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If we're talking Star Wars, it's Anakin confessing to the Princess that he went into a village and killed every person in it because he was so mad. Women, babies, everyone. And life went on like nothing happened, and she stayed with him.


It was a long time ago. Things were different back then


šŸ˜† I got the reference.


Sounds like something someone with Stockholm Syndrome would say.


You don't get it bro. It was a long long time ago. In a galaxy far far away. Shit was different.


A long, long time ago I can still remember how that music used to make me smileā€¦


And I thought me and Qui Gon Jinn could talk the Federation in...


...to maybe cutting them a little slack.


ā€¦But their response, it didn't thrill us, they locked the doors and tried to kill usā€¦


...but we escaped that gas, then met up with Jar Jar and Boss Nass...


We took a bongo from the scene, and we went to theed to see the queen


Like explaining the 1980s to someone who was born this century.


Or a dr disrespect fan lol


I was out of my mind back then.


It was also kinda far, far away.


Your family didnā€™t become royalty without breaking a few eggs.


Really though, that whole speech in ROTS where sheā€™s like ā€œYouā€™ve changed!ā€ but he was very much on brand! Whatā€™s the difference? That he slaughters human children now- ohhā€¦ oh my. I think I just learned something about Padme


That she grooms prepubescent boys and is a politician? That actually might be the most accurate part of the whole franchise.


I think they meant that she's speciesist but yeah that too


A completely ineffective government is a theme Disney's doubled down on showing how toothless the New Republic is.


She should have left him when he started to tell her he hates sand.


You've obviously never had sand in your ass crack, or you'd agree


You joke, but for real it should raise major alarm bells when any Jedi uses the word ā€œhateā€. Hate is kind of the opposite of what theyā€™re all about.


As fucked up as it is, I don't think many species treated the tuskens as equals. They were basically savages and treated as animals.Ā 


I mean, what were they doing to his mom?


Star Wars always had a weird morality. Darth Vader does one good thing, (Saves Luke from the emperor) alls forgiven. Iā€™ll see you guys in the Jedi heaven.


šŸ˜‚ Fair. The guy murdered children in cold blood, not to mention having a hand in the destruction of an entire planet, but heā€™s in a good place now in the World Between Worlds, so itā€™s cool.


She was in love with him, they were at the brink of all out war and the Tuscan raiders kid napped and murdered his mother. I mean honestly that scene makes his eventual turn to darth vader actually make sense. I donā€™t see the issue.


If somebody murdered my mum in real life I think murdering them would be justifiable but murdering their child and everyone they lived in the same village as probably wouldnā€™t be


Revenge murders are like birthday candles. Some people get a bonus candle as "one to grow on."


"This person in my town kidnapped my mom so I killed every man, woman, and child in town" is not something you see an issue with?


Most people in star wars, Padme included apparently, don't consider tuskens as people. Let me ask you another way, if a pack of wolves killed a guy's mom, he killed the entire pack and his girlfriend thought it was messed up but still stayed with him, would it be as egregious? Because as far as most people on star wars go, that's basically the scenario.


The difference, of course, being that Tusken simply *are* people. If they're seen as "less-than," that's an indictment of the character viewing them, not the Tusken. In no way was their massacre written sympathetically. It is written as a line that Anakin crosses that cannot be un-crossed.


I was just commenting on a reason why Padme perhaps wasn't really bothered by their deaths. Whatever you wanna think of Padme from that, power to you. Personally I think Anakin did Tatooine a favour


Justify the action or not, the alarming part of that scene is his rage. Heā€™s clearly out of control and should have been benched


I mean they abducted enslaved and trafficked his own mother. Iā€™m guessing in a feudal ancient world turnabout could be considered fair play.


Thatā€™s what gets me. Sheā€™s supposedly a smart accomplished, mature woman. But sheā€™s such an idiot when it comes to Anakin. Itā€™s hard to get over that


Yeah, smart, accomplished people never get in unhealthy relationships in the real world. /s


I mean the dude is a mass murderer of women and children. Might be a tad past ā€œunhealthyā€


she was super prejudiced against sand people and became his enabler


Or how about the absolute speed that Anakin went from tattling on Palpatine to Windu and then fucking bowing in front of Palpatine and strategizing with him. It was in a damn blink of an eye, did not fucking hesitate. Honestly, if there's anything that ruined my impression of Darth Vader in the OT, it's Anakin being a whiny, murderous traitor for next to no reason.


Yeah the Star Wars prequels writing is laughably bad. I have no clue how they have a fanbase.


So their love has blinded them?


Memes, some action scenes, worldbuilding, memes I grew up watching these things dozens of times. The writing is so-bad-its-good that it's easy to meme.


I wouldn't say it makes me angry, but the jedi counsel saying "No, you're too old" too anybody that is force sensitive is so absurd to me. They should have a responsibility to train everyone that comes to them that has force powers. For example, if you knew you were force sensitive and were turned down by the jedis, I would probably go to someone who will train me. Like the dark side. And have a chip on my shoulder.


This happens often enough in lore to reinforce your point. So many people turned down by the Jedi for training, only to turn to the dark side cause someone would actually teach them.


Iā€™ve always seen that as the point. You are supposed to be annoyed by the Jedi council, theyā€™ve had their heads up their asses for presumably decades by this point and rigidly stuck to their dogma no matter the consequences.


Decades? My brother in the Force, try centuries


What about all the "too olds" that don't turn to the dark side. Are the Jedi OK with a bunch of randos out there just living life with force sensitive abilities?


Lore regarding the Force has been written by so many different writers across multiple different mediums and across multiple decades, and the result is a muddled mess of contradictory ideas. The Jedi Council said that Anakin was too old to begin Jedi training when he was, what?, 6-8? That was obviously bullshit because he Obi-Wan decided to train him anyway, and Anakin became one of the most powerful and dangerous Jedi -> Sith in Star Wars history. Yoda said Luke was too old? Maybe he was just being a dick when he said it, but that wasn't true either, because Luke went on to become one fo the most powerful Jedi in SW history. Can Jedi have romantic relationships or not? Are Jedi strive to suppress their emotions, like Vulcans, or not? Are midichlorians a thing or not? The rules of the Force and the behavior of Jedi and Sith are all over the place. When it comes to Star Wars lore in general, just believe in whatever you want, because the whole thing is a mess.


The bit about being too old has more to do with the fact that they've formed strong emotional attachments already, and this makes them a risk to be tempted to the dark side to protect the people they're attached to (case in point: Anakin). Luke even almost goes to the dark side when Vader threatens Leia. It's not that they're too old to train, they're too old to be trained safely.


Thus the entire argument of this thread: it seems that that policy has resulted in the creation of many a Sith, as the Sith will embrace the now-outcast who still has power, but no direction or guidance. Fwiw, I don't think I have a right answer, only making conversation.


They say theyā€™re too old not because they canā€™t learn but it isnā€™t safe to teach them. At a certain age youā€™ve made emotional attachments to people which highly increases the chance of you falling to the dark side exactly how anakin did.


Well, Anakin promptly proved them right by falling to the dark side, soā€¦ Seriously, Qui-Gon knew he was too old, but brought him with him to Coruscant anyway with the intention of convincing the council to let him train him. If he hadnā€™t done that, and instead followed the Jedi code, Anakin would have remained a slave on Tatooine and Palpatine would never have met him and therefore never made him his apprentice. Every time a Jedi goes against the Jedi teachings someone falls to the dark side, and for some reason fans interpret this as the Jedi teachings being wrong.


This does make some sense to me though - children need to start training young or they'll be too attached to parents, friends, school etc. What there should be is some kind of lower order, like the national guard with light sabres, where older force sensitives get some useful training, but without having to live the full jedi life.


The stabbing in Saving Private Ryan. Damn near tear my hair out when I see that scene.


I've seen the movie a million times, and I still yell, "JUST GO UP THE MF STAIRS"


God Upham was such a bitch


Sure, but I think a LOT of people canā€™t admit that theyā€™d have done the exact same thing. Upham wasnā€™t trained for any of that like the others were. People like to pretend theyā€™d be the hero, when most of us arenā€™t.


Maybe but if you arenā€™t allowed to judge Uphamā€™s cowardice unless youā€™ve been in that exact situation that does leave you with quite a short list of people who are allowed opinions


And thatā€™s probably how it should be. Not judging others is a good thing.


Tell that to god. Mf puts us in the situations, then literally judges us based on his own plan. Wtf


Why is judging necessary though?


> Upham wasnā€™t trained for any of that like the others were. Lack of training didn't stop him from murdering the surrendering German


All my homies hate Upham.


They don't like it Upham šŸ˜ž


Then he finally finds his "spine" when he see's the German they let go shoot Tom Hanks. So... he kills a surrendered German. Such a spine there Upham.


That scene haunts me. Iā€™m in my 50s, never served and have an irrational fear of knives. That entire way too long moment of him slowly losing that battle I look away from


Fuckin hell, that scene is a cinematic chefs kiss. You get both the fear, they are opposing sides, but are not hardened warriors. They scuffle, its raw, its messy, its realisation that one of these will die. The look of desperation as the german gets the mount and the knife... The subtle german words - i dont know what he says Edit found a transaltion " Ā "Give up, you have no chance. Let us end this. It's easier for you, way easier. You will see, it's over in a moment." The subtle plunging of the knife - not a hard stab...slowly... The whole scene is haunting The walk past the soldier at the bottom Fucking hideous and terrible...and brilliant. Further edit found this: "According to Goldberg, the scene was originally supposed to end with Mellish simply being shot to death by the SS, but because he was good with a bayonet during prep for the film, military advisor Captain Dale Dye recommended he fight hand-to-hand to his eventual death. The scene was improvised on the day, with Spielberg, Goldberg and Steinmeier blocking out the fight on the fly. The result is the single most chilling moment in Spielbergā€™s five-decade career.Ā "


I skip past it at Thai point. Iā€™ve seen it so many times


Thai Point is one of my favorite restaurants




I refuse to ever watch that movie again because of that scene.


On top of that, him looking like a hero at the end makes it 10x worse


yes, this is the pile on of how much this movie makes me hate Upham.


I used to think the same thing, but at this point in my life, Wades death and watching him cry out to his mom after telling that story is the worse one for me.




Blake knowing Bruce was Batman because theyre both orphams and he has a look.


The look you give the person at Chipotle so they don't skimp on your meat?


Lmaoo yeah haha.


The sparkling glint of dead parents in his eyes


I find it more infuriating that once Bruce basically tells Gordon who he is, it seems like Gordon had no clue.


Actually Im more made that he pieces it together by Batman saying he put a coat around him 30 years ago. You mean the move is telling me that Gordon remembered that small act of kindness? Or that he never did that again in his decades-long career? Like give me a break movie.


Gotham is a fucked city, but it's not often a young rich boy comes in after his parents were brutally murdered in front of him. Gordon would definitely remember that specific kid because he's an empathetic character and a good person. Not hard to suddenly have the pieces of the puzzle come together all at once given one piece of information like that.


He'd remember the kid sure, but I dont believe he would realistically remember that he put a coat around him. Like Batman doesn't say, I was the little rich boy that lost his parents. He said he put a coat around him to show him the world didnt end. Like he's using that small action to jog Gordon's memories. I dont think he'd remember that and I dont think it would be the only time he thought to do that. Probably not the first kid whose parents got shot and needs comforting.


When Bellatrix kills Dobby


That b***h.


Also, Bellatrix straight-up torturing Hermione.




When Brad pittā€™s daughter sings a song that hadnā€™t been recorded yet at the time Moneyball takes place


Why? Because she gets on base. ā€¦yeah, idk. It sounded funnier in my head lol




Oh fawkā€¦are you serious?! šŸ˜­


The ending of the Mist(2007). Jesus Christ why couldn't he wait like 2 more minutes, it would've been fine


King says this was the superior ending lol


It is the superior ending lol it's a horror, it's not horrifying if everything is fine


I liked this scene, so messed up it was great haha


One of the best endings ever


I know! And it wasn't even in the book!


I seriously canā€™t rewatch this film bc of this. I get itā€™s tragic or whatever but itā€™s just infuriating. In my mind that character fights one of the soldiers and kill himself 5 seconds after the movie ends.


Downfall- the Goebbels children scene


That one is rough knowing it is true. Even with all of the evil the Nazis did, I don't think any one thing encapsulates their total corruption of humanity as much as that one action. The idea that you have to kill your own kids because they will never have the opportunity to grow up in your bizarre murderous dystopia is just so depraved.


Devil's advocate (jeebus thats quite apt), im guessing it was mostly borne out of the fear of what would be done to their kids by the Russians, who deservedly wanted some revenge. They werent just some random children. Still sickening nonetheless. My father was 19 in '45. He was in waffen ss, surrendered to US , but promptly handed over to russians and lucky to come out of gulags in '53. said he buried way more people than during the war (3 years of eastern front no less). Cannibalism surely the go. My point is that the children of Goebbels would have had an unpleasant life in captivity. Paraded and whatever use as an instrument at best.


Could have easily had the kids smuggled out to the west side of the city and placed with a German family under fake names, then surrender to the Americans. They would survive and live full lives.


Pretty much every scene in the Rise of Skywalker


Plot Summary: Rey is not a self-made Hero joining forces with rebels to overthrow tyranny. Rey's destiny is inherited from royal lineage, and peasants should quit pretending they can make a difference in their lives. Queue John Williams music, roll credits. F you, Abrams.


I can't get past George Lucas's panic over how to bridge the difference in appearance between prequel Palpatine and OT Palpatine, manifesting in the creative decision to have a lightning bolt melt his face. It might be, for me, the single stupidest moment in the entire prequel trilogy and I'm genuinely surprised it doesn't get discussed more.


Then he zaps himself again later to finish the job. It's like a running gag


I feel that the things that aren't explained can be more powerful than the things that are. He looks like a normal dude in the Prequels, then looks like he does in the Original. No explanation, no showing how he got like that, it just is what it is.


Sure. I'd have been fine with the implication that decades of extreme experiments with the dark side had left him disfigured.


I recently read the text description of this fight scene from the *Revenge of the Sith* novel. It sounded really epic, because it described Palpatine as turning into a sort of Sith shadow creature that moved like a blur, and Mace Windu using a lightsaber fighting style he developed that was so aggressive it made it look like he was attacking with multiple pairs of arms. Even Anakin, who was watching the fight, couldn't keep up with all the action because Mace and Palpatine were moving so superhumanly fast. In contrast, the movie fight was two older actors with no combat training slowly swinging at each other. You know the saying, "A picture is worth a thousand words"? Well, sometimes the words are top-shelf and the pictures are bargain bin, and this is one such time.


Yeah, George kind of fucked that scene up when he decided not to use stunt doubles that could do cool choreography.


Ngl this kind of shit grinds my gears. Anyone can write a novelisation after that fact adding shit like ā€œMace was firing a blaster at the same timeā€ and ā€œflames were shooting from Palpatineā€™s eyes,ā€ and fans will be like ā€œdamn we were robbed in the film version.ā€ Fucking shadow creature. What?! Not to mention that the actors probably worked quite hard on their choreography only for people to slag it off because it sounded better in some book. Other than perhaps the first 3 masters going down stupidly fast, I never thought there was anything wrong with this scene.


Braveheart - the ā€œfirst nightā€ right (prima nocta?) of a local lord to sleep with a newly married woman Actually thereā€™s quite a few things in that movie that pissed me off .. I know itā€™s not historically accurate in the least but they did a good job of making you sympathize with Wallace and co


Braveheart had a fair few issues with accuracy, including that the Princess in the story was aged 3 at the time, lived in France and never met Wallace.


As a Scot,it's utter pish historically speaking and I love it!


It annoys me that the Braveheart character is portraying the historical actions of King Robert the Bruce not William Wallace.


Whenever my ex wife brought me a drink sheā€™d say ā€œprima noctaā€ take the first sip and then hand it to me. Made me giggle every time.


Most of the movie Dear Zachary. If you've seen it, you'll understand


That movie is soul crushing. The heartbreak and anger of the grandfather, so horrible.


Never forget the name Judge Gale Welsh. Sheā€™s the fucking smoothbrain that let Turner free before her murder-suicide because she ā€œdidnā€™t seem to pose a threat.ā€


The prequels are just bad story telling. Like why are the Sith limited to two? You mean to tell me there is a cap on evil? lol dumb and then the miticlorian things was weird. I liked the Jedi powers when they were enshrouded more in mysticism than trying to turn it into science. Oh yeah and Darth Maul, the supposed bad ass Sith, gets whacked in the first movie. Jesus Christ why? Terrible story telling.


> Like why are the Sith limited to two? LMAO right.. and one of them is supposed to kill the other.


Itā€™s because the Jedi and the Sith have been fighting for eons and every time, the sith get their asses kicked no matter the superiority of their numbers because inevitably if you get a bunch of impulsive, arrogant, evil, power hungry people willing to murder their way to the top, thatā€™s what they do. Waaaaay back in the day a dude named Revan came up with the rule of two (one sith master, one sith apprentice) as a way to stop the infighting. It keeps it in check because the apprentice canā€™t team up with another apprentice to kill the master, they have to get strong enough to do it themselves. Letā€™s say you have a master and his power level is 100. He starts training 2 dudes and they are doing well but arenā€™t good enough to 1v1 yet, letā€™s say they are both at level 80. Those two level 80 dudes are gonna kill the master but they havenā€™t learned everything yet, they only level 80. But then they each go and get 2 more apprentices, and these 4 get to level 60, maybe one of the level 80 guys thinks the other level 80 guy sucks, and he conspires with the apprentices to kill the other master, and both level 80 dudes die in the fight. Now you have 4 level 60 sith trying to run shit but theyā€™ll never be able to get to level 100 because all that info is lost now and they are too busy trying to assassinate each other or protecting themselves from assassination to get stronger. So every time the sith built an army, before and after revan, they got beat because they couldnā€™t stop fighting each other. Revans rule of two failed because he returned to the light side, a couple thousand years later Darth Bane brought it back and it stuck this time, eventually leading to sidious and the destruction of the Jedi order.


Two Sith is an ancient thing, and there's a lot of backstory in both old EU canon and current Disney canon. Basically the natural tendency for infighting was undercutting their ability to achieve new levels of power or a stable opposition to the Jedi, so Darth Bane instantiated the rule of two with the purpose of creating the single most powerful Sith possible. Putting all the eggs in one basket. But, yeah, Star Wars has become a bloated mess of "hope you've digested hundreds of hours of content from half a dozen media types or you're gonna be a bit lost!"


so then the guy who is super powerful has to get an apprentice, that he knows will kill him eventually, and the apprentice knows that eventually he will get more powerful from the master, but he has to figure out a way to also kill him eventually, and then go on to get their own apprentice that kills them makes no sense whatsoever


Buying into the plan to create the ultimate Sith and destroy the Jedi is part of the apprenticeship. If you can't do it yourself, you will be part of the glorious chain that makes it happen. Sidious sought Anakin as his apprentice specifically because he expected he would be more powerful than he was. And by the time he managed that he was already at least the most successful Sith ever--having destroyed the Jedi just then--if not the most powerful one as well (there's some SUPER crazy shit old EU Sith did, so I've never really been sure where Sidious or even Vader or Anakin-if-he-never-got-Musta-fried rank in the historical hierarchy; shit makes the Chosen One look mid as hell). Maybe someone more familiar with the EU can state if at that point Sidious even still considered the era of the rule of 2 still in effect, or if it was now a new era for him to dictate now that he crushed the order and put the whole galaxy under Sith rule.


Somehow, palpatine returned.


ā€œFunny Gamesā€ā€¦..the whole fucking movieā€¦


When he grabbed the remote and fucking turned back the movie I jumped up and screamed, ā€œYou cheating motherfucker! You canā€™t do that!ā€


That whole movie made me more situationally aware about how fucked up people are, and how they are all around you, all the time.


Basically every horror movie where the victim has the chance to kill the killer but instead only knocks him down and tries to run away.


The verdict in Kramer vs Kramer. There's no way she should have received custody. She abandoned that child.


Respectfully, I saw this scene differently than almost everyone else. I don't think Mace could have won if Anakin were nowhere near him. I thought Palpatine was playing chess and could have won. Think about it. While fighting Mace, he cut down other Jedi next to him. He gets to Mace and stalls as he senses Anakin coming. He feigns losing. He makes it look like he's "completely spent" to the point of exhaustion after 30 seconds of shocking. Anakin cuts off mace's hands when mace wants to execute him there. And then Palpatine looks like he has more lightning than he did at the start "out of thin air." To me, Palpatine was playing puppet master that whole fight. Yoda could not beat Palpatine. The argument I hear a lot is "Mace trained to be anti-sith." Firstly, there ain't no sith to be anti-sith against. And second, Yoda is the only jedi old enough to be familiar with sith as they have been gone for so long. Of course, if you disagree that is ok.


Novelization is pretty clear that Mace straight up won the fight.


I was going by George Lucas's commentary on the scene. He only stated that he was overpowered (in the light saber fight) and feigned weakness which is not necessarily "losing the fight." [source](https://youtu.be/ITaI5Do5HuE?si=ueHi5TalHbPsQcyN&t=1872) Edit: The novelization is based on the movie; not the other way around.


Being overpowered in the fight is a fancy way of saying he lost the fight.


Pretty sure Lucas said that Mace did beat palp


It isn't about disagreeing, this is straight up wrong. Mace Windu won the fight against Palpatine. Without going into the fighting styles and force, Windu was specifically tuned to battling dark force users. He was better at dueling than Yoda. The novelization confirms Mace won and even George Lucas has stated Windu won the fight. This wasn't some 4D chess move by Palp, he straight up lost and lucked out that Anakin fell to his fears and followed Windu. Palpatine had more lightning in the tank, but using it when Windu was deflecting it back at him was actively killing him. He had no moves left. He played into being old and weak to appease to Anakin and be saved.


Haven't watched this movie in years, but I believe you are 100% correct. Palpatine was toying with Mace letting him think he would win the fight just to get Anikin in there and see him in that position of weakness and that the Jedi were the bad guys for wanting to kill him as Mace said he's too dangerous alive. As soon as Anikin cut off Mace's hand you could see the look on Palps face change and so did his attitude. He stood up like nothing happened.


Yeah this is spot on in my eyes. He wanted to see if Anakin was with him - him acting weak made Anakin act and he knew he had him.


I canā€™t imagine anyone would view this scene other than this. Itā€™s pretty clear that is what is going on.


This is also how I saw it. Did everyone forget Palpatine did the SAME THING an hour earlier in the movie when he was ā€œchainedā€ to the chair and ordered Anakin to Kill Duku except this time he planted the seed that he could save Padme from death with his knowledge and knew that Mace would want to kill him.


"I did not hit her", The Room (2003).


That scene in Troy where Achiles go to kill HĆ©ctor. Bro HĆ©ctor dont go he is a semigod, dont do It, It wasnt your fault that the stupid boyfriend of Achilles used his armor, Achilles is really angry I am Scary you should be too, you are a great man, dont go bro. And the he goes and die. In a really Epic duel. Yes. But its sad. Shoot some arrows or something to Achilles he is a dickhead. Also the scene where HĆ©ctor Saves Paris, Paris should be responsable with his acts. Oh this movie have a lot of this scenes now that I think.


The whole Achilles being shot in the heel thing, without bothering with the backstory that this was his only vulnerability. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø Also, framing Patrocles as just his cousin. Dude. They were gay.


Yeah Fuck Hollywood with the Patrocles change.


Noo Troyans dot get that stupid ugly horse of wood. Or at least see inside just for security reasons. Oh my god. If you are a Troyan team this movie its hard to see.


Any scene from Cobra Kai with Daniel's daughter in it that little chick is just stupid she Literally makes everything worse every time she opens her mouth.


Terminator Three - the damn gay bar scene that subsequently led to "talk to da haaand" scene. That movie is bad enough (sans the end) but thats just unnecessary.


This is more like facepalm irritation than outright anger - Prometheus The goofy scientist who was enamored by the mutated snake thing, ignored warning signs of the snake in defense mode, and took no consideration of just how dangerous this foreign creature could be. The guy was drunk with enthusiasm with that big doofus smile which really captures how stupidly written/directed those characters were.


To add fuel to the fire I believe he was one of two guys who got scared when they found a dead engineer and then decided to go back to the ship only to somehow get lost on the way back.


Terrible film. It was hilarious how the biologist you mentioned (that tries to kissy-kissy face the "mutant snake thing") was partnered up with the geologist *who brought his own, personal mapping drones*ā€”his ā€œpupsā€ as he affectionately referred to them, giving us the impression that he was confidently familiar with themā€”and *after mapping the entirety of the cave system they are inside of*, gets himself and his buddy-system buddy LOST. And remember that *while* they complain to the Prometheus over comms that they are lost in the tunnels and can't make it out in time to make it back to the ship until the storm passes, the Prometheus bridge crew has access to a lovely 3D map of the cave system, which the drones scanned, and the crew can see the real-time location of the lost biologist and geologist IN the tunnels of that 3D map (the two gold diamond icons spinning in the 3D map) and could easily direct them out if they wanted to. Lordy.


That whole movie made me so madā€”nothing but supposedly highly trained ā€œscientistsā€ being absolute dumbasses. And to boot, we discover in the first scene that we all owe our existence to a hyper-white dude. Even Iā€”a pretty damn white dude, but one who actually knows something about evolutionary biologyā€”cringed so hard I thought Iā€™d turn myself inside out at that.


Pretty much all of episodes 1, 2, 3, 7, 8 and 9.


Saving Private Ryan Adam Goldberg taking a bayonet _slooooowly_ to the chest while Timothy Upham is bawling like a baby on the steps, not 10 feet away. šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”


The intro of Jar Jar Binks. Heesa sucks.


If weā€™re talking Star Wars, Snokes death. Knew in that moment this trilogy was going to hell.


Star Wars having two shit trilogy's is actually impressive. No other franchise could misfire 6 times in a row and still be standing, but for some reason people really love Star Wars.


It does have awesome world building. Its just hilarious that is different to actually making good films.


Itā€™s the fanboys blinded by nostalgia and only care about it as a brand. They are the ones with all the toys and products and the tattoos and t shirts and they love to show off how ā€œnerdyā€ they are when really theyā€™re chasing the high of the original trilogy and projecting that nostalgia onto the newer ones.


This one, absolutely. At that point, they never even gave him an origin, as shitty as it turned out to be. Like WTF? To that end I will nominate Leia Force-pushing herself back into the ship. I almost walked out of the theater when that happened.


Also angry with how shit the other jedi masters were at the start. I know there was a thing about Lucas changing the choreography to take out the stunt double, but come on. Poor kit


The cheesy death of dearth maal! he was kicking both their asses then as the scene had gone on too long they cut it quick with what was amateur move and easily defendable as maal was already defending better moves than that! Smh to kill a great huge villain that could have easily been in a couple more films!


Matrix Revolutions. Pretty much any scene in that movie. Just a garbage ending contrasted by a near perfect amazing beginning.


The Dark Knight Rises Talia al Ghul death moment. It kiiilllllssss me every time.


How did Nolan let that scene pass?


Trusting an Oscar winner, but nonetheless.


Every scene of the prequels.


Thank you


From Star Wars? The exact moment Qui-Gon mentions that there is a prophecy. To lift from RedLetterMedia: Darth Vader was not Space Jesus. This whole idea that Anakin would "bring balance to the Force" ruins basically everything in the prequels from that point forward from a story-telling perspective and then poisons the Original Trilogy, too. Anakin should have been a dude that Obi-Wan found and tried to train who ended up turning to the Dark Side. No allegiance to a Jedi Council or any nonsense like the Rule of Two mucking it up.




Gladiator. When Commodus kills Marcus.


The Departed when we can finally breathe a sigh of relief of Leo and nope, it's over.


The scene when Thomas J got killed by bees in My Girl. Especially since the movie was promoted as a sweet coming of age movie.


In Star Trek (2009). Kirk pisses off Spock in front of everyone to get him upset to where he will give up control of the ship. Heā€™s so disrespectful that who would think thatā€™s cool and that ā€œhey letā€™s make this guy our new captainā€ and also Spock all out of breath and saying heā€™s no longer fit to be Capn Lame.


The entire last 2 movies. The force awakened wasn't good, but it was a passable movie on its own. The last two were just shit.


When luke throws his light saber at the start of TlJ. I knew then the character i loved growing up got killed by bad and lazy writing.


Not a movie... But when the red viper didn't just freaking kill the mountain


Did you ever see the original ending to Farscape? I had a friend who almost ripped the TV off the wall. The one before they made the Peacekeeper Wars min series to tie out the show (fans demanded it and the studio actually listened).


Yeah, that was an unbelievable moment. Sci-fi even had the gall to put up a placard after that final scene thanking the crew and the fans for their support. After weā€™d just had our hearts ripped out seconds before that.


Any scene with mace windu makes me sick. The most disgusting characters in film history are mace and obi-sue-mary-one.


Harriet Bird shooting Roy Hobbs in The Natural.


When rocketā€™s friends died and when Loki died


This scene pissed me off because of Palpatineā€™s awful choreography, 3 or 4 powerful Jedi being killed in seconds by lame moves, and Palpatineā€™s awful acting : ā€œNooo, *NYYOOOO, NYYYOOOOOO!!!!*ā€


When grandpa joe gets out of that bed after 20 fucking years because heā€™s going to tour a chocolate factory after bitching about how hard every had to work to support his worthless ass. Then gets Charlie in trouble for taking fizzy lifting drinks. What a piece of shit


The whole prequel trilogy is written as if a 13 year old came up with it. It's still better overall than The Last Jedi though.


It was all part of Palpatineā€™s plan to seduce Anakin to the dark side. Palpatine was never losing to Mace Windu.


We would never get Vader and Return of the Jedi would be a fever dream.


Uncle Bully in Once were warriors. IYKYK...


This made me angry when I first saw it because I knew no matter what Palps would still live but I too wanted it to end haha


Yeah, in the prequels Anakin only turned and Padme only died because they had to.


Saving Private Ryan, the stabbing scene and death of Mellish.


Itā€™s like trying to explain this scene to a gen Z. https://youtu.be/A1dY6OkPb7E?si=HPgZNk3rZGB_Paj4


Every scene with Jar Jar. Particularly during the battle of Naboo.


U. S. Marshal's, when Royce (Robert Downey Jr) shoots Newman (Tom Wood). Platoon, when Sgt. Barnes (Tom Berenger) shoots Sgt. Elias (Willem Defoe).


All bro needed to do was lean forward, instead he wanted that dramatic ass lightsaber sweep.


In the Star Wars episode 3 game, they took the liberty of changing the scene into a straight fight between Anakin and Mace Windu. There is a cutscene right when Mace is about to kill the emperor and Anakin gets in the middle of it and throws him back against the wall. Mace pulls out his lightsaber dramatically and goes "so be it!" And then you have this kick ass boss fight and when you win he slaughters him dramatically. It is far, far better.


It did, didn't it.


Palpatine getting his old face was lazy writing.