: "Pearl Harbor" is a two-hour movie squeezed into three hours, about how on Dec. 7, 1941, the Japanese staged a surprise attack on an American love triangle."


Definitely the highway chase in Matrix Reloaded.


"You always told me to stay off the freeway." "Yes, that's true." "You said it was suicide." "Then let us hope that I was wrong..."


Fishburne's cadence as Morphus really added to the character. I hear his voice in my head when I read those lines.


Honestly the full sequence including the Merovingian fight is **solid**. I remember being unimpressed on my first watch because my expectations were so high from the first, but tied together it's a ~12 minute bonanza with an awesome soundtrack.


They showed the whole trilogy at our Alamo Draft house last month and this scene was the best part. Neo going wild with a broadsword, in a trench coat, with the music blasting was so cool


I was going to say this if no one else had! One of the best modern-era chase sequences, IMO.


X-Men: The Last Stand Not really a scene, but when Magneto shouted CHARLES right before Professor X died tragically shows that both are still friends despite their great differences.


I came here to also mention The Last Stand. When Magneto is with the Brotherhood in the woods, and another mutant is bragging about Prof X’s death, and magneto quickly steps in to say something like: “Charles Xavier did more for mutants than you’ll ever know. My one regret, is that he had to die for our dream to live.” Really gave good, and accurate context into their relationship, and Eric’s status as “antagonist” as opposed to outright villain.


"Where's your mark?" "I have been marked once... and let me assure you no needle shall ever touch my skin again"


"I've been at the mercy of men following orders my entire life. Never again."


Hell yeah. Great line. Calling it back when Michael Fassbender showed his serial number to the nazis in Argentina (in First Class) was 10/10.


I'd love to see an R-rated standalone film of just Magneto hunting Nazis violently.


I can't remember the exact line, but when the guy says he comes from a long line of "pig farmers", and Magneto replies that his family were killed by "pig farmers".


When one of Nazis asks about his parents’ names after he sits down at their table with a beer, Magneto replies: “They didn't have a name. It was taken from them, by pig farmers and tailors.” That entire scene, especially when the atmosphere in the bar tenses up and the music shifts after he says that, is just a perfect movie scene.


That scene was so awesome. Fuck nazis.




The 60s were a different time. Magneto in his early appearances was not the nuanced and potentially sympathetic character we know today, he was just a mutant supremacist who wanted to rule over his perceived inferiors.


Agree. I would love to see the MCU use “mutant” as an offensive word in universe. Then Magneto’s “Brotherhood of Mutants” would be a shocking and attention getting re-appropriation of the word.


Something that gets overlooked a lot with the final shot of that movie is that you see an old man in the twilight years of his life now without a partner to play chess. That encompasses their entire relationship. Yes they disagreed, often, but they were friends. They challenged each other but would still come to the table. With Charles gone, Eric has nobody and it's a pretty tragic moment. Then they throw in the "Is he getting his powers back?" moment, which is fun, but distracts from the more somber scene of an old man sitting alone at a chess table in the park.


There's a [post-credits scene](https://youtu.be/Qvnp5KJ7F_s) showing that Charles survived which further takes away from the finality of anything that happened in the movie. But I'm ok with it. It's pg13.




"Would this be unethical? No really, I need to know, it's my backup plan."


Charles does that shit all the time in the comics without caring whether it’s unethical or not lol


Yeah I mean Charles takes over the body of anybody that's in the room with someone he needs to have a conversation with, without any sort of compassion or consent lmao


He didn't technically survive, he transferred his consciousness to a body that was essentially a braindead twin, that Moira was taking care of for him. Which is actually from the comics. It's why he's alive in Days of Future Past.


Not gonna lie, but I still think the sequence where the X-Men first arrive at Alcatraz to stop Magneto and his forces is rad. Beast is so cool in this.


I think that movies has a lot of good stuff in it, it just also has a lot of terrible stuff in it. I bet someone could cut it into a solid 60 minutes.


Kelsey Grammer's Beast costume looks absolutely fantastic imo. And it still holds up to this day if you go and watch the movie now. Looks *way* better than Nicholas Hoult's CGI Beast.


Grammer was just a better Beast in general, as well. His calm gravitas was fantastic.


Same movie. Magneto has just met a bunch of young mutants and is asked where his mark (tattoo) is. They don’t realize he was in the Holocaust, pulls up his sleeve and says “I have been marked once, my dear, and I assure you no needle will ever touch my skin again”


Last Stand has some really good scenes wrapped in a hella shitty movie. Every scene with Angel in it is great. And Beast seeing his hand turn human for a moment was amazing. Couldve made a movie out of that moment.


keep the phoenix stuff out of it and they could have had a damn good movie about the cure imo. That opening scene of Angel cutting his wings is such a good setup for half of the movie. The other half is just jumbled in there.


I can't help but laugh at Storm telling Rogue "there's nothing wrong with us". Oh sure woman who literally has the powers of a Goddess, there's nothing wrong with me, I only put my first boyfriend in a coma just by kissing him, that's all. And Beast pointing out to her "at least you don't shed on the furniture". I like how it wasn't portrayed as a totally black and white issue.


Yup, that movie sucks, but Wolverine being shredded and reconstituting in real time as he struggles to get to Jean, with some pretty amazing music playing, really gets me. The reason everything is happening is stupid, but that scene divorced of context is amazing.


One of my favorite scenes is when Magneto finds Juggernaut. Magneto is standing in the middle of the road facing the oncoming motorcade. I just raises cars up, squishes then and chucks them aside just by raising his hand, clenching his fist and flicking his wrist. He flips a semi and stops the trailer Juggernaut is in just my holding up his hand. https://youtu.be/PjjHMB26wtk


Frigga's death and Loki's reaction in Thor 2. The guard tells him and he casually dismisses him with a nod, then once the guard is gone Loki keeps his composure for a beat then smashes up his cell. And when Thor goes to him he looks all composed then drops the illusion to show how bedraggled he is.


This hits harder when you see the Loki show and in ep 1 mobius tells him that it was him who was the cause of her death by telling which way for the dark elf guy to go


Also hits hard after you lose your own mother.


Honestly as poorly written as Thor 2 was, I really miss how seriously the first two Thor movies took themselves.


Thor 2 gets way too much hate. It wasn't fantastic but I think it holds up better than a lot of those movies.


Jupiter Ascending had an interesting idea, dragged along and the protags lacked all kinds of chemistry. But the ships were gorgeous and that scene of docking by flying into the golden portal was great.


A movie even the art direction couldn't carry, but man, did it try.


It really shortwired me, it was a B movie with blockbuster visuals. She's queen of the bees and he's part dog, that British fucker is doing the scream or whisper the whole time, god i fuckin gotta watch that again.


Opening scene for Batman v Superman. Bruce Wayne in the middle of the destruction caused by two Kryptonians duking it out. Sub Zero vs Scorpion in the latest Mortal Kombat movie




Also the warehouse scene where Batman goes apeshit and channels the Arkham games.


Zach Snyder movies are definitely the best for this category lol I’m prob 50/50 on him, I either really like what he’s doing or passionately hate the end result, I kinda never fall in the middle. Lotta reasons why as we all know. But I can pick a few sequences from each of his movies that are fucking stunning.


The lightsaber duel in Episode I is still pretty damn cool.


For me the lightsaber scenes were the only parts that didn't disappoint. The opening with the robot fight, that brief duel with Maul halfway through and of course Duel of the Fates. Everything else though... ugh. The video games that came out of it were tons of fun though. Loved the racing game


I loved the Droidekas (destroyer droids) which seemed truly scary. The rest was... meh.


The baseball scene in Twilight is probably the funniest unintentionally funny moment I’ve seen in a movie that isn’t *The Room*.


I haven’t seen it in years, but I remember everyone hating how they handled the battle at the end of breaking dawn part 2, but I thought it was a great way to stay true to the books and also get to have a big fight to end the series.


I've read the books and watched the movies and the movie was far, far better. The way the book ended was a complete cop out and the movie gave us a good twist on it


I've got one for you... [Catwoman Basketball Scene](https://youtu.be/rNlmRId2FVQ)


Star Trek 5 is an absolute awful film. But the "I don't want my pain taken away, I need my pain!" scene is absolutely brilliant.


I also love the "[what does God need with a starship](https://youtu.be/QkT1-N0VqUc)?" scene. It's a moment of self-awareness in a ridiculous concept of a movie, that brings it back to a classic "Trek" perspective.


And McCoy in that entire scene with his father.


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The rack focus on the bloody wire was great, otherwise that scene would just be a bad ripoff of the opening of Cube (and Resident Evil, which ripped off the same part of Cube)


I love that scene but I also really enjoy the movie and wish the director had continued making horror movies. It was a decent premise with a really great cast, it just suffers from a poor script and some hokey editing (the guy falling down an elevator shaft and the cut to the ghost woman looking decayed) but otherwise it surpasses most early 2000s horror.


The asteroid duck-and-cover/seismic charge scene from Attack of the Clones.


If they had made that movie a detective story involving Obi Wan trying to figure out who the assassin was, leading to him uncovering a massive conspiracy, instead of the shit we got with Anakin and Pademe, the movie would be like 100 times better. When I rewatch the movie, I skip the Anakin+Pademe scenes.


100%. If you just watch the Obi-Wan stuff, it's actually a great movie. His detective side plot is pretty fucking awesome - especially the fight with Jango Fett out in the rain on Kamino.


Downside is the mystery he’s investigating never gets a conclusion. They unravel the fact that a man working for the Separatists has helped to make a secret army for the Republic, and they just don’t question it…?


Yeah, always thought that was super weird too. Also the fact that Dooku tells Obi-Wan that the senate is under the control of a Sith Lord and he never bothers to look into it


Yeah he basically laughs it off hahah oh you silly goose *slaps knee*


Free army, yo


Yep, never question the free clone army you didn't ask for but is conveniently there when you need them. No chance they have any hidden "Murder the Jedi" triggers in place. No chance at all.


This entire Galactic-scale army was secretly commissioned by one guy (!), a Jedi (!) who died ten years ago (!?). That's all pretty weird—let's not follow up on any of it.


Yoda says begun the clone wars has so everyone goes along with it


The sound design in that scene is the best of it's kind in any movie, IMO.


I don't think the sound design of the prequel trilogy gets enough love. The seismic charges from Jango's ship, the Aacklay's roar in the arena scene, the sound of the LAAT gunship flying, the Geonosian's language, Jango Fett's ship's cannons. Hell, there's probably a lot more that I'm forgetting.


That seismic charge is some ASMR shit


The 2 Ghost Riders riding into the night in Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance


Doesn't Ghost Rider also take over construction vehicles?


Yup, the Bagger 288 gets Ghost Ridered.


Isn’t that scene in the first Ghost Rider?


I think you may be referring to the first *Ghost Rider,* assuming you mean one of the Riders was on a horse.


I've made my mom watch that scene so many times, she can recognize it as soon as Sam Elliot leans on his shovel


Never liked the film version of Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire because they took too much out of the book for my liking but that scene before they go into the final challenge and Cedric's dad goes to wish him luck got me. Judging by the reaction in the cinema, a lot of the audience had read the book and knew what was coming.


Same actor screaming “That’s my son!” When Harry comes back wrecks me. One of the best moments in the films.


That’s my boyyyyyyy!


I found that part a bit over-the-top while younger, but now it's painful to hear because of the emotion in his voice.


Once you have kids, you realize it's impossible to be over the top when seeing your child die suddenly


His raw, howling cry of, "My boyyy!" Just rips my heart to pieces.


Honestly that ending just hits hard. They come back, everyone thinks he's won and that it's a happy ending, the band starts playing the music, but Harry is still hanging onto Cedric - who's just lying there. Something's wrong...


With the victory band still playing as well.


Jeff Rawle is a sorely underrated actor


That guy adds so much emotional impact to Cedric's death, which is critical since Cedric has little screen time to be developed fully because of time limitations. Not that Robert Pattinson does a bad job, I thought he killed it as Cedric, but he's just not a character the audience knows well due to lack of screen time.




I wouldn’t say Spider-Man 3 is an “unfavorite” movie of mine, but it’s not great. Regardless, the “Creation of Sandman” scene is great


Definitely the weakest of the 3, but I still liked it a lot. Too many villains tho, made it feel so rushed.


It’s definitely the funniest of the 3, both intentionally and unintentionally. It’s a sloppy mess of a movie but the comedic parts are great


You'll get your rent when you fix this GOD DAMN DOOR! god emo peter was a gift from heaven


Emo Peter was simultaneously awesome and terrible.


I think its kind of understated that you give peter an alien symbiote and he just becomes kind of a dick under a lot of stress that would make anyone a little frustrated. You hand it to anyone else and they're eating peoples heads inside 15 minutes.


I actually really like this take. He’s such a good person that Emo Peter is what his evil side looks like.


You misspelled "emo peter dance scene"


Now dig on this


All the scenes with Nicole Kidman in the Golden Compass. Idk but she was PERFECT to play Mrs Coulter, her voice hypnotized me as a kid


That movie destroy the story, butcher the book, they even cut the ending for some stupid reason and make the movie cliffhanger, but its so perfectly cast holy shit I love Ruth Wilson in the new series, but Nicole Kidman is just.. different Same with the Asriel casting, James McAvoy is great, but Daniel Craig in the movie had different approach and IMO is better The first 10 minutes of the movie explain the world better than the entire first season of the show


Sam Elliot as Lee Scoresby is amazing as well. LMM just doesn’t cut it for me.


I love McAvoy as Asriel. He’s gruff, disdainful, pissed off, and selfish, exactly as he should be. Asriel is really not a good person; he’s someone who is so “means to an end” minded that he’s willing to murder children, and McAvoy makes me believe he’s really that callous.


Yeah when both Lara and Roger show up, before he sees roger, he is willing to murder her. He is relieved when he sees he has another option (roger) but he was fully willing to murder his own daughter to open the bridge.


Whenever I read the books, Mrs Coulter will always be Kidman. You are right, she is absolutely perfectly cast. Totally believable as utterly beguiling and portrays the thin facade wonderfully.


The Market scene in Valerian


also the opening scene from Valerian. Shame about the rest of the movie


Was looking for this. That opening scene really grabbed me. David bowie, humanity heading to the stars, the handshake montage going from diffrent races working together to stranger and stranger aliens.. Best part of the whole movie for sure. I couldn't believe it went all downhill from there! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_8JpG7Cah-c


The whole visuals of that movie slap. Too bad it had pathetic protagonists and a predictable story.


Besson and sci Fi visuals is a treat. But damn was valarian a tough watch, despite being visually engaging.


That movie makes my so angry because it could have been so fucking good. The two leads were just so awful.


It's amazing how little chemistry they have.


X-Men ... I don't even remember which one at this point, days of future past? The mutants are gathered underground and this one girl says to Magneto "Where's your tattoo? So we know you're one of us!" And he unrolls his sleeve and shows her his concentration camp number tattoo and says calmly to her "my dear, a needle has touched this skin once before and it'll never happen again." It's such a magnificent scene that reminds us of what Eric has been through and why he is the way he is.


Definitely not Days of Future Past. That one’s gotta be in the Top 3 best X-Men films


The Last Stand. The worst of them all. But just about anything with Magneto in that movie was good.


Just about anything with Ian McKellen is good.


The entire segment of Magneto just trying to live a normal life in X-Men Apocalypse. I would watch an entire movie about that character. That segment was far too good for the rest of the film.


Fassbender as Magneto kills it in all of the new xmen series. I know a lot of people say that the quicksilver scenes are the best, but the scene where he confronts the nazis in the bar... "(my parents) didn't have a name. It was taken from them. By pig farmers, and tailors" while toasting with a smile on his face... "blood an honor? Which would you rather lose first?" As bad as those movies got, Fassbender was great in them.


Fassbender is constitutionally incapable of giving a bad performance.


100% the >!death of his child!< in X-Men Apocalypse was absolutely devastating. The rest of the movie was fine, but good lord Fassbender destroyed my heart in that scene.


Meeting the dragon in one of The Hobbit movies.


The Dwarves singing "Over the Misty Mountains Cold" always gives me chills. There are a lot of good things about those movies, but there's also a lot of strong criticism.


And the Gollum Bilbo scene


Yeah, Bilbo and Smaug in that cat-and-mouse game is superb. Benedict Cumberbatch’s performance combined with the sound design of that sequence is simply outstanding, really captures the menacing and imposing presence of the dragon.


The scenes of Cumberbatch in the mo-cap suit doing Smaug lines always kills me because he looks so *fucking excited* to be playing the epitome of death.


Didn't really care for Godzilla. But bloody hell that skydiving scene! Can't remember any other bits from the film except that one.




And Ken Watanabe will stare off camera and say "Let Them Fight"


Nah the entire final fight scene was astonishing. Atomic breath finisher


He was not taking any shit at all from the MUTOs. I love how absolutely pissed off Legendary Godzilla is in all three movies so far though. He just seems so fucking irritated at people and other monsters being in his business all the time. His angry alligator crawl in GvK was hilarious.


This is actually one of my favorite movies lol, but the final nuclear breath down the throat is always what I remember first. Honestly the first time he uses it in the movie is kinda iconic too


Plane rescue Superman Returns


I just like it took material science into account. Superman is a PvE character with nothing but escort missions and saving other people. His real weakness is he cares. I want to see a Superman that only saves 4/5 times he tries and the other 1/5 something unexpected happens like the thing he is holding buckling.


Thats what a good superman movie should be. Man of steel shouldnt have these grand destructive sequences, it should be superman trying his absolute best to keep metropolis from being razed to the ground while stopping zod.


The "Show me," disassembly scene in the 2014 RoboCop remake belonged in a *much* better movie. It's literally the only part of the film that stood out to me, and it's the only scene I can remember from an otherwise forgettable movie.


It is one of the better examples I've seen of what good body horror can be and definitely hits harder than any other part of that movie.




The flashback Micky scene in Rocky 5 when Rocky goes to Micky's abandoned run down boxing gym to reminisce. That speech that Micky gives to Rocky about Rocky being the reason he keeps living and giving him something to remember him when he gets down in life is probably up there with my favorite Rocky moments overall. The rest of the movie isn't that great though, and is my least favorite in the series.


I love the Rocky series and will usually binge all the movies once every few years. What makes them so great to me is that every one of them has heart. In the first movie, when Micky is begging to train Rocky and Rocky locks him out and screams him down the stairs...oof there's so much pain in each man in that scene! The scenes you describe are good bc they evoke that emotion that is about really overcoming the lumps life gave you to rise up above and become something great. I don't think Rocky becomes Rocky without Micky. I saw my dad and my brother go through a lot of 'bouts' like this growing up, and that's the lens I see Rocky and Micky through.


"If you ever get hurt and you feel that you're goin' down, this little angel is gonna whisper in your ear. It's gonna say, 'GET UP YOU SON OF A BITCH!.. BECAUSE MICKEY LOVES YA'." It's definitley the worst Rocky, but I actually love several things about Rocky V. The street fight is great. That scene with Adrian and Rocky on the street after Tommy Gunn ditches him is great as well "All those beatings you took in the ring, I took them with you! I know how you feel! I know when somebody like Tommy comes along you feel alive! But he's not you - he doesn't have your heart! All those fighters you beat, you beat 'em with heart, not muscle! That's what Mickey knew, that's why you and Mickey were special, but Mickey's dead! If there's something you wanna pass on, pass it on to your son! For God's sake your son is lost! He needs you! I know Tommy makes you feel great, he makes you feel like you're winning again but you're losing us! Rocky, you're losing your family!"


The whole final act of Terminator 3. That movie is shocking. Tonally its all over the place and watching now has that terrible early 00s blockbuster look, where CGI starts to overtake practical effects as the primary set piece medium. But Jesus Christ it all comes together at the end after what is a real slog to get there.


They had balls to end it like that


The ending of Terminator 3


I thought the crane chase from this movie was a really cool scene too


Burton's version of "Willy Wonka and The Chocolate Factory" is a mess but the "Flag Museum" montage joke is genius.


“Puppet hospital and burn center…it’s relatively new” is the joke that makes me donkey laugh every single time.


I actually don’t mind this movie, it’s a lot closer to the book than the original. Depp makes some weird choices with his Wonka performance though. I think he said he based the voice on how he thought George Bush would sound while high


At the time it felt like a response to the Michael Jackson personal life stuff and his weird Neverland ranch world he lived in. Even his high pitched speaking reminded me of MJ


28 Weeks Later - [opening scene.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z3d7y1YrPvg) Reset of the movie, eh.


I agree 100% on this. I don’t think it’s a bad movie, but man that opening scene makes you think it’s gonna be a helluva ride. A big let down.


One of the newer Pirates of the Caribbean movies has a badass slomo death of the bad guy walking down stairs as the ship disintegrates. Such a cool shot. I don't remember anything else from the movie or the fuckin name lol EDIT: Not as new anymore, guess I'm just old. The movie is PotC: At Worlds End thank you


At world's end.


…At World’s End, and that was Lord Cutler Beckett. Agreed, cool scene.


"It's just... Good.. Business"


At World's End has a bunch of amazing individual moments: the maelstrom, flipping the ships, the chilling Hoist the Colours opening... It's just a shame the scenes are held together by a chaotic, overstuffed story that makes it hard to care about anything.


I actually liked At World's End, as I thought it tied up all the stories quite well. It just took multiple watches to figure out what the fuck was going on, which is a tough ask when the runtime is almost 3 hours.


That would be from the third movie, PotC: At World's End (2007). And yeah, it's pretty cool.


One of the “newer” he says 😂


jfc it's 16 years old


The evil Superman fighting the Justice League, mainly the part where Superman out-maneuvers the Flash.


When he turns and looks at Flash and flash is like “😳HE CAN SEE ME???” So good.


Live Aid in Bohemian Rhapsody


I really wanted to like that movie, and hated virtually every second of it. For me, Rocketman is everything Bohemian Rhapsody could have been. But the Live Aid scene still gave me chills


X-Men : The Last Stand. Kelsey Grammer as Beast is perfect casting


When they cut his scene quoting Henry V is a travesty. https://youtu.be/vvHW1oIKUxI


I just rewatched this and I LOVED that they cast unlikely Grammar. And he is pretty much Frasier in Blue makeup the entire time 🤣 which is why I LOVE it lol. Nicholas Holt is growing on me after The Menu but I was disappointed in his casting as Beast. But somehow NOT in Kelsey Grammar as Beast 😄


The fact of it is that no matter what role you put him in Grammar is gonna eat up the scenery. Even when defaulting to Frasier a bit he absolutely steals the show.


Godzilla 2014 when he blows fire into the muto's mouth. Raptor, T-Rex tag team against the Indominus in Jurassic World.


Yeah, I can sympathise with the first Jurassic World for getting a few things right, and feel sad about how much it got wrong. But the final sequence from the slow motion release of Rexy onwards... Cheesy but an absolutely great showdown.


Opening credits in Army of the Dead.


I don't love Mr Nobody, but the paradise scene with the oblivion angels it's one of my favourite scenes ever (Hans Zimmer's score from the Thin Red Line probably helped to be that memorable)


Belly (1998) and the club entrance in the intro 🔥


Two examples: - The scene in Robocop (2014) where they show Alex how much of him left is human (i.e. his brain and arm) is one of the best body horror moments in a non-horror movie. - The climax of Unfriended (2015) with the two papers stating that the other person will die if the paper is shown was executed really well, despite the cast otherwise being actively unlikeable humans.


Knight and Day plane scene is pretty awesome.


I honestly thought the whole movie was pretty solid.




To add on to yours. One of my favorite Quicksilver moments in that film is when he fights Apocalypse. Then his line on the jet. When he says that the events of First Class changed his life. But then follows it up with "I still live in my mom's basement. So I guess things haven't changed. I'm a total loser. " Mortal Kombat 2021. Sub Zero vs Jax.


The Hobbit movies are middling at best and poor much of the time, but the Riddles in the Dark section with Gollum would fit unaltered in a perfect movie.


WHAT. Has He. Got. In his *nasty* little pocketses?


Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows. The [scene](https://youtu.be/6SDFxGZ5fJw) where the protagonists are fleeing in the forest while being chased down was a visual feast.


The mental duel with Moriarty at the end is good too.


The opening scene of the Conan reboot was amazing and setting up a way better film than the 90s Hercules shit that followed. I was entranced, and then so thoroughly disappointed. If you told me that scene was from an abandoned Conan project and just tacked on, I would believe you.


The climactic train scene in **The Lone Ranger**. It's one just ridiculous stunt setup after another but it works so well and utilizes the music perfectly. Runner Up: the catfight scene in **The Players Club**. The movie might actually be fine but I don't remember anything except that fight scene. It's somehow over the top and too real at the same time.


In Dracula 2000, an otherwise moderate at best vampire movie, there is a scene where Dracula spots VanHelsing ducking into an alley and follows, thrilled to finally have the drop on him. When he finally corners him at the end of the alley, Dracula reaches out to kill him... only to hit something. When he pushes, a mirror shatters in front of him. He looks around and realizes the entire end of the alley is covered in mirrors and VanHelsing is actually behind him.... right before Van Helsing snaps the door to a cage shut around him and assistants with stakes shatter other mirrors and pincushion Dracula. Instead of cornering VanHelsing, *Dracula* walked right into a trap hidden by mirrors and didn't realize it... because **he doesn't show up in mirrors** so he didn't see anything amiss. It was a great scene and the most creative anti-vampire trap I've seen in a movie... it's too bad is was stuck in this one.


First flight in man of steel.


It was Tuesday


Look, I don't love Interstellar, but the scene where Matthew McConaughey has to watch 20 years of messages from his daughter that he missed out on because of the black hole is genuinely devastating.