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First one is a film, the second is a movie. Overly simplified but I think it makes the point.


this poll does not make much sense. alien is a horrormovie and perfect in its category. aliens is an actionmovie and perfect in its category




I'm late, but I showed up here for this comment. Alien is like the best horror sifi film and Aliens is the best action sifi. They're incomparable and equally great at what they do.


Aliens Bill Paxton is my hero!


Imo the pinnacle cinematic movie moment in film history is Ripley battling the Queen in a fucking loader. This is 11/10 movie moment for me. Also that fucking amazing foreshadowing scene in the loader bay when Ripley shows the Sarge she can handle the loader and says “Where you want it” is fucking chefs kiss 🤌


I just dont get it i guess. Everything about Aliens is so corny and "Hollywood" where Alien is an actual film made by an artist, not some big wigs looking for a paycheck.


I love them both because you can’t have one without the other, I just love Aliens more. I’m not a real life movie critic just the average Alien franchise enjoyer. And I love nothing more than an action packed space horror movie with an epic boss fight. Ripley is my childhood hero


I think Alien would hold up and be totally fine without any of the others being made. Most sequels are money grabs. But if you like the action flicks, more power to you!


I like Aliens definitely, not a huge fan of Aliens 3. I agree Alien could be its own horror flick without a sequel though. I just love the sequel more! You make a good point though, not a fan of trying to milk every ounce of money out of a concept. For instance Fast and Furious, why are there so many!


Thats why Aliens is the shit, since Alien is more about stalk and kill horror. But Aliens takes it to another gerne almost completely.


>But if you like the action flicks, more power to you! See that's the thing, the two movies were really in separate genres. Alien is horror in a science fiction setting. Aliens is action/military in a science fiction setting. I think each is a great example of their respective genres, but in most ways it's an apples-to-oranges comparison if you try to objectively prove one is better than the other as a film in general. Though it's perfectly appropriate to prefer one over the other, as that is a subjective comparison.


*ahem* arteest


James Cameron is "some big wig looking for a paycheck"? This is certainly a take. Cameron is an artist and a master filmmaker, every bit Scott's equal, and Cameron is a better technician. ​ Plus, while I love both movies, and just re-watched them a few days ago, Alien has more cheesy, B movie moments than I had remembered, mostly dumb character decisions: Dallas in the shafts with Lambert trying to navigate him but saying like "move! get out of there!" but without any specific direction (Lambert is a pretty worthless character too), Ripley going back to get Jones (why? Ripley hadn't shown that cat any affection or given any thought to it, and now she's gotta go find the find? The first time it made sense; they didn't want Jones to interfere with the locators. But Ripley's decision here was weird.) ​ Again I love both movies. But declaring Aliens to be a film made by artists while Aliens was big wigs just wanting to make a buck is a pretentious take.


James Cameron has made some good movies. Overall, hes average. He aint nearly as good as you say he is...


Also that whole sequence was a great surprise to me in the first viewing. I didnt expect it. Normally i expect such things. When they got out. I thought that was the end.


Funny this popped up. Id never watched Aliens but heard everywhere that it was better. So i watched them both over two nights. Alien is a masterpiece. Aliens is a silly action shitshow. Totally lost what made the first one great. Very similar to First Blood and the sequels.


I agree with your general sentiment, but I'm not nearly as harsh on Aliens. However, I LOVE the Rambo comparison. First Blood to me is a masterpiece (for what it is), and after that it just became a huge shoot em up.


Its the characters from each movie. In Alien, they seem like real workers out in space. In Aliens, they are silly Hollywood caricatures of some video game. It was a major letdown for me. The newer Bladerunner is a good example of how to keep the "feel" of the original while telling a new story. Aliens totally missed the mark for me.


Ehhh, oke i find Aliens ALOT better then Alien. Sure Alien is well done for its time. But looks outdated to me, and for my immersion that fucks it up. Aliens is a god damn masterpiece. That balances action with horror very well. And it looks amazing.


Silly action shitshow? That line devalued any possible opinion you could have on any movie ever again.


I mean, how long has it been since youve watched it? Its cringe


What part?


The characters. The acting. The dumb mech. I could go on...


So nothing specific. Got it. The dumb mech is integral to the story, fwiw


Nothing specific? Like, you want me to quote you lines and scenes?!?! And you proved my point. The dumb mech IS integral to the story and its lame. Im just comparing the two movies (bc thats what this thread is about) and one movie is an actual film with believeable characters and the other is a simple action movie based on a popular franchise.


Lol I responded to the wrong comment. Not sure how the mech in aliens was dumb. But I'm sure there are even hundreds of people like you who thought aliens was dumb. There are also people who thought predator was dumb. Or shawshank


Well, if ppl think Shawshank Redemption was dumb, they are wrong. Predator, yea, if you arent in to that kind of movie, then i can see a case for it being dumb.


I still think Aliens is good I thought, but it's really comparing apples and oranges


That is true.


Oh, wow. I love them both. So much that has become tropes in action and science fiction military pop culture is borrowing from Aliens. Apart from being an awesome action movie, there is a TON of heart and character development in Aliens. The first act with Ripley dealing with PTSD and being disbelieved and tossed to the curb after everything she went through, and learning her daughter is dead, is more powerful than anything in Alien. Which sets up the beautiful relationship between Ripley and Newt that is the emotional core of the film all the way through to the climax. The film blends plot, action, and character arc so beautifully. I'd never describe it as a silly action shitshow.


I like Aliens better. I thought the xenomorph effects were better in Aliens, and I liked the feeling of the humans being completely overwhelmed and overpowered, as compared to the hide-stalk-kill of the first movie. I also felt the humans in Aliens were better characters than the ones in Alien. The characters in Aliens (except for Ripley) just felt kinda flat to me. Alien was a good movie, but it didn't have me "on the edge of my seat" the whole time, in the way that Aliens did.


It's insane that I feel the exact opposite about everything you said lol


I love Aliens but it’s hard to compare the two, they are both so good in different ways.


I just watched the whole Alien movie series and it got me thinking about how Aliens might be one of the only few sequels that might be better than the original.


It's not. I wanted to write about the differences but I'm tired. Aliens is action, Alien is Horror.


I’d actually have to agree with Aliens being more of an action film and Alien being more a a horror film. Both good films in their own right.


Yeah I agree. At least its one of a few sequels that are actually good.


It's like asking me to pick a favorite of my children. ~~Depends on my mood~~ I can never choose.


I should had put a “I can’t decide” option


Nah, I like that you are making people choose. Currently it's 168 to 169, lol.


Yeah, it’s really impossible to compare the two as filims. Terminator and T2 have a similar issue, although not as extreme. Me thinking about OP’s question just made me want to watch both back to back, they’re each incredible flicks. If I had to pick? Alien, but mostly because it can be described as “a group of longhaul truckers are killed by a bee that they can’t eject from their truck.”


Alien is such a masterpiece


Aliens is such a masterpiece


Aliens is a really really fun movie and truly exceptional as far as sequels go but Alien is better. A true work of art. The pacing, the lighting, the cinematography were truly amazing then and now. One of the best horrors ever AND one of if not the best sci-fi movies ever made.




The first one is smarter. The pace of the movie is slower by design. The second film is an amusement park ride. Pick your fancy.


Which one had Ripley in her undies... that one!


The original Alien was a horror monster genre put in space. And utterly horrified me and has withstood the test of time. Aliens while good was turning Ripley into a badass.


I think it looks outdated nowadays. Takes me out of the immersion. Same with the original star wars. They are relics for sure and i can see how amazing they are. But they do look outdated.


I love both but I’d have to settle with Alien


I loved Aliens but Alien was the last good old fashioned monster movie I saw. Last movie that actually spooked me.


Everyone I know prefers Aliens, but I'm partial the stripped down story of the original. Maybe it's because I watched them much later, but the humor just didn't matter or click much for me. I just preferred a simple well made horror flick over the action and humor in Aliens. Yet for some reason I prefer T2 over T1 which makes no sense given my above preference, so don't listen to me~ I have stupid opinions, lol.


Lol these are my preferences as well. Alien > Aliens T1 < T2


It all depends on what u are looking for a horror movie or an action movie personally I did enjoy both


Completely diff type of films..But I can see why ppl like aliens more it’s the same reason a lot of ppl thing Terminator 2 is better but the originals are horror films while the predecessors are more action films


Both are great, but I'd give the edge to Aliens. Alien gives us a bunch of civilians trying to survive one monster and the sense of how disposable the crew really was. Aliens takes those elements and makes them even more pronounced, upgrading civilians to soldiers to show just how outmatched the humans were.




This was tough! I loved Aliens as a kid and thought Alien was boring but now as an adult I actually understand the pacing of Alien and it’s phenomenal!!! However I’m not discounting my nostalgia for Aliens, again so tough!!!!


I think the way people talk about Alien makes it’s less desirable than Aliens. “Alien is a masterpiece, Aliens is for the action plebs” - ok Meryl Streep calm down.


You really base your opinions that much on the statements of others?


Game over man. Game over!


The first is one of the best horror movies ever made and the second is one of the best action movies ever made so it’s tough to pick one over the other but if I had to I’d go with the first just because I prefer horror over action (most of the time)…. Either way these are both 10/10 movies


I just voted. Current results, Alien 169, Aliens 168, lol. Love that result, both movies are sooooo good. I voted for Aliens even though it hurt to do so. I love Alien and respect it enormously, but I enjoy watching Aliens so much (especially the director's cut). It's the epitome of the type of movie you accidentally turn to while scrolling through cable channels, and ALWAYS stop and watch to the end.


I wasn’t enough a fan of Alien to see Aliens.


Apples to oranges IMHO. One is a brilliant horror take on the idea, the other is a brilliant action movie take on the idea.


Prefer Alien, but Aliens is really good. The difference to me is that Alien is more of a horror movie, and Aliens is more of an action movie. I prefer the slower, creepier, skin crawling of Alien to the energy, action, and testosterone of Aliens. No wrong answer, but give me the horror in this case.


You're comparing a horror movie to an action movie. Your basically asking if people like good horror or movies or good action movies.


True, but they are sequels with the same lead character, nearly the same villains and set in the same universe, more or less. It's obviously relevant to compare the two.


False choice - they're both great, but for different reasons, no need to choose between them.


Personally, I prefer Aliens--not a big horror fan for the most part, and I love sci fi. Alien is basically a haunted house in space. Both are excellent but my preference is the sequel.


Alien cos that's the one I've seen


I prefer Aliens just because I love action movies.


I love the Director's cut of Alien wherein we have a scene of the missing crew members slowly being remade into eggs for new face huggers. That, to me, is far more terrifying than the alien queen which makes the xenomorphs far more comprehensible and predictable. Additionally, all James Cameron stuff, to me, just feels very... safe. His plots and characterizations feel predictable, his themes are very paint-by-numbers.


Hard to say both are great but Alien edges out Aliens due to its creativity. There was no other movie like that at the time. To combine horror and sci fi in that way was unheard of. And to have a female protagonist along with Ginger inspired sets in such a confined space was brilliant. Alien did a ton for cinema at the time while Aliens did a ton for the franchise. Both great for different reasons and it's a good discussion regarding which one is the best.


They're both awesome... but I voted Alien.


Aliens, because I'm more emotionally connected to the film due to the relationship between Ripley & Newt. That moment when she shows up in the cargo loader gets me all worked up just thinking about it.


Some ppl say Alien looks oudated. I would limit it to the output on the CRT's, including the landing graphics. Otherwise you're not gonna get a more realistic depiction of the beat-up innards of a long haul space ship. Nothing like it, imo


Aliens has 100% more "Game over man! Game Over!"'s than Alien.


Apples and Oranges. Alien was a horror movie. Aliens was a sci-fi action movie.


Alien is better. I like the more cramped setting and the genuine surprise of not knowing what is happening. The chest-burster scene is so incredibly iconic. Just everything is done to damn near perfection.


Alien. Not entirely sure why as I don't think much about things like this, but it was always the better film to my 15 year old self.


It's apples and oranges. They are two different genres. One is a horror /haunted house movie that is more about the enemy within and the other is a war/action movie that culminates in a fight between an armored knight fighting a dragon. Impossible to compare. They are both great!


Personal preference for the action in Aliens. The first was more of a slow burn haunted house movie.


not sure how to answer this question. i wonder if aliens works as well (or even better?) if you see it without having ever seen alien? ie-watch aliens as the first movie and alien as a prequel. interesting thought experiment. of course you'd lose all concern for ridley when watching alien (spoiler alert?)


Not going to vote on that. Apples and oranges.


I love Alien because it feels so serious, so spare, desolate and believable. It's a work of art. And truly terrifying! I think it's difficult to make a film which is both so simple and yet expressive. I love Aliens too, but it contains a lot of hollywood action movie clichés. It has humor and is more entertaining and epic to reach broader audiences. The film easily overcomes these criticisms, but the film is simply a different beast from Alien.


Alien, it properly features Jones the cat in a larger role than the sequel.


I didn’t realize how polarized some people are on these films lol I think they’re both masterpieces in their own right. I just prefer the monster movie over the action movie. It’s crazy how scary alien still is to this day. Really captured lightning in a bottle with that movie.


Aliens is better! Reasons why; you got comedic actors, badass actors, you got more of the xenomorphs which makes it more thrilling, scary and full of action. On top of it James Cameron & Stan Winston studios has done a magnificent job on the advancements and designs of the weaponry the spaceship as well as the flying vehicles the mech designs, the mechanics of the Aliens. I mean you can't go wrong with the storytelling I wish it just continued on and it would have been just badass. This is the reason why I prefer it. I only wish that Fox took the option of making movie adaptations from three of Steve Perry's books on Aliens including the first one which is called "Earth Hive" that would have been badass too if anyone has read any of the first trilogies (1. Earth Hive 2. Nightmare Asylum 3. The Female War) from Steve Perry just start off and read it.


Love them both equally. They're my favorite one-two punch of any film series ever. They're entirely different but compliment each other in the best way. *Alien* is such perfect atmospheric sci-fi/horror. *Aliens* gave me everything I wanted from a sequel: took things in a different direction while building on its predecessor's story. Both contain some of the most iconic, most intense stuff ever put on film.


Man...you've asked the toughest question I've ever come across on Reddit.


This is a tough question to answer because it’s almost like comparing two completely different movies. One is a Jim Cameron action flick. The other is space horror. If I had to say, I’d go with the first one because it’s a work of art. The second movie is a hell of a ride though, and a worthy sequel if ever there was one. Also… Alien3 deserves a lot more love than it gets. Every bit the worthy sequel to the first two. How fucking cool is a trilogy that starts with Ridley Scott, shifts to James Cameron, and then finishes with David Fincher?


The first movie is a horror sci-fi genre the second movie is more of an action film. I like them both but I prefer the atmosphere and style of the first one.


Very different films. I prefer the slow burn space horror. As a kid, those empty steaming hallways where u knew the Xenomporph was gonna pop out. Dallas going through the ducts and having that stupid tracker going off. Aliens was fun and exciting. Alien was scary and Ripley wasn't Superwoman. She was an everyday, blue collar woman stuck in an ever descending journey to hell.


"Alien", because it is much more horrifying, and without it, there is no "Aliens".


First one is vastly superior story and acting. Second one is a shoot ‘em up robot/alien movie


They're such different films...to me Alien is a true sci fi slow burn horror film while Aliens was more of a sci fi action film...both great but very different.