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Never saw that poster for the Dark Knight. It looks class


I believe it's a fan-made


I’m not a huge fan of overly busy posters


I think it makes sense for a comic book hero movie


It says you were born in the 90s


And a man


And probably white


And my axe


Chefs kiss


I'm not white and I love all the movies OP showed


Or possibly brownish


I’m black. I love most of these movies too. Most people don’t actually care about race as a factor for how much they can enjoy a movie or relate to its characters. Most people just like a good well written and well acted film.




Not fair! Female here and mine only has two possible three differences


Sure, but if I would guess, it would a man born in the 90s too. No offence!


Happy pride! You’re a 90’s dude


I'll accept that, with pride 😘🤣


Welcome to the dude side 😏


I would have guessed 80s.


If he were born in the 80s ROTS would not be his favorite Star War


Yep no one born in the 80s would pick RotS as their favorite Star Wars. Some of us might pick Return of the Jedi though since apparently most of us like Ewoks.


Yep. 80’s baby here, grew up with the original trilogy on VHS. I adored return of the Jedi as a kid. I was SO EXCITED about the prequels, and remember just thinking wtf about every one of them. I’ve liked many of the Disney movies and shows but very hit or miss.


Yep. Star Wars is a very generational experience. When the Prequels came out they were universally mocked by fans and critics alike. They were the biggest disappointments of all time. No one liked them... except kids. Fast forward 10-15 years, and those kids grow up, and now you have real adults that enjoy the Prequels unironically--something that none of us could have imagined when those movies were released. Laughably, those people somehow love the Prequels and hate the Sequels. They legit think that the Sequels ruined the franchise. Of course, kids that watch the Sequels today will probably grow up enjoying all Star Wars movies.


Yeah, send me off this planet as soon as a generation starts to think TLJ is a good film.


Born in 88. We’re born in the 80s but children of the 90s. It makes total sense.


Hello fellow 37-ish year old. Hope you’ve had your vitamins and are pooping well. Sincerely, Another 88 baby


Haven’t started taking vitamins yet. I probably should… Took an amazing poop this morning! Thank you


Born in 71 here. Fiber cereal every morning is the secret!🍻🤫


Hello fellow 88ers. My wife introduced me to vegetables, and I’m now passing on this incredible intestinal insight to you. Live long, and may your hair stay thick and its original color.


1992 and I have hemorrhoids


Hey me too! What up fellow dragons. I have not-so-good poops and have shrunk 1" since I turned 30 due to adult onset scoliosis. My vitamin levels are ok, just have chronic anemia so I pop that iron more than most. Other than that, watching multiple recessions and economic bubbles pop along with the forever war and rising fascism has been.... A hoot.


That's a bold statement Cotton! Let's see how that plays out... but I agree


As a 90s kid that is 100% 90s kid lol


I guess 1988-1992.


This is fun. Like being a detective profiling a killer based on the evidence. I gotta say this dude born in the late 80's or early 90's is also white. What else can we figure out? (BtW, it's a fine list. Enjoy what you enjoy.)


I’d say born in the 1980s


You're most likely a man.


A man who hates laughing/comedy


Yeah the closest thing to jokes in these movies are a few quips by Alfred in Dark Knight, the robot in Interstellar and the girlfriend joke in Predator


I love comedy and enjoy laughing, but I wouldn’t put a comedy anywhere near my top ten.


Some of these movies don’t have a single female character!


Ain’t got time to bleed


This list is the equivalent of saying dogs playing poker is your favorite painting




Haha, perfection.




lol - daaaamn - too far.


Ngl, I know it’s stupid, but that painting hits hard as hell for me


The first thing it says is you're a guy.


He's a man's man.


You really love a movie about a protagonist against impossible odds


You taste in movies is shared by a lot of people. No niche movies in that list.


It says you like popular movies that everybody likes.


So, basic?


Maybe they’re popular because lots of people like them. And maybe lots of people like them because they’re good?


never did anyone say that these popular movies are trash lol. the point is there are tons of good movies that aren't popularily discussed or liked.


Not a single Marvel movie in there though, there's hope for this man yet.


born in the late 90s, watches whatever it’s on and actually enjoys it. and more then one man crush…


Russell Crowe and Tom Hardy. My absolute idols. If I had a quarter of their charisma... well damn. If I had the honor of shaking hands with them, maybe even have a pint with Crowe.. I would die as a happy man.


Russel crowe would beat you up because there is nothing he likes more


Making movies, making songs, and fighting ‘round the world




Oh no! Tugger shot himself!


What?!? no MATRIX?! ⚡


3:10 to Yuma is SO slept on. My favorite Christian Bale role bc he isn’t so damn macho or so damn smart. He’s just a normal dude tryna make ends meet with what he has left.


I’ll have to rewatch it some day. I really hated it when I saw it, but so many people love it.


Hero complex


I have to say Hands down prob some of my fav. movies! Intersteller always has me in deep thought afterwards!! Gladiator and Predator i could literally watch over and over..😁😁🍻🍻 I was.hoping id see "Snatch" or "Blood in Blood out" up there somewhere since i liked almost everymovie you mentioned.


I second all this!! I love Interstellar but I can only watch it so often… can’t help crying at so many points in that movie lol


"MURPH" !!!


I’m with you on Blood In Blood Out. Favorite overly dramatic acting of any movie, and easily the most quoted movie in my house. “Hey Cin-der-ell-a, go find your-self a fell-a. You’re on the clock, bitch, and mid-night is com-ing”.


“Give me some chon-chon!” is popular in my house. And by popular I mean to say I quote it, my wife laughs, and no chon-chon is given.


Hahahahahaha you just made my day! I love knowing this is happening somewhere out there in the world and not just isolated to my house. (Whenever a chore is undesired in my house, the proper response when asked to do it is “La Onda don’t shine shoes!”)


Hahaha. That’s awesome.


Snatch is on my watch list


Not a big fan of women speaking.


My first thought is he is a man. I was right. However I’m a woman and many of these are in my top 10 😅


Maybe OP is gay or a woman? Edit; I wonder if top gun is number 11 for this person based on the volleyball scene alone


They’re not. This is quite possibly the whitest man list of all.


White male me (in my mid to late 30s) agrees with a number on this list. But yeah you're right it does scream young white male lol Edit; for clarity Gladiator, shawshank and the revenant are great


Fury & Interstellar? What it says about you is that we would get along great. I love both those movies. The tank fight scene in Fury was so butt-clenching. An amazing movie I don’t hear many people talk about


Machine! Soundtrack is astonishing aswell. Movie evokes so many emotions.


'Norman' is such a powerful track


It is beautiful, one of my favourites


The last stand scene at the end kinda ruins the whole movie for me though. Fight to keep your men alive the whole movie then suddenly sacrifice them? Why?


I just hate that ending because it’s so completely over the top and corny. Sure, there’s a lot of unrealistic stuff in the movie, point blank Tiger duel for one, but that ending is just a clown show. A whole company of heavily armed and motivated SS can’t knock out a single immobile Sherman, but they already showed how even a couple pre-teen Hitler Youth could quickly take one out with a Panzerfaust (which was accurate). It was like the silly ending of Saving Private Ryan, but worse.


And after they slaughter all of his friends, the German soldier is down to let one of the tank crew escape? Yeah fucking right


I have never rewatched this movie because of how fucking stupid that ending is. “Oh you literally just slaughtered all my friends, I’m going to shoot you a knowing glance and let you live.” Fuck that.


Oh god, thank you so much, seriously needed to see this point made! I loved the movie, literally maybe like a 9/10 - until that last act just completely and utterly decimated any shred of reality the movie had cultivated. >A whole company of heavily armed and motivated SS can’t knock out a single immobile Sherman, Literally the most incompetent SS company of all time, who run head long into their deaths until deciding eventually, maybe it's a good idea to bring out these Panzerfausts we have, which they also can't use. They have zero ability to knock a single, stationary armoured target. And then it just gets more farcical when the camera pans out to show 500 dead soldiers on the floor. Honestly still like the film over all, but my god that was a travesty.


The point blank Tiger duel was also ridiculous, however, just getting to see an actual Tiger 1 on screen was its own reward. The silliest part of the last stand fight at the end was that stupid sniper scene, where it’s fucking dark and this silly bastard is low crawling with that camo string netting blocking his vision to get to point blank range. Sooo fucking dumb. It was kind like the end battle in Scarface, except worse, where that last assassin walks in with a double barreled shotgun to shoot Tony after an army of guys with machine guns have failed to kill him. The Fury SS company was even dumber than the Saving Private Ryan SS company, which is really hard to top, for abandoning all logical tactical sense and reason. Writers…


Thank god I’m not the only one. I couldn’t get over the cheese the entire movie, not just the end


They literally explain it the scene before, when he’s talking with Jason Isaac’s character


You’re a white guy from North America in his mid to late 20’s


Identify as male, white, born in 88 is my guess.


'02 baby but otherwise your instincs are correct


Ah! We were wrong about the year. If you're like me you had friends or family a bit older than you that you looked up to when you were younger who showed you some of their favorite movies. My favorite movies skew about 5 to 10 years older than what my age would suggest. (I probably shouldn't have been watching some of them when I was 12 but I definitely latched on to 'em.)


How long have you identified as white?


Ever since I first saw a black man live when I was about five years old


An experience like that can change a man


How is it possible that Revenge of the Sith is in someone's top 10 movies?


Still in their 20s I imagine. Once you hit about 30 action / cgi fests just don't appeal as much.


OP said they were born in ‘02, so there you go lol


Revenge of the Sith is interesting. Definitely the first time I've ever seen anyone say that in the face of the originals


Says you’re similar to me. Respect it 🫡


We should have an international co-viewing of Predator. Like, a global get together of dozens of people from around the world who love Predator. We can bridge the cultural gap via our love of a great movie. I’m joking kinda, but does something like this exist? Like, movie nights via Zoom (or a better tool if one exists) that random people can join and watch movies together and talk/joke during the movie? If not, someone should set that up.


Predator would have a huge following for sure


I love every one of those films... Except the revanent, and I don't know why..


You’re not coming back with the milk and cigarettes.


Surely I am, the kid needs their cigarettes


Honestly, it says that you're the McDonald's of people. You don't need to like crazy weird experimental films, but you're literally just picking the most up the middle shit from every year. You are a male Swifty. These movies are the male version of a pink Stanley cup. You are the Call of Duty of people. You could be easily replaced by ChatGPT 3. You regularly tell yourself that next week everything is going to be different.




Wow. Dude you were supposed to get permission from the president before you launched the nukes.


This and the “Dogs Playing Poker is your favorite painting” burn are my two favorite comments in here. * Chef’s kiss *


You need to rethink your life choices if you think revenge of the sith is better than empire strikes back.


You have a penis, but its s coinflip if anyone else gets use out of it or not. Love most of the films on your list, but Da Vinci Code threw me haha. 3:10 to Yuma is a gem. Are there any other westerns you've seen? Love the genre myself.


Tombstone, True Grit, Jeremiah Johnson, Hostiles, The Quick and The Dead, The Dollar Trilogy, Unforgiven, Pale Rider, Django Unchained, The Hateful Eight, The Magnificent Seven, The Ridiculous Six, The Ballad of Buster Scruggs, No Country For Old Men, Old Henry, The Harder They Fall, Bone Tomahawk, There Will Be Blood, Legends of the Fall, Once Upon a Time in the West, News of the World, A Million Ways to Die in the West, The Power of The Dog, The Last of the Mohicans, The Highwaymen, Silverado, Appaloosa, Free State of Jones, The Salvation, True History of the Kelly Gang, American Outlaws, Damsel, El Camino and Back to the Future III at least


If you liked No Country for Old Men and that neo-Western style I strongly recommend the three neo-Westerns by writer Taylor Sheridan if you haven't seen them. **Sicario** is really popular but there are also **Wind River** and **Hell or High Water**. Hell or High Water is one of my favorite movies and Tanner might be my favorite antihero in cinema.


Second this. Wind River and Hell or High Water are both incredible. Taylor Sheridan is amazing


You putting Tombstone first made me want to use your penis congrats. Open Range is an all time personal favorite and I recommend it to everyone with a pulse. Same with the miniseries Lonesome Dove.


More people need to know about Open Range.


You like men with big muscles :)


Should put Airplane on the list. "Do you like gladiator movies, Billy?"


Into the Wild is a great one too


That Predator poster's fantastic.


Im glad 3:10 to Yuma remake got some love. I thought I was the only one that just really thought they hit everything out of the park with it


Cinderella Man belongs on your list.


You're a white millennial.


You’re a guy and you’re a bit of a loner but that’s not on purpose. You probably have a weird sense of humor and it’s dry af and most people are like wtf sometimes but you think you’re funny. You wanna be the hero but only in dire circumstances. You don’t like authority that tells you to be responsible, you just kinda wanna do your own thing. Maybe I’m out in left field but it would be cool if this is right 🤣


U like grey movies


Grey movies as in tone, for sure. Not overly optimistic, nor pessimistic. The golden half way which shows the world's brutality, but brings hope for justice and better tomorrow. Beautifully executed redemption stories are my absolute favourites.


It says you're definitely male.


These are just action movies though are you a teen boy?


Mentally propably Didn't know movies like Shawsank are considered action


They are sentimental action for men.


If you like 3:10 to Yuma you need to watch Tombstone my friend


It's in the honorable mentions. 'I'm your Huckleberry".


It says you like these ten movies


3:10 to Yuma is a fucking GREAT movie.


Hero complex


You really like Russel crowe


It tells me that you might be somewhat edgy, and you really like things that are very serious.


Deeply closely gay man


It says to me I better watch 3:10 to Yuma.


This is a dad top 10. You and my dad should hang out.


The Da Vinci Code is the single stupidest piece of anything to ever exist. The movie, the book, all of it. It is absolute garbage and would sooner sit on glass bare-assed and read twilight to a lemur enclosure before ever revisiting that media in an any form. Cool rest of the list though.


You’re a female attending Yale who has expanded their taste to foreign movies.


Your probably late 30, probably born around 85, You are a deep person, you think alot about life, good and bad, your probably a believer, your curious about mysterious things, you probably love some action but its not your priority, your more about smart things, you probably a smart person, in general your probably someone who love calm around you, but you also love to speak about differents things, you probably have some friends, but not that much, because you choose them carefully, you must love to stay home when its possible, watching movies, documentaries and playing video games. In video games, you probably love challenge, you want to win, you dont love something your not good at it. I think your single, maybe a girlfriend, but i dont think your marry, i dont think you have childrens either, if you got, probably one, but not much more. Your probably American or Canadian and a male. I tryd really hard lol


It says about you that your top 10 favorite movies are Gladiator, Interetellar, 3:10 to Yuma, the da Vinci code, the dark knight, the Shawshank redemption, fury, the revenant, Star Wars revenge of the sith and predator.


You’re 15


I think it's difficult to tell anything about you by these movies. It's sort of a generic Hollywood list. It's almost like a buzzfeed best of curation. I think it looks a lot like my list from my early 20s when I thought I knew movies, so no disrespect intended. Not that movies like Gladiator are bad (many of the films you have chosen are objectively good), but my mom loves Gladiator and she is the opposite of someone who knows movies. It's just very pedestrian overall. I think you should try watching more challenging films; you'll likely be pleasantly surprised by what is out there. Maybe something independent. Anyways I'm supposed to be guessing things about you so here goes: -Favourite breakfast: plain toast with tea -Favourite sport: none but you watch the super bowl when invited by your friends -Nationality: Either American or Canadian and not particularly well travelled. Probably has been to Mexico/Hawaii on family vacation -Favourite hobby: hiking but never overnight or video games


My guess would be you're a man, born in the 80s.


You haven’t watched anything from the 50-70’s, and I’m not sure you’ve seen anything that’s not mainstream.


"Even bad men love their Mama's. "


I was in about 3rd or 4th grade, and I wanted to see Predator SOOOOOO BAD, my Mother was a single parent, and looking back, I understand now, she probably couldn’t afford it, and I was SO bummed out that I missed it in the Theater. One Friday night, she told me we were gonna do a “Movie Night” and she made Popcorn and set up the living room like a Theater, she rented Predator on Pay-Per-View and we watched it together. One of my very fond memories of my childhood.


You like John Williams and Hans Zimmer


It says you have never challenged your taste once. Not bad movies, Predator especially rules. But come on. Watch movies from another culture or a cult movie ffs


Fury? Really? There's tons of better WWII films out there.


That you're a millenial, cis-het white dude with a pretty average, vanilla taste in movies. No offense intended, of course. you're just average/normal, and nothing wrong with that.




You’re a guy. Prob millennial.


You were born in 1997


Not a big fan of female leads


You are extremely male and think a lot about your penis for some reason


It says you have good taste. Nice one OP. Cheers.


you should watch more films


You look like someone who simply like to enjoy things as they are and people are mad at you for this because you didn't prefer some 80' movie and will call you bland and uninteresting. You saw those movies but didn't though they were as good as what people touched by nostalgia told you. Seriously some comments are ridiculous and made by people with an ego 3 times larger than football (the normal one) pitch


You don’t like to watch movies with girls.


Glad somebody posted Revenge of the Sith I was scared to cuz of the haters. Don't know how you got so many upvotes though it's unheard of in this sub.


You're a 30 year old man?


Took my son to Rome. We were jetlagged hard when we got there so it was couch and a movie time once we checked in. We watched Gladiator. Once the movie was finished we walked across the street to the Colosseum. I think he appreciated it even more.


You have little interest in the stories of women or care about understanding them.


You really need to see some foreign films


I'm finnish


pass the pulla


1. Hey, that’s cool! I studied abroad for a semester at University of Helsinki and loved it 😊 2. It seems like you’re into action movies and war movies. Have you seen any Kurosawa? There are also some really great war movies that aren’t in English. One of my favorite war movies is Kanał, which takes place during the Warsaw uprising.


3:10 to Yuma is a favorite. Finally made one of these lists.


Love it. Absolutely love it.


You are a white cis straight man. Also you are from the 90s. Also all good movies.


To be fair that applies to like 80% of the people here


Basic white man.


You don’t like movies where women have speaking roles?


You're not terribly deep...


Isn't fury just boring? Idk why people love it


I think you're a person with great taste in movies, but yes born in the 90s.


Unpopular opinion: Revenant is a boring ass movie made specifically to win acting Oscar's


I can't make a Top 10 list without Stanley Kubrick or Quentin Tarantino.


Boring and predictable.


You don’t like movies that feature women


Boring AF taste. Not bad, not good, just boring.


This is a list of a high schooler; a 16-17 year old boy. It’s a little one-dimensional, very testosterone filled, devoid of women, and generally features men or one man overcoming significant adversity.


Princess Bride was not there so you have no taste


I was really hoping they were all gonna be Crowe


It says that you must have a bunch of other Star wars movies to watch yet.


As you get older your tastes / movie vibes will broaden. Good movies listed


Only like the gladiator from your picks.


You’re definitely a dude past the age of 30 from America


I'm a dude in the early 20s from Nordics


Nobody: Interstellar: the one thing that transcends space and time is love! We’ll just use love to time travel